Logse paper

1 How influenced Logse in Latin American countries? Alejandra Carrasco Programa Balboa Jóvenes Periodista Iberoamericanos Madrid, España, Julio 2006



Transcript of Logse paper

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How influenced Logse in Latin American countries? Alejandra Carrasco Programa Balboa Jóvenes Periodista Iberoamericanos Madrid, España, Julio 2006

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Contents Introduction 2 What is Logse? 3 Spanish education indicators 7 Philosophical Bases 10 Exceptional cases in Europe: Finland and the United Kingdom 23 Across the pond, 29 Education in Latin American countries And Logse, what does that matter? 36 Final Thoughts 44

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Introduction: It is not easy for a layman to understand the objectives in education, curriculum and methods of education in his country. Nor is it easy to accept the low educational levels each year can be seen, both in Spain and in many Western countries. Ordinary people blame the system, drugs, family and, although this has to do in part, the educational authorities have a very important responsibility in the training of new generations. This paper aims to clarify on what grounds underlying the controversial Organic Law of Education (LOE), adopted a few months ago in Spain, from the LOGSE, failed law passed in this country in 1990 and has exerted much influence on the system Spanish education and the sometimes strong and sometimes agonizing, Latin American education, even though its harmful effects today hardly anyone dares to discuss.

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What is LOGSE?

During the second half of the 1980s, the Spanish education authorities undertook a series of reforms that culminated in the enactment of the Law on General Education System (LOGSE), in October 1990. (1)

In different circumstances, in Spain have been happening different curricula. The

penultimate was proposed in the Education Act 1970. This Act was repealed even before it has been applied in full, leaving unprecedented in material respects. But the fact is that, although at some points you need to change the education system, has no sense be excessive weaving and unraveling the plot always state education. (2)

In 1985 was enacted the Organic Law 8/85 of 3 July, on the Right to Education (LODE). This Act developed Article 27 of the Constitution. We refer to it does not belong, strictly speaking, the reform of the nineties, because in a way the prejudice, as the basis of the following standards. Especially developed a general right to education, participation of society in this education, and issues relating to the funding of schools, establishing two types of private centers: the concerted, which are publicly funded , and strictly private. (3)

The LODE, however, leaves intact the structure of lessons as they were regulated in Law

70. In 1990 Ley General Organisation of the Education System (LOGSE). The Act itself behaves innovative elements in the structure of the educational system, its stages and lessons; new responsibilities and autonomy of schools and teachers in curriculum development, and assessment requirements of the whole system, which results in the creation of the National Institute for Quality and Evaluation (INCE). (4)

Features of this law: - Extends the basic education free and compulsory until age 16. - Decentralized education system in Spain to allow autonomous communities in not only schools, but that could compose a significant percentage of the curriculum. Another innovation was the incorporation of art education in the overall system. No law had a clear end. It envisaged a space for the subject of religion. -The LOGSE also rearranges the entire education system, reforming the curriculum substantially different stages; regulates attention to students with special educational needs and education of adults, establishing a vocational training reform that is to dignify, especially with higher vocational training, and adapting to social demands. -The competition LOGSE also establishes the Government to set a curriculum, ensuring that the training of all students have a common content in the whole country, and the validity of the titles.

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-Within this legal framework, very complex and has resulted in an extensive and varied as subsequent development has unfolded the Spanish educational system during the decade 1990-2000. Despite all the expectations generated by its promoters, the reform of the nineties has not gotten fairly decent results. Seeking funding When LODE establishes a general right to education, the public school system could not meet the demand so we resorted to the procedure concert with private schools that could provide free education through state subsidy. (7). Education spending was for 20,005 and EUR 1.616 million. Which represented an increase of 6% over the previous year. (8)

References chapter: 1. - Latin American Journal of Education, OEI - Issues - Education Iberoamerican Magazine - Issue 27 Educational reforms: myths and realities / Educational reforms: myths and realities September-December 2001 / Setembro - Decembro 200, http://www.rieoei. org/rie27a04.htm2.-Íbid. 3.-Íbid. 4.-Íbid. 5.http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_General_del_Sistema_Educativo_%28Espa%C3%B1a%29 6.- Íbid. 7.- Íbid. 8.-www.el-mundo.es/universidad/ 2004/09/28/actualidad/1096391374.html - 28k

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Spanish Education Indicators (A five-year target set by the EU in the

Lisbon European Council)

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The following analysis was performed with data from school failure "Finding the source of the problem, the first step to overcome" http://revista.consumer.es/web/es/20050101/actualidad/informe1/ The educational objectives of the European Union: Shortly Avanza Europe, Spain Backs http://www.acesc.net/cath18estruch.htm School failure in Spain affects 25% of the students, five points higher than the European average http://comunidad-escolar.pntic.mec.es/639/info2-1.html The school dropout rate in secondary education (ESO): Spain has the third school dropout rate highest in the EU: 29%, 10/10 higher than the European average reaching 18.8% and were imposed fifteen aim at the figure of 10% in 2010. This phenomenon is the first concern in the field of education and training within the European Union (EU). Data for Spain are second only to Portugal, which has an index of 45%.

Dropout: Spain registered 31.1%, which also means an increase of 2.3% over 2000. In a European average of 15.7% of early school leavers in 2004, across the EU. Completion of high school: The average Union youth aged 20 to 24 who have completed this level of education was 76.7% in 2004 compared to 61.8% in Spain, which in turn implies a worsening, because in 2000 this percentage was 66.2%. The fact that Spain is included among those of the EU where more increased the rate of early dropouts between 2000 and 2003 is a clear setback, from a rate of 28.8%, to 31.1% in 2003. The EU set a target to reduce drop 10% in 2010. More below Spain, Malta and Portugal are, with 45% and 47.9%, and 39.4% and 49% respectively. In 2003 the percentage was 15.7%. These figures show an improvement (in 2000 was 17.3%), reveals that still need to make progress. And while countries like Malta (45%) and Portugal (39.4%) have even higher rates, they have improved compared to previous years. On the opposite side are located most of the Nordic countries and some Eastern.

Reading difficulties: The EU executive also warned that reading difficulties is another unfinished Spanish youth of 15 years, and that 21.1% admit having them, compared to 19.8% of average twenty. The aim of Brussels is that the average is placed at 15.5% in 2010. In this chapter the worst are the young Greeks who by 25.3% report difficulty reading. Type of graduates: those disciplines as mathematics in the EU was 754.7 per thousand in 2004, while in Spain this rate stood at 84.1 per thousand. Positives: The number of female graduates in these subjects, 30.4 per thousand, which despite being low is a figure close to the EU average, which was 31.1 in the same year.

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Population aged 18-24 has studied only



2000 17’2 28’6

2002 16’4 29’0

2003 15’9 29’8

2004 15’9 30’4

2010 10 (?)

