Living Under Nazi Rule, 1933 to 1945 Checklist · Nazi propaganda Opposition to Nazi rule including...


Transcript of Living Under Nazi Rule, 1933 to 1945 Checklist · Nazi propaganda Opposition to Nazi rule including...

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Topic 1: Dictatorship Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939

Topic 4: Germany in War

Topic 5: Occupation

Hitler and the Nazi Party in January 1933

Establishing the dictatorship, January 1933 to July 1933

Achieving total power, July 1933 to August 1934

The machinery of terror including the SS, the law courts, concentration camps and the Gestapo

The range and effectiveness of Nazi propaganda

Opposition to Nazi rule including the Left, church leaders and youth groups

Work and home: the impact of Nazi policies on men and women

The lives of young people in Nazi Germany including education and youth movements

Nazi racial policy: the growing persecution of Jews

The move to a war economy and its impact on the German people, 1939–1942

Growing opposition from the German people including from elements within the army

The impact of total war on the German people, 1943–1945

The contrasting nature of Nazi rule in eastern and western Europe

The Holocaust, including the Einsatzgruppen, ghettos and the death camps

Responses to Nazi rule: collaboration, accommodation and resistance

Topic 1: Nazi aims1. The Nazis believed the Treaty of Versailles was fair and good for Germany. True or False

2. Lebensraum (living space) was the aim to take over land in eastern Europe by force and use the land to grow food for the German people. True or False

3. The Nazis believed that northern Europeans were Aryan or superhuman. All Aryans had to have blonde hair and blue eyes. True or False

4. The Nazis wanted to provide bread and work for all Germans. True or False

5. Anti-Semitism was the belief that Jews were sub-humans and to blame for Germany’s problems. True or False

6. The Nazis wanted to build an alliance with the communists. True or False

7. What was the SA?

8. What colour shirts did the SA wear?

9. Who was in charge of the SA?

10. What was the SS?

11. What colour shirts did the SS wear?

12. Who was in charge of the SS?

13. Why was Hitler able to win over supporters?

Topic 1: Establishing dictatorship1. What year did Hitler become Chancellor?

2. Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire?

3. What emergency powers did Hitler convince Hindenburg to give him after the Reichstag Fire?

4. Which party did the Nazis convince to join them to give them a majority in the Reichstag?

5. What was the Enabling Act and when was it?

6. Give 2 examples of how Hitler removed opposition.

7. Who lost their jobs as teachers, judges etc as a result of the Civil Service Act?

8. What were boycotted on the 1st April 1933?

9. What books were burnt for being ‘un-German’?

10. Who was targeted by the SA and SS?

11. How many opponents to the Nazis had been arrested by October 1933?

12. What was the name of the first Nazi concentration camp?

Topic 1: Achieving total power1. Why did the Nazis want to weaken local government?

2. What was the People’s Court?

3. When was the Night of the Long Knives?

4. Why did Hitler carry out the Night of the Long Knives?

5. Who was the head of the SA who was killed as a result of his arrest?

6. How many were murdered according to reports in the Night of the Long Knives?

7. What was one of the consequences of the Night of the Long Knives?

8. Who benefitted most from the Night of the Long Knives?

9. When did Hindenburg die?

10. How did the death of Hindenburg help Hitler’s rise to power?

11. What did the army do once Hitler was named Fuhrer?

Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939 #1 1. Which group rose to prominence after the Night of the Long Knives and had the power to

arrest anyone without good reason?

2. What was the role of the SD?

3. What was the Gestapo?

4. List 2 powers the Gestapo had.

5. Who was the Chief of all German Police?

6. What was the aim of concentration camps?

7. How were prisoners punished in concentration camps?

8. What did the Nazis control that meant they could pass any law and issues whatever punishment they wanted?

9. How many Gestapo officials were there for the Wurzburg area (population of 1 million people)?

10. What percentage of arrests were made by the Gestapo in Wurzburg were based on tip off from the public and which proves the Gestapo relied on informers?

