


bhs cxvdsd

Transcript of logistics



Page 4 - 5


Page 6 - 7


Page 8 - 9

Visual merchandising

Page 10 - 11

Interactive shopping

Page 12 - 13

Fixtures and fittings

Page 14 - 15


Page 16 - 17


Page 18 - 19

Public relations

Page 20 - 23


Page 24


Page 25

The new 2011 concept for British home stores is to create a strong retail environment that will attract a younger customer base without excluding the current clientele; the main focus of this concept redevelopment will focus on attracting as younger male market between the ages of 25 – 35.


Since BHS merged within Arcadia it has seen itself as a forward thinking brand that has already seen fantastic changes and improvement in profits, however BHS are still missing out on the male market. The introduction of new concession brands and a department redesign will focus on attracting a new male

market; the use of media advertising will be used to attract a new younger customer base.

The New menswear department will embody the latest trends in suiting, everyday essentials and acces-sories however the brand will retain a per¬sonal style and communicate to a wide range of ages. The environment of the department will be inviting towards the modern male without excluding woman the core customer of the brand BHS. The department will be made up of rich colours and solid textures, such as wood and metal. The trends that will be sold will be displayed in their own unique environment within the department, the creation of a definition between the suiting and everyday essentials etc will lead the customer around the department as a whole and all will be focused around a central fitting area, where

possible nationwide.

The department will become a technology haven, by installing the latest digital visual merchandising and unique personalized fitting rooms that will cater for all customer personalities.

The first location of this concept will be produced in the current site of the Bhs in Newcastle upon Tyne on Northumberland Street. The store is located at the top end of Northumberland Street and sees a high footfall past its doors; this is a unique opportunity to create a destination for the male shoppers in Newcastle. The team within the store will offer a personal¬ized shopping experience to each of the customers and offer advice on fash¬ion choices to all age ranges, be it the customers is

shopping for the Father or Son.

The department will be located within the basement level of the store.

This is a site that boosts from having windows and visual possibilities around the store that are located on two streets each with high footfall. One of which is highly used for students getting from campuses to city centre locations. This is a unique opportunity that this site has for attracting the younger customer. This site is already under lease by Arcadia and requires no further funding

towards rent.


86-92 Northumberland StreetNewcastle Upon Tyne


Store DimensionsGround floor - 8238 sq ft

Basement Level - 22913 sq ft

Total retail space - 31151 sq ft

Men’s wear retail space (Located in the basement) - 8000sq ft

The concept for BHS is to create a British heritage store, a store that can sit on the British high street proudly and stand out from its competitors. The store visual merchandising scheme looks through

the history of Britain and everything that has made it great!

Looking atindustries such as tailoring and carpentry have influenced this concept greatly. Using dif-ferent accepts of British industry a unique and eye catching visual display for the brand has been


The department will be made up of rich colours and solid textures such as wood and metals, which will define this men’s wear market on the high street. The use of furniture, rugs and lighting will give this

men’s wear department a unique feel and look.


The visual merchandising for window displays will require a 3 metre by 2 metre window space where possible, this is so that the new concept perfectly suited can be shown to its full advantage, and also the display will take up a prime window space with a high footfall passing by to ensure the maximum pub-licity. The British home stores menswear brand will take control of the prime window display area for 3 months before its handed back to the highest profit maker, woman’s wear. This will ensure that the new menswear within store has been seen by thousands of people passing by, engaging the customers with its exciting Styling, product ranges and unique personality. This will be reflected with the use of props

relating to British heritage, such as sewing machine and tailors mannequins.

In store visual merchandising will lead the customer around the department and engage the consumer with the products, which will be displayed in a unique style giving British home stores an exclusive look.

This will also have elements of British heritage and consist of props and styled mannequins.

Millington [email protected]

Visual merchandising...

The department will also become a technology haven, by installing the latest digital visual merchandising and unique personalized fitting rooms that will cater for all customer personalities.