Graduates in Mathematics, Science and

Technology (in thousands) and percentage of

women (in parentheses)


2000 650 (28) 65 (31) 237 369

2001 681 (30) 74 (31) 233 380

2002 712 79 (30) 233 390

2010 783 (?)

Population aged 25-64 who are receiving training (2002)


2000 7’9

2002 8’0 5’0

2003 9’3 5’8

2004 9’4 5’2

2010 12’5 (?)

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Philosophical basis that inspired the Logse

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The power of ideas

The Logse not come out of nowhere, in contrast, were different schools of thought that

influenced her, mainly constructivism. These philosophies go beyond any government of the day

and have predisposed the minds of many intellectuals devoted to the subject of education, even

beyond our borders and that can determine any changes in the law. In 2000 the Popular Party

government passed an education reform (Quality Act) that sought to remove precisely the

assumptions on which was based the LOGSE, but these plans were halted in 2004 to this year, (1

April). Is proved the LOE (Education Act), which, in many respects, recovered the spirit of the

LOGSE. So in my opinion, it is good to reflect on what it meant that law and the consequences it


1.-Constructivism This philosophy denies the existence of objective reality, which is the same as to say that

what exists is what a person or a culture recognizes or "constructs". The sources of these ideas on the autonomy of the human being may be traced back from the idealism of Kant who says we do not know really how reality but only our representations of it, and we can not be sure of the exact relationship between an object and representation, so that the representations may be called each metal constructions. (1)

This statement has the effect that knowledge is subjective and objective knowledge is

impossible, neutral, scientific type. In fact, most are philosophically constructivist neo Kantian idealists. We have already mentioned that the Constructivists believe that knowledge is built by the individual, do not, and that "knowing" is a process of adaptation to the cultural world, not the discovery of what the world is independent of existing human being.

The anthropocentric philosophers emphasize the condition of this vision as reality happens

to be seen not as separate but as there is for him in the service of man, moves away or because the idea of the scholar, who invest their time to know the reality and instead, it strengthens the interest in history, tradition matters not material to the background and the related premium and active life, first technology. In variant pedagogical constructivism or psychology says that students can not learn from something that comes from outside, but all learning should be based on the students themselves, in their prior knowledge, their willingness to learn and their interests. This position is taken from the idea that learning should be fun.

Another assumption is that the student maintains the authority on learning. Nobody knows

how he what he wants. Consequently, since the students will not like it never simultaneously, it is impossible to teach. In this perspective, the teacher's explanations come to "interfere". The new role of the teacher is to be that of a "facilitator", someone who is available. This position connects well

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with the idea of egalitarianism because it does not require that students have a previous level to be in a group, and they all work on his own, do you need to coordinate a authority. Not only is declared as her specialist student learning group also argues that knowledge have less importance today than before because of the speed with which things change in all fields. Instead of focusing on the acquisition of basic skills, now derisively called "school" or "formal", the student must learn techniques to operate a computer, find information and present.

"Constructivist pedagogy represented as scientific truth, has served to delegitimize other

forms of educational intervention and described herself as the climax of a story increasingly scientific understanding of the human mind. One way to explain constructivism believes that the child does not learn well by studying books and listening to the teacher. Inasiste and learning that is a free activity and if the student does not manipulate the material can not personally to light. Therefore, the student must be active, decide himself how, what and when to study because it supposedly better assimilate new content. He believes that students learn best working alone or in teams with the teacher. In this way, students become teachers from each other, while the real teacher takes a back seat, become a facilitator, your task is to organize a set of materials and answer any questions. The slogan that sums up this idea of putting the student at the center. It is considered legitimate for the student based on his opinion, perhaps whimsical, to decide what to study and how. Constructivism prioritizes how about why. The priority goes from subject knowledge to give the application certain method, a certain attitude towards new content. So the method usurps the place of traditional knowledge "(3)

With this conception, the child has within himself supposedly all you need and if you do not

mind, "build", before or after the cultural elements that you need, such as mathematics and language or the art or skill physical. Thus, constructivism seems to believe that all human development is contained virtually in every child. As Rosseau, his followers believe that the child should not focus on reading because books corrupt. (4)

"Constructivism makes perfect students in cognitive selfish. These students will seem that

his ideas, which will come perhaps by chance, are correct. Not expected a correction by the teacher and no tests. Probably students also become selfish and psychological and social

you do not learn to respect society represented by the teacher. Rather vain to feel the pressure of their own peer group. They have little opportunity to build an independent person outside the group. "(5)

"Constructivist pedagogy is represented as scientific truth. "It has served to delegitimize

other forms of educational intervention and described herself as the climax of a story increasingly scientific understanding of the human mind. And insists that learning is a free activity and if the student does not manipulate the material personally can not learn. Therefore, the student must be active himself decide how, what and when to study because it supposedly better assimilate new content. He believes that students learn best working alone or in teams with the teacher. "(6)

1.1 Cognitivism constructivist "Cognitive psychology, attentive to the processes of human knowledge, especially to

understand the formation and concepts, has been a mainstay methodological LOGSE. This "emerging paradigm" based on theories of Ausubel, Novak, Brunner, etc., Which has many positive aspects and valid, is less effective when it aims to become rather unique system, influencing the

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teaching methodology of any area or subject, and even the role of the teacher in the classroom. "(7)

The adoption of constructivism, then, has led to a different kind of teaching.

Since the teacher does not have the traditional role of being who communicates knowledge-just-called 'master class' - but that should be the external facilitator to encourage the student to go form their concepts. It is the basis of the so-called "progressive education," which, as we have seen, has been so poorly in the United States, England, and now in Spain, and can only bear fruit when the teacher has a solid and students want, really, to learn.

But in an overcrowded school, permissive, in which elements predominate "playful" on a

pedagogy of effort, and where demand levels are minimal, constructivism-on limitations already mentioned-conducive school failure and frustration teacher who really want to teach and students who come to school with the intention of learning. (8)

2.-The Sociology of Education The rapid expansion of schooling during the first half of the twentieth century meant both

the modernization and democratization of elementary school, but what happened after that period is more difficult to characterize. Exerted much influence a school of thought called the sociology of education, which exaggerates the ideological role of the school and denies the value of knowledge transfer. Theorists of this trend are, firstly, Foucault and Bourdieu, which start to become famous around 1968. According to their thinking, the school remains a place of learning and improvement for the individual and then turns into a space for indoctrination. From the Marxist perspective, which is what usually inspires this current school appears as a conservation tool of bourgeois social origin and not as a tool to get rid of ignorance and acquire personal autonomy to children. (9)

"Teachers are seen as servants of the bourgeoisie, and the school, as replicating relations of class domination. A usually no interest to sociologists school performance, rather concentrate on the study of the students as members of a particular social class, prefer not to talk about bad habits in relation to the student, but of social injustice and they usually absolve the student any responsibility if you get bad results. Nor do they take into account the negative influence students without interest in the studies of students who do work. The goal of sociologists is "integration". In the classroom of students with problems and no performance improvement intetectual the group as a whole "(10).

