located in the western mountain range of the Andes, La ... · are considered two of the top five...

located in the western mountain range of the Andes, La Hesperia is part of the “Tropical Andes” and the “Chocó-Darien-Western Ecuador”, two of the top five biodiversity hotspots on earth due to the high levels of biodiversity and the number of endemic species found within these threatened ecosystems.

Transcript of located in the western mountain range of the Andes, La ... · are considered two of the top five...

Page 1: located in the western mountain range of the Andes, La ... · are considered two of the top five biodiversity hotspots on earth due to the high levels of biodiversity and the number

located in the western mountain range of the Andes, La Hesperia is part of the “Tropical Andes” and the “Chocó-Darien-Western Ecuador”, two of the top five

biodiversity hotspots on earth due to the high levels of biodiversity and the number of endemic species found

within these threatened ecosystems.

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The Jatun Sacha Foundation is proud to present La Hesperia, its seventh biological

station and reserve. In November of 2003, after 30 years of family-run conservation

efforts, the family and the Jatun Sacha Foundation entered into a co-operative

agreement in order to expand and improve the preservation of this important

ecological area. This type of conservation management model has shown excellent

results. Working co-operatively, family landowners receive support for their

conservation efforts and are therefore able to preserve more forest within Ecuador

and around the world.

At La Hesperia there are three types of forest: pre-montane evergreen forest, low

montane forest and high montane cloud forest. La Hesperia is also an extremely

important area for conservation of biodiversity and the protection of local


The station works in natural conservation, combating deforestation, protecting

existing forest, restoring degraded areas and searching for sustainable activities that

enable us to support the reserve and to offer a better way of life for the local

community as well as those who work and live at the reserve.

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La Hesperia is located in the western mountain range of the Andes, within the heart

of the protected forest “Toachi-Pilatón”, at an altitude between 1100 – 2040 meters

above sea level and covering 814 hectares. La Hesperia is part of two important

bioregions, the “Tropical Andes” and the “Chocó-Darién-Western Ecuador”, which

are considered two of the top five biodiversity hotspots on earth due to the high

levels of biodiversity and the number of endemic species found within these

threatened ecosystems. This station is also located in the center of the Rio Toachi-

Chiriboga IBA (Important Bird Area, declared by Bird Life International and

Conservation International).


Currently, 273 bird species have been identified at La Hesperia, of which 10 are

endemic to the region and 7 are vulnerable or in danger of extinction. Our bird list is

not yet complete, but it is assumed that there are approximately 320 species. The

reserve is the ideal place to observe the colourful Cock of the Rock, Golden-headed

Quetzal, Toucan Barbet, Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Wattled Guan, Dark-backed

Wood-Quail, Red-billed Parrot, Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Empress Brilliant and

Violet-tailed Sylph. Many different mammal species including agouties, White-

fronted capuchin monkeys, tayra, collared peccaries, jaguarondi, ocelot, armadillos,

bats, squirrels and deer, have also been observed.

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The reserve combats deforestationn (one of the leading

threats) in a number of ways: first, and foremost, by

protecting existing forests (and by reforesting degraded

areas) and by working to find methods for sustainable

development and economic integration. La Hesperia is

striving to become a model of integrated farming with the

concept of preservation of the natural forest as a primary

objective. This method will sustain the reserve and will

help to promote economic activities that are

environmentally friendly while also beneficial for the

local communities.

The main objectives are:

• Protect existing forests

• Maintain the reserve as an IBA (Important Birds Area)

• Create sustainable development

• Community integration

• Restore degraded areas within and outside the reserve

• Environmental education

• Research with an emphasis on sustainable development

• Share our experiences


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• There are currently two volunteer houses, providing beds for up to 30 volunteers

at a time. Both have a bathroom with hot shower, social areas and great views of

the cloud forest.

• We offer laundry services free of charge.

• Electricity and running water.

• Cell-phone available in case of emergency.

• Ecuadorian and bilingual staff (English, Spanish and French).

• No malaria cases reported in the area.


At La Hesperia Biological Station & Reserve we have designed three different

programs for our volunteers: (A) Conservation in the Cloud Forest; (B) In the Way to

Sustainability, and (C) Social Development. Even thought you share

accommodations and will receive the same services as other volunteers, you will

participate in activities focused on your interest. In addition to participating in our

programs you will have the opportunity to learn and practice Spanish.

Chose the program that best matches your interests!

If you consider yourself as a generalist and you want a taste of everything it is

possible, just let us know.

