Logic Guide Updated

BY: KATIE MORGAN. A Guide to Logic! What is Logic? Logic is a recording studio that is professional. It can only be used on a Mini Mac from Apple. This software allows you to write and record your own music. Furthermore you can edit it and change whenever you like. Mixing tracks is easy. Plus, you can create different versions of it. A range of instruments can be used. This is from drums to woodwind. You can add effects and change the pitch. The oscillation and filter can be changed. Sometimes you will have change the octave on the MIDI Keyboard. (MIDI stands for Music Instrument Digital Interface)! There are lots of sounds in the Sound Library. Loops can be added. Along with reverb, ambience etc. Your voice can be recorded with a microphone. Also, you can create sound or music for a video by importing the video into Logic. The screen shots used are from the old and new versions of Logic. (Logic Pro 9 and Logic Pro X). I have used both of them and they are similar. But, they have some differences. I will explain this later on in this guide.


This is my improved Logic Guide.

Transcript of Logic Guide Updated

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A Guide to Logic!

What is Logic?

• Logic is a recording studio that is professional.

• It can only be used on a Mini Mac from Apple.

• This software allows you to write and record your

own music.

• Furthermore you can edit it and change whenever you like.

• Mixing tracks is easy. Plus, you can create different versions of it.

• A range of instruments can be used. This is from drums to woodwind.

• You can add effects and change the pitch.

• The oscillation and filter can be changed.

• Sometimes you will have change the octave on the MIDI Keyboard. (MIDI

stands for Music Instrument Digital Interface)!

• There are lots of sounds in the Sound Library.

• Loops can be added.

• Along with reverb, ambience etc.

• Your voice can be recorded with a microphone.

• Also, you can create sound or music for a video by importing the video into


The screen shots used are

from the old and new

versions of Logic. (Logic

Pro 9 and Logic Pro X). I

have used both of them and

they are similar. But, they

have some differences. I

will explain this later on in

this guide.

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• A MIDI Keyboard is a keyboard that lets you play and make any tune.

• The MIDI Keyboard can be plugged into your Mini Mac and sends a signal to


• The notes and chords that you play can be viewed in the Piano Roll.

• The timing can be edited and the waveforms can be corrected.

• Finally you can use Automation.

• It's a really good software to use.

The MIDI Keyboard and the Mini Mac:

• This is how the MIDI Keyboard is set up to the computer. The Mini Mac has

everything plugged into it. It is the main source! Also, you can plug

headphones into the MIDI Keyboard.

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• The octave can sometimes affect the sound of the instrument. This is

because some notes maybe silence. So, you can change it by pressing the up

and down buttons.

• Furthermore if the green light is showing then it is set on the middle octave.

• But, a red light means that octave is before or after the middle octave.

However, that does not matter because the selected octave will go with the

selected instrument. (The Mini Mac can allow you to do almost anything).

The Mini Mac:

Mini Mac Info:

Mac Mini

MID 2011

Processor- 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5

Memory- 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

Graphics- AMD Radeon HD 6630M 256 MB

Serial Number- C07G3TUDDJD1

Software- Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)

Another Mac Mini:

Model Name- Mac Mini

Model Identifier- Macmini4, 1

Processor Name- Intel Core 2 Duo

Processor Speed- 2.4 GHz

Number of Processor- 1

Total Number of Cores- 2

L2 Cache- 3 MB

Memory- 2 GB

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Bus Speed- 1.07 GHz

Boot ROM Version- MM41.0042.B00

SMC Version (system) -1.65f2

Serial Number (system) - C07D6SUZDD6H

Hardware UUID- BBD086AE-4FA2-SF59-ASD8-29CF4FD36D1

Other information about the Mini Mac (the picture is from the Apple official


As you can see the Mini Mac has a big memory, great graphics and the size is

average. The size is average because it is a normal size of a computer hard drive. A

Mini Mac needs to have a lot of memory because the files from Logic or any other

software can to quite big. Also the graphics are be good because you can watch a

video and you can see it clearly. Plus the wires and cables are distinctly shown on

the back of the Mini Mac. This makes it easier for people how have never use one


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The wires and cables of a Mini Mac (the picture is from the Apple official


Software Instruments and Audio Channels:

You can add and delete these tracks.

To get a new Software Instrument track click on the plus button that is beside the

heading ‘Global Tracks’ Then select ‘Software Instrument’ and then click ‘Create’

at the bottom.

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To get a new Audio track click on the plus button that is beside the heading ‘Global

Tracks’ Then select ‘Audio’ and then click ‘Create’ at the bottom.

Audio Channels can be added in from your own files. You just go to file, import

audio file and then choose the file that you want.

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To add in Logic’s Software Instruments click on Media which is on the far right.

Then choose the instrument that you would like to use. (You can also click Search

Library and type in the instrument that you would like to use).

