Liverpool City Centre

LIVERPOOL CITY CENTRE Public Realm Implementation Framework JUNE 2004

Transcript of Liverpool City Centre

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Public Realm Implementation Framework 

JUNE 2004

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List of Contents



The City Centre Strategic Regeneration Framework 4

The Local Transport Plan 5The City Centre Movement Strategy 5


1.1 Urban Form & Character 71.2 The Pedestrian Network 81.3 Creation of City Streets 101.4 Creation of City Spaces 151.5 Public Art 191.6 Furnishing the City 20

1.7 Lighting the City 201.8 Greening the City 21


2.1 The Floor of the City 222.2 Street Furniture 282.3 Street Lighting 302.4 Tree Pits 312.5 Design Review 312.6 Implementation 312.7 Ease of maintenance 32


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The purpose of this guidance is to set quality and

performance parameters within which movementand public realm schemes are to be designed andimplemented in Liverpool City Centre. It definesthe functional requirements of the city centre public

realm and establishes quality benchmarks for designand construction in the form of a Performance

Specification. Liverpool City Council will administerthis document through development control andthrough its programme of public realm implementationover the next decade.

The objective is to provide continuity in the publicrealm quality across the city centre through theprovision of a simple palette of materials and

furniture, supported by generic detailing to meet thefunctional and sustainable requirements of the streetsand public spaces. It has been produced to guide allpublic and private sector organisations and agencies

engaged in the delivery of public realm works withinthe city centre. It provides a flexible briefing documentincorporating minimum performance requirements

and basic material specification.

Design quality is the primary requirement and thisdocument sets a high but attainable standard, which

is based on good design and construction practice.“Good design is non-negotiable and translates intoincreased values” (DETR and CABE, 2001).

Flexibility in the programme of implementation will berequired to maximise benefit from available resources,but this should not compromise design quality.

This Framework forms part of a heirachy of guidancedocuments, starting with the Liverpool Urban Design

Guide (Liverpool City Council, 2003). Area-basedguidance follows the overarching Vision for the city

centre is described within the City Centre UrbanDesign Guide (Liverpool Vision, 2004) currently inpreparation. The Framework has been prepared to

realise the Vision for public realm contained in theStrategic Regeneration Framework for the city centre(Liverpool Vision 2000) and the draft City Centre

Urban Design Guide. This Specification focuses on

the Core of the city centre, as defined by the shadedarea in Figure 1 and Figure 1 a. The specificationalso applies outside the core area to certain identified


The Framework will:

• Be approved by the City Council to guide allpublic realm projects in the core area.

• Inform emerging Local DevelopmentFramework policy and

• Be applied to planning and grant fundingapplications in the City Centre relevant topublic and private sector led public realm.

The public realm in general requires a consistentapproach across the City Centre in both streetsand spaces, although variations in function cangenerate different design responses. Designs

that are deemed as low constructional quality, willnot be acceptable.

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This sets the regeneration context for the city centre

and describes the strategy within which public realmprojects will be designed and implemented.



In July 2000, the partners to Liverpool Visionapproved the City Centre Strategic RegenerationFramework (SRF) (Liverpool Vision, 2000) as theblueprint for focussed investment and action in theCity Centre. The Vision encapsulated in the SRF is

“establishing Liverpool as a world class city for the21st Century, building upon its identified potential tobecome one of Europe’s most liveable city centres”,

(Liverpool Vision, 2000). This Vision identifies 12goals, which are directed through seven Action Areasand six Supporting Themes, which will:

• “concentrate related activity;• create a co-ordinated approach to projectdelivery and

• prioritise actions to generate the maximumregeneration & economic benefit to the City”.

It builds upon the strengths of the city: “its business

community, its vibrant youth culture, its impressiveuniversities and its inherent physical quality. It alsodraws on the aspiration of Liverpool’s communities

to see the city propelled into the 21st Centuryas a ‘Living City’ – an engine of regeneration forMerseyside and the Northwest”, as identified in theNorth West Regional Economic Strategy (NWDA,

2003) and Liverpool Community Strategy: LiverpoolFirst (Liverpool Partnership Group, 2000).

The SRF is a flexible and dynamic document thatprovides the vital context against which detailed plans

can be prepared to deliver the priorities identified. Itguides and capitalises upon the changes already

occurring in the city centre ensuring the achievementof maximum regeneration potential in a co-ordinatedway. The emphasis is for focussed action within the

city centre over a 15 year period, primarily related topublic sector investment with private sector partnering

to pump-prime regeneration.

The SRF has been endorsed by the City Council andits partners with agreement to support it through thestatutory planning and funding processes. Liverpool

City Council, in their capacity as the local planningand highway authority, will:

“Give…approval to those strategic Action Areas and

proposals which require planning support and…adoptthe appropriate mechanism (e.g. planning framework,planning brief or design guide) to give fuller planning

support to the [SRF].

The movement and public realm objectives of theSRF are:

• “the implementation of a balanced movementstrategy that delivers an approachable andaccessible city centre for all” and

• “The delivery of a unique, high-quality publicrealm that unifies the city centre”.

The public sector will deliver a high quality andaccessible physical environment in terms of

movement and public realm, which needs to besupported and capitalised upon by appropriate private

sector development. It is recognised, that there willbe actions beyond the areas of focus, which will relylargely on incremental private sector investment.

The Action Areas

• Pier Head

• Commercial District

• Castle Street/ Live - Work District

• Cultural Quarter/Lime St Station

• Retail Core

• Kings Waterfront

• Hope Street Quarter

The Supporting Themes

• European Capital of Culture• Movement

• Public Realm

• Community Engagement

• Reinforcing City Communities

• Business Development

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Figure 1 - Key Plan Core Area © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

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The ten year strategy and five year programme

for transport improvement in the Merseyside LocalTransport Plan (LTP) (Merseytravel and STET, July2000) was an opportunity to co-ordinate a transport

strategy with the Strategic Regeneration Frameworkfor Liverpool City Centre.

The Plan features four major schemes, two of whichare in the city centre:

• Hall Lane Gateway, the main gateway to the

city centre from the east, and improved roadaccess from the M62, via Edge Lane;

• Merseytram Light Rail Transit (LRT), a threeline network, starting with Line 1 from the city

centre to Kirby


Liverpool City Council, Liverpool Vision andMerseytravel have prepared the Liverpool City

Centre Movement Strategy (CCMS) (Merseytraveland Liverpool City Council, July 2000), which isa component of the Local Transport Plan and the

Strategic Regeneration Framework. The CCMS isconsistent with the SRF’s theme of “Putting PeopleFirst”. It advocates taking a balanced approach tothe delivery of three key elements of the physical

regeneration process:

• Transport and Movement;

• Urban Design and Public Realm and• Development and Regeneration.

The key elements of the movement strategy are

pedestrian priority areas; high quality public transportcorridors linking existing transport hubs and new

development opportunities; and revised trafficcirculation and parking plans.

Pedestrian priority areas aim to integrate the planningand design of both transport and public realm works.

Incorporating pedestrian friendly urban design as partof the development of transport and infrastructure

investment programmes. The development of a

pedestrian friendly approach is key to creating athriving and vibrant environment that will encourage

people to use the city centre for a whole rangeof activities. As such, the concept of pedestrianpriority spans across both pedestrian movement

and the public realm and contributes towardsthe implementation of the Liverpool City Council

Sustainable Development Plan.

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Part one of the implementation framework presents ahierarchy of pedestrian networks, streets and public

spaces and a public realm framework to guide futuredesign plans for the Core Area.

In its heyday Liverpool created public spaces and

provided streets, squares and parks of the highestquality. Unfortunately high quality standardshave not always been maintained. Today the city

intends to deliver a step change in the quality andconsistency of public realm design, implementationand management to meet the objective of deliveringa “unique high quality public realm”. This will radically

improve the image of the city, stimulating investmentand fostering civic pride.