11. How many Gestapo offices were there for the whole of Germany?

12. What were block wardens?

Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939 #2 1. Who was in charge of propaganda?

2. What proportion of German newspapers and magazines were owned by the Nazis by 1939?

3. What was the name of the Nazi newspaper that published anti-Semitic cartoons?

4. What law meant that German newspapers could not print anything that would make Germany look weak?

5. What cost a week’s wage, could be brought in instalments and was owned by 70% of German works?

6. Which events were held to emphasise and celebrate the Nazis, involved speeches and parades and were held annually in Nuremburg?

7. How many people attended in 1934?

8. Which law was passed in 1934 and made it compulsory for all film scripts to be pre-censored?

9. Content in newspapers was censored. What does this mean?

10. How many People’s Receivers were made between 1933 and 1939?

11. When was the Berlin Olympics?

Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939 #3

1. What was the name of Martin Niemoller’s alternative church?

2. What was the name of the church the Nazis set up?

3. Name one way groups from the Left opposed the Nazis.

4. Which Communist tried to assassinate Hitler?

5. Why was opposition from the Left so insignificant?

6. Name one youth group who opposed the Nazi.

7. Why did young people oppose the Nazis?

8. Most opposition was effectively hunted down by who?

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939 #1 1. What construction project employed over 130,000 German people?

2. Name an activity that German workers could experience through the Strength Through Joy programme.

3. Workers were encouraged to give 5 marks of their wages each week to support which scheme?

4. Men between 18 and 25 were forced to join what?

5. Who were dismissed from their jobs and excluded from employment?

6. Give one way the Nazis helped farmers.

7. Name one of the two slogans the Nazi used on workers. ________ and _________

8. What did Goebbels say the mission of women was?

9. Loans were given to newly married couples to encourage them to have children. How much were repayments reduced by for every child the couple had?

10. How many children did women need to have to get a gold honour cross?

11. Who were women encouraged to marry to keep childbirth pure?

12. How many women took up the offer of a 100 Reich marks loan to get married by 1934?

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939 #2 1. What did education minister Rust say was the purpose of education?

2. What was Hitler preparing boys for?

3. What was Hitler preparing girls for?

4. Give an example of how a subject was changed to fit Nazi ideology.

5. Nazi children were taught to recognise who immediately?

6. In what year did the Hitler Youth become compulsory?

7. Name one activity that boys did in the Hitler Youth?

8. Name one activity girls did in the League of German Maidens?

9. Name two youth groups who refused to join the Hitler Youth?

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939 #3 1. What does the word persecution mean?

2. Aryans were known as the master race. What was the name given to describe the Jewish race?

3. Give one example that prevented Jewish children from having a normal childhood.

4. Give one example that prevented Jews from having a normal living.

5. Give one example that prevented the Jews from having the same rights as other German citizens.

6. What was the name of the laws passed in 1935 which took rights away from Jews?

7. When was Kristallnacht?

8. How many Jews were arrested after Kristallnacht?

9. How many Jews were murdered at Kristallnacht?

10. How many synagogues were burnt down at Kristllnacht?

Topic 4: Germany in War #1 1. Who was in made Minister of Armaments and War Production in Feb 1942?

2. Give one example of how he tried to make the war economy more efficient.

3. What percentage of goods produced were related to the military in 1941.

4. Give an example of what was rationed at the start of the war.

5. How did the role of women change when war broke out?

6. Who began bombing Germany in 1940?

7. What programme saw the evacuation of children from cities to avoid bombing?

8. What did the Nazis move to in Feb 1943?

9. What is the difference between the war economy and total war?

10. State 2 total war policies.

11. Give an example of a city that was devasted by air raids.

12. What was the Volkssturm?

13. Why would the Volkssturm not inspire confidence?

Topic 4: Germany in War #21. Why did opposition increase during WW2?

