Liz Langdon’s Mosaics, Mirrors and Memories

Liz Langdon’s Mosaics, Mirrors, and Memories of Community Membership REFLECTIONS ON MY LIFE AS AN ARTIST/EDUCATOR/ RESEARCHER

Transcript of Liz Langdon’s Mosaics, Mirrors and Memories

1. Liz Langdons Mosaics, Mirrors, and Memories of Community Membership REFLECTIONS ON MY LIFE AS AN ARTIST/EDUCATOR/ RESEARCHER 2. Community Collaborations Produce Creativity Ryan High School Bryan Senior High School Joslyn Art Museum University Medical Associates 50th Ames 3. MY STORY: HOW AN ART TEACHER AND ARTIST BECOMES A RESEARCHER anDrama Doe, 2001 Rose Theatre, Omaha, NE 4. Artistic Behaviors Modeled by my Students A successful studio experience aims for skill building, and also encourages students to become alert to making their own connections and be inclined to use those skills to enlighten or enliven their own life 5. Artistic Behaviors Modeled by Beginning Artists Critiques Pausing to observe, converse and reflect Informal and temporary display of student work 6. Artistic Behaviors Developing Reflect Question and Explain Evaluate Observe Develop Craft Technique and Studio Practice Engage and Persist Embrace problems of relevance Develop focus and other mental states conducive to working Persevering at art tasks. 7. Discovering Community as a Source for Collaborative Learning . John Dewey, 1938 Experience in Education called for opportunities for children to make connections between their lives and everyday places. My practical theory of teaching is grounded in Deweys theory of experiential learning Learning AS Doing Learning AS Collaborative Childrens Hospital Waiting Area Joslyn Art Museum Collaboration Omaha Childrens Museum, Bryan High School Collaboration 8. Shared History/ Disjunctive Synthesis (Deleuze, 1990) The disjunctive synthesis is the creation of improbable combinations, which demonstrate a significant meaning as the result of nonsense and paradox. This significant meaning , referred to as Sense by Deleuze, is found most readily in the recognition of paradox This sense branches into new thoughts and becoming, and is called the disjunctive synthesis of series or more simply improbable combinations. The First Meeting, Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Monument, Dodge Park , Omaha, NE 9. Public Art Project with High School Students at Willa Cather Library, Omaha, NE There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before; like the larks in this country, that have been singing the same five notes over and over for thousands of years. Willa Cather, My Antonia 10. The Foundation, 2009 Glass and ceramic Marble basin with images of classical thinkers from the School of Athens Cracked in two and held together with rubber bands , staples and tape, and the status quo. Shards of Hope (on top): Symphony, Empathy, Story, Play, Meaning and Design Daniel Pink, (2005) A Whole New Mind 11. My Students Diverse Communities Refugees Impoverished Neighborhoods Seekers Dreamers European Immigrants 12. Artist/Educator to Researcher Expanding the definition of art education by asking: what can art education do differently? As an experienced artist and educator I was looking for answers to questions about ways art education can be shaped that would expand the perception of its utility to education. How has art been used to heal? How is art relevant in diverse communities? How does art create community? How can technology effect arts education? 13. Working With a Community in Need to Heal Ignorance and Brokeness The Therapeutic Arts class Texas Christian University, work with clients from the Day Center for the Homeless in Fort Worth , TX. To create a mural 14. My students were ignorant of the challenges of homelessness. I challenged students to live out of a shopping bag for one week-end, and create a reflection from their experiences. 15. Creative Integrated- Arts Collaboration with Contemporary Art Artist Nick Cave University of North Texas Martin Luther King Rec Center, Denton Visual art, drama, dance and percussion Collaboration, improvisation and emergent curriculum New media educates, motivates, and loops experiences into the larger community How can technology effect arts education? 16. 17. Advocacy: Building Community Understanding about the Power of Art Bryant Center Mural. A collaboration with the Bryant Center community and artists How is art relevant in diverse communities? 18. Place-Based Texas Research Early Texas Art is art produced by artists who were born in and/or lived and worked in Texas 40 years prior to date Offers new research on historic artists of the Wichita Falls area. This curriculum was shared through educator workshops and developed participants awareness of the value of local art 19. Missing from the Early Texas Artist of the Wichita Falls Area Native Americans African Americans Mexican Americans 20. Elder Artist of Wichita Falls Jeanette Harris Heiberger Her Story Offered a Broader View of Place 21. PRIDE OF PLACE curriculum written for Wichita Falls Understanding the historical and social roots of place through art and artists. Teacher participants in this study engaged with action- research encompassing place-based and intergenerational learning, which involved encounters with art, visual culture, and senior artists in Wichita Fall, TX. http:/ / wp-content/ uploads/ 2013/ 06/ Pride-in-Place-curriculum.pdf 22. Developed a Curriculum Based on Museum Recognized Texas Artist and Local Living Artists (below) Ralph Stern Marian Coleman Jeanette Heiberger Wanda Ewalt Mary Stephens 23. Me and Ralph Stearns Red Macaw Mural Research participants: Educator - Claire Ross and Senior Artist Wanda Ewalt Artist Ralph Stearns explains photo realist process Ewalt explains paintings priority over being a grandmother. Jeanette Heiberger w/ figural abstract painting 24. Mary E. Stephens The Native American spirit is apparent in the works of Mary E. Stephens. Her artworks depict her understanding of the culture of her own Native American heritage Century Publishing Co. 25. The Art of Marion Coleman 26. A Communitys Efforts Enrich and Extends Marions Exhibition How do an artists story quilts and community participation in quilt making engage participants in creating new understandings of place? 27. Research Analysis By looking at the paradoxes which produce sense. I am finding that the act of critique needs to be done with help from multiple voices. Artists can be like mirrors and as a mosaic/bricoleur it is the breaks which facet the light and helps recreate a different vision.