llYt fr AMIS WOR14 8 SATURDAY JBYEfflflG MAX 33 UU1 a 7CT l pa WT < SPORTING NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE EVENING WORLD q zH INVA HERS OPEN c WITH ST LOUIS Manager Capt Clark Griffith Goes In to Pitch Himself Donohue Twrils for Opposing teamBig Crowd on Hand BATTING ORDER- New York St Louli- Bavin It Uurkett If Keeler rf ct Fultz cf Hemphlll rf Williams 2b Wallace ss- Ganzcl lb Anderson lb Oonroy 3Ix McCormick 2b Long at brlel 3b OConnor c HugMcn c Urinith p Donohue p Umpire Sherldnn- Sptclit to The trtnlm World AaiERiCAN LBAOUE PAJIK ST LOUIS May 23Tho Invaders opene1 up thslr season with the Drowns this afternoon confidant ot taking all at the three gamei Clark Qrllllth himself wet into the box in an effort to break tho treak of bad luck that has follow oil th- ou m trom town to town and the men back of him played tho boat sort of ball they know Grit Is anxious to make It three straight here and then with a couple of panics from tho ohaniploii Athletics twxt week the Invaders will feel more like fuclnc the rmulc back at the Gordon Highlands Tho team today was In great ghapo for ball playing Dave Fultz who was responsible for tho one run mule yes lerday In Chicago was as utroiig cc ever and although John Gamels good right arm was a bit sore he played the genie in his usual forecaitle manner t The day was a perfect one fur ttase ball and the tans turned ot In largo numbers to welcome the New York play ¬ ersJaek OConnor got the greatest re- ception ¬ t of hIs ball career Ti u Is Jac s fcuma and a deleatlon of Ms nelbors arid friends lilted up a laro portion of the grand stand antI cheered to the echo very time the old St LouU catcher made a move St Loulsans were nnxlous to ota look at the much heralded bunch of stars and tIm biggest crowd of the season was on hind for tho tart of too game Despite thu loslmc streak the Now Yorkers continuo to be tim best ajrsrcKutlnn in the league and everywhere the rooters look to see Clrlf U tin get the team Into winning shape In r nfcort order S Btanillnn of tho Clnb NATIONAL LCACUa- Clvt r45h W I Ie Club W I PC Mrw York20 8 711 nation 13 H ICI pit J Cfclciso 23 9 710 llrooklyn 14 1C 461 ntuljunr m 13 1IlllidolpllU J it 300 CJaclnntU 15 10 tsflst Loiili S 21 250 AMERICAN LEAGUE Club W L IOI Club W L IC Chlwjo 1G 10 C St Loul- iOlmltnl jl 11 K1- II 13 11 SIS llnton 13 411 I Detroit 14 12 tt New Yrk11 lii UJ- ltI1IItlpblaJ5 13 rJO Vdililnttou U 17 310 tATnI LEAGU Clab W L tC Club w I IC eriiy Olty17 3 fa IJltImoe 9 1- 1usealo m- Tront 15 IicdeiIr 7 12 it S Irovlthnce 6 2- 8Nwark c 1310 KIS wrtetr 4 18 zoo FITZGERALD NOTe k SCARED BY ODDS South Brooklyn LightWeight > Says He Will Give Gans the Hardest Fight of His Career it Next Friday Night T The next battle of Importance to lx k decided In this country will bring to ¬ gether Joe Cans and Willie Fitzgerald of South Brooklyn for the llshtwolght championship of the world They will ire t In a twentyround bout before tie San Francisco A C next Friday night Doth men lire already In tlio host of chape and below the required weight 125 pounds Gans Is tho favorite In the betting at odds of G to 10 It Is exacted that bv the time the men enter the ring t the odds will change and Cans will be a- I1 I to 2 ehot Cans U regarded as a sure winner by every nine out of ten person on the court Fitzgerald Is not troubled- by the way the odds are going ufcn- lJilmand t claims that If he does not bout Gone he will give him the hardest light be eyer experienced Trouble for Jack Ollrlcn Philadelphia Jack OBrien will have bis hands full at the National A C of Philadelphia when he meets George t Dyers tho champion heavyweight uf flow Enrlind In a sixround bout Dyers has mct and held his own with limo of the best men In his class and 1 la thought by tome to be the tastes ti elxrcund boxer In the business lie Is rot only fast but lie Is aggressive I combination calculated to bring out OBrien at his best OBrien antici- pating ¬ another Important match has on at work ever since Ma sensational 4 xnMtlng with Marvin Hart and will be in condition to score a speedy victory U the opportunity presents it- selfI CMMN Getttuc Heavy Joe ann has admitted that he cannot make 133 pounds ringside demanded b- ILIriti which Is the lightweight limit 2Ie lays he Is willing to go that low on a 2 oclock basis and the proposition ptcuis fair enough Gao takes the stand that no ohiunplunfrhlp Unlitweight af t lr baa been fought at 133 ringside weight for many yuuri In tact Krne- Lavlgno beat at 1t1 pounds unit hai- lltook 9 the plum away from the Buffalo il > r at the come limit unIt Is tion 123 pounds In the afternoon and tail iecn onlr make such a weight by liar v MsMMul and lloirntt AIrln- rfJcjsDrooewho became popular in Orleansjecently by knocking out iic 1 flgbtrrln city In Ines than round naaboo matched to hin- watt i the bathe p twentyround bout nf to be acId In New Orlein v Tlias 111 IxTound bout in Chicago toa oso which wiu w oa by GIANTS THREE CATCHERS WOULD YOU KNOW THEM ON TIE STREET h BROOKLYNS VS- PITTSBURCSI Champions March on Washing- ton Field Thinking They Have- an Easy Mark in Ned Han Ions SuperbasB- ATTINGORDER Brooklyn llttpenirg ordaa 31 Heaumant cf- huckard If Cl vrke If Dolobll cf HBorinB rf- CMeCriMMllii rf AVlRnor se Doyle I ii 1lmii nUI lb- 1ahilefl u 1oacli 3v- jAh wrn o Ultchey b Flood Jb MP8 cf- Kvniu p p tJmprit Mr ODny- WASHINGTON PARK Brooklyn May 23 Having experlenc nO trouble In winning the flrst two jarnes of the present series from Mr Hunlonq unfor- tunata > nine the champion lltUbtir faced the Trolley DoJgtrs here apaln hil afternoon I only wish cverj team In the league ii ns easy to beat as the UrooWyna alI Capt Fred Clarke when he came ut on the field with Via men tp In ¬ In warming up In making thl declaration the pirates captain was not making a boast The roller dodgers have been tile easleAt kind of plckln- vor Clarke The rooters nevertheless still con- tinue to patronize the name and howl for Hnnlons men With the hope that the Suporbaa would l raye up ami mn n game from the champions the tan came here today In large numbers Long before the time for the ifounea to open an army was besieging the park The day was Ideal for a game- t I was clear and cool Manager lIanlon and Fred Clarke wore not certain who they would put In to pltoh but at the last moment Hanlon called Hoy Evans to the box while Clarke selected big Phlllppl There were over 000 specta- tors ¬ when game was called First Inning Beaumont walked Clarke hit sifely promoting Beaumont to second Ke fly was taken by Jor dun Evans threw Walter ott ad- vancing ¬ both runners a base BranJ- lleld flied out No runs Sheckard perlsh at flrst Dobbs singled McCreedle forced Dobbs at sea and Doyle fllet out No runs Second InnIng Leach fanned Illtohey tr1 I Jor ¬ dan got Ihelpss hUrti foul fly Phllllppl struck out No runs Dahlln tripled Wagners wild throw of Ahearns grotln Ur let Dahlen score and Ahearn roach llrst Flood struck out Jordan was out at first lAhearn reaching second ISvans fanned One run Third Inning aumont tiled out Clarke was the second out Scoring struk out No rinik- Bheckanl out at first Dobbs got the tame McCretJlo singled Doyle bunt- ed ¬ but was out at first No runs Fourth Inntns- Warmir was nIpped at first Bran field walked Doyle got Leach foul fly Kltohey tiled out to Hhockord No run Dahlen ihiBlul and reached third on Ahearns drive to right Ahearn reach- Ing second Flood flied out to Searing Dahl n scorIng and Abeam reaching third Jordan out at first Evans singled scoring Ahearn 