llfil il ifil · 2017-12-22 · ments nre Ruidecl, is not unlike those of naval Part of the owner's...

2 .' it men may sometimes contemplato lar- ceny. The Deutschland went from flremer-have- n out to sen In the light of day on Juno 14, went In tho early morning lnattr-of-fnctl- y ns n semv of bricks or lumber from any New York pier ullp cut Into the harbor nnd down to tho lower liny. Neither Ilremen up tho fiver, nor Hrenierh.ivcii, unto to tho North .Men, sent li.imls 'to blare fare.-We- ll or crowds to cheer. KoetilK will have It lh.it the Orrmnn Government took no Interest In their departure nnil doubts If the Kiileer knew miythliiK about tho project. Nobody catno aiouwl to Irll the twcnty-nln- u mon In the Deutschkinil that they were attempting a plucky thine They left home, In short, with ns little fuss as any other trade boat would have caused. KocnlK Inld a rourse utmost straight norlh to- - fierinany'H North Men Utbr.il-to- r, Heleokiiid. "Why did you do that?" he was nked. "We knew that lirltlsh warships were aoir.ewlirre about," he said, "and wanted to l.iv up at HelKoIand for some days to f.ol them. There are ulw.iys tiles that reveal the cnmlmta and kkIiiks of 0111 ship mid It w.ti wise to mark time a Utile while. In this ense only one lien, so fnr : 1 kn iw, hart our secret, lie w.ts the ,mei!.:in t annul at Itremen, 'William Tlnmi.is IVo, whose duty It was to ii) plow our m.inlfmt. Ho was to be trusted, initurnlly, but we rould take no Chani c.. II U 1ln I'ull of "Vrp." "Wo Ic.ilid pliMrfiitit y off Helgoland tindci the shade of t ti.- blK suns until the nivi.nir of Jiinr SM. The time was lit.sseil tiHifuliy m niiirov:is the tram-In- s of lb- - men. .Mmut those men, now ny w rd fir tin m If you must hold US UV 10 the world's i yes. Thiy ate Rood felluus lw.- -. iIioiik fellows, M iHt of tli-t- ..ic ipi te jouiiK, ihoiiKh most are in.irr "d .1 nil an raisiiiK tosy cheeked table to n.i v; up for (ieriu.iny iilory. The) a i'l line mechanics and lull of, win I d. ou s.iy? pip. that Is It. "On tl morning of .lune 23 we I turned wstwnrd in the North Sea and headed straight for the lirltlsh Channel. Somebody h said tll.lt we went all the .iy mound Scotland. N'lisense! Why hnulil we'.' It was easy enough to fool tlm HntiMi, and KoinK through the ch.m-li- d wu. i 'illd' play." "What were your best aids to navi- gation dpt.iln? How did you llKuru out jour s.ifi .irufircss under sc.i?" "Tin' iiiHTOphonc and our device for taking soundings while stibmciKed did tho tr'l; i:vcrbody unltistanUs these tla what the microphone Is an un- dersell iili'iihone so dclir.ile that It catch- es a.i I .eioriLs the vlbr.itiune of uny bulk nuivitig upon or under the w.iws. We hJ'o two mlcrophoneH on the Deutseh-l.iu- d, at e on tho ior:, one on the star- board .tide. One of us, an officer If pos-"Ibl- e, kept tin ear always to the trans- mitter When we heard disturbing mur- murs through our ilttlc c.iMlroM'T we itopptd ikad still, maybe, or went ahead Vi ry slowly. 'Sometimes we dropped to the sea floor ami kipt ns still a a mouse until we could Ilgure out nhat the menace was. Sometimes wc merely dropped fifty feet or so beneath the surfaco and anchored In that position, suspended be- tween tho surface and the bottom. The microphones warned us of cruisers and destroyers and sometimes of buoyed mines." firrrrtlr Atnldril Mine Fields. "About those mines," somebody cut In : "we have heard that tho channel Is sown with them, that they ran In solid lanes ncio.MH tho Straits of Dover. Weren't )ou bothered by thoio mines? How did you dodge 'em?" Wouldn't jriin like to know, Don?" laughed Kornlir. "It 1 a secret, our Met hud fur atolcllnit mine llrliln, but this w a eh I ran say we Herman know u trlrk to htat the mine danger, and I aed It In my run through tlir rhnnnrl." The Ueutschland wa four days KOlnR through tho Channel, not so much be- cause four days mere required for this HtaRO of the voyae an because Koenlic was leaving nothing to chance. He made hasto wry slowly. Here the sounding device came Into excellent play. "Wo were not always sine of our 4pth." he said. "Wo took sounding quite often even when submerged. It was quite simple. There Is a tube which projeits from the Dtutschland'! bottom ml thmuiih this tube we hoavo tho lead. Hy a system of valves we proxent water entering the hull while the sound- ings are being taken. Hut this In dry talk. Let me tell you about our hap- piest evening." Then the tale of tho champagne party camo out, the tale of hilarious Teutons, snug and close upon the Channel Moor, tinging In their own tongue the snng that lllanche King made famous, sipping the wine of their enemy, while the deadly destroyers prowled overhead and stablied tho sea surface with searrhllght glare. Who has beaten that In fiction? "And we felt that way." said Koenle. "We were the finger ringed, bell toed boys, and we didn't rare a damn for nil Jh lirltlsh shujia uf the Channel patrol. Men Xlood Poor llnnr Walrhm, Rid of the perilous straits finally the Seutvchland breasted the Atlantic rollers nnd proceeded upon her businesn (to be- lieve Koenlg. utterly unlntmestlng bus- iness). Officers and crow had plenty of time on their hands. The long days nnd Bights were, divided into four hour watches, shifts on duty for four hours, at leisure fur four, on dutw ugaln for tour, and so on. Incessantly they kept .Vigilant watch for enemy craft any (raft. Koenlsr, who knows New Yorlt as well As he knows Hremen. says the North Sea and the Channel were as crowded as Broadway and ut nlsht nbout as garishly lighted with those detestublo destroyers pUjIng tag all over the waters with their Bearchllghts. A lot of times ho poked the periscope clear nnd sighted looming perils Just in time to dive without being potted. Ilut there were dull hours. "Jlow did you folks amuso your- - pelves? ' he was asked. "MoHtly," he said, "with the phono Irrnph, Kvery submarine carries n phono graph. It Is ns much of the submarine's equipment as a periscope, we Kept It going pretty steadily (at times, of course, When there .was no special danger In enjoying muslo), and wc had a lino lot Of records, though tho American rec- ords wcro not especially up to date. We Jrad coon sonc records, Hroadway musi- cal comedy records (nnd wc were the real, sure enough, tired business men), nd operatic records. One of the pleccH We enjoyed most was a song from "Tier Pynt." The strains of Peer have seeped out through waves that beat all the Way from Hremerhavcn to llaltlmore. They I.tked Bret llnrtr nest. "Have any tlrrm to rend, Ciiptatn? Did the shin boast of a library? "You bet It did," he replied. "We ha a fine little library of (lerman, Amer Jcnn, English and Spanish books. Ilut what do you suppose tho boys read most seemed to line nest ; "(live It up, Captain. There nre no rrecertents for your outfit, "Unit Harto. We had several of him Tennessee's r.irdner,' said some of lhoe Ctorles nbout that fino gnmbler man what was his name? Onkhurst? And then wo read Shakespeare and Mark Twain ' "What books of Marl: Twain did you nave? ' '"Innocents Abroad," said the skipper, tickled at his little Joke. "We had too ome of the good lirltlsh writers w, W. Jacobs, who writes those funny things about the Killor, and Dickens mi some others, "Any Kipling stuff In tho library?" "No Klnllnr." said Koenle: ouleklv One fathered, however, that the mnster r the lieutsehl.-in- Is not lmfamllia virh Mr. Kipling's recent efforts. J on had Jules Veine's 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Pea' of Dourse r uti, no," Koenlg smiled. 'That jrnuia nave r quired too much imnglnn Hon." It was remarkable, nil hin. how seldom the submarine was TMIK pioneer In undersea merchant craft Is here shown moored to crew is shown on deck, and a strict Ruard Is her pier nt The connlnp; tower, Crom which her move- - to prevent any persons save those vouched for by Capt. Koenlg or tho ments nre Ruidecl, is not unlike those of naval Part of the owner's agents getting aboard the vessel. Curlglii by H. V. Huck, frmn Lnderwood Underwood forced to dive. In the entire 3.S00 miles only ninety miles was under surface going. This ninety miles wns loggei. ns straight progress and did not include the times the IVulsehland simply went below and sat on her hunkers, staying there until the felt It was quite Judicious for a nice, fat, quite hflpliss submarine o risk sun or moonlight. There never wns a ooe call. Not one time In the whole trip were we een b) n warship." explained Capt. Hoenie, and I wry mueli doubt that us mini) at half u dotrn merchant snip spiru u. v e 31 rourse jaw ) srore of rrnfU The Terr lut one we KiKiuru nn ininy nilirs on llie irginitt t'npes, a big white trult heat rolling home from Jiimalrii, T lippine. We saw her Jut in we went under for our nnnl dlws When we cunie up aguln we were nfe Inside the three mile line and could milk lip the ulreet wlthoit fearing that nriinii piiiiremitn." The Ueutschland submerged less than twenty times from ilremerhaven to Norfolk. Six times In the Norlh Sea she reckoned discretion as the better part, six times In the lirltlsh Channel nnd six times In the Atlantic. Once In the channel she clung to the sea floor for ten hours. She can stay down four days. If necessary. She ran resist the terrific pressure of 300 feet of water. Koenlg's eyes gleam with pride when he sets forth the of his long, gun metal colored unterseeboote. The man discusses her as If she were human. .'I.HIMI lilies nn N.