The introduction of technology into the department will create a certain buzz for the customer; the unique hanger system is something that has never been seen before on the high street. When the cus-tomer enters the teamlab area of British home stores menswear they will be met by a truly amazing experience. There will be plasma screens built into the panels on the wall. When a customer picks up an item from the rack, the hanger system will notify the store computer to immediately show a video of the

corresponding clothes on a screen that is closest to the customer.

The idea of TEAMLAB Hanger is to use common customer behaviour as an interface. Not only does the TEAMLAB hanger not obstruct with the normal shopping experience, but make it informative by provid-

ing relevant informa¬tion on screen.

The system aims to eliminateboring static mannequins, and create an interactive experience such as combination of light, ambient music and video. The system works equally well in small space. From the store’s perspective, the hanger can collect valuable customer behavioural informa¬tion, such as number

of pick-ups per item, duration, location, etc.

Interactive shopping...

The fitting rooms will tailor to each of its customer needs when they take the decision to try one of the fantastic fashion options that will be located within the new menswear department. Each of the fitting rooms will feature oversized dark wooden doors and will be located in the centre of the department where possible. When the customer enters the fitting room they will be met by a white room with three large full length mirrors. Lighting will be integrated into the white floor and ceiling that will allow the customers to change the lighting to accent the outfit to a time and place that they may wear this. The

customer will control this by a lighting pad system incorporated into the wall.

Lighting within this department will use the lighting that the rest of the store uses however spotlights will be incorporated were needed; such as visual displays and prime stock locations. There will be bold lighting over the till point area, large dome chrome fittings will be fitted over each till point, these will be on electrical panel points in the ceiling so that they can be changed and kept up to date with interior


Mordern lighing [email protected]

Fixtures and fittings...

Fixtures and fittings throughout the menswear department will be made bespoke, the design of this department will have to allow for the development within the rest of the store, and so designing fittings such as wall panels that can be removed and placed elsewhere with ease is a high priority the design of

the fixtures and fitting will relate to the new concept for British home stores.

Even though there will be digital merchandising of the clothing, mannequins will still be needed for the window displays and in store merchandising. Rootstein will be supplying the mannequins in a black and white high gloss finish. In total there will be 15 mannequins, three for window displays and 9 in store

including 3 back up mannequins for future development of the department.

[email protected]

Products will be displayed on dark wooden chunky hangers unless they are being used in the interactive suiting area, they will then be silver and supplied

Electricals will be supplied and fitted by Modern lighting solutions this company has worked with a number of high street retailers.

For over four decades JRS have developed a reputation of innovation, quality and reliability both in manufacturing and project management. Projects include Dior, Dune and Gant, JRS’s principle service is the provision of a full shop fitting solution, from the interpretation of an initial design concept to the final handing over of a site to the client for merchandising. The process necessarily involves the com-

pany’s in-house design skills and manufacturing facilities

JRS [email protected]

Signage will be clear and will integrate the new branding name British home Store, the new name is bold and firmly lets the customer know that British home stores is back, bigger and better. However the colour scheme will accent the trends at the time and relate back to the original concept British Heritage the first menswear colour scheme is gold. The external branding on the building will play a massive part of at-tracting customer. The signage will stand out on the high street, the bold text will ensure to create some

attention for the passer by.

Edmonds uk [email protected]


As Bhs is such a well known household name that has seen massive improvements in recent times. It seemed wrong to rename the company completely, so the idea is go back to basics with the name back to the original, British home stores. A strong affective logo has been created which reflects back to the

high street chains heyday


The launch of the new concept will go live into the BHS Newcastle relaunch; this will be a massive event including a fashion show and launch party that will showcase the best of the brand.