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Program A: Conservation in the Cloud Forest

Ecuador is considered one of the seventeen MEGADIVERSE countries, with forty-six

different types of ecosystems; the country is the most diverse in the world with

respect to its surface area. Ecuador holds second place in the world for its diversity of

orchids and amphibians. Even though, its biodiversity an average of 200.000 hectares

of the Ecuadorian forest disappear every year.

The cloud forest has the highest diversity of epiphyte plants and has one of the

highest endemism rates in the world. The most important goal of La Hesperia is to

protect part of this amazing ecosystem and to fight against deforestation. However,

this fight is not easy and we need as much help as we can, everybody should

participate in conservation efforts, because conservation is a shared responsibility.

The details of this program are given below and outline the areas which the

volunteer is involved in

• Volunteer’s Profile:

This program has been designed for volunteers with an interest in nature,

conservation, research, botany, wildlife and outdoors life.

Minimum commitment: 2 weeks

• Forestry Program: Restoring Degraded Areas

The station is working to restore several areas through natural regeneration and by

reforesting them with tree species important to the natural environment. The main

activities of this part of the program are to cultivate plants in the nursery, to prepare

the old pastures for reforestation and to open reforestation lines. Volunteers assist in

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collecting and planting seeds, maintaining the

nursery, transplanting seedlings, tree care,

opening reforestation lines and conducting

forestry inventories of planted trees to evaluate

their growth and survival.

• Sustainable Wood Production

Due to the worldwide demand for hardwood it is important to plant trees for

sustainable use, instead of cutting old-growth trees that belong to the natural forests.

Since the steep geography of the region does not permit intensive agriculture and

cattle farming, the best economic alternative is wood production. In addition to

trying to resolve poverty, forestry also contributes to the

fight against global warming; an average of twenty tones of carbon dioxide is

absorbed per year by one hectare of trees in growth. Also since some of these species

are rare, cultivating them will help to maintain their genetic viability.

At the station we are planting several species of trees for sustainable use, including

mahogany, cedar, colorado and tangaré among others. As we research the best

methods for sustainable development, we will share our knowledge of agro-forestry

with local communities to encourage and enable them to adopt a similar approach.

• Wildlife Program:

Birds inventory (volunteers with expertise in bird-watching). Volunteer are in charge

to plant botanical species that will provide food for the wild animals. Also they will

report any mammal sight, for our Mammal sight-frequency research, monitoring

nests when found. We are trying to develop a system for having mammal feeders

• Research:

Volunteers will collect and analyze data from the different research areas. Hardwood

trees’ phenology, germination success of important species. .In addition, volunteers

will collect basic weather information like temperature and rainfall.

• Organic Vegetable Garden

Volunteers will research of plagues, manufacture of insect traps, when needed.

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NOTE: If you are only interested in conducting research, you will not be considered

a volunteer. The conditions and price of your stay will vary. To conduct research at

the station, you are required to submit a formal proposal before arriving and to have

all the legal national permissions.

• Trail Maintenance:

Volunteers will maintain or create the trails of the reserve with a machete.

• Medicinal Garden:

Volunteers will maintain the medicinal garden.

• New Ideas:

Volunteers with the relevant experience may contribute by helping to write grant

proposals and other communications on behalf of the reserve.

• Spanish classes:

We offer basic and intermediate Spanish classes. Classes are one hour a day for four

days a week (Monday to Thursday). Levels start every first and third Monday of the

month; however, you are welcome to incorporate at any day. Classes are conducted

in small groups according to the level at US$4,00 per hour.For those with advance

Spanish level the best way of improving your skills is to practice everyday with the

local staff.

• Hikes and lectures:

The staff offers hikes and lectures

according to the volunteers´ interests.

Topics may include: The World Energy

Situation, Conservation and the Human

Element, Ecology of the Cloud Forest,

Reforestation, The Political and

Economical Situation of Ecuador,

Ecuadorian Culture, Agro-diversity and

many more.

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At times, the work will involve working with the local staff which will give you the

opportunity to have cultural exchange and practice Spanish. All volunteers living at

the station will participate in maintenance and development of the station

infrastructure. Volunteers are not tourists and are expected to work full days as all

other employees of the station. They should be able to undertake strenuous and

sometimes tedious labour under basic conditions.


Program B: In the Way to Sustainability

The availability of natural resources, especially the energy resources in the world, is

decreasing. According to scientific studies, with the present average world energy

consumption and the present population, the fossil fuels will disappear in 200 years.

