Local Knowledge Global Reach · Our Financial Services team has the local expertise to advise...

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Local Knowledge

Global Reach









Mergers Alliance is the premier international partnership ofaward-winning corporate finance specialists who providehigh-quality advice to businesses which require internationalreach for their investment banking strategies.

Our experts advise primarily mid-marketcompanies on deals of up to USD 500 millionin value spanning a wide range of industrysectors. Since the start of 2010 our partnerfirms have collectively completed over640 deals, in 30 countries worldwide,with an average aggregate value of overUSD 1.3 billion

Each of our partner firms is an independentlocal specialist with an extensive transactionaltrack records within its territory. All partnerfirms are fully authorized by their local financialservices regulator.

Over the past 15 years, our transactionprofessionals have gained widespreadrecognition as skilled international corporatefinanciers with expertise across industrysectors. The team of Mergers Allianceadvisors has earned a solid reputationfor being:

Specialists in cross-border transactionsacross specific industry sectors

Relationship orientated, with in depthknowledge of working together acrossmember firms and aligned to work on thesame side of a deal

Entrepreneurial and committed to deliveringthe best outcomes for their clients

award winninginternationalcorporate finance

Over 300 transaction professionalsspanning every key economiccentre around the world

A network of 50 offices, coveringthe Americas, MENA, Europe,Asia and Australia

Dedicated industry sector teams,with proven track records andexperience

The local senior partner willalways be your point of contact,connecting you to our globalnetwork


global reach


PeruEFIC Partners

ItalyEthica CorporateFinance

TurkeyOdin FinancialAdvisors

BeneluxCapitalmind CorporateFinance Advisory

PolandIPOPEMA Securities

ThailandKhronos Advisory

GermanyCapitalmind CorporateFinance Advisors

South AfricaBridge Capital


SwedenExperia CorporateFinance Advisors

RussiaNorthstar CapitalAdvisors

IndiaSinghi Advisors

50 office locationsand growing

25 countriesThe Mergers Alliance partnership spans the world’s leadingbusiness centres, with 50 offices in 25 countries. More partnersin key locations are set to join our team of professionals.

ChileAltis ServiciosFinancieros

MexicoFGA InvestmentBankers

Brazil / CaribbeanBroadSpan Capital

United KingdomCatalyst CorporateFinance


FranceCapitalmind CorporateFinance Advisory


DenmarkCapitalmind CorporateFinance Advisory

USAHeadwaters MB

Czech RepublicNorthstar CorporateFinance

local knowledgeUSA

“What impressed our team at Headwaters aboutMergers Alliance was the quality of the people andthe desire to truly cooperate as part of one team.This organization is much more than “dots on the map”.It is a fully integrated partnership working at every stageof a transaction to better service our clients”.

Phil Seefried - Headwaters MB


“Cultural nuancesare extremelyimportant whendoing business inBrazil as establishingrapport can be keyto closing deals.

Mergers Alliance allows us to assist ourpartners around the world in understandingand overcoming these cultural issues”.

Leonardo Antunes - BroadSpan Capital

United Kingdom

“Our international partners are people wereally know and have the same essentialcharacteristics as ourselves - drivenowner-managers with a passion foroutstanding client service”.

Andy Currie - Catalyst Corporate Finance


“The key values thatMergers Alliancebrings to the tableare cohesion andgenerosity. The mainfocus of ourpartnership is togenerate ideas, as well as sharingknowledge and resources. When I hearda client say, “Mergers Alliance shows withactions and results that it is a trulymultinational partnership”, I knew we wereon the right track”.

Igor Gorostiaga - Norgestion


“In this border lessworld, companiesmust set their sightson attaining greaterheights in the globaleconomy. MergersAlliance provides aperfect platform to capitalize on marketsynergies and create appetite for unlockinginternational growth potential”.

Mahesh Singhi - Singhi Advisors


“Mergers Alliance is a globalteam of entrepreneurs whichoffers local intelligencecombined with high qualitycorporate finance advisory andexecution services. Thanks today-to-day collaboration and

common sector teams, we definitely bring morevalue, efficiency and accuracy to our clients”.