- -. nations. "How about your oil supply?" he was asked. Wasn't that the big problem? How did thu oil last?" 'Listen," he said. "We took ISO tons of fuel oil Into our tanks when we nut out from Hremerhaven. There are now In tb tanks Just rilncty-- e gallons. We lugged 3.S0') miles on eighty-liv- e gallon'- - and running often at It knots spotd. There you have It. German has conquered the fuel problem as it Is cxpresccd on terms of great distance. " are building for trade with the neutral countries great submarines that will go l.l.oiMI miles without replenish ment of fuel supply, that will curry. when we nre read) to supply It, 1,000 or re tons of freight. Nrternl of these boats nre now building. The next one In come to this country will he named the lirrmen, Hint she will reach American shores within right weeks. I ma) not reienl Just when or Just where she will be heard from on thl side, lint whnt I urn truing juu may be taken us a fart. '.My 1) .at has done well, von saw The next ones to come will be better. We have brought a cargo of dyestuffs amounting to 7.10 tons and valued at il.vuu.vov ro'ighly. We had to rnrrv more than 3ml tons of cast Iron hnll.ist because we coutd not get enough cargo oi ne.ivy nature, uyes are not weighty." "How were you off for the creature comforts. Capt. Koenlg? Did you hnve plenty ot gooq rood and water? "Ample for three or four big meals a day. All of our food wns In tins bread, meat, fruits, vegetables. We took out twenty tons of wnter that kept pretty iresn. we liven well and nt times we had champagne." His eys twinkled again. "At times the air wak study, particularly when we thought It best to keep out of jilght for some hours at a time." IlrntiKht Only Kntnasar Stall. Capt. Koenlg snld that the Deutsch- - land brought dyestuffs only and that, strictly speaking, she cnrrled no mall. He was entrusted with three large bags. sealed with the great eagle of the Ger man I'mplre and addressed to "K. V, B., These he had understood fontalned messages from the Foreign Olllce. Koenlg bad turned them over to Haniel von Halmhausen, counsellor r the German wmbasNy. who came hero y as the of "K. V. It. (Von Hernstnrff, tho Ambassador) nnd returned to Washington this nfter-noo- n nfter having lunrhfon with Koenlg at the Gorman club and telling Koenlg he was a gieat man. Capt. Koenlg got hlH training In the Oei man merchant marine. He wns mas ter of several of the North German Lloyd liners that piled from New York and llaltlmore and Iloston to Ilromen. Up In 1U01 he ran In and out of New York pretty constantly. Then he went Into the China trade for several years. Ho was In .New York last In IMS, but he said to- night, with the suspicion of a wink, thai ho might imko another visit so).1.. Among tho vessel Koenlg skippered wore the Neckar, the Trlnzees Irene nnd the Sthleswlg. lie has never served In tho Gerninn navy, but like nil Girman sailor-me- n belongs to the naval reserve. I In did Ills talking this evening In the North German Lloyd olllco conducted by 1', II, L. and H, (1, llllken, one of whom hovered sollcltuusly about him, fearing that Ii" might talk n little too mush. They .needn't have worried. Ho wan quite a picture, thin ivw blylo mariner i'f a trade, ns old iih Asia, If ho stands more than Ii feit 7 In his sea boots the oj n Is ut fault, but ho hud good square chouldcrs and Hturdy legs. There Isn't in C A 8 T O R I A f Infants am Chilmer. TJi Kind You W J? X ounce of useless flesh on him. II Is na hard as rocks, nnd the sun has leathered . ' his skin to the hue ot terra cotta. Hli head Is big. expanding nt the top rather j oddly and making his chin nnd the whole lower part of his face seem to run to a kind of point. He wears no beard or mustache. Kept A war from the RrrmsM. The Hllklnses had steered Capt. Koenl from surging crowds of (lerman folk, all of whom were trying to get htm to eat or drink more than was good for him, and dinned his ears with their congratula .i., wt, rnrtru . him iin.'U, be wns almost in the m.'od to submerga himself. So far he Is the only one of the peutschland s company that h.is had shore leave, nnd this happy pilvilege w'll cot be" granted to the others until Wedne day likely. They are keeping a mighty cIoe guard on the Dcutschland. She now lies nt her private pier at Locum Point, within a few rods of old Kort McIIenry. They that have been ernnied the nrivlleire of vlewlnc her 313 feet of length and 30 feet of beam have found plenty to Intercut them. She Is dull bui-- 1. of nbout the shade of gun metal. Perhaps ten feet uf her bulk rises above the water level nnd fifteen feet remain submerged by her weight. Her conning tower Is spacious and Is located about the centre of her deck. She carries two masts and l propelled on tho surface by two Die- sel englnos. Under deck, fore and aft, are two storage rooms for freight that must not be exposed to dampness, but the bulk of her fielght Is to be car- ried In the bulge of her sides, some- thing after the fashion that a burro carries tho Spanish type of side pack. Her engine runs through the centre of her Innards a mass of machinery complicated to tho untrained eye. Quarters Arc Tho olllcers' quarters nre forward, and on the starboard side, neat little cabins, about seven feet by seven nnd high';," " " cclltnged enough for head room. The captain's quarters are finished In I'ng- - lieh walnut. He has a handsome bunk, a writing desk, book shelves and elec- tric lights. The more one eees of this craft the more Impressive she bulks. She loolui three times as big as one of the submarine one sees over In the Brooklyn navy yard's diy dorks. It Is not easy to get to study the Deutschland. A high barbed wire topped fence stands off lanil.il, le vlsitoru ami barges and tugboats ell her from watersldu liapcctlon. Moreover, the pier and grounds bristle with special ' guards. She came up from Quarantine In the early morning after Health Olllcer Itich-ardsu- n had found nothing to frown nbout In the physical condition of her twenty-nin- e men. The tu Thomas K. Tlm-mln- s preceded her through tho fog and rain, shooting eenrchllght rays upon suspicious looking persomt, partlculaily photographers. As the Deutschlnnd lieared the steamship Hremen, which has enjoyed tho protection of Baltimore bar- - nor ror many months, tho Bremen's siren let go. Her red, white and black Hag dipped, Three sailors swung their f.i nnd cheered. At fi A. M. the sub- marine slipped Into her berth. The customs authorities went aboard shortly afterward. Guy W. Steele.1 Surveyor of the Port, satisfied himself Immediately that the purely trading character of tho ship wns not to be disputed. Rxcept for live revolvers, the personal property of the officers, there were no nrms of any sort aboard, and the submarine Is not equipped with a torpedo tube. A rorket rllle, the device used to fire signalling rockets, was O. K.'d by Unrle Sam and then, after general handshaking, Steele left, placing two of his Inspectors on watch until the dutlalilo cargo wan removed. At noon Capt, Koenlg canui ashore to go through the custom house routine. He called on Collector Wllllai G. Hyan and heard from hi in thnt Baltimore had sent out the Mm Iron ship, had the first railroad, had been the first city to use gas for lighting and wns, therefore, par- ticularly pleased to welcome the first cargo carrying submarine. Hyan did most of the talking, Koenlg then presented his pnpem to the marine clerk. They show that tho cargo consists of 3,i40 cases of s, aniline dyes largely, on which the duty Is 30 per cent., so that thu Government will be well In pocket Mirough the arrival of the Deutschland, HILL OF Historic Document Issued by Con- ns! at Hremen. IUi.timohe, Md., July 10. When quarantine officers boarded the Ger- man super-submari- merchantman here early y the commander handed them the following hill of health, Issued by the American Consul at Bremen: "Port of Bremen, Germany. "United Slates 'of America. (Seal.) ' "Bill of health. "I, William Thomas Fee, ISsquIre, Bears tho sf THE SUN,' TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1916. CAPT. PAUL KOENIG AND THE TRANSOCEANIC SUBMARINE DEUTSCHLAND Dctttschlnnd's maintained Baltimore. submarines. accomplishments Washington." representative HaviAlwanJouihl "iisssssssssVBMkissssssssssssssV" romforJnble. HEALTH. Oipt. Knenlg'i photosrsph coprtsht liy Central Xeus I'hotn Service, Consul of the United States of America (the person authorized to Issue the bill) nt the jort of Hremen, Germany, do hereby state that the vessel hereinafter named clenrs from this port under the following circumstances: "Name of vessel, Ss Deutschlnnd: na- tionality, German : rig . ".Master Paul Koenlg : tonnage, gross, 791 ; net, steel ; number of officers, three, number of crew. Including petty officers, twenty-si- x : number of passen- gers, none. "Number of souls on board, all told, twenty-nin- e (2), "Port of departure, Bremen, Germany. "Where last from Newly built. "Number of cases of sickness, none. "Vessel engaged In Freight trade and plies between Hremen, Germany, and Boston or other east Atlantic ports. "Sanltnry condition, F4Y. "Nature, sanitary hu-;-e and condi- tion of enrro Dyestuffs. 