Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring

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  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    Five ears has been the standard time length r taking

    tamxien. The dail pill is given t wmen diagnsed

    with estrgen receptr-psitive breast cancer

    t keep the cancer rm returning and t

    imprve survival.

    Lauren takes tamxien as adjuvant

    (ater surger and chemtherap) treatment

    r stage II, ER psitive, lmph nde-psitive

    breast cancer. Diagnsed when she was 32,

    Lauren has suered dicult side eects,

    including ht fashes.

    Ive been cunting dwn the das, shesas. Im s lking rward t seeing hw I eel

    when I g it.

    She als has been thinking abut having anther

    childsmething she cant d sael while taking tamxien

    because it culd harm her etus.

    Then, in December, she heard news reprts abut a large

    internatinal stud, called ATLAS (Adjuvant Tamxien,

    Lnger Against Shrter), presented at the San Antni

    Breast Cancer Smpsium. Researchers und

    that taking tamxien r 10 ears increased

    the prven benets ver the standard

    ve ears treatment. The ndingsculd lead t extending the length

    tamxien therap.

    I was hrried, Lauren recalls. I said,

    This is the wrst news ever! I realie the

    value the stud, but its nt a decisin I

    want t have t make.

    Tin Grishm, Carthage, Tenn., will als

    reach the end her ve ears n tamxien

    in 2014. Ater treatment r a large ER psitive tumr with n

    nde invlvement, Tina started tamxien and experienced

    night sweats, jint pain and vaginal bleeding.

    It tk m bd a little while t adjust

    t it, she sas, but then the side eect

    eased. Nw 48, she made liestle changes

    that helped, including lsing weight, start

    ing t run and taking a less pressured jb

    Hw wuld Tina eel i her dctr

    advised she sta n tamxien r anther

    ve ears? Id be perectl ne with it,

    she sas. I cnsider it m securit blanket.

    Thinking About TamoxienWmen taking tamxien ten have a lve it/hate it

    endure it relatinship with the medicine as the balance

    demnstrated benets against ptential side eects, impact

    n amil planning and the lng treatment time required

    Sme wmen experience n side eects. Fr thers,

    prblems range rm anning t uncmrtable t intl-

    erable. A ver small number wmen have the rare, but

    mst severe, side eects bld clts r endmetrial cancer

    Tamxien wrks b blcking estrgen receptrs n

    breast cancer cells. This keeps estrgen rm ueling cancer

    grwth. It als decreases the risk a rst breast cancer in

    wmen at high risk develping the disease because

    genetics r amil histr. Fr earl-stage breast cancer, it

    is given primaril t premenpausal and perimenpausa

    wmen. Pstmenpausal wmen nw tpicall receive

    medicines called aromatase inhibitors, r AIs.

    As wrd spreads abut the ATLAS research n taking

    tamxien r 10 ears instead ve, man wmen are

    Tamoxien: New Findings Stir Questionson Treatment LengthBy RoBIN WARSHAW, FoR LBBC

    urn Mgliro, Rckawa, N.J., plans t have a part in Nvember 2014 when her ve-ear

    treatment with the hrmnal therap tamxien ends.

    Contin on pg 10





    SPRING 2013




  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    Supporting Loved Ones, Living

    Lie: Vernell Kellys StoryBy JoSH FERNANDEz

    s a mm, wie, riend, hspital scheduling assistant, churchger

    and leader a lcal Girl Scut trp, vrnll Kll, 51, tendedt put thers ahead hersel.AEven when she learned she had stage I breast cancer in spring

    2010, Vernells rst cncern was disclsing her diagnsis t

    her amil. Ater she tld her husband, Cre, Vernell tld

    her daughter, Criss, wh had just nished her midterms

    at the Universit Arkansas. Althugh Carissa didnt handle

    the news well at rst, n the mrning

    her lumpectm Vernell gt a pht

    Carissa standing in a Wal-Mart hlding a

    buquet fwers.

    She said she culdnt ard t buthem r me, s she thught the pht

    wuld give me a laugh, Vernell sas.

    And it did.

    Ater discvering the lump in her

    breast, Vernell began t seek and accept

    mre supprt r hersel. She turned t

    her clleagues at the MRI center the

    Baptist Health Medical CenterLittle

    Rck, telling ne the radilgists

    what she elt. He advised her t get a

    mammgram and an ultrasund. Later

    that week, Vernell learned she had

    breast cancer.

    Having wrked with Vernell r 15 ears, her dctr cl-

    leagues tk the news her diagnsis hard. The ered

    pressinal input as much as the culd n treatment,

    llw-up tests and ther aspects care.

    T this da, the still check n me t make sure Im

    still getting scans and even er t lk at them r me,

    Vernell sas.

    Vernell als reached ut t her clse riend and hair

    stlist, vr Jffrson. Vera was diagnsed with breast cancer

    almst a ear bere Vernell, s Vernell instantl elt cm-

    rtable reling n Vera r emtinal supprt. The talked

    abut everthing rm lved nes reactins t diagnsis

    t cncerns abut treatment.