Michel Degryck - Capitalmind

Germany“Extending our product and service offering on a global basishas been essential to cater to clients’ needs in a global economy.Our MA Partnership is a well-run global organisation of likemindedentrepreneurial professionals sharing similar values and deliveringa service of highest quality standards. Working together closelyensures the best results possible for each other’s clients”.Ervin Schellenberg - Capitalmind

Mergers Alliance

“Through developing and maintaining real relationshipswith the very best independent mid-market corporatefinance boutiques in key global economic locations,the Mergers Alliance partnership is able to provide itsclients with the highest level of service anywhere inthe world”.

Stas Michael - Mergers Alliance


“Our MergersAlliance partnersprovide us with aninvaluable sourceof strategic M&Aopportunities in theglobal middle-marketwhere our Japanese corporate clientscurrently have the greatest need”.

Owen Hultman - Yamaichi Securities


Mergers Alliance professionals provide a comprehensive range ofcorporate finance services to a broad spectrum of businesses,including owner-managed businesses, private equity-backedcompanies and multinational corporates.

Mergers & AcquisitionsBuy-side advisory. Our professionals advisecompanies on their acquisition strategies,especially in terms of international expansion.We identify suitable targets, developconstructive relationships with the target'sowners and manage the full acquisitionprocess through to completion.

Sell-side advisory. We apply our expertise inorder to assist businesses with their companydisposal strategies. We help clients preparebusinesses for sale, formulate clear saletactics, identify the best buyers from aroundthe world and manage the transactionprocess through tolegal completion.

Carve-outs and buyouts. Mergers Allianceassist multinational companies in carving-outnon-core subsidiaries. We also advisemanagement teams in acquiring their ownbusiness through buyout transactions. Whenbuy-in teams are required, our team providessupport to identify suitable candidates.

Corporate FinanceGrowth Capital. We enable fast-growingbusinesses to access growth capital forfurther development. This includes supportingthe business planning process, identifying and

selecting the most suitable equity and debtfunders for the business, and structuringand negotiating the investment agreement.

Debt capital markets. Our debt capitalmarkets service provides advice andexecution to companies and financialsponsors looking to manage or refinanceexisting debt, or raise incremental debt capitalfor acquisitions or strategic development.

Project Finance. Our project financespecialist provide sound independent adviceon project viability, financial modelling, dealstructuring, appropriate types of financingand negotiating terms and conditions.

Refinancing / Restructuring. MergersAlliance partners are leading experts in debtrestructuring. Our firm commitment toproviding sophisticated advice ensuresbalanced and equitable long-term solutionsfor our clients.

Equity Capital Markets (ECM)In a selected number of territories, MergersAlliance partners can facilitate planning andexecution of ECM transactions, includinginitial public offerings (IPOs), secondary publicofferings (SPOs), public tenders, acceleratedbook buildings and debt raising in capitalmarkets.

our services how we work

High professional standardsOur advisors are highly qualified professionalswith many years of experience gained withinindustry, leading accountancy practices,investment banks and private equity.You can expect the highest standardsof professionalism and integrity from ouradvisers throughout your engagements.

Relationship basedThe main focus of our partnership isgenerating opportunities for our clients,sharing knowledge and resources betweenpartner firms. Our advisers know each otherpersonally, meet regularly and work closelytogether on cross-border projects. This allowsus to operate in a very integrated mannerirrespective of distance. You can expect highlevels of commitment from our team andrapid, considered responses on anytransaction related question or issue

EntrepreneurialMergers Alliance partners are all independentfirms. This means they are entrepreneurial attheir core and each adviser has a commercialperspective, a key differentiator with manyother corporate finance firms. As our successrelies on our reputation, you can expect toreceive insightful, straight-talking corporatefinance advice.

Mergers Alliance partner firms all have common characteristics,which means that we work together in a highly cohesive way,despite often being thousands of miles apart.