1 good. "Source and wholesomenetis of water supply Bremen waterworks ; good. '1 certify that the vessel has complied with the quarantine rules and regula. tlons made under the net of February 15. 133. and that the vessel leaves this port bound for Iloston or other east At lantic port of the United States of Amer- ica via , dlrec'tly. "Given under my hand and seal, this thirteenth day of June, 1916. "William Thomas Fu, American Consul. "15 or M.27." GERMAN MARKS GO VP. Ilrop A am In When Wall St. I.rarns Truth About Undersea Cargo. Wall Street was filled yesterday with unconfirmed reports and rumors about the cargo brought to this country In the Gorman submarine Deutschland. Kiirly In the day foreign exchange brokers said the vessel surely had brought American securities, but later. .., ...., . V. . V.Hn.l ... . V. I there were revisions of these re ports. Late In the day the opinion wns no securities were brought. German marks advanced sharply more than 1 per cent., and the prediction was made they would go higher. Ilut the pr mlsed rise in marks was checked ' , ","'" . VliUl .i. Ti-- h T.- - l.".,,.,.. " V .wt. ,u " .lie day. HAS NO MILITARY VALUE. London Papers Praise bat Call Feat I'nlmpnrtant. I.O.NPON, July 11 (Tuesday). The morning newspapers, while expressing admiration editorially for the feat of the German submarine Deutschland, Insist that It cannot have tho slightest military Importance. The Dally .Vrtcs says: "All the voyage proved Is that the thjng can be done, and that bus been proved As far is the war Is concerned, It Is quite unim- portant," The .Morning TrUgrnvh says: "The voyage is Interesting as nn Illustration of the success with which physical science Is triumphing over obstacles that were re garded, comparatively recently, as Insur- mountable." The Daily Express saya t "Ths aehlsye-men- t cannot have ths smallest military significance. It Is possible that a dosen submarine merchantman may reach America, but disaster Would occur to most of them befnre they could return." The .Uorn(n0 J'osf saysl "It Is not the case of this helm ths first 'trader sub marine' to cross ths Atlantic, Inasmuch ns It is known that she Is merely an or Unary U boat with her fighting enuln ment rcmovod. Whll trade ships of every nutloa pass freely In safsty, Ger many has to travel under the sea. It Is the finest demonstration possible of the efficiency of our blockade," SILENT ON SUBMARINE POST. Transatlantic Trust Company Had Offered to forward Money. There was no great rush of depositors lo shlu money abroad by submarine yes. terday ut the offices of the Transatlantic Tiust Company, 87 William street, which udvertlsed ten days bsfore ths Deutsch land reached Baltimore that It would accept deposits for transmission In this milliner. Julius Plrnltser, president ot the company, was absent most of the day and no one else would sny how they knew the submarine was coming. "Mr. Plrnltser wns here this morn Ing," tru.it company officials said, "but ho h not In the city now." All other Inquiries were met with the response that In their good time they would Issue a statement, but not before the return of sir. Plrnltser. The advertisement which offered to transmit money by submarine post after running several days from June 30 was withdrawn and a new one has not yet ceen inserted. Live Wire In Street Kills Roy. John Tagllarllo, 12 yenrs old, of 8(133 Bay Thirty-sixt- h street, Bensonhurst. selied a live electric light wire which had fallen from an elevated railroad struc- ture In F.ilhty-slxt- h strest, Btnaonhurst, yesterday afternoon. Ha was so badly hioun wh na aioa soon stisrsrara. ir A Vv 'rrtJi XI DEUTSCHLAND SHIP OF WAR, SAY ALLIES U. S. Inquiry Ordered on Rep- resentations of flrent Brit- ain and France. WASitiyqTON, July 10. Pending further investigation the United States will view the German submarine Deutschland a-- s an undersea freight ship entitled to ply Its trade between German and American ports. This Government's preliminary attitude was determined to-d- on an lnfnrm.il report of Collector Hyan of Baltimore, who stated that the Deutschland did not carry arms, that she was manned by a merchant crow and that her pnprs were In order. Acting Secretary of State Polk necmeu to accept the presumption thnt the Deutschland Is n merchant ship, but uy uireciion oi tnc state Department Capt. C. K. Hughes of the Navy, formerly Inspector of shins eral Board, has been assigned to give .in cxpen opinion as to whether the Deutschland Is or Is not a warship. He will be assisted by other naval olTlcein. .nennwniie the British and French Gov- - ernments have communicated whnt amounts to a nrotest nmlno ihe Deuchland's presence In nil Amrl,.im port. The form of this communication is a request for the United States to de- termine the exnet status of the vessel. Mr. KiTday, who Is In charge of the British Embassy, had a conference with Mr. Polk and pointed out the position which his Government takes with to the undersea boat. The itritih nnd French Governments are determined to make every effort to prevent the estab- lishment of an undersea trade route be tween uermany and the United Statei. Great Btltaln's general line of argu- ment Is that the Deutschland U in env.-- t a warshlv even though unarmed. Ac- cording to German maritime law she mny properly he converted into an armed vessel on the high seas. Gtrmany, In practice, has converted uirirmcd ships Into warships at e.i on seeral occasions since the piesent war began, Capt. Hughes In his Investigation will give particular attention to the ques-tlo- n whether there are gun mounts hid. den In the ship's construction, whether' she Is so built as to permit the mount- - I tig of gun.s or nrlrac of torpedoes, He is an expert on matters or thlx nature The report has reached here nnof. flcially that the German officers will object to an examination of this nature, it is niifle.1 that no one, not even an olllcer detailed by the United States Government, will he permitted to Inves- - ugaie tno secrets of the vessel, this ow- ing to the fear of discovery of German naval secret. At the State Department, however. It waa intimated that Mleh nh- - jectlons will be epeedlly disposed of slid the Deutschland will submit to any detailed examination which Capt. Hughes wishes to make or put to sea within twenty-fou- r hours, Besides endeavoring lo prevent the deparluis of the Deulschlnnd from Bal- timore the British Government Is ready to make very emphatic plot eel ngalnst any shipment of rubber In Germany. This article Is lliulsrstiiml In lis sorely needed by Germany, nm rauorls are llist pari is! ihe Deutsi'lilrtnif's return onrgn will be rubber. The lirltlsh nt lis permitted shipments of rub- ber from lirltlsh colonies to the United States on lb. distinct understanding that none of It will reach Germany or her allies, Therefore, any ntlempt to ship rubber by ths Deutschland will Immedi- ately Involve ths United States In con- troversy with Great Britain, Alleare Crew la from Xavr. Great Britain and Trance lay stress on ths contsntlon that ths crow of the Deutschland may be made up of mon. Mr, Polk said1 y the question whether or not they were re, sorvlsts would be Inveatlgnted, Also a thorough Investigation will be mails with ft view to determining whether they are or have ever been under German Ad- miralty orders. It Is understood the men are ready to- - muke affidavits that they have never served In the Ueunun navy. Much Is made In Entente circles of the probability that no crew could be picked up and put In charge of a tub-mari- like the Deutschland unless they had had previous experience with this type of vessel. And It Is contended this means that they must have had service In the German navy. American naval officers are not Inclined to share this view, Familiarity with Diesel engines nnd special men for the storage bat- teries are all that Is needed, they say, Secretary Daniels called a special con- ference y to discuss the Deutsch- land ense. Those who participated were Bear Admiral Benson, Bear Admiral Griffin, chief of the bureau of steam engineering; Chief Constructor Taylor. Read Admiral Benson later had a eon. J faranoa With flacreUu-j- r Polk, f llfil f il if il NATURAL TheChiginal Egyptian Ggarettes When Schinasi Brothers came from Egypt, a quarter