Live Neu and Views of^tì Sporta World...

Live Neu o¥fscüE ' FOR SOX CLUB Champion Red Sox Went Through Series with Only One Error. t ___^___ Boston. Sept. li-Boaton's record In world s serle» Immaculate. The sauce««· of the Red Sox was the clinching anument in tie Hub's .sixth triumph In th· ba»eball s»"*»sl-. Qt tbease victories five have been ac¬ counted for by the Red Sox »Dd one by th« Brave«. Again the American aJataaue has demonstrated Its superior¬ ity ln the series over the »Tallonai I «cagne and the serie» »core now stands 10 to 5. with the cam« tally Uto 58. Of the last nine series eight afive gone to the younger organisa¬ tion, which »end» into th« classic« teams which seem to be able to think and act quicker than thoase of the aamlor circuit, and seem to be better "monev player·." It will be noted that Boston's mar¬ gin Wednesday again was only one ion. It »cored every one of its four victories over th· Cubs by that one- lun margin. That one run seems to M juait as sacred as the cod in the Hub. for in 16 world's series successes ley Boston dub« IS bave been record- ei bv one-run margin«. In 1915 the Tied Söx won all their tour games troni the Phillies by one run and riropped only one game to the fere··. Th· »eri·· thi» year was the fourth th« played «Ince liu, that went ¦six game». Toe other three were the jM*S series, in which the Chicago Am- «.ricana won from th« Cub«: the 1911 ititstr. in whicah tb« Giants ran second to the Athletic», and tlse WIT conipe- ntion. won by th« White Sox over th« Giant». S.x aerie· have been de- a.dcd in five games. In past year« tbe world's serie« ¦ auallv de*eloped mediocre baseball.' hut this season it brought out sonic of » finest mecisanicaJ and mental p»-i- li.rmance.s yet son cm any dlamoiiù m aay sort of competition. The Basi *ox played live games without an .»iror. and tlieir lone misplav was a r.iarjudged fly by WhltaTaam·. Thatl -. ts a neidm¿ ? .«?,? which «erics '? *>me hardly wiil excel. The Cub·. toe. witli only five errors. playe«t ..»bove world serie« form. The j ii, mg was splendid aiul for the stoat t.nse in our remembrance the series failed to develop even une home run. and after all the talk of what Ruth ivas ¿oing to do to tha* faMMas»! At that. Ruth brought Out a three-ba-- ? hich won the fourth game for the Red Sox. Tsie fetching was of a very high caliber, with the result tha; a h .lub stole only three bases. The eerie« arm« the medium for con- '.ùorabte »l·.- iinciiuii for Harry HssarV3 r, of the Red Sox. for it niarKed his iieeence ?·? the fourth winiiri of tbe sTswataTa title Sin.-e he narrer lias :,eeii .:i a world's scries- loser, he holds a liar» liever before attained by ar,:.' anjaajrer. Melimi« and Strunk also -..hievetl tiieii" i oui Hi world's series u: :a^ members of the Atii- letics they ^aftVra-d a defeat.that sur- asssasaaag r-v.rsai by th« graves in IMI. ;->i,- Oll.ns anal Jack Barry also ?, on four sei ie.« winners, but that», loo. «ere on the beaten Ath- ¡«.¡a.·. «.ontiast^-al with Hooper's record i-i liait of Fred .aieikle. who ITas been oi. Pre world-.-, j-aie-i losers and on ? atsTT :: wii.ner. Thrice he was with the Giani«, or, .^ with the Superlaas ??? i.ow with tho Cubs. If Chicago ? looking for th· hoodoo, there he is. How.--.-e-. Frc-d can console himself vl'li the financial return that comes even to the losers. LIBERTY HUT BOUTS TO FEATURE BILL S<.:reu»^y Bryant, of the V. ??. <". ?. "Liberty Hut. expects to ???*· ti.e boy· aa.otn the camps in this vicinity al^ii^.' *a»Vi all men in unitomi a real tr*-at ort Saturday night. September 21. when Tlie first of a. series of athletic shows w*U be held for the entertainment at the enlisted men. Boxing and wrestling nmon? senke athletes. altng with head-liners of the profes¬ sional game, will feature th*» bills, and to Jack "Kid" Mulroy. the vet¬ eran bantam-weight, goes the credit for starting thing* Although Kid Alulroy and Secretary- Bryant have not completed their 'plans for the inaugural, another battle was booked la.*u night between Huber Krey and Solomon Lowe io a four-round setto. CLERKS MUST SETTLE PENNANT IN LEAGUE Which team is the champion of the Departmental League? This ia a Query received yesterday from an amateur fan. In answering this the term "we" must be used. far as "we" understand, the Howard A. French Sporting: Goods Company presented the league with a trophy to be presented to its pen¬ nant winner. The aeries was divided Into two series, the CTth Engineers capturing the title in the first series and Jack Ryan's Commerce Club landed the honors in the second series. To date no schedule has been attempted to to be made for a final play-off but if is rumored that Engineer* forfeited its (franchise by non-appearence iu tbe second series. President J. J. O'Brine denied this U¿'ie and ft is high time that these two dubs set their dates to settle the question as "frost will shortly *>c on the punkin.*." Sitter b Drafted. Lebanon, Pa.. Sept. 12..Ceorge Sisler. first baseman of the rit. Louis Cardinals has elected to fifcht th« fioche instead of accepting essential employment of war worlc. Sisler had promised Coach Kelchner. in charge nf the playing end of the Lebanon- Bethlehem 8te«s Baseball League. that should Tie decide to work in¬ stead of fight he would accept em¬ ployment here and play with the local Steel League team. Tn a tele- srsjn received from Sisler today K«lchner is notified of the former's acceptance of a commission tn the array, where he -will serve with his old man»ra»*jr. Branch Rickey, who has also eniifcied. Montreal See» Red Sox. "oston. Sept. It.Th« Montreal Hub. of the new International '.»ague, has filed a bill In equity, returnable Friday In the Supreme v'ourt. against the Boston American Leag-ie Club, seeking to tie up the receipts of the world series games until payment Is made to the Montreal Club, of »1,0» for the re¬ lease bv that club of Paul Smith. Lient. Onimet Marries. Boston. Sept. i;..Lieutenant Fran¬ cis Ouimet, former national amateur aad open golf champion, and Miss Stella It. 8nllivan were married here today Lieutenant Ouimet li attachen to th« Quartau-masiaO Department at CamDiidgc. 's and Vi Cua-da't Big Races. New York. Sept. 12. Although racing In Canada has been aban¬ doned for the period of the war. there are a few big stakes that are run each year under special ;>ermission from the government. Two of these, the Provincial Nur¬ sery and the King's Plate will be decided at the Blue Bonnet's course at Montreal on Saturday. Frank J. Bryant, who will act as one of tbe «tewards, and George T. Mil* 1er, who will preside at the bar¬ rier, will leav« for Montreal to· morrow. Jockeys Taplln and Hop¬ kins also will leave to ride in the two big race*. LEWIS INSISTS BENNY HEAVIER Ted Claims Champion Light weight will Outweigh Him in Battle. ? New Tork. Sept. 12..The pound- ago at which Champions Benny Leonard and Ted Lewie will enter the ring for their titular battle at Wiedenniayer'a Park, In Newark. September tt, is a, topic of general discussion among the fight genti'y all along the Atlantic seaboard. In some quarters the belief is preva¬ lent that Lewis will scale lighter than Leonard v.'hen the flrat gong sounds for tlie "Battle, of Cham¬ pions." Lewis, himself, is sponsor for the statement that he w.lll weigh no more than Leonard when fleht time arrives. The welterweight cham¬ pion last night informed Jack Cui- ley. who is.conducting the titular bout for the Airdrome Club, that he is ready to wager SSOO that ha will go Into the ring weighing less than Leonard. Lewis already has bet Leonard $5*0 on this proposition. I understand Billy Gibson »ays f-eonaid will be at the lightweight limit \\ hen he lights me." said Lewi's, -".yell, I'm ready to bet 'Gib- half a thousand that I will not weigh as much Leonard the night I of the fight.and I don't care what Benny weighs. "As a matter of f;iet. I may try to make the lightweight limit myself. so that if 1 knock out Benny I'll also he the winner of bla champion¬ ship. ' The question now la: "How much does Lewis weighT* HARRY HARRIS IS NOW AN ENSIGN Ensign Harry llanla now. fans, Every follower of scholasti«- athletics during the pan tlv.· «ears i-ememberx i well ÜM ¿teat little« athlete turned out at Business High School. Gil- mour Dobie, the miracle coach from the far northwest that Naval Acad¬ emy engage»! last season, and who ?* at Annapolis «.'olle·.«- this season, doffs his lid to this athlete, hut Dob- |b'.e is only one year late. Han is, ptarlnc quarterback for the ? est Virginia Unlrsially team last fall, scored the only touchdown in that famous game, which broke Dob- ble's »rnralaaa yerord of fourteen years. Knsign Harris is now located at Pensacola, ria.. In the naval avii- Hon Held, instructing the "Jackies·* li: bomb throwing. PERRY DOWRICK IN AVIATION SCHOOL Perry Downck. who ma.le football history along with achievements In other branches or athletics at Busi¬ ness High School a few years ago said farewell to his friends and fans here last night at he is bound for ine Boston Technical Collece to study for a commission in the Navy as an aviator. After leaving Business. Dowrlck was one of the mainstays In the back Held ot the Trojan and National A. C. teams while In 1911 he played with the Georgetown University eleven. Dow- rick managed to squeeze into the North Carolina state game and gave a good account of himself. BASEBALL IN ENGLAND. ¡League Composed of Army Teams Lengthens Ils Schedule. London. Sept. ll.