The public realm includes streets, spaces, views,public transport facilities and public buildings. The

public realm holds the city together and providesthe backdrop and opportunity for social interaction.

Public realm, is the most inclusive element of thecity, as everybody uses it. A successful public realmprovides a well-connected network of spaces that

serves the needs of all. The nature of the publicrealm should reflect the character, history andaspiration of the city.

Streets account for the majority of the public realmenvironment in the city centre. The CCMS will radicallyimprove the quality of this environment through

pedestrian friendly design. The implementationof the Public Realm Framework will improve thewalking environment, creating opportunities forthe rediscovery and development of public spaces

and public activities. Together these policiesshould deliver an unrivalled public environment,visually stimulating, safe and sustainable, providing

opportunities and accessibility for all.


Clear visual structure defines the character andmemorable image of a place and is an essentialaid to orientation and connectivity. Liverpool has a

densely built mercantile city centre with many finepublic buildings, but few public squares and spaces.Over 2000 listed buildings across the city reflect

the richness of Liverpool’s Georgian, Victorian andEdwardian legacy. This heritage culminates in theCore Area, creating a cityscape that eclipses that ofother English cities. At least four highly individual

character areas can be identified as of nationalsignificance – the Pier Head, the Cultural Quarter(Lime Street Gateway), Castle Street conservationarea and the Cavern Quarter. The first three are

within the boundary of the current World HeritageSite nomination, based on their authenticity andconnection to Liverpool’s 18th and 19th century

maritime heritage.

The built form of the city centre is very dense. Astrong grid of principal streets developed organically

from the function of the historic port and the underlyingtopography. Dale Street is the traditional spine of theVictorian and Edwardian commercial core, linking

the Waterfront with the region via the lowest bridgingpoint of the original pool at Old Haymarket. A seriesof east-west streets developed parallel to Dale Street,with a number of linking north-south streets defining a

strong grid of urban blocks that are each served by anabundance of more intimate lanes.

Although the physical fabric of the city centre remainslargely intact, and is protected through Listed Buildingand Conservation Area designations, there is a lackof physical and functional connectivity within the city

centre and between the city centre and the rest ofthe city. This is a result of economic changes andthe imposition of an inappropriate transport plan

in the 1960s, which was insensitive to the need ofpedestrians.

Physical ConnectivityTaking the physical issues first, the Shankland plan of

the 1960s imposed a transport plan on the city centre

to support a comprehensive redevelopment that didnot materialise. The result is a highway infrastructurethat has isolated a number of quarters within the city

centre. The Cultural Quarter, defined by WilliamBrown Street, St Georges Hall and St John’sGardens, is isolated from its surroundings, an island

surrounded by wide streets with fast flows of traffic.The Waterfront is similarly cut-off from the rest of thecity centre by The Strand. The area that links them,the Castle Street conservation area, favours the car

over the pedestrian. The retail quarter (includingthe Cavern Quarter) is a pedestrian orientated area

and offers a degree of respite from the domination oftraffic. Although the general quality of public realm islow, the quarters are composed of intrinsically highquality streetscapes, places, spaces and buildings.

Functional connectivityIn terms of functional connectivity, the commercialand retail functions of the city centre were closely

connected historically, both physically andeconomically. The economic standstill of the pastfew decades has meant that changing businessrequirements have passed Liverpool by, and the city

centre has not physically evolved. This has had the

positive effect of maintaining the historic urban formintact.

The result is that the retail and commercial districtsare now redefining themselves over a wider area andtheir centres of gravity are shifting apart. The core

of the commercial district is moving north into the

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development land behind Mercury Court and upperOld Hall Street and into Princes’ Dock, whilst the MainRetail Area is moving south towards Chavasse Park.

The traditional commercial district is redefining itselfas a live/work/leisure destination that is attractingmuch needed investment to its historic building


To ensure that these redefined economic districts in

the city centre function to their fullest capacity, a well-developed network of streets and spaces is essential.The retail district remains directly connected to theemerging live/work/leisure district centred on Dale

Street, via a series of interconnecting north-southroutes.

The streets north of Dale Street are offset and

less prominent than streets to the south, resultingin potentially very weak linkage between the newCommercial District and the Main Retail Area.

These functional and resultant physical changeswithin the city centre demand a new movementinfrastructure, which is proposed under the CCMS,

including the following:

• traffic management measures;

• the creation of strong north south pedestrianlinkages between the Commercial District andthe Main Retail Area;

• improving general pedestrian permeability

along pedestrian lanes in East and WestMoorfields and Covent Garden and

• improvements to legibility and way-finding.


The aspiration for the whole of the city centre is

to ensure that the safe and enjoyable movementand interaction of pedestrians is given prioritywherever feasible over other modes of transport, inparticular over the car. In developing a pedestrian

priority area, there is a general presumption againstpedestrianisation. The aim is not only to create

a pedestrian friendly environment, but one whichcontinues to serve the wider needs of other streetusers such as car access, service vehicles and publictransport. Pedestrian priority is also more than theintroduction of a series of pedestrian crossings. It

is about the creation of conditions that promotewalking as an enjoyable and efficient way of movingthrough the city, establishing a Walkable City through

the removal of extraneous traffic and the effectivemanagement of it. This allows for the reallocation ofroad space to pedestrians as well as the developmentof facilities that enable pedestrians to move around

an area with ease and the removal of clutter in thepublic realm caused by unnecessary signage andstreet furniture.

Increased city centre living and less distinctionbetween leisure and work time has generated aneed to address after dark requirements regarding

safety, security, orientation and visual appearance.Emphasising key night-time pedestrian networkswith improved qualities of light focused upon the

pedestrian environment rather than traffic needsalone is required. Gateways to the city centre functiondifferently at night. The first and last impression fora visitor will be a car park, train station, taxi rank,

Merseytram or bus stop. Improving the night timeenvironment by highlighting the architectural qualityand character of the city centre will add drama and

provide an added attraction to the city centre for

both visitors and residents. This will be achievedthrough the City Centre Feature Lighting Strategy(Liverpool Vision 2002) and general street lighting


Principal pedestrian routes, linking the main character

areas, architecturally significant buildings and openspaces, form the Key Pedestrian Network (Figure10). This network will incorporate clear signage sothe routes are highly legible to visitors and tourists.

Where a street is required to function as a majorartery for traffic, including bus and Merseytramuse, a solution that ensures maximum pedestriancompatibility will need to be designed.

The areas coloured mustard and yellow on the planare primary spaces. They will have bespoke briefs

written for them. The mustard areas will have some

flexibility in the palette of paving and furniture. Theyellow areas will need to demonstrate continuitywith the general palette of materials identified in the

specification. The palette will continue to apply tothe connections identified in figure 10, thus providingvisual continuity through these special and individual


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Figure 10 - KEY PEDESTRIAN NETWORK  © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

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The CCMS presents an opportunity to replace the

city centre one-way street system with highwaymanagement which will deliver an improvedenvironment and promote economic regeneration.

The design of these streets, their landscape, buildingfrontages and the creation of quality public spacesare all dependent on an integrated approach, with

individual streets only being addressed in the contextof others. The streets in the city centre will bedesigned so that pedestrians, cyclists and vehiclescan utilise these safely. This will incorporate the

following principles:

• management of vehicles within pedestrianpriority areas on a predominantly 20mph

network;• provision of safe and legible driving

environments minimising the need for signs,

especially those concerned with traffic direction

and control;• enhancement of all streets for pedestrians andcyclists;

• streets acting as ‘shop windows’ to city centrequarters; and

• facilitating sustainable maintenance and

management regimes.