6he kard singled send Ins Evans to third Two runs Fifth 1 11 u I nu singled Bo did PhillippI Beaumont sacrlncrd Clarke was thrown- out by Flood Phelps scoring Flood bud throw let leOnI reach first nntT Phllllppl scorn Sebrlng out stetillng sec- ond ¬ Two runs Dobbs out at first McCreedlo walked Doyle out Bttinsfleld unamlstrd Me Treedlo reaching aacond DahUn was reUr d at flrtrt No run Sixth Innlngr Wagner out II tilllL nransflld slnjlwl and stole second Loach flied to Dobba JUtohcy out at first No Abeam filed out Flood out Phllllppl to Brunsfleld Jordan fanned No rum rr Joe Keller Suspended POSTON May tRelley and Pelt were both ordered from the field In the ball game yesterday for question ¬ ing Umpire Emslas decisions Ktllei goes on a threeday suspension for bo Ine out of tho game In Brooklyn by Umpire Moron t J- i r Lt PRINCETON AND HARVARD MEET- On the Result of Baseball Game ToDay Hinges Question of future Meetings- BATTINGORDER Han rd 1rincwton H Kflrrmn If c foollclge 2b OiMKrov cf Matthews sa Poarson lb IUndnl lb Iurncll b Well 21- i4tpphonon rf elhill If fltlllman of tuvls if Story 31 fttavcns p It Kenrin c Amelia M- ISlxclal to The Riming World CXUUIUDOE Mans May 23 JUr- vanl nnd Princeton mot In baseball at Cwnbrldjrs today A big crowd turned out to witness tile contest botwecii the- o t rvab for thl Is the only athletic n ugjlo In whIch the two gomq to pat her thlq year As sj ill the ease last YAar only one game ls to be played but II to days gawo Is productive of no lllfeellnir It la more than probable that a series win be arranged betWeen tile universities next yoill and the ojdtimc rivalry on tbQ dtAmond will be rccutnlillshed I Harvard had not counted on a very hard con os today for two reaaons In 4 ho flrift place the record of the Tiger I t cam this spring lua not been one ot treat strength and its narrow escape I from defeat at the hands of Andover Bahool yseterday was such as to dispel nil fear In tho crlmnoat camp But fur- ther ¬ Harvard relies to rrau extent on I bur captain to pull her out of only dllll- culty Clarkson hal been pitching hotter than over this spring showing rare I s peed and curves us well aa wonderful control The Crimson team as a whole t has Improved In standing up to the bat but the men sao upt to hit at bad balls and easIly get discouraged Tim bunting Is atlll weak while the bnserunnln al- though ¬ brilliant at times la raUi r un- reliable iUttliews the little colored uliort stop after a tow days layoff re1 aimed his place again while Btory was put In at third In place of Carr BWvcna was on the slob for the Prince ¬ ton team GEORGETOWN WINS FROM ANNAPOLIS ANNAPOLIS Md May 2SIn the boat race hero today between the leorgetown and Naval Academy crews tho ffrmor carried off alt the honors winning first and second places In fine style All four craw got off well the navy jumping Into the lead and for the first few yards looked aa though they wculd run away from the reaL Their triumph Han short lived as Georgetown varsity swept by and soon had a com- fortable ¬ lead The boats crossed the line as follows Cistew V riltr Urn i s OoorMown itoond lion e- IIJ nicest llm 6L Nary Oriu list Ua WRESTLINGNOTESY- oung Corbett will make his first appearance In the East since ho defeated Terry McQovem at Minors Bowery Theatre lonlght Corbett will wit ned ho wrestling bout between Tom Hharkey and John Planing the Oraeo Hoiimn champion The contest has created a great amount of local Int rest It will be first appearance un ¬ der Qraoco rules 5 I Cart Potts tho giant Frenchman wIt have a dunce to show whet ho can do tonight In a wrestling way He Is slated to meet August Faust of Oar many at the Olympic Theatre Gnu Hundred and Twentyninth street and Third avenue In a limited bout under GraoeoItornan rules This will bo Pan last engagement ID town prior to hu big m tch with Tom Bharkoy at Sulzers Harlem River ParK next Tues ¬ slay night In Faust ho moot a husky ns well as clever fellow who will make him hustle In order to win Pons arrived In town today from Montreal and says that ho show a few tricks Much Interest Is centred In th match nnneball Polti lronnd Tollnjr3i6- p i1 rr wuw vs NSW Tog MID ux i t4ffii1Jio 1 j u 1 h ai 600 SCHOOLBOY ATHLETES MEETY- oung Wonders Compete for Honors at Franklin Field Phi- ladelphia ¬ BpwUl to The Caning Vv n 1 KRANKMN FIELD PHILADKI- PIIIA May 23Slx hundred nnd wen tyllvu xohoulboy athletes the pick of 119 country usscmbkd on Franklin Field this afternoon to compete In the uocoiul annual Mlddlo States Track und FIcM ChAmploimhlpH hold under the auspices ot the University of Pennsyl- vania ¬ I Without exception It was the largest Bathosins of schoolboy athletes ever held in this country and from the quality of the entries In each event records were certain to go In the 1041 yard dash alono seven boys were on1 tered who had In previous guinea cov- ered the distance In even tune Murcfisburc Acnilcmy fresh from Its victories at Princeton and Yale was conciddd first place In the number of points scored Philadelphia and New Yoik schools strained ivory offort to laud the events which tho upState lads wore countlr on winning John Taylor the negro athlete from Brown Preparatory School made a special try for n 410vard national IntorscUolasUc record of roO 15 In several trials ho huts negotiated the distance In a traction umltT the present figures Tho mile run promised to be one of tlw greatest races of the day Itagoffln of- MorcorsburK Jones of plsropal Acad- emy ¬ Cumberland of Temple College and Parsons of Lawroncoville the four fastest schoolboy IongdlsUna runnets li the country toed the mark Kioh of these boys has done 4 mlmit and 10 seconds while Cumberland was expect td tu do 435 It pushed Ideal weather at a fast trac PILl a large and ethtislustlc crowd of rooters marked the meet as being ono of the most successful ever held an Franklin Field The largo number of cntrloj III th flelil events necessitated twj sets boo- Ing contested at the same time In the sprints there were sixteen heats Four of the fastest EchooLboys In Phil ¬ adelphia were to run agtvlost Brown Preparatory Schoolrelay team In en to heat the worlds Inter- scholastic record Tile auniuitls Pint best won br Lee Epltcotmli Mcood Cream S T P TIm 1021 cudi Stcoad hut was by A II UowMr Gtltia hens gliepptfd W itobMt r Normil epeond Tim 10 2l second Third hut won by liHhim Qnutntnra IcOail Dulin4 U U 8 lien 10 15 KconcU- Vovrtb hxt won br McOowin T C itaindk C CUl J T I Tim 10 15 cood Fifth tiit tor br Aldenlrlo V I J ic ond Hirdock C It 8 Tin 1015 woandt HtAt tar second men won by Ctrty J T I itcond 8hej p rd W JA TIm 10 35 Mcooda IMYua hurdle trill htFJrt hut won br Lf iltt Mircenburii itcond Lltltt C II S Tim IS 45 itcondi Till tin tqtmli the Amtrlttn nttrtcholutlt rOCQrd Second heat won by McCullougli Mtrctrtburf rood PQtfttr P OL Tim 17 5 teoondi 440Y M Itttli Won br Ttylor Drawn Prep tecond tuiiIgeo Brown Pup IhlciJ Wblll hem 0 A Tlsn63- zjQyI4 Dirt Klrul won bjr A1d rclM V r S i second Carey J T t1 third McGwti T C ThuslO Tbli ecjujli lit Amerlctn lattncboV rtcorJ llurJUl Mntl but son br Ixollt Mtronbfri t sweat Llijtu c II B third ffer C Tlmt 16- OntMllt Hun Won by iUrufflo Mwctrilurj Kond Cumbtrlind T C tilrJ Joan E1ica- P l A tin 4m U 4bl- UlfMllt nun Won by Ptrioni Ltvnnct- vlllt Moonds Hodgt 8 P 0 third alitnird T C tIn lot 54 brt4Un the Into cboUutlc record Shot PutWOS br Ak rmin N A distant 44 feet 8t Inoiiti teoond Andrui Lawrence- Tills third lUlllnuhtid Ccmden Hllh SSYtrd Hurdlte tries bftFlro IItWon by UArllt Mtruritiiyvl