Mergers Alliance professionals have extensive experience andexpertise across a number of sectors and their key subsectors.We harness this expertise through regular deal making andknowledge sharing. Our international sector teams meet regularlyto discuss market and M&A trends, and share information onstrategic buyers in each territory.

our expertise


Business ServicesBusinesses worldwide continue to find ways to manage costs and improveproductivity. Outsourcing is increasingly playing a key role in achieving theseobjectives. Our Business Services team focuses on deals in business processoutsourcing (BPO), education, engineering services, environmental services,facilities management, marketing services, recruitment and transport & logistics.

Construction & Building ProductsThe construction sector is benefiting from the global economic recovery.With activity expected to more than double over the next decade in keyemerging markets, there are significant growth opportunities for all parts ofthe construction and real estate industries. Mergers Alliance boasts extensiveknowledge in the construction subsectors of: demolition, building products,plant and tool hire, distribution, retail and real estate.

Consumer ProductsConsumer products is a broad sector where M&A activity is likely to increaseacross the supply chain, especially amongst strong brands operating in awell-defined target market. Our Consumer Products team focuses on deals inapparel, branded consumer goods, household products, personal care, retail,e-commerce, travel and leisure.

Energy & Natural ResourcesThe energy sector is large and extremely diverse, with both non-renewableand increasingly renewable resources used for generating energy sources.Our team is particularly experienced in oil & gas, but our specialists also focuson renewable energy development, generation technologies and equipmentand energy efficiency. Mergers Alliance has significant experience in advisingon all aspects of waste stream processing.

Food & DrinkChanges in lifestyle, the pressures of consolidation and increasing levelsof innovation are impacting the dynamics of the food & drink (F&D) sectorcreating new M&A opportunities. The Mergers Alliance F&D team providesunique insight into the current challenges facing the industry, from themanufacture and distribution of products to brand development.

Financial ServicesIn light of increasing regulation, technological innovation and consolidation,the financial industry continues to support high levels of M&A activity globally.Our Financial Services team has the local expertise to advise clients in anumber of different subsectors such as insurance, outsourced servicesand retail / commercial banking.

HealthcareCompanies in the global healthcare sector develop and market new drugsand devices and provide services aimed at improving people’s quality of life.Our experienced team focuses on a number of health subsectors includinghealthcare IT, healthcare services (hospitals, retirement homes), life sciences,medical devices and pharmaceuticals.

Industrial & Engineering ServicesTodays engineering companies are challenged by having to continuallydemonstrate their operational flexibility, secure positions in complex globalvalue chains and exploit new technologies. Ready to face this demandingsituation, our team has a wealth of industry experience in aerospace anddefence, automotive, chemicals and plastics, electrical engineering,equipment, industrial manufacturing, engineering, paper and packaging.

Technology, Media & TelecomsTechnological convergence and the rapid proliferation of new technologieshave opened up a wealth of M&A opportunities in the TMT sector.Mergers Alliance has significant experience in fixed-line telecoms,mobile communications, telecom equipment, satellite systems, publishingand printing, software and computer hardware, just to name a few.

UtilitiesUtilities companies are reinventing themselves in the face of immensechanges in their business environment. Mergers Alliance experts fromdifferent subsectors, such as waste and water, have a deep understandingof current policies, and regulatory frameworks around the world and are readyto assist companies during this challenging period.

global dealsThailand - Electricity Generating

Public Co. Ltd

Khronos Advisory acted as financial advisor toEGCO, the first independent power producer inThailand, in formulating the structure and executionof a 20 percent ownership interest in Star EnergyGeothermal Pte Ltd., a geothermal power stationlocated in Indonesia, from Star EnergyGroup Holdings Pte Ltd.

Russia - Expobank

Northstar advised Expobank, privately owned bankoperating in the Russian market since 1994, on itsacquisition of Landes Bank Baden WurtemburgCzech subsidiary. Expobank's clients in Russiawill have new opportunities to enhance businesscooperation with their partners in the CzechRepublic and other EU countries.

France - The Avril Group

Capitalmind advised the Avril Group, a majorFrench agro-food company, on the acquisition ofthe Kerfoot Group. Based in the UK, the KerfootGroup is engaged in the packing, blending andthe distribution of vegetable and specialty oils.Through this acquisition, the Avril group will be ina position to expand its activities in the UK thanksto a unique industrial platform.