In addition, these streets will be transformed into highquality urban environments by:

• development of active frontages and pedestrianfocussed lighting schemes along key pedestrian

routes to increase perceptions of safety;• creating balance through reallocation of

highway space to pedestrians, cyclists andpublic transport;

• improving engineering design to create streets

not roads, adopting a simple, high quality andcontinuous surface treatment;

• reinforcing pedestrian desire lines as an

integral part of street design;• improving way finding, including the introduction

of visitor information systems on the street,

principally through the Connecting LiverpoolIniative.

• removing superfluous and obsolete street itemsand rationalising those remaining;

• establishing urban design principles forfrontages including the introduction ofpavement activities eg. pavement cafes andwell managed or presented street trading;

• introducing tree planting, public art and lightingin a strategic manner to enhance the publicrealm;

• incorporating the requirements of the

Merseyside Code of Practice on Access andMobility (SURFACE, 2002) into all designs and• developing positive open spaces, including

streets with clear definition, enclosure and noambiguity or ‘left over’ space or clutter.

Other issues requiring full consideration will include:

• daily servicing of and access to buildings andpublic spaces, including emergency access;

• intermittent access to commercial andresidential buildings for deliveries andremovals;

• provision for disabled persons parking permitholders;

• provision of adequate taxi ranking facilitiesand

• provision of secure cycle parking facilities.

The balanced reallocation of highway space for

pedestrians over vehicles is likely to result in theremoval and relocation of some on-street parking.On-street disabled parking and managed off-street

parking will maintain maximum access to the citycentre. Allowing evening access and parking insome areas where restrictions apply during the day

will maintain activity and security to support boththe evening economy and access for the widercommunity.

The streets in the city centre have been categorisedinto several types, classified and treated according totheir functional and capacity requirements to providea street hierarchy:

• Strategic Boulevards & Streets.• Transit Streets.

• City Streets.

• Retail Streets.• Pedestrian Lanes.

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Strategic Streets:

St Anne StreetNorton StreetSeymour StreetCopperas HillRenshaw Street

Strategic Boulevards:

StrandKing Edward StreetByrom StreetHunter Street

 © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

Strategic Boulevards & Streets

Strategic Streets will tend to direct vehicles on route

to other centres around the city on their approach tokey gateways.

The Strategic Road Network in the Core Area willinclude the Strand and King Edward Street in thewest; St Anne Street, Norton Street, Seymour Street,

Copperas Hill and Renshaw Street in the east; ByromStreet and Hunter Street to access the Queenswaytunnel from the north and east.

The SRF requires the creation of a new strategic linkbetween Leeds Street and St Anne Street, which willremove extraneous traffic from Byrom Street andHunter Street in the future, allow Byrom Street and

Hunter Street to become Strategic Boulevards, whilstmaintaining access to the Queensway tunnel.

Chapel Street, Tithebarn Street, Great Crosshall

Street and the Churchill Way flyover (north) will bedowngraded from the Strategic Road Network to Cityor Transit Streets with 20mph limits, two way with

contraflow bus lanes to ensure that this route is not a‘rat run’ for through traffic.

The SRF requires the creation of a maritimeboulevard along the full length of the Strand(continuing along Leeds Street in the north andParliament Street in the east), providing pedestrian

priority throughout its length. The objective for TheStrand is to create a boulevard in a city streetscapewith enhanced pedestrian crossings to support desire

lines and alleviate the barrier between the waterfrontand city centre. It is proposed that the boulevardsand strategic streets including those outside thecore identified in Table 1 will have black asphalt

carriageways, with granite kerbs and channels.The Strand in particular provides an opportunity forextensive tree planting and public art.

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 © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.Figure 12 - CITY AND TRANSIT STREETS

City Streets:

Brownlow HillBrunswick StreetCastle StreetChapel StreetCheapsideChurchill WayCook StreetCovent Garden

Crosshall StreetDale StreetExchange Street EastFenwick StreetGeorges Pier HeadGeorge’s DockwayGreat Crosshall StreetHale StreetHanover StreetHatton GardenJames StreetJohnson StreetLime StreetLondon RoadLord Street

Mann IslandMoor StreetMooreldsNorth StreetNorth John StreetPall MallRanelagh Street

Rumford StreetSir Thomas StreetSt. John’s LaneSt. Nicholas PlaceStanley StreetTithebarn StreetTrueman StreetVauxhall Road

Vernon StreetVictoria StreetWater StreetWhitechapel

Transit Streets:

Brownlow HillEliott StreetChapel StreetCharlotte StreetChurchill WayDale StreetGreat Crosshall Street

Hood StreetLime StreetRoe StreetSt Johns StreetTithebarn StreetWater StreetWhitechapel

Table 2

City & Transit Streets

City and Transit Streets in the Core Area are

characterised by a mix of uses. They will be open toall traffic, have a 20 mph speed limit and a preferencefor two-way running. They will have asphalt

carriageways, granite kerbs and granite pavingflags. Tree planting and public art will generally berestricted to respect the quality of the architecture

and reduce clutter.

Public transport in the form of Merseytram or buswill be concentrated in Transit Streets throughpartial or complete removal of private traffic. Paving

materials will match City Streets and incorporatepublic transport requirements. Where these routesinclude Merseytram there will be specific details and

infrastructure to consider.

Some streets will have a dual role as both transit

and city streets, and will need to strike a firm balancebetween public transport, vehicle access, cycling andpedestrians. These include Whitechapel, Dale Streetand Water Street, Tithebarn St. and Chapel St

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Figure 13 - RETAIL STREETS  © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

Retail Streets

Retail Streets are characterised by predominantly

retail uses, are largely pedestrianised with sharedsurfaces for service, maintenance and emergencyaccess during restricted hours. These streets provide

the flexibility for additional public space functions suchas markets and festivals to occur without disruption tocity centre traffic management. It is proposed that

the streets will be paved with large granite setts todemarcate service vehicle areas, granite kerbs andgranite paving flags. These streets provide someopportunity for tree planting and public art.

Retail Streets:

Basnett StreetBold StreetChurch AlleyChurch StreetDawson StreetHoughton StreetLeigh StreetLord Street

Parker StreetRichmond Street

South John StreetTarleton StreetWhitechapel StreetWilliamson Street

Table 3

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It is proposed that the lanes will be paved in a varietyof ways depending upon their function. Lanes thatprovide key linkage in the wider pedestrian network

will be renewed with granite pavements, kerbs andsett carriageways where vehicles are expected. Otherlanes will be repaired and renewed as appropriate to

their function and appropriate budget allocation.


Pedestrian Lanes:Buttun StreetCheapside AlleyCumberland StreetCunliff StreetDavies StreetDrury Lane SouthDrury Lane NorthErberle StreetHackens HeyHarrington Street

Hockenhall AlleyLeather LaneLower Castle StreetMatthew Street

Old HaymarketPeter StreetPreston StreetProgress PlaceQueen AvenueRyleys GardensStanley StreetSweeting StreetTempest HeyTemple Street

Temple CourtTemple LaneTower GardensVernon Street

Table 4

 © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

Pedestrian Lanes

Pedestrian Lanes are the small-scale streets in the

city centre used for accessing local buildings. Theywill be pedestrian dominated environments with verylimited vehicle access for servicing and access to

properties, preventing the existence and creation of‘rat-runs’. The Lanes should be enhanced to createmore inviting and higher quality pedestrian places,

encourage development and address servicingissues.

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There are a range of public space types within the city

centre that will require varying design approachesin response to both the requirements of adjacentbuilding users, transient city centre users and visualsettings. Bespoke design briefs will be prepared for

each of these spaces.