second Ptolfftr po tOrn 13 6 S gnnd iIstWcet by b M rrni ri see ond Cllrf Qernunttwn tin Third llett won by coos awulhmoiti ascend McOullouiti lUrc bunri time S7 1B IOYard Hurdle AMI aetOAVan L uHl Mon < r> uuri wccnj DnoOi tlvcentiurf thIM Ceo T S tint 5G36 < brtlVi IV Ipi nc oUctlo retard by 16 o fs second Pole Veult Woo by > loort MtrctnmiiTi eec cod Tenney P C third 11 Mtmnburjt hIM 10 ft 7 In ILgli JuatpWos br VThUcofab l rc nburic- lecouJ UuUnty M 0 B third Dltklnun T C height 0 ft Si tn TwoMile Ttun Won by OimberUnd T C eecond MxoOn MerMrtbirc third McCurdly L U II 8 tins Um 3 3S- 220Yird PthFbnoI hett Won by M Own T C second KoQuekin Drown Pup third meppard W J A time J2 3I Q imnur School Ittliy Cbsut4ona2oIpWon by Newton r nilblne JoJiown ant aoodeh ll Captain second Ktnrton third Walton tins 3m 4t Hammer Throw Won by JVrkerman U A second N Auitln II 8 third UcCore U A I dltuce 151 ft J In h h- iit1i J l kL ak > v f YALE AND HARVARD IN FIELD EVENTS Enthusiastic Crowd Filled the Stands but Betting on tho Result Was Light fSpecUl to The Eenlnc World YALE KIEID NEW HAVBN Conn May 23 Perfect weather conditions with the exception of a hlnh wind which wept the Held were realized this af- ternoon ¬ for the eleventh annual dual meet ot the Yale thai Harvard track trams Long before 230 oclock tho stands vera filled with a crowd of Yale anti l Harvard spectators who Indulged In I frequent oheerUig The Harvard team spent this morning at the Pcquot Club House at Morris Cove and arrived at the flod shortly after noon All were in prime condition and Capt Llghtncr and Trainer Graham predicted that there would be some surprises In the events anl that YnloB calculations of CO points out of a possible 101 would be badly shaken rite team spent the night In quiet se- cliition and this morning took a short sail on the Sound as a bracor The Yale team In charge of Trainer Mike Murphy came trotting on the field as agile as colts anti the early predictions ot uvcrtrilnlnz and other discouraging prophesies were at once put nettle a R the usual Ynln bluff Dotting on the re- sult ¬ was Putt anti up to tho last mo- ment ¬ the jnen who had money to wager t were unwilling to plucv much except even terms Capt Thomas of Yale was i ncumnnmlcuue on the general result LIlt was willing to concede that Harvard woud bo able to capture a fair share or firsts Moulton Vas Confident Fay Moulton the Yale sprinter seemed to feel no anxiety as to his ability to give Bchlck the Harvard rack a hard rub In the sprints seemed little likelihood of recordbreak ¬ ing jvarformancw In the running events Long the Yale quartermilor reported In excellent shape after his little trip to eimebury where a halt dozen of the Yule athletes were rent to farm It for a few days to recover tram a little cast ot over training Ixin a adherents pre- dicted ¬ would give Halgh Harvard a hard rub and possibly take a next Denting of Yale the star of the ro cent Ya3o Prlncotoh meot was picked as an easy winner of tho half mile Col wells eleventh home entry in the mile and two mile events was reckoned a promising feature for Harvard He was concedM the mile and was expected to Rive Frtfichot at Yale the race of hU life In the event of Yale wa conceded the high hurdles with Bauer a dark bone from Cam ¬ aft a promising man In the low hurdles of Yivlr reported In great condition and was aa a- touslblc t recordbreaker In the hammer- throw while Eddie Gloss the giant Yale a hot plJ ttr was reported aa likely to do botnrthlnir ensatlonnl In his ovent J E Sullivan of tho New York A Coo was referee ot the meet J J DIxon of the N Y A C was clerk of the course The Judges were H laggard Boston A 0 T J OJJrlen N Y A C and C C t C A A Yule scratched D W Franohot and S L Mime from the mile Kmnahot being saved for the twomile event Tho total score of points In the first eight events was Yale S3 Harvard 31 The Snminnrlea1- 20YtM HariUtiTFlrit brat won br 0 J hoe harvard U W itseto Yl < second Urn 1545- 1WY M httudlei4eeosd hut won br B J Olpp Yat r W Dlr4 lucid second tIme 18 J5- 100YirJ > DhPlnl heat won br P R Moul ton Vile U n Lljtuntr HirrmrJ ttcaat tim 1015i Second heat won br W A Schick harvard L milk lIar tcoail time 1025 Tile was IOt with but one conttitint Jn the Anal nt tbt 100riri both Lllltr sod Moore hud wiltlBi tu qualify ID the pcnd pre llmlnarln Mile RanWop br IL U Walsh llarvtrd U A Colwell HuTim second W J nail Vile third tlmt tm 3115 Walsh sat Colwll of lUrvtrd anti IUII ot Yil scored a blinktt flnlsh In the nrtlt run- alh V detf lln Colwll or Inehti with J lull it hi bl 4IOV rd DubWon b J K lUlth Ittrnudi U a CUrk lUrrard iKoadi E J DIsc UrTinl third time 49- 4120Ytrd Hurdle Klnil twit Won br B i lug et Ye le r W word or lUrnrd emend XV Mert Vale third time 1tGn1- 0flY rd Dash Sail IWoa br W A < Mok lUntnl f n Uoulton Yilt itcond M T Llibtixr lUrvird third Ttae 101C Shot Put Wen brU T aIM Yale with a put et 44 leet U Inohtii y II SchoentUM lost vanl conJ slOb a put ot 43 IlIl1 P inches 1 U TJnder Hurud third with a putot 41 U 1 2 lathe hloIMhle RunWoo br E A DemOns Yslei J E Odor II nrard Mnndi D II Moffatt Tile third m02rn 2- Dwntag I ed YK woo Oa btU nllt tfr acbs ii t 0 only Ho overtook and piued Dshr of Harvard within a rod of the Unlit and won by fajlln forward egalnit the tape 220 low aiunllea Klrat heat WOT by P W liPid Harvard J II Thorns Yale second time 26 35 Second heat Won by K J CUl >p Yale A pctennn Uanard accand time 27 Ito Itunnlng hUh jump won by O r Victor Yale heIght 6 rt II incite F W Murphy Harvard and A Derby llirrard tied toe second place height 5 feet S In hte Pole Vauitt V McLanahan J C Preston it II Dehr and W M Adrlince tied the bar being now it 11 ft 3 Inches Insuring Yale 8 points In this event This last Harvard man to drop out as s It Knbeson whose height wai 10 ft IIS fnehee when he dropped out JJOYirJ Dash First heat son by U T Llrhtner Harvard M U Clerk Harvard eec ¬ ond time 23 seonde Second hot von by R R Moulton Yale W A SchlcL Hartard second time 22 45 ate onds TwoMile Ruaon by W A Colwell Har- vard ¬ D W Franchol Yale seeond J SI huh aHrvard third time Da ZSs MORRIS PARK ENTRIES MOUIUS PARK N Y May 23The following are the entries for Mondays- races Plnrt lUceSeUIPg uoyearold maidens tour and onehalf furlongs Ojnanosue 107 sir Walt In11 It C Hunt 10 Dally Castle101 fortune lIunlnIO Lady Badge 102 Second nice Selling Kllps course fouls 101 The Laurel 01 Pitiacu 09 Reckless S3 Prince Citing 101 Judge Fulton Si Mowini 101 lett Hoe 01 Ella Snyder JOl rtoyal Plrat D7 I alley Forje Si 1lpo SO Third lOOCeSteeplechaet about two miles Corner Plieon 1M ltin5 Edward Dhe Abie 15C Tankard jS Iraujhtman 111 Tim Ilagjed CVller 135 Tireless HI May HarrUon 132 OlCfltitioth IG2 ihe Virginian 13 Silver Twist 131- Pourtti RaceVan toalonat handicap seven f urlong or Withr MUo Lux CatU 12o finn IM XIV York Ill Lady Uncis 9 < i lowllnt 110 HinsI Highlander 10S Sergeant E Sitth ltaeeSlttag stint and a halt urlonlt of mU Torchlight 111 Fita Sntder 99 Ito Tiota Olary WorthlOi Agnes Crvl 91 Sloth ititie in4 a I ovor tOts hilt 1111 Mexican JJ3 Sergeant 9T ZoroIr 107 Ir Sailor SO 106 Ph ° M- SS limiter Slain lOd Circus 9 lnk lOt TorchliVtt 86 119 LATONIA WINNERSS- pecial to The Evening World I I HACK TIIACK CIVCIN NATI May FoUowing are tho ro suits of the races run here this after- noon ¬ First naceJ9evenClghtha by Ethel 7 to 1 all S mteVon 2 to 1 was second Savers was third TIme11t 2 Seconl Race Fiveclgliths of a mile Mlzen Mast 10 to 1 and 7 < o 1 Rln- land Time out 1 wn1 secn Caper was T ilrd Raco