Logic hand outs#2

Refers to the process of Formation of ideas also known as IDEOGENESIS


logic 2nd hand-outs Ideogenisis

Transcript of Logic hand outs#2

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Refers to the process of Formation of ideas

also known as IDEOGENESIS

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Human Person a rational being who can cognize;

Sensitively needs senses for operation senses know only the accidental qualities come in contact only with what appears on the surface know the things as it appear BUT can not know what it is

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functions without bodily organ knows the essence of reality knows NOT only the accidents but also its substance immaterial & can not come in direct contact with material realities & has to make use of sensory data

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The object of Intellect is the abstract and universal essence of sensible realitiesThe Formation of ideas

the fundamental operation of the intellect requires that sense have to function first

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External senses Common


ProperCommon Sensibles



impressed specie in S.O

imagination cognitive sense sense memory


expressed specie in S.O

contain individuating, concrete qualities contain individuating,

concrete qualities individualized form in S.O

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discards individuating characteristics

both receptive & reactive

abstracted nature taken in by possible intellect

AGENT intellect

POSSIBLE intellect

Power to abstract Power to understand

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gathers from objective realties proper & common sensibles common sense unified them into perceptual wholes

External Senses

Percept the form of the object as it exist in the senses called impressed specie because it is the result of the operation wherein qualities of the object are taken in by external sense & IMPRESSED upon the mind in the presence of objective reality

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Phantasm the image which is an EXPRESSED specie in sensible order called expressed because it is a manifestation of the representative power of the internal senses

to be understood by the intellectual its individualized form MUST be converted into something intelligible

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The Human Intellect

Agent Intellect

Possible Intellect

Power to abstract

Power to understand

Receives impressed specie, grasps and understand it

Expresses its understanding by producing an Idea or concept

A formal sign which represent the being or essence of the object known