Living Well – May 2016

Toni: “I was happy helping my mother in the business… It has been a wonderful journey.” Melanie: “I like to stress that AIM is an equal opportunity business.” Tiffany: “I test my products before I offer them to my people.” May 2016 Well Living



Transcript of Living Well – May 2016

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Toni: “I was happy helping my mother in the business…

It has been a wonderful journey.”

Melanie: “I like to stress that AIM is an equal

opportunity business.”

Tiffany: “I test my products before I offer them to my people.”

May 2016


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The purpose of AIM Living Well is to communicate vital information to our Members and to build a strong relationship with them through edu­cation, motivation, and recognition. AIM products cannot be sold and advertised as cures and treatments for any disease. Our products are intended to improve the nutritional profile of the individuals who use them. Federal regulations in many countries prohibit

making any claims that products are used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, and prevention of disease.AIM Living Well is written in compliance with U.S. requirements, which may not be suitable for marketing AIM products outside of the United States. We ask that you be aware of and respect the requirements of your country in marketing AIM products.Articles are for information only. Consult a health care practitioner for advice.©2016 AIM International Inc.AIM Members are hereby granted per mission to reproduce any article that appears in Living Well, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and the reprint bears the following notice: “Reprinted with permission of AIM International Inc., Nampa, Idaho.”Printed in the USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

INTERNATIONAL OFFICESAIM USA 3923 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687­3100 Phone 208­465­5116 Fax 208­463­2189 [email protected]

AIM Canada Office 390 ­ 2025 42 Ave W Vancouver, BC V6M 2B5 Phone 604­263­8497 Toll­Free 888­343­9977 Fax 604­263­8455 [email protected] Canada Warehouse 158 ­ 5255 McCall Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J5 Phone 208­465­5116 Fax 208­463­2189

AIM Africa, Inc. P.O. Box 1087 Florida 1710Republic of South Africa Phone 27­11­675­0477 Fax 27­11­675­0427 [email protected]

AIM United Kingdom Within the UK: Phone (020) 7089 2640 Fax (020) 7089 2641 [email protected] From outside the UK: Phone +44 20 7089 2640 Fax +44 20 7089 2641AIM Australia P.O. Box 3081 Nunawading Victoria 3131 Phone 1300­880­908 Fax 1300­880­918 From Outside Australia: Phone 61­3­9874­8311 Fax 61­3­9874­7402 [email protected] New Zealand Within Auckland: Phone 64­9­537­5809 Fax 64­9­537­5904 From Outside Auckland: Phone 0800­480­333 Fax 0800­480­555

May 2016

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High-Quality Products for Overall LongevityDear Precious AIM Members,

As many of you know, God blessed both Opal and me as we first joined The AIM Companies as AIM Members in the early 1980s. It was the best and most important decision we ever made in our lives. Our decision to take AIM products has kept us healthy and has extended our lives past the age of eighty.

Loyal AIM Members, over these past thirty­four years, our precious AIM Companies has been God blessed with high­quality, life­extending products. First AIM was blessed to be at the cutting edge of green barley grass through AIM’s BarleyLife. We were the first to market it and to teach others about it.

Presently, our AIM Companies is again God blessed to be the exclusive developer and marketer of Red Rush beet juice. Both

Opal and I are presently receiving excellent re­sults by drinking Red Rush daily. We see the same excitement in Red Rush users that we experienced with BarleyLife users back in the early 1980s.

Now is the time to rush forward, writing down all the names of people you

know and sending them a bottle of Red Rush along with a brochure that shows them how Red Rush is good for their hearts, arteries and overall longevity. Let them also know that it can also help to grow their AIM business.

Opal and I send our good thoughts, prayers and love to you all.