2. What was the July bomb plot?

3. Who was the leader of the July Bomb plot?

4. What is the name of the operation the bomb plotters hoped to initiate after killing Hitler?

5. How many people were executed as a result of the bomb plot?

6. Name a young youth group that continued to oppose the Nazis.

7. What happened to 12 members who were caught during the war?

8. What were the actions of the White Rose group led by brother and sister Hans and Sophie Shollin resisting the Nazis?

9. Why did the church minister Bonhoeffer oppose the Nazis?

10. Which country did Bonhoeffer help Jews to escape to?

11. What happened to him?

12. Give 2 reasons why there was not more opposition.

Topic 5: Occupation #1 1. When and why did the Nazis invade Poland?

2. What happened to the Polish Government?

3. How was Polish culture removed?

4. How many Jews were murdered in death camps?

5. How many non-Jewish people were murdered?

6. What was the Warsaw uprising?

7. How did the Nazis deal with this?

8. Why were the Dutch treated more as equals?

9. What did not change?

10. What were Dutch men used for?

11. What did Jews have to wear in Holland from 1942?

12. By 1943 76% of Dutch Jews were sent where?

13. What did the Dutch resistance do to oppose the Nazis?

Topic 5: Occupation #2 1. What was the name of the organisation that followed the German army and murdered Jews?

2. Which country had the most Jews killed by bullets?

3. Where was the largest ghetto in Poland?

4. Where did the Nazis agree the Final Solution?

5. What was a Sonderkommando?

6. Name two extermination camps.

7. How would you define collaboration?

8. What best describes accommodation?

9. What best describes resistance?

10. How did Andre Trocme resist the Nazis?

11. How did Coco Chanel collaborate with the Nazis?

Topic 1: Nazi aims answers1. False

2. True3. False

4. True

5. True 6. False

7. Nazis private army

8. Brown 9. Ernst Rohm

10. Elite Nazi guard

11. Black12. Himmler

13. Good speaker

Topic 1: Establishing dictatorship answers1. January 1933

2. Van de Lubbe (Communists)3. Arrest Communists, restricting freedom of expression, press, phone privacy

4. Nationalist Party

5. Hitler could pass any law without the support of the Reichstag, March 19336. Banned trade unions & political parties

7. Non Aryans and opponents of the Nazis

8. Jewish shops and businesses9. Books by Jews or Communists

10. Jews, Communists, Trade Unions

11. 100,00012. Dachau

Topic 1: Achieving total power answers1. To enable central government to have more control.

2. Special court set up outside the federal courts,could pass their own judgement without involving professional judges

3. June 1934

4. To remove the alleged threat from the SA

5. Ernst Rohm6. 85

7. Culture of fear, SA power reduced, army pleased with removal of SA, rise of SS and Himmler

8. Himmler9. August 1934

10. He took over Hindenberg’s responsibilities as well as keeping his own, became the fuhrer

11. Swore an oath of allegiance

Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939 #1 answers 1. The SS

2. Gather intelligence, spy on all aspects of German society, looked out for foreign spies. 3. Secret police

4. Arrest and imprison anyone suspected of opposing the Nazis, tap phones, check mail, use torture.

5. Himmler 6. Keep all enemies of the state away from the German people and in harsh conditions.

7. Diet of bread and water, public beatings.

8. Legal system.9. 28

10. 0.5%

11. 15,00012. People in charge of 40-60 houses/flats

Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939 #2 answers 1. Joseph Goebbels.

2. 2/3 3. The Stormer

4. The Editors Law.

5. People’s Receiver radio. 6. Rallies

7. 250,000

8. Reich Cinema Law9. Content in newspapers was only Nazi

10. 1.5 million

11. 1936

Topic 2: Control and Opposition, 1933–1939 #3 answers 1. Non-Nazi Confessional Church.