3.-The pedagogism

Pedagogism means a combination of constructivism and sociology of education. The

term may have a pejorative connotation for some, so its advocates rather use the term "new pedagogy".

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At pedagogistas not interested in the subject, but the social differences between students. So, all your energy is spent trying to work precisely on many aspects related to these differences. They have decided that the school should become the place to be resolved once and for all the problem of inequality between individuals. To this end, design programs on values, defined from the equality between social classes, ethnicities, cultures, religions, genders and sexual orientations. They focus on creating learning environments rather than stream content and check that these have been really assimilated. "The pedagogism opposes any selection and any free choice of qualitative nuance. Conceived the concept of equality in education and equal opportunities as well not fees. Youth learn to not have to assume the consequences of their actions in the field transgressions

public not only not punished, but it is not uncommon to be held as a genius. Again

appreciation for creativity. "(11). The school require pedagogistas open to life, for example through field trips, visits and

practical work to replace the study with textbooks. Any observer might notice that the school is now open to life, in the sense of being open to the street. The result is a simultaneous decrease in the level of knowledge and prestige of the institution. The school has been closed, further increasing the demand prolonged effort, enthusiasm for the study, punctuality and neatness. He left to enter the trivial, the world of TV. And culture has emerged. Now a youth can be enrolled in school until the age of 18 without having studied more than just three or four. (12)

"Some years ago, studying meant apprehend concentrate, make systematic efforts and agree to be guided by the specialists who had studied what we should learn. All this is lost in favor of the student to follow the impulse of the moment. However, the study is based on thought, requires silence, concentration, prior knowledge and an effort of will, year after year is making the same mistake in developed countries than in less developed, when they think that education fails lack of money to buy computers. What is missing is the intense and systematic effort. "(13) "The pedagogism opposes any selection and any free choice of qualitative nuance. Conceived the concept of Igualda d equality in education as both opportunity and no rights. Youth learn to not have to assume the consequences of their actions: the transgressions in the public sphere not only not punished, but it is not uncommon to be held as a genius. Again appreciation for creativity. "(14).

3.-The egalitarianism that led to the Comprehensive School Western countries have compulsory schooling for at least 100 years, and in many cases,

almost two centuries. In this sense, democratization is a fact long since installed. However, from the mid-twentieth century, took another step in that process, extending compulsory education and unifying the various educational offerings. With regard to the desirability of raising the educational level, there widespread political consensus, but in this position some sectors are pushing for school use both as a tool to increase social equality, keeping all young people within the same structure

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comprehensive school called. This second wave of democratization exacerbates the tension between knowledge and social equality. In general, it becomes more important to the egalitarianism that raise the level of knowledge. (15)

The comprehensive school treats all students equally so, everyone should start school at the

same age, regardless of the preparation. If you had learning delays, be offered timely assistance Individual tasks were disapear with the excuse that the students were very different and that this problem would worsen if good students also studied at home and not others. Was also removed gradually to evaluate the results did not obvious that advancing some more than others. Instead of asking the student had not turned on to repeat, was installed automatic promotion. He said it was more important to social development unless the intellectual and that it was better that retained the same partners. (16).

In this educational context arise during the fifties and sixties an expansion and

renovation of educational methods and content and an increased reliance on education as a key instrument for promoting development and neutralize social and cultural inequalities developed the idea of the comprehensive school as a "form of education offered to all students of a certain age a strong core of common content within the same institution and the same classroom, thus avoiding the separation in different training routes that may be irreversible. it condensed aspirations of equal opportunities, superior culture and common for all students and openness to diversity within a school that promoted progressive social groups. "(19)

On one hand it was socially discriminatory avoid the effects of early selection between

students of different origin and condition. Everywhere studies showed that selecting around 10 or 11 years unequivocally favored students of higher social origin, so extending the core curriculum, the school exert a compensatory role better and equalize opportunities for the privileged and the disadvantaged, then, the conclusion was that equal educational opportunities become equal social opportunities given the strong association of occupation and income with educational level. (20)

The so-called "comprehensive school" based on this principle, is one in which all students

study a common curriculum or program, tinged with measures of attention to diversity, but always subordinate to the principle of comprehensiveness

It is true that there is a certain comprehensiveness in methodology. "A curriculum The

introduction of the comprehensive school had a goal of social harmony of society. The reform had two main aspects: that all Young People Have experiences in common. To know and appreciate each and everyone will enter adulthood With The same knowledge base. (18).

The preamble states the LOGSE That compulsory secondary education "shall be Organized

so comprehensive, compatible with a progressive diversification". The extension of compulsory education THROUGHOUT This Century did not result in vertical

integration of Both schools but on the appearance of a separate sub-branch, Consisting Mainly of the modern seconday school, the Hauptschule, the College d'enseignemente technique or vocational school. ACCORDING to the Project for the Reform of Education (MEC, 1987), "to the beginning of the second half of our century education systems of European Countries Were Characterized by an Organization that Favored the selection and Triage of students and his early assignment very different

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educational branches, Both for its curricular structure as promotion possibilities Involving social and cultural. Widely Distinction Between It was a branch high academic prestige, scientific-technical and other less valued low professional status. The assignment of students was done theoretically based on Their test scores of 41 or 51 years of study, to the 10 to 11 years old, as in the case of the "eleven plus" British or English entrance exam. "(18) or common core content is necessary to unify the education system, and which thus ensures a common training for all students. Comprehensiveness But this concerns only the content that students should know at each stage, level, or subject area. It is not, therefore, wider comprehensiveness of-the-classroom, whereby students are grouped heterogeneously regardless of their real needs and interests, and it is advocated comprehensive school. " (21)

But, so appellant can read or hear the defenders of the system that can not be abandoned

LOGSE comprehensiveness, we must "regain speech comprehensiveness" or to be "rethinking comprehensiveness". The issue, as you can see, is to stick to this principle, which seems to be one of the most important findings of progressive pedagogism. (22)

And in Spain, is still committed to a system that has already proven to be a failed idea: the

first was in the U.S., where the "edutainment" and "progressive", coming animated by the same basic principle, soon showed weaknesses. It was "teaching" Teaching to students to "integrate into adult life," through a series of "subjects" of low content (many of which are similar to some of the "optional" is currently suffering in Spain ). (23)

The adoption of teaching "progressive" education trust the spontaneous development of

pupils, in a relaxed atmosphere in which banished the rigorous learning. He taught "subjects" or "material"-to name them-somehow aimed at students to conform or serve on the group and they knew developing life experimenting with things. For example, "How to get it right one tryst" (How to have a successful date), "Making democratic my house", "How to predict the course of business", "Adaptation to life", "How to know when one is really in love ", etc.. (24).