Ron and Opal Wright Senior Vice President and Co-owner of The AIM Companies

Corporate Message

Published by

Address correspondence to:Editor, Living Well for AIM Members3923 E. Flamingo Ave.Nampa, ID 83687-3100e-mail: [email protected]


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MessagePartners for Life

Little did I know that helping my mother, Teresa Schumacher, in her herb business would put me where I am today. In 1987, we were working with a lot of people who were cleansing their colons and using green barley juice. It was the beginnings of the Dynamic Duo. I was convinced the barley juice was a great product. I saw results quickly with my two youngest children (ages six months and two years old) with their asthma. Taking them off dairy and giving them a teaspoon of the barley grass three to four times a day eliminated the asthma attacks, and today, thirty­one years later, they are both healthy and continue to use the AIM products as do all five of my children.

I was happy helping my mother in the business but not interested in joining a network marketing company. My attitude changed when Ron Wright and Dennis Itami helped her to develop Herbal Fiberblend. I could see how helping others and allowing those folks to spread the word helps even more people. It’s called networking!

It has been a wonderful journey. I became a Director quickly, then a Star Sapphire for three years. With the help of a wonderful AIM executive as my mentor, I set goals and worked the business and things began to happen. When we pressed a little harder, we managed to create momentum. I very quickly had my twelve Directors and by the time I qualified a year later, I had fifteen first­level Directors.

When I was working with my mother, I was also attending college. I was determined to get my degree in accounting and computers. I did accomplish that as well as receiving a certificate as a Certified Nutritionist. Accounting was the career path I was attempting to take but so glad I listened to my mother and joined her with The AIM Companies. Not only has it allowed me to spend more time with my children as they were growing up but has also provided an income I could never have imagined.

It has been a wonderful journey, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have attended most of the AIM Conferences on AIM’s dime, usually winning two trips. Not only have I enjoyed traveling to wonderful destinations but, most importantly, attending the Conferences has become a family reunion. It is something my mother and I look forward to every year.

AIM has quality, cutting­edge products designed to help improve our nutrition and maintain good health. I never tire of the phone calls and letters thanking us for our assistance with those things.

I am thankful to Heavenly Father for the opportunity to aid others, and to The AIM Companies for providing us with quality products to share. And I must offer a special thanks to my mother, Teresa Schumacher, for helping me along the way.

One of the special things we do at Conference is sing “In Partnership for Life,” a song written for AIM. We are truly a partnership with the best “sharing” company in the world.

—Toni Lund, AIM Chairman’s Club Director, St. George, Utah

The Best Sharing Company in the World

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

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Top 5 Nutrients for Women1. Folate

Folate/Folic acid is an essential B vitamin that the body needs to make DNA and for cell division. Many common foods are fortified with folic acid (synthetic folate) because low levels have been linked to birth defects of the brain and spine. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that future moms get adequate

amounts of folate in their diets. The US government recommends that all women of child-bearing age should get 400 mcg of folate daily.

You can get all-natural folate through BarleyLife (10% RDI).

2. Calcium

Over nine million women suffer from osteoporosis and most of them are postmenopausal. It is estimated that around 34 million women have bone loss which can lead to osteoporosis. That’s why calcium is so important for women. For postmenopausal women, the recommended intake of calcium is 1,200 mg per day, but 85% of them don’t come close. Additionally, your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, and vitamin

D is another one of those nutrients that almost everyone is low on.

CalcAIM provides 38% calcium and 70% vitamin D! It also has magnesium and vitamin C.

3. MagnesiumAround 3/4 of the general population

doesn’t get enough magnesium. That’s too bad because there are studies that show that magnesium may relieve some symptoms of PMS: depression, anxiety, etc. It may also enhance fertility, lead to a healthier

pregnancy and aid in both bone health and the absorption of calcium.

Mag-nificence pro vides tar getable, topical mag nes-ium. It’s great for the skin, too.

4. Omega-3You’ve probably heard by now that omega

fatty acids are essential because the body can’t produce them on its own. So it’s important to make sure they are a regular part of your diet. First off, they are good for the heart, the skin and the brain. For women, omega­3 fatty acids have been shown to help fight against bone loss and osteoporosis. Additionally, low omega­3 blood concentrations have been

linked to increased menstrual pain.

