Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls...

Photo-copiable A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals Mammals The data given below was compiled by researchers Allison, Truett and Cicchetti and used in their article ‘Sleep in Mammals:Ecological and Constitutional Correlates’ (1976). The table below gives typical values of the following variables for small mammals: body mass in kilograms brain mass in grams sleep in hours per day – this includes both paradoxical (dreaming) sleep and slow wave (non-dreaming) sleep maximum life span in years gestation time in days i.e. the period the young is carried in the womb before birth overall danger index – a combined index reflecting levels of predation danger (likelihood of being preyed upon) and sleep exposure 1 = least danger from other animals 5 = most danger from other animals An entry of ‘NA’ means that the information is not available. University of Manchester 1 Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation Data Sheet 1

Transcript of Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls...

Page 1: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals


The data given below was compiled by researchers Allison, Truett and Cicchetti and used in their article ‘Sleep in Mammals:Ecological and Constitutional Correlates’ (1976).

The table below gives typical values of the following variables for small mammals: body mass in kilograms brain mass in grams sleep in hours per day – this includes both paradoxical (dreaming) sleep and slow

wave (non-dreaming) sleep maximum life span in years gestation time in days i.e. the period the young is carried in the womb before birth overall danger index – a combined index reflecting levels of predation danger

(likelihood of being preyed upon) and sleep exposure1 = least danger from other animals 5 = most danger from other animals

An entry of ‘NA’ means that the information is not available.

University of Manchester 1Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Data Sheet 1

Page 2: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals


The data given below was compiled by researchers Allison, Truett and Cicchetti and used in their article ‘Sleep in Mammals:Ecological and Constitutional Correlates’ (1976).

The table below gives typical values of the following variables for medium-sized mammals: body mass in kilograms brain mass in grams sleep in hours per day – this includes both paradoxical (dreaming) sleep and slow

wave (non-dreaming) sleep maximum life span in years gestation time in days i.e. the period the young is carried in the womb before birth overall danger index – a combined index reflecting levels of predation danger

(likelihood of being preyed upon) and sleep exposure1 = least danger from other animals 5 = most danger from other animals

An entry of ‘NA’ means that the information is not available.

University of Manchester 2Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Data Sheet 2

Page 3: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals


The data given below was compiled by researchers Allison, Truett and Cicchetti and used in their article ‘Sleep in Mammals:Ecological and Constitutional Correlates’ (1976).

The table below gives typical values of the following variables for large mammals: body mass in kilograms brain mass in grams sleep in hours per day – this includes both paradoxical (dreaming) sleep and slow

wave (non-dreaming) sleep maximum life span in years gestation time in days i.e. the period the young is carried in the womb before birth overall danger index – a combined index reflecting levels of predation danger

(likelihood of being preyed upon) and sleep exposure1 = least danger from other animals 5 = most danger from other animals

An entry of ‘NA’ means that the information is not available.

University of Manchester 3Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Data Sheet 3

Page 4: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals


The data provided includes the body mass, brain mass, sleep, maximum life span, gestation time and a danger index for a variety of mammals.

Choose a pair of variables which you think may be related.Investigate whether the data provides any evidence to support your theory.

Remember that you should: identify clearly the purpose of your investigation select and use appropriate statistical measures, diagrams and techniques.

To achieve a high mark you will need to show that you can work independently produce work which is clear, logical and well-structured check your work use appropriate, efficient and concise methods

University of Manchester 4Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation


Page 5: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

use mathematics to correctly summarise your work and draw valid, relevant and accurate conclusions

critically consider how the data available has limited your work and what additional data would improve your study.

University of Manchester 5Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Page 6: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Unit Advanced Level, Using and applying statistics

Skills which may be used in this assignment: drawing scatter diagrams finding lines of best fit calculating correlation coefficients

PreparationFor the assignment students will need: copies of one or more of the data sheets (pages 1 - 3) copy of the assignment (page 4) graph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional)

Notes on the AssignmentThe multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison, Truett and Cicchetti is beyond the scope of this unit, but the data they compiled has been used as the basis of the assignment. You can opt to use either one, two or all three data sheets.The assignment is very open-ended allowing students to use a variety of approaches. Students are asked to investigate the relationship between a pair of variabes of their choice. There are obviously a large number of possibilities - in many of these there will be little evidence of correlation. It is important that students realise the importance of drawing a scatter diagram to give an indication of whether any relationship exists between two variables, rather than assuming that it does and relying solely on the calculation of correlation coefficients. They will need to decide what to do where no data is available and make decisions on how to deal with outliers (eg elephants and man in the large mammal data).Pages 6 - 11 give examples of the scatter diagrams, lines of best fit and correlation coefficients which might be produced by students investigating the relationship between brain mass and body mass. These have been done using the Excel spreadsheet, Mammals.xls. This spreadsheet is available for downloading so that students can be given the choice of working by hand or electronically.

AlternativesOne section of the data could be used to illustrate the methods associated with correlation , with students then using other sections for practice. The scatter diagrams could be copied onto OHP transparencies and used for class discussion. Important discussion points include: close grouping of small mammals when all data is used the problem of outliers values of correlation coefficients and the corresponding scatter diagrams the effect grouping data has on scatter diagrams, correlation coefficients and

equations of lines of best fit.

University of Manchester 6Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Teacher Notes

Page 7: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Scatter Diagram of Brain Mass against Body MassSmall Mammals

Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient 0.534

Line of Best Fit y = 6.77x + 1.45Mean values (0.299, 3.47) shown as

University of Manchester 7Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Body Mass (kg)


in M

ass (


Page 8: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Scatter Diagram of Brain Mass against Body MassMedium Mammals

Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient 0.806

Line of Best Fit y = 16.1x –19.6

University of Manchester 8Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Body Mass (kg)


in M

ass (


Page 9: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Mean values (3.23, 32.5) shown as

University of Manchester 9Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Page 10: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Scatter Diagram of Brain Mass against Body MassLarge Mammals

Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient 0.930

Line of Best Fit y = 0.927x + 260Mean values (583, 800) shown as

University of Manchester 10Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Body Mass (kg)


in M

ass (


Page 11: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Scatter Diagram of Brain Mass against Body MassLarge Mammals without elephants and man

Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient 0.831

Line of Best Fit y = 0.951x + 129Mean values (166, 287) shown as

University of Manchester 11Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Body Mass (kg)


in M

ass (


Page 12: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Scatter Diagram of Brain Mass against Body MassAll Mammals

Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient 0.934

Line of Best Fit y = 0.967x + 91.0Mean values (199, 283) shown as

University of Manchester 12Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Body Mass (kg)


in M

ass (


Page 13: Loans Data Sheet - Nuffield Foundation · Web viewgraph paper Excel spreadsheet Mammals.xls (optional) Notes on the Assignment The multiple regression analysis carried out by Allison,


A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Units Mammals

Scatter Diagram of Brain Mass against Body MassAll Mammals without outliers (elephants)

Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient 0.651

Line of Best Fit y = 1.24x + 56.0Mean values (52.1, 121) shown as

University of Manchester 13Mathematics for all post-16 – A project funded by the Nuffield Foundation

Body Mass (kg)


in M

ass (