However, if the population and the desire of countries to develop continue to

increase, fossil fuels will disappear in 18 years if all consumption was equal to that of

the developed nations! (Neville 1978; Hoeneisen 2005)

The modern world is competitive and therefore all are striving to be more efficient

and so, unfortunately, the irrational use of chemicals, hormones, bad treatment of

animals as well as deforestation are extremely common. In addition to this, the ever

increasing demand for vehicles and industrial production contribute to the alarming

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rate of global warming increase. To combat these issues, before it is too late, we feel it

is necessary to learn to live in harmony with the environment in a sustainable way.

By reducing our energy consumption, reducing our waste, producing and eating

organic and healthy food, and by beginning tolerant but aware: We should develop

in education and not in consumption. .Highly aware of the situation in the world

today, La Hesperia is striving to become a model of sustainability. We encourage

anyone and everyone to be part of our volunteer programs. During your experience

you will not only help us achieve our goals and contribute to the conservation of the

environment, but you will also develop new skills and you will learn about

sustainable wood production, alternative animal production, organic agriculture,

bio-food production, alternative energy and eco construction. This program will not

only let you travel to a new country, it will get you back to time when there was less

consumption and life was more simple. The details of this program are given below

and outline the areas which the volunteer is involved in.

• Volunteer’s Profile:

This program has been designed for volunteers with an interest in nature,

sustainability, agriculture, animal breeding, bio-food, organic vegetable garden and

outdoors life.

Minimum commitment: 3 weeks

• Organic Vegetable Garden:

Preparing soil, planting seeds, weeding, harvesting and general maintenance.

• Production of Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides:

Maintenance of compost heaps, earth worms, manure tea, mulch, etc.

• Organic Agriculture:

Maintenance of banana, coffee, sugar cane, citric fields (clearing with a machete,

weeding, fertilizing, pruning, harvesting mature products).

• Alternative Animal Production:

Cows, pigs, chickens, goats, horses, mules, ducks,

geese, rabbits. Volunteers will participate in activities

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like: feeding these animals, planting the crops to feed them, maintenance of pastures,

fencing, milking and taking the milk on the mule into the town.

• Bio-food Production:

Volunteers will participate in the process of preparation of home-made cheese,

butter, yogurt, chocolate, coffee, pasta, bread, pizza, dry fruits and vinegar.

• Forestry Program & Sustainable Wood Production:

Wood production of native species can become an economical alternative to local

communities in Ecuador. In addition to trying to resolve poverty, forestry also

contributes to the fight against global warming; an average of tw

enty tones of carbon dioxide is absorbed per year by one hectare of trees in growth.

Volunteer activities could include: Collecting seeds, nursery maintenance, trail

maintenance, tree care and reforestation.

• Medicinal Garden:

Volunteers will maintain the medicinal.

• Eco-construction:

Construction with COB, bamboo and wood depending on the time of the year. If at

the time of your stay there is not a current construction project, if volunteers are

interest the staff will conduct a COB workshop.

• Alternative Energy:

Volunteers could assist in the sugar cane field for potential future production of

ethanol as a renewable fuel to replace the use of oil. In 2008 we will continue with the

evaluation of possible energy projects, consulting experts and making agreements

with relevant institutions. We are open to any kind of cooperation.

• New Ideas:

Volunteers with the relevant experience may contribute by helping to write grant

proposals and other communications on behalf of the reserve.

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• Spanish classes:

We offer basic and intermediate Spanish classes. Classes are one hour a day for four

days a week (Monday to Thursday). Levels start every first and third Monday of the

month; however, you are welcome to incorporate at any day. Classes are conducted

in small groups according to the level at US$4,00 per hour.For those with advance

Spanish level the best way of improving your skills is to practice everyday with the

local staff.

• Hikes and lectures:

The staff offers hikes and lectures according

to the volunteers´ interests. Topics may

include: The World Energy Situation,

Conservation and the Human Element,

Ecology of the Cloud Forest, Reforestation,

The Political and Economical Situation of

Ecuador, Ecuadorian Culture, Agro-

diversity and many more. At times, the work

will involve working with the local staff

which will give you the opportunity to have

cultural exchange and practice Spanish. All

volunteers living at the station will

participate in maintenance and development of the station infrastructure. Volunteers

are not tourists and are expected to work full days as all other employees of the

station. They should be able to undertake strenuous and sometimes tedious labour

under basic conditions.