AIMega contains 1,140 mg of omega­3 fatty acids from organic seed oils. Also, you can take AIMega during pregnancy without having to worry about mercury often found in fish byproducts.

5. IronWomen in their childbearing years need a

lot of iron—18 mg up until menopause and 27 mg during pregnancy according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency in the United States. Women are at greater risk than men because of their reproductive cycle. Those with heavier cycles are at an even greater risk. Symptoms of iron deficiency include weakness, fatigue, low body temperature, frequent illness, problems concentrating and

poor appetite.

CoCoa LeafGreens pro­vides 28% RDI of iron. It also tastes great and provides powerful antioxidant action!

Women’s Health

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Women’s Needs for Good Health

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Women’s Needs for Good Health

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.


Eleven years ago, my husband was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. His neurologist told us that there was no cure for his condition and that he would end up in a wheelchair in about three years’ time. He was given cortisone treatments every six months to slow down the progression of the disease.

I started to study nutrition and changed to a healthy eating plan, and he improved. At his next appointment, the doctor was surprised to see that my husband had not declined as expected, but he still needed to have cortisone treatments.

Three years later, my husband was beginning to suffer side effects, such as osteoporosis, and his sugar levels were monitored as cortisone use can induce diabetes. We decided to end the treatments.

For the next few years, I continued on studying nutrition and improving our food intake. During this time, I supplemented his diet with vitamins from a range of products available in South Africa.

At the time, we were content with the situation. My husband was not in a wheelchair, on no medication and living a fairly normal life. He had some aches and pains and suffered from fatigue, but the fact that we were not going to any doctors and he was not on any medication was an achievement.

All this changed when we were introduced to AIM products by chance. Within days, his fatigue was a thing of the past. I began to experience the same burst of energy, but what was more amazing was that within weeks of using AIM products, my husband’s health improved and continued to do so. He began to walk faster and his aches and pains started to disappear with the use of Mag-nificence spray.

These positive changes led me to investigate why the previous supplements had not worked and why AIM products, particularly the Garden Trio, were giving us such amazing results.

Previous to dis covering AIM, we had been taking synthetic supplements. With AIM we were getting whole­food supplements of the highest quality. The body, being natural, was responding to nature, which is where we should really be seeking our nutrition.

When we began using the Garden Trio, my daughter was expecting her first baby. The first day she started taking the Garden Trio, her fatigue was gone. During her third

trimester, heartburn crept in and PrepZymes came to the rescue.

She continued to take the Garden Trio throughout her pregnancy and after the birth of her baby boy, whom she breastfed. When she went for the baby’s routine checkup at ten weeks, her pediatrician could not stop raving about how healthy he was. He is now seven months old and really enjoys

his Garden Trio. We also regularly give him half a capsule of FloraFood with AIMega to boost his immune system. To date, he has not had a single diaper rash or even a cough, cold or earache, which are all so common in babies. I attribute all of this to the healthy nutrition that comes from our use of AIM products.

I immediately started to share the products with close family and friends, and they too experienced amazing results and began to share with their family and friends. I also studied through the AIM Academy to obtain in­depth knowledge about the products and nutrition to be better able to assist those with health issues.

In today’s busy world, we need help in an easy, convenient way. That’s what I love most about AIM products.

Thank you to AIM for the most amazing supplements and for making it so easy to maintain our health.

A Gift of Health from Nature with AIMShared by Razia Jada AIM Member in Johannesburg, South Africa

Razia’s grandson

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At the age of twenty­seven, I got married, and Jerry and I have been together ever since. From the start, I was told that I couldn’t have children, but my husband and I were both fine with it. However, when I was thirty­one, I had my first baby boy, born on January 2nd. It sure didn’t end there. Within a period of nine years and a day, we had six kids. Our sixth child arrived on January 3rd.