of a century ago, to introduce good Turkish tobacco to America, they had one idea. To show real Americans how good a real cigarette could be. They made Naturals the only good Turkish-tobacc- o cigarette manufactured in this country at that time. They made their cigarettes so good that Naturals turned the tobacco-tast- e of America to Turkish tobacco. Naturals were made good made good still make good. For a Quarter of Century, Made in the Schinasi Way the Quality Way. EVEN SMALL CARGO OF DYES WELCOME No Iinnortor Here Knows How Much T Liner Onirics for Him. As the normal American consumption of German nnd Austrian dyestufls the war was about 3?,n00 tons n year, the TOO tons which the subma- rine Deutschland Is supposed to have brought to Baltimore will neither up- set the market nor end the color famine. But the firms nmong which the Deutsch-land'- s enrgo N likely to be distributed are grateful and happy. They are sure other submarine boats will run the blockade, nnd they expect satisfying, If Irregnlnr, shipments hereafter. Nnno of the chemical nnd dye com- panies mentioned as being the probable cnns';nee of the U boat's precious load has received definite word that they are so favored. Herman A. Mftz eaM last night that he was still nwnltlng Infor- mation and could not tell how his com- pany fared until the shipping papers had been passed by the Federal authorities. The same report was made by Adolph Kutroff. the Cn-el- la Color Company, the Beriln Drug Company, the Bayer Com-pan- y ami the Kalle Color and Chfin-lea- l Companv. nil of which have rcifon to believe that dyes addresei to them nre aboard the Deutschland. The wholesale value of the "OH tone of dyestuffs was about 700,000, Anibas'iidnr von Bern-torf- f, who s at the int the counsellor of tho German Umhissy, Baron von Haniel, to Baltimore yesterday morning to lep- - resent bis i lot eminent In determining the legnl status of the tr.in.itantlc tmder-wate- r liner. At that time Count von Bernstorff did not know whether or not Ihe captain of the Peutschland had any otllelal messages from Germany The Ambissa.Ior declined lo say any- thing for publication about the com- - nc of the submarine, nut ne and ins ntlnehes were In the beet of humor. Importers nnd consumers ale eagerly awaiting definite Information of the quantity and character of the dyestuffs brought to Baltimore. A repieentallve of a manufacturing company which hns large mills said : "Certainly thero Is a scnt'mrntal ef-fe- nt once apparent. We feel that which hns been accomplished once may ba accomplished ngnln, and It appears that several other merchant submarines ars to b put on the run, There Is a possibility of th. resumption of a regu- lar supply of materials for dyes. One probable effect will be that of making speculators a Uttlo less ruthless In their prh' s," The spokesman for another tlrm said that the Oerman shipment would bo a i eat help If It waa carefully selected so as to relieve the known shortage. If. on the other hand, It was limited to ma- terials competing with products that Americans have learned to make, It might disorganise the market, FULTON'S U BOAT WORKED. Experiment of lot) Venrs Ago Startled France nnil KiirIiiiiiI. Itobert Fulton experimented with an undersea bout mon; than ion years ago. This passage from his diary appeals In the biography ot Fullon, wiltteu by Alice Crary Sutcllffe, published last year by the Macmltlan Company ! Second Experiment On 24th of Au- gust, 1800, I plunged Into tho basin at Havro to the depth of IB feet, hav- ing with mo two people and a lighted candle; wo lemalned below the surface for the space of one hour without experiencing the slightest Inconveni- ence, Fulton tried to Interest Francs In his Invention, but without permament suc- cess. Then he tried England, for whom ho sunk a French vessel by torpedo, a storm of protest a,rose In England over the Invention, for fenr this new weapon of war might be used to destroy Eng- land's navy, so Fulton came to the United Btates, KOENIG GIVES PLANS. OF UNDERSEA LINE Will furry tlic Mails nnil Ciiriro Without Hritish In- terruption. BAi.TiMor.n, July 10, Capt. Paul Koenlg of the Deutschland gave out a written statement this afternoon dealing prlnclpilly with the tirean-Ilhedeiel- 's plan to establish a line of submarine cargo carriers and with general condi- tions In Germany nnd In the countries' of her allies. The statement follows : "The submarine DeutscVand. which I have the honor to command. Is the first of several submarines built to the order of the Deuts. he oze G. M. B. H., Bremen, "She will be followed by the Bremen shortly, 'Tlie Idea of the building of this sub- marine emanated from Alfred I)htr.ann, then president of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce He brought his idea in the fall of last eur ronlidentlatly before a siirill cln ! of friends and the Idea was taken up at once. A company was formed under tho name of Deutsche G M. II. II., and the Gerniam.iwerft Kell was entiustcd with the building of the Mibn-a- i lues. "The board of dliectors Is composed of Alfred Lohmann, president of the board: Phlllpp Ileineken, general mali- nger of the Norddeulscher Lloyds: P. M. Herrmann, mating, r of the Deutsche Bank. Carl Staplefcldt, manager of the Norddetitschei I.lo.wl, has taken over the management of the company. "We have brought a most valuable cargo of dyestufTs, which havo been so much needed for months in America and whkli the ruler of the seas has not allowed the great American republic to Impirt While England will not al- low anyUidy thu same right on the ocean because she rules the waves, we have by means of the submarine com- mend d to break this rule. Our boat has a displacement of about 2,000 tons and a speed of mre than fourteen knots. Needliss to say that we are quite un-- a i nnd and only a peaceful merchant- man. "Hecardlng things In Germany, I may mention that everybody Is convinced of the full dual victory of the German arms and those of our allies. All facts of the Inst twenty-tw- o months go to prove that there Is no doubt of this. All I'l land and Kurland, a country of the size of two-thir- of Germany, have been for twelve months under peaceful uile, nnd the entire country has been put under the plough nnd thousand of ncres will provide the next wintir's sup. ply of foodstuffs. Bains nnd waim weather In April and May have hrought a ciMp in view all over Germany, Bulgaria and Turkey, finer thnn In a century, "All Serbia, Monlenegro and a great part of Albanln are In tho same position. Besides Belgium, of Kronen Is In German possession and all In n nourishing agricultural state. So there Is really not the least anxiety for tin British attempt of trying to kill by star vatlou 100,000,000 Orrmnn and Aus Irian children nnd women and non-co- batants, the most devilish plan ever tried by any nation In the world, "Our boats will carry across the the malls and b.ivc them from British Interruption, "Wo trust that Ihe old friendly rela tlonshlp wllh the United States, going back lo Ihe days of Washington, when it wns Prussia who was the llrst to help America in Its light for freedom from British rule, will awake afresh In your beuutlful and powerful country." Cnnniln. Would II nr XlcUcl Cn run Ottawa, July 10. The Canadian finvernmenl. ivhlcli Inruelv pnnlrrtlu world's nekel production and which has allow en i in- - Miipincui or inis metal u the United Statea on condition that noni could reach the Central Powers, Is enn sideling the announcement that tho Oer nun uiil,i:i rl.li. n II.. tlmore Intends to take back a cargo of nicKci. Attention is neing given the problem of preventing nickel reaching Germany by the submarine, route. An embargo on nickel may be proclaimed. LAKE VIEWS DEUTSCHLAND. Submarine Intentiir Withholds Mil Opinion mi I'uteiil laliti. Ba!.t:mohk, duly 10- - . i. ' sisimi.irlne ..iv iitr, ,iie I r ' have a 1 ok at lh" D"Uii i se If her const i net', n ,i h's tiaMit ncbt: lie sill ' i ' hi 'ITU', make ii, aunoiiii' c i e i' law. els at nved Federal otlli'ials her 1,' ' of the !ieusch!am! ' a- probable. They thought. how '. the agents may be requlm ' bond prior to Inr failing f M was atiln to produce cniilen, e t'nitid States District .'ourt The lucky sizes! 32, 33. 34. 35 chest. The prices on all our Youths' suits have been trimmed. Never mind your age if your size is among them. Mixture suits: blue and black serges and cheviots. Decided savings all along the line. ROGERS PEET COMPANY Broadway Dro nt 13th St. "The nt Mth S' Four Broadway Corners" Fifth Av at Warren r.t 4 1st St V4k m aWr m ms m Mm ms msw Straw Hats Genuine Reductions Our Own Regular Stock Panamas and Bankoks Saved! $2.90 worth $5 $3.50 worth $7 Pencil Curls. Optlmns and Roll Sennits, Splits, Mackinaws, Leg horns, Reduced to 95c, were $1.49 $1.25, were $1.90 & $2.40 $1.90, were $2.90 & S3.D0 Now Is the Time to Bu north Beach boats rnoM k. ooni .v i: ''v.'L:' Direct Trolley l liieenlrii FREE rlBKHOHH-TUESDAY- S 4 lUl'llslUU,