Mile and onealxtcenth Wan by Aimless 8 to 5 and I Welsh Girl 3 to 1 was second I eeblle tided Time 160W an WINNERS HAWTHORNE Special to The Evening World HAWTHORNE RACE TRACK May 23The races scheduled to be run this afternoon resulted as follows her First Race Fiveeighths of i mile Won by Skilful 0 to 2 and B to jI Slight Chancellor fi to 6 Wits Joe Marten wgs third Time105 < Booond RceFour and half furlongs Won to 1 and 4 Proceeds 3 to 1 was seeond Peter Paul was third Time 3- 5Ihl Race abort course Won by to 5 iwd 2 to 5 Duke of York even second and Klngalong thtrd Time 254 35- OreIron 5 T AVlieclnieii Meet The Oregon Wheclme will hold an outing and tomorrow at Feldmans Queens County Park In petIt L I The races 100yard dash and onehalf mile run anti bicycle races at onehalf one and tw miles THREE TEAMS TO ROLL FOR THE BOWLING CUP St Metropolitans Won Twice Last Night and Tied with Orchards and Fidelias r RESULT OF BIG- BOWLNG TOURNEY- Tied for First Prize Fidelias Metropolitans and Orchard Fourth Prize Knickerbockers Fifth Prize Nationals Tied for Sixth Prize Baysldes- Krakehllai and Harlem Circles The Evening Worlds Wg champion- ship ¬ bowling tournament has Sam enough developed Into a hot struggle To gala possession of tho hniidsom cup emblematic of the title caused svery member of the various teams tu- luille hard tar victory Tlie tournament Is really completed but owing to tit clpso hard fight for fast honors another fIGht wilt bo neccssao tr three teams to the question- of tvrjch shall own the cup rite olubj- ti 3 for the prize are the Motrppoll- taiix tha lldehls and tho Orchards Previous night the last named Uo tciin divided the honor of holding Hut plucv Gut the brilliant work o tile Mots in their two games voii- thtin the right to roll again vnurn it Trlesjs alleys were crowded las night v hen tho first gxuno began The trt conUst was between the Bay sides Krakehlku On the result w> far U8 the latter live piactcally depended wer concere sixth prize game was a corker to say the lejst It was close all Kiel way and the laBdc <l finally won by eleven pins Then came tho Mets first game It- tvas against tho KroJcehllas The latter team was easily beaten The excitement after that was intense On the result of the Mets game against the Uaysldea depended whether they would tie for first prize or be contented with third The Iets were at their dent though arid they came out rather easily Tlis tie for fit prize will be rle at Amann R next day > and the fight for sixth usoventh and eighth between the ysl- dKrkehla S and Frlda Harlem Circles will b Lost nights scores FIRST GAME Bayfdde Johnson 193 Fisher 173 Walters Iii McLaren 186 Cumlnp 172 Total 913 Krn UaBnnk 17 H Meyer SCHAEFER MAY MEET CURE IN BILLIARD MATCH I Arranged First Contest Will He Played In New York PARIS May 23Jacob Schaefer the Wizard nt billiards expects to make a match with Cure the French expert- to be played in New York next fall and which wi bo followed by a return match Paris Schaefer will return after his proposed contest with Cure and renew his contract with the man- agement ¬ under whicn he played all winter Hchnofcr soY there Is no billiard champion world now da he and Fournll were not In the last match In which three men tied though the prlzo went to Vlgnaux who claimed It on the highest average GAELIC FOOTBALL- AT CELTIC PARK Kloklianin antI Wolf Tone to flat tIn for Interstate Honor ToMorrow In the game of Gaelic total sched- uled ¬ for decision Celtic Park between the Klckliams and the Wolf Tone ot Waterbury Conn In ¬ t are Involved and a stir- ring ¬ game Is promised Each of tile teams represent the com- petitive ¬ strength of Its respective terri- tory ¬ and this will bo the first gamo visitors have played here rhe th will commence at S oclok TIGER ATHLETES TO MEET CORNELLS TODAY Great Intercut Ueloff Taken In Dual Sleet at Albany ITHACA May 3Tho athlete pt Princeton and Cornell WH1 meet at Albany today Great Interest Is taken In the event not only among theundedunt of the two untver will be represented In the Intercollegiate ta at Mott raven next week Ta win fur- nish ¬ another line nhat may V ex- pected ¬ In that contet- enulne Carters Little Liver pm Must Bear Signature of d BEE FACSIMILE TTOArPM- lrORHEAOACni IZW1- Vjvrv sllsa4- l ee C C A iiCARTERS rca DIZZINUL FOR BILJOUSNEtti 1 IU FOR CONSTIPATION TORPID IIVKR lea SALLOW RIH- FOBTHEQQMPLWIOH IL I caJuiuu wesese ass CURE SICK HEADACHE Mon Como to Mol suffering I want eye nun Valcocolo that Ii- T a Stricture Acute and Chronic Ulcers Blood I or any Swellings Cntnrrltnl OIcbIII r I Rheumatism In nil Its forms Lot Vigor I ladder and Kidney Conditions Eczema Pfplu iv or Erup vo Conditions oh this any Aloclac Diseases of Men to come uid luv a eocUl chit will give you Free of Charge t thorough per 5 sorul examInation together with an honest and scientific opinion- of your case SUllernolnter Consult me at once Write ifyou cant call to 830 P M Dally Sundays 10 A M to 4 P fit Consultation and Advice Fre- eR t M MacKenzie WVW M D H6- WVVW wa t tOR- I I 4 i- I ti 1 1F df I i b i t 191 210 ledge liS Adlcko 178 leusft SECOND GAM- Elfetpoltonloam lij Qrangir 111 IM Leuly 184 Total 04- 0KrnkchliaBrinkna 1C8 H Meyer IWf II Jfey r 170 Adlcka ICO Heuser 4 15S Total S12 THIRD GAME Metropolitan Ueajn 363 Granger 233 Oest 183 Sherwood 302 Leuly 167 T tal OS- SUaynldo Johneon 115 Fisher 11 Walters 209 Mcl iren 131 Cumlnsr Totnl S- AIcUWY13N A- NEW MASTER SPECIALIST YORKS i NERVOUS DEBILITY Curesqulek and radical ip 30 to CO days by my own famous methcd STRICTURE cured in 5 to 15 days without cutting stretch leg rlou pain cure- TROUBLES or loss of time 1 14 a mar 1 DUflcPApW Jp rmanenl cur ASY 1 OIUIJOIIZIU CAS n mater how cbrDlo VADhIflfll P cured In inhIiuuuuaJu days by WxU oat process BLOOD Radical cures In SOtoDildaga I everyvestlge of pot p OIBON500 of from mercury the aY8te wtbot LOSSES Time of cure 10 to 60 It1 ear by my original very DRAINS remedy lIE ueed eeluslvl7 b 1 PILES AMD- RECTAL tar cured bow no mat DISEASES 01 crDJ I 5 I often cure b a single treatment f RnPTIIRRoure days no mat fl how aggravated the SBO by my NEW METHOD CURE r4 without pain operation or detention J from business I CONSULTATION FREE I no charee for a or correspondence Come to me In the 7 strictest confidence I hays been ex- clusively ¬ treating private and special ot men for 30 years Nothing 11 science can devise or money buy la lacking In my omce equipment I will use you honesty treat you skilfully- and health In the short ¬ est time with the least medldn dis- comfort ¬ and expense practicable I t guarantee to cure any case I Ullea take If you cannot call write home cure Medicines furnished i DR L RI WILLIAMS I 1 165 West 34th SL N Y tOUfa 9 AM t 8 PM Sundays 10 t S J 1- I ILl J- Z W It- m 0- i U- c it Sportsmens Goo f Spaldings 4 I Bicycle BargainsF- OR THIS WEEK I V Spaldings 27 50 1902 Red Head Spaldings J903 Nyacfc 22 50 Bicycles Spaldings 22501950 Juvenile 17 I 50 11 I The only high grade juveniles to select from Any boy wilt tell you the value of a Spalding namepjate Bargains In last years- Columbtu Tribunes Cleve lad Ramblers r Q Twospeed Spalding C flit a longfelt want- A 0 SPALDINQ- usus BR95 i i 2 IL- HMUU M Btrttt STORKS 4U Iii j Sporting j MORRIS PARK RACES Ever Week Day ny iJkNoao Ta M Are V u Wlllu avj u W BPMUI Trellis Attest to Jol Or rorjtum N r It- loose 01 Ctrt at ItM 1Z 236 Q N tiers Orua all 5tado at uTn 1 U ntrtl ATIOIU tnlM- nrv its mloutu CkrrUsM mtr be 1T- Sysedham a4 Stifles to rte synch las E 380 P x J M J I P i J LtS >