    She was the rst persn I reached ut t, because

    althugh I had all the inrmatin, she was able t talk t

    me and relate t me, Vernell recalls.

    Vernells 90-ear-ld grandmther was als a pillar

    supprt. Because she had never seen a dctr nr

    taken prescriptin medicine, she was trubled when

    she learned that Vernell had t underg surger,

    chemtherap and radiatin. But when she saw that

    Vernell was cndent in the treatment

    plan, her apprehensin subsided, and she

    shwed nthing but supprt.

    She was just the mst cmrting verall, Vernell sas.

    She asked me, Have u praed abut it? And I said, yes

    maam. Then she said, oK, I have, t.

    And we mved n t a dierent cnver-

    satin tpic.

    Vernells cncern r thers prmpt-

    ed her t be mre active in makingArican-American wmen aware their

    breast cancer risk. She was shcked t

    learn that abut 27,000 Arican-Ameri-

    can wmen were diagnsed with breast

    cancer in 2012, and that Arican-American

    wmen have a lwer ve-ear survival

    rate r the disease77.5 percent, versus

    88.8 percent r white wmen.

    Because where she wrks, Vernell

    thught she was prett much aware

    everthing abut breast cancer. Never did

    I knw hw high the numbers were r

    Arican-American wmen, she sas.

    In additin t participating in a 2010 cus grup and

    pht sht r Living Bend Breast Cancers ree bklet,

    Getting Connected: Arican-Americans Living Beyond Breast

    Cancer, Vernell has encuraged her amil and riends t

    take screenings seriusl, nt t hesitate i the experience

    health issues and t seek treatment and guidance i the are

    diagnsed with breast cancer. She creates a team each ear

    r the Susan G. Kmen 3-Da, and she listens t and supprts

    Arican-American wmen newl diagnsed with breast cancer.

    When shes nt wrking, ging t church r spending

    time with her husband and daughter, Vernell travels. She

    recentl few t Atlanta t visit with amil and chaperned

    a trip t Washingtn, D.C., r her Girl Scut trp. She will

    return t D.C. this summer t celebrate the 100th birthda

    her cllege srrit, Delta Sigma Theta.

    Breast cancer put things in perspective, Vernell sas.

    I learned t d things that I want t d, things like this

    weeklng celebratin. M amil, Gd and wrk are still high

    pririties, but s is m verall health. I thats gd, [then] I

    can deal with anthing else that cmes alng.

    Vernells concernor others prompted

    her to be more

    active in making


    women aware o their

    breast cancer risk.

  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    An MBA graduate nce n the ast trackin the crprate wrld, ver the next

    24 ears Barbara quit her jb, gt

    divrced, became a parent, wrte

    a bk, remarried, divrced, and

    und a new rmantic partner bere

    starting Sexy After Cancer, an nline

    resurce named ater her bk, which

    cuses n rekindling intimac and

    sexualit ater cancer.

    I was interested in making a lt mne,

    and then m pririties reall changed. All a sudden

    it was mre abut living the lie I wanted t live,sas the nw 60-ear-ld sex educatr rm San

    Francisc, Cali.

    Barbara is amng the man wmen wh

    have experienced signicant changes as the g

    thrugh the prcess living lng-term with,

    thrugh and bend cancer. But hw each wman

    deals with these transitins and hw she

    views lng-term survivrship ma var.

    Defning Long-TermSurvivorshipFr Barbara, lng-term survivrship

    means living the lie she wants and

    nding persnal and pressinal

    balance. Emtinal and mental healing

    were integral t her transitin int lie

    bend cancer, because she did nt want t

    live her lie eeling like a victim, she sas.

    Just the language we use arund cancer disagrees

    with me, calling [thse diagnsed with] it victims and

    survivrs, Barbara sas. Thats nt t diminish that it

    reall is a battle r man, man peple and [that] nt

    everbd wins that battle, but that als can becme

    a sel-ullling prphec.Its been seven ears since am J. Korn, 48, Lng

    Island, N.y., was diagnsed with stage III breast cancer.

    Because Am still receives the armatase inhibitr letrzle

    (Femara), she still eels the saet net therap.

    I hate t sund clich, but u just live each da at a

    time and make the mst it, Am sas.

    T dn Winstin, 65, Prtland, Maine, lng-term

    survivrship means appreciating lie ull, but als eeling

    trepidatin whenever cnrnting an illness r awaiting

    results annual tests. She adds that it als means beingavailable t help thers and shiting pririties mre readil

    Even i I hadnt had cancer, b this pint in m lie Id

    prbabl be thinking, Ww, I dnt have that much time

    t get in all that I want t d. Cancer mved that eeling

    ahead b a decade r mre, sas Deena, wh was diagnsed

    nine ears ag.

    Bts Stot, 59, als Prtland, was diagnsed with

    breast cancer in 1997. T her, lng-term survivrship is abut

    refectin, lking at the psitives in lie and accepting

    her limits.

    I learn t live with nt knwing and nt

    being in cntrl everthing, becauseure nt, she sas.