But American society began to doubt the education system when the USSR sent into space

on Sputnik artificial satellite. What had happened? Why the Russians were better prepared? When asked about the causes, found that the Russian education system was, paradoxically, conservative and traditionalist, the students came to school to study, really, and not just for integration into social life. And the study was done with tough competition and in a disciplined order, demanding and serious. (25)

3.1.-The English case But things do not end here. England, in the early sixties, launched the Comprehensive

School, with which it was intended, according to the Report submitted by the socialist Lady Plowden, who came all the teaching, and he did well in identical conditions. The idea of extending education in general, just in principle, but encountered difficulties as a teaching could only be the same for all levels taught by lowering demand. Perhaps it is this aspect that favors the defenders less comprehensive system, and especially the students who "are" in it.

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The fact is that this reduction of content, rather than seen as a means of lowering the expectations of citizens in terms of social promotion possibilities, we wanted to sell it as something positive. The sociologist Michael Young went on to say that "too much knowledge is a device designed to prove that certain groups in society aventajen others. Something like "we impart little knowledge and so no one is above anyone else." (26)

"The fact is that with the Comprehensive School, rhetoric" progressive "of mediocrity

invaded classrooms. The conception of teaching as a game, "pedagogies" iconoclasts who banished the study and memory, the adoption of the theories of Piaget, etc., They emphasized that for all "learn" what it needed significantly lower levels of demand and quality of knowledge "(27).

"I was petrified when I read that in the approach of the law said that" knowledge is not

important, but the capabilities. When the picture was saying that knowledge will set you free, the more you will know freer one. Here endeavored to import from England a failed system that was already there, the "Comprehensive School" Labour had established in 1976, the conservative Margaret Thatcher began to change, but it was Tony Blair, representative of a lot smarter socialism , who has proposed a definitive end to a system that has only served to form hooligans. It is nonsense, go back to the effort, to study. "(28)

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3.2. - The principle of integration Another serious problem of comprehensive education, as established LOGSE, is to attend

the same classroom for students with special educational needs, either because they belong to different cultures and ethnicities, either by presenting a disability-psychic physical, sensory, and behavioral disorders and maladjustment to the system.

To all these students, for obvious heterogeneity, is considering attending the principles of

"integration" and "standards" set forth in Article 36.3. the LOGSE: "The attention to students with special educational needs will be governed by the principles of standardization and school integration." (29)

These principles have determined that, barring exceptional circumstances, all students

should be accommodated in a single room without distinction. That means that we have a "hipercomprensividad" because it is no longer accommodate in the same classroom students can follow the regular curriculum, at least within certain limits, but also "integrate" in the same space students serious difficulties for regular follow this curriculum. Such is the case. For example, the hearing impaired pupils, pupils with mental disabilities from increased immigration entirely unfamiliar language, of students with clinically pathological behaviors that require special handling, etc..

"We are facing another hardly realistic approach, because, in practice, the proposed"

integration "does not occur and generate multiple failures in the classroom. The principle of integration is more demagogic than practical, and generates expectations that, in time, show its mythical character. "(30)

4.-The right to be different In the sixties, by the dogma of egalitarianism also introduced another: the school due to the

differences among students. Simultaneous changes and education systems are many and partly contradictory and it is understood that the general public has difficulty understanding them.

He implemented decentralization policies that limit the influence of the state, is introduced

the idea of the autonomy of the center, which also disempowers the state. -Flourished a movement of "democracy school", which removes the possibility of directing

education teachers work. He removed several tests, which diminishes the importance of the transmission of

knowledge. -Finally, we begin to focus the students' cultural differences, downplaying the common

curriculum. (31)

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"In Western countries the result of these changes is the same knowledge level rises and increased school violence. However, proponents of the sociology of education are still not see anything negative about it, on the contrary, would be an advantage to the children of the bourgeoisie learn less, and could increase equality between them, and the children of the workers, who is not the same as reducing inequality by promoting the disadvantaged. Starts considered appropriate not spend time spelling and syntax to be closed systems, not "free." The free "creativity" of the individual could be worth more than a supposedly ossified system of expression. "(32).

"Thus, what is done is to reduce the content of history and literature studies. One purpose

is to combat nationalism possible: thus, the young man learns to adopt the world view held by modern ancestors less tolerant than the present generation. Learn to prefer the traditions of other countries to their own "(33).

And since then, although governments frequently mentioned the importance of technology

for the future, in practice, and egalitarianism has been stronger than the effort of providing a good education, for example, or natural science oriented ensure the country a skilled in these matters. Given the effort involved in learning math, physics and chemistry, these subjects are studied less often and lowered its level. To which is given importance, however, is to know the student use a computer, designed as practical knowledge. (34)

5.-Setting Theory This is a term used in psychology to discuss issues related to education and egalitarianism.

This theory holds that genetic inheritance is less important than the environment and that if given the same school environment for all students, all alike learn. There are today's ideas were "psychologically correct and there are few who dare to question them, it is believed that the" contagion of intelligence ", in the sense that if they study together intelligent and less intelligent, they will develop faster . A measure consistent with the theory of the environment is "Robin Hood", ie removing the resources to schools where students achieve good results to divert towards accumulating failures. (35)

6.-Relativism In the world of social science and humanity is widespread relativism, which says that we can

not grasp reality `bypassing the filter of our culture and our people. Accordingly, the result of observation, and will be determined in advance by the investigator feature. Much of today's university accepts the paradigm of social constructivism, claiming that reality is socially constructed through language, stereotypes and images. Considered naive relativists think about the possibility of observing the world with neutrality and draw conclusions. (36)

It states that every vision is preceded by theory, ie everything is ideology and every

statement is also considered an attempt to exert power over others. Researchers "critics" would be desenmascadores attempts of domination by the authorities of different types.

