LoFTI Data Center Power Point Presentation

1 Classroom Observations: LoFTI Evaluation Resources Link: Evaluation Resources Link: Capacity/ IMPACT II Meeting Union Middle School December 11/2007

Transcript of LoFTI Data Center Power Point Presentation

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Classroom Observations: LoFTI

Evaluation Resources Link:Evaluation Resources Link:

IMPACT II MeetingUnion Middle SchoolDecember 11/2007

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LoFTILoFTILooking For Technology Integration

Classroom technology observation protocol

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What is LoFTI?

An “observation protocol” – a standard way of getting data about technology use in classrooms

A “drop-in” visit, not an immersion LoFTI is not a teacher evaluation! Review the paper-pencil LoFTI

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LoFTI gathers evidence of how technology is actually being used

This is different from what people think or feel is happening

Records instances of particular uses, not the quality of use

Reports totals at the school level only

What data does it collect?

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Concepts examined by LoFTI Classroom organization Teacher and student activities Student-assessment methods Student engagement Technology’s role as a learning tool Hardware and software use

What data does it collect?

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Why would we use LoFTI?

You want to ask… How often is technology being used in

classrooms? What do classrooms look like when

technology is in use? What are teachers and students are doing with


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Why would we use LoFTI?

You want to ask… How engaged are students when using

technology? What hardware and software are used most

often by teachers and students?

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Determine who will do LoFTI visits Practice using LoFTI and compare results

among visitors Do a large number of LoFTI visits

Make visits unannounced Stay only 5-10 minutes See rooms at different times and days Avoid non-instructional times

How do we use LoFTI?

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Avoid influencing class activities Think about visitor placement Avoid temptation to provide feedback to teachers

Record only what is observed during the visit Keep track of visits but do not associate names

or room numbers with data

How do we use LoFTI?

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What can we learn from it?

Compare with STNA data to confirm classroom practices, student activities, and impact of technology

Use results to inform decisions about improving project implementation

Plan for how you will report results to staff members in a timely way

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The Observer

The observer doesn’t have to be a principal; in fact, it’s often desirable for teachers to observe each other.

It’s crucial that all observers be trained in how to use LoFTI before they actually use it. It’s not the same as observing teachers for their performance review.

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LoFTI page 1.

Is technology in use? # Students in Class vs. # Students

using technology Activities – Check only if technology

is being used

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LoFTI page 1.

There may be more than one response for each item – check all that apply

“Content Area” is defined by the learning goal(s) of the activity

Use of “Other” response

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LoFTI page 2.

Student engagement – Mark the percentage of students showing each positive indicator

Technology used as a tool – Adapted from Partnership for 21st Century Skill

Hardware – Definitions are broad

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LoFTI page 3.

Definition of “use” – Record who is actually “touching” the technology

Web applications are scripted programs, not types of resource (e.g., libraries)

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Using The Protocol

Visits are not scheduled. Keep a separate record of visits Avoid typical non-instructional times

– beginnings, endings, or transitions. Visit a given room at different times

and days of the week.

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Using The Protocol

Visit more rooms for shorter times rather than fewer rooms for longer times.

Spend at least 5 and not more than 10 minutes in each room.

If technology is not in use, mark “No” and move on – this is data.

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Using The Protocol

The observer’s presence will undoubtedly influence what they observe.

Be mindful of the observer’s placement and interactions with students and teachers.

Observers should record only what is observed during the actual visit.

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Using The Protocol

Teacher’s name or room number aren’t noted on the Observer Record.

Since LoFTI is intended for school use, it shouldn’t be used to give feedback to individual teachers.

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The Data Tally Tool

Emulates bar graph output of how often each instance occurs.

Update the Data Tally Tool regularly to avoid “embarrassing data build-up”.

Tallying is easiest with two people.

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The Data Tally Tool

Tally over a designated time or number of observations.

Will accommodate new data until any row is full.

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Interpreting LoFTI Data

Of the 60 visits technology-use was not observed on 14 occasions. Technology-use was observed in 46 (or 77%) instances.

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Interpreting LoFTI Data

Of the 46 instances in which technology-use was observed, the learning environment reflected that in:

•16 instances, technology-use was observed in the a classroom (35%)

•13 instances, technology-use was observed in a computer lab (28%)

•17 instances, technology-use was observed in the media center (37%)

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Interpreting LoFTI Data

First level – How often technology is used?

Second level – What technology tends to be in use?

Third level – What are the implications?

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Interpreting LoFTI Data

LoFTI data don’t allow you to see correlations or associations (e.g., how often calculators are used to teach math).

With this type of data, it’s not appropriate to do any further statistical analysis (e.g., determining means).

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Technology-Enabled LoFTI

Electronic version of LoFTI is being developed for Pocket PC, Palm, and Windows operating systems.

Data will be maintained on PC in each school, in Access databases.

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Technology-Enabled LoFTI

Electronic version of LoFTI is being developed for Pocket PC, Palm, and Windows operating systems.

Data will be maintained on PC in each school, in Access databases.

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LoFTI PDA Version

When initiating a new LoFTI observation:

•Select time in

•Select date

•Type, graffiti, or scroll to record the number of students in the classroom

•Type, graffiti, or scroll to record the number of students using technology

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LoFTI PDA Version

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LoFTI – PDA Version

Scroll to select the question to be answered.

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LoFTI – PDA VersionCheck box to respond to Yes/No questions and Teacher/Student use.

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LoFTI – PDA Version

Type or graffiti notes for text “other” responses.

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LoFTI – PDA Version

Use scroll bar or type response to behavioral involvement questions.

Save at any point and exit the observation file

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LoFTI – PDA Version

LoFTI generates a file number for each observation.

•File name format is mm/dd/yyyy/hh/mm/ss