Transcript of llYt WOR14 WT SPORTING NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE EVENING … · 2017. 12. 21. · llYt fr...


llYt fr AMIS WOR14 8 SATURDAY JBYEfflflG MAX 33 UU1a 7CT l pa




Manager Capt Clark Griffith

Goes In to Pitch Himself

Donohue Twrils for Opposing

teamBig Crowd on Hand


New York St Louli-Bavin It Uurkett IfKeeler rf ctFultz cf Hemphlll rfWilliams 2b Wallace ss-Ganzcl lb Anderson lbOonroy 3Ix McCormick 2bLong at brlel 3bOConnor c HugMcn cUrinith p Donohue p

Umpire Sherldnn-Sptclit to The trtnlm World

AaiERiCAN LBAOUE PAJIK STLOUIS May 23Tho Invaders opene1up thslr season with the Drowns thisafternoon confidant ot taking all at thethree gamei Clark Qrllllth himself wetinto the box in an effort to break thotreak of bad luck that has follow oil th-ou m trom town to town and the menback of him played tho boat sort of ballthey know Grit Is anxious to make Itthree straight here and then with acouple of panics from tho ohaniploiiAthletics twxt week the Invaders willfeel more like fuclnc the rmulc back atthe Gordon Highlands

Tho team today was In great ghapofor ball playing Dave Fultz who wasresponsible for tho one run mule yeslerday In Chicago was as utroiig ccever and although John Gamels goodright arm was a bit sore he played thegenie in his usual forecaitle mannert The day was a perfect one fur ttaseball and the tans turned ot In largonumbers to welcome the New York play ¬

ersJaek OConnor got the greatest re-


t of hIs ball career Ti u Is Jac sfcuma and a deleatlon of Ms nelborsarid friends lilted up a laro portion ofthe grand stand antI cheered to the echovery time the old St LouU catchermade a move St Loulsans were nnxlousto ota look at the much heraldedbunch of stars and tIm biggest crowd ofthe season was on hind for tho tart oftoo game Despite thu loslmc streak theNow Yorkers continuo to be tim best

ajrsrcKutlnn in the league andeverywhere the rooters look to see Clrlf

U tin get the team Into winning shape Inr nfcort order


Btanillnn of tho ClnbNATIONAL LCACUa-

Clvtr45h W I Ie Club W I PCMrw York20 8 711 nation 13 H ICI

pit J Cfclciso 23 9 710 llrooklyn 14 1C 461ntuljunr m 13 1IlllidolpllU J it 300CJaclnntU 15 10 tsflst Loiili S 21 250


Chlwjo 1G 10 C St Loul-iOlmltnl

jl 11 K1-II13 11 SIS llnton 13 411I Detroit 14 12 tt New Yrk11 lii UJ-

ltI1IItlpblaJ5 13 rJO Vdililnttou U 17 310

tATnI LEAGUClab W L tC Club w I IC

eriiy Olty17 3 fa IJltImoe 9 1-1usealo m-Tront

15 IicdeiIr 7 12it S Irovlthnce 6 2-

8Nwarkc 1310 KIS wrtetr 4 18 zoo


South Brooklyn LightWeight> Says He Will Give Gans the

Hardest Fight of His Careerit Next Friday Night

T The next battle of Importance to lxk decided In this country will bring to¬

gether Joe Cans and Willie Fitzgeraldof South Brooklyn for the llshtwolghtchampionship of the world They will

ire t In a twentyround bout before tieSan Francisco A C next Friday nightDoth men lire already In tlio host ofchape and below the required weight125 pounds Gans Is tho favorite In thebetting at odds of G to 10 It Is exactedthat bv the time the men enter the ring

t the odds will change and Cans will be a-

I1I to 2 ehot Cans U regarded as a surewinner by every nine out of ten personon the court Fitzgerald Is not troubled-by the way the odds are going ufcn-lJilmandt claims that If he does not boutGone he will give him the hardest lightbe eyer experiencedTrouble for Jack Ollrlcn

Philadelphia Jack OBrien will havebis hands full at the National A C ofPhiladelphia when he meets George

t Dyers tho champion heavyweight ufflow Enrlind In a sixround boutDyers has mct and held his own with

limo of the best men In his class and1 la thought by tome to be the tastes

ti elxrcund boxer In the business lie Isrot only fast but lie Is aggressive I

combination calculated to bring outOBrien at his best OBrien antici-pating


another Important match hason at work ever since Ma sensational4 xnMtlng with Marvin Hart and will be

in condition to score a speedy victoryU the opportunity presents it-


CMMN Getttuc HeavyJoe ann has admitted that he cannot

make 133 pounds ringside demanded b-

ILIriti which Is the lightweight limit2Ie lays he Is willing to go that low ona 2 oclock basis and the propositionptcuis fair enough Gao takes the standthat no ohiunplunfrhlp Unlitweight aft lr baa been fought at 133 ringsideweight for many yuuri In tact Krne-

Lavlgnobeat at 1t1 pounds unit hai-lltook

9the plum away from the Buffalo

il> r at the come limit unIt Is tion123 pounds In the afternoon and tailiecn onlr make such a weight by liarv MsMMul and lloirntt AIrln-rfJcjsDrooewho became popular in

Orleansjecently by knocking outiic 1 flgbtrrln city In Ines than

round naaboomatched to hin-watti the bathep twentyround bout nfto be acId In New Orleinv Tlias 111

IxTound bout in Chicagotoa oso which wiu w oa by





Champions March on Washing-

ton Field Thinking They Have-

an Easy Mark in Ned Han

Ions SuperbasB-


Brooklyn llttpenirgordaa 31 Heaumant cf-

huckard If Cl vrke IfDolobll cf HBorinB rf-CMeCriMMllii rf AVlRnor seDoyle I ii 1lmii nUI lb-

1ahilefl u 1oacli 3v-jAh wrn o Ultchey bFlood Jb MP8 cf-Kvniu p p

tJmprit Mr ODny-WASHINGTON PARK Brooklyn

May 23 Having experlenc nO troubleIn winning the flrst two jarnes of thepresent series from Mr Hunlonq unfor-tunata


nine the champion lltUbtirfaced the Trolley DoJgtrs here apalnhil afternoon

I only wish cverj team In the leagueii ns easy to beat as the UrooWyna

alI Capt Fred Clarke when he cameut on the field with Via men tp In ¬

In warming up In making thldeclaration the pirates captain was notmaking a boast The roller dodgershave been tile easleAt kind of plckln-vor Clarke

The rooters nevertheless still con-tinue to patronize the name and howlfor Hnnlons men With the hope thatthe Suporbaa would l raye up ami mnn game from the champions the tancame here today In large numbers

Long before the time for the ifouneato open an army was besieging thepark The day was Ideal for a game-tI was clear and cool Manager lIanlon

and Fred Clarke wore not certain whothey would put In to pltoh but at thelast moment Hanlon called Hoy Evansto the box while Clarke selected bigPhlllppl There were over 000 specta-tors


when game was calledFirst Inning

Beaumont walked Clarke hit sifelypromoting Beaumont to second Ke

fly was taken by Jordun Evans threw Walter ott ad-vancing


both runners a base BranJ-lleld flied out No runs

Sheckard perlsh at flrst Dobbssingled McCreedle forced Dobbs at seaand Doyle fllet out No runs

Second InnIngLeach fanned Illtohey tr1 I Jor¬

dan got Ihelpss hUrti foul fly Phllllpplstruck out No runs

Dahlln tripled Wagners wild throwof Ahearns grotln Ur let Dahlen scoreand Ahearn roach llrst Flood struckout Jordan was out at first lAhearnreaching second ISvans fanned Onerun

Third Inningaumont tiled out Clarke was the

second out Scoring struk out Norinik-

Bheckanl out at first Dobbs got thetame McCretJlo singled Doyle bunt-ed


but was out at first No runsFourth Inntns-

Warmir was nIpped at first Branfield walked Doyle got Leach foul flyKltohey tiled out to Hhockord No run