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Program C: Social Development

Ecuador is a country rich in culture, fourteen ethnic groups co-exist with their own

language and Cosmo vision. However, in a country where 80% of the people live

below the poverty line, opportunities for volunteers abound. One of La Hesperia’s

goals is to empower local communities, especially the La Esperie community located

close to the station. It is a small village of 50 families with a two-room elementary

school, a medical centre, two carpentry shops, a small store, and a traditional sweets

factory. Volunteers can foster community development through several projects. The

details of this program are given below and outline the areas which the volunteer is

involved in.

• Volunteer’s Profile:

This program has been designed for volunteers with advance level of Spanish

language, with interest in education, social development, cultural exchange, practice

of Spanish and working with children.

Minimum commitment: Four months. If you come for less than four months or you

do not have advance level of Spanish you can still participated in some social

activities, however, you should combine the program with one of the other programs

that we offer. You can not focus exclusively in the social development program.

• Teaching:

Volunteers can teach at the local elementary school to children whose ages´ range

from eight to twelve (not available from February to the second week of April). The

teaching topic will be chosen according to your own skills

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• Health Program:

Volunteers with knowledge of first-aid or medicine have the opportunity to get

involved with the community by working in the clinic assisting the nurse in charge.

La Esperie’s medical centre serves approximately 120 families, but the services are

limited. In the past volunteers have given shots, taken patients’ vital signs and

distributed medication. They have also made visits to families and local schools to

provide instruction about preventative medicine. The medical centre was able to

expand its services when La Hesperia and the community established a pharmacy

where they sell medication at a discounted price. Because the budget of the medical

centre is limited, donations for medical supplies and medication are always

appreciated. Please contact us for more information about needed supplies as

demand varies according to the time of year.

• Volunteer Community Program:

Volunteers have the opportunity to have cultural exchange and practice their

Spanish by living and working with the family of Joaquin Jácome in the village of La

Esperie. Joaquin and his family have invited volunteers to help out with daily

activities on their farm. Activities may include: Preparing organic fertilizer, working

with medicinal plants, planting, harvesting and maintaining granadilla (type of

passion fruit), working with cattle, and other activities depending on the need of the

family. Volunteers can divide their stay with a mixture of the other two programs

but must stay with Joaquin and his family for a minimum of one week. To live with

the Jácome family is not mandatory of this program is just an option.

• New Ideas:

Volunteers with the relevant experience may contribute by helping to write grant

proposals and other communications on behalf of the reserve.

• Spanish classes:

We offer basic and intermediate Spanish classes. Classes are one hour a day for four

days a week (Monday to Thursday). Levels start every first and third Monday of the

month; however, you are welcome to incorporate at any day. Classes are conducted

in small groups according to the level at US$4,00 per hour. For those with advance

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Spanish level the best way of improving your skills is to practice everyday with the

local staff.

• Hikes and lectures:

The staff offers hikes and lectures according to the volunteers´ interests. Topics may

include: The World Energy Situation, Conservation and the Human Element,

Ecology of the Cloud Forest, Reforestation, The Political and Economical Situation of

Ecuador, Ecuadorian Culture, Agro-diversity and many more. At times, the work

will involve working with the local staff which will give you the opportunity to have

cultural exchange and practice Spanish. In this program you can combine social

work at the community with activities in the station of the programs Conservation in

the Cloud Forest and In the way to Sustainability. All volunteers living at the station

will participate in maintenance and development of the station infrastructure.

Volunteers are not tourists and are expected to work full days as all other employees

of the station. They should be able to undertake strenuous and sometimes tedious

labour under basic conditions.




These have been written in order to better prepare you as a volunteer, not only for

the work that you will be involved in but also for the environment you will be living


We understand that each individual situation will vary somewhat, so we cannot

guarantee that everything will be the same as described for every individual,

although this is a good general outline of what you should expect when volunteering

in Ecuador.

It is important to emphasise that you are dealing with another culture when you are

volunteering internationally. The way you would approach a particular situation in

your own country is not necessarily the appropriate way to handle it in Ecuador.

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Your time and commitment to the programme is valued, but please remember that

you are a guest of the country and will no doubt be viewed as a representative of

your homeland.

If you have any queries you would like to discuss about the information provided

here, please direct them to your volunteer coordinator.