-Althoush the orig- inai schedule of the league composed or American, Canadian and English soldier teams expired a week or two ago. it has been decided to continue until September 23. The games, us¬ ually played on Sundays, have proved most popular and Interest in the league race runs high. The United States Army team Is still in flrst place, though the Epsom outfit may spring a surpris« before the season draws to a close. RED SOX TO PLAY HILLDALE. Champions Will Be Managed by Art Summers. Boston. Sept. 12-Art Summers, the well-known baseball manager of this ,city. has -;;.nlzed a team compose! ¡chiefly of the world's champion Boston Red Sox team to erjage in ISauiday nnd Sunday fames during this month and October. Summers has h > «baa! the "war champions " for ¡a gama wltn the fast col-rea mó¬ ldale nino tr be played at the Kinda'e j Park. Darby, this Saturday afternoon Later this month and next Manager t Summers will have the Red Sox play such teams as Steelton. Haselton | Lebanon, Bethlehem. Hobokeu and Baltimore. # H0PPE~W1NS APPEAL. Billiard Champion Gets Deferred Class on Account of Dependent». New York. Sept. U.-The appeal of Willie Hoppe. balk-line billiard champion, against being placed in < .ass 1-A of the draft under the .work-oi- fight" rule, was upheld bv the district board of New York, it was announced today. Hoppes local board has placed liim in Class «1-A because of dependents. but recently placed him In the top class, declaring that billiard playing as an occupation was nonessential The district board, however, gave him his original classification. Hoppe will roon start on an exhibition tour for the benefit of the Red Cross. Bexdck lunes CalL State College. Pa., Sept. 11- Hugo Bezdek, Pennsylvania State'a new director ot phyalcal education and athletlca. ha's summon«*! nil candidates for the Blue and "White's eleven for preliminary practice to¬ morrow. Although the college will not reopen imtH September ?, states Players were notified to report early In order to get into condition for the opening gam« with Muhlenberg <.oueßz here on September ^ . ews of^tì MÊDÎCOBËATEN BY NAVY YARD Land from Khaki Tribe in Final Inning.Marines Defeat Cappubs. Looae fielding of the Army Medico team In the flnal frame of yeaterday's battle with the Navy Yard teanj at the American League Park sent the Medicos down to defeat In Section Two by a 4-to-3 count Humphreys for the Machinists and Parka for the Khaki tribe hooked up In an Interest¬ ing pitching duel, but the latter weakened in the ninth frame when errors by his teammates gave the Navy Yard an uphill victory. - The medicos, played a great defen¬ sive g0mW\ until after one man waa out In the flnal Inning, when hits by Billy Luscombe and Glovannetti settled the question. In the sixth In¬ ning Clark in left field made a sen¬ sational stab of Crook's line .drive and doubled Sterxer up at first base by a good peg to Howard on a play that would do credit to Tris Speaker. In the flnal Howard forced McBride at the far cornor on Seaten's attempt to sacrifice, which was a regular A Ln lfal Chase. Walter's single followed by triplée by Clark and Howard gave the Medicos two runs in the flrst Inning, while Sharkcy's hit followed by Howard's sacrifice placed the Medicos ln striking distance In the sixth. Phlpps and Ruff smashed clean drives through the Navy Yard defense giv¬ ing Medicos their final two counters. Parks made a present of the flrst run to the Navy Yard team in the north when he hit Sterxer with a .ntehed ball and wild pitched Buck to third base. McBride then crashed out a long fly to center Held that gave Sterxer easy romping to the plate. Navy Yard put the old game on Ice ln its uphill light ln the ninth when McBride opened with a single. Braund looked ove;· four wiile ones, but Sea- ton attempted to advance the runners on a sat rilico on which Howard made hie brilliant play at the far corner cutting down McBride. Phlpps mls- cucd on Fitzgerald offering giving Navy Y'ard its first run. Billy Luscombe was then used as a pinch hitter for Humphreys. Lus- coinue delivered wlth-a wallop to lelt th^l tailed Seaton and l'itxgerald crossed over with the winning run when Oiovannetti hit through Sharey. Th·· scor«-: ?. .M. Ablt »A CI VT AkHOAB «>;i.m..b.. ? ? ? ? ' ß · » « 4 13] 0 1' J 1 0 0 >:.. rVe«.»a.. 4 ? 0 ? 1 UV«'artli».»a. 4 0 11 S Sii 1 ! Sttran.lf.... 3 5 I l> 1i;.-J ...111?" rnx.kii.ll> 4 Oli ? E'ifT.rf. 4 12» l, "aUBride/".r :: '-' '.* « Walker.rf. .1111 fcBtmuinJ.:*«... Ili-' Joocajf. -110 0i-4,aton.rf. 4 0'»« Hnltatai.r... 4 » ? e «..Friugerald.i· 4 0 % t · 1-atka.a. I 1 ß 0 O-HuQipür»«.,.» 2 1 ! ti LuTcoiule. 1 " " I Totale.... 3tora J l t Tétala.... w ! is ? "ïîatt«r«l for Hiunphr.i« m min:·. *<!..«· out \vb«u ««.¿nains p?? waa «.».re«], y ?p??? Medical. î 0 · »0 1 »» »-J Xjiy Vara. eoDioeoe*;-* Bim' -Walten. ? Urk. Shara»y. M.ner. Htaiinii. «Vaion. l'it/geraJ.l. Leti on l**« Na«y, b: Anuy Metili al. 6. Klr^i eaee ta balla.Uff 1'áHa. i Slrock out-B« Hum sbrrya. 4; Parka, i. TlnT«>la«e liila-Uai». Hiaard. ¡»acriflee hit*-Howanl. S*^criflc« Mes -M. Bride stoica Uws-H«xllKab tt), Sbarkey lla¡» -«'lark i Ilonanl: CsooIk ta Vttt- rerald. Hit l>y V^li« By. I'arka iKlmtr·. Wild i,ilch-Tarta. L.; ires.Mcaar». lí.-tu an«l Cut. * Seetlea flat·. The Manna«· forged further to t'ie front yeeterday in Section One at American League Park when they defeated the Cappubs in a loosely played game by ß count of 9 to >·. There remains but one more same to be played In Section One when the Marines will meet War Risk in the second game of the double-header at American league Park on Sunday, September S. Manager Mulvey of Cappubs used up three southpaw fungerà trying to slop the Marines, but it could not be done. Thia trio of portsiders were wild as the proverbial "march hare," as they walked no less than nine men between the three of them. This lot of hurlers were stingy with their hits, but ^he -loose playing liehlnd them together with the free transportations enabled the Sea Devils to pull the game out of the flre in the sixth ses¬ sion. Delibi, who was in the center of the diamond, was not hit until the fourth when two hits with a walk and an error put two runs over for the Ma¬ rines. In the next session on two hits another tally came across and In the sixth chapter on two hits and numerous passes five runs were tallied which gave the Sea Devils the edge by two tallies. To make ¡t safe the Marines scored on four bases on balls which forced over the last tally, bringing up their total to 9. Hunt, who started on the mound for the Marines, was not in the best form and on three passes and a single with an error one tally registered at the plate. On two hits and two errors two counters came across the plate. Driver, who had relieved Hunt, was not scored upon until the sixth when his slants were bumped for three hits; the last tally for the Cappubs was put over the counting dish. The Cappubs were held safe in the last session as two men struck out and the third man popped up to short. The score: Cappub. Ab H O A E| Marine«. Ab H ? A ? Jarai»,lf-c... S 22 0 ?. Waldman.lf 40 0 0 0 l'atten.Zb... J 1 1 3 0 Gladden Jb.. 2 0 110 Mulvey..Ih... 3 10 00 r' 3 09 11 4 2 8 1 OlClsrke,rf c... 2 1*01 Montarte.rf 3 13 0 Ojrvbb.tb. 4 2 12 1 Shoe'ker.rf . 2 0 2 1 tVRlgler.c rC.. 2 0 10 0 Ber'hardt.a, 4 0 3 1 0|tOllie»\s*. 3 22 0 1 Serrín.?. 32 10 OJMoore.lf. 4 0 10 0 McGrathp... 00 0 0 OUIiint.p.. 0 00 3 0 l>yeae.p. 10 0 0 J 1 0 3 0 Total·.... 3 »a 7 Totals. 27 «2110 1 Marines. 0 0 02 15 1.» Cappub. 1 0 2 20 1 0-« Runs-Patten. Muhey (21. Bailies. Jartla. Shoemaker, Gladden, raaqueralla. Clarke (2). Cobb, Biiler. Collier. Moore 12). Left oo base, -Carpub. 7; Marinea. 5. Flrat bu· oo balls- Off Serrín, 3; off McOrath. Drew, 5; off Hunt, 3; off Drirer. 3. Innings latched- By Serrin, 3, i hit«; by Irres*. 1. no t,ita; bj Mc- Gratb. 1. 1 hit; by Hunt. 2. 3 hit»; bj 5. 6 bita, etruck oiit-By Serrín. 1; by Mc¬ Orath, 1; by Irjeae. 1: by DriTcr. 0. Tbre»- base hit-Janl». Tuo-haa« hit-Cobb. Sacrifice hit-P«tt«re. Stolen bauata-PatUn, Montague. I'aased ball-Brandenbere. Wild pitch-Hunt. Van ires.Mr. Hughes. Time.1:15. Jimmy Shaw to Pitch. Baltimore. Sept. 12..Jim Shaw, crack pitcher of the Washington Americans, has accepted a position with the Lebanon shipyard, but he has promised Dr. Cook, manager of St. «Andrew's Athletic Association, that he will return to Baltimore Sun¬ day to pitch In the double-header at Shamrock Park with the, champions of the Scml-Pro League Marqoard May Pitch for Nary. Tenafly. N. J.. Sept «.^Lieutenant P. H. Jones, athletic", director at Camp Merritt. today sVnt word to Assistant Paymaster Dawson. of the Brooklyn Navy Yard that the Army withdrew all objections to the Navy playing either Rube Marquard or Burleigh Grimes, the two former Brooklyn pitchers, on Saturday at y-i «Tfilfi ;riuaUi. le Sporta SECTION ONE. Yesterday'· Hesults. Marines, 9: Cappub, 6. Where They Play. NO games until Sunday. Double Header at American League Park. Standing of the < luh«. Won Itami Tct. Marines . 