Push PR has a reputation as one of London’s and the UK’s most dynamic Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle PR Agencies. From a fashion and jewellery label launch to stylish beauty events and catwalk shows, Push PR can get you where you want to be and take you further. Push PR is passionate about results and thrives

on creative, fast moving campaigns. This is perfect for the new contemporary concept that BHS has.

Push Pr Objectives• Establish BHS into the younger market with advertising campaigns without alienating current custom-

ers• Launch the New BHS department with the use of adverting other media communications

• Launch the BHS Newcastle Branch on the 31st October 2011• Ensure the customer has the best shopping experience

Public relations...

Media and pressAdvertising campaigns and product placement will run in local and national newspapers also campaigns should run through magazines such as, GQ and esquire for men’s wear, Red and Marie Claire for woman’s wear and lifestyle magazines for the home departments this will enhance the brands awareness to the public.

InvitationsInvitations will be sent out in time for the store opening on the 31st October 2011 at 6pm and will see an array of guests from customers, newspaper, magazine editors and celebrities. The invites will be A5 booklets that will showcase images of the new store and departments and its new image, the booklet will carry the branding and colouring of the BHS concept and will instantly allow the viewer to see the changes within BHS

as a brand.colourdigitalprint.com

CateringCatering will be supplied by the BHS CAFE to showcase their new menus; an outside bar will brought in to cater the launch evening with champagne and mix of other drinks. The store holds an Alcohol licence under

the name of Judith Brooks Store Manager.Love Food Ltd

InsurancePublic liability insurance will be required at both the store launch and for day to day trading at the cost of

£876 for the store launch and an additional £859 for monthly PLI. This will be provided by Zurich.

Online communication is BHS’s strongest link with the youth customer, with the use of free social net-working sites such as facebook, twitter and blogs. All are a free and great way of keeping people up to date with what new in store and the latest trends. The latest trends within the brand will be showcased in a digital look book. The BHS website has already be updated with a new logo and concept redesign, all that will need to be added is the rebranding of BHS men’s wear to BHS HIM and the incorporation of digital look books. The digital look book will be created within house and will be displayed on ISSUU.COM

at £11.80 per month a cheap yet affective advertising tool.

It’s all about being in front of the right audience, with the right message, at the right time, media plan-ning, media buying and execution for press, magazines, radio, TV, outdoor posters, leaflet inserts cam-paigns. This will be the job of Blaze commutations at the cost of 17% of all placements and overall costing

of advertising campaign.

Press releases will be used to communication latest trends and store development within the media; these will be sent electronically via email. Customers who have chosen to be on the mailing list or social networking sites will receive a press release and look book to keep them updated on the latest trends at


Magazine advertising is an important factor; these advertising campaigns have to be well placed within the right style of magazines to attract the new and old customer base. The typical cost of advertising in

magazines such as GQ, RED, and Lifestyle are £51408.46 per 4 page colour spread per issue.

An advert placed in a local or national newspaper roughly costs around £60 per single colour column centimetre or £45 per single black and white column centimetre

.Billboards in and around the city centre will communicate the changes taking place at BHS they will ad-

vertise the new collections within the store.Paintedpostermedia.co.uk £1265 per board per month

Advertising on buses and taxi is a great way to get advertising to the masses.Paintedpostermedia.co.uk

Buses - £835per bus per month

Taxi - £391 per taxi per month

Models and studio hire5 male models £500 per model per day these will models used within the Arcadia brands.

Studios hire £135 per half daySean Elliott £565per day will be taking the images for adverting campaigns, look books and also the vid-

eos for hanging system.www.seanelliottphotography.co.uk

Location Revamp beginsApril 2011

Fixture and Fittings(place order)

May 2011Visual merchandising(start designing displays)

Interactive shopping(place order)

June 2011Photographer, model and studio(hire for one week)

Mannequins(place order)

July 2011Signage(place order)

August 2011Department fitter’s installation

Septmeber 2011Send out invitation to launchOctober 2011

Press and advertising campaign begins

Department layout

Launch31st october 2011