Transcript of llfil il ifil · 2017-12-22 · ments nre Ruidecl, is not unlike those of naval Part of the owner's...

Page 1: llfil il ifil · 2017-12-22 · ments nre Ruidecl, is not unlike those of naval Part of the owner's agents getting aboard the vessel. Curlglii by H. V. Huck, frmn Lnderwood Underwood

2 .'

it men may sometimes contemplato lar-ceny.

The Deutschland went from flremer-have- n

out to sen In the light of day onJuno 14, went In tho early morninglnattr-of-fnctl- y ns n semv of bricks orlumber from any New York pier ullpcut Into the harbor nnd down to tholower liny. Neither Ilremen up thofiver, nor Hrenierh.ivcii, unto to thoNorth .Men, sent li.imls 'to blare fare.-We- ll

or crowds to cheer.KoetilK will have It lh.it the Orrmnn

Government took no Interest In theirdeparture nnil doubts If the Kiileer knewmiythliiK about tho project. Nobodycatno aiouwl to Irll the twcnty-nln- u

mon In the Deutschkinil that they wereattempting a plucky thine They lefthome, In short, with ns little fuss asany other trade boat would have caused.

KocnlK Inld a rourse utmost straightnorlh to- - fierinany'H North Men Utbr.il-to- r,

Heleokiiid."Why did you do that?" he was nked."We knew that lirltlsh warships were

aoir.ewlirre about," he said, "andwanted to l.iv up at HelKoIand for somedays to f.ol them. There are ulw.iys

tiles that reveal the cnmlmta and kkIiiksof 0111 ship mid It w.ti wise to marktime a Utile while. In this ense only one

lien, so fnr : 1 kn iw, hart our secret,lie w.ts the ,mei!.:in t annul at Itremen,'William Tlnmi.is IVo, whose duty It wasto ii) plow our m.inlfmt. Ho was to betrusted, initurnlly, but we rould take noChani c..

II U 1ln I'ull of "Vrp.""Wo Ic.ilid pliMrfiitit y off Helgoland

tindci the shade of t ti.- blK suns untilthe nivi.nir of Jiinr SM. The time waslit.sseil tiHifuliy m niiirov:is the tram-In- s

of lb- - men. .Mmut those men, nowny w rd fir tin m If you must hold

US UV 10 the world's i yes. Thiy ate Roodfelluus lw.- -. iIioiik fellows, M iHt

of tli-t- ..ic ipi te jouiiK, ihoiiKh most arein.irr "d .1 nil an raisiiiK tosy cheekedtable to n.i v; up for (ieriu.iny iilory.The) a i'l line mechanics and lull of,

win I d. ou s.iy? pip. that Is It."On tl morning of .lune 23 we I

turned wstwnrd in the North Sea andheaded straight for the lirltlsh Channel.Somebody h said tll.lt we went all the

.iy mound Scotland. N'lisense! Whyhnulil we'.' It was easy enough to fool

tlm HntiMi, and KoinK through the ch.m-li- d

wu. i 'illd' play.""What were your best aids to navi-

gation dpt.iln? How did you llKuru outjour s.ifi .irufircss under sc.i?"

"Tin' iiiHTOphonc and our device fortaking soundings while stibmciKed didtho tr'l; i:vcrbody unltistanUs thesetla what the microphone Is an un-

dersell iili'iihone so dclir.ile that It catch-es a.i I .eioriLs the vlbr.itiune of uny bulknuivitig upon or under the w.iws. WehJ'o two mlcrophoneH on the Deutseh-l.iu- d,

at e on tho ior:, one on the star-board .tide. One of us, an officer If pos-"Ibl- e,

kept tin ear always to the trans-mitter When we heard disturbing mur-murs through our ilttlc c.iMlroM'T weitopptd ikad still, maybe, or went aheadVi ry slowly.

'Sometimes we dropped to the seafloor ami kipt ns still a a mouse untilwe could Ilgure out nhat the menacewas. Sometimes wc merely droppedfifty feet or so beneath the surfaco andanchored In that position, suspended be-

tween tho surface and the bottom. Themicrophones warned us of cruisers anddestroyers and sometimes of buoyedmines."

firrrrtlr Atnldril Mine Fields."About those mines," somebody cut In :

"we have heard that tho channel Is sownwith them, that they ran In solid lanesncio.MH tho Straits of Dover. Weren't)ou bothered by thoio mines? How didyou dodge 'em?"

Wouldn't jriin like to know, Don?"laughed Kornlir. "It 1 a secret, ourMet hud fur atolcllnit mine llrliln, but thisw a eh I ran say we Herman know utrlrk to htat the mine danger, and Iaed It In my run through tlir rhnnnrl."

The Ueutschland wa four days KOlnRthrough tho Channel, not so much be-

cause four days mere required for thisHtaRO of the voyae an because Koenlicwas leaving nothing to chance. He madehasto wry slowly. Here the soundingdevice came Into excellent play.

"Wo were not always sine of our4pth." he said. "Wo took soundingquite often even when submerged. Itwas quite simple. There Is a tube whichprojeits from the Dtutschland'! bottom

ml thmuiih this tube we hoavo tholead. Hy a system of valves we proxentwater entering the hull while the sound-ings are being taken. Hut this In drytalk. Let me tell you about our hap-piest evening."

Then the tale of tho champagne partycamo out, the tale of hilarious Teutons,snug and close upon the Channel Moor,tinging In their own tongue the snngthat lllanche King made famous, sippingthe wine of their enemy, while the deadlydestroyers prowled overhead and stabliedtho sea surface with searrhllght glare.Who has beaten that In fiction?

"And we felt that way." said Koenle."We were the finger ringed, bell toedboys, and we didn't rare a damn for nilJh lirltlsh shujia uf the Channel patrol.

Men Xlood Poor llnnr Walrhm,Rid of the perilous straits finally the

Seutvchland breasted the Atlantic rollersnnd proceeded upon her businesn (to be-

lieve Koenlg. utterly unlntmestlng bus-iness). Officers and crow had plenty oftime on their hands. The long days nndBights were, divided into four hourwatches, shifts on duty for four hours,at leisure fur four, on dutw ugaln fortour, and so on. Incessantly they kept.Vigilant watch for enemy craft any(raft.

Koenlsr, who knows New Yorlt as wellAs he knows Hremen. says the North Seaand the Channel were as crowded asBroadway and ut nlsht nbout as garishlylighted with those detestublo destroyerspUjIng tag all over the waters with theirBearchllghts. A lot of times ho pokedthe periscope clear nnd sighted loomingperils Just in time to dive without beingpotted. Ilut there were dull hours.

"Jlow did you folks amuso your- -pelves? ' he was asked.

"MoHtly," he said, "with the phonoIrrnph, Kvery submarine carries n phonograph. It Is ns much of the submarine'sequipment as a periscope, we Kept Itgoing pretty steadily (at times, of course,When there .was no special danger Inenjoying muslo), and wc had a lino lotOf records, though tho American rec-ords wcro not especially up to date. WeJrad coon sonc records, Hroadway musi-cal comedy records (nnd wc were thereal, sure enough, tired business men),

nd operatic records. One of the pleccHWe enjoyed most was a song from "TierPynt." The strains of Peer have seepedout through waves that beat all theWay from Hremerhavcn to llaltlmore.

They I.tked Bret llnrtr nest."Have any tlrrm to rend, Ciiptatn? Did

the shin boast of a library?"You bet It did," he replied. "We ha

a fine little library of (lerman, AmerJcnn, English and Spanish books. Ilutwhat do you suppose tho boys readmost seemed to line nest ;

"(live It up, Captain. There nre norrecertents for your outfit,

"Unit Harto. We had several of himTennessee's r.irdner,' said some of lhoe

Ctorles nbout that fino gnmbler manwhat was his name? Onkhurst? Andthen wo read Shakespeare and MarkTwain '

"What books of Marl: Twain did younave? '

'"Innocents Abroad," said the skipper,tickled at his little Joke. "We had too

ome of the good lirltlsh writers w,W. Jacobs, who writes those funnythings about the Killor, and Dickens

mi some others,"Any Kipling stuff In tho library?""No Klnllnr." said Koenle: ouleklv

One fathered, however, that the mnsterr the lieutsehl.-in- Is not lmfamllia

virh Mr. Kipling's recent efforts.J on had Jules Veine's 'Twenty

Thousand Leagues Under the Pea' ofDourse r

uti, no," Koenlg smiled. 'Thatjrnuia nave r quired too much imnglnnHon."

It was remarkable, nil hin.how seldom the submarine was

TMIK pioneer In undersea merchant craft Is here shown moored to crew is shown on deck, and a strict Ruard Isher pier nt The connlnp; tower, Crom which her move- - to prevent any persons save those vouched for by Capt. Koenlg or tho

ments nre Ruidecl, is not unlike those of naval Part of the owner's agents getting aboard the vessel.

Curlglii by H. V. Huck, frmn Lnderwood Underwood

forced to dive. In the entire 3.S00 milesonly ninety miles was under surfacegoing. This ninety miles wns loggei.ns straight progress and did not includethe times the IVulsehland simply wentbelow and sat on her hunkers, stayingthere until the felt It was quite Judiciousfor a nice, fat, quite hflpliss submarineo risk sun or moonlight. There never

wns a ooe call.Not one time In the whole trip were

we een b) n warship." explained Capt.Hoenie, and I wry mueli doubtthat us mini) at half u dotrn merchantsnip spiru u. v e 31 rourse jaw

)srore of rrnfU The Terr lut one weKiKiuru nn ininy nilirs on llie irginittt'npes, a big white trult heat rollinghome from Jiimalrii, T lippine. We sawher Jut in we went under for our nnnldlws When we cunie up aguln we werenfe Inside the three mile line and could

milk lip the ulreet wlthoit fearing thatnriinii piiiiremitn."

