Local Struggles: Organizing for a National Plan of Action


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Statement of the No More Trayvon Martin's campaign about how to organize for National Plan of Action for Racial Justice on a local level.

Transcript of Local Struggles: Organizing for a National Plan of Action

Page 1: Local Struggles: Organizing for a National Plan of Action


Local  Struggles:  Organizing  for  the  National  Plan  of  Action    for  Racial  Justice  at  the  City,  County,  and  State  Level  

 The  fight  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  is  not  just  a  fight  targeting  the  federal  government.  Nor  is  it  a  fight  to  just  create  more  government  policies  and  institutions  for  monitoring  rights  abuses  with  few  resources  and  no  real  accountability  measures.  This  fight  is  ultimately  a  local  fight,  one  that  must  be  waged  and  won  on  every  block,  neighborhood,  city,  county,  and  state.    

The  “national”  component  of  the  demand  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  is  to  ensure  that  no  one  state  can  opt  out  of  complying  with  the  demands  for  racial  justice.  We  want  to  make  sure  that  there  is  no  recourse  to  “state’s  rights”,  which  have  been  used  for  centuries  to  reinforce  white  supremacy  and  apartheid,  particularly  in  the  south  and  the  southwest  against  Indigenous  nations,  New  Afrikans  and  Xicanos.    

The  demand  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  is  a  demand  for  structural  change  at  every  level  of  government  –  city,  county  (parish,  borough,  etc.),  state,  and  federal.  But,  as  already  stated,  it  must  first  be  waged  and  won  on  a  local  level.  This  battle  starts  with  individuals  and  organizations  adopting  the  demand  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice.  Upon  adoption,  individuals  and  organizations  must  then  engage  in  mass  outreach  to  educate  more  people  about  the  National  Plan  of  Action  framework  and  what  it  would  enable.  Following  the  education  work,  the  next  step  is  to  organize  people  to  support  a  campaign  of  struggle  to  win  the  demand.  After  you  have  established  a  base  of  organizers  to  wage  this  campaign,  the  next  step  is  to  build  strong  local  coalitions  that  are  prepared  to  engage  in  various  self-­‐defense  activities  and  offensive  campaign  initiatives  that  seek  to  transform  the  institutions  and  practices  of  local,  county,  and  state  governments  by  having  them  adopt  action  plans  for  racial  justice.    

Some  of  the  initiatives  of  self-­‐defense  that  are  suggested  entail:  

• Organizing  Cop  or  Police  Watch  forces  that  canvass  communities  and  directly  monitor  police  practice,  document  police  harassment  (i.e.  racial  profiling,  stop  and  frisk,  etc.)  and  abuse,  and  serve  as  deterrence  against  police  terrorism,  particularly  in  communities  of  oppressed  peoples.    

• Organize  Peoples  Self-­‐Defense  Coalitions  and  Campaigns  that  seek  to:  a)  educate  communities  to  know  their  fundamental  human  rights  and  their  basic  civil  rights  as  a  means  of  providing  protection  against  police  and  other  forms  of  state  terrorism  (i.e.  surveillance,  entrapment,  etc.),  b)  create  legal  coalitions  and  clinics  to  partner  with  Cop  or  Police  Watch  forces  to  fight  cases  of  police  terrorism,  and  c)  serve  as  an  organizing  base  to  launch  local  legislative  campaigns  and  initiatives.    

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• Organize  People’s  Hearings  or  Tribunals  to  thoroughly  document  local  incidences  of  police  terrorism  and  state  repression  to  continue  to  educate  and  inform  local  communities  and  to  gather  evidence  that  can  be  used  to  pursue  legal  remedies  both  domestically  (in  US  courts)  and  internationally  (through  Inter-­‐American  Commission  or  the  United  Nations)  the  and  to  reinforce  demands  of  various  organizing  campaigns.    

Some  of  the  offensive  campaign  initiatives  suggested  entail:  

• Campaign  for  City,  County,  or  State  level  Plans  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  that  would  entail:    o The  creation  of  comprehensive  Police  Control  Boards,  that  are  elected  by  local  

communities  and  possess  the  power  to  subpoena  and  to  take  legal  and  other  corrective  action  against  police  and  other  public  officials  in  violation  of  human  rights  

o Local  control  ordinances  and  legislation  that  would  specifically  stop  repressive  policies  like  “stop  and  frisk”,  racial  profiling,  programs  like  secure  communities  or  S  COMM  of  Homeland  Security1,  and  local  law  enforcement  collaboration  with  Fusion  Centers2  

o The  creation  of  Human  Rights  Commissions  that  would  legally  be  empowered  to  ensure  that  local,  state,  and  regional  laws  and  practices  comply  with  international  law  and  standards  of  protection  for  oppressed  peoples  and  groups  (racialized  communities,  Indigenous  peoples,  oppressed  peoples  and  nations,  immigrants,  etc.)  

o The  creation  of  Human  Rights  Charters  for  city,  county,  and  state  governments  that  refashion  the  articles  of  incorporation  and  constitutions  that  establish  the  legal  framework  for  these  entities  to  ensure  maximum  protections  for  Indigenous  and  oppressed  peoples  residing  in  these  locales.    

These  are  just  a  few  ways  in  which  the  demand  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  can  be  and  is  relevant  to  local,  statewide,  and  regional  struggles  for  social  justice.  The  Malcolm  X  Grassroots  Movement  (MXGM),  Black  Left  Unity  Network  (BLUN),  and  the  National  Alliance  for  Racial  Justice  and  Human  Rights  (NARJHR)  calls  on  every  individual,  organization,  coalition,  alliance,  or  network  that  believes  in  racial  justice  and  is  fighting  to  liberate  oppressed  peoples  in  this  country  to  join  us  in  the  effort  to  fight  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  to  ensure  that  there  are  NO  MORE  TRAYVON  MARTINS.    

For  more  information  on  the  No  More  Trayvon  Martins  Campaign  visit  www.mxgm.org.    

To  sign  the  petition  for  a  National  Plan  of  Action  for  Racial  Justice  visit  http://mxgm.org/trayvon-­‐martin-­‐is-­‐all-­‐of-­‐us/.    

To  endorse  the  campaign  email  [email protected].  To  get  started  on  organizing  on  its  behalf  see  the  tasks  outlined  in  our  Appeal  Letter  at  http://mxgm.org/no-­‐more-­‐trayvon-­‐martins-­‐campaign-­‐appeal/.    

                                                                                                                         1  For  more  information  on  the  Secure  Communities  program  visit  http://www.nnirr.org/~nnirrorg/drupal/End-­‐S-­‐COMM.    2  For  more  background  on  what  Fusion  Centers  are  visit  http://www.aclu.org/technology-­‐and-­‐liberty/whats-­‐wrong-­‐fusion-­‐centers-­‐executive-­‐summary.