    The Impact o Long-Term SurvivorshipRebecc Crne-Ok, Phd, RN, CNS

    aOCN, a clinical nurse specialist and nurse

    navigatr at Lng Beach Memrial Medical

    Center in Lng Beach, Cali., sas its imprtant

    t develp a llw-up care plan with a healthcare

    prvider bere the end active treatment.

    A survivorship care plan is a written reprt

    including schedules r rutine check-ups and

    exams, discussins n reducing risk recurrence

    and ther health cnditins, cgnitive and emtina

    cncerns and lng-term side eects.

    The end treatment can be a dicult time, Dr. Crane-

    okada sas. Instead experiencing j, man wmen ee

    anxius abut being let n their wn.

    Bets dealt with a number medical issues ater she

    nished treatment. In 2004, she had a tissue fap surger

    r breast recnstructin where tissue was taken rm her

    bell. Fllwing the prcedure, she nticed a bulge n her

    side. Ater reaching ut t her healthcare prviders, an

    ultrasund revealed she had a tumr n her kidne, whichtriggered ear assciated with an uncle wh died rm

    metastatic breast cancer.

    I thught, Ww, Im just like Uncle JulianI just had

    breast cancer and nw Im ging t have a bunch tumrs,

    and then Im ging t die, she recalls.

    Ater tests revealed the tumr was benign, Bets was

    relieved. Because she has a amil histr breast cancer

    she is underging genetic cunseling and testing r the

    BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

    Long-Term Survivorship: What It Means to MeBy JoSH FERNANDEz

    ter nishing radiatin therap r breast cancer in 1989, the then 37-ear-ld Brbr Mss

    transrmed her lie.









  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    Am, wh wrks r an insurance cmpan, is cncerned

    abut jb securit. Her empler was accmmdating,

    allwing her t wrk n-and- while she underwent

    chemtherap, but even nw she nds it dicult t d ever

    task required her. Regular dctrs appintments, dail

    ht fashes rm hrmnal therap and ther lng-term

    side eects make wrk hard t manage.

    I am still wrking the same jb and have the same

    health insurance, but maintaining bth is a cncern r me.

    What wuld I d withut m healthinsurance? M health insurance pas

    r everthing, Am adds.

    The hardest realit Am aced was

    learning that her treatment might have

    aected her ertilit. Whenever I saw

    wmen walking arund with babies, I

    alwas elt like I didnt knw i that was

    ging t happen r me, Am sas.

    She still hpes t have a child ne da

    and is cnsidering adptin.

    Thugh she t had ertilit

    cncerns, Barbara was able t havea bab with her secnd husband. Her

    daughter will be 20 this ear.

    Tell ur nclgist i u are

    cncerned abut ertilit. yu can

    als meet with a reprductive

    endcrinlgist t discuss ur amil planning ptins.

    Dr. Crane-okada sas changes in sexual intimac can be

    dicult r wmen during and ater treatment.

    Patients taking armatase inhibitrs r an

    estrgen-blcking agent ten experience

    prblems like ht lashes and vaginal

    drness. It is imprtant that wmen vice

    such cncerns s that pssible slutins can

    be ered.

    Ater her active treatment was cmplete,

    Barbara attended a wrkshp n intimac

    and sexualit that invlved shwing attendees

    her scars. She didnt have recnstructive surger

    because it wasnt cvered b insurance at the time.

    I std there shaking like a lea, saing I elt like

    damaged gds, and I knew I wasnt beautiul. Peple

    standing 10 eet awa literall culdnt see the scar and

    said, What scar are u talking abut? A lt peple

    came up t me and said it lked beautiul, she said.

    others attending the wrkshp wh had been diagnsed

    with breast cancer shared similar cncerns.

    The tld me what I had dne was ver healing r

    them. T be as pen as I was als was healing r me,

    Barbara recalls.

    Deena is passinatel and primaril cncerned with the

    cgnitive eects chemtherap.

    The memr prblems I am experiencing and dicult

    making decisins shuldnt be this bad at m agem mind

    was alwas sharp [bere treatment], she sas.

    Deena is participating in a natinwide clinical trial

    lking at chemobrain, r prblems with thinking and

    memr ater treatment. She plans n getting urther tests,

    jining r creating supprt grups and using techniques

    like meditatin t help her t live in the mment, cntrl

    anxiet and deal with cnusin.

    As an active participant in Prtlands petr, writing

    and plitical cmmunities, Deena has spken penl

    abut her cgnitive impairment, hping r patience and

    cmpassin s she can remain invlvedand eective in these cmmunities.

    But recentl shes wndered whether

    sel-disclsure might cause a lss

    respect r her and dubts abut her

    capacit t ull participate.

    Managing Fearo RecurrenceCr anrs, Md, a medical nclgist

    and researcher at the Universit Nrth

    Carlina Lineberger CmprehensiveCancer Center, sas althugh mst

    wmen handle ear recurrence

    ver well, emtins can be heightened

    arund the time surveillance tests.

