Location Recee and Risk Assessment - Updated

Location Permission Form I ________________ hereby give permission to Cryptic Productions to film at 17 London Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AR On: 21 st January 2015 and 4 th March 2015 I understand and approve of the footage to be used for the student movie: Disturbance and agree for the location to be used on the provision that neither the location nor its owners are misrepresented. Signed: PRINT NAME: DATE:


The previous version had a few spelling and grammar mistakes and did not accommodate for the second day of filming.

Transcript of Location Recee and Risk Assessment - Updated

Location Permission Form

Location Permission Form

I ________________ hereby give permission to Cryptic Productions to film at

17 London Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AR

On: 21st January 2015 and 4th March 2015

I understand and approve of the footage to be used for the student movie: Disturbance and agree for the location to be used on the provision that neither the location nor its owners are misrepresented.






Location address:17 London RoadBuckinghamMK18 1ARDate of assessment:


Risk descriptionRisk [1-5] Severity [1-5]Prevention of risk




Mop up all puddlesHave wet floor signsNotify staff and cast of any water on floor.

Heights / stairs



Advise cast and staff stays on ground floor of set, if required to use stairs use the handrail and take them one step at a time.There will be no high shots so cast and crew will be on ground level at all times.




The public (residents of building) will most likely not be in. If so they will be notified when the camera is rolling to prevent disruption.

Other than residents, there will be no members of public as building is a personal residence.

Electricity, Equipment and Props



Knives will be used as a prop and therefore could be lethal if acting is absurd. To prevent we will remind all knife wielders that the handle is to be held and the blade should not make contact with skin or clothing.

When not in use knives will be replaced into their accommodation

Open flames



All cast and crew will be alerted of an open flame and are advised at all times to keep 2 metres away from a flame.If flames get out of control, a member of the crew will douse them. Cast are not to approach.


32Transportation will depend on the cast / crew. However all cast and crew have been informed that they are responsible for managing their own safety until on set. All cast will have been advised to travel with a trusted driver.

Local hospital:

Milton Keynes Hospital

Address and phone number:Standing WayEaglestoneMilton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK6 5LD

01908 660033

Local police:

Thames Valley PoliceAddress and phone number:In Emergency 999Non Emergency 0845 8 505 505

Declaration that location has been assessed for risk and safety risks and precautions have been considered.Signed:

Location ReceeLocation for: Home Scenes

Potential location: photo and addressPositives and negatives about location

18 Waine Close, Buckingham, MK18 1FG


- Cheap Cast Members Home

- Large Area of Space

- Convenient for cast and employees

- Drawer placement is perfect for Rose to reach behind and grab a knife to kill her boyfriend.

- Only one window to allow in natural light (image1)

- Home to loud Dogs. Will have to work around

- 2 Residents who are not involved in production could be in way on set

- Location is too large, (Image 2) would not be logical for the plot.

- Set has an orange like tint (Image 1 Window) (Image 2)

17 London Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AR


- Cheap Cast Members Home

- Large Area of Space for equipment (Image 3)

- Convenient for cast and employees

- Due to shooting time and date residents will be out

- Only one dog, who is quiet (no barking)

-Kitchen is perfect size for the scene as Rose would not be able to simply escape (image 2)

- Although Dog is silent, may be inquisitive and walk into frame as its bed is in kitchen (Image 3)

- Residents could be at home during recording could have un-necessary non diegetic sounds and interruptions

-Potential lighting problem (image 3) there is a large windowed door, which will allow sunlight in, and when sun is in correct place could cause lens flares whilst recording. This is further increased with the window (image 2)

Conclusion: The location at 17 London Road will be used as there will be less off screen distractions and the size is relevant for the situation and logical as Rose will not be able to simply run away



Location address:BuckinghamFord Street and Chandos WalkwayMK18 1AF

Date of assessment:


Risk descriptionRisk [1-5] Severity [1-5]Prevention of risk




As filming outside cast members will be made aware of puddles and are warned that any puddles could be frozen over depending on weather. Additionally at Chandos walkway Rose will be running next to a river and therefore there is a risk of tripping, rolling and falling in the river. The actress for Rose will be warned of this risk and advised to run on the opposite side of the pathway than the river side

Heights / stairs



All filming will be done on ground level outside so no risk of stairs. However, Rose will be running slightly uphill and downhill in the two locations and could trip. So they are advised to survey the route first to be familiar with potential obstacles


53As filming in a public place there is the opportunity for members of public to be in the shot, and therefore multiple takes will be needed. For prevention, shooting would need to occur at the height of the working day.

Electricity, Equipment and Props


Due to filming in public there will be no electrical risk. In terms of equipment, they will be placed on the grassy bank(s) available to prevent the actress and cast from tripping over them. All cast and crew will be told of equipment location to avoid any potential casualties. Additionally they will be placed out of the way so members of public cannot cause harm to themselves

Open flames

11There is a highly unlikely chance that there will be an open flame as shooting will be in public so an open flame could cause a small inferno. Therefore all cast and crew are advised to stay away from the blaze and call 999 for the Fire Service.


32Transportation will depend on the cast / crew. However all cast and crew have been informed that they are responsible for managing their own safety until on set. All cast will have been advised to travel with a trusted driver.

Local hospital:

Milton Keynes Hospital

Address and phone number:Standing WayEaglestoneMilton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK6 5LD

01908 660033

Local police:

Thames Valley PoliceAddress and phone number:In Emergency 999Non Emergency 0845 8 505 505

Declaration that location has been assessed for risk and safety risks and precautions have been considered.Signed:

Location ReceeLocation for: Running Scenes

Potential location: photo and addressPositives and negatives about location

Ford Street, Buckingham, MK18 1AF


Cheap Public Place

No permissions needed for filming at location

Concealed, not much traffic going through.

Small decline then is flat ground, easy for Rose to run down- All traffic (if any) will be pedestrians will need permission from each of them to be in finished product. If not will have to re-shoot shot

- Close to main road (top image) opportunity for un-required non diegetic sound

Chandos Park Walkway, Along Side Great River Ouse (Buckingham)


Small tight walkway, connotation of isolation.

Easy to access from previous location.

Is a public place so there is no cost to record footage.

No permissions needed for filming at location

Public pathway that joins park to town, potential pedestrians who cannot be in shoot. So shots will have to be taken by opportunity

Close to park and play area, un needed non diegetic sounds from children

As shown in Image 2, depending on the time of day and camera angle there is a risk of lens flares.

Conclusion: Both locations will be used but in different shots as it will give the feel as though Rose is actually running from the police and therefore having two locations that are connected will give a more realistic feel for the local audience.