Japan / Netherlands - Wok to Walk

Yamaichi and Capitalmind jointly advisedToridoll.Corporation, a listed Japanese companyoperating over 1000 restaurants, on the majorityacquisition (60%) of restaurant chain Wok to Walk,a fast growing Dutch wok restaurant chain withover 60 restaurants in Europe, US, Africa andSouth America.

Switzerland - Fair Friend Group

Affentranger Associates advised Fair Friend Group,a USD 3.3 billion-revenue Taiwanese industrialgroup that has established a leading position inAsia and built a strong presence in Europe, on theacquisition of the Switzerland-headquarteredPfiffner Group, a manufacturer of high-precisionrotary transfer machines with revenues ofUSD 85 million.

Mexico - Hotspring

FGA advised on the sale of Hotspring, a marketleading dairy business, to one of the largest foodcorporations in Mexico and Central America.The sellers were more than 200 individualshareholders in a complicated transactionthat required strong negotiation capabilities.

UK - Daelmans Bakeries

Catalyst advised Daelmans Bakeries, theNetherlands-headquartered food business, on itsacquisition of Fabulous Bakin’ Boys. Catalyst wasoriginally introduced to Daelmans by its MergersAlliance partner, Capitalmind, to support thecompany on establishing a second home marketin the UK through a focused acquisition strategy.

South Africa - Thebe

Bridge Capital applied its considerable expertisein project finance and fund raising to assist Thebein funding its equity participation in three solarprojects which were awarded during Round 3 ofDOE’s (Department of Energy) Renewable EnergyIndependent Power Producer ProcurementProgramme (REIPPP), to the MainstreamThebe consortium.


BackgroundASP4all, one of the leading providers ofmanaged hosting services in the Netherlandsand Bitbrains, a pay-as-you-go modelling andhigh performance computing provider,merged in January 2014. The mergertransformed ASP4all and Bitbrains into aleading provider of high quality private cloudservices in the Netherlands. In July 2014,British private equity investor Vitruvian, madea strategic majority investment in ASP4allBitbrains Group. The investment by Vitruvianaccelerated the integration of the twocompanies and facilitated internationalexpansion.

What Difference Did We Make?Capitalmind has advised ASP4all’smanagement and shareholders on theirmanagement buy-in and growth strategy(funding and acquisitions) for a number ofyears. This culminated in Capitalmind advisingthe company on the merger between ASP4alland Bitbrains. Capitalmind project managedthe sale process and due diligence processes,oversaw the contract negotiations andsuccessfully closed the transaction withVitruvian.

service Management Buyoutsector TMT


cloud services

Completion DateJuly 2014Transaction TypeManagement BuyoutTransaction Value(Not disclosed)Lead PartnerJan Willem JonkmanTelephone (+31) 73 623 8774

“Thanks to a long term relationshipCapitalmind understood thebusiness rationale of our growthplans. The expertise andexperience of dealmaking ofCapitalmind contributed to theexecution of the plans: a complexmerger in January 2014 and 6months later an investment ofVitruvian in the new company.”Frank van den BeltCEO at ASP4all Bitbrains


BackgroundEstablished in 1993, the ARX Group isEurope’s leading distributor of pharmacyautomation solutions. The businessspecialises in providing automated storageand retrieval solutions to the medical supplychain across seven countries. ARX’s largestsupplier, NYSE-listed CareFusion, had alwaysviewed ARX as a highly strategic asset as itoffered and opportunity of providing an owneddistribution channel into Europe.

What Difference Did We Make?When CareFusion made an offer to acquireARX, CareFusion was, in turn, being acquiredby NYSE-listed Becton, Dickinson andCompany (BD), a global medical technologycompany. This meant any purchase of ARXhad to exchange before this deal closed.ARX’s CEO knew the Catalyst team and wasconfidents on its ability to execute the dealwithin the short timeframe being driven by theBD acquisition, as well as dealing with issuesof selling to a major trading partner (such asthe sharing of commercially sensitiveinformation). CareFusion’s initial offer wasimproved and the thorough due diligenceprocess was managed on time for asuccessful closing.