Volunteers can enjoy of their free time in or outside the reserve

Activities INSIDE the reserve that volunteers can do by themselves

♦ Walks through the cloud forest and along streams and waterfalls

♦ Bird watching around the volunteer house or within the primary forest

♦ Horseback riding *

♦ Relaxing walks through the self-guided orchid, medicinal and meditation


♦ Night hikes to search for nocturnal animals

♦ Camping *

* Volunteers will be charged extra for these activities

Attractions OUTSIDE the reserve

One hour from La Hesperia

♦ rafting or kayaking on the Blanco and Baba rivers (starting from the station)

♦ Santo Domingo de los Colorados (from the bus terminal in Santo Domingo

you can travel to any town within Ecuador)

♦ the native Tsachila (Colorados) community of Chigüilpe

Two hours from La Hesperia

♦ Quito, the capital of Ecuador

♦ Perdernales Beach

♦ Cotopaxi National Park and El Boliche Reserve

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♦ mountains: Corazón, the Ilinizas, and Pasochoa

Three to four hours from La Hesperia

♦ the Quilotoa loop

♦ Latacunga and the Saquisili Market

♦ the traditional market in Otavalo

♦ La Mitad del Mundo, the equator line and museum

♦ mountains: Cayambe, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Pichinchia

Four to six hours from La Hesperia

♦ coast towns: Canoa, Montañita, Atacames, Mompiche

♦ Chimborazo Mountain, the highest peak in Ecuador

♦ Baños, known for its thermal baths and adventure sports (hiking, mountain

biking, horseback riding, and rafting)

♦ Riobamba, the starting point for the Devil’s Nose train ride


POSTAL ADDRESS: Fundación Jatun Sacha

Eugenio de Santillán N34 248 y Maurian

Casilla 17 12 867, Quito-Ecuador, Sudamérica

TEL: (593 2) 243 2240 (Quito Office)

EMAIL: [email protected]

CONTACT NAME: Daniela Cruz, Volunteer Coordinator

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A) Financing: Volunteers must pay their own expenses, including airfare to

Ecuador and living costs while in the country.

B) Costs for Volunteering:

- Application fee: There exists a USD $40 application fee to apply for the Jatun Sacha

Foundation Volunteer Program in Continental Station. Volunteers pay only once (per

year) the application fee.

-Volunteer fee: For any continental station, the monthly cost is USD $415, the cost

depends on the number of weeks. The Fees include: Coordination of the volunteers

in Quito and at the reserves, 3 meals a day, plus lodging in cabins that are shared

with other volunteers and researchers.

C) Payment

Fees must be paid before entering or while the orientation meeting. Volunteer fees

must be paid in advance and are non-refundable. Volunteers may pay the volunteer

fees with travel checks (only with $100 dollar denominations or less), in cash or via

bank transfer.

D) Duration of Volunteer Work:

The minimum time limit for volunteers /internships is 14 days. Volunteers will need

a visa if staying in Ecuador more than 90 days).

E) Health Insurance:

Volunteers must have their own international health insurance and need to sign a

waiver to release Jatun Sacha from responsibility from any illness or injury incurred

in Ecuador. There exists a small risk of malaria at our biological stations located in

the Manabí and Esmeraldas provinces on the Ecuadorian coast (specifically at the

following reserves: Lalo Loor, Bilsa, and Congal). Therefore volunteers must supply

their own malaria prophylaxis while volunteering at either of these four sites.

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F) Work Schedules:

Volunteers are expected to work 8 hours a day, 22 days per month, therefore having

8 vacation days per month to be used upon approval of the project coordinator.

G) Educational Requirements:

University study is not a prerequisite to be accepted into the Program. Prospective

volunteers should have interest in conservation and related human issues.

H) Extra costs:

While at the reserves, volunteers need approximately $30 USD per week for

additional costs (beverages, community visits, postcards, etc). However, please take

along small bills to the reserves ($5 USD denominations or less).


The Application Procedure consists in sending to us:

1) Application letter indicating: experience in conservation activities, future interests,

reasons for applying, preferred station and participation dates (participation dates

are needed to guarantee space availability).

2) Doctor’s note stating you are fit to participate in all activities required of you OR

Proof of international travel Insurance.

3) 2 passport size photographs

4) If you have an original project include the work plan (2-5 pages)

5) US$ 40 for application fee (write check in USD currency to Fundación Jatun Sacha)



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Please note that you need a full valid passport. Some countries do not require a visa

for Ecuador, please confirm this with the embassy. Upon entry you will be issued

with a 3 month permit (at no cost). Visit extensions of a further 90 days can be

obtained through the local immigration authorities. Make sure the correct date and

length of stay in the country is entered onto your visa when at immigration. Longer-

term visitors need to obtain a volunteer visa. We can help you sending you all the

documents you required for paperwork.


You will need to fly to Quito international airport, and make your way to a hotel.