    Its imprtant r patients t

    recgnize that thse eelings recurrence prbabl are

    there, and the are just nt tapped int. Thats wh its

    imprtant t nd strategies and methds t help

    deal with the eelings recurrence as ppsed

    t just suppressing them, Dr. Anders sas.

    When Am has these eelings, talking in

    a supprt grup helps.yu cant spend ur whle da wrring,

    s I dnt, Am sas.

    Bets agrees. I the cancer cmes back r

    it appears in the ther breast, Ill deal with

    it then, she sas.

    Meditatin and embracing psitivit

    helped Deena keep thughts recurrence at ba.

    Ding is a part living, Deena sas. That was a big

    piece r me t keep in mind while acing the ears and

    pssibilities recurrence head n.

    Barbara sas her ear suraced an time she elt ill during

    the rst tw ears ater treatment. B the third ear, she

    began t live her lie withut letting ear dminate her.

    Ever time I had a smptm like a sre thrat I thught,

    oh, Gd, the cancer is back. Ive had a ew scares, but I

    have been health, she sas. Lie is nt a dress rehearsal,

    s I d m best t live m lie ull. And i smething ever

    des happen, Ill deal.

    The end o

    treatment can be

    a difcult time,

    Dr. Crane-Okada

    says. Instead o

    experiencing joy,

    many women eel

    anxious about being

    let on their own.



  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    Enhancing Health andQuality o LieTheres still time t register r ur annl

    Confrnc for Womn Liing with MtstticBrst Cncr, t be held April 13 14 at the

    Lews Philadelphia Htel. Get inrmatin and

    practical resurces t help u live well with stage

    IV breast cancer during three plenar sessins and mre

    than 15 wrkshps. Walk-ins are welcme!

    opening plenar speaker anrw Simn, Md, Memrial

    Slan-Kettering Cancer Center, will discuss advances in metastatic

    breast cancer care.Wn G. Lichtnthl, Phd, als Memrial

    Slan-Kettering Cancer Center, will cver hw t mve rward

    with a stage IV diagnsis. Lin n Bob Cre, unders

    The Tutu Prject, will talk abut Lindas experience living with

    metastatic disease, hw the cpe and the undraiser thecreated t supprt thers with breast cancer.

    Visit lbbc.rg/Events/Metastatic-Breast-Cancer-Cnerence

    r mre inrmatin and registratin. I u cant attend,

    pdcasts will be available ater the event n lbbc.rg.

    Annual Conerence ExpandsThis ears annual all cnerence,Nws yo Cn

    use: Brest Cncer uptes or Living Well,

    will expand t tw das. Get updates rm

    expert speakers while cnnecting with ther

    wmen and caregivers oct. 26 27 at the

    DubleTree b Hiltn Htel Philadelphia

    Center Cit.

    Sihrth Mkhrj, Md, Phd, will

    be a kente speaker at the cnerence. Dr.

    Mukherjee is a leading cancer phsician and

    researcher, assistant pressr medicine

    at Clumbia Universit, a cancer phsician

    at the CU/NyU Presbterian Hspital and

    authr the bkThe Emperor Of All

    Maladies: A Biography O Cancer.

    Visit lbbc.rg/Events/Annual-Fall-Cnerence

    sn r mre inrmatin.

    Extended Helpline HoursHave questins, need t talk r just want smene t listen?

    Call ur Survivrs Helpline t speak with smene wh has

    been there.

    A trained vlunteer aected b breast cancer answers

    calls Mnda thrugh Frida, 9 a.m. t 5 p.m. ET. At an

    ther time, leave a message r submit a request using ur

    nline rm and a vlunteer will re-

    spnd within 24 hurs. The service

    is ree and cndential; Spanish-

    language speakers are available.

    Call (888) 753-LBBC (5222).

    Triple-Negative ResearchIn Februar, LBBC began an in-depth assessment what

    wmen diagnsed with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)

    want, what is alread available and what shuld be created

    t give mre access t inrmatin and resurces.

    In earl 2014, we will share results and recmmendatins

    with supprt rganizatins, healthcare prviders and wmen

    with TNBC. During phase I, LBBC interviewed prviders and

    wmen with TNBC. During phase II, ve cus grups wilbe held in dierent U.S. cities t learn abut the phsical

    and pschscial cncerns diagnsis, ending treatment

    and living with metastatic TNBC. Tw grups will be held at

    ur annl Conrnc or Womn Liing with Mtsttic

    Brst Cncr April 13 14 in Philadelphia.

    An executive cmmittee healthcare prviders, wmen

    with TNBC and members the Tripl Ngti Brst Cncr

    fontion will advise LBBC thrughut the prject.

    Interested in participating in a cus grup? Emai

    [email protected].

    New PublicationsWe are prud t annunce additins t ur

    educatinal brchure series.

    In Guide to Understanding Intimacy and

    Sexuality, get an in-depth lk at hw breast

    cancer diagnsis and treatment can impact

    ur sexual lie. our Guide to Understanding

    Hormonal Therapydiscusses hw anti-estrgen

    therapies wrk t decrease ur risk r recur-

    rence, as well as hw t manage side eects.