The Ueutschland submerged less thantwenty times from ilremerhaven toNorfolk. Six times In the Norlh Seashe reckoned discretion as the betterpart, six times In the lirltlsh Channelnnd six times In the Atlantic. Once Inthe channel she clung to the sea floorfor ten hours. She can stay down fourdays. If necessary. She ran resist theterrific pressure of 300 feet of water.

Koenlg's eyes gleam with pride whenhe sets forth the of hislong, gun metal colored unterseeboote.The man discusses her as If she werehuman.

.'I.HIMI lilies nn N.--. nations."How about your oil supply?" he was

asked. Wasn't that the big problem?How did thu oil last?"

'Listen," he said. "We took ISO tonsof fuel oil Into our tanks when we nutout from Hremerhaven. There are nowIn tb tanks Just rilncty-- e gallons.We lugged 3.S0') miles on eighty-liv- e

gallon'- - and running often at It knotsspotd. There you have It. German

has conquered the fuel problemas it Is cxpresccd on terms of greatdistance.

" are building for trade with theneutral countries great submarines thatwill go l.l.oiMI miles without replenishment of fuel supply, that will curry.when we nre read) to supply It, 1,000 or

re tons of freight. Nrternl of theseboats nre now building. The next one Income to this country will he named thelirrmen, Hint she will reach Americanshores within right weeks. I ma) notreienl Just when or Just where she willbe heard from on thl side, lint whnt Iurn truing juu may be taken us a fart.

'.My 1) .at has done well, von sawThe next ones to come will be better. Wehave brought a cargo of dyestuffsamounting to 7.10 tons and valued atil.vuu.vov ro'ighly. We had to rnrrvmore than 3ml tons of cast Iron hnll.istbecause we coutd not get enough cargooi ne.ivy nature, uyes are not weighty."

"How were you off for the creaturecomforts. Capt. Koenlg? Did you hnveplenty ot gooq rood and water?

"Ample for three or four big meals aday. All of our food wns In tinsbread, meat, fruits, vegetables. We tookout twenty tons of wnter that keptpretty iresn. we liven well and nttimes we had champagne." His eystwinkled again. "At times the air wakstudy, particularly when we thought Itbest to keep out of jilght for some hoursat a time."

IlrntiKht Only Kntnasar Stall.Capt. Koenlg snld that the Deutsch- -

land brought dyestuffs only and that,strictly speaking, she cnrrled no mall.He was entrusted with three large bags.sealed with the great eagle of the German I'mplre and addressed to "K. V, B.,

These he had understoodfontalned messages from the ForeignOlllce. Koenlg bad turned them overto Haniel von Halmhausen, counsellorr the German wmbasNy. who came hero

y as the of "K. V.It. (Von Hernstnrff, tho Ambassador)nnd returned to Washington this nfter-noo- n

nfter having lunrhfon with Koenlgat the Gorman club and telling Koenlghe was a gieat man.

Capt. Koenlg got hlH training In theOei man merchant marine. He wns master of several of the North German Lloydliners that piled from New York andllaltlmore and Iloston to Ilromen. Up In1U01 he ran In and out of New Yorkpretty constantly. Then he went Into theChina trade for several years. Ho was In.New York last In IMS, but he said to-

night, with the suspicion of a wink, thaiho might imko another visit so).1..Among tho vessel Koenlg skippered worethe Neckar, the Trlnzees Irene nnd theSthleswlg. lie has never served In thoGerninn navy, but like nil Girman sailor-me- n

belongs to the naval reserve.I In did Ills talking this evening In the

North German Lloyd olllco conducted by1', II, L. and H, (1, llllken, one of whomhovered sollcltuusly about him, fearingthat Ii" might talk n little too mush.They .needn't have worried. Ho wanquite a picture, thin ivw blylo mariner i'fa trade, ns old iih Asia, If ho standsmore than Ii feit 7 In his sea boots theoj n Is ut fault, but ho hud good squarechouldcrs and Hturdy legs. There Isn't in

C A 8 T O R I A f Infants am Chilmer.

TJi Kind You

W J? X

ounce of useless flesh on him. II Is nahard as rocks, nnd the sun has leathered .

'his skin to the hue ot terra cotta. Hlihead Is big. expanding nt the top rather j

oddly and making his chin nnd the wholelower part of his face seem to run to akind of point. He wears no beard ormustache.

Kept A war from the RrrmsM.The Hllklnses had steered Capt. Koenl

from surging crowds of (lerman folk, allof whom were trying to get htm to eat ordrink more than was good for him, anddinned his ears with their congratula.i., wt, rnrtru . him iin.'U,be wns almost in the m.'od to submergahimself. So far he Is the only one of thepeutschland s company that h.is hadshore leave, nnd this happy pilvilege w'llcot be" granted to the others until Wedneday likely. They are keeping a mightycIoe guard on the Dcutschland.

She now lies nt her private pier atLocum Point, within a few rods of oldKort McIIenry. They that have beenernnied the nrivlleire of vlewlnc her313 feet of length and 30 feet of beamhave found plenty to Intercut them. SheIs dull bui-- 1. of nbout the shade of gunmetal. Perhaps ten feet uf her bulkrises above the water level nnd fifteenfeet remain submerged by her weight.Her conning tower Is spacious and Islocated about the centre of her deck.She carries two masts and l propelledon tho surface by two Die-sel englnos. Under deck, fore and aft,are two storage rooms for freight thatmust not be exposed to dampness, butthe bulk of her fielght Is to be car-ried In the bulge of her sides, some-thing after the fashion that a burrocarries tho Spanish type of side pack.Her engine runs through the centre ofher Innards a mass of machinery

complicated to tho untrainedeye.

Quarters ArcTho olllcers' quarters nre forward, and

on the starboard side, neat little cabins,about seven feet by seven nnd high';," " "cclltnged enough for head room. Thecaptain's quarters are finished In I'ng- -lieh walnut. He has a handsome bunk,a writing desk, book shelves and elec-tric lights. The more one eees of thiscraft the more Impressive she bulks.She loolui three times as big as one ofthe submarine one sees over In theBrooklyn navy yard's diy dorks.

It Is not easy to get to study theDeutschland. A high barbed wiretopped fence stands off lanil.il, le vlsitoruami barges and tugboats ell her fromwatersldu liapcctlon. Moreover, thepier and grounds bristle with special'guards.

She came up from Quarantine In theearly morning after Health Olllcer Itich-ardsu- n

had found nothing to frown nboutIn the physical condition of her twenty-nin- e

men. The tu Thomas K. Tlm-mln- s

preceded her through tho fog andrain, shooting eenrchllght rays uponsuspicious looking persomt, partlculailyphotographers. As the Deutschlnndlieared the steamship Hremen, which hasenjoyed tho protection of Baltimore bar- -nor ror many months, tho Bremen'ssiren let go. Her red, white and blackHag dipped, Three sailors swung theirf.i nnd cheered. At fi A. M. the sub-marine slipped Into her berth.

The customs authorities went aboardshortly afterward. Guy W. Steele.1Surveyor of the Port, satisfied himselfImmediately that the purely tradingcharacter of tho ship wns not to bedisputed. Rxcept for live revolvers, thepersonal property of the officers, therewere no nrms of any sort aboard, andthe submarine Is not equipped with atorpedo tube. A rorket rllle, the deviceused to fire signalling rockets, wasO. K.'d by Unrle Sam and then, aftergeneral handshaking, Steele left, placingtwo of his Inspectors on watch until thedutlalilo cargo wan removed.

At noon Capt, Koenlg canui ashore togo through the custom house routine.He called on Collector Wllllai G. Hyanand heard from hi in thnt Baltimore hadsent out the Mm Iron ship, had the firstrailroad, had been the first city to usegas for lighting and wns, therefore, par-ticularly pleased to welcome the firstcargo carrying submarine. Hyan didmost of the talking,

Koenlg then presented his pnpem tothe marine clerk. They show that thocargo consists of 3,i40 cases of s,

aniline dyes largely, on whichthe duty Is 30 per cent., so that thuGovernment will be well In pocketMirough the arrival of the Deutschland,


Historic Document Issued by Con-

ns! at Hremen.IUi.timohe, Md., July 10. When

quarantine officers boarded the Ger-man super-submari- merchantman hereearly y the commander handedthem the following hill of health, Issuedby the American Consul at Bremen:

"Port of Bremen, Germany."United Slates 'of America.

(Seal.)' "Bill of health.