4 0 1.000 War r.lsk . t 1 .750 Cappub . 0 I .000 SECTION TWO. Yesterday's Hi-salta. N'avy Yard, 4; Army Medicos, 3. Where They Play. Clarendon J"«. Operations. American Lea Vie Park. Betts and Hughes, umpires. Smarting of the ? Ini... Won Loft Pet. N'avy Yard . S 0 1000' Operation* . I 1 .tali Clarendon G. 1 1 .5001 Ilex A. C.. 1 2 .333 Army Medicos . 0 3 .000, TEACHING MARINES I TO FIGHT THE HUNS Kew York. Sept. 12..The Germans who encountered the United States Marines at Belleau Wood and Cha¬ teau Thierry and who lived to tell the tale probably are of the opinion that the "Devil I>ogs" need no In¬ struction in the art of fighting, yet Gunnery Sergt. Al Thompson, for¬ mer Cincinnati lightweight boxer, is teaching the soldiers of the sea at the Paris I .sland training camp how to use their lists. Sergt. Thompson U handling his Job very well too. though that is not in Itself ren.ark- able, considering the material which he has at hand. One of Thompson's favorite ¡stunts to stimulate the in¬ terest of the men is to array two lines of marines, chosen at random, back to back, then enter th«*iii to "About Face" and start lighting, the idea being that each man must swap punches with one who stood directly back of him in the original formation of the li ?.·'!·*. If a front rank man only 'j feet t; whirl· about to liiul him¬ self facing ? .six footer, outweitthiug' him many pounds, hs must engag*.- hlm just Ute .«am·.*, und the upcer- t u in ties of this particular same he!:» to make ¡? attractive, BELMONT RESULTS. Fin.-t kacK-FI.* fsfkags. Pisi im. Ill IT... »? 13 to 5, i to :. 1 to ?; 1'igeon Wing. 110 (lit binnoD'. 15 tn 19, - to j. «tit; Looking 1 iK«Ue>., 13 to 1. ? to 1, -' to I. Tin,«·. OtiksUe, S. <l·, « 'hiuiney S**-ift u-l r»ii. .KiiiMi BACK Tue stilasi BaUo.*. ITsjW), ''à to ,"·. fun. out; Expectation, HI lì. ? ? ? m y mit; iiehnsht. iButsb,, 4·) to 1, S 1.1 l, S to 1. Tin»«.*. 4:1» J ». NllUllfg 1311 TH1BÜ KA* E- Mil*· ar., »iitre-ntii: Rig! t. (MaCrano 5 tt 1, 7 to :,. i.» Î; Barr\ Wiemw«, 1(*> iflcbottisc«), ti I, * ... *·, 3 t" ¦"-. Wiwiuii, IDE I.vs.- i lo r. »t. Tiii·»*. 1:16 IS. JtadaV Vtisfftald, Waterpcouf, «UmJ Itsbber, .·> Valley al-o ran. ??G??? RACK-Mile: .-t l*idm (Watts*. 7 tf» ». '.ut and out: Wiiima... H* tllowan·. to «V. out ainl wit. «»uly two atari- fT*v. Tm. .*> :c. FIFTH It Vri:-Seven furlongs: tartagli 11. 121 fl.ykw··. 5 t<> 1. 7 to 5. 1 to 2, wos; Hot- matter. ?? tLnftuai, 7 to W, 1 tn 3. out; Talar. lit» (Thurlsr), 40 t.* ?. 11 to I and I to I, thirl Tim«-, 38. Minutar Toi. T*«. NcTaggart, Sa!- .e.^tia 3λ rait. SIXTH BACK.FIt* and on»? half fur Lord Brighton. 120 (Lfkt), 9 to 5. 2 tu 3, out: Qia.*l.pain, U*S (Watt*··, \Z to 5, 3 to 5. out: Xabla ifWwinsi. 105 "Bice*. 100 to l. 'jj to l aad 3 tj 1, third. Time, 1:14 1-5. VindsK alao lull. HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES. ???? HACE-Fire and "tie bAÏt furti»«·.: Tula I, 114; M orm< ? Boar. IM; Aucttoacer, 112: Russa M-, 111: Armant, 110; Btiasissdale, IH; Marie ?'??pμ?, 1»; Patina, lit; «ataeou*»«r. II!; tine Rid**. 107; Marie Hi-llina. Ill: Dr. Kta. 110; Clip. 11*; Uoom Uaorfr, 1* Lan¬ des**, 107. BBCOKD BACE-Oas mil* Outlaw, 117; MalUr, lit·, Roxtof» M, 112; Candidate 3J. 11'2 J ark LMwfon. 117, Thrift. 112; Diwxn ei. 112. THIRD RACE-Six furlon*»: Cheiming. rial. lit: Nigrl. IM; Murphy. Ill; Indian Chant, 114: Juanita 3d, IC·; O. A. Co'niskey. 1»; CoL Valentin·». 1»; Hielt Har. Ill; Finn* Inn-. 114; Matter Karma, 114; Roltin Laird. Pitan. U*; VaJapar. IOS; AU Bright. Mt; Beats Atkin, lût». FOURTH RACE.One mile» and etventy raída: Hoier. 112; Julia L.. lv\ Blaa-nrv, IOS: Ttwoi.iie V.. ;«; I»ouiiJas« H., 110; Ulj" L«»u. 110; WuuA Violt-t, 104: «'apt. Marchmoot. 105. FIFTH RACE.'Hie milt» and one-ixtcent; Stir G?. Ill; Hiernmn. Ill; Front Royal, 109: Tonate, 10ß; Ring Urne.· 106; Flection, 110; E«c- nwvot, KB; Msnnclien, 109; Fairy Legend, 10n. Hahr Raarh. lCt>. .SIXTH RACE.On* mile and one sii tren tir Diatnrtrr, 114; Havden 10»; Ben Hanipson. 109; RoMirater. 1U6: Kezirh. 110; Gnat Iirlly, 111; CVMie. 109. Tlie Belgian U, ICS; Caulàt. MS. SEVENTH RA<;B-One mile and one-aix- tenth: Darkey. Ill; »taf Shnotir, 109: Trial By Jnrr, 10»; OaMSDOS, IK. Bey oakvnod, UA: Molly O.. Ill; Charles Franc»». 10G; ?a?·? Bit¬ ta*. 1«; Jeeiie C. 109. ig World ïmnmim' REAL FEATURE _ La nds Three Winners at Havre de Grace.St. Quentin Wins. ¦p d* Grace, Md., Sept. li¬ sti rring finishes rewarded the large: -.umber of race enthusiast* who thronged to Havre de Grace this af¬ ternoon to witness the third day of the races at the popular Maryland mil· course. Airplanes from the nearby government proving grounds hovered over the thronged track and delighted the visitors with their dar¬ ing antics in the air. One of the airmen, after success¬ fully making a beautiful falling l«af for several hundred feet, descende-J to within a few feet of the grand¬ stand and waved his hand at the spectators. Th« crowd below stood on their feet and lustily cheered the daring aviator. The sensational riding of Sande, the crack Western youngster who is now under contract to Commodore J. K. L*. Ross, accounted for three of the purees during the afternoon. Win¬ ning hands down with St. Quentin in tho Initial affair, at short odds, he piloted Foreground to the fore in the fifth number and in the fourth no« he gave the best exhibition of rmrs gameness, when he held Dottie Van- divt-er up during the last sixteenth nnd succeeded ln stalling off the de¬ termined rush of Duchess Lac·, ile received a great ovation upon his re¬ turn to the stands and the fans are already proclaiming' him the greatest handler in the country. Foreground, the chestnut colt by Fugleman and Bernia, who was im¬ ported to this country by Commodore Ko**, from ? ? ? laud, demonstrated to¬ day- what a really great thoroughbred lu» i.-^ Prevlousty he had experi¬ enced great difficulty in getting away from the post with the others, but today Sande had him on his toes, ?a<\ When the barrier vras sprung he left with the other starters. He quickly took u Ion;? lead which he held safety throughout the race. Aunim finished second after a slow beginning, and the tiring Tomlmlo lasted third. Passing Shower, who wad so well thought of by the knowing ones at ho was installed a one to two favor- It« ??« the third"* number, rati a dull race, and at no time exhibited any form which warranted such heavy backing. 1 Miti· Vundiveer took the lead. and. although hard pressed, man¬ aged to stay the »hállente of Duchess L*aee and Ambassador 3d, two long .-diots. who finished second and third. respectively. The seeond choice, I*il- lian Shaw, also finished out of the money. In tite opening mmilter St. Quentin opened up a long lead for a race of five furlongs and «ame Imme alone, with Tommywaar a second and Syl¬ van, who was» well liked, third. The steeplechase proved to be a thriller. Cuto Floto, ridden by H. Williams, barely managed to get up In time to nip the fast traveling Tur¬ moil, a real long shot. Turmoil led his field for the two rounds of the field, and in the end continued bis fast pace and gave no signs of blow¬ ing up. I'nder great punishment Otto Floto gradually crept up and juM crossed the line a scant winner. Melos, another outsli^r. Unlshcd in the third hole. The summari*. s: KIRst KACC-FI-rt and one half f-iHoci« » Qutfitii.. 118 (Sand*), ? ¥). 2.P0, 2.Y Tomm Wa*-. iti* Fohnaoat, ?.?. 2.40; htWaao, 11¦' .Cernili*. 2,70. Time, 1:91 S. Poultncy. Fur:. Trim**. Si.] Ç. Kenwr. Twilijiit 4th al·» r*D. SEOI.M» RACE ?«·· mil*»: Otta Kioto. Ill (H, WUHaa»), *'?. ti·. SJO; ???pμ??, '¦¦ iLsad) H50. lC.ö). Make, 1:4 iWliimarkt. 8.8.'. Tim?. 3J9I-!. Rhomb. A Mon. J. <". Ewalt. VTa* rite aiftfde, Eaii* TbvUE·, Be-*!·? Fitxhaeb. Boh RedfleW mimo ran. Ill III!» HACK Six furlorn"*: Thi» Mi.kir-an. 117 iRalli. 2.90, 3.11) tuw! t»; Choir Ma-ter. 110 t-fofcnaoa). < W. ?.4t>; Korfbagr. Satfd- mam, 3.90. Time, lilt 4>ih«lt \.-\-. tablet. Flam:*, Queen Itloml·. Seagull, Kinj John, Uncle Sand, Cobalt alio rir, FOriïTH RACE-Su furious»: Ht'ii «Va- direr, 113 ÍSandri. 10.SO. 5 '.V, ï»0; 1»; hrs* Lacr 10R («Masi, ?«, ß»; Amt·*.« jt 3rd. IÌJ tMolwwrorth». f &). Tim*·. 1:13 2-5. G?£ß??ß bhowrr, OUnella, Lillian Shaw al-v* rat». FIFTH RACE-Mile aad mrremtj >..-.· Fore US <Saode\ 3.60, 2.TU, ¿«. Aunan, 112 tt\t)lln»i. I.«, .".»: Tom Rolo, lu (il Intypp 2.90. Time, 1:« 3-5. Quietude, Un M Pierna anton alao ran. SIXTH RACB-Mile and a quartif : Pltirant G>?**ß??·, 106 (Sterling». 10». 4.80. 110; Waukac. 1W i\y<rmier). 5.03. 3G-0: Bar of Phoenix, 10* (Stalker», :.». Time, 2:08 13. TooUie, Han al«) Tan. SEVENTH RAd-V-Mil« and a furlong: Bo- çart, 123 (Pominick), 12.40, 5.80. 140; Baierojeet, IH» (State), 5.3,. 4.50; Handful. 113 ti'teken**. 9.?. Time, 1:56 h«; Arbitra tor. Onward, Utle, Mcnocacy, Tranbj also ran. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO i/veu., «vhat's New G g| tqpav, e?«p?ett, s -afr< /UuAV? tajCiivS IT liVWY NOT (JUCAR IT '- gjNSTCAT) Or GÛ|M<S ? TODA Y'i THE EVENING LIST. Th« following casuali!