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If relativism we point to the ability to see an issue from different perspectives, then it is a sign of maturity to do a youth. However, today it is more common to use the term in the sense that there is no truth or that all "truths" are equivalent, the "anything goes". The moral and cultural relativism death hurts the school authority, but also the family and social institutions in general. If everything has the same value, it seems logical to many young people see themselves as the center of the world, and relativism can lead to antisocial and egocentric attitude. "(37)

7.-Nihilism There is an active nihilism that destroys what is around him and encouraging urban youth action and violent terrorists. Hate for no apparent reason or even destroy their own to their own future and gives them all the same. For them, good and evil are not different. "The passive nihilism leads to let life and the accumulation of negative situations without intervening. If nothing can be done, the fault of others, and already "knew everything was going to end badly." Unfortunately, in this group are now enough teachers. "(38)

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Chapter References 1. - Rethinking Education Enkvist Inger, 80 2. - Ibid, p.80 3. - Ibid, p.81 4.-Ibid. 5.-ibid. 6.-ibid. 7. - José María Barreda Benavente, Myths of the educational reform of the nineties in Spain, La Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, http://www.rieoei.org/rie27a04.htm 8. - Rethinking Education, Inger Enkvist, p.85 9.-Ibid. 10.-Ibid, p.86. 11. - José María Barreda Benavente, Myths of the educational reform of the nineties in Spain, La Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, http://www.rieoei.org/rie27a04.htm 12. - José María Barreda Benavente, Myths of the educational reform of the nineties in Spain, La Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, http://www.rieoei.org/rie27a04.htm 13. - Http://www.aplicaciones.info/actua/actua61e.htm 14. - Rethinking Education, Inger Enkvist, p.85. 15.-ïbid.p.64 16.-Ibid.p.65 17.-Ibid.p.67 18.-Ibid.p.68 19.-Ibid, p.70 20.-Ibid. 21.-Ibid. 22.-Ibid. 23.-Ibid. 24.-Ibid. 25.-Ibid. 26.-Ibid. 27.-Ibid. 28.-Ibid, 29.-Ibid. 30.-Ibid. 31.-Ibid, p.69 32.-Ibid.-p.69 33 ..-Ibid-p.70. 34 ..-Ibid. - 35. P.106 36.-p.109 37. - P. 110. 38. - P.111.

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Exceptional Cases in Europe

(Finland and the United Kingdom)

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The Finnish Case Finland became the big news in 2004, when the PISA report, a comparative study of the results of education in different OECD countries. Finland proved to be one of the successful nations, ranking near well positioned countries in education as Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The Finns attribute their success to the following factors:

What does the Finnish education not of the Spanish?, See: First. The Finnish company known for its high level of social cohesion and high levels of social equality and equity. This dimension does not record the same rates in our reality closer, requiring our school and their professional efforts comparably much more significant and complex in terms of classroom work. This point will be key to our future understanding education (not just education) as a socially shared challenge which mobilize and involve all areas of our society. In this sense, the philosopher J. A. Marina is an African proverb reminds us: "To educate a child takes the whole tribe." (1) Second. Finland has a strong vocation sociopolitical investment in education. Direct investment of financial resources (in 2001 5.8% of its GDP on education, 4.9% of Spain) and indirectly from programs not specifically targeted to the educational system, but whose contribution is fundamental policies childcare, family support, involvement of the media in education ... We still have a long way here yet to do in the context of investment policies in education, also taking into account that no just about spending more on education (as well) but to spend better. (2) Third. The cornerstone of Finnish success is teachers. They say many experts, like Dr. Melgarejo, that well-trained Finnish teachers is what closes the circle to the tribe educator Marina. To teach university degree requiring superior character. For example, being an elementary teacher requires six year career in college. Universities offering degrees in teaching in Finland can only accept 15% of students who apply to enroll each year, generating a great selection. Significant data correlated with the prestige and social recognition of the profession, as well as higher institutions responding to this demand for training. (3)

The objectives of education in Finland mainly pursue Achieving educational excellence,

with high social cohesion. Deemed essential Finns citizens equality in access to the welfare state and the right to individual freedom in a climate of accountability. The education system should be efficient, effective and not just reflecting these values. The language proficiency is one of the essential elements of social cohesion and at the same time ensuring their survival as a culture. From this perspective, the effort in education is a national priority. The most important difference to Finland from other OECD countries, especially Nordic, is its extraordinary selection process and training of teachers. (4)

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To access the primary teacher degree, applicants must undergo two selection processes prior. The first process is performed in a centralized processing unit (University of Jyväskylä), one of whose criteria is that the record of the candidate must exceed the average 9 undergraduate studies. A second selection is made on the faculties of Education. Among others reading proficiency is assessed and written candidates, the ability to empathize and communicate them, artistry, music and high mathematical competence. (5)

Less than 9% of applicants can access training as a primary school teacher in schools of

education. After 6400 hours of training-study (in Spain are currently 2000 and 1500 until recent years), students must write a dissertation compulsory and final research project. (6)

The high school teacher is how the powers of specialization (mathematics, literature,

etc.). Once this specialization must also overcome various entrance exams to enter the Faculty of Education (ability to empathize, to explain, etc.). Once this test, the future high school teacher pedagogical studies should follow more than 1,400 hours of studio (in Spain are between 100 and 130 hours). Once and trained teachers in schools are selected by the directors of these. These directors are themselves selected by the City Council. Principals of primary schools in the first place those teachers more competent courses around the cloister. (7)

Structures that complement the process These structures are the family, school and cultural structures of educational support. In

the Finnish case, the three structures and enhance coordination chain made a part of the educational work. (8)

The family is the first of these areas. Domina in Finland Lutheran value of responsibility and discipline over one's life. The Finnish family is considered the first responsible for the education of their children. In Finnish households, children watch as parents are avid readers of newspapers and books, and go with them to the library often. Moreover there are mechanisms that ensure compatibility state employment and family life, especially for women. Aid for children and families allow only 4% of Finnish children live in poverty (12% in Spain). (9)

Social institutions or cultural school. In Finland stresses the vast network of libraries and

their crews. They are very accessible to all citizens, are connected with each other and with professionals preparadísimos. Furthermore, by its Lutheran tradition, Finland reinforces the value of personal responsibility on the believers and promotes the need for personal Bible reading. Moreover, television and film always offer all of its programming in the original language. Children must learn to read the subtitles to understand quickly the programs (movies even cartoons). (10)

School: Finnish children enter the school system at seven years and not learn to read

until then. The Finnish school of primary and secondary education is generally a very decentralized public school. Proportionately fewer hours taught language in Spain. Discipline is high. Attention to diversity is made according to the diverse interests with the work of two teachers per

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classroom. In all places there is a free meal a day for all students. All these areas are very similar in all Nordic countries, but very different from Spain. (11)

e Case of the United Kingdom This is a story similar to that of other Western countries. It was one of the first nations to

introduce the comprehensive school in order to democratize society after World War II. The goal was to reduce differences between social classes based on language as a common factor to all students. However, the same series of social changes hindered the harmonious development of the comprehensive school. (12)

There was immigration from Commonwealth countries. Settling primarily in large

industrialized cities. But, when industrialization began, closing shipyards, heavy industrial plants, mines and the textile industry, the working class and recent immigrants were most affected. Modern trends like family breakdown and drug problems worsened. By the sixties, absenteeism and classroom conflict forced many schools and those students failed the final test to exceed 16 years. (13)

In 1988 the British Government decided to make a general reform of compulsory education

as part of a broader reform that included the public sector. The law was, Education Reform Act, includes several changes, the most important being the introduction of a national curriculum. A significant aspect of this Act is to specify for each subject and each year what the student must learn, for example, how to multiply double digits or how to conjugate verbs in such and such time (14)