"I, William Thomas Fee, ISsquIre,

Bears tho sf











Oipt. Knenlg'i photosrsph coprtsht liy Central Xeus I'hotn Service,

Consul of the United States of America(the person authorized to Issue the bill)nt the jort of Hremen, Germany, dohereby state that the vessel hereinafternamed clenrs from this port under thefollowing circumstances:

"Name of vessel, Ss Deutschlnnd: na-tionality, German : rig .

".Master Paul Koenlg : tonnage, gross,791 ; net, steel ; number of officers,three, number of crew. Including pettyofficers, twenty-si- x : number of passen-gers, none.

"Number of souls on board, all told,twenty-nin- e (2),

"Port of departure, Bremen, Germany."Where last from Newly built."Number of cases of sickness, none."Vessel engaged In Freight trade and

plies between Hremen, Germany, andBoston or other east Atlantic ports.

"Sanltnry condition, F4Y."Nature, sanitary hu-;-e and condi-

tion of enrro Dyestuffs. 1 good."Source and wholesomenetis of water

supply Bremen waterworks ; good.'1 certify that the vessel has complied

with the quarantine rules and regula.tlons made under the net of February15. 133. and that the vessel leaves thisport bound for Iloston or other east Atlantic port of the United States of Amer-ica via , dlrec'tly.

"Given under my hand and seal, thisthirteenth day of June, 1916.

"William Thomas Fu,American Consul.

"15 or M.27."


Ilrop A am In When Wall St. I.rarnsTruth About Undersea Cargo.Wall Street was filled yesterday with

unconfirmed reports and rumors aboutthe cargo brought to this country Inthe Gorman submarine Deutschland.Kiirly In the day foreign exchangebrokers said the vessel surely hadbrought American securities, but later..., ...., . V. . V.Hn.l ... . V. I

there were revisions of these reports. Late In the day the opinionwns no securities were brought.

German marks advanced sharply morethan 1 per cent., and the prediction wasmade they would go higher. Ilut thepr mlsed rise in marks was checked'

,","'" . VliUl .i. Ti-- h T.- -l.".,,.,.. " V .wt. ,u " .lieday.


London Papers Praise batCall Feat I'nlmpnrtant.

I.O.NPON, July 11 (Tuesday). Themorning newspapers, while expressingadmiration editorially for the feat of theGerman submarine Deutschland, Insistthat It cannot have tho slightest militaryImportance.

The Dally .Vrtcs says: "All the voyageproved Is that the thjng can be done, andthat bus been proved As far isthe war Is concerned, It Is quite unim-portant,"

The .Morning TrUgrnvh says: "Thevoyage is Interesting as nn Illustration ofthe success with which physical scienceIs triumphing over obstacles that were regarded, comparatively recently, as Insur-mountable."

The Daily Express saya t "Ths aehlsye-men- tcannot have ths smallest military

significance. It Is possible that a dosensubmarine merchantman may reachAmerica, but disaster Would occur tomost of them befnre they could return."

The .Uorn(n0 J'osf saysl "It Is not thecase of this helm ths first 'trader submarine' to cross ths Atlantic, Inasmuchns It is known that she Is merely an orUnary U boat with her fighting enulnment rcmovod. Whll trade ships ofevery nutloa pass freely In safsty, Germany has to travel under the sea. It Isthe finest demonstration possible of theefficiency of our blockade,"


Transatlantic Trust Company HadOffered to forward Money.

There was no great rush of depositorslo shlu money abroad by submarine yes.terday ut the offices of the TransatlanticTiust Company, 87 William street, whichudvertlsed ten days bsfore ths Deutschland reached Baltimore that It wouldaccept deposits for transmission In thismilliner. Julius Plrnltser, president otthe company, was absent most of theday and no one else would sny how theyknew the submarine was coming.

"Mr. Plrnltser wns here this mornIng," tru.it company officials said, "butho h not In the city now."

All other Inquiries were met with theresponse that In their good time theywould Issue a statement, but not beforethe return of sir. Plrnltser.

The advertisement which offered totransmit money by submarine post afterrunning several days from June 30 waswithdrawn and a new one has not yetceen inserted.

Live Wire In Street Kills Roy.John Tagllarllo, 12 yenrs old, of 8(133

Bay Thirty-sixt- h street, Bensonhurst.selied a live electric light wire which hadfallen from an elevated railroad struc-ture In F.ilhty-slxt- h strest, Btnaonhurst,yesterday afternoon. Ha was so badlyhioun wh na aioa soon stisrsrara.

ir A Vv

'rrtJi XI



U. S. Inquiry Ordered on Rep-

resentations of flrent Brit-

ain and France.

WASitiyqTON, July 10. Pendingfurther investigation the United Stateswill view the German submarineDeutschland a--s an undersea freight shipentitled to ply Its trade between Germanand American ports.

This Government's preliminary attitudewas determined to-d- on an lnfnrm.ilreport of Collector Hyan of Baltimore,who stated that the Deutschland did notcarry arms, that she was manned by amerchant crow and that her pnprs wereIn order. Acting Secretary of State Polknecmeu to accept the presumption thntthe Deutschland Is n merchant ship, butuy uireciion oi tnc state DepartmentCapt. C. K. Hughes of the Navy,formerly Inspector of shinseral Board, has been assigned to give .incxpen opinion as to whether theDeutschland Is or Is not a warship. Hewill be assisted by other naval olTlcein.

.nennwniie the British and French Gov- -ernments have communicated whntamounts to a nrotest nmlno iheDeuchland's presence In nil Amrl,.import. The form of this communication isa request for the United States to de-termine the exnet status of the vessel.Mr. KiTday, who Is In charge of theBritish Embassy, had a conference withMr. Polk and pointed out the positionwhich his Government takes with

to the undersea boat. The itritihnnd French Governments are determinedto make every effort to prevent the estab-lishment of an undersea trade route between uermany and the United Statei.

Great Btltaln's general line of argu-ment Is that the Deutschland U in env.-- ta warshlv even though unarmed. Ac-cording to German maritime law shemny properly he converted into anarmed vessel on the high seas. Gtrmany,In practice, has converted uirirmcd shipsInto warships at e.i on seeral occasionssince the piesent war began,

Capt. Hughes In his Investigation willgive particular attention to the ques-tlo- n

whether there are gun mounts hid.den In the ship's construction, whether'she Is so built as to permit the mount- -I tig of gun.s or nrlrac of torpedoes, Heis an expert on matters or thlx nature

The report has reached here nnof.flcially that the German officers willobject to an examination of this nature,it is niifle.1 that no one, not even anolllcer detailed by the United StatesGovernment, will he permitted to Inves- -ugaie tno secrets of the vessel, this ow-ing to the fear of discovery of Germannaval secret. At the State Department,however. It waa intimated that Mleh nh- -jectlons will be epeedlly disposed ofslid the Deutschland will submit toany detailed examination which Capt.Hughes wishes to make or put to seawithin twenty-fou- r hours,

Besides endeavoring lo prevent thedeparluis of the Deulschlnnd from Bal-timore the British Government Is readyto make very emphatic plot eel ngalnstany shipment of rubber In Germany.This article Is lliulsrstiiml In lis sorelyneeded by Germany, nm rauorls arellist pari is! ihe Deutsi'lilrtnif's returnonrgn will be rubber. The lirltlsh nt

lis permitted shipments of rub-ber from lirltlsh colonies to the UnitedStates on lb. distinct understanding thatnone of It will reach Germany or herallies, Therefore, any ntlempt to shiprubber by ths Deutschland will Immedi-ately Involve ths United States In con-troversy with Great Britain,

Alleare Crew la from Xavr.Great Britain and Trance lay stress

on ths contsntlon that ths crow of theDeutschland may be made up of

mon. Mr, Polk said1 y thequestion whether or not they were re,sorvlsts would be Inveatlgnted, Also athorough Investigation will be mails withft view to determining whether they areor have ever been under German Ad-miralty orders. It Is understood the menare ready to- - muke affidavits that theyhave never served In the Ueunun navy.

Much Is made In Entente circles ofthe probability that no crew could bepicked up and put In charge of a tub-mari-

like the Deutschland unless theyhad had previous experience with thistype of vessel. And It Is contended thismeans that they must have had serviceIn the German navy. American navalofficers are not Inclined to share thisview, Familiarity with Diesel enginesnnd special men for the storage bat-teries are all that Is needed, they say,

Secretary Daniels called a special con-ference y to discuss the Deutsch-land ense. Those who participated wereBear Admiral Benson, Bear AdmiralGriffin, chief of the bureau of steamengineering; Chief Constructor Taylor.Read Admiral Benson later had a eon.

J faranoa With flacreUu-j- r Polk, f

llfil f il if il

NATURALTheChiginal EgyptianGgarettes

When Schinasi Brothers came from Egypt,a quarter of a century ago, to introduce goodTurkish tobacco to America, they had one idea.