«· are re¬ ported by the commanding Renerai ?? the American Expeditionary Forces Killed ln -fiction. «£ Missing ln action. Ja Wounued eeverely. Died of wounds . Died from accident and other cause« . g Died of disease.:.. g Wounded (degree undetermined) 3 ¿"risonerà . 1 Total . 171 Killed in Action. Capt. Phil J. Keller, Ban Antonio. Texas. Lieut. Michael J. Duddy, Plains. Pj S*rgt. \V. H. White, Richmond, Va CORPORALS Clifton B. Foster, Sapulpa. Okla. Harry Godinsky. New York. Emanuel J. Hammon, Sprlngrun, Pa. John Friii,'is Holland, ??·???, Maas I.inwood W. Hopkins, Argyle, Me. John F\, Schwall. Wllkesbarre. Pa. Commie D. Wheeler. Creedmoor, N. C. Mechanic J. W. Dillavou, Glldden, la PRIVATES. Roman Barnirkl. Erie. * Walter L Bradley. Elmo. Mo. Wlnfield G. Carey. Qreenc.tstle. Pa. Alf. G- Champagne, Chlcopee. Mass. Grady M. Cochran, Flcklin. Ga. Agostino Conlcello. Coniahohocken, P«. Theodore J. Crist, Chamberaburg. Pa. Raphael E. Cross, Jackson, Mich. John P'Amore. Milwaukee. Wls. F. L Delaney. Moundsville, W. Va. Frank B. Doerfer, Goodland. Kans. Herbert S. Duncan. Terre Haute, Ind. T. J. Goranson. Saskatchewan, Can. Patter T. Hansen. Hoisted. Denmark. Charles P. Hemphill, sEmbry, Misa Clarence T. Johnson. Nampa, Idaho. Anthony Klucka, Blelgorai, Russia- I'oland. Died ef »Asmad·. Lieut. A. M. Mclnerny, South Bend, Indiaha. Lieut, .lohn ?. Roberts. Madison, Wi« Sergt. «V. A. Kuedisale. Detroit. Mich. CORPORALS. Paul T. Butler, Kalamasoo, Mich. Eat Harold Ewtng. Ludington, Mich. John E. Lynch, Chicago. 111. Wm. Harvey Walker, Havelock. Nebr. Harry M. Wilson. Plymouth. Pa. Mech. M. R. Hanson. Glenwood. Ky. Wag. wm. Emil (Jraunka?. Hebron, III. PRIVATES. Richard H. Bernlnger. St. Louis. Mo. Robert E. Bottles. Selway. Mont. Leonard F. Hums, Winsted, Conn, oriste Cioccolini. Trenton. N. J. Roy F. llalton, Pesolum. 111. Walter B. DeShong. Fairchance. Pa. Giuseppe Fontana. Rockford, 11: John Gurny Lubin. Russian Poland, »in E. Halley. Moberly, Mo. Harry Helman, Cincinnati, Ohio. tiled mt Disease. Sergt. Jesse A. York. Mangum. Okla. Corp. D. C. Mitchell, South bend. Imi I'RI VATES. Henry B. Morgan. Shive, Tex. Harry Pearson, (eslíen. Ind Thomas Raymond. Statesboro. Ga. i Tluinia.« Sutton. Sneedvill«-, Tenu. llled From Initial «ad Other 4'aasae*. Lieut. W. w. Porter. Syracuse. ? ? Ser^r. t. E. Johnston, "asaco. Tex. Corp. J. M. Scherer, Pittsburg, Pa. PRIVATES. Olivers Bcauchard. Rochester. N. T. Elmer WT l'hambers. Parma. John A. Hand, Camella. Ga. Arthur Laferriere. Anthony. R. "I. John C. Welch. Southboro. Mas·. W »aaded Severely. Lieut. F. H. Ramwell, Memphis. Tenn. Lieut. S. C. Snienson, Grand Island Neb. SERGEANTS R. V. Albert. Houlton, Me. W. A. Murray. Niles, Ohio. Thoma.« M steuert. Hugo. Col. FRANK TH'HACEK. rvK Newton I l'lace northwest. Washington. I>. C. corporai>s. John Carl. Elmwood fonn. William H. Pratt, Kmixiria. Kans. John E. Slater. Middletown. a'onn. ¦Mechanic Charles D. Kirkhani, New Haven, Conn. PRIVATE? Ilonipanino Bartolomé«. Suss· Io. Italy. ¡Claude I. Blenus. sUddletown, Conn, ¡Wallace Bomster, New Haven. Conn, 'james E. Claes. Alexandria. La. [Forester L. Clark. Mâchais. Me. Alexander Cowalski, Tariffville. Conn. Jesse V. Elliott. Holton. N. C. John Figarofsky. New York. ?. T. Frank W. Fournier. Gra-enfield. Mass. Bert Frenne, Detroit. Mina, Harvey- C. GOff. Golfs. W. V«. Arthur W. Green, Lawn nee. Mass. Vernie E. Hughes. Melica Mo. PR I VATKS Arthur W. Hutchison. Fi Madison, la. James King. Binghainton. ?. Y. Ieon F. Lafay, Potsdam. ?. Y. John Livingston, Arllng'.on Hgts.. O. Otto Köhler. Bakerafi« Id. Mo. Raymond S Ludwig. Fibrata, Pa. Albert McKinney.vShelM ville. Ind. Theodore J. Meschede. St. l.ouis. Mo. Angelo Morandi. Monci ha, Italy. Adolph J. Nelson. Hartington. Nebr. Joseph I'nybflisky. Beaver Falls, Pa. Joseph L Segneri, Sterling, IIL John G. Sera. Koenig. N. Y. John W. Shorter. Par* H li. Md. Pronislaw Sicdzik. Ilanitramck. Mich. Norman J. Spencer. Mlddlefield, Conn. Francis J. Synnott. Walt-rbury. Conn. H. M. Wentworth. Cliftondale. Mass. Anthony J. Yechus. Bangor.'Muss. Jack Evans Joyce. Menominee, Wl·. M. I. Keller. Richardson. N. Dak. Ernest Kibler. Cavalier. N. Dak. Bert C. Kines. Grafton. W. Va. Oscar Kropp, Kenosha. Wis. Albert Kukacka. Fers s Falls. Minn. L. P. Lanoux. Baton Roupe. La. · Jesse A. Liles. Johnston. Ohio. Frank J. Lynch. Peabody. Mass. V. W. McLendon. Perido Station Ala. Ray. Macchi. Hohoken. N. J. Will H. Miller. Seattle. Wash. Leslie Mock. Forbes. N. Dak. Kmello Moynier, Santa Monica. CaL Earl L. Mutter, Elkader, Iowa. EDW1ARD J. NICKOL 696 Fourth »treet northeast, Washington. D. C. George Oas. Janesville. Wls. Elmer E. Otness. Fergus Falls. Minn ('.. Patrohilos. Thompsonvtlle. Conn. T. Petterson. Renton. Washington. Fred Penti. Mlnot, N. Dak. Henry Peterson, Morgardehammer. Sweden. Joseph F. Piese. Madison. III. Adras J. Prevot. Mansura. La. Frank B. Reak. Randolph, Wisconsin. Harry I. Rimstidt. Beloit. Wis. Archie Ross. Cornhill. Ark. James sf. Ryan. Ft. Wayne, Tnd. Alfred Sather. Koenigslrom. Ncrwny. Harry F. Seellg. Montpelier, Ohio. Goodman Sclvog, Drdke. N. Dak. A. Shermuksnis, Jr., Shenandoah, Pa. John E. Shrum. Greenwald, Pa. Stephen Smar, Olean. ?. Y". Henry W. Steffoy. Bassett. Nebr. Joseph V. Stoltman, Winona. Minn. Harry H. .gtroetz, Neenah, Wis. Dave A. Swagi,erty. Salem, Ore. S. Fwiderski. Buffalo, N. Y. Ralph D. Switrer, New Himpton, Mo. Roy Tellman. Parker. Colo. Wendell Tolf. Kenosh». Wis. Anthony l'rlch, jr.. Sliamokin, Pa. Eds*arti Vanderlinden, Appk-ton, Wis. Geo. M. Weaver, jr., Wayne, Pa. «Aoui.ilr-I la Action (Deajree la- detrrasslerdl. Corp. Harry W. Marchbank, Bridge¬ port. Conn. Corp. C. L. Swensen. Hlckrall. Ore. Private C. ?. Voinarskl. Plymouth, Pa. Mls.iiig In Action. Lieut. Lee C. Prentice, Albert L*a > CASUAi SERGEANTS J. 8 Burn«!«!«·. Mass«varille. W. V. Joeeph Parlab, Wut Haxleton, Pa. Gerald V. Stamm, Mantau. Ohio. PRIVATES John E Baiaa. Scarica. Ala. Henry R. Bonne,-. Summit. Miss. Andrew Bore, New Haven, Conn. Frank Carello, Ne« Tork. Walter Caajkoakl. Brooklyn, N. T. Frank J. Durali. Anaconda. Mont. Wm. H. Edward«. Lerimore N. D. Thomas K"x Flowcra. Kane. Pa. W. R. Hunter. Spring Bailey. Wia. Harold J. Jenson. Boston. Maaa. Edwin Wm. Koenlg. MU«--aukee, Wia. Alfred J. Kramer, Alexandria. Ind. Clyde La bar. loia. Wls. John J. I.ab'ah. Yoi.i ers. N. T. Marcus Una, Salt Lake City, Utah, Francia W. Le>Qu|er. Deer River. Minn. Thomas N. LonlM. Greenrllle. Tenn. Private Joahie Brown. Leeaville, Va. THE ARERNOON LIST. The following caaualtlea «u-e re¬ ported by the commanding renerai of th American Expeditionary forces: Died of dlaeaa*.mt. 6 Killed in action. S Missing In action. Ill Wounded severely . ITS Died from accident and other causes . 1 Died of wounds. j. Wounded, degree undetermined. S Total . at Kille« la Aellas» Lieut. J. 8. D. Bum«. New York. ?*. Y. Lieut. H. A. Kroegcr*Atlanta, Ga. Sergt. C. S. Carlson, Bristol, Conn. CORPORALS. Ernest A. DeOuerre. Toronto. Can. Stanley Moroxlk, Detroit. Mich. Morrie L Payne, Marinaro, Va. Wm. F. Fountain. Manchester, tt. H. PRIVATES. Luciano BiHanueza, Brownsville, Tex. H. 8. Campbell, Osase. Iowa. Adolph Coolack, Providence. I: L John Doerr, Bamea, Kan«. Oliver Hall, Turner, Mich. John Hawks. Snohomlsh. Wash. Herman J. Kolkana, Portland. Ore. Joseph R. Libertas. Detroit, Mkh. John Mavros. Boston. Mass. Jinlie Merllnl. South Porltl, Italy. Nicolls Pagnani, .'asteria. Italy. Elmer L. 1'arker, Kaltspell. Mont. Wm. C. Schleiger, New Britain, Conn. ¦lames Selr, Genoa, Italy. Ernest G. Sherman. Wllhur. Mich. ¦ 'red M. Tomlinaon. Portland. Ore. Frank Peter Glenn. Philadelphia. Pa. '"ltfford <? Glover, Keenan. W. Va. Russell S. Moore. Kmaus. Pa. Ralph Oenen. I'hicaso. 111. Nick T. Tataoii. Deliiailt. Mich. Lenedik Wlcha. FlUhbuig. Maa«. ¦>ie«i af H,aaai Rece'« cat la Art!··. Lt. Harry Fenelon, Rr.inelander, Wl«. Lt. Harry HUI, Pittatoli Pa Corp. John H. Johannseti. L'avcnport, Iowa. Corp. Robert Race, Pittsburgh. Pa. PRIVATE·? Felix DtokaB. Me>e:s Hill. .-'. f*. John J. Dublinski«-. Shamok n. l'a. H«-iiry S. Mäher. Hart,·.· '"lark Hall Harlan. Ky Hairy A. Kelt*. Latrobe. Pa MacaceJ Kowalski. f1:i.oi^*e. Ma*«. Tilden 1'aik«. l'anviil.·. Ky Howard A. Van Wagner, l»ocust Val¬ ley, ?. ? lii'ii af Disease. PRIVATES John T. McCoy, Cumberland. Md. unal ?. Merrill Evan Lake. Idaho. Erneat L. Simpson. Gulhrie. okla. John W. Stanley. Sontag. Y a, AValter Nix, Monticello. Die« Kraaa llrl.ral and Other Corp Alva F Olsen. Hartington. Nebr «¦.¦adtii la Arila« »,,,.. Lieut. Albert ¥T. Enimona. Kenr.e- bunk. Mc. SERGEANTS Robert BUlock, Webb city. Mo. ?. ?. oykendall, Hartforrl. Co'in. John W. I'uniK»·. Hugcr. S. C. John J Kilxgerald.