2. Reich church3. Published anti Nazi newspapers, worked underground to overthrow, attempted to assassinate


4. Georg Esler

5. Other parties banned, many arrests and sent to camps, resistance crumbled, failed bomb plot. 6. Edelweiss Pirates, Swing and Jazz kids, Young Communists.

7. To avoid joining the Hitler Youth, opposed to Nazi ideas or policies.

8. The Gestapo

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939 #1 answers 1. Autobahn (motorway) project

2. Sports, films, theatre trips, holidays3. Volkswagen (The people’s car)

4. The armed forces

5. Jews and women6. Debts were cut

7. Blood and soil or Bread and work

8. To bring children into the world. 9. 25%

10. 8

11. SS member12. 250,000

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939 #2 answers 1. To create Nazis

2. The army3. Mothers, housewives

4. Biology – racial studies, Geography – retake land lost, Maths – calculations on dropping bombs

5. Jews6. 1936

7. Military drill, fixing bikes, signalling, collecting scrap metal, camps,

8. Gymnastics (e.g. somersaulting and tightrope walking), route-marching, swimming, holiday trips,

9. Edelweiss pirates, Swing and Jazz kids, Young Communists, Christian Youth

Topic 3: Changing Lives, 1933–1939 #3 answers 1. Being violent or cruel to another race

2. Sub human3. Not allowed to play together, segregated in schools, banned from schools from 1935

4. Sacked teachers, doctors, civil servants, judges

5. Not allowed to marry Germans, not classed as a citizen6. Nuremburg Laws

7. Kristallnacht – Night of broken glass

8. November 19389. 30,000

10. 91

11. 267

Topic 4: Germany in War #1 answers 1. Albert Speer2. Focusing factories on producing a single military product, employing more women, excluding skilled

workers from the army. 3. 47%4. Food, clothes, coal 5. More women in factories 6. RAF7. KLV8. Total war9. War economy (39-42) – All industries focussed on supporting the war effort. Total war (43-45)

Anything that didn’t contribute to winning the war was stopped.10. Propaganda increased, age of women in work risen to 45 years old, further rationing, non essential

businesses closed down e.g. theatres, Opera11. Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden12. People’s militia, to defend against advancing Russians all men 16-60 had to join. 13. Given 4 days training and old rifles.

Topic 4: Germany in War #2 answers1. Invasion of the Soviet Union, popularity of Hitler Youth fell, rationing & shortages, bombing

raids, confidence in the Nazi regime fell, army officers changed their views

2. Attempt to assassinate Hitler3. Von Stauffenberg

4. Valkyrie

5. 50006. Edelweiss Pirates

7. Publicly hanged

8. Published anti Nazis leaflets9. Against the treatment of the Jews

10. Switzerland

11. Sent to a concentration camp and executed12. Propaganda increased, terror increased, people did not know the truth,

Topic 5: Occupation #1 answers 1. Living space

2. Split into 5 regions3. Education, universities close down, 30,000 talented Poles arrested

4. 3 million

5. 1.9 million 6. Polish resistance lasted 2 months

7. Nazis killed 200,000, destroyed Warsaw

8. Seen as having the same ethnic background9. Education, civil servant jobs

10. Forced Labour

11. Star of David12. Concentration camps

13. Hid 300,000 men from forced labour, distributed anti Nazi Leaflets

Topic 5: Occupation #2 answers 1. Einsatzgruppen

2. Latvia 3. Warsaw

4. Wannsee

5. Groups of Jews forced to work for the Nazis and enter gas chambers and remove the bodies. Name two extermination camps.

6. Working with or for the Nazis

7. Tolerating the Nazis

8. Working against the Nazis9. Protestant Pastor in small village of South East France. Hid 5000 Jews. Community helped place

them in homes and forge documents.

10. French fashion designer and perfume maker. Became friends with Nazis and had a romance with a Nazi intelligence officer. Some historians believe she was a Nazi spy.