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Mathematics and Physics BSc /

Physics and mathematics are inextricably linked. Itis not really possible to understand the basicconcepts of physics such as elementary particletheory without a strong grounding in both pure andapplied mathematics. This BSc combines the studyof mathematics and physics on an equal basis,each reinforcing the other.

Key information

Programme startsSeptember 2019

LocationLondon, Bloomsbury

Degree benefits

// Gain transferable skills such as numeracy, problem-solving andlogical thinking, which can lead to a large variety of interesting,diverse and well-paid careers.

// Internationally renowned UCL Mathematics is home to world-leadingresearchers in a wide range of fields, especially geometry, spectraltheory, number theory, fluid dynamics and mathematical modelling.

// Three of the six British winners of the Fields medal (themathematician's equivalent of the Nobel Prize) have associationswith the department.

// UCL Physics & Astronomy was ranked 5th and UCL Mathematics 6thin the most recent QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017.

Degree structure

In each year of your degree you will take a number of individualmodules, normally valued at 15 or 30 credits, adding up to a total of 120credits for the year. Modules are assessed in the academic year inwhich they are taken. The balance of compulsory and optional modulesvaries from programme to programme and year to year. A 30-creditmodule is considered equivalent to 15 credits in the European CreditTransfer System (ECTS).

In the first and second years of the programme you will cover abalanced selection of modules in both UCL Mathematics and UCLPhysics & Astronomy. Having laid the basic foundations there is a widerange of modules from both subjects in the third year of the degree.Most of the modules will be selected from those followed bysingle-subject students. Students taking this programme do not have todo any practical work, although this is possible if so desired.

This programme is offered as a three-year BSc or a four-year MScidegree. The first two years of the programme are identical, and studentsare advised to apply for the MSci degree in the first instance, as it ispossible to transfer to the BSc during the first three years.


Core or compulsory module(s)

// Mathematics modules:

// Algebra for Joint Honours StudentsAnalysis 1Mathematical Methods 1Mathematical Methods 2

// Physics and astronomy modules:

// Classical MechanicsAtoms, Stars and the UniverseThermal PhysicsWaves, Optics and Acoustics

Optional modules

// All first year modules are compulsory.


Core or compulsory module(s)

// Mathematics modules:

// Analysis 3: Complex AnalysisFluid MechanicsMathematical Methods 3

// Physics and astronomy modules:

// Atomic and Molecular PhysicsElectricity and MagnetismQuantum PhysicsStatistical Thermodynamics

Optional modules

// You will select one of the following 0.5 credit mathematics modules:

// Analytical DynamicsMathematical Methods 4

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Data taken from the 'Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education' survey undertaken by HESA looking at the destinations of UK and EU students in the 2013-2015 graduating cohorts six months after graduation.


Core or compulsory module(s)

// All final-year modules are optional. Currently available mathematics options aredescribed on the UCL Mathematics website.

Optional modules

// You will select:

// 1.5 credits from the following physics options:Electromagnetic TheoryNuclear and Particle PhysicsQuantum MechanicsSolid State Physics

// 1.0 credit from third-year mathematics options

// 1.0 credit from suitable physics or third-year mathematics options

// 0.5 credits of physics, third-year mathematics or approved outside options

Your learning

Teaching is mainly carried out through lectures and small-grouptutorials. Problem classes allow you to exercise the skills you havelearned. In addition, an 'office hours' system for each programme allowsyou to meet with tutors on a one-to-one basis to review parts of thedegree that you find interesting or need clarifying. A Student Mentorscheme runs in the department offering support and advice tofirst-years.

AssessmentMost modules are assessed by two-hour written examinations in the thirdterm, with a small element (10%) of coursework assessment.

Your career

We aim to develop your skills in mathematical reasoning,problem-solving and accurate mathematical manipulation. You will alsolearn to handle abstract concepts and to think critically, argue logicallyand express yourself clearly.

A mathematics degree is highly valued by employers due to the skills inlogical thinking, analysis, problem-solving and, of course, numeracy,that it develops.