In addition, it was decided to language and mathematics tests at seven, eleven and fourteen

to see if the student is progressing normally and if the school is meeting the goal of the learner learns. (15)

Another feature of the reform is that everything is public. The student, parents or policies,

everyone can compare the curriculum with the students' results on tests and exams are also public and everyone can check the level of knowledge gained in a particular school. (16)

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References: 1.-All Europe Look to Finland, www.stecyl.es/Prensa/051003_lv_Europa_mira_Finlandia.htm - 17k, the Vanguard newspaper, October 3, 2005. 2.-Ibid. 3.-Ibid. 4.-Ibid. 5.-Lessons from Finland, Rodrigo Santodomingo, Teaching Spanish, www.magisnet.com/articulo.asp?idarticulos=2101 6. - All Europe Look to Finland, www.stecyl.es/Prensa/051003_lv_Europa_mira_Finlandia.htm - 17k, the Vanguard newspaper, October 3, 2005. 7.-Ibid. 8.-Ibid. 9.-Ibid. 10.-Ibid. 11.-Ibid. 12.-Rethinking Education, Inger Enkist, p.53. 13.-Ibid. p.54 14.-Ibid.p.54 15.-Ibid.p.55. 16.-Ibid.p.56

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Crossing the pond:

(The State of Education in Latin American countries)

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Excerpt from: "An examination they will have many years", Teaching Spanish, July 5, 2006, by Alejandra Carrasco In recent years, Latin American countries are talking harder than a historical debt they have with their people: education. With investment efforts in the implementation of laws and social policies, each country has done its part to overcome a barrier to achieving the long-awaited development. They are all very different, but in them there is a common concern: the education of their people as the key to development. It is therefore that each presidential candidate in recent years has taken this topic as the cornerstone of their political struggle. And fighting for that but it is not easy, as there are many obstacles to overcome in this race for social justice. Basic Problems There are 22 countries that together account for 450 million people, each with its landscape, history and people, while sharing common aspects, "If anything unites the peoples of Latin America is its strong indigenous component, is not the same in Guatemala, for example , which owns 45 percent of the population that does not speak Spanish, that Uruguay, with a small percentage, but it is an important factor, "says Angela del Valle, a professor of comparative education at UCM. In Latin America, the native languages in the hundreds, spread over numerous logs and language families with little relation to each other. Its speakers are no larger than 500 and 50,000. Very few languages beyond the million speakers (Mayan, Nahuatl, quiche, Quechua, Aymara) and settled mostly in scattered rural populations. "It is very difficult to provide each ethnic community from a teacher who speaks their language and understands their culture, too is difficult to open roads to enable these communities to attend school, "says the academic UCM. Another important point which has affected educational development is the lack of stability in democratic governments, coupled with periods of military dictatorships. For example, Chile suffered less than a month ago a great strike of high school students who demanded a change in the quality, direction and resource management, heritage Pinochet period. In Argentina, the situation for teachers is so poor that many of them do not attend their workplaces, not out of laziness, but because they have not paid and must take the time devoted to teaching to do other work to make ends meet. Deuda Externa y esfuerzos

Foreign debt is also a serious problem. Critical cases are Ecuador and Brazil, whose GDP

vanishes quickly in this item, defunding education projects and leaving what is left to pay teachers' salaries, very low compared to OECD countries (see attachments).

In any case, efforts that give the Latin American nations are notorious educational theme: In the last five years, investment in education increased considerably, even more than in

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OECD countries. (5.9% of GDP). Investments have been noted in recent years. Thus, countries such as Brazil and Mexico have increased the percentage of GDP spent on education (5.9 and 4.1 respectively) to figures close to those recommended by UNESCO (7%).

Illiteracy rates also have reduced (from 25% in 1990 to 13.5% in 2002). The

question of salaries of teachers is also present although progress has been made, subsisting differences. For example in Peru, a teacher receives $ 5,200 ppa year (calculated according to purchasing power) and in Chile a teacher earns $ 12,000 ppa. year, and although the most elevating of the area, is well below the average salaries of OECD countries (22,000).

Furthermore, the current governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Cuba and Brazil

have enacted new reforms in this area. Less than a month ago, President Evo Morales announced his reform which will favor native language teaching with a special emphasis on the cultures of the indigenous groups and the change in the education system, which aims the standardization of all programs school "with a community model, decolonization, scientific, productive, intercultural and multilingual" in the words of President Andes. Further south, Nestor Kirchner last month presented a project to unify the education system throughout Argentina, in addition to improving content quality and equality.

In Mexico, between 1995 and 2001, spending on primary and secondary education has

increased by 36% and spending per student increased by 25 percent, although there are still great inequalities, as only two of every 100 students entering Primary achieve a college degree. Lula da Silva, Brazil-country with an illiteracy rate of 14 percent-enacted several measures to improve the basic teachings, vocational and higher, and since last year, ordered the compulsory teaching of Spanish.

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Interview with Angela del Valle, UCM professor Comparative Education "The Latin American people need better education" Professor of Comparative Education at UCM, Angela del Valle analyzes the situation of Latin American countries. Recognizing the differences of this vast territory, easily explained the complex and paradoxical problems of an area rich in culture, landscapes and natural resources. What specific situations Iberoamerican catch y your attention? In Mexico, teachers earn so little to work three shifts a day, which influences the quality of teaching, and also has a very sharp inflation, making poor people poorer overnight. In Argentina, the teacher absenteeism sometimes up to two years. The reason is that they are not paid and must make a living elsewhere. Cuba, although it has good educational levels and zero illiteracy, lacks the necessary freedom that should be learning. Is there a feature that is common in Latin America to all countries? It is difficult to generalize, since Latin America is large and diverse, but a common feature is its indigenous component. When talking about the educational element, the native will experience a difference in education access to education, as their language, culture, worldview, customs, traditions, gives them a very different ethic. Another is political instability, which has influenced education, whether in dictatorships of Chile and Peru or the guerrillas of Nicaragua, the problem of drug trafficking in Colombia or the government of Fidel. Never mind. In all countries have deviated Education resources for other items, such as defense, border wars, or simply to have gone by corruption. What about the budget for education? The most complicated is the problem of external debt, which requires countries to maintain a balance in their income and they do not address, for example, the salary of teachers or opening roads to isolated children to get to school . Another very serious problem, and scandalous, is the eternal inequality in income distribution, which is concentrated in a few families, while lacking class is the most numerous. Those with more money studying in private schools, preferably bilingual, traveling abroad, take masters ... while others just end up, if they are lucky, Primary.

