



Transcript of Location

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Page 2: Location

Westminster bridge We went to Westminster bridge to shoot for establishing shots.

I chose to use Westminster bridge because it’s a piece of London history which makes it easy for our audience to know the setting of our trailer.

We shot this scene in the dark because it connotes to the fact that there’s darkness and crime in London

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Nunhead was chosen for many reason. One main reason is that its quiet which allows us to film with out any background noise which doesn’t fit with our film.

Nunhead is good because certain parts has street lights which worked great for scenes which need good lighting and scene which didn’t was still available

Nunhead is also good because it has a lot of open space which worked well with the scene where he is gets captioned because it allowed the scene to progress rather than make it short.

Nunhead was also chosen because it because its set in a lower class society which fits the predicate of our trailer.

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As producer I chose Vauxhall because its very modernized which represents middle class to upper class which correlate to our main character who is wealthy. Which will make sense to the audience.

Vauxhall is also used as a contrast with Nunhead which shows the division between different social groups

which is also used as a metaphorical way to show the difference between good and bad because the heroic character is from the good part of the city where as the villains are from the bad, which makes it easier for the audience to identify the role of the characters