How did this happen you might ask. Well, my husband and I had heard about home­schooling around the second year into our marriage. Educating your children in the comfort of your own home sounded like such a great idea. So we told the Lord that He could send us as many children as he wanted. And He delivered.

Being a mom has its challenges even in the best of times. After I had my second baby, I eventually had to put him on formula as I didn’t have enough milk to sufficiently breastfeed. When my third baby was six months old, I realized I was depriving him of nutrition. I had to do something. That’s when AIM’s barley

grass powder entered our lives. The difference BarleyLife has made resonates to this day.

I’m not a “stick a toe in the water” person, so I dove right in, taking six teaspoons a day. And there were no negative symptoms either. But the positives were and remain incredible.

Firstly, my milk supply went up, so my third child was breastfed until I wanted to quit.

Secondly, my energy level increased. I had a baking business that produced all sorts of healthy wheat­based goodies. Remember, those were the days before gluten­free everything. The point is I just didn’t have enough energy to make it through the day without taking what I like to call “desperate naps.” Sundays were exhausting for me. With all the things that needed to be done, I remember sitting in church, happy to be there, mind you, looking forward to an afternoon nap once the kids were having theirs. The following Saturday of the first

week I started taking AIM greens, I was asking Jerry, ‘What are we going to

do tomorrow?’ and saying, ‘We have to invite someone over to tell them about this wonderful

product.’” I had found the energy that I needed. And it was good energy, not just running on adrenaline.

Thirdly, at that time, I didn’t know anyone else who had restless leg syndrome (RLS), which I had had during my first three pregnancies.

When AIM came along, RLS went away, and I attribute this incredible green nutrition with its departure.

May 8 – Mother's Day

BarleyLife for a New MomShared by Dorothy Holfeld

Group Builder in Main Centre, Saskatchewan

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Fourthly, after the birth of my third boy, I was overcome by undiagnosed postpartum depression. I would cry uncontrollably in big sobs. It was a serious situation that was eased and eventually disappeared after two months of being on BarleyLife.

Lastly, between having my fourth and fifth babies, I had a miscarriage at home. There was so much blood loss that I couldn’t even stand up. I had to crawl to the bathroom and didn’t have enough energy to wash my hands. The woman who was helping me take care of the kids during this difficult time told me her sister had almost died from blood loss. That was my wake­up call! I asked her to call my mother to ask her to take me to the hospital, which was an hour’s drive away. I also asked this woman to mix me four teaspoons of BarleyLife in water. Right after drinking that, I was able to get up, wash up and arrive safely at the hospital.

Many years have passed since that period of time in my life. I’m sixty­two now and a grandma who’ll truly be forever grateful for finding BarleyLife.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Dorothy and Jerry with the first three of six children (1987)

I began actively using the full range of AIM nutrition back in 2011. For over a year, previously, I had been dealing with a yeast infection in my ears due to hair dye. The intense itching was indescribable. Every morning and night, I

had to put “acid” drops in my ears, and every six weeks you would find me consistently making a required trip to the ENT for a full debridement of each ear. My doctor told me that a lot of men who returned from serving in Vietnam in the warm, moist jungles, returned home with major yeast infections of the ears.

Wanting to give my body all the nutrition I could, I added the AIM Just Carrots to my BarleyLife regimen and began taking 1 tablespoon per day. About five weeks in, I noticed I wasn’t having the horrific itching in my ears that had been persistent for over a year. So when I went in to see the doctor I was excited to hear what he had to say and mentioned nothing about the changes. He

looked stunned and said “Your ears are totally clear. What in the world have you been doing?” I told him the only change I had made was taking the Just Carrots. He said “That’s it!” The dense nutritional benefits of the beta­carotene had cleared up my ears that quickly!” He had another patient who had dealt with an open wound on her arm for over ten years, and as soon as she began juicing carrots for a couple months, it completely closed up!