service Company Salesector Healthcare

ARX Group

automated solutions

Completion DateJune July 2015Transaction TypeCompany SaleTransaction Value(Not disclosed)Lead PartnerJustine CrowtherTelephone +44 115 957 8236


“Catalyst’s support and advice wasinvaluable. The team’s strongnegotiation skills and focusedexecution ensured we got acomplex deal over the line withina tight timetable. I look forward toworking with Catalyst again.”Rupert KatritzkyFounder, ARX

BackgroundBroadSpan acted as exclusive financialadvisor to National Commercial Bank ofJamaica Limited in the sale of its stake inKington Wharves (KW). KW operates acomprehensive range of terminal equipmentacross 25 hectares. The terminal includes acontinuous quay of over 1,500 meters whichfacilitates the movement of its main cargoessuch as containers, motor vehicles, bulkcargo, lumber and steel among others.The National Commercial Bank of Jamaicareached an agreement to sell its 32.6%interest in KW to Seaboard Corporation.Seaboard, in turn, agreed to sell to JamaicaProducers Group Limited some of the KW’sshares acquired from the National ComercialBank, constituting 11.6% of the capital ofthe company.

What Difference Did We Make?BroadSpan's regional knowledge and globalreach allowed for a very competitive biddingprocess that resulted in achieving a maximumprice, in line with National Comercial Bank ofJamaica’s expectations.

service Company salesector Business services

Completion DateSeptember 2014Transaction TypeCompany saleTransaction ValueUSD 27 millionLead PartnerMichael GerrardTelephone +1 305 424 3400


“BroadSpan's deal team workedwith us to implement an organizedapproach to execution, as well asjointly navigating through sensitiveprocess obstacles with skillednegotiation tactics. Their bankersworked seamlessly with our teamto achieve the bottom lineoutcome that we were seeking.”

Kingston Wharves

coming into port

Ramon PitterVice President – Investment Banking & GroupM&A, NCB Capital Markets


BackgroundEthica advised Carraro Group, one of thelargest Italian listed industrial groups, withrevenues of EUR 1 billion, on the sale of itsMiniGears division to German private equityfund, Finatem. MiniGears, specializes in theproduction of small and medium-sized gearsand transmission groups, manufactured withboth steel cutting and powder metaltechnologies. Through the acquisition,Finatem has been able to realise productionsynergies with its portfolio firm HerzogBeteiligungs GmbH, which is also active inthe steel gears market niche, with a view ofcreating a European leader in the sector.

What Difference Did We Make?Ethica once again proved itself to be a leaderin cross-border and mid-market transactionsin Italy. Ethica provided Carraro Group withmarket leading advisory services, byidentifying the right investor to take thebusiness forward and working closely with themanagement team in preparing the businessfor the sale. Ethica designed a sale processthat achieved the objectives of both Carraroand MiniGears management team, beinginstrumental in agreeing the price, dealstructure and in managing the deal throughto completion.

service Company Salesector Industrial/machinery


european leadership

Completion DateApril 2014Transaction TypeCompany saleTransaction ValueEV/EBIT multiple 10.5xLead PartnerNuccia CavalieriTelephone +39 02 92 88 0400

“The sale of MiniGears allows usto accelerate the investment planin progress, with the objective ofenhancing our competitivenessin Italy and abroad. Ethica helpedus to choose the right partnerfor MiniGears, combining bothfinancial and industrialbackground, running thesale process from start toconclusion.”Enrico CarraroChairman of the Group


BackgroundHeadwaters advised Lapmaster GroupHoldings LLC, a leading supplier of micronlevel precision single-sided surface finishingequipment for lapping, polishing, grinding,and honing, on its acquisition of Peter WoltersGmbH, the German leading supplier ofdouble-sided micron level precision surfacefinishing equipment. With over 65 years ofexperience, Lapmaster has a proven historyof successfully developing cost effectiveprocessing solutions for virtually anyapplication.