- New York, N. T. Pat'k Fitzgerald. Eist Orange, N. J CORPORALS. Orlatwlo R. Arhorn. So. Boston. Mass. De ? > se W. Alwater. Orange. N. J. Baooh O. Boone. Spray. N. C. Edward ."isihke. Detroit. Mich Fran M. «Jriffith. Pittskfleld. Ill A. Karwelat. Jr.. Collins« lile, ill. Hairy Krueser. Milwaukee, Wis Rasmus Olaf Lodoen. Warren. M.nn. Frank Novotny,· New York. N. Y. Edson L Ogden, Kdgerlon. Wi«. John H. Plttman. South Bend. Ind. Edgar G. Westlake. Wagersville. Ky. Briar I». Cuppa. Butler. Pa. John R German, Colunibiana. Ala- Paul B. Gladden. r"r«-«iericktown. Pa. Thomas H. Goad. Sardi««. Tenn. Olin McDaniel. Rossville. Ga. Menahenv Ptim. Brooklyn. N. T. H. Strong, pontotoc, Texas. Winslow B. Weston. Wollaeton, Mass. PRIVATES Jame« Anderson. Fox. 111. Veni 8. Baldwin. Glenville. Minn. James Bracken. Whitneyville, Conn. Edgar «'arson. Idaho Falls. Idaho. Grant t'olgenbaugh. Retail. Waah Horace B. Crtswell. Pocatello. Idaho Henri De Rycke. No address given. Simeon J. Durand, St. Paul. Minn. Elmer D. Flowers. Shelbyrilk. 111. John Ganftorowski. Hjxolton. Pn Ralph V. Garland. Osnge City. Kan?. Howard Griffey. Steele. Ky. William ?. HanloTi. Punrmuir. Cal. J. F. Harding. Cottage Grov». Ore. Harry Kennedy. Fairmount. I1L Konstanty Kordas. Dulutti, M-nri. Alex. ??????. Neehe. N. Dak. Jerry Boucher. Thompsonville. Col. Dave Christopher. Chicago. HI. H. A. Clark. Cannelburg. Ind. Artie G. Crumb. Kelso, Wash. Philo R Dunn. Seattle. Wash. Joseph Engelmann. St. Lóala, Mo. Frank Eporjesir. Prospect, l'a. John F. Ewald. Chicago. III. Ester Felt?. Fries. Va. Henry W. Klinn. Tunn. Iton. Ind. H. F. Grunwsld. St. l.oijis. Md. Dennia Hagg« rty. Bayonne, N. J. Clarence Haniman. «luntingdon. P«. E. R. Holland. Clarkstnn. Wa«h. Ben Johnson. Kansaa City. Mo. Adolph Kibachull. Milwaukee. Wia Henry E. Kolbc. BufTalo. ?. Y. Harry lambert. Wilton. N. Dak. Jas. V. livelle. Chicago. 111. Earl L. Lewis. Tryon ville. Pa. Anton Lllja. Kvi.linga, Sweden. Thoma« Charlea Mallley, New Tork Tom Malony, St. l«ouis. Mo. Albert J. Martini, San Francisco, Cal Joseph Mayo, St. Louis. Mo. Carmi D. Miles, Fair Oak. Ind. Irwin C Morency, Detroit. Mich. William E. Myera. Okfuskec. Okla. Edwin C. North. Red Bluff. Cal. Oscar Wm. N'owlin, Fostor.a, Mich. Joaeph Olton. Erie. Pa. Jamca Parks. Fargo. N. D. F. W. Pctrello. Merlden. Conn. William A. Phillips, Olathe. Kans Delinar A. Poulson, Weiser. Idaho. Joseph Reid. Outlook. Mon'.. Jo«. G Richmond. Summit Hill. Pa. Ixiuls C. Schaeier, San Francisco. CaL Carlvle H. Smock. Fayette, Idaho. Danilo Vukasovich. South, Takovo. Ausilia. -, Thos. E. Walter«. Hot Spring«, Ark. Ja«. ?. I.afroriboise. Neche, N. Dak. William M. Lyons. Holyoke. Maaa. E. H. McCarty. Minneapolis, Minn. Louis Mrple. Docatur, HI. Wnltcr W. Mitchell. Reading. Pa. Bernard Murphy. Kittcshandre, Ire. Wm. H. Murray. HartTord,· Conn. Harold A. Olsen. Brooklyn. ?. Y. Joseph Piro. Washington. Pa. James Salifia. Mlddletown, Conn. Louis A. Streng, Newark, N. J. ivincenio Tarraxo. Waterbury. Conn (Jesse K. Thurber, Ftlrflcld. Idaho. I Geo. E. TtbbetU. Foxholm. ?. Dak. Jos. Vi. Tromblej, Montjxîllex, Ve ITY LIST Jamv J Tumllty, Rearbury, Kay Epson. Whitehall, Wla. Wilbur 'R. Utur. Warwick, ? J Ehrtck Vonberger. Baltimore. Md Howard E. Ward. New Tork. ?. T. Emil Weyrauch, okoboJL Iowa. Loul· WMrer. Fabiu·, ?. T. C. E. Witaso, Long Prairie. Minn. Joaeph Wold. Starbuck. Mini Sidney L Smith. Aberde»»n. ß Dak. Daniel J. 8kullatn. Baya-es,iIle. N. J. Joseph Staffy. Derby. Cono. Aaron 1 sussig. San Francisco. CaL Loul· Tolhfaaon. Warwick. N. Dak. Carl B. TroTe. Brantford. N. Dak. Herbert YlieUnd. River FslU. Wla. Carl A. Weist. Hornfried. Nebr. Oscar w. Wright, Cc'umbia. ß. Dak Tony Tochim. Newark, it. J. Lynn G Farwell. Muskegoo. Mich. Edward G Fischer, Fasaaaseoden, N. D. Fred. H. Foreman. Oakland. Iowa- Edward W. Fritech, Gsrraej-, Iowa. Edward B. Froelleh. Foxholm. N. D. George Greln. Chicago, 111 Darid C. Grlggs. E. Hampton. Conn. David Grubb. West Union. VL George M. Haig. Philadelphia, Pa. , David M. Hamlett. Mi-Gregor. Iowa. John Marti«. North Charlotte. ?. O I Jacob George Held. Reading. Pa- Samuel Hirsh. Columbia Junction, la. Carl L Houghton. GreenneUL Mas·. FrIU K- J- Jena»en. Pt. Ludlow. *A ash. I Herman Johnson. Portage. Wi» William J. Johnson. Luck. Win, Stine Jone1« Bower. W. Va. Dorai« C. Kelly. McRob»'·, Ky. John A, King. New Haven, ''«in. Otto C. Kochanowskt. La Salle. IIL Frank Kowalski. Trenton. N. J. Joseph Laferriere. Manitoba, Canada. Karl Gustav Laurln. Chicago II Josepuli D. Learj'. New Haven Conn. Chsrle* Ixvinson. Baltimore. Md. Mlllard E Llrads»y. Hopkinsville. Ky E. J. McCourt, New Brunswick. ? J '"lyrte ? Mclwrmott. Clinton. Mick. Walter P. McGee. Concord. Tenn. Kenneth Mclver. «rrlverstde, Oregon. Otto Marier. Piedmont. Mo. James V. Mario», New HaverLConn Frank Meyer. Jamesvllle. W. Va Angelo M. Molono. Belleville. N J. Percy James Moor·-. Chicago III. Albert Moxrctta. Putman, Conn. Mike Fapic. St. Ix>ut», Mo. C M. Patón.». Schenectady. ? ? Henry L. Pauller. Lancaster. ? Y. Patsey I'edinno. Middletunn. Conn. « Harlow P.-rry. Kalamaavoo. Mich Tlioma* ?. Plain. Richmond. CaL Alt-ert Price. Greenfield. Maas. C. 1». Proveí,, her. Gardner. Ma··. Andrew Rari. Wor. i«t. r. Mas·. Leroy Rasi·-... St. F> ale i»v ille. IIL Stanley G. I., ^. J I -tlsouarla. Mist. Henry A St. Savioj. Xa-winrton. Coni.. Joseph Seho· h. Tia-ntoii. N. J. Edward M lichaltx. Eureka, Mont. Joe Shaniaral. Thra.ll. Tev Conrad Seiler lldl.i.i. ? J Earl Schuorman. Admiro. Kans. Wassawded < lieg ree I »irisaai.^ ! MaJ. Harry T. reswtll. San Fran· claco. Cal. PRIVATES Orrai JeiTerie». Cedarville. Ohio. Virgil U Oakui» Valhalla, Mo Earl L. Rom Is,n. Addisor,. Mich. Arthur D. Stewart. Pittsburgh. Pa. M Issatasi la «.rtl.a, Lieut. I. E. Caae, Lamoni, Iowa 1-ieut. J I·. Gatiieas, Bay City, T- x. 'URIVRAL·*. John A. Aulback. New Tork. X Y. Ruel M. Bond. * ?? valli», cire. A. F Harter, an sejlaport, Wis. Edwin 1.UU. ReadinC. Pa Thoma» c Ree<L Philadelphia. Pa. «.rch C Wright. Monta idea,. Minn, .lohn J Daltoii. Siuth Boeion. Mas«. Louis P. Nelson. Philadelphia, G&. Bl'GLEKS. Wm W. De Bilvey. Hstusburg. Pa. Jam»» Lynch. sv Haven. Con·. Frank Rossell. Provincia De Poten«, . Itali Wagoner Mkh». F Lacer, Phils. Pa. PRIVATES. Yelnver Aaron. Columbia. Ky. Ralph Anderson. Seat!la. Wash. Ja· ob ? Baker. Eastman. Ga. Tobia» S Bart· h. Columbia. Pa. Fre«J Bauer. l"nion\ille. Conn. Donald A. Bennett. Idaho Fall». Ida. James W B< ntlev. c.adsoi Ala Richard S Bla· kburn. Dee ville, Tenn. Yin, .-nt Húmente. BnstoL Pa. Peter Bouriretl. Brattle, Wash. Eugene F Boa le. Fariro. N Dak. Walter J. Brown, I-.-.nsiiale. Pa. Michael Cnlcka. I.usk. Pa. C. W. Christian« ti. E|.; ;ng. V. Dak. l^arv Clifton. Free G????. Fla. ? L Coffman. Providence. S. C Till· tt Crawford. Den Fla. tierechea K. Oes Fla, .1 S. Crump. Berlin. Win, Frank Cullen. New Beat i. Maaa. ¡James J. 1 Pi. I'aul M. Ivanson. Carl ·. Pa. Starùf ? ?. DiKQaky, Moos* . P·. Josa-pli C. Dura, Maaa. John Frasu l>eo J. Adams 1 S Dak. El. rv H. Barton. Ne» '».'lie Center. New BnanaTwick. Can. Henri J. Is.-au, he-n.-. Lowell. Maas Wm. H. Deltow·. asmeramento. CaL H :-o vv. r.r., ·;, hrr. Monn West*, David w I'raitstrom. Seattle. Wash John J. I'ollins. New Hav·!: Edward Como. Seattle. Wash. nomiliItk Conti, New- York Howard J.'Daily. Ind. Sam Dickinson, t lak Hill. Altaert A. Edwards. Oui-· y. Fia Iaonalil c Fe »man. Miillverry. Fia. Goorçe Germeraad. Netherlands. William G....Ian. Pittston. Pa. l.eon L Hansen. Salem. Ore. Groares" C Inlüvv. luka. M:ss. Stephen Jona. Jr.. Hartford. Conn. Irvin J. Kaiser. Ijnui»'-'lie. Ky. John F. Kenn,-dy, Boston. Mass min F ??????,?'.. Millwood. Ga .lohn M l'oa. h. Minersville. Pa Patri Jesse Manross, Birier. Pa. J,»- Mallow. Henm. 111. Michale Martone. New Haven. Conn. H. M. Mattson, San Fraticiseo. Cal· Frank Maturaa. Tariffville. Conn. Eurth Meyer. Chicago. 111. A. A. Mitchon. Schnlenhurf. T. x. Lee R. Nabera. Cadde. Nathan T. Nessclson. Br.idrord. Pa. E. M. O'Connor, 1-emont Fun.see. Pa. Thomaa O'Dea. Bofton. Ml William Powers. Bertrand. N.b. John Rlci. Milford. Conn. Grover C. Riot. Glen Fall«, Wls George F. Beaùoetaer. lvetror. V rl Rüssel I* Shannon. I-aii«ford. Pa Richard alncinasklc. Port '«?»·??. Pa. Charles F. Biaer, 1 ·· G River, lonn. Rome M. Stack«, College Park. Ga. Alexander c stone. Columbia. P». Howard E. Sweeney. Richmond. Vt. Edward .1 Washer, Syracuse. ? Y L. w. Wellor. San Francisco. CaL Thomas White. Jr New Hav en < On» Abner G. English. Tallahaase». Fia. Thomas R. Fowler. Rainler. Oregon. F.rcell F. Girard. Seattle. Wafh Augustus C Goodwin.- Phila l'a. Edward Hoffman. Sandy, Oliala»«. - Carl Josephson. Ambrose ? I *ak. Willard S King. Iliad. Mont. Ward O. Lawrence, Cansville Ky. William J. Mirn"'n· McKeesport, Pa. H. J. Millwood. Flowery Branch. Ga. Kdsar G. Moulton, Conrad. Mont. Joseph Mullen. Marshall. Ill Joeeph Nasal. Brooklyn. ?. T. Carl Peterson. Brlggsville. Wis. David Kittenburg. Dorchester. Maaa. Antonio-Santino. New York City. N.T. Jake Scovlcke. Neshkoro. Wls, Michael Sy.k. Yonkers. ? T. Joeeph 8kwarlo, Yonaacrs. ?. T. Edwin S. Smith. Brooklyn. ? Y Clyde M. Snodgra·». Apuawka 111. Hugo Sundstrom. Stockholm. Sweden. George W. Tilomas. Ca hlamet. Waah. Louis Ti.iv.i Chicago. III. Bolleslaw. Wtnlmko. Detroit. Mich. McBride Not PUyiaf. Philadelphia. Sept. It.Firwt a»·»«*- man Luderus. of th» Phillies, haa signed to play ball on th« side «itk the Koaciusko team, of the Lake- Shore Le..-ue. at Milwaukee. Short¬ stop Geoide McBride. of the Wash¬ ington club, also reaides in Milwau¬ kee, bit has not yet deaided to eimS an, gtoú-protmasioami feei^