So I walked away thrilled to have seen for myself how definitively the dense nutritional components of the AIM products positively affect one’s health when used consistently.When I learned how much more bioavailable beta-carotene is when you get it from Just Carrots powder concentrate over juicing whole, organic carrots yourself, I knew the AIM products were the most superior, densest nutrition on the market. That day I decided this would be the new “path” I would choose to walk toward my best health, the rest of my life!

—Betiann Lloyd, AIM Director, Austin, Texas

Yeast Infection Gone With Carrots®AIMJuST

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

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Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Ireland has yet to win an Olympic medal for rowing, but now everything may change.

Claire Lambe and Dr. Sinead Jennings of Ireland are headed to the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. They will be competing in the women’s lightweight double sculls. They are the first Irish women in history to do so.

Sinead is a medical doctor and mother of three as well as a lifelong world­class rower. Claire started rowing at the age of fifteen and began racing internationally six or seven years ago while working on an engineering degree at the University College Dublin. Both athletes narrowly missed out on the 2012 Olympics, but this year they secured their spot in the Games. And they were using Red Rush.

Shared by Dr. Sinead Jennings“Claire Lambe and I recently qualified

for the 2016 Olympics in the women’s lightweight doubles in rowing by finishing 9th at the World Championships in France. We only teamed up nine weeks before the event as I was making a comeback after giving birth to my third child the year before, but we still managed to finish less than two seconds off a podium position. We hope that with a year training together we could medal in Rio.

AthletesRed Rush

I am a doctor in family medicine and am very up to date in the latest research in sports medicine. I have known about the benefits of nitrates for quite a while and have tried

various products. A teammate suggested that Claire and I try Red Rush at the World Championships. I liked the fact that Red Rush had a higher concentration of nitrates than other products on the market as it allowed us to get a greater effect from the same volume. It was also a lot more palatable than other products. Our performance at the World’s far exceeds our expectations, and I feel that Red Rush contributed to this.

We now use Red Rush on a regular basis in our preparation for Rio. Before

National Trials, World Cup races and European Championships, we take Red Rush for a few days before to load up our systems. On race day, we take it just after the weigh­in which is 2 hours before racing. We avoid eating or drinking for 15 minutes after to achieve maximum absorption of the nitrate. We also use Red Rush during tougher more intensive periods of training.

I firmly believe Red Rush is a very im portant ingredient in our Olympic preparation.”

Rowers take Red Rush to Rio Olympics in 2016

Claire LambeDr. sinead Jennings

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Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Bladder-Infection Relief with CranVerry+

I’ve been an AIM Member since 1988. I want everyone to know that I have found relief from bladder infections that had been recurring and bothering me about six times a year. This ended only when I started taking one CranVerry+ capsule at bedtime. That was over two years ago, and I haven’t had a bladder infection since. My doctors are amazed because CranVerry+ is the only extra thing I’ve taken to eliminate this problem. The medications didn’t work and the side effects are not healthy. AIM products work!

Shared by Dr. Pamela Sleeth, DC AIM Directer in White Rock, British Columbia

We are a family that embraces the AIM products and sometimes take them for granted. We are all pretty healthy, so we don’t experience a lot of ups and downs in our health. My mother, Teresa Schumacher, and I breezed through the change of life. We didn’t experience any hot flashes or night sweats, but not so with my two oldest daughters.

My daughter Sherri had the biggest struggle. She has been one to research and has tried many different things. She happened on information that indicated flaxseed could help with hot flashes and

wouldn’t you know it, AIM has the answer! The AIMega is the omega oils from plants. She has been taking them

almost a month and is sleeping through the night. She is also using AIM’s Renewed Balance cream.

—Toni Lund, Chairman’s Club Director, St. George, Utah


Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

AIMega and Renewed Balance Helped With Hot Flashes and Night Sweats


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The Start of an AIM Business Came With the End of Ulcerative Colitis

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.