First career destinations of recent graduates (2013-2015) ofMathematics and Physics programmes at UCL include:

// Investment Analyst, Aon Hewitt

Your application

Application for admission should be made through UCAS (theUniversities and Colleges Admissions Service). Applicants currently atschool or college will be provided with advice on the process; however,applicants who have left school or who are based outside the UnitedKingdom may obtain information directly from UCAS.

In addition to academic requirements, we expect you to demonstrate anunderstanding and enjoyment of the subject beyond the examinedsyllabus, through your reading and involvement in problem-solvingactivities. Evidence of your curiosity and perseverance in tacklingpuzzles, and your enjoyment of logical and abstract thinking, should beshown in your application.

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Entry requirements

A LEVELSStandard Offer: A*A*A with A*A* in Mathematics and FurtherMathematics and A in Physics, or A*AA with A*A in Mathematics andFurther Mathematics and A in Physics, any order, and a 2 in any STEPPaper or a Distinction in the Mathematics AEA.. A*A*A with A*A* inMathematics and Further Mathematics and A in Physics, or A*AA withA*A in Mathematics and Further Mathematics and A in Physics, anyorder, and a 2 in any STEP Paper or a Distinction in the MathematicsAEA.

Contextual Offer: A*AA. A*A in any order from Mathematics and FurtherMathematics, and A in Physics.

GCSEEnglish Language and Mathematics at grade C or 5. For UK-basedstudents, a grade C or 5 or equivalent in a foreign language (other thanAncient Greek, Biblical Hebrew or Latin) is required. UCL providesopportunities to meet the foreign language requirement followingenrolment, further details at:

IB DIPLOMAStandard Offer: 39-40. A score of 20 points in three higher levelsubjects including 7 in Mathematics and at least 6 in Physics, or 19points in three higher level subjects including 7 in Mathematics and atleast 6 in Physics and a 1 in any STEP paper or a distinction inMathematics AEA, with no score below 5.

Contextual Offer: 39. A score of 19 points in three higher level subjectsincluding 7 in Mathematics and at least 6 in Physics, with no score below5.

CONTEXTUAL OFFERS – ACCESS UCL SCHEMEAs part of our commitment to increasing participation fromunderrepresented groups, students may be eligible for a contextual offeras part of the Access UCL scheme. For more information

OTHER QUALIFICATIONSUCL considers a wide range of UK and international qualifications forentry into its undergraduate programmes. Full details are given

UNDERGRADUATE PREPARATORY CERTIFICATES(International foundation courses)UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificates (UPCs) are intensiveone-year foundation courses for international students of high academicpotential who are aiming to gain access to undergraduate degreeprogrammes at UCL and other top UK universities.

Typical UPC students will be high achievers in a 12-year school systemwhich does not meet the standard required for direct entry to UCL.

For more information see:


The fees indicated are for undergraduate entry in the 2018/19academic year. The UK/EU fees shown are for the first year of theprogramme at UCL only. Fees for future years may be subject to aninflationary increase. The Overseas fees shown are the fees that willbe charged to 2018/19 entrants for each year of study on theprogramme, unless otherwise indicated below.

// UK & EU: £9,250 (2018/19)

// Overseas: £22,790 (2018/19)

Overseas fees for the 2019/20 academic year are expected to beavailable in July 2018. Undergraduate UK/EU fees are capped by theUK Government and are expected to be available in October 2018.Full details of UCL's tuition fees, tuition fee policy and potentialincreases to fees can be found on the UCL Students website.


Various funding options are available, including student loans,scholarships and bursaries. UK students whose household incomefalls below a certain level may also be eligible for a non-repayablebursary or for certain scholarships. Please see the Fees and fundingpages for more details.


Dr Robert Bowles

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 3501

Department: Mathematics

EU referendumFor up-to-date information relating to specific key questions followingthe UK's decision to leave the EU, please refer

DisclaimerThis information is for guidance only. It should not be construed asadvice nor relied upon and does not form part of any contract. Formore information on UCL's degree programmes please see the UCLUndergraduate Prospectus at

PDF updated: 17 April 2018 © UCL 2018