What Difference Did We Make?Lapmaster and Peter Wolters were truly aperfect fit from a product, geography, andend-market perspective. A very complextransaction and once in a lifetime opportunityfor the owner/entrepreneur to take a small jobshop with customer concentration issues,narrow product range and a geographiccoverage weakness in Europe and to turn itinto a global industry leader. Headwaterswas also deeply involved in the employmentagreements for the owner; he got a significantsalary increase, an attractive bonus plan,rights to a large one-time dividend,and preserved all of his special benefits.

service Acquisitionsector Industrial

Lapmaster Group Holdings

smooth finishing

Completion DateJanuary 2014Transaction TypeAcquisitionTransaction ValueUSD 62 millionLead PartnerPhil SeefriedTelephone +1 303 572 6004

Len LaportaTelephone +1 203 451 7799 “Headwaters served as an

invaluable advisor to Lapmaster indeveloping an attractive financingpackage during our acquisition ofPeter Wolters.”Brian NelsonPresident and CEO of Lapmaster


BackgroundCapitalmind advised listed Econocom,a leading European IT service company,on the sale of its services business inGermany to Technogroup. In addition tothe sale, global cooperation in the areas ofIT-infrastructure projects and IT-maintenancewas agreed between Econocom and thebuyer. Capitalmind advised Econocomthroughout the entire carve-out transactionand approached a range of potentialinvestors worldwide.

What Difference Did We Make?Technogroup was identified as the bestbuyer given IT Services represented its corebusiness and the company was already aleading player in the German speaking region.Capitalmind's broad access to strategicand financial investors ensured a targetedapproach at decision-maker level. With theacquisition, Technogroup further strengthenedits market presence in Germany, acquiredadditional skill sets and expanded its existingservice infrastructure.

service Company Sale/carve outsector TMT

Econocom Managed Services

engineering solutions

Completion DateApril 2015Transaction TypeCompany sale / carve-outTransaction Value(Not disclosed)Lead PartnerErvin SchellenbergTelephone (+49) 611 205 48 10

“ I am delighted that as a resultof this transaction EconocomManaged Services and itsemployees will from now onbelong to one of the leading ITServices companies in theGerman speaking region.”Ervin Schellenberg ManagingPartner, Capitalmind


BackgroundOdin Financial Advisors advised on the saleof 25 percent of Hepsiburada.com shares toThe Abraaj Group, a Dubai-based privateequity fund with USD9 billion of assets undermanagement. Established in 1998,Hepsiburada.com has become the largeste-commerce company of Turkey and EasternEurope, Middle East, Africa (EEMEA) andRussia, offering more than 500,000 stockkeeping units (SKUs). The company hasmonthly traffic of 15 million visitors thatgenerate over 1 million purchases per month.Its revenues have increased 25x over the pastdecade to reach more than USD400 million in2014. The Abraaj Group acquired 25 percentof Hepsiburada.com from a companyvaluation of more than USD400 million.

What Difference Did We Make?Odin Financial Advisors’ bankers workedclosely with Hepsiburada.com’s shareholdersand management and conducted extensivework in the successful execution of thetransaction. Considerable effort wasdedicated to orchestrating and finalising thefinancial, operational, IT, legal, environmentaland insurance due diligence processes.Odin also assisted in preparing a detailedfinancial model and participated in thenegotiation of the share purchase andshareholders’ agreements.

service Development capitalsector Consumer


easy shopping

Completion DateFebruary 2015Transaction TypeDevelopment capitalTransaction Value(Not disclosed)Lead PartnerOmer UnsalTelephone +905334749545

“Odin out-performed during thedeal and helped us to solve manybottlenecks with their expertise.All the team members areextremely professional, resultoriented and hard working.They not only focused onstrategic matters but alsowell-designed the shareholderagreement for the benefit ofboth parties. ”Korhan ÖzCFO Hepsiburada.com


BackgroundSinghi Advisors acted as exclusive financialadvisors on the acquisition of the in-vitrodiagnosis (IVD) business unit of SpanDiagnostics Limited (SDL) by Arkray. SDLis India’s largest manufacturer of diagnosticsproducts with strong in-house research anddevelopment (R&D) capabilities and a strongpresence in the domestic market, with morethan 50% market share.

USD 700 m Arkray is one of Japan’s leadingplayers in diagnostic products engaged inthe research, development, service anddistribution of IVD products. It also hasa sales network in over 80 countries.