AIM Member Tiffany Berry of Aurora, Illinois has been helping people improve their lives for over ten years. She started off as a yoga instructor, has both her Spin and CrossFit certifications — she’s currently a CrossFit coach at a nearby box — and teaches high­intensity fitness training from her garage gym. In March of 2016, she signed up as an AIM Member and began sharing her testimony and recommending AIM products to her clients. She felt confident in her recommendations because the products had worked for her.

For nine years, Tiffany suffered from severe ulcerative colitis. She tried everything: drugs, supplements and making drastic dietary adjustments. As an athlete and fitness instructor, her diet was already impeccable, but her colitis was punishing and brought diarrhea and bleeding. She bled almost every single day. After a while, it seemed like a normal part of life to her. Although she was in peak physical shape, she’d still get violently ill before or after workouts. She endured constant pain. And then, somehow, it got worse. During a visit to the emergency room, they found a six­year­old malignant tumor in her kidney.

“When you get sick like that, you go through a hope phase. You try something and hope that it works. When it doesn’t work, you sink into a heartbreak phase. It’s like an emotional cyclical roller coaster.”

Her father told Tiffany about a friend who swore by AIM Herbal Fiberblend.

“At that point, I was skeptical because I had tried everything and nothing worked. I figured everything is worth trying once, so I ordered online. I took it the first day and nothing really happened. On the second day, I had fewer bouts of diarrhea. By day seven, the bleeding and diarrhea had pretty much stopped, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. By day fifteen, I was convinced. It’s almost deceiving to say that

Herbal Fiberblend is just a fiber supplement. Because it’s herbal I believe it boosts the immune system. I had my cancer surgery, a major surgery, and didn’t get sick afterward. I haven’t even sneezed in the last few months. I’m almost as strong as I was pre­surgery. I contribute much of it to this product. I don’t know why or how it worked. I don’t care. In two weeks, the product took away nine years of suffering and struggling. It’s pretty awesome.”

Tiffany signed up as a Member in March 2016 and is currently working the AIM business, selling AIM products to her clientele. She carries BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend, LeafGreens, ProPeas and Peak Endurance (which she uses as both a pre­ and post­workout). Unlike many other supplements, she says AIM products have never upset her stomach.

“I test my products before I offer them to my people. I don’t sell products to people just to sell products; I advocate the products in order to support people and to improve their performances. I started offering ProPeas to my people, and they really like it and are having good results. It’s wonderful for those with sensitive stomachs. It’s really nice to find a suite of products all from the same company that I can recommend with security.”


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On the Business SideOne of the key

strategic elements is to avoid the pitfall of building your AIM organization linearly to the exclusion of depth. Avoid placing Members predominantly in your first­generation down­line. Rather, strategically place them beneath existing downlines, up to and including your 5th generation.

In this way, du p­lication of yourself — mentoring, teaching, and supporting your downline so that they can do the same to theirs — is key to sustained success. You can only spread yourself so thin.

When you build two­dimensionally, everyone bene­fits and is positively motivated. The significance of giving equal consideration to generational placement and relational context is critical.

Some Thoughts on Business Sensibility

Shared by Melanie Anne ZelufAIM Royal Emerald Director in Camrose, Alberta

First of all, my experience with AIM has been somewhat atypical in that I have been a committed user of the AIM products since 1986 but did not decide to actively pursue the business opportunity until twenty-three years later. My parents and sponsors, Cyril and Jean Smith, almost singlehandedly facilitated my pro motion to Director in the early years for which I am very grateful.


On the Personal SideIt is essential to make

a concerted effort to connect with people on a personal level. Respect confidentiality, but make a mental or written note that will enhance your memory about a person’s needs so that you can better serve them at present and in the future. Intent listening skills are integral here.

I like to stress that AIM is an equal-opportunity business. The only pre­requisites to success in sharing the AIM products and business opportunity are genuine care and concern for your fellow man, integrity of char acter in all dealings, willingness

to learn about and understand the AIM products and our bodies, and admission to not knowing something but being committed to finding an answer.

