
Locations Doorstep used to flip the coin at the end of the trailer. This was used as it is conventional, the couple going to one of their houses and the doorstep is used a lot in romance films when they are saying goodbye.



Transcript of Locations.

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Doorstep used to flip the coin at the end of the trailer. This was used as it is conventional, the couple going to one of their houses and the doorstep is used a lot in romance films when they are saying goodbye.

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A church is used because it symbolises love and the commitment in a couple. This is where the coin falls at the start and a girl walks away as it lands on the floor. This will look effective as the coin falls on the cobbled floor, the sound will also make the coin falling effective. This is a religious place, connoting their romance.

The couple will sit on this bench together in the trailer. This shows them spending alone time together and making it more romantic. The sunset will be in the shot which makes it conventional because it gives off ambient lighting which will be low key lighting. This connotes intimacy and romance which is conventional.

The nightclub will be used so the couple can be shown spending time together and having a good time so it connotes their romance. This is where the female character receives a call about a job in another country. She exits the nightclub into a corridor with the camera tracking her talking to her manager over the phone. This will have low key lighting and this will connote romance and intimacy. This shows passion towards each other. It also highlights their age group.

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Picture of a corridor in cassanos. The shot will be of the female character on the phone to her manager. This creates suspicion of what is going on and leaves the audience as well as the male character intrigued.

This is a shot of a street where they are walking at night. The low key lighting will connote their romance and intimacy as they are also spending time together. They will be holding hands and talking down this road so it shows the closeness. The camera will show the female character slowly letting go of his hands, connoting a slight conflict.

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The lift in the airport. This is where Emma gets into the lift in a crowded airport with her luggage. The camera work is a long shot to begin with showing her surrounded by strangers in the lift to represent her loneliness. This then cuts to a mid-shot of her and another woman is used to show the dialogue between the characters. The lighting is ambient lighting which is in the lift is high key lighting, this contrasts the low key lighting in the first few scenes when she is with her boyfriend. This contrasts her from being in love to being alone.

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In her office/meeting room, lecturing the staff. This will be a wide shot of the office to allow the audience to see the professional setting. This is symbolic of independence and her career driven personality and how she is coping without her boyfriend. The high key lighting contrasts with the romantic low key lighting settings. The high key lighting represents how her morale is high with her new work colleagues. Also she is happy in her new position.

This is the male character’s office. This shows him on his own which signifies how he is isolated without his girlfriend. Also it contrasts how she is doing with her life and how he is doing. The lighting will be high key because it is in daytime and shows how he spends his days, which is alone at work. Also the shot will be a wide shot to show his small office and how secluded he is compared to her large office where she is surrounded by people.

The pub where the male character is with his friends drinking shots off the bar. His friends are cheering him on but the camerawork shows the male character to be upset and still feel

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lonely. Also the wide shot signifies that even though he is surrounded by his friends he still feels very isolated without his girlfriend.