    Metastatic Breast Cancer Series: Guide or the Newly Diag-

    nosed,created with theMtsttic Brst Cncr Ntworkers an intrductin t what u need t knw in the rst

    ew mnths llwing a diagnsis.

    Dwnlad PDFs r rder print cpies at lbbc.rg.

    Programs or the Newly DiagnosedDrp in n Scon Tss: Monthl Wbinr or th

    Nwl dignost learn breast cancer basics rm a trusted

    Resources Reach Further as Programs GrowBy NICoLE KATzE, MA






    Nws n ection pt contin on pg 7

  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    medical expert, and interact with

    speakers b vicing r submitting

    ur questins. Webinars are held

    ever secnd Tuesda the mnth rm nn t 1 p.m.

    ET and are accessible b phne r cmputer.

    The ree prgrams eature a 30-minute, interview-stle

    cnversatin between an LBBC mderatr and expert

    guest speaker n tpics related t a breast cancer diagnsis,

    llwed b a questin-and-answer sessin.

    Visit lbbc.rg/Events/Newl-Diagnsed-Webinar r mreinrmatin.

    Tell Us What You Think!We want ur eedback n Insight! Take ur nline

    surve at t help us imprve

    ur prgrams and services. Enter t win a $25 git card r

    ur participatin (U.S. residents nl).

    C4YW in SeattleIn Februar LBBC and yong Srvivl

    Colition welcmed nearl 600 wmen,

    caregivers and medical pressinals t

    the Hatt Regenc Bellevue n Seattles

    Eastside r C4yW, the Annual Cnerence

    r yung Wmen Aected b Breast Cancer.

    In the pening plenar, Juli R. Grlow, Md,

    the Universit Washingtn Schl Medicine,

    discussed hw research impacts breast cancer care; the clsing

    eatured Nnc Burmr andConni engl, Phd, Breast

    Cancer Fund, n prtecting ur amil rm txins and

    chemicals. Ssn Mtsko Shingw, Asian and PacicIslander Natinal Cancer Survivrs Netwrk,cvered hw t

    turn experience and passin int eective advcac.

    Wrkshps included clinical trials, emplment, sex and

    intimac, and amil and genetic risk, amng thers.

    Visit lbbc.rg and c4w.rg r pdcasts and transcripts

    kente presentatins and wrkshps, and plan t jin us

    next ear! C4yW will be held Feb. 2123, 2014, in orland,

    Fla. Check c4w.rg this winter r mre inrmatin.

    LBBC PresentsLBBC sta recentl attended the americn Pschosocil

    Oncolog Socit annual cnerence Feb. 1416. Kti Crm

    Hnr, ur utreach crdinatr, gave a pster presentatin

    n ur culturall sensitive publicatin Getting Connected:African-Americans Living Beyond Breast Cancer.arin ah-

    lm Hnson, MPH, CHeS, manager ur yung Wmens

    Initiative, presented ndings ur yWI needs assessment

    (see belw r results).

    LBBC will als give a presentatin n Getting Connectedat

    the assocition o Oncolog Socil Work cnerence in June.

    New to the BoardLBBC is pleased t welcme seven new members t ur

    natinal bard directrs:

    annemrie armstrong,managing directr at Saatchi &Saatchi Science

    Lurn Boln,pharmaceutical strategic marketing cnsultantand partner and practice leader, empler and calitin

    service at Health Industries Research

    Philip M. Brown,managing directr nance and ad-ministratin at Franklin Square Capital Partners

    Moir Roon,directr strategic investment at MissinFirst Husing Develpment Crpratin

    To L. Shrmn, CIMa,prtli management and amilwealth directr at Sherman Sbin Grup at Mrgan Stanle

    Rmon Swb, Md,directr nclg clinical researchand develpment at GlaxSmithKline

    Mrgrt Zccotti, Me

    Man thanks t ur utging bard members: Jnnir

    L.a. armstrong, Md, Lis Br, Robin Bener Stevens,

    dnielle Hlstrom, Colleen Krk, Sn Lipstein and

    Brbr Lopz.

    yWi survey


    our yung Wmens Initiative surve

    asked wmen diagnsed with breast

    cancer under age 45 hw and where

    the access supprt and inrmatin,

    hw the want t receive it and what

    tpics interest them. Heres a glance at

    what the said:

    70 percent sa its imprtant t have

    breast cancer inrmatin specic t

    their needs as ung wmen. onl

    21 percent und it eas r ver eas

    t nd it.

    Althugh 60 percent said it was verimprtant t have age-specic em-

    tinal supprt, 40 percent had a hard

    time nding services that met their


    yunger wmen want dierent in-

    rmatin and want t access that

    inrmatin in dierent was than

    their lder peers. Wmen diagnsed

    bere age 30 were mre interested

    in learning abut sex and intimac

    cncerns than lder age grups and

    were mre likel t want inrmatinr emtinal supprt nline.