In the new version it will look like this:

Changing the colours of regions:

You can change the colour of the instrument and

audio regions. As shown on the right:

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The Transport Bar:

This includes:

• Start

• End

• Rewind

• Fast Forward

• Stop

• Play

The Inspector (Press the ‘I’ button on the QWERTY Keyboard):

This function allows you to edit your tracks and sound, for example, you can adjust

the volume of different tracks. Also, you can change the EQ (the levels of

frequency). Plus, you can add things like delay, echo etc. in too your work.



The Tempo Display!

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The Editors allows

you to mix and edit

midi and audio



These are all different types of EQ. Some are high and some low. You can vary the

EQ! You do this by making one instrument’s EQ high and the other one low. As, shown

in the screen shots above.

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The BPM:

BPM stands for Beats Per Minute. You can change the display of

the BMP. You can display it as beats or beats and time. It should

look like this:

The Click:

Also to keep you in time there is a click that you can turn on and off. Like this:

Pitch Correction:

If the pitch is wrong then you can change it by clicking on the inspector and then

clicking on the effects tab. Then you click on pitch, pitch correction and stereo.

When it comes up it should look like this:

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Scale of notes:

In Logic you add a wide range of notes. This is from B -1 to E 8. Here is an example

of a scale:

The Tool Box:

Do the tools work?

Some of the tools don't work well because when you try to use them they won't

doing anything, for example, the fade tool. However there is another way to fade

in and out. It is by Automation. Press the ‘A’ key on the computers' keyboard then

you can change the volume with the yellow lines. To get the yellow lines click on the

MIDI or audio region that you would like to edit. You can also pan with the


• Pointer Tool- This is the cursor. It allows you to click on things in Logic. (I

have used this tool).

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• Pencil Tool- This tool allows you to draw notes in the piano roll. (I have used

this tool).

• Eraser Tool- This tool allows you to delete things that you don’t need any

more. (I have used this tool).

• Finger Tool- This tool allows you to grab notes and change their length. You

can make them longer or shorter. (I have used this tool).

• Scissors Tool- This tool allows you to spilt notes/audio in half. (I have used

this tool).

• Glue Tool- This tool allows you to select multiple regions. This is by dragging

them. Then you click them with this tool. (I have not used this tool),

• Mute Tool- This tool allows you to turn off a sound and you can always put it

back on. (I have used this tool).

• Quantize Tool- With the pointer tool highlight the notes that you would like

to quantize. Then press ‘q’ on the QWERTY keyboard or go to the tool box

and click on the quantize tool. This makes the notes sound in time with

everything else. (This changes the rhythm). (I have used this tool).

• Velocity Tool- This tool allows you to change the force of the notes. So, say

if you hit the key hard the sound would be loud. However, this tool can make

it quieter. To use the velocity tool go in the tool box and click on it. Then

click on the note that you would like to change the velocity of. Go up for a

higher velocity and go down for a lower velocity. (I have used this tool),

• Zoom Tool- This tool allows you to make your working area zoom in. So, you

get a close-up view of your work. (I have used this tool),

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• Brush Tool- This tool allows you to paint in more than one note on the piano

roll at a time. (I have not used this tool).

• Automation Select Tool- Click on this tool and drag any control point. (I

have used this tool),

• Automation Curve Tool- The same goes with this tool. However, remember

to click on the right tool. (I have used this tool),

• Marquee Tool- This tool allows you to select and edit parts from one or

more regions. (I have not used this tool).

• Flex Tool - This tool allows you to edit the timing. So, once you have

selected this tool place it over the region body. Then, drag it. This creates

three markers called: the transient marker, the previous transient marker

and the following marker. Then select the marquee tool to edit all of the

parts that need editing. (I have not used this tool).

Shortcuts- cmd and then a letter, for example, cmd and then c is copy, Cmd and

then v is paste etc. (This is not in the tool box).

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Automation (Press the A key on the QWERTY keyboard):

This allows you to fade sounds and pan them. It also allows you to change the sound

of certain parts of the sounds. For example, you can make one sound get louder and

louder. This creates an affect!

The Piano Roll:

This is the place where you can view and edit your music. You can move the notes

up and down, change the length of them, delete them and add in more notes.

The Score:

You can view your music as musical notes by click on score. Note that you can’t edit

on the score you’ll have to go back to the Piano Roll.

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To loop go to the end of a MIDI Region and you will see the loop sign (look on the

screen shot). Then drag it to the right to create loops.

Here is an example of me using the

loop tool in my work:

As well as using different tools you can add in effects. My favourite effect is

reverb. Here is an example of me using the reverb effect in my work:

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And echo!

As well as looping and add in effects and you can layer things. You do this by

copying and pasting the same music/sound effects into different instrument or

audio regions,

for example:


All audio files can be bussed. This means that they are send and returned from the

send slots. The send slots are on the channel strips.

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Sidechain Compression:

Sidechain Compression is also known as ducking. This is used to play sustained

notes that will be compressed.

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The Compressor:

This is the compressor and it allow you to edit the music’s elements, for example,

attack and release.

Extra Information about Logic:

You can make powerful beats and have your wall of sound with synths and other

midi instruments. (These instruments are known as patches). Once you have

recorded the midi instruments or audio you can edit over it. One of the ways to do

this is using smart controls to change of the sound of your track, for example, you

can edit the Cut off and sine.