What Nevertheless, there is a positive element in their education? In each country there is a school system, poor or not, is. This allows improvements insert within an already established. There is also a requirement, from the people to improve on this level, because there is a general awareness that without education there is progressing. Note also the thrust force and feminine, it is they who are on the road to improvement of themselves or their children. Another aspect: all Latin American countries have as a reference to Europe. To begin, it is the

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Spanish language, this is good in the exchange of students, in the convergence and the recognition of qualifications being done now, which makes things easier. For colonization also inherited cultural references such as language, religion, traditions., A plus for the homogenization of the countries. But this heritage brings no negative aspects? He's always looking to Europe and models were copied as is, when what should be done is seen themselves. It must start from the context. Always look out is destructive, take into account the context of each other, and to have her original cultures, so interesting but they are ashamed. Does this explain the sharing of educational problems such as oversupply of graduates and secondary education aimed only to university? Secondary education has humanistic courses, but in the working world are useless, prepare for college. It's the same problem we have in Spain. There they are trying to change this system slowly moving to a professional technical education that gives real working tools. Data from some Latin American countries

Mexico Annual budget in Education (relative to GDP): 5.9% Illiteracy: 8.1% School Enrollment: 99% Primary 63% Secondary Expenditure per student: $ 1357 Elementary and Secondary ppa. Years of compulsory education: 10 average years enrollment: 7.2% Teacher Education Level: High Average Teacher Starting Salary: $ 3,600 ppa. year Pupil / teacher ratios: 26 Primary, 29 Secondary Last Educational Reform: The Fox government invested heavily in this area.

Argentina Education Budget (relative to GDP): 5.9% Illiteracy (2002): 3.3% Expenditure per student: $ 478 ppa. year. School Enrollment: 95% Primary 80% Secondary. Years of compulsory education: 10 Average years of schooling (2002): 8.8 Teacher Education level: Level sup. no univ. Teacher Starting Salary: $ 1,140 ppa. year. Pupil / teacher ratios: 11 in Primary and Sec Last Educational Reform: This year, with Kirchner.

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Ecuador Annual budget in Education (relative to GDP): 3.9% Illiteracy: 8.4% School Enrollment: 96% Primary, secondary 50%. Years of compulsory education: 12 Average years of schooling: 6.4 Teacher Education level: Mixed (normal school and university) Teacher Starting Salary: $ 3,000 ppa. year Pupil / teacher ratios: 23 Primary, 12 Secondary. Last Educational Reform: The 1998 constitutional reform was enacted mandatory bilingual and intercultural education.

Chile Annual budget in Education (relative to GDP): 7.4% Illiteracy: 3.9% School Enrollment: 85% Primary, Secondary 81%. Expenditure per student: 1940 Elementary, 2016 High (PPP dollar.) Hours of classes per year: 780 Primary, 936 Secondary Years of compulsory education: 12 Average years of schooling: 7.6 Teacher Education Level: University degree Teacher Starting Salary: $ 11,631 ppa. year. Pupil / teacher ratios: 33 Primary, 32 Secondary. Last Educational Reform: Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle in 1994, prompted the JEC, there were changes this year, after the strike side.

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And LOGSE .... What does that matter? (Influences of a failed method Education in a struggle to improve) For over twenty years The Editorial Santillana has accompanied American students, who

receive this textbook publishing through public schools (and some private ones too), thanks to agreements made at the highest levels of government. This criticism has two events on the one hand are the vested interests of the publishers and governments on the other, it can be even worse, the leak of a teaching method failed that, far from supporting the poor education southern Cone, the influence is for students scoring less out of a rundown education, making the social gap hears rich and poor becomes ever deeper.

In terms of content, any comparison is depressing. The contents of the History of Spain

is now taught in 2nd year unfolded with much more intensity and precision, two decades ago, with students a year younger. The space saved Santillana-and competence-it devotes too many graphics, illustrations, exercises, anecdotes and accessories plus, if applicable, the history of each autonomy. But the case in mathematics, where there is a delay of at least two years, and in practice sometimes more-established schedule and applied in the LGE. What all graduates studying Geography with fifteen years studying today only, reduced and treated as an optional subject, some students of Arts of eighteen. However, with the book are acquired audiovisual materials, exercises, teacher's books: beautiful things that, if you make them learn, they are most useful.

The history textbook in the history of Spain is a frustration. Born as support for the teacher, who was understood to know essential depository. It was developed as official reference content that must be taught. And has flourished as expensive luxury item, comfortable and easy as pie, adapted to a generation that wants to get away from any sacrifice. Be it so: but then we complain that they are expensive, or that some are enriched. The big problem with these books is that, unless major efforts are made to use, serve more to convey an ideological worldview that prepare young people for the struggle of life. Grupo Prisa and its interests in Latin America Prisa Latin America has the property of various media: three newspapers in Bolivia and is the largest shareholder of the largest television network in the same country. In Venezuela, while Prisa has strong links with the biggest media giant that country. (1)

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"Given the risk that their interests are affected, the accuracy of information seems take a backseat. "A country ravaged by corruption and economic disarray, with infrastructure destroyed and ruined administration": The Venezuela of Hugo Chavez that presents the country is a republic on the verge of collapse. With Evo Morales in power, Bolivia has no more luck in your pages. A few weeks ago, the newspaper Prisa Reference: "The increasing role of Caracas and Havana in the future of Bolivia began to create serious discomfort, both as political opposition from different sectors of society." Despite this information, various opinion polls have to question this unrest among citizens. According to the latest Latinobarómetro, 65% of Venezuelans approve the Chavez administration running the country, a much higher percentage than the average for Latin America. In Bolivia, in turn, Morales won an absolute majority with 54% of the vote and his popularity has increased with the nationalization of hydrocarbons. "(2)

Information How objective? Review Prisa economic interests in the area is a useful exercise to better understand the

clash between reality perceived by citizens of both countries and the one in the middle of this group.

An example: in the same article on Morales, El Pais says that "the Bolivian press almost

daily reflects the growing unease about the here called tutelage 'of Chavez on Morales". Given that the group Prisa is the main shareholder of the largest television network in Bolivia (ATB) and also produced three of the most important newspapers in the country (Extra, El Nuevo Dia and reason). (3)

Press reviews are not minor in Venezuela, nor the presence of Prisa is less negligible. Jesus

de Polanco has cross investments there with the Cisneros group, with the Venevision network by flag is the country's largest media group. In 1996 Cisneros took 6.9% of Vía Digital, an integrated platform that ended in Sogecable. Then there is the link between the two which is the business group Valores Bavaria. Cisneros is one of the strategic partners of the company, through which is present in the Grupo Latino de Radio, the holding company which, with 87% of shares, Prisa groups all radio activity outside Spain. And Bavaria reappears on Caracol Radio, Colombia's leading chain where Polanco owns 19% of shares. (4)

"As to its contents, Polanco's partner in Venezuela is far from being an example of

objectivity. His television channel, Venevision, not only is one of the pillars of opposition to Chavez. He has also been accused of being involved directly in the coup attempt of April 2002. The big media group maintained since open war against the government. In that conflict, the public interest to make Cisneros Prisa not cost you decide which placed trench. "(5)