Dahlen ihiBlul and reached third onAhearns drive to right Ahearn reach-Ing second Flood flied out to SearingDahl n scorIng and Abeam reachingthird Jordan out at first Evans singledscoring Ahearn 6he kard singled sendIns Evans to third Two runs

Fifth 1 11 u I nusingled Bo did PhillippI

Beaumont sacrlncrd Clarke was thrown-out by Flood Phelps scoring Floodbud throw let leOnI reach first nntTPhllllppl scorn Sebrlng out stetillng sec-ond

¬Two runs

Dobbs out at first McCreedlo walkedDoyle out Bttinsfleld unamlstrd MeTreedlo reaching aacond DahUn wasreUr d at flrtrt No run

Sixth InnlngrWagner out II tilllL nransflldslnjlwl and stole second Loach fliedto Dobba JUtohcy out at first No

Abeam filed out Flood out Phllllpplto Brunsfleld Jordan fanned No rum

rrJoe Keller Suspended

POSTON May tRelley and Peltwere both ordered from the field Inthe ball game yesterday for question ¬

ing Umpire Emslas decisions Ktlleigoes on a threeday suspension for boIne out of tho game In Brooklynby Umpire Moron

t J-

i r




On the Result of Baseball Game

ToDay Hinges Question of

future Meetings-


Han rd 1rincwtonH Kflrrmn If cfoollclge 2b OiMKrov cfMatthews sa Poarson lbIUndnl lb Iurncll b

Well 21-i4tpphonon rf elhill Iffltlllman of tuvls ifStory 31 fttavcns pIt Kenrin c Amelia M-

ISlxclal to The Riming WorldCXUUIUDOE Mans May 23 JUr-

vanl nnd Princeton mot In baseball atCwnbrldjrs today A big crowd turnedout to witness tile contest botwecii the-

ot rvab for thl Is the only athleticn ugjlo In whIch the two gomq to pat herthlq year As sjill the ease last YAaronly one game ls to be played but II todays gawo Is productive of no lllfeellnirIt la more than probable that a serieswin be arranged betWeen tile universitiesnext yoill and the ojdtimc rivalry ontbQ dtAmond will be rccutnlillshed I

Harvard had not counted on a veryhard con os today for two reaaons In4 ho flrift place the record of the Tiger I

tcam this spring lua not been one ottreat strength and its narrow escape I

from defeat at the hands of AndoverBahool yseterday was such as to dispelnil fear In tho crlmnoat camp But fur-ther


Harvard relies to rrau extent on I

bur captain to pull her out of only dllll-culty Clarkson hal been pitching hotterthan over this spring showing rare I

speed and curves us well aa wonderfulcontrol The Crimson team as a whole t

has Improved In standing up to the batbut the men sao upt to hit at bad ballsand easIly get discouraged Tim buntingIs atlll weak while the bnserunnln al-though


brilliant at times la raUi r un-reliable iUttliews the little coloreduliort stop after a tow days layoff re1aimed his place again while Btory wasput In at third In place of CarrBWvcna was on the slob for the Prince ¬ton team



ANNAPOLIS Md May 2SIn theboat race hero today between theleorgetown and Naval Academy crewstho ffrmor carried off alt the honorswinning first and second places In finestyle All four craw got off well thenavy jumping Into the lead and for thefirst few yards looked aa though theywculd run away from the reaL Theirtriumph Han short lived as Georgetownvarsity swept by and soon had a com-


lead The boats crossed theline as follows

Cistew V riltr Urn isOoorMown itoond lion e-

IIJ nicest llm 6LNary Oriu list Ua


oung Corbett will make his firstappearance In the East since ho defeatedTerry McQovem at Minors BoweryTheatre lonlght Corbett will witned ho wrestling bout between TomHharkey and John Planing the OraeoHoiimn champion The contest hascreated a great amount of local Int restIt will be first appearance un ¬

der Qraoco rules5 I

Cart Potts tho giant Frenchman wIthave a dunce to show whet ho can dotonight In a wrestling way He Isslated to meet August Faust of Oarmany at the Olympic Theatre GnuHundred and Twentyninth street andThird avenue In a limited bout underGraoeoItornan rules This will boPan last engagement ID town priorto hu big m tch with Tom Bharkoy atSulzers Harlem River ParK next Tues ¬

slay night In Faust ho moot ahusky ns well as clever fellow who willmake him hustle In order to win Ponsarrived In town today from Montrealand says that ho show a fewtricks Much Interest Is centred In thmatch

nnneball Polti lronnd Tollnjr3i6-p i1 rr wuw vs NSW Tog MID ux i

t4ffii1Jio 1j u 1 h ai



oung Wonders Compete forHonors at Franklin Field Phi-



BpwUl to The Caning Vv n 1

KRANKMN FIELD PHILADKI-PIIIA May 23Slx hundred nnd wentyllvu xohoulboy athletes the pick of119 country usscmbkd on FranklinField this afternoon to compete In theuocoiul annual Mlddlo States Track undFIcM ChAmploimhlpH hold under theauspices ot the University of Pennsyl-vania


I Without exception It was the largestBathosins of schoolboy athletes everheld in this country and from thequality of the entries In each eventrecords were certain to go In the 1041yard dash alono seven boys were on1tered who had In previous guinea cov-ered the distance In even tune

Murcfisburc Acnilcmy fresh from Itsvictories at Princeton and Yale wasconciddd first place In the number ofpoints scored Philadelphia and NewYoik schools strained ivory offort tolaud the events which tho upState

lads wore countlr on winning JohnTaylor the negro athlete from BrownPreparatory School made a special tryfor n 410vard national IntorscUolasUcrecord of roO 15 In several trials ho hutsnegotiated the distance In a tractionumltT the present figures

Tho mile run promised to be one of tlwgreatest races of the day Itagoffln of-

MorcorsburK Jones of plsropal Acad-emy


Cumberland of Temple Collegeand Parsons of Lawroncoville the fourfastest schoolboy IongdlsUna runnetsli the country toed the mark Kioh ofthese boys has done 4 mlmit and 10seconds while Cumberland was expecttd tu do 435 It pushed

Ideal weather at a fast trac PILl alarge and ethtislustlc crowd of rootersmarked the meet as being ono of themost successful ever held an FranklinField The largo number of cntrloj IIIth flelil events necessitated twj sets boo-Ing contested at the same time In thesprints there were sixteen heatsFour of the fastest EchooLboys In Phil ¬

adelphia were to run agtvlostBrown Preparatory Schoolrelay team Inen to heat the worlds Inter-scholastic record

Tile auniuitlsPint best won br Lee Epltcotmli McoodCream S T P TIm 1021 cudiStcoad hut was by A II UowMr Gtltiahens gliepptfd W itobMt r Normil epeondTim 10 2l secondThird hut won by liHhim Qnutntnra

IcOail Dulin4 U U 8 lien10 15 KconcU-Vovrtb hxt won br McOowin T C itaindkC CUl J T I Tim 10 15 coodFifth tiit tor br Aldenlrlo V I J icond Hirdock C It 8 Tin 1015 woandtHtAt tar second men won by Ctrty J T I

itcond 8hej p rd W JA TIm 10 35 McoodaIMYua hurdle trill htFJrt hut wonbr Lf iltt Mircenburii itcond Lltltt C IIS Tim IS 45 itcondi Till tin tqtmli theAmtrlttn nttrtcholutlt rOCQrd

Second heat won by McCullougli Mtrctrtburfrood PQtfttr P OL Tim 17 5 teoondi440Y M Itttli Won br Ttylor Drawn Prep

tecond tuiiIgeo Brown Pup IhlciJ Wblllhem 0 A Tlsn63-zjQyI4 Dirt Klrul won bjr A1d rclM V rS i second Carey J T t1 third McGwtiT C ThuslO Tbli ecjujli lit AmerlctnlattncboV rtcorJ

llurJUl Mntl but son br IxolltMtronbfri t sweat Llijtu c II B thirdffer C Tlmt 16-

OntMllt Hun Won by iUrufflo MwctrilurjKond Cumbtrlind T C tilrJ Joan E1ica-

P l A tin 4m U 4bl-UlfMllt nun Won by Ptrioni Ltvnnct-

vlllt Moonds Hodgt 8 P 0 third alitnirdT C tIn lot 54 brt4Un the IntocboUutlc recordShot PutWOS br Ak rmin N A distant

44 feet 8t Inoiiti teoond Andrui Lawrence-Tills third lUlllnuhtid Ccmden Hllh

SSYtrd Hurdlte tries bftFlro IItWonby UArllt Mtruritiiyvl second Ptolfftr potOrn 13 6