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Follow these steps to open up Logic successfully:

1. On your tool bar go to the first icon. (Only on Apple Mini Macs).

2. Open up your Documents.

3. Then click on Applications.

4. Search for ‘Logic’.

5. Make sure that it is on Applications.

6. To open up Logic, click on the first icon.

7. Click on New.

8. Next you click create. (Check the settings of the MIDI instruments and audio

files; and click on the one that you want to use).

9. Now you can start your project.

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How to create a new project:

Open Logic and click on Empty Project/New. This should bring you to a blank


How to open your project:

Open Logic and click on file then Open or Open Recent.

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How to save your project:

If you project is new and you have not saved it then click on Save As. Then find a

place to put it. However, if you have saved it before then click on Save. Also,

remember to type in your projects name and then click browse! (Not shown in

screen shot).


To bounce your project go to file, bounce. Then, go to where it says destination and

tick MP3. Finally click bounce in the bottom right. (Not shown in screen shot).

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Remember, to check the settings and make sure that you click on the right



To export your project go to file, export.

Important Keywords:

Keywords from Logic:

• Arrange Window- The working window of Logic. (Editors and arrange area).

• Arrange Area- The working space of Logic. (Recording, editing and MIDI

and Audio Regions).

• Bar Ruler- This includes the beats and beats divisions.

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• Playhead- This is the white vertical line that tells you the current playing

position of your project’s tracks.

• Left and Right Locaters- This is tells you the start and end of the cycle

range with the bar ruler.

• Cycle Function- This function repeats nonstop between left and right parts

of the locaters.

Film Music and sound effects:

In, Logic you can create music and sound effects to a film. You do this by importing

a video into Logic and then you work with the video in front of you, so you can get

the timing right. An example of this is: me creating sound effects and background

music to a clip from Star

Wars. Here is a screen

shot from my work:

Comparing methods and

my work:

In my work I don't always use the same method. For example, I sometimes use the

midi keyboard to write my music into Logic. But you can draw them in the piano roll.

Also this is a good idea because say if you did one not wrong on the MIDI

Keyboard. You can go onto the piano roll and edit that one note, rather than doing

the whole thing again.


Why, was the task set?

• The Logic Guide task was set to help us use Logic confidently. Also, we can

refer to our guides if we need help with using logic. Furthermore, we can

use it as research.

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• The radio advert task was set because radio adverts have music in them and

they are challenging to create. This is because they are of different lengths.

(1 minute, 30 seconds and 10 seconds).

How successful did my group’s radio advert project go?

• My group worked well together and we came up with ideas straight away.

• We knew how to create the radio adverts because we are certain on how to

use logic.

• Also, the three of us did one radio advert each.

• Moreover, we did some good research before we created our product.

• Our script is simple. However, was have added in humour to make the radio

adverts interesting.

• Lastly as group we decided to create radio adverts for an iPhone 7. But, this

iPhone is like no other because it includes: A built in knife to cut food with,

it comes in three different colours and it has many more different features.

What logic skills do I need to develop?

• I have not used the glue and brush tools yet. So, I need to use in them in my

next project.

• Secondly I should learn the keywords (Spelling and meaning) of this

software. To do this I will learn them twice a week and hopefully I should

remember them.

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The History of Logic & My Work over Time:

Logic 5

Logic 6

Logic Pro 6 (March 2004)

Logic Pro 7 (September 29 2004)

Logic Pro 8 (September 12 2007)

Logic Pro 9 (July 23 2009)

Logic Pro 9.1 (January 12 2010)

Logic Pro Studio 9 (December 9 2011) this is not available on DVD.

Logic Pro X (July 16, 2013)

(I have used Logic Pro 9 and Logic Pro X).

There is other software that allows you to make music. However they are not from

Apple. They are: Cubase, Fruity Loop, Sonar, Mixcraft, Pro Tools, Reason, Studio

One, Abieton Live, Samplitude Music Studio and Reaper.

(Out of these music software’s I have used Cubase and Fruity Loop).

The technology of today is expanding. We have computers that can do amazing

things. More software will be created over the years and more devices will be

made. So then we can make music to a new level. It will easy to produce music and

other products like audio books and soundscapes. This makes the world explore

music in a way.

Likewise the music industry is changing because more musicians and music

technicians are discovering their passion of music. Also the good thing is that

musicians and music technicians can work together. The technicians can record the

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singers and instrument players. Then the technicians can edit the song and add in

special effects. We can teach each other new skills. This is from playing

instruments to editing tracks.

As a music technician I have helped musicians record and edit their tracks, for

example, a singer played the keyboard and a keyboard player accompanied her. I

showed them how to add in special effects and how to bounce the track. They

enjoyed learning about Logic. They said that they have never seen anything like it

and they are glad that they tried this out.

However I still need to work on my Logic skills because there are some parts that

I am not sure of yet. But in future I will know what they mean and I can use them

in my work. This is from dance music to film music, which I have done before. I

learn from all of my work and I know what to change for next time.