Other business information Caracol Radio opens a new studio in the Latin American country and Alvaro Uribe

honors Jesus de Polanco by "faith" of his group in the country. In June 2005, opened new studies of Caracol Radio in Colombia, belonging to Grupo Latino de Radio (GLR), the holding company that combines the global activities of Grupo Prisa Radio outside Spain. Radio Caracol has a network of 172 stations with a total audience of 8,551,000 listeners. With the inauguration of the new headquarters station confirms its position as the first chain in Latin America. (6)

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This transaction consolidates Prisa media network and influence in Latin

America, one of the major projects of Jesus de Polanco, once consolidated their businesses in Spain. Prisa's activities in the field of radio outside the country are grouped into the holding Grupo Latino de Radio, which are integrated Radiópolis stations in Mexico, owned 50% by Televisa Radio, the Radio Caracol in Colombia and those of Latin American Radio Holdings, the company that encompasses Prisa stations in France, USA, Chile, Costa Rica and Panama.

Money versus education Radio and music are the pillars of growth in Latin America Prisa. Of the 1,205 million

euro turnover last year Prisa, over 20% came from Latin America. 60% of the publishing unit sales, which totaled more than 300 million euros, were originated in the region. Argentina accounts for 10% of total sales of Prisa publishers. The company led by Jesus de Polanco sold worth 39.2 million euros in Argentina, or 3.3% of its total turnover. In addition, 4.2% of its EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes and amortization) came from the Latin American country in crisis. With such exposure of their sales to Latin America and Argentina, why Prisa's punishment has been moderate in bag? The answer lies in the nature of sales in the region. (8)

"This is especially books, which have a much more stable behavior than selling

advertising. The importance of the publishing business. According to a recent report Ibersecurities, the Latin American crisis, particularly Argentina, should not have too negative an effect Prisa. Santillana is oriented primarily toward private client market a low average in purchasing power. The risk of default is very low, because the payments are made in relatively short. Santillana is present in Latinomérica since the 60s. "(9)

His experience has shown that selling education books not affected as seriously as other

sectors during economic crises, "the report's authors argue.'s Relative earnings stability Prisa seem to justify the publishing trade at a multiple higher than other media companies. currently trading at a multiple Prisa enterprise value (market capitalization + net debt / EBITDA 2002) more than 12 times, while it makes Recoletos 9.5 times, due to the greater role of cyclical advertising revenues (almost 50%). No wonder. (10)

It turns out that a third of sales are of books Prisa, an amount above what invoice with

the daily El Pais. Thus, 32.2% of revenues and 20.8% of Prisa's EBITDA last year came from the unit Editorial (Santillana, Alfaguara, the Brazilian Editora Moderna acquired last year, etc ...). (11)

This happens in Spain .... But across the pond ...

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Santillana, is present in almost all Spanish speaking countries. Businesses of Jesus de

Polanco also have converged directly with the Spanish state. The clearest example is given with Santillana. Through it, Prisa not only has nine imprints and implementation in a total of 22 countries.

In addition, under the PSOE governments, the publisher does big business with

Development Assistance Funds. (12). Often, the Spanish state condones poor country debt and invest some money in books

and educational materials for Spanish companies. Usually, the Prisa (13) This practice has sometimes been denounced as a scandal. In 2000, the Chilean press

revealed that during his time at the Ministry of Education, President Ricardo Lagos bought material with a premium of 664 million pesetas, 70% above cost. Bolivia experienced a similar case. Tito Hoz de Vila, Minister of Education during the tenure of former President Sanchez de Lozada, was forced to answer in court for handling irregular in bidding for a controversial education reform Santillana left it to the production and sale of books for elementary students. And in 2002, the Bolivian newspaper La Prensa denounced that a minister's daughter, Maria Cristina Hoz de Vila, was hired as a consultant in Madrid HR Santillana. (14)

"Thirty years later, the scandal was the script of one of the first moves of Polanco. As

Jesus tells Cacho in the business of freedom, in 1970 the Minister Franco Villar offered Santillana Palasí insider on his education reform. By next year, this was the only publisher with books updated. Polanco got rich. Years later, Villar was hired in Santillana. In America, they have not missed complicity over decades. Now change the political map. Several countries refuse to play along. With so much money in the area, little surprises Prisa's hostility toward Chavez and Evo Morales. "(15)

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The exchange of foreign debt for Education Since the government of Felipe González, has been insisting on the idea of writing

off part of the debt of Latin American countries affected by severe economic crises, with the proviso that those resources are invested in Education released.

In early 2005, Spain announced that it had allocated a total of $ 360 million to relieve

the debt of countries like Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras, Bolivia, Peru and Guatemala. During his visit to that year Sudamércia Zapatero insisted on this idea. This time, reached a bilateral agreement with the presidents of Brazil and Argentina. In the case of the latter country the Prime Minister announced an agreement in the amount of 60 million euros, money that is part of the debt that Argentina has with Spain.

The issue jumped back to the fore when, in January this year, the newly elected

president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, visited the Moncloa. However, the issue of forgiveness is still debated: Critics warn that this government seems willing to apply the waiver only to countries with governments ideologically related to the current party leadership. Others claim that this offer is more due to economic interests of the group Prisa (Santillana), which has strong economic interests in Latin America and who would benefit from these agreements, to acquire shares in the sale of textbooks. Bolivia has a debt of about 120 million euros in Spain. Argentina, meanwhile, owes 659 million euros. On his last visit to Spain two weeks ago, President Nestor Kirchner pledged to settle their debt with our country.

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References Chapter: 1. - Www.elsemanaldigital.com/articulos.asp?idarticulo=37978 - 37k - 2. - Ibid. 3. - Business interests PRISA mark rejecting the governments of Venezuela and Bolivia, Miguel Angel Lucas, Source: Diagonal www.rebelion.org 4. - Business interests PRISA mark rejecting the governments of Venezuela and Bolivia, Miguel Angel Lucas, Source: Diagonal www.rebelion.org 5. - Http://www.solidaridad.net/articulo3199_enesp.htm, Author: Solidaridad.net-Date: 2005-06-15 6.-Ibid. 7.-Ibid. 8. - Grupo Prisa continues to spread its tentacles Ibero Elsemanaldigital.com 23/06/2005 9. - Ibid. 10.-http :/ / www.finanzas.com/id.3713661/noticias/noticia.htm 12.-Francisco Pinon is Secretary General of the OEI COUNTRY - 11/10/2004, http://www.oei.es/deuda/pinon.htm 13.-http :/ / www.magacin66.com/noticiasfrescas/431 14.-Prisa, under the umbrella of Editorial Santillana 15. - Teaching Spanish "An examination they will have many years", Alejandra Carrasco, July 5, 2006