Taxis from the airport to the centre of Quito cost approximately US$5. After arrival

you will have to attend an introduction meeting at the Jatun Sacha Foundation main

offices in Quito (see the contact details above).

Introductory meetings are at 3pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. During

these meetings you will receive all the information you need to volunteer in the

project. If you need to change this time, please contact Daniela Cruz by email or

phone (details above) to change the appointment time. You will need to bring two

passport photos to this meeting.

The entrance days to La Hesperia Biological Station are from Monday to Thursday.

Please note that you will be responsible for your own travel costs to the individual

project site. In the offices you will receive all the information you need for the next



Take a taxi (about US$2 from the popular Amazonas tourist area) to the intersection

of Av. Republica and Av. 10 de Agosto. At this point head one block west (toward

the Pichincha volcano) and the first street on your left is called Teresa de Cepeda

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(around the park of the Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial). From this point, (Av.

Republica and Teresa de Cepeda), go one block up hill (north) on Teresa de Cepeda

and take the first left onto the street named Maurian. This street (Maurian) runs into

Santillan, at which point you need to take another left on Santillan. Travel 1/2 block

and you will find the office.


The Ecuadorian currency is the US Dollar. In general we recommend that you take

travellers cheques or worldwide recognised credit cards instead of cash as your main

source of money. Please be aware that you may have a maximum limit on cash

withdrawal for your bank card in a single day, so it is advisable to come with most of

the cash you’ll need right away to avoid complications or delays in getting the cash

you need.

Ecuador is a cheap country in which to live. A normal person’s daily expenses

(excluding room, laundry and board) range between US $10 to US$15. Urban public

transport is US$0.25 one-way regardless of distance. There are many interesting

points to visit on your own, within the country, especially volcanoes and the jungle.


High altitude, e.g. in Quito (2800 metres) can affect some people's health. You should

check with your doctor if you have any doubts before you travel. If visiting Quito

you are advised to take it easy for the first couple of days.


Field Base safety

All members will be informed of the risks, health and safety procedures for the field

base on arrival. It is imperative that everyone both understands and respects them.

Volunteer safety

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Look after your passport and take a separate photocopy with you. Do not wear

jewelry or walk around areas outside with valuable items on display e.g. cameras.

Do not carry large amounts of cash. In the unlikely event that you are targeted for

your belongings, hand them over without resistance.


Things to Wear

• Rubber boots: A MUST! You can bring them from your country or can buy a

pair in Quito for USD$6.

• Rainponcho or raincoat

• Working Gloves or garden gloves!

• Another pair of good walking shoes.

• Work clothes (long sleeve shirts –light colors- and pants, easy to dry)

• Swim suit.

• Flip flops or rubber sandals

• Loads of socks (these will be your best friends!)

• Loads of T-shirts

• Hat

Toiletries and Medicine:

• Biodegradable shampoo, biodegradable soap, biodegradable detergent, etc!

• General toiletries, such as toothbrush, toothpaste,

• Enough insect repellent for your stay, especially for the Congal, Lalo Loor,

and San Cristobal stations.

• First-aid kit including: pharmaceuticals (e.g. Neosporin, Hydrogen Peroxide)

to clean small wounds and blisters, band aids, sports tape in case of twisted

ankles, knees, aspirin or other headache medicine

• Sunscreen

Other necessary items:

• Daypack (A MUST!)

• Towel(s)

• Flashlight and extra batteries (A MUST!)

Page 23: located in the western mountain range of the Andes, La ... · are considered two of the top five biodiversity hotspots on earth due to the high levels of biodiversity and the number

• A good pocketknife (with can and bottle opener)

• Books or other reading material, playing cards, dominos, etc.

• Journal and pens

• Clothes washing soap or detergent (biodegradable please).

• Ziplock bags

• Mosquito bed nets


Go to Transportes Ecuador bus station in Quito, located on Av. Juan Leon Mera and

Robles. Buy a ticket that leaves at 8:00 from Quito to Santo Domingo de los

Colorados. La Hesperia is located 58 kilometers from Quito along the Aloag-Santo

Domingo road, which heads toward the coast (Pichincha Province). Eleven

kilometers (approx 10 minutes) past Tandapi (this town is also known as Cornejo

Astorgas on maps) you will find the town of La Esperie, and on the left side a stone

arch that indicates the entrance to the reserve. The lodge is ten minutes by jeep (or

thirty minutes on foot) from the entrance, about 1.5 kilometres by a picturesque

cobblestone road.