Some general principles, which should apply tobespoke designs are:

1. natural stone floorscapes;2. paving sizes, which reflect the scale of the

space eg. the over-predominance of smallscale setts is inappropriate for large spaces;

3. artists should be involved in the design from

concept stage;4. lighting should be an intrinsic part of the


The spaces have been illustratively categorised intoseveral types:

• Gateways and approaches• Major Squares & Gardens• Water Squares• City Squares

• Garden Courts• Public Buildings

Gateways & ApproachesGateways and approaches are points of arrival andtransition that can be transport interchanges and

car parks, or important points on the edge of thecity centre or city centre quarters where a functionalchange occurs. It is important to clearly mark thesechanges to prevent the indistinguishable blurring of

the edges and to provide a sense of arrival.

Major Squares & GardensThe major squares and gardens are the ‘Face ofLiverpool’ and include the spaces around St. Georges

Hall and the Pier Head. These are the most complexspaces in the city centre and perform many functions.Within them are gateways and entrances, spaces

that provide a setting for important buildings, spacesthat functionally serve important buildings and thosethat provide for informal recreation or serve a civic

function. To be successful, they must be designedwith enough flexibility to accommodate multiplicity ofuse or the staging of events.

Water SpacesLiverpool’s waterfront provides the most familiarimage of the city and is a principal economicasset. The city needs to further capitalise upon its

historical dock system. This dock system providesthe potential for the creation of ‘water squares’ thatprovide concentrated pedestrian activity at their

edges and water-based activity in their centres. Thedevelopment of the 4th Grace and public facilities atKings Dock will be a catalyst for public realm activityaround the dock system that will revitalise this unique


It is also important to remember the origins of

Liverpool, which is the now culverted Pool that linkedthe Cultural Quarter with the Mersey via Whitechapeland Canning Place. The river has long gone butthe valley remains, providing a potential context for

reinterpretation through public arts that re-establishesthis link and reinforces pedestrian movement.

City SquaresCity Squares include Williamson Square, QueenSquare, Derby Square, Castle Street and ExchangeFlags, as well as a number of sub-spaces within the

major squares. Williamson Square has been providedwith a new fountain, which will enliven the space,

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whilst leaving a multi-functional area for stagingevents. Derby Square, Castle Street and ExchangeFlags must be designed as one place, which will

provide a backdrop to the unique setting of CastleSt. A new commercial square is proposed within theCommercial District as part of a masterplan, which

seeks to create a new high quality business address.

Each of these squares will generate their own unique

set of requirements and identity, dependant upon thecity quarter in which they are located. Each space willalso be part of a public space network and as suchmust contribute to the legibility of the city centre.

Garden CourtsGarden Courts include small gardens within theCastle Street Live/Work district. They are intimate

spaces, primarily serving their adjacent buildingsand communities and are usually ‘discovered’,which creates a richness of experience for the visitor

and citizen alike. They may be semi-public/privatespaces.

Public Buildings

All accessible parts of public buildings are publicspaces. Properly considered, this experience canbe extended beyond the front door of the building

into the public realm. This can include the provisionof outside exhibition/performance space, meeting orlunching space or even the linking of related buildingsor activities. These relationships should be exploited

where appropriate.

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Figure 15 - CITY SPACES  © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

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Figure 16 - COMPOSITE FRAMEWORK PLAN  © Crown copyright. All rights reserved The City of Liverpool, LA076228, 2004.

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A Public Art Strategy (Modus Operandi, 2002) has

been prepared for the city centre that identifies arange of connective themes and starting points -physical, infrastructural, elemental and interpretive- that provide the context for specific project

recommendations. These contextual themes includeartists’ involvement in the design process of:

• Spaces: Streets, squares and gardens.• Gateways: marking points of arrival and

departure.• Connections: linkage across the city, serial

artworks, layering the city, vistas.• Transport & Interchange: structures and

infrastructure, routes and journeys.

• Water: Light: Street furniture.• Monuments and memorials.• Interpretation: legibility; access; documentation;

mapping the city.

• Environment: archaeology; ecology;sustainability.

• Interactive works: the media; the digital city.

• Live art: celebratory events and festivals.

This flexible framework of conceptual approachesprovides a context, against which a range of specificprojects can be identified, funded and organised.

Independent public art initiatives by individuals ororganisations must also be co-ordinated within thisframework.

Public art can play an important role in creating asense of place. It needs to be integrated with thepublic realm programme to be successful. A single

point of co-ordination and responsibility is required forpublic art, with officers from the arts and public realmworking closely together in conjunction with those

experienced in commissioning arts projects. Publicart should be an integral part of all bespoke designbriefs for public spaces, with artists commissioned towork with the design team from concept stage.

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There is little traditional Liverpool street furniture

remaining in the city centre, but there is an emphasison heavy-duty metal fittings as would be expectedin a maritime city. Apart from the moorings at thewaterfront, original Corporation of Liverpool bollards

tend to be square section, often with a ribbed finish.

The repaving of the city centre will create a simpleuncluttered environment and the cluttering effectsof poorly considered and sited street furniture mustnot destroy this clarity. As with paving, there arefunctional requirements that should direct the choice

and siting of street furniture. The aim is to createa harmonious environment between buildings,floorscape, tree planting, public art and furniture. It is

possible to create an environment that can anticipateadditions to the street scene over time (telephoneboxes, additional signs etc) by creating zones forthese elements with appropriate paved surfaces such

as edging strips to minimise damage.

As with paving, street furniture must be fit for purpose,

simple and unifying and sustainable through life-timecosting. It should be of a scale appropriate to itslocation. The waterfront may require larger, morerobust furniture, whereas small public open spaces

may require smaller individual items. Designs mustbe robust to cope with intense usage, weathering& potential vandalism. Street furniture should be

designed at the outset with DDA requirements inmind, rather than the requirements being appliedretrospectively. The design should aim to achieve a

balance between the requirements for contrast andthe quality of visual appearance.

To promote a sense of place, local solutions based on

Liverpool types should be used where such examplesexist. Where this is not possible, bespoke designsshould be used. More details are given in Part Two.


Lighting is now recognised as an important component

in creating a successful city, particularly in stimulatingthe evening and tourist economy. There are twoaspects to lighting the city, feature lighting and streetlighting. The Feature Lighting Strategy for the City

Centre (Liverpool Vision, 2002) has developed frombest practice established in other European cities,

but is unique to Liverpool, recognising the inherentopportunities and constraints.

Feature LightingThe most important aspect of the proposed strategy is

to keep it simple and thus deliverable and sustainable.Liverpool is famous for the quality of its architectureand the first principle of the lighting strategy is to

enhance and emphasise this unique feature. Whitelight will be used extensively throughout, with the soleintention of unifying the urban fabric and reinforcingroutes through it.

The Feature Lighting Strategy has four simplecomponents that will deliver a step change through

the concentration of resources. The first componentis the lighting of ‘beacons’. This includes all therecognisable symbols of Liverpool (Cathedrals,Graces etc) that are seen from a distance and

experienced on approaches to the city centre. Thesecond and third components are the CulturalQuarter and Waterfront, again recognisable symbols

of Liverpool and gateways to the city centre. Thefourth component is the Core Area between theCultural Quarter and the Waterfront.

There is scope for more inovative and artistic lightingdesign and this will be developed along with publicart features.

Street LightingIn support of this strategy, each public space andstreet should be lit in a complementary manner to

support the concept of continuity and connectivity inpublic realm design. It is important to note however,that sustainability (including energy efficiency),

reduction in light pollution, recognition of highway

safety standards and ease of maintenance are pre-requisites of any design proposal. The daytimeappearance of lighting columns, lamps, fixtures and

fittings must be carefully considered. Streetlights canbe one of the strongest influences on the appearanceof a street, dominating the streetscape and creating

clutter. In general, a contemporary approach tolighting design is promoted.

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Liverpool City Centre has a dense form, to both

maximise land use and provide shelter from theharsh maritime environment. The ‘greening’ ofthis environment must be carefully consideredand executed to protect the visual quality of the

architectural heritage as well as ensuring that theplanting survives. Many streets in the city centre

would be ruined by the indiscriminate planting oftrees whilst others such as the Strand would greatlybenefit.