S gnnd iIstWcet by b M rrni ri seeond Cllrf Qernunttwn tinThird llett won by coos awulhmoiti ascendMcOullouiti lUrc bunri time S7 1BIOYard Hurdle AMI aetOAVan L uHlMon < r>uuri wccnj DnoOi tlvcentiurf thIMCeo T S tint 5G36 < brtlVi IVIpi nc oUctlo retard by 16 o f s second

Pole Veult Woo by > loort MtrctnmiiTi eeccod Tenney P C third 11 MtmnburjthIM 10 ft 7 In

ILgli JuatpWos br VThUcofab l rc nburic-lecouJ UuUnty M 0 B third Dltklnun TC height 0 ft Si tn

TwoMile Ttun Won by OimberUnd T Ceecond MxoOn MerMrtbirc third McCurdlyL U II 8 tins Um 3 3S-

220Yird PthFbnoI hett Won by M OwnT C second KoQuekin Drown Pup thirdmeppard W J A time J2 3IQ imnur School Ittliy Cbsut4ona2oIpWonby Newton r nilblne JoJiown antaoodeh ll Captain second Ktnrton thirdWalton tins 3m 4t

Hammer Throw Won by JVrkerman U Asecond N Auitln II 8 third UcCore U A Idltuce 151 ft J In

h h-


l kLak > v f



Enthusiastic Crowd Filled the

Stands but Betting on tho

Result Was Light

fSpecUl to The Eenlnc WorldYALE KIEID NEW HAVBN Conn

May 23 Perfect weather conditionswith the exception of a hlnh wind whichwept the Held were realized this af-ternoon


for the eleventh annual dualmeet ot the Yale thai Harvard tracktrams

Long before 230 oclock tho standsvera filled with a crowd of Yale anti

l Harvard spectators who Indulged InI frequent oheerUig The Harvard teamspent this morning at the Pcquot ClubHouse at Morris Cove and arrived atthe flod shortly after noon All were inprime condition and Capt Llghtncr andTrainer Graham predicted that therewould be some surprises In the eventsanl that YnloB calculations of CO pointsout of a possible 101 would be badlyshaken

rite team spent the night In quiet se-

cliition and this morning took a shortsail on the Sound as a bracor TheYale team In charge of Trainer MikeMurphy came trotting on the field asagile as colts anti the early predictionsot uvcrtrilnlnz and other discouragingprophesies were at once put nettle a R

the usual Ynln bluff Dotting on the re-


was Putt anti up to tho last mo-ment


the jnen who had money to wager t

were unwilling to plucv much excepteven terms Capt Thomas of Yale wasi ncumnnmlcuue on the general resultLIlt was willing to concede that Harvardwoud bo able to capture a fair share orfirsts

Moulton Vas ConfidentFay Moulton the Yale sprinter

seemed to feel no anxiety as to hisability to give Bchlck the Harvardrack a hard rub In the sprintsseemed little likelihood of recordbreak ¬

ing jvarformancw In the running eventsLong the Yale quartermilor reportedIn excellent shape after his little trip toeimebury where a halt dozen of theYule athletes were rent to farm It fora few days to recover tram a little castot over training Ixin a adherents pre-dicted


would give HalghHarvard a hard rub and possibly takea next

Denting of Yale the star of the rocent Ya3o Prlncotoh meot was picked asan easy winner of tho half mile Colwells eleventh home entry in the mileand two mile events was reckoned apromising feature for Harvard He wasconcedM the mile and was expected toRive Frtfichot at Yale the race of hUlife In the event ofYale wa conceded the high hurdleswith Bauer a dark bone from Cam ¬

aft a promising man In the lowhurdles of Yivlr reported Ingreat condition and was aa a-

touslblct recordbreaker In the hammer-throw while Eddie Gloss the giant Yaleahot plJ ttr was reported aa likely to dobotnrthlnir ensatlonnl In his ovent

J E Sullivan of tho New York A Coowas referee ot the meet J J DIxonof the N Y A C was clerk of thecourse The Judges were H laggardBoston A 0 T J OJJrlen N Y A Cand C C t C A A

Yule scratched D W Franohot andS L Mime from the mile Kmnahotbeing saved for the twomile event

Tho total score of points In the firsteight events was Yale S3 Harvard 31

The Snminnrlea1-20YtM HariUtiTFlrit brat won br 0 J

hoe harvard U W itseto Yl < secondUrn 1545-

1WY M httudlei4eeosd hut won br B JOlpp Yat r W Dlr4 lucid secondtIme 18 J5-100YirJ


DhPlnl heat won br P R Moulton Vile U n Lljtuntr HirrmrJ ttcaattim 1015i

Second heat won br W A Schick harvardL milk lIar tcoail time 1025

Tile was IOt with but one conttitint Jn theAnal nt tbt 100riri both Lllltr sod Moorehud wiltlBi tu qualify ID the pcnd prellmlnarln

Mile RanWop br IL U Walsh llarvtrdU A Colwell HuTim second W J nailVile third tlmt tm 3115

Walsh sat Colwll of lUrvtrd anti IUII otYil scored a blinktt flnlsh In the nrtlt run-

alhV detf lln Colwll or Inehti with J lullit hi bl4IOV rd DubWon b J K lUlth IttrnudiU a CUrk lUrrard iKoadi E J DIscUrTinl third time 49-

4120Ytrd Hurdle Klnil twit Won br B ilug et Ye le r W word or lUrnrd emendXV Mert Vale third time 1tGn1-

0flY rd Dash Sail IWoa br W A< Mok lUntnl f n Uoulton Yilt itcondM T Llibtixr lUrvird third Ttae 101C

Shot Put Wen brU T aIM Yale with aput et 44 leet U Inohtii y II SchoentUM lostvanl conJ slOb a put ot 43 IlIl1 P inches1 U TJnder Hurud third with a putot 41U 1 2 lathe

hloIMhle RunWoo br E A DemOns YsleiJ E Odor II nrard Mnndi D II MoffattTile third m02rn 2-


ed YK woo Oa btU nllt tfr acbs

ii t 0

only Ho overtook and piued Dshr of Harvardwithin a rod of the Unlit and won by fajllnforward egalnit the tape

220 low aiunllea Klrat heat WOT by P WliPid Harvard J II Thorns Yale secondtime 26 35 Second heat Won by K J CUl >pYale A pctennn Uanard accand time 27 Ito

Itunnlng hUh jump won by O r VictorYale heIght 6 rt II incite F W MurphyHarvard and A Derby llirrard tied toe secondplace height 5 feet S In hte

Pole VauittV McLanahan J C Preston itII Dehr and W M Adrlince tied the bar beingnow it 11 ft 3 Inches Insuring Yale 8 pointsIn this event This last Harvard man to dropout as s It Knbeson whose height wai 10 ftIIS fnehee when he dropped out

JJOYirJ Dash First heat son by U TLlrhtner Harvard M U Clerk Harvard eec ¬ond time 23 seonde

Second hot von by R R Moulton YaleW A SchlcL Hartard second time 22 45 ateonds

TwoMile Ruaon by W A Colwell Har-vard


D W Franchol Yale seeond J SIhuh aHrvard third time Da ZSs


MOUIUS PARK N Y May 23Thefollowing are the entries for Mondays-races

Plnrt lUceSeUIPg uoyearold maidenstour and onehalf furlongsOjnanosue 107 sir Walt In11It C Hunt 10 Dally Castle101fortune lIunlnIO Lady Badge 102

Second nice Selling Kllps coursefouls 101 The Laurel 01Pitiacu 09 Reckless S3Prince Citing 101 Judge Fulton SiMowini 101 lett Hoe 01Ella Snyder JOl rtoyal Plrat D7

I alley Forje Si 1lpo SO

Third lOOCeSteeplechaet about two milesCorner Plieon 1M ltin5 EdwardDhe Abie 15C Tankard jSIraujhtman 111 Tim Ilagjed CVller 135Tireless HI May HarrUon 132OlCfltitioth IG2 ihe Virginian 13Silver Twist 131-

Pourtti RaceVan toalonat handicap sevenf urlong or Withr MUoLux CatU 12o finn IMXIV York Ill Lady Uncis 9 <ilowllnt 110 HinsIHighlander 10S Sergeant ESitth ltaeeSlttag stint and a halt urlonltof mUTorchlight 111 Fita Sntder 99Ito TiotaOlary WorthlOiAgnes Crvl 91