To show real Americans how good a realcigarette could be.

They made Naturals the only goodTurkish-tobacc- o cigarette manufactured inthis country at that time.

They made their cigarettes so good thatNaturals turned the tobacco-tast-e of Americato Turkish tobacco.

Naturals were made good made goodstill make good.

For a Quarterof Century,Madein theSchinasi Way

the Quality Way.



No Iinnortor Here Knows HowMuch T Liner Onirics

for Him.

As the normal American consumptionof German nnd Austrian dyestufls

the war was about 3?,n00 tons nyear, the TOO tons which the subma-rine Deutschland Is supposed to havebrought to Baltimore will neither up-

set the market nor end the color famine.But the firms nmong which the Deutsch-land'- s

enrgo N likely to be distributedare grateful and happy. They are sureother submarine boats will run theblockade, nnd they expect satisfying, If

Irregnlnr, shipments hereafter.Nnno of the chemical nnd dye com-

panies mentioned as being the probablecnns';nee of the U boat's precious loadhas received definite word that they areso favored. Herman A. Mftz eaM lastnight that he was still nwnltlng Infor-

mation and could not tell how his com-

pany fared until the shipping papers hadbeen passed by the Federal authorities.

The same report was made by AdolphKutroff. the Cn-el- la Color Company, theBeriln Drug Company, the Bayer Com-pan- y

ami the Kalle Color and Chfin-lea- lCompanv. nil of which have rcifon

to believe that dyes addresei to themnre aboard the Deutschland. The

wholesale value of the "OH toneof dyestuffs was about 700,000,

Anibas'iidnr von Bern-torf- f, who s atthe int the counsellor oftho German Umhissy, Baron von Haniel,to Baltimore yesterday morning to lep- -

resent bis i lot eminent In determiningthe legnl status of the tr.in.itantlctmder-wate- r liner. At that time Countvon Bernstorff did not know whether ornot Ihe captain of the Peutschland hadany otllelal messages from GermanyThe Ambissa.Ior declined lo say any-thing for publication about the com- -

nc of the submarine, nut ne and insntlnehes were In the beet of humor.

Importers nnd consumers ale eagerlyawaiting definite Information of thequantity and character of the dyestuffsbrought to Baltimore. A repieentallveof a manufacturing company which hnslarge mills said :

"Certainly thero Is a scnt'mrntal ef-fe-

nt once apparent. We feel thatwhich hns been accomplished once mayba accomplished ngnln, and It appearsthat several other merchant submarinesars to b put on the run, There Is apossibility of th. resumption of a regu-lar supply of materials for dyes. Oneprobable effect will be that of makingspeculators a Uttlo less ruthless In theirprh' s,"

The spokesman for another tlrm saidthat the Oerman shipment would bo a

i eat help If It waa carefully selectedso as to relieve the known shortage. If.on the other hand, It was limited to ma-terials competing with products thatAmericans have learned to make, Itmight disorganise the market,


Experiment of lot) Venrs Ago

Startled France nnil KiirIiiiiiI.Itobert Fulton experimented with an

undersea bout mon; than ion years ago.This passage from his diary appeals Inthe biography ot Fullon, wiltteu by AliceCrary Sutcllffe, published last year bythe Macmltlan Company !

Second Experiment On 24th of Au-

gust, 1800, I plunged Into tho basinat Havro to the depth of IB feet, hav-ing with mo two people and a lightedcandle; wo lemalned below the surfacefor the space of one hour withoutexperiencing the slightest Inconveni-ence,

Fulton tried to Interest Francs In hisInvention, but without permament suc-cess. Then he tried England, for whomho sunk a French vessel by torpedo, astorm of protest a,rose In England overthe Invention, for fenr this new weaponof war might be used to destroy Eng-land's navy, so Fulton came to theUnited Btates,



Will furry tlic Mails nnilCiiriro Without Hritish In-


BAi.TiMor.n, July 10, Capt. PaulKoenlg of the Deutschland gave out awritten statement this afternoon dealingprlnclpilly with the tirean-Ilhedeiel- 's

plan to establish a line of submarinecargo carriers and with general condi-

tions In Germany nnd In the countries' ofher allies. The statement follows :

"The submarine DeutscVand. which I

have the honor to command. Is the firstof several submarines built to the orderof the Deuts. he oze G. M.B. H., Bremen,

"She will be followed by the Bremenshortly,

'Tlie Idea of the building of this sub-marine emanated from Alfred I)htr.ann,then president of the Bremen Chamberof Commerce He brought his idea inthe fall of last eur ronlidentlatly beforea siirill cln ! of friends and the Idea wastaken up at once. A company wasformed under tho name of Deutsche

G M. II. II., and theGerniam.iwerft Kell was entiustcd withthe building of the Mibn-a- i lues.

"The board of dliectors Is composedof Alfred Lohmann, president of theboard: Phlllpp Ileineken, general mali-nger of the Norddeulscher Lloyds: P.M. Herrmann, mating, r of the DeutscheBank. Carl Staplefcldt, manager of theNorddetitschei I.lo.wl, has taken overthe management of the company.

"We have brought a most valuablecargo of dyestufTs, which havo been somuch needed for months in Americaand whkli the ruler of the seas has notallowed the great American republicto Impirt While England will not al-

low anyUidy thu same right on theocean because she rules the waves, wehave by means of the submarine com-mend d to break this rule. Our boathas a displacement of about 2,000 tonsand a speed of mre than fourteen knots.Needliss to say that we are quite un-- a

i nnd and only a peaceful merchant-man.

"Hecardlng things In Germany, I maymention that everybody Is convinced ofthe full dual victory of the German armsand those of our allies. All facts of theInst twenty-tw- o months go to provethat there Is no doubt of this. AllI'l land and Kurland, a country of thesize of two-thir- of Germany, havebeen for twelve months under peacefuluile, nnd the entire country has beenput under the plough nnd thousand ofncres will provide the next wintir's sup.ply of foodstuffs. Bains nnd waimweather In April and May have hroughta ciMp in view all over Germany,

Bulgaria and Turkey,finer thnn In a century,

"All Serbia, Monlenegro and a greatpart of Albanln are In tho same position.Besides Belgium, of KronenIs In German possession and all In nnourishing agricultural state. So thereIs really not the least anxiety for tinBritish attempt of trying to kill by starvatlou 100,000,000 Orrmnn and AusIrian children nnd women and non-co-

batants, the most devilish plan ever triedby any nation In the world,

"Our boats will carry across thethe malls and b.ivc them from

British Interruption,"Wo trust that Ihe old friendly rela

tlonshlp wllh the United States, goingback lo Ihe days of Washington, whenit wns Prussia who was the llrst to helpAmerica in Its light for freedom fromBritish rule, will awake afresh In yourbeuutlful and powerful country."

Cnnniln. Would II nr XlcUcl Cn runOttawa, July 10. The Canadian

finvernmenl. ivhlcli Inruelv pnnlrrtluworld's nekel production and which hasallow en i in- - Miipincui or inis metal uthe United Statea on condition that nonicould reach the Central Powers, Is ennsideling the announcement that tho Oernun uiil,i:i rl.li. n II..tlmore Intends to take back a cargo ofnicKci. Attention is neing given theproblem of preventing nickel reachingGermany by the submarine, route. Anembargo on nickel may be proclaimed.


Submarine Intentiir Withholds Mil

Opinion mi I'uteiil laliti.Ba!.t:mohk, duly 10- - . i. '

sisimi.irlne ..iv iitr, ,iie I r 'have a 1 ok at lh" D"Uii i

se If her const i net', n ,i

h's tiaMit ncbt: lie sill ' i ' hi'ITU', make ii, aunoiiii' c i e i'law. els at nved

Federal otlli'ials her 1,' 'of the !ieusch!am! ' a-

probable. They thought. how '.

the agents may be requlm 'bond prior to Inr failing f M

was atiln to produce cniilen, e

t'nitid States District .'ourt

The lucky sizes!32, 33. 34. 35 chest.The prices on all our

Youths' suits have beentrimmed.

Never mind your age if

your size is among them.Mixture suits: blue and

black serges and cheviots.Decided savings all

along the line.


Broadway Dront 13th St. "The nt Mth S'

FourBroadway Corners" Fifth Avat Warren r.t 4 1st St

V4k m aWr m ms m Mm ms msw

Straw Hats Genuine ReductionsOur Own Regular Stock

Panamas andBankoks


$2.90 worth $5

$3.50 worth $7Pencil Curls.

Optlmns and Roll

Sennits, Splits, Mackinaws, Leg

horns, Reduced to

95c, were $1.49$1.25, were $1.90 & $2.40

$1.90, were $2.90 & S3.D0

Now Is the Time to Bu

north Beachboats rnoM k. ooni .v i: ''v.'L:'

Direct Trolley l liieenlriiFREE rlBKHOHH-TUESDAY- S

4 lUl'llslUU,