Living system or build factory - Chris Maxwell

Living System or Build Factory? Chris Maxwell @WrathOfChris Cloud guy @ Ubiquiti Networks

Transcript of Living system or build factory - Chris Maxwell

Page 1: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Living System or

Build Factory?!

Chris Maxwell !


Cloud guy @ Ubiquiti Networks

Page 2: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Who is this talk for?

• We build systems

• We turn design into implementation

• We operate systems forever**not forever

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We keep systems from failing

Page 4: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Holding up the system?

Page 5: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

We do it wrong

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Not helping

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What is a Living System?

Page 8: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

The business has a need

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Instructions are unclear

Page 10: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

What about THIS space?

Page 11: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Instructions are not followed

Page 12: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

...except a VCR, CD’s, and a remote?

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Production loads change unexpectedly

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Additional capacity added

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Wrong tools at hand

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12ga crimp on 24ga wire doesn’t work

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Patches are put into production

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Patches become production

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Production is unexpected

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Unexpected Scotsman

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Parts not available

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No ventilation ducting available

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Inconsistent Origins

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One of these things

is not like the other

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• Has a long life

• Mutates over time

• Each system slightly different

• The system is the state

Living System

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Can you rebuild it … fast?

… accurately?

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Do you keep: • HA failover? • Standby host?

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Have you tested? !

When both fail?

Page 29: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

What is a Build Factory?

Page 30: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

For business…:

Page 31: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Run the line

Page 32: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

For devs…:

Page 33: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

make clean && make

Page 34: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

For ops…:

Page 35: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Kill it with fire

Page 36: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Looking back on Build Factory

Page 37: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Copying systems

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Page 39: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Cloning systems

Page 40: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Early build factories took time

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...hours on 10baseT

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It was a manual process

Page 44: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

How to restore a VM image... 7 easy pages of screenshots

Sorry, couldn’t release these pics :( It was just lots of screenshots

+ do this, then that instructions

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It was a manual process

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...and still manual work after


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Scripting is a start

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I will replace you with a short script

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Makefiles track dependencies

Page 50: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

or a Makefile

it builds your kernel, and probably your OS

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Today’s tools

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Not a complete list

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Page 54: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Write down all of the steps

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“too complex for any one man’s memory”

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Build 3 the same, tie them together

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Page 60: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

Training makes elements replaceable

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Build Factory

• Has a short life

• Replaced for each change

• Each system the same

• The procedure is the state

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When something jams !

deep in the system

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a scrap of paper caught in the drive gear

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Replace It!•fix it later •send it for

repair •get production


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When production patches take over

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Production maintenance changes the system

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Rebuild it!

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Sometimes you get to rebuild them

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In the cloud?


live replace might cost up to 1 hour

of billing

Page 70: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell

In the datacentre?


live replace can be done with

spare capacity

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• Describe it

• Automate it

• Produce it

• Repeat it

Page 72: Living system or build factory  - Chris Maxwell


@WrathOfChris !

[email protected] !

Like the Loch Ness Monster,Answers are over there...

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