Transcript of Live Neu and Views of^tì Sporta World...

Live Neuo¥fscüE '

FOR SOX CLUBChampion Red Sox WentThrough Series with

Only One Error.t___^___

Boston. Sept. li-Boaton's record Inworld s serle» i« Immaculate. Thesauce««· of the Red Sox was theclinching anument in tie Hub's.sixth triumph In th· ba»eball s»"*»sl-.Qt tbease victories five have been ac¬

counted for by the Red Sox »Dd oneby th« Brave«. Again the AmericanaJataaue has demonstrated Its superior¬ity ln the series over the »TallonaiI «cagne and the serie» »core now

stands 10 to 5. with the cam« tallyUto 58. Of the last nine series eightafive gone to the younger organisa¬tion, which »end» into th« classic«teams which seem to be able to thinkand act quicker than thoase of theaamlor circuit, and seem to be better"monev player·."

It will be noted that Boston's mar¬gin Wednesday again was only oneion. It »cored every one of its fourvictories over th· Cubs by that one-lun margin. That one run seems toM juait as sacred as the cod in theHub. for in 16 world's series successes

ley Boston dub« IS bave been record-ei bv one-run margin«. In 1915 theTied Söx won all their tour gamestroni the Phillies by one run andriropped only one game to the Mor.infere··.Th· »eri·· thi» year was the fourth

I» th« lì played «Ince liu, that went¦six game». Toe other three were thejM*S series, in which the Chicago Am-«.ricana won from th« Cub«: the 1911ititstr. in whicah tb« Giants ran secondto the Athletic», and tlse WIT conipe-ntion. won by th« White Sox overth« Giant». S.x aerie· have been de-a.dcd in five games.

