Live your purpose!!!

One thing I’ve learned about life since my childhood days is that – “it is a series of discoveries. It starts with discoveries and hopefully should continue that way.”

Transcript of Live your purpose!!!

One thing I’ve learned about life since my

childhood days is that – “it is a series of

discoveries. It starts with discoveries and

hopefully should continue that way.”

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

One thing I’ve learned about life since my childhood days is that – it is a series of discoveries. It starts with discoveries and hopefully should continue that way.

I could remember how exciting it was to learn to ride a bike back then. Ever watched a child taking their first steps?

It’s a momentous occasion.

If we can capture that kind of excitement every day, I think we’re on our way to wisdom.

The great Albert Einstein said,

“The mind that opens to a new idea never comes back to its original size.”

I agree.

Once you’ve learned to walk; why would you want to go back to crawling around?

It wouldn’t make sense.

We all have a purpose in life, and that’s to do our best to live up to our potential.

Believe in yourself and see yourself as victorious.

Think of this :

“Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Recently, a friend asked me what my greatest fears were. I said I didn’t have any.

He seemed surprised, but this is how I see it: If you label something as a fear, then it creates fear when sometimes it’s not a fear but a concern.

“To ask the right question is already half the solution of a problem.” – Carl Jung

It’s really pretty simple. All we have to do is tune in to our talents and capabilities.

Remember, I didn’t say it was easy – I said it was simple.

Things rarely just happen overnight. Most overnight success stories are no such thing.

Just because you only recently heard of someone doesn’t mean they haven’t been working for twenty or thirty years or more already.

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Aladesuru Adewale

Sometimes people spend too much time focusing on problems instead of focusing on opportunities.

“Men are born to succeed, not fail.” – Henry David Thoreau

You have to keep the big picture in mind even when minding the details or your vision could become micromanaged in an unnecessary way.

I always try to keep two wavelengths going at once, which prevents brain cramps and reminds me that I’m destined for success.

How do I know this destiny?

Because like Thoreau, I believe we are born to succeed, not to fail. If I can believe it, you can believe it, too.

- Destiny has a part to play in your life and in your business – So give it a chance to work.

Here’s how!

First of all, expect problems.

- Even problems can be turned around to your advantage, and sometimes surprising events can happen.

Second, you have to remain determined. - If you have a big picture in mind, you will need big

determination to go with it.

The old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is an apt one.

The best thing to remember here is Winston Churchill’s advice to never give up:

“Never, never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or pretty, never give in, except to convictions of

honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy!”

- Prepare yourself with strength of character to withstand discouragements as well as disasters.

People who have endured great hardship often say they

survived because they kept some sort of hope going, a vision of the future, despite horrible immediate circumstances.

They may not have had a big picture in mind at the time, but they had a semblance of one.

Try to emulate their example: It is obviously an effective

thought process for survival. Sometimes a dead end can be a new beginning.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with

problems longer.” – Albert Einstein

No matter what situation or business you are in, be alert to the level of energy around you – It will help you through every day.

So if you’re not in charge yet, realize it’s your responsibility to take the cue and respond accordingly.

According to Donald J. Trump, “Thinking about doing it was probably harder than actually getting it done.”

His theory is this: “Take your work seriously, take yourself less seriously. It’s

a great recipe for some good times and great memories…” Don’t be afraid of taking chances. Go for having a good

time, because in the process a lot of other people just might have a good time, too.

“The bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you

refuse to take the turn.”

As for me, “I’m not afraid to be seen as human because I am.” I’ve waited eighteen years to see some things happen, but it was worth the wait and I had to change course a few times until the pieces finally fell into place.

It’s wise to be circumspect, and some people just say “get

yourself out of the picture” first in order to see the big picture. In conclusion, “Don’t take personally what is not meant personally.” You

have to develop a thick skin, and keep your own positive wavelength going at all times.

Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don’t take things personally. That’s good business.

“It’s better to be aware than to be unaware of what the world can be like.”


My advice is this :

“Choose the high road, the path to more knowledge and experience.”

On the brighter side, I think most people want to be the best they can be.

That’s probably one reason you’re reading this right now – you’ve chosen the high road, the path to more knowledge and experience.

It’s one of the reason I enjoy giving speeches and teaching – I can share what I know with people who are really motivated to know more, to do more, and to improve the quality of their minds and lives.

It’s a great feeling.

I hope you’ll continue to expand your life every day.


To making life better and to your best of success!!!

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