I share this by way of encouragement. AIM’s op­portunities to success are ever­present and remain undiminished over time. By its very organizational structure and mission statement, AIM exemplifies and is a portal to so many blessings, the tremendous legacy of which is incalculable.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.

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Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.

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Some 15 years ago, Chairman’s Club Director Greta Store dropped off a bottle of AIM’s green barley powder (now named AIM BarleyLife) for me to try. My family and I had regained total health through diet, and I reasoned that there was no way it was going to make me feel any better. HOW WRONG I WAS! The next morning, after taking my first serving, I enthusiastically told my wife that I was feeling ‘TEN YEARS YOUNGER!’

During my humble beginnings with Greta, I would order the minimum 6­pack of the green barley powder and AIM Herbal Fiberblend (‘the Dynamic Duo’) which I was led to believe is the way to start on one’s road to better health. I had recourse to paying for AIM products on a monthly credit card basis and I ensured phoning enough folk to generate sales in order to reach my 450 bonus volume points which would promote me to Preferred Member (PFM) in the AIM Member Income Plan.

Star Sapphire

Rashid AbassPort Elizabeth, South Africa

Director Promotion

AIM’s green barley made an immediate noticeable improvement on the health of my clients. I decided that I was going to

remain with The AIM Companies for life. Here was a networking company that had the best marketing and remuneration plan. Also, much of AIM’s profits are funneled back to AIM Members in the form of perks!

With much client follow­up and signing up new Members, I promoted to AIM Star Sapphire Director. What a pleasure! I now enjoy handsome

dividends, and I foresee even greater income with less effort, an ideal retirement remuneration plan at my age of 71!

Thank you great Greta; thank you AIM product users, and thank you AIM as I ‘AIM’ for Chairman’s Club and higher!

Star Sapphire Director Rashid Abass with Chairman’s Club Director Greta Store.

“I’ve been using Renewed Balance for about four years. I love it. I don’t have any flushing, sweating, or pain. Moods are fine.

My husband is still happy. I love, love it, love it. Thank you, AIM!” —Meredith Caruana, AIM Director, Sarina, Queensland, Australia

We Love Renewed BalanceTestimonial

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The fisherman is one of the world’s noblest and oldest professions. Each day, the fisherman goes out into the expansive ocean waters and makes his or her living by casting nets into the great unknown. And each day, they bring back enough food for themselves, their families and their villages.

This is how Internet mar keting works. The Internet is literally teeming with millions of potential contacts, leads and customers. But how do you connect and engage with these people in what seems like a large, murky body of water? You need what a fisherman needs: bait, a boat and a net.

Your strongest marketing tools (aka your net) are your capture pages. Your main capture page has a short teaser video embedded in it. If they fill out the form on the page, they get to see a full video as well as an online copy of the BarleyLife datasheet. The promise of another video is enough to convince them to give you their contact information. That contact information goes straight to the owner of the capture page and a lead is generated. That way, if the person doesn’t decide to buy the product, you can follow up on the phone or through email. If they continue to read the datasheet and decide to purchase the product, you get credit for the sale and can follow up to make them a Member. A second capture page gives them

information about the business opportunities that AIM provides. It works the same, but this one targets people interested in building a business rather than just buying product.

Your bait is the pre­generated content that you can load onto your social media sites to lure in potential customers. When they go to view this content, they will be given an offer to check out a video and order BarleyLife. An interested prospect who wants to learn more will be whisked away to your capture page.

Last but not least is the boat. The boat is the system. It is a contact manager, a lead gatherer, a mass-emailer, an auto-responder and more. It allows you to manage all the leads that your capture pages and social media posts have generated. You also have access to other online marketing tools from within the system. There’s an auto­dialer and auto­texter and you can purchase online ads to market your capture pages. Like a boat, it gives you command over a sometimes hostile and mysterious environment.