    Limited resurces exist r ung

    wmen n lng-term side eects

    breast cancer and ther survivrship

    cncerns. Even ewer prgrams exist

    r select grups ung wmen,

    including wmen clr, wmen

    living with metastatic breast cancer

    and LGBTQ wmen.

    Phts: Bran Mead, Laurie Beck Phtgraph, Epaul Julien Phtgraph

  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    In ur rst ear wrking tgether, Everthing But

    Water dnated a prtin prceeds rm

    the sale a necklace that ered a secret

    message, LoVE, t spell supprt r wmen

    aected b breast cancer.

    T celebrate its secnd ear partnering

    with LBBC and t raise unds and awareness

    r ur educatin and supprt resurces,

    Everthing But Water dnated 25 percent

    prceeds rm its Deux Lux r Everthing But Water

    smartphne wristlet. The wristlet was designed t carr

    a wmans essentials, with cmpartments t accmmdate a

    smartphne, credit cards, bills, cins and kes.

    We recentl caught up with Shil arnol, chie executive

    cer and president Everthing But Water, t talk abut

    the partnership.

    How did you learn about Living Beyond Breast Cancer?

    Ms. arnol:When we decided t cntribute t breast cancer

    erts, we did an extensive search which included asking

    r reerrals rm thers invlved, lking at ratings, etc.We und ut abut LBBC thrugh smene else invlved

    with the rganiatin, and then ater reading abut it and

    talking t [LBBCs CEo] Jean Sachs, we were sld n LBBCs

    missin and passin r the cause.

    What about LBBC led you to partner with us?

    Ms. arnol: We are a business cmprised primaril emale

    emplees, selling t nl emale custmers. Da in and da

    ut, ur sales assciates strive t make wmen eel beautiul

    and cndent. Unlike man ther rganizatins that are

    cused (imprtantl) n research, we like that LBBC is cusedn inrmatin and supprtthings that are s desperatel

    needed. This missin als eels mre clsel aligned with ur

    wn business.

    How would you describe your partnership with LBBC, and

    how does it meet your companys philanthropic goals?

    Ms. arnol:our gal is t bth raise mne as well as aware-

    ness r LBBC and its wrk. We have als helped b dnating

    a git certicate and gdie bag stuers t LBBCs annual

    gala, The Butterf Ball. The past tw ears weve

    develped a prduct specicall r the purpse

    dnating prceeds t LBBC. We place the

    prduct in all 70 ur stres and eature it

    at the cash register. Last ear, we als eatured

    it in ur windws. The sales assciates are

    all well-inrmed abut the ert and LBBC

    as an rganizatin. The have a lt un

    and are cmmitted t spreading the message

    t custmers and selling the prduct.

    Can you give us the scoop on what may be in store for your

    2013 October Breast Cancer Awareness Month promotion?

    Ms. arnol: We are wrking n itits t sn t tell, but we

    have a lt un develping prducts t supprt the ert

    We are lking rward t guring ut whats next!

    For more information on Everything But Water and other

    corporate partners in our Shop to Support program, visit.lbbc

    org/Donate/Shop-to-Support. To purchase the wristlet, visit or a store location near you.


    uPdaTe Shop to Support: An Interview

    with Everything But WaterBy KEVIN GIANoTTo

    n octber 2011, LBBC began a partnership with retailer erthing Bt Wtr. The cmpans

    70 stres cast t cast and nline at eature an extensive cllectin designer swimwear, resrt wear and accessries.




    Planned giving and your legaCy

    yu can help LBBC cntinue t prvide prgrams r

    ree r at little cst b making a planned git. We er

    pprtunities that can be tailred t meet ur needs.

    one the easiest was t make a planned git is t

    include LBBC in ur will r revcable living trust. It is nt

    necessar t rewrite ur entire will t make a bequest t

    LBBC. yu can simpl instruct ur attrne t prepare a

    codicil, an amendment, t ur current will r living trust.

    one sentence in ur will r trust ensures that uturegeneratins will benet rm LBBCs services and prgrams

    Fr example:

    I give t Living Bend Breast Cancer, a nnprt

    crpratin rganied and perating under the laws

    the Cmmnwealth Pennslvania, the sum $_______

    (r ___ percent the rest, residue and remainder m

    estate) r its general purpse as an unrestricted git.

    Fr mre inrmatin, cntact Beck Mills at mbmills@

    lbbc.rg r (484) 708-1806.

  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    Thank you to our October 2012 December 2012 contributors:$100,000+ Cline Cellars

    Eli Lill and CmpanEverthing But WaterGreenberg Traurig, LLPThe Kapp Famil FundatinCnthia and Richard Leaman

    The Lipstein FamilRnnie and Rbert SmersUnited Airlines FundatinWe-Care.cmLauren Wlnis and

    Je zebrwit

    $5,000-$9,999Heidi and James BudreauKell and David CasperSand and Steve CenDARA BiSciences, Inc.Fashin BugDnna and Barr FeinbergGenmic Health Inc.MerckAndi and Abe MrrisPer Inc.Mira Rabin and

    Thmas I. Whitman

    Ratner CmpaniesTillsnburg Cmpan (USA),

    Inc.Margaret and And zucctti

    $2,500-$4,999Wend and Bruce ArmnThe Barra Fundatin, Inc.Gwen and Dennis BianchiLisa and Patrick BridgetteLiane and Philip BrwneCancer Treatment Centers

    America at EasternReginal Medical Center

    Dnna and Frank ClacCntinental Develpers LLCDiplmat Specialt LiaisnDlnger-McMahn

    FundatinErin and David DugerEden Charitable FundatinRsln and Charles EpsteinMark FischbachMar Gregg and Jhn M.