Sloth ititie in4 aI ovor tOts hilt 1111

Mexican JJ3 Sergeant 9TZoroIr 107 Ir Sailor SO

106 Ph ° M-SSlimiter Slain lOd Circus 9lnk lOt TorchliVtt 86



pecial to The Evening World II HACK TIIACK CIVCIN

NATI May FoUowing are tho rosuits of the races run here this after-noon


First naceJ9evenClghthaby Ethel 7 to 1 all S mteVon2 to 1 was second Savers wasthird TIme11t 2

Seconl Race Fiveclgliths of a mileMlzen Mast 10 to 1 and 7 < o 1Rln-land


1wn1 secn Caper was

T ilrd Raco Mile and onealxtcenthWan by Aimless 8 to 5 and IWelsh Girl 3 to 1 was secondI eeblle tided Time 160W anWINNERS HAWTHORNE

Special to The Evening WorldHAWTHORNE RACE TRACK May23The races scheduled to be runthis afternoon resulted as followsherFirst Race Fiveeighths of i mileWon by Skilful 0 to 2 and B to jI Slight

Chancellor fi to 6 Wits JoeMarten wgs third Time105 <Booond RceFour and half furlongsWon to 1 and 4

Proceeds 3 to 1 was seeond Peter Paulwas third Time 3-5Ihl Race abort course Won by

to 5 iwd 2 to 5 Duke of Yorkeven second and Klngalong thtrdTime 254 35-

OreIron5 T

AVlieclnieii MeetThe Oregon Wheclme will hold an

outing and tomorrow atFeldmans Queens County Park InpetIt L I The races100yard dash and onehalf mile runanti bicycle races at onehalf one and




Metropolitans Won Twice Last Night and Tiedwith Orchards and Fidelias



Tied for First Prize FideliasMetropolitans and Orchard

Fourth Prize KnickerbockersFifth Prize NationalsTied for Sixth Prize Baysldes-

Krakehllai and Harlem Circles

The Evening Worlds Wg champion-ship


bowling tournament has Samenough developed Into a hot struggleTo gala possession of tho hniidsomcup emblematic of the title causedsvery member of the various teams tu-

luille hard tar victory Tlie tournamentIs really completed but owing to titclpso hard fight for fasthonors another fIGht wilt bo neccssaotr three teams to the question-of tvrjch shall own the cup rite olubj-ti 3 for the prize are the Motrppoll-taiix tha lldehls and tho Orchards

Previous night the last namedUo tciin divided the honor of holdingHut plucv Gut the brilliant work otile Mots in their two games voii-thtin the right to roll again

vnurn it Trlesjs alleys were crowdedlas night v hen tho first gxuno beganThe trt conUst was between the Baysides Krakehlku On the result w>

far U8 the latter livepiactcally depended wer conceresixth prize game was a corkerto say the lejst It was close all Kielway and the laBdc < l finally won byeleven pins

Then came tho Mets first game It-tvas against tho KroJcehllas The latterteam was easily beaten The excitementafter that was intense On the result ofthe Mets game against the Uaysldeadepended whether they would tie forfirst prize or be contented with thirdThe Iets were at their dent thougharid they came out rather easily

Tlis tie for fit prize will be rleat Amann R nextday > and the fight for sixth usoventh andeighth between the ysl-dKrkehla



Harlem Circles will bLost nights scoresFIRST GAME

Bayfdde Johnson 193 Fisher 173Walters Iii McLaren 186 Cumlnp 172Total 913

Krn UaBnnk 17 H Meyer



IArranged First Contest Will HePlayed In New York

PARIS May 23Jacob Schaefer theWizard nt billiards expects to make

a match with Cure the French expert-to be played in New York next fall andwhich wi bo followed by a returnmatch Paris Schaefer will returnafter his proposed contest with Cureand renew his contract with the man-agement


under whicn he played allwinter

Hchnofcr soY there Is no billiardchampion world now da he andFournll were not In the last match Inwhich three men tied though the prlzowent to Vlgnaux who claimed It on thehighest average



Kloklianin antI Wolf Tone to flattIn for Interstate Honor

ToMorrowIn the game of Gaelic total sched-


for decision CelticPark between the Klckliams and theWolf Tone ot Waterbury Conn In ¬

t are Involved and a stir-ring


game Is promisedEach of tile teams represent the com-


strength of Its respective terri-tory


and this will bo the first gamovisitors have played here rhe thwill commence at S oclokTIGER ATHLETES TO


Great Intercut Ueloff Taken In DualSleet at Albany

ITHACA May 3Tho athlete ptPrinceton and Cornell WH1meet at Albany today Great InterestIs taken In the event not only among

theundedunt of the two untverwill be represented

In the Intercollegiate ta at Mottraven next week Ta win fur-nish


another line nhat may V ex-pected


In that contet-

enulneCarters Little Liver pm

Must Bear Signature of



IZW1-Vjvrv sllsa4-l eeCCAiiCARTERS rca DIZZINUL







Mon Como to Mol sufferingI want eye nun

Valcocolothat Ii-


a Stricture Acute and Chronic Ulcers BloodI or any Swellings Cntnrrltnl OIcbIII rIRheumatism In nil Its forms Lot Vigor

I ladder and Kidney Conditions Eczema Pfpluiv or Erup vo Conditions oh thisany Aloclac Diseases of Men to come uid luv a eocUlchit will give you Free of Charge t thorough per

5 sorul examInation together with an honest and scientific opinion-of your case SUllernolnter Consult me at once

Write ifyou cant call to 830 P M Dally Sundays10 A M to 4 P fit Consultation and Advice Fre-eR t M MacKenzie


M D H6-


wa t tOR-I I


I ti 1 1F df I i b i t

191210 ledge liS Adlcko 178 leusft

SECOND GAM-Elfetpoltonloam lij Qrangir 111

IM Leuly 184Total 04-

0KrnkchliaBrinkna 1C8 H MeyerIWf II Jfey r 170 Adlcka ICO Heuser 415S Total S12

THIRD GAMEMetropolitan Ueajn 363 Granger 233

Oest 183 Sherwood 302 Leuly 167 Ttal OS-SUaynldo Johneon 115 Fisher 11Walters 209 Mcl iren 131 Cumlnsr

Totnl S-




and radical ip30 to CO days by my own famousmethcdSTRICTURE cured in 5 to 15 days

without cutting stretchlegrlou



or loss of time 114 a mar 1DUflcPApW J p rmanenl cur ASY1 OIUIJOIIZIU CAS nmater how cbrDloVADhIflfll P cured IninhIiuuuuaJu days by WxUoat processBLOOD Radical cures In SOtoDildaga

I everyvestlge of potp OIBON500


mercurythe aY8te wtbot

LOSSES Time of cure 10 to 60 It1earby my original veryDRAINS remedy

lIEueed eeluslvl7 b 1



bowno mat

DISEASES 01 crDJ I5 Ioften cure b a single treatment fRnPTIIRRoure days no mat flhow aggravated theSBO by my NEW METHOD CURE r4

without pain operation or detention J

from business ICONSULTATION FREEI no charee for a

or correspondence Come to me In the 7

strictest confidence I hays been ex-clusively


treating private and specialot men for 30 years Nothing 11science can devise or money buy la

lacking In my omce equipment I willuse you honesty treat you skilfully-and health In the short ¬

est time with the least medldn dis-comfort


and expense practicable I tguarantee to cure any case I Ulleatake If you cannot call writehome cure Medicines furnished i


165 West 34th SL N Y

tOUfa9 AM t8 PM Sundays 10 tS







i U-

c it

Sportsmens Goo fSpaldings 4


Bicycle BargainsF-OR THIS WEEK I


Spaldings 27 501902 Red HeadSpaldingsJ903 Nyacfc 22 50


22501950Juvenile 17 I 50 11 I

The only high grade juvenilesto select from Any boy wilttell you the value of a Spaldingnamepjate

Bargains In last years-


CleveladRamblers r

QTwospeed Spalding Cflit a longfelt want-


BR95i i 2 IL-


Btrttt STORKS 4U Iiij

Sporting j


Ever Week Dayny iJkNoao

Ta M Are V u Wlllu avj uWBPMUI Trellis Attest to JolOr rorjtum N r It-

loose 01 Ctrt at ItM 1Z 236 QN tiers Orua all 5tadoat uTn 1 U ntrtl ATIOIU tnlM-nrv its mloutu CkrrUsM mtr be 1T-Sysedham

a4Stifles to rte synch

las E 380 P xJM J


iJ LtS >