In past year« tbe world's serie«¦ auallv de*eloped mediocre baseball.'hut this season it brought out sonic of

» finest mecisanicaJ and mental p»-i-li.rmance.s yet son cm any dlamoiiùm aay sort of competition. The Basi*ox played live games without an.»iror. and tlieir lone misplav was a

r.iarjudged fly by WhltaTaam·. Thatl-. ts a neidm¿ ? .«?,? which «erics '?*>me hardly wiil excel. The Cub·.

toe. witli only five errors. playe«t..»bove world serie« form. The j ii,mg was splendid aiul for the stoatt.nse in our remembrance the seriesfailed to develop even une home run.and after all the talk of what Ruthivas ¿oing to do to tha* faMMas»! Atthat. Ruth brought Out a three-ba--? hich won the fourth game for theRed Sox. Tsie fetching was of a veryhigh caliber, with the result tha; a h.lub stole only three bases.The eerie« arm« the medium for con-

'.ùorabte »l·.- iinciiuii for Harry HssarV3r, of the Red Sox. for it niarKed his

iieeence ?·? the fourth winiiri of tbesTswataTa title Sin.-e he narrer lias :,eeii.:i a world's scries- loser, he holds aliar» liever before attained by ar,:.'anjaajrer. Melimi« and Strunk also-..hievetl tiieii" i ouiHi world's series

u: :a^ members of the Atii-letics they ^aftVra-d a defeat.that sur-asssasaaag r-v.rsai by th« graves in IMI.;->i,- Oll.ns anal Jack Barry also

?, on four sei ie.« winners, butthat», loo. «ere on the beaten Ath-¡«.¡a.·.«.ontiast^-al with Hooper's record i-i

liait of Fred .aieikle. who ITas beenoi. Pre world-.-, j-aie-i losers and on? atsTT :: wii.ner. Thrice he was withthe Giani«, or, .^ with the Superlaas??? i.ow with tho Cubs. If Chicago? looking for th· hoodoo, there he is.How.--.-e-. Frc-d can console himselfvl'li the financial return that comeseven to the losers.


S<.:reu»^y Bryant, of the V. ??. <". ?."Liberty Hut. expects to ???*· ti.e boy·aa.otn the camps in this vicinity al^ii^.'*a»Vi all men in unitomi a real tr*-atort Saturday night. September 21. whenTlie first of a. series of athletic showsw*U be held for the entertainmentat the enlisted men. Boxing andwrestling nmon? senke athletes.altng with head-liners of the profes¬sional game, will feature th*» bills,and to Jack "Kid" Mulroy. the vet¬eran bantam-weight, goes the creditfor starting thing*Although Kid Alulroy and Secretary-Bryant have not completed their 'plansfor the inaugural, another battle was

booked la.*u night between Huber Kreyand Solomon Lowe io a four-roundsetto.


Which team is the champion of theDepartmental League?This ia a Query received yesterdayfrom an amateur fan. In answeringthis the term "we" must be used.

?» far as "we" understand, theHoward A. French Sporting: GoodsCompany presented the league witha trophy to be presented to its pen¬nant winner.The aeries was divided Into two

series, the CTth Engineers capturingthe title in the first series and JackRyan's Commerce Club landed thehonors in the second series. To dateno schedule has been attempted toto be made for a final play-off butif is rumored that Engineer* forfeitedits (franchise by non-appearence iutbe second series.President J. J. O'Brine denied this

U¿'ie and ft is high time that thesetwo dubs set their dates to settlethe question as "frost will shortly*>c on the punkin.*."

Sitter b Drafted.Lebanon, Pa.. Sept. 12..Ceorge

Sisler. first baseman of the rit. LouisCardinals has elected to fifcht th«fioche instead of accepting essentialemployment of war worlc. Sisler hadpromised Coach Kelchner. in chargenf the playing end of the Lebanon-Bethlehem 8te«s Baseball League.that should Tie decide to work in¬stead of fight he would accept em¬

ployment here and play with thelocal Steel League team. Tn a tele-srsjn received from Sisler todayK«lchner is notified of the former'sacceptance of a commission tn thearray, where he -will serve with hisold man»ra»*jr. Branch Rickey, whohas also eniifcied.

Montreal See» Red Sox."oston. Sept. It.Th« Montreal

Hub. of the new International'.»ague, has filed a bill In equity,returnable Friday In the Supremev'ourt. against the Boston AmericanLeag-ie Club, seeking to tie up thereceipts of the world series gamesuntil payment Is made to theMontreal Club, of »1,0» for the re¬lease bv that club of Paul Smith.

Lient. Onimet Marries.Boston. Sept. i;..Lieutenant Fran¬

cis Ouimet, former national amateuraad open golf champion, and MissStella It. 8nllivan were married heretoday Lieutenant Ouimet li attachento th« Quartau-masiaO Departmentat CamDiidgc.

's and ViCua-da't Big Races.

New York. Sept. 12. Althoughracing In Canada has been aban¬doned for the period of the war.

there are a few big stakes that

are run each year under special;>ermission from the government.Two of these, the Provincial Nur¬sery and the King's Plate will bedecided at the Blue Bonnet's course

at Montreal on Saturday. FrankJ. Bryant, who will act as one oftbe «tewards, and George T. Mil*1er, who will preside at the bar¬rier, will leav« for Montreal to·morrow. Jockeys Taplln and Hop¬kins also will leave to ride in thetwo big race*.


weight will OutweighHim in Battle. ?

New Tork. Sept. 12..The pound-ago at which Champions BennyLeonard and Ted Lewie will enterthe ring for their titular battle atWiedenniayer'a Park, In Newark.September tt, is a, topic of generaldiscussion among the fight genti'yall along the Atlantic seaboard. Insome quarters the belief is preva¬lent that Lewis will scale lighterthan Leonard v.'hen the flrat gongsounds for tlie "Battle, of Cham¬pions."Lewis, himself, is sponsor for the

statement that he w.lll weigh no

more than Leonard when fleht timearrives. The welterweight cham¬pion last night informed Jack Cui-ley. who is.conducting the titularbout for the Airdrome Club, that heis ready to wager SSOO that ha willgo Into the ring weighing less thanLeonard. Lewis already has betLeonard $5*0 on this proposition.

I understand Billy Gibson »aysf-eonaid will be at the lightweightlimit \\ hen he lights me." saidLewi's, -".yell, I'm ready to bet 'Gib-half a thousand that I will notweigh as much a« Leonard the night Iof the fight.and I don't care whatBenny weighs."As a matter of f;iet. I may try to

make the lightweight limit that if 1 knock out Benny I'llalso he the winner of bla champion¬ship. '

The question now la: "How muchdoes Lewis weighT*


Ensign Harry llanla now. fans,Every follower of scholasti«- athleticsduring the pan tlv.· «ears i-ememberx iwell ÜM ¿teat little« athlete turnedout at Business High School. Gil-mour Dobie, the miracle coach fromthe far northwest that Naval Acad¬emy engage»! last season, and who?* at Annapolis «.'olle·.«- this season,doffs his lid to this athlete, hut Dob-

|b'.e is only one year late.Han is, ptarlnc quarterback for the? est Virginia Unlrsially team lastfall, scored the only touchdown inthat famous game, which broke Dob-ble's »rnralaaa yerord of fourteenyears. Knsign Harris is now locatedat Pensacola, ria.. In the naval avii-Hon Held, instructing the "Jackies·*li: bomb throwing.


Perry Downck. who ma.le footballhistory along with achievements Inother branches or athletics at Busi¬ness High School a few years agosaid farewell to his friends and fanshere last night at he is bound forine Boston Technical Collece to studyfor a commission in the Navy as anaviator.After leaving Business. Dowrlck was

one of the mainstays In the back Heldot the Trojan and National A. C.teams while In 1911 he played with theGeorgetown University eleven. Dow-rick managed to squeeze into theNorth Carolina state game and gavea good account of himself.


¡League Composed of Army TeamsLengthens Ils Schedule.

London. Sept. ll.-Althoush the orig-inai schedule of the league composedor American, Canadian and Englishsoldier teams expired a week or twoago. it has been decided to continueuntil September 23. The games, us¬ually played on Sundays, have provedmost popular and Interest in theleague race runs high. The UnitedStates Army team Is still in flrstplace, though the Epsom outfit mayspring a surpris« before the seasondraws to a close.

RED SOX TO PLAY HILLDALE.Champions Will Be Managed by Art

Summers.Boston. Sept. 12-Art Summers, the

well-known baseball manager of this,city. has -;;.nlzed a team compose!¡chiefly of the world's championBoston Red Sox team to erjage inISauiday nnd Sunday fames duringthis month and October. Summershas h > «baa! the "war champions" for¡a gama wltn the fast col-rea mó¬ldale nino tr be played at the Kinda'ej Park. Darby, this Saturday afternoonLater this month and next Manager

tSummers will have the Red Sox playsuch teams as Steelton. Haselton

| Lebanon, Bethlehem. Hobokeu andBaltimore. #

H0PPE~W1NS APPEAL.Billiard Champion Gets DeferredClass on Account of Dependent».New York. Sept. U.-The appeal of

Willie Hoppe. balk-line billiardchampion, against being placed in< .ass 1-A of the draft under fight" rule, was upheld bvthe district board of New York, itwas announced today.Hoppes local board has placed liim

in Class «1-A because of dependents.but recently placed him In the topclass, declaring that billiard playingas an occupation was nonessentialThe district board, however, gave himhis original classification. Hoppe willroon start on an exhibition tour forthe benefit of the Red Cross.

Bexdck lunes CalLState College. Pa., Sept. 11-

Hugo Bezdek, Pennsylvania State'anew director ot phyalcal educationand athletlca. ha's summon«*! nilcandidates for the Blue and "White'seleven for preliminary practice to¬morrow. Although the college will notreopen imtH September ?, statesPlayers were notified to report earlyIn order to get into condition forthe opening gam« with Muhlenberg<.oueßz here on September ^ .