All this is available for only $14.95 per month. There’s in­system webinars and video training. You’ll have tech support through the platform and new content will be generated regularly. Get on board and get ready to ship out because you’re going to bring home the big one with the GoBarleyLife marketing platform. Sign up in the Member’s area of The AIM Companies website under the MY ACCOUNT dropdown tab.

The Marketing PlatformGoBarleyLife

One of two capture pages

GoBarleyLife Contacts with various options.


Page 14: Living Well – May 2016

14 I 1-800-456-2462

Thursday, May 19

8:00 a.m. – noon General Session – Believe to Achieve!

Reflections of the AIM Journey, Dennis Itami, AIM President & CEO and Carolyn Kling, AIM Chairman’s Club Director

Impossible is Nothing, Peter van Kets, AIM Member, Inspirational Speaker

Believe in Your Business, Joan van Rensburg, AIM Chairman’s Club Director

11:30 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break

1:00 – 4:30 p.m. General Session – Believe to Achieve!

I Dreamed a Dream – Charlotte Thompson, AIM Chairman’s Club Director

Goal Setting – Carolyn Kling, AIM Chairman’s Club Director

Sharing Your Business Stories – hosted by Joan van Rensburg

GoBarleyLife Marketing Platform – Eric Henscheid, AIM IS Manager

On­line Tools Self­Help Videos

Friday, May 20

8:00 a.m. – noon General Session – Believe to Achieve!

Connecting the Dots – Peter van Kets

Believe in Your Products – AIM product experts including Dennis Itami, Phillip Jermann, Teresa Schumacher, Karen Miller, Cathy McCrea, and Joy Thompson

11:45 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. General Session – Believe to Achieve!

Believe in Your Products! – AIM product experts including Rica Gerhardt, Karina Gerhardt-Strachan, Debra Pugh, Loren Schiele, Yoli Huron and Leré Robinson

*Subject to change without notice.

If you are unable to attend the 2016 Conference in Branson, Missouri, you can still join in the live streaming of the General Sessions on Thursday and Friday, May 19­20. Pre­register for the live streaming at or login to and click on the LIVE STREAMING button each morning of the general sessions, login, and attend.


May 18­22, 2016

Page 15: Living Well – May 2016

News & Meetings

No webinars will be held in May.


Holidays and Month-end HoursThe AIM Canada Vancouver office and

Calgary warehouse will be closed on Monday, May 23 for Victoria Day. The AIM USA office and warehouse will be closed Monday, May 30 for Memorial Day.

Month­end qualifying orders can be placed with an AIM Call Center representative by calling 1­800­456­2462 before the close of business on Tuesday, May 31 at 5:30 p.m. MT. You can order AIM products anytime at Your online May month­end qualifying orders count until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31.

Ontario Vibrant Living MeetingsListowel • May 27-28, 2016 Contact: Mary Weber, 519­343­4777, [email protected] • May 31, 2016 Contact: Rita Vandertil, 519­892­3378, [email protected] • June 2, 2016 Contact: Muriel McPherson, 705–445­9678, [email protected] • June 4, 2016 Contact: Dr. John Shewfelt, 705­737­6768, [email protected] Speaker: Joan van Rensburg, AIM Chairman’s Club Director and Chrysalis LeaderFeatured Speaker (Listowel & Barrie): Dr. John Shewfelt, AIM Chairman’s Club Director & ChiropractorSpecial Guests: Dennis and Kay Itami, AIM President and Co­owner and Chris van Rensburg, AIM Chairman’s Club DirectorNo teleclasses will be held in May.

Teleclass Tuesdays

The AIM Companies™ is dedicated to improving

the quality of people’s lives by promoting Nutrition that Works!

and the highest principles of free enterprise.

May 2016 15

Page 16: Living Well – May 2016

The A





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Mom always did know best …

“Yes, I’m eating my vegetables, Mom!”

Happy Mother’s Day!