    Independence Blue Crss

    Susan and Lenard KlehrKimberl A. Kubek and

    William KirkpatrickStephanie and Richard

    LawrenceShell Liss and Jn

    WeiswasserLi and Stephen RanesRa Glbal CrpratinRevzilla MtrsprtsNicle and James RbinsnRse Medical CenterSkirt in Brn Mawr, Pa., and

    Stne Harbr, N.J.Emplees StmartTll Brthers, Inc.Emplees Tll Brthers,

    Inc.Tr Burch LLCValle Green BankVillanva Universits

    Haunts r HpeCarle and Ja WeitmanJane and Stanle zlt

    Save the Date!Help raise unds and awareness at yog on th Stps, LBBCs

    signature educatin and undraising event. The heart the

    event is a ne-hur ga class designed r all skill levels and

    bd tpes led b Jennier Schelter, Mfa. Ater the class,

    participants and supprters can enj rereshments and brwse

    a Health Living Exp eaturing health and nutritin experts,

    event spnsrs, ga and tness studis, vendrs, and inr-

    matin abut lcal area nnprts and service rganizatins.

    The purpse yga n the Steps is t educate cmmunities

    abut health living and qualit--lie issues while creat-

    ing awareness and raising unds r LBBCs educatin and

    supprt resurces.

    May 19, 2013 ............... yga n the Steps: Philadelphia

    JuNe 13, 2013............... yga n the Steps: Washingtn, D.C.

    JuLy 28, 2013 ............... yga n the Steps: Kansas Cit, M.

    SePT. 15, 2013 ............... yga n the Steps: Denver

    Register r an event near u and watch vides pastevents at the new ganthesteps.rg.


    The Jhn C. and Chara C.Haas Trust

    1 (rm let) Jackie Rth, Debra Smers Cpit, MD, Tesha Lve

    and Stephanie Lawrence were hnred at ur annual gala,

    The Butterf Ball, n Nv. 10, 2012. Jackie, Tesha and

    Stephanie were recipients LBBCs Ging Bend Award.

    Dr. Cpit received LBBCs highest hnr when she was pre-

    sented with The Funders Award.

    2 (rm let) The 2012 Butterf Ball Funders Award recipientDebra Smers Cpit, MD, and Dnna Nce, brand president

    the events presenting spnsr, White Huse | Black Market.

    $50,000-$99,999Custmers Chics FASIredale Mineral Csmetics


    $25,000-$49,999AnnmusAstrazenecaEisai Inc.Jakes and Cpers Wine Bar25th Anniversar Celebratin/

    Lisa Messer Cper andBruce Cper

    Nvartis onclg

    $20,000-$24,999Bstn PrperKenilwrth Creatins Inc.Mriad Genetic Labratries,

    Inc.Sma Intimates

    $10,000-$19,99916th Annual Paddle

    Tennis Rall


  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring


    earl r never begin r tw cmmn reasns: side eects

    and wanting t becme pregnant.

    While side eects are Laurens main cncern, bth reasns

    are infuencing her t nt want anther ve ears. She hpes her

    side eects will end when she stps the medicine. I I sta n

    anther ve ears, Ill be 43, and with chem and m advanced

    age itll be almst impssible t get pregnant, she sas.

    Crl Zmblli, 48, West Chester, Pa., has had ht

    fashes, md swings, dr skin, weight gain and insm-

    nia since starting tamxien r stage II, nde-negative,ER psitive breast cancer.

    I might have a hard time taking it r 10 ears,

    but i the tld me I had t, I prbabl wuld,

    she sas. Whats the alternative? I dnt want

    a recurrence.

    Chrl Grnr heard wmen talk abut

    side eects in her supprt grup. I was a

    little scared t start it, hearing sme the

    stries, she sas.

    Diagnsed with stage IIA, nde-negative,

    ER psitive breast cancer, Cherl has nw been

    n tamxien r ur earsincluding whileserving in Aghanistan as a lieutenant clnel in

    the U.S. Air Frce. She develped a benign varian cst but

    n ther side eects. Taking tamxien wasnt as bad as I

    thught it wuld be, she sas.

    But extending treatment culd aect her pressinall.

    In the militar, as lng as ure seeing an nclgist, it limits

    pprtunities verseas, she explains.

    Cherl describes hersel, at 40, as at a pint where I want

    t be dne with it t enj activities with her tw ung

    children and have n militar dut limitatins.

    She plans n talking with her nclgist

    and pssibl getting a secnd pininabut whether t cntinue bend

    ve ears.