Land from Khaki Tribe inFinal Inning.Marines

Defeat Cappubs.Looae fielding of the Army Medico

team In the flnal frame of yeaterday'sbattle with the Navy Yard teanj at

the American League Park sent theMedicos down to defeat In SectionTwo by a 4-to-3 count Humphreysfor the Machinists and Parka for theKhaki tribe hooked up In an Interest¬ing pitching duel, but the latterweakened in the ninth frame whenerrors by his teammates gave theNavy Yard an uphill victory. -

The medicos, played a great defen¬sive g0mW\ until after one man waa

out In the flnal Inning, when hits byBilly Luscombe and Glovannettisettled the question. In the sixth In¬ning Clark in left field made a sen¬

sational stab of Crook's line .driveand doubled Sterxer up at first baseby a good peg to Howard on a playthat would do credit to Tris Speaker.In the flnal Howard forced McBrideat the far cornor on Seaten's attemptto sacrifice, which was a regular ALn lfal Chase.Walter's single followed by triplée

by Clark and Howard gave theMedicos two runs in the flrst Inning,while Sharkcy's hit followed byHoward's sacrifice placed the Medicosln striking distance In the sixth.Phlpps and Ruff smashed clean drivesthrough the Navy Yard defense giv¬ing Medicos their final two counters.Parks made a present of the flrst

run to the Navy Yard team in thenorth when he hit Sterxer with a

.ntehed ball and wild pitched Buckto third base. McBride then crashedout a long fly to center Held that gaveSterxer easy romping to the plate.Navy Yard put the old game on Ice

ln its uphill light ln the ninth whenMcBride opened with a single. Braundlooked ove;· four wiile ones, but Sea-ton attempted to advance the runnerson a sat rilico on which Howard madehie brilliant play at the far cornercutting down McBride. Phlpps mls-cucd on Fitzgerald offering givingNavy Y'ard its first run.

Billy Luscombe was then used as a

pinch hitter for Humphreys. Lus-coinue delivered wlth-a wallop to leltth^l tailed Seaton and l'itxgeraldcrossed over with the winning run

when Oiovannetti hit through Sharey.Th·· scor«-:

?. .M. Ablt»A CI VT AkHOAB«>;i.m..b.. ? ? ? ? ' ß · » « 4 13] 0 1' J 1 0 0>:.. rVe«.»a.. 4 ? 0 ? 1 UV«'artli».»a. 4 0 S Sii 1 ! Sttran.lf.... 3 5 I l>

1i;.-J ...111?" rnx.kii.ll> 4 Oli ?E'ifT.rf. 4 12» l, "aUBride/".r :: '-' '.* «Walker.rf. .1111 fcBtmuinJ.:*«... Ili-'Joocajf. -110 0i-4,aton.rf. 4 0'»«Hnltatai.r... 4 » ? e «..Friugerald.i· 4 0 % t ·

1-atka.a. I 1 ß 0 O-HuQipür»«.,.» 2 1 ! tiLuTcoiule. 1 " " I

Totale.... 3tora J lt Tétala.... w ! '¦ is ?

"ïîatt«r«l for Hiunphr.i« m min:·.*<!..«· out \vb«u ««.¿nains p?? waa «.».re«], y

?p??? Medical. î 0 · » 0 1 » » »-JXjiy Vara. eoDioeoe*;-*Bim' -Walten. ? Urk. Shara»y. M.ner.

Htaiinii. «Vaion. l'it/geraJ.l. Leti on l**«Na«y, b: Anuy Metili al. 6. Klr^i eaee

ta balla.Uff 1'áHa. i Slrock out-B« Humsbrrya. 4; Parka, i. TlnT«>la«e liila-Uai».Hiaard. ¡»acriflee hit*-Howanl. S*^criflc« Mes-M. Bride stoica Uws-H«xllKab tt), lla¡» -«'lark i Ilonanl: CsooIk ta Vttt-rerald. Hit l>y V^li« By. I'arka iKlmtr·.Wild i,ilch-Tarta. L.; ires.Mcaar». lí.-tu an«lCut. *

Seetlea flat·.The Manna«· forged further to t'ie

front yeeterday in Section One atAmerican League Park when theydefeated the Cappubs in a looselyplayed game by ß count of 9 to >·.There remains but one more same tobe played In Section One when theMarines will meet War Risk in thesecond game of the double-header atAmerican league Park on Sunday,September S.Manager Mulvey of Cappubs used

up three southpaw fungerà trying toslop the Marines, but it could not bedone. Thia trio of portsiders werewild as the proverbial "march hare,"as they walked no less than nine menbetween the three of them. This lotof hurlers were stingy with their hits,but ^he -loose playing liehlnd themtogether with the free transportationsenabled the Sea Devils to pull thegame out of the flre in the sixth ses¬sion.Delibi, who was in the center of the

diamond, was not hit until the fourthwhen two hits with a walk and an

error put two runs over for the Ma¬rines. In the next session on twohits another tally came across and Inthe sixth chapter on two hits andnumerous passes five runs were talliedwhich gave the Sea Devils the edgeby two tallies. To make ¡t safe theMarines scored on four bases on ballswhich forced over the last tally,bringing up their total to 9.Hunt, who started on the mound

for the Marines, was not in the bestform and on three passes and a singlewith an error one tally registered atthe plate. On two hits and two errorstwo counters came across the plate.Driver, who had relieved Hunt, wasnot scored upon until the sixth whenhis slants were bumped for three hits;the last tally for the Cappubs was putover the counting dish.The Cappubs were held safe in the

last session as two men struck outand the third man popped up to short.The score:Cappub. Ab H O A E| Marine«. Ab H ? A ?

Jarai»,lf-c... S 2 2 0 ?. Waldman.lf 4 0 0 0 0l'atten.Zb... J 1 1 3 0 Gladden Jb.. 2 0 110Mulvey..Ih... 3 10 0 0 r' 3 0 9 4 2 8 1 OlClsrke,rf c... 2 1*01Montarte.rf 3 13 0 Ojrvbb.tb. 4 2 12 1Shoe'ker.rf . 2 0 2 1 tVRlgler.c rC.. 2 0 10 0Ber'hardt.a, 4 0 3 1 0|tOllie»\s*. 3 2 2 0 1Serrín.?. 3 2 10 OJMoore.lf. 4 0 10 0McGrathp... 0 0 0 0 OUIiint.p.. 0 0 0 3 0l>yeae.p. 10 0 0 J 1 0 3 0

Total·.... 3 »a 7 0¡ Totals. 27 «2110 1Marines. 0 0 0 2 15 1.»Cappub. 1 0 2 2 0 1 0-«Runs-Patten. Muhey (21. Bailies. Jartla.

Shoemaker, Gladden, raaqueralla. Clarke (2).Cobb, Biiler. Collier. Moore 12). Left oo base,-Carpub. 7; Marinea. 5. Flrat bu· oo balls-Off Serrín, 3; off McOrath. I« Drew, 5; offHunt, 3; off Drirer. 3. Innings latched- BySerrin, 3, i hit«; by Irres*. 1. no t,ita; bj Mc-Gratb. 1. 1 hit; by Hunt. 2. 3 hit»; bj 6 bita, etruck oiit-By Serrín. 1; by Mc¬Orath, 1; by Irjeae. 1: by DriTcr. 0. Tbre»-base hit-Janl». Tuo-haa« hit-Cobb. Sacrificehit-P«tt«re. Stolen bauata-PatUn, Montague.I'aased ball-Brandenbere. Wild pitch-Hunt.Van ires.Mr. Hughes. Time.1:15.

Jimmy Shaw to Pitch.Baltimore. Sept. 12..Jim Shaw,

crack pitcher of the WashingtonAmericans, has accepted a positionwith the Lebanon shipyard, but hehas promised Dr. Cook, manager ofSt. «Andrew's Athletic Association,that he will return to Baltimore Sun¬day to pitch In the double-header atShamrock Park with the,champions of the Scml-Pro League

Marqoard May Pitch for Nary.Tenafly. N. J.. Sept «.^Lieutenant

P. H. Jones, athletic", director atCamp Merritt. today sVnt word toAssistant Paymaster Dawson. of theBrooklyn Navy Yard that the Armywithdrew all objections to the Navyplaying either Rube Marquard orBurleigh Grimes, the two formerBrooklyn pitchers, on Saturday aty-i «Tfilfi ;riuaUi.

le SportaSECTION ONE.Yesterday'· Hesults.

Marines, 9: Cappub, 6.

Where They Play.NO games until Sunday.

Double Header atAmerican League Park.

Standing of the < luh«.Won Itami Tct.

Marines . 4 0 1.000War r.lsk . t 1 .750Cappub . 0 I .000

SECTION TWO.Yesterday's Hi-salta.

N'avy Yard, 4; Army Medicos, 3.

Where They Play.Clarendon J"«. Operations.American Lea Vie Park.

Betts and Hughes, umpires.

Smarting of the ? Ini...

Won Loft Pet.N'avy Yard . S 0 1000'Operation* . I 1 .taliClarendon G. 1 1 .5001Ilex A. C.. 1 2 .333Army Medicos . 0 3 .000,


Kew York. Sept. 12..The Germanswho encountered the United StatesMarines at Belleau Wood and Cha¬teau Thierry and who lived to tellthe tale probably are of the opinionthat the "Devil I>ogs" need no In¬struction in the art of fighting, yetGunnery Sergt. Al Thompson, for¬mer Cincinnati lightweight boxer, isteaching the soldiers of the sea atthe Paris I.sland training camp howto use their lists. Sergt. ThompsonU handling his Job very well too.though that is not in Itself ren.ark-able, considering the material whichhe has at hand. One of Thompson'sfavorite ¡stunts to stimulate the in¬terest of the men is to array two linesof marines, chosen at random, backto back, then enter th«*iii to "AboutFace" and start lighting, the ideabeing that each man must swappunches with one who stood directlyback of him in the original formationof the li ?.·'!·*. If a