What Difference Did We Make?SDL decided to exit/partner with a largercompany that would help fortify its businessinterests. With in-depth domain knowledge ofthe global IVD industry, Singhi Advised on themost suitable strategic buyers for SDL,deciding on Akray as the best suitor. SinghiAdvisors successfully carried out negotiationsand actively hand-held SLD through the entiretransaction. Valuations were beyond theexpectations and the transaction structureensured shareholders’ value maximized.

service Company Salesector Healthcare

Span Diagnostics

international diagnosis

Completion DateJanuary 2014Transaction TypeCompany saleTransaction Value(Not disclosed)Lead PartnerGopal AgrawalTelephone +91 22 6149 6611

“Working with Singhi Advisorwas a very fulfilling and satisfyingexperience. Their ability tounderstand the sensitivecontours of the entire deal andthe fine nuances of both partiesrequirements was key for closingthe deal successfully. Great teamto work with.”Veeral DesaiManaging Director of Span Diagnostics Ltd


BackgroundNORGESTION advised the shareholders ofMespack on its integration into the Illinoisbased Duravant Group, a global engineeredequipment company with over 100-yearsoperating history, backed by OdysseyInvestment Partners, based in New York.Headquartered in Barcelona, Mespack is amanufacturer of flexible packaging solutionsthat engineers and builds high speedmachinery for the world's leading consumerpackaged goods companies, mainly in thehorizontal form, fill and seal (HFFS) and stickpack segments. Mespack generates yearlyrevenue of USD 51 million. This transactiongreatly enhances Duravant’s design,manufacturing and aftermarket servicecapabilities on a global scale.

What Difference Did We Make?The client preferred to enter intoconversations with only a limited number ofpotential investors. We therefore executed asales procedure in which in a first round weonly discussed with four investors, all four USbased. Our knowledge of managing culturaldifferences between a US investors (withoutprevious experience in Europe) and a Spanishvendor was critical in closing the deal.

service Company salesector Industrial


flexible packaging

Completion DateJune 2015Transaction TypeCompany saleTransaction Value(Not disclosed)Lead PartnerMaarten de JonghTelephone +34 93 342 6227 “NORGESTION did a great

job managing a complexsituation created by culturaldifferences.”Craig StaubOdyssey, Investment Partners


BackgroundEFIC Partners acted as financial advisor inthe sale of 13.49% of STRACON GyM S.A.shares to Graña y Montero Group. STRACONS.A.C. was founded in Peru in 2003 and, overa period of eight years, the company grewthrough the provision of services to variousmining projects, many of them jointlyundertaken with Graña y Montero. In 2012,STRACON and Graña y Montero formedSTRACON GyM S.A. to further grow theirpartnership. Today, with annual sales of overUSD 400 million, the company is one of Peru’slargest mining services contractors operatingboth open pit and underground miningprojects in Peru and Panama whilst workingalongside other international miners such asRio Alto, Hudbay and First Quantum Minerals.

What Difference Did We Make?EFIC Partners used its market expertise andrelationship with Graña y Montero to ensure afriendly and productive negotiation. In the finalstages of the process, EFIC worked closelywith its legal counterpart to ensure the highestpossible tax efficiency for the client, and tostrengthen its rights as a minority shareholder.

service Mergersector Energy and Natural Resources


mining for growth

Completion DateNovember 2014Transaction TypeMergerTransaction ValueUSD 25 millionLead PartnerMarcos QuirozTelephone +51 999 650 595

“EFIC Partners’ knowledge of ourcompany and its understanding ofour objectives were key to makingthis deal happen. EFIC’s advicewas fundamental in choosing boththe best timing and counterpartfor this challenging transaction.”Steve DixonChairman, STRACON Group


contact detailsIf you would like to know more about us and find out how our expertisecan help you achieve your corporate aims, please contact:

Stas MichaelManaging Director

Direct Line: +44 (0)207 246 0518Mobile: +44 (0) 7866 030 464Email: [email protected]

Miriam SerranoMarketing Executive

Direct Line: +34 91 590 1660Mobile: +34 60 975 6483Email: [email protected]

Website: www.mergers-alliance.com