    At age 28, Mg Bzl is

    n tamxien and wants a amil in

    the uture. Recentl diagnsed with

    stage I, nde-negative, ER psitive

    disease, her dctr tld her she shuld

    prbabl cntinue tamxien r mre

    than ve ears due t her age. The dctr

    said Meg culd take a break ater ve ears, have a bab, then

    resume tamxien. Im grateul t have smething thats

    prett tried-and-true, she sas.

    Wmen n AIs als wnder whether ATLAS results mean

    the shuld sta n treatment lnger. Mrgi Willims, 64,

    Redding, Cali., has jint and hip pain and u thinking

    n AIs r stage I, nde-negative, ER psitive breast cancer.

    Fr nw, she is llwing her dctrs urging that she cntinue

    but, due t nging side eects, Margie is nt certain that she

    will cmplete an additinal ve ears.

    onclgists have a hard time talking abut side eects,

    she sas. The dnt want t discurage u rm taking a

    drug that culd be lie-saving.

    To Start Again Or Not?Taking a pill ever da r ears can be tugh. It ma be a

    reminder breast cancer r prlng unwelcme eects. Meg,

    n tamxien nl a ew mnths, has truble remembering

    t take it dail.

    Jenee Bobbor, Hustn, tk it dili-

    gentl r ve ears. Diagnsed in 2003 with

    stage IIIC infammatr breast cancer with

    psitive lmph ndes, she was 32, tested

    psitive r the BRCA2 gene mutatin and

    had a amil breast cancer histr. When

    her tamxien therap was ending, Jenee

    read abut ATLAS, then in prgress. She

    cnvinced her dctr t let her cntinue. That

    lasted 2 1/2 ears.

    Abut 18 mnths ater she stpped, the ATLAS

    ndings were annunced. Jenee asked t start


    I have been cancer-ree since cmpleting

    treatment, and I give a lt that credit t tamx-

    ien, she sas.

    Her dctr thught it wuld prvide nl a tin bit

    imprvement, but agreed. Jenee is back n tamxien.

    Accrding t Dr. Gralw, starting tamxien again ater

    a time gap shuld nt create a prblem. She sees it as ap-

    prpriate mstl r wmen with higher risk recurrence.

    Michl Rumfol, San Francisc, cmpleted ve

    ears tamxien ater being diagnsed with

    stage I, grade 3, ER psitive breast cancer.

    She has been tamxien r three ears.

    At 38, she wuld like t have a bab in the

    near uture.

    I didnt hate tamxien, but being it,

    I like m bd being health, she sas. Imals the tpe patient t d anthing t nt

    have [breast cancer] happen again.

    Hearing abut ATLAS thrws u back int that

    wndering. Ever decisin u make weighs n u, sas

    Michele. Ultimatel, what is the decisin that is ging t make

    me eel cmrtable and nt eel wrried r regretul?

    A lt depends upn hw much value each wman places

    n a treatment, Dr. yee sas. Attitudes var.

    Dr. yee is inclined nt t extend treatment r wmen

    with smaller tumrs r at less risk recurrence, r r thse

    wh dnt have cancer in their lmph ndes.

    Sme thse wmen are uncmrtable with that, hesas. ATLAS allws us t have that discussin.

    Talk with ur dctr abut side eects, amil planning

    and ther cncerns u ma have. Reviewing the statistics with

    ur dctr can help u understand the value cntinuing

    treatment and make an inrmed decisin based n ur

    cmrt level.

    For more details on the study, visit










  • 7/30/2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Insight 2013 Spring









    Tamoxien: New

    Findings StirQuestions on

    Treatment Length


    Supporting Loved

    Ones, Living Lie:

    Vernell Kelly s Story



    Survivorship: What It

    Means to Me



    Resources Reach

    Further as Programs


    GIVING UPDATEShop to Support:

    An Interview with

    Everything But Water




    ectionl Progrms


    All webinars are held rmNn 1 p.m. (ET)

    MAy 14, 2013Second Tuesdays:Living Beyond Breast CancersMonthly Webinar or theNewly Diagnosed

    MAy 15, 2013Anxiety and Depression

    Ater Breast Cancer

    JUNE 20, 2013Annual ASCO Meeting Update


    oCToBER 2627, 2013Annual Fall ConerencePhiladelphia, Pa.

    FEBRUARy 2123, 2014C4YWAnnual Conerenceor Young Women Aected byBreast Cancerorland, Fla.

    Spcil ents

    MAy 19, 2013

    Yoga on the Steps: PhiladelphiaJune 13, 2013Yoga on the Steps:Washington, D.C.

    Jul 28, 2013Yoga on the Steps:Kansas City, Mo.

    September 15, 2013Yoga on the Steps: Denver

    octber 12, 2013The Butterfy BallPhiladelphia, Pa.

    Check r the latestprgram inrmatin


    SPRING 2013

    Nn-prt oUS Pstag

    PaIdPhiladelphiaPERMIT No.

    354 West Lancaster Avenue, Suite 224Haverrd, PA 19041





    Pht: Bran Mead