The following principles must be considered when

contemplating any planting:

• Trees should provide for the functions of

enhancement, focus and or intimacy. Theyshould positively contribute to the quality ofspace that is being designed and should not beincorporated arbitrarily.

• The overall aim should be for quality ratherthan quantity, achieved through the creation of

strategically located planting and the creationof ‘green oases’. Planting maybe inappropriatein many locations. Where it is undertaken, itshould have real impact, in terms of its scale,

location and nature.

• Planting should not be used where it would

obscure important features and facades ortraffic sight line requirements.

• Planting must be sustainable. It must be in aposition where it will be able to survive in itsenvironment and flourish. Large specimentrees are less vulnerable to vandalism.

• It must also be remembered that trees growand the choice of species must match theavailability of space for the tree when mature.

Trees in cities contribute enormously to physicaland psychological well-being, yet the city is a hostile

environment for trees. Street trees are best planted

directly into the ground. Even so, their roots are likelyto be cramped by buildings and street foundations,and constrained by underground cables and pipes.

They face damage from vehicles and vandals, andcontend with air and soil pollution. Surroundingpavements typically allow neither air nor water to

reach the roots that extend below them.

Tree planting locations must consider light and shelterrequirements and coordinate with underground

services to promote successful establishment.Suitably protected and off the main circulation route,survival rates are further enhanced by planting rows

of trees in extended pits rather than in individualholes. If sufficient space cannot be found, it is betterto forego trees altogether. Tree grilles maintain thecontinuity of paving around trees, protect and aerate

tree root systems and allow rainwater irrigation. Treegrilles are also an important visual design element.When trees are planted they should be high quality

semi-mature specimens, placed in locations andconditions where they can flourish.

Other forms of planting should only be used where

they can positively enhance a particular urban

environment. All too often they are used as spacefillers or barriers, instead of being an integral part of

the overall design. Permanent planters, containersor raised beds are comparatively expensive, theyincur high maintenance costs, they do not always

provide ideal conditions for plant growth and shouldbe discouraged. Opportunities for appropriateplanting are limited and it is anticipated that the only

opportunities for such planting within the city centre,would be in St Johns Gardens, Chavasse Park andalong the Strand corridor.

Undertaking planting in the city centre in a strategicand thoughtful manner will positively contributeto the delivery of a unique and high quality public

realm. This can be enhanced through the inclusionof temporary arts and planting displays that areseasonal or related to particular festivals, if delivered

with skill, sensitivity and style.

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This section of the document concentrates on theestablishment of design principles and construction

quality parameters for the city centre. It presentsspecifications for paving, furniture, planting andlighting supported by a defined palette of robustmaterials and generic details.

The previous section established a street andpublic space hierarchy based on varying functions,

movement patterns and aspirations. This sectionidentifies how this should be transferred physicallyto the streets and spaces within the city centre. Theformulation of a ‘palette’ of materials and ‘image’ of the

streets and spaces initially requires the establishmentof objectives on a cross-centre scale. The palettechoice needs to address how to reflect intrinsic

street character whilst also achieving continuityof movement, flow and, with it, connectivity. The

streetscape objectives can therefore be summarisedas being:

• Continuity- unification of built fabric to reinforce legibility.

- consistent quality design outcome.

• Connectivity- consistent street treatment along major

transport and pedestrian spines.- reinforcement of legibility to aid orientation.

• Character

- townscape, not street treatment, definingcharacter.

- respond to character through simple unifying

palette of complementary materials.

It is accepted that that these objectives are not alwaysmutually reinforcing, so there will be a degree ofcompromise with priorities being established through

a street by street reconciliation of issues. Overall,continuity will be the major objective, and thereforethe strongest deciding factor, followed by connectivity

and finally character.

The design of the public realm should not exaggeratethe diverse character of the city centre further.

Using a simple palette of complementary materials,the architecture of an area and the activities of itsinhabitants should be encouraged to give characterto the streets instead. Character should be reflected

in the streetscape through the quality of materials (inboth design and workmanship) and variations in scaleand the use of area quarters, with branding restricted

to subtle design intervention to better achievecontinuity. The size and scale of materials withinindividual streets will vary according to the relativeposition within the hierarchy from larger units within

City Streets to smaller within Pedestrian Lanes.


The city centre contains some of the finest 19th

Century architecture and ornamental cityscape inthe World, an asset that demands a high qualityresponse in the public realm, particularly in the designof the floorscape. The floor of the city is the element

upon which this architecture sits and therefore willbe unified or fragmented by it. Traditionally the

floorscape unified the city and the continuity of thistradition is the major objective of this implementationframework.

The predominant traditional paving materials within

the city centre were granite and Yorkstone. Granitewas widely used in the city centre for road surfacesand kerbs, specialist purposes such as surrounds

to pavement lights, the base and entrance steps tobuildings and for dockside copings and edges.

In common with other ports, the roads of Liverpool

were surfaced with granite sets of varying size andtype. The kerbs and channels traditionally used inLiverpool were predominantly sourced from North

Wales granites. These sources are now rare anduneconomic, although similar stone is economicallyavailable from other countries.

The Yorkstone paving flags traditionally used inthe city centre were riven (split) hard sandstonesfinished in random sizes, demanding great skill and

labour intensity to lay them. These traditional hardsandstones, and the skills to lay them, are now in veryshort supply making it an uneconomic and unreliable

material to specify. Although technology hasexpanded the available range of paving materials, themodern sandstones offered are soft and not durableenough to withstand the pressures of the modern city

and the climate in Liverpool.

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Traditionally the pallete of materials in the city centrehas been simple and robust, as has the pattern oftheir design layouts. Analysis of successful traditional

paving in the city centre illustrates that rarely is therea change in material or surface pattern without apractical purpose. Building upon this tradition, a

number of paving functions have been identified to setthe specification for this implementation framework.The most important is to provide a hard, dry, non-slip,

durable, easily maintainable surface that will carry theload of traffic asked of it. In achieving this functionthe sub-base construction quality is as fundamentalas the surface material. This is supported by several

less tangible functions:

• To reinforce character. Paving brings unity todiverse places or gives character to nebulous

areas that need a common backgroundor idea. Successful paving reinforces thelatent character dictated by the space and

its activities, which should not be usurpedby alien paving patterns or an infinite varietyof materials. Design detail consolidates andcreates character and an immense variety is

obtainable within a limited range of materials.Detail design should respect and enhanceexisting character where it meets quality

thresholds. Whatever the character, the surfacemust be tough and durable and improve withage.

• To guide people by providing a sense ofdirection. Examples include pedestrian routesacross squares and parks, or, service vehicle

routes through pedestrian areas. To besuccessful, routes must be direct. However, ifthe unity of the space is to be preserved, thechange of colour and texture must be subtle.

• To provide a sense of repose. Neutral, non-directional paving has the effect of haltingpeople. Areas of sitting, meeting or gazing to

distant views should be paved in this way.

• To indicate a hazard by change of material

or pattern. This technique must be usedconsistently to provide its own language. Forexample, paved junctions at side streets warn

drivers that they are crossing or enteringa pedestrian environment. The change inmaterial should also be responsive to therequirement of a tougher material for vehicles

in the pedestrian environment.

• To reduce scale. Introducing a changeof material to affect the scale of a space

requires care and subtlety to avoid making thepaving overly important. Paving should notaggressively proclaim its presence but provide

background to the city centre streets. Practicalrequirements provide an aesthetic means ofreducing scale. Drainage channels acrosspavings provide a classic example.

The extent of quality architecture across the citycentre demands a commensurate first-class public

realm across the same area. This dictates that therecan be no tailing-off of quality. The choice of pavingmaterials and design detailing must be capableof satisfying all of these functions. They can be

summarised into the following requirements:

• Be fit for purpose and hard wearing.

• Be simple and unifying.• Be sustainable through life-time costing / 


Considering the above requirements, natural stonehas been selected (in preference to concrete productswith replica finish) for its traditional relevance to

Liverpool, its robustness in serving these functionsand its value for money over its design lifetime. Wherestreets are to be completely renewed, granite paving,

kerbs and channels are recommended. Wherestreets are to be refurbished / repaired (PedestrianLanes only) reclaimed kerbs and setts may be used.

Other materials may be appropriate within squaresand public open spaces, and will be considered withinthe context of individual designs, although continuityis expected throughout the city centre. For example,

it will be appropriate to pave the areas around theCultural Quarter with reclaimed Yorkstone, but withgranite paving demarking the key pedestrian routes,providing a harder wearing surface, legibility and


It is essential that these high quality materials be

properly laid. This requires the highest standardsin public realm design, specification, installationand supervision including both the surface materialand underlying construction and fundamentally, the

interface between the two. Traditional Liverpooldetails will be used in creating a new pavingvocabulary for the city centre with a simple ‘Liverpool’

paving layout that consistently addresses functionalrequirements.

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Table1: Hierarchy of preferred Street Surfacing

Street Type Carriageway Kerbs/  


Footway Paving Paving Trim

STRATEGIC STREET Thin wearingcourse

Granite Granite (Type 3) Yes

TRANSIT STREET Bus Thin wearingcourse

Granite Granite (Type 3) Yes

Tram Thin wearingcourse

Granite Granite (Type 3) Yes

CITY STREET Thin wearingcourse

Granite Granite (Type 2) No

RETAIL STREET Setts (Large) Granite Setts (Med) No

PEDESTRIAN LANES Servicing Thin wearingcourse

Granite Granite (Type 1) No

Pedestr ian Setts (Pedn) Granite Granite (Type 1) No


To meet the criteria outlined above, it isrecommended that flame textured granite pavingshould be used throughout the city centre street andTable 1 summarises the hierarchy of street surfacing.

Table 2 (in appendix 1) summarises the surface

specification based upon recommendations from theNatural Stone Surfacing Good Practice Guide

(SCOTGUIDE, 1999).

Service covers must be re-set to align with theprevailing paving pattern where practicable. Paving

inset and high quality metal covers are preferred.

Plastic covers are not acceptable. Where a numberof small covers occur together (notably water stopcocks) they should be framed and set in a cementmatrix matching the surrounding paving.

Where buildings discharge rainwater drainage ontothe pavement, an appropriate channel detail will berequired to transfer the water across the pavement

into the street gutter.

Note 1 Retail streets are shared surface and so have nofootway paving. The streets do however have a edge treatmentwhich for the propose of this schedule is classed as the footway.

Note 2 Refer to appendix for more detail and footwaypaving catagories.


Strategic Streets

Asphalt remains the most appropriate material forstreets used by all vehicles. The ‘strategic and transitstreets’ have a skid resistance requirement that willonly be satisfied by using ‘black’ asphalt. The ‘city

streets’ that specify all traffic access should also beblack asphalt.

Retail Streets

These are largely primary streets where public realmquality should be highest. They are shared surfacewith ‘footways’ distinguished by the use of medium

setts and defined by channels. Large unit granitesetts are proposed for the paving of the carriageway,which defines the ‘service’ road within the street.

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Pedestrian LanesSome Pedestrian Lanes will be paved in granite setts

(newly laid and repaired existing) and some in asphaltdepending upon the level of traffic, pedestrian priority,use/quality and available budget. The size of settsspecified will depend upon availability of reclaimed

setts from the city centre or historic precedent. It maybe appropriate to raise some Pedestrian Lanes to thelevel of the pavements to create complete shared


Kerbs and ChannelsNew granite kerbs 200mm deep, 300mm wide

with a bevelled edge or pencil round sufficient toremove fragile arises and a standard length of 1.0mare proposed for all streets in the city centre. The

nominal height of these kerbs will be 100mm. Acomplementary channel is also proposed, replicatinghistoric detailing. The cross-section of the channelwill be similar to the kerbs but a standard length of


Junctions & Cross-oversTraditionally where side streets meet primary streetsthe hierarchy and pedestrian priority was reinforcedusing granite paving. Bespoke details at street junctions were the norm, historically. This included

broader kerbs, and changes in paving size and texturecatering for the tremendous wear at these points.The use of robust standard details, incorporating drop

crossings at street junctions, is crucial for durabilityand to satisfy DDA requirements.




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NOTEFlexibility will be required atcorners where one or bothfootways are narrow (less than4 metres in width), since inthese cases the typical detailsillustrated here may not bepossible. When designingcorners where footways areless than 4 metres in width

regard should be had to therequirements identied on page23.

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Signs, Lines & Other Highway MarkingsTaking care in the design of the public realm to

deliver an uncluttered and high quality environmentcan be immediately undone through the applicationof highway regulations and standards for signageand road markings. Dealing with these issues at the

design stage will eliminate most if not all of thesedeficiencies.

English Heritage has also published documents on

the subject and many urban centres have successfullyincorporated a more sensitive approach to thisissue. The range of options includes the mounting

of signs on buildings or concentrated on one pole / lamp column; using minimum width line-markingsin more muted colours; or in some cases, replacing

line-markings altogether with unobtrusive signs. Forexample, where double yellow lines are necessary,these should be 50mm wide in primrose yellowthroughout the Core Area to provide consistency

with conservation area planning guidance. Yellowor double yellow line-markings, which restrict parkingmay be replaced with controlled parking zone signs

on entry to an area.

Bus StopsSmartbus requires higher granite kerbs set at

160mm, profiled to match Kassel KK160 kerbs. Theprofile of the kerb is designed to withstand abrasionfrom vehicles and guide buses into the bus stop. The

160mm kerb height allows passengers to embark/ disembark level with the bus. Incorporating these kerbrequirements into the urban environment needs eachcase to be treated on its own merits to ensure that the

design is sympathetic to local circumstances.

Wherever possible, design will seek to minimise the

kerb’s visual impact on the street scene, comply withDDA and maintain a visually flat pavement. Theoptimum design solution maintains existing back of

pavement levels at building frontages and providesa nominal 2.5% cross-fall towards the kerb fordrainage. This avoids both the need for drainage

channels at the back of pavement, potential wateringress to properties and minimises slip hazards.

Paving materials are to comply with this specification,for which granite paving and kerbs will be required.Funding will need to be identified when this

specification is required.

Access and MobilityAll public realm must be compliant with the Disability

Discrimination Act (DDA). The Merseyside Codeof Practice on Access and Mobility (2002) adviseson the application of details designed to overcomecommon public realm problems in existing situations,

including continuous level changes and traffic priorityover pedestrians. All designers must adhere to thisreference document, which is periodically updated.

DDA 1995 Part 1 covering employment furtherrights of access came into force on 1/10/99 and the

final Rights of access part III will come into forceon 1/10/04. it is this third part that will most affect

highway functions in that service providers have tomake reasonable adjustments to overcome physicalbarriers to access.

Pedestrian priority is at the heart of this ImplementationFramework and through a comprehensive approachto the regeneration of streets and spaces, most

access and mobility issues will be addressed atscheme design stage. Where there is a need forintervention it will be incorporated into designs in a

high quality manner.

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Variants to the PaletteThere are situations where a slight variation from

the proposed palette may be desirable in order toreflect a local feature, character or need. Great careshould be taken to avoid departing from the palette

completely, as there will be a general presumptionagainst the introduction of new surfacing materials.In particular, the granite kerbs, channels and robust

corner details will be a constant. Places wherevariants may be appropriate will include bespokedesigns for public squares and spaces.

Reclaimed MaterialsThe majority of traditional materials in the city centreare now over 100 years old. To be successfully reused

they need to be removed from site and professionallyre-dressed. This process will use modern equipmentand will include the tumbling of granite setts, the

resizing of Yorkstone slabs and granite kerbs, andthe salvaging of special details. Stockpiling thesematerials at Liverpool City Council depot will provide

both a source of ‘repair’ materials for existing streetsand spaces as well as identifying the exact quantitiesof reusable materials before designs are drawn-up.

Recycling of these historic materials is bothsustainable and provides an opportunity for trainingprogrammes in public realm paving skills. However,the salvaging and use of reclaimed materials involves

a greater level of labour cost and supervision toachieve the desired result. Variance in the thicknessand finish of Yorkstone slabs and kerbs, even after

redressing, will make it difficult to achieve the rightresults on the main streets of the city centre.

The Cultural Quarter from Lime Street Gateway

to Old Haymarket and the Town Hall, set on itsexisting Yorkstone plinth, will continue to reinforcethe Yorkstone setting of these set pieces. The use

of reclaimed Yorkstone and granite kerbs and settsshould therefore be restricted to either public spacedesigns in the Cultural Quarter, the Town Hall settingor the streets in the Georgian Canning area to the

south east of the city centre.

Where Pedestrian Lanes are being repaired and

not replaced, it will be appropriate to re-use kerbs.The re-use of setts will also be appropriate for thePedestrian Lanes for both repairs and replacement.


The colour for all street furniture should be dark grey.The specified product will be R8050 (micacious ironoxide paint by Leigh’s Paints) or equal approved,unless street furniture is specified in stainless steel.

SeatingSeats are the most important pieces of furniture in thecity. They must be plentiful and well placed to attract

use; comfortable; ergonomically designed; providewind shelter and protection from noise and danger.Seats must be accessible, particularly for elderly or

disabled people and should comply with DDA.

Where seating is intended for short periods, naturalstone seats and benches should preferably be used.

This allows for robust designs, which are likely tostand the test of time in terms of both wear, tearand fashion. They will provide a strong unifying link

to the floor plane and are visually simple, reducingthe appearance of street clutter. In squares andgreen spaces, timber slatted benches may be moreappropriate as they offer increased comfort for longer

periods of use. Finally, the seating arrangementsshould provide for sociability.

Kiosks, Shelters and CanopiesThere is a requirement for a range of structures in the

city centre that are pieces of architecture in their ownright. These concession structures, automatic publicconveniences, bus shelters and Merseytram sheltersor canopies line the principal transit and city streets

and appear in public spaces. These buildings mustpreferably be architect designed, appropriate for their

location, sited with consideration for their environmentand well co-ordinated.

Where appropriate, such structures may provide morethan one function so long as it does not create conflict

of interest that would discourage their use. Forexample, transport interchanges will host a numberof facilities including information points, telephones,toilets, concessions, cycle facilities and utility boxes.

The rationalisation and grouping of street furniturein this way reduces clutter and maintenance andcreates a critical mass of facilities.

CyclesSecure cycle racks should encourage demandand be placed where they are likely to be used

without causing obstruction or clutter. They must beoverlooked and well lit at night to make them secure.Larger concentrations of cycle parking will create a

destination in their own right, therefore other facilitiescould be concentrated around them. The standarddetail shown will be in stainless steel. To complywith DDA requirements this will be fabricated with

recessed details at the top of the cycle rack posts,which will be painted matt black prior to delivery on


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Information Points and SignageSigns contribute more to visual clutter than anythingelse in the public realm. Pedestrian signage

is required at key arrival and destination pointsto provide general visitor information, transportconnections, directions to adjacent attractions

and facilities. Connectivity throughout the citycentre will be reinforced through the introductionof a communication and interpretation strategy that

will navigate pedestrians through a hierarchicalprogramme of signs and convey information morecoherently.

Thoughtful selection and location of signs will createvisual order and convey information coherently.Signs must be kept to a minimum and where possible,should be mounted on other constructed elements

such as buildings, walls and other street furniture.Where several signs are required at a single location,they should be mounted on one support and the size

of sign reduced to the statutory minimum.

Traffic signs have three separate functions -directional, warning and regulatory. The Highways

Authority sets out the statutory requirements, butworking within these regulations there is scope forreducing the subsequent visual clutter by combining

these signs either together, or by placement onstreet furniture. Wherever possible signage shouldbe positioned within the 600mm granite trim detailproposed within wider pavements. Designs and

colours should also be co-ordinated with darkerneutral colours used for poles and the back of signs.

Guidance to better practice is contained in TrafficAdvisory Leaflet 01/96: Traffic Management inHistoric Areas (D&T) and Planning Policy GuidanceNote 15: Planning and the Historic Environment


(ODPM). English Heritage has also publisheddocuments on the subject and many urban centres

have successfully incorporated a more sensitiveapproach to this issue.

Highway Equipment BoxesThe impact of these boxes can be minimised bythoughtful siting against buildings or incorporated into

other structures. These artefacts can also be paintedneutral colours and coated to prevent fly posting.Where several are required in close vicinity, theyshould be placed adjacent to each other to reduce

their impact on the surrounding public realm.

Guard RailThere will be a presumption against the use of

pedestrian guard railing. Road Safety Audits shouldbe carried out to prevent the use of arbitrary pedestriansafety features. The introduction of a pedestrian

friendly city centre and 20mph-priority zone shouldreduce the requirements for such facilities.


The primary function of bollards is to restrict vehicularmovement and for this purpose, they need to berobust.

Mercantile Maritime BollardThe most appropriate bollard design for the CityCentre is the traditional one implemented by the

Corporation of Liverpool, which should be copiedin ductile iron, painted dark grey in R8050 with agloss finish. Care must be taken to avoid excessive

street clutter through over use. In order to meetrequirements of the DDA, the top three ribs of themercantile bollard may be painted with a white glossstrip.



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Column Mounted Light

Where lighting columns are necessary they mustbe designed in scale with their setting and havesufficient strength to perform more than one functionwhich may include the carrying of signage and other

necessary street furniture. The layout and spacingof units should respond to the requirements of the

street/space, both functionally and aesthetically,minimising street clutter whilst ensuring adequatelevels of illumination.

• Pedestrian Lanes - In Pedestrian Lanes and

narrower Retail Streets where column lightingis required, the selected unit is the Urbis ZX1, 2or 3 or equal approved.

• Strategic, City and Transit Streets - In Strategic,City and Transit Streets and wider RetailStreets, where greater lux levels are required,the selected unit is Dover by DW Windsor or

equal approved.

Wall Mounted Light

Building mounted lighting should be encouragedalong Pedestrian Lanes or Retail Streets, wherestreets are narrow and columns would create apedestrian obstacle on the pavements or shared

surfaces. Opportunities to accommodate lightingfrom buildings in other areas will help to reducestreet clutter. Effective building owner consultation

and relevant statutory consents will be required. Theselected building mounted unit is the Urbis NeosFloodlight 1,2, or 3 or equal approved.

All lighting columns and fittings will be dark grey ina matt finish, selected to match other street furniturepainted in R8050 dark grey or equivalent. Lighting

columns will be pre-painted with a white matt stripe atthe appropriate height to meet DDA requirements.

   C   O   N   T   E   M   P   O   R   A   R   Y

   B   O   L   L   A   R   D

   T   Y   P   I   C   A   L   L   I   T   T   E   R   B   I   N

   (   d  a  r   k  g  r  e  y   )

Contemporary BollardIn public spaces with contemporary design, a simple

contemporary bollard in stainless steel will beprovided. The top of the bollard will be fabricatedwith recessed details and painted matt black prior

to delivery on site, in order to meet the requirementsof the DDA. Suppliers: Machan Engineering Ltd./JKFabrications or equal approved.

LitterbinsLitterbins need to be neutral in design to reduce theirimpact on the public realm but conveniently sited to

attract use. They must be of an appropriate size toconveniently service and clean. They must be of arobust design to cope with heavy usage and potentialvandalism. Typical litterbins will be specified in a dark

grey R8050 matt finish. They may be painted with amatt white strip around the top rim of the unit, to meetwith DDA requirements. Suppliers: Broxap (Pier

Head) or equal approved.


WALL MOUNTED LIGHT (Neos - dark grey)

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With the emphasis on high quality tree planting, the

detailing of the tree pits is fundamental to success.Tree pits should be as large as possible. Ideallytrees should be planted in groups, with the treepit forming a continuous trench or island of soil. It

is also preferable that trees should be planted inuncontained, free draining tree pits. To sustain tree

growth, it is essential that good quality, nutritiousurban tree soil is used to backfill the planting pit (e.g.Amsterdam Tree Soil or Metro Sand) and the treereceives continuous maintenance. Tree pits shouldincorporate watering and aerating facilities and all

trees should be supported by under ground guying.

TREE PIT DETAILBDP St Peters Square Liverpool

The Journal of The Landscape Institute 2004


The following procedures shall be adopted to ensurecompliance of all public realm projects with this


• Compliance with the Framework should beincluded in all design briefs.

• At design review for scheme design stage,the scheme proposals should be checked

to ensure compatibility with the Framework.Before progressing detail design, typical detailsshould be discussed to test compatibility withor identify where local circumstances dictate

alternatives to the Framework.

• At design review for detail design stage,

detailed proposals should be checked toensure compatibility with the Framework.

• Detailed drawings shall be produced by

landscape architects, at a scale not less than 1:200, based on up to date topographical surveyinformation, prior to tender. Schemes should

not be tendered based on typical details.


This Framework recommends a granite specification

for the Core Area, commensurate with the qualityaspirations defined in the Strategic RegenerationFramework for a World Class public realm for

Liverpool City Centre.

Where budget constraints limit the use of granite in

the Core Area, the management of the programmefor implementation is flexible enough to allow for thefollowing options:

• paving to streets being omitted until sufficientfunding is available to implement the granitespecification;

• where possible, kerbs, channels, corner details

and carriageway works implemented in granite,with existing paving made good adjacent to thekerbline or,

• if by exception, alternative materials areconsidered, which satisfy the performancerequirements in section 2.1, the sub-basemust be designed in accordance with the

Scotsguide to cater for future replacement ingranite. If materials other than natural stoneare considered, they should be reinforced to

limit cracking.

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There are a number of maintenance issues that mustbe considered at the design stage of each publicrealm project, particularly where there are departuresfrom the standard palette of materials and furniture.

The following is not an exhaustive list of issues to beconsidered:

• Paving – must be fit for purpose, easily cleanedand detailed to allow for ease of repair.

• Furniture – must be sited where it can be

serviced and cleaned around. Where vehicleaccess is required (bins; lamp columns), thepaving leading up to it must be capable of

carrying the vehicle weight.

• Tree planting – thought must be given to theeventual size of the tree, its maintenance

requirements (watering; pruning), vehicle

access as above and seasonal impacts(including autumn leaves on pavements, tram

lines etc and drip from trees onto tram / busqueues).

• Planters – where planters are used,

consideration must be given to maintenanceaccess and the impact of vehicles on pavingsleading up to them. It is also important that

planters do not ‘leak’ over pavings whenwatered.

• Lighting – when specifying bespoke light

fittings, consideration must be given to longterm maintenance using common parts.

• Water – siting and design of features mustconsider safety, public health and maintenanceissues, including access, overspill / spray andproximity to Merseytram (overhead lines).

• For all the above, consideration must be givento the speedy repair and availability of materialsfollowing abuse or accidental damage.

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APPENDIX 1. Summary of street surface specification.

Material Category(Scotguide)

Depth Width Length(min – max)

Colour Topsurface




Type 3 Cat 2 80 400 &


400 – 900

random 1

Mid – Grey Flame

Type 2 Cat 2 80 400 300 – 700

random 1

Mid – Grey Flame

Type 1 Cat 2 80 200 300 – 500 1 Mid – Grey Flame



Cat 3 200 400 1200 Mid – Grey Flame



Cat 3 200 300 600 – 1200

random 4

Light Grey Flame

Setts Large Cat 3 (Block) 150 150 150 - 350


Mid – Grey (94%)

Silver Grey (3%)Light Pink (3%)


Medium Cat 3 (Sett) 150 100 100 - 200random

Mid – Grey (92%)Silver Grey (4%)

Light Pink (4%)


Pedn Cat 3 (Sett) 150 100 200 Mid – Grey FinePicked


Cat 2 100 100 100 Mid – Grey1 Flame


Cat 3 150 150 150 Mid – Grey Flame


1. This dimension falls outside Cat 2 length ratingof 250 to 500.

2. This dimension falls outside Cat 2 width ratingof 150 to 400.

3. Random length spec must be further specifiedusing percentage of certain sizes and minimum joint distances.

4. Kerbs should be 1.0m long. Where make-uppieces are required these should not be lessthan 600mm and not greater than 1200mm.

5. Cat 2 stone with cat 3 foundation to provide

robust surface to address possible vehicularover-running.

Colour Refs for paving materials:

NB These are Chinese references not individualsupplier codes:

Light Grey (G603)

Mid - Grey (G654)Silver Grey (G623)Light Pink (G617)

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• Urban Task Force Report: Towards an UrbanRenaissance, DETR (1999)

• Our Towns and Cities: The Future, DETR• By Design: urban design in the planning

system, towards better practice, DETR andCABE (2000)

• Planning: Delivering a Fundamental Change,DTLR (2001)• Sustainable Communities: Delivering through

Planning, DTLR (2002)• Urban Design Compendium, English

Partnerships and the Housing Corporation(2000)

• The Value of Urban Design, DETR and CABE(2001)

• From Design Policy to Design Quality, RTPI

(2002)• Urban Design Guidance: urban design

frameworks, development briefs and masterplans, Urban Design Group (2002)

• Design Review: guidance on how CABEevaluates quality in architecture and urbandesign, CABE (2002)

• Liverpool Urban Design Guide, Liverpool CityCouncil (2003)

• Liverpool City Centre Urban Design Guide,Draft for Consultation, Liverpool Vision

(January 2004)• SRF Liverpool City Centre Strategic

Regeneration Framework, Liverpool Vision


• Northwest Regional Economic Strategy, NWDA(2003)

• LPG Liverpool Community Strategy: Liverpool

First, Liverpool Partnership Group (2000)• Merseyside Local Transport Plan, Merseytravel

and Liverpool City Council (2000)

• Liverpool City Centre Movement Strategy,Merseytravel and Liverpool City Council (2000)(CCMS Section 5, Integrated Solutions)

• Liverpool Sustainable Development Plan,Liverpool City Council

• Merseyside Code of Practice on Access and

Mobility, Liverpool City Council, KnowsleyCouncil, Sefton Council, St. Helens Council,Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Merseytraveland Kasway Ltd. (2002)

• Natural Stone Surfacing Good Practice Guide,Society of Chief Officers of Transportation inScotland (SCOTGUIDE) (1999)

• Traffic Advisory Leaflet 01/96: TrafficManagement in Historic Areas

• Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: Planningand the Historic Environment, ODPM

• Liverpool City Centre Strategic RegenerationFramework by architects Skidmore, Owings &Merrill (SOM)• North West Regional Economic Strategy

(NWDA, 2003)

• Liverpool Community Strategy: Liverpool First(Liverpool Partnership Group, 2000). OurCommunityStrategy.pdf 

• City centre lighting strategy Liverpool Vision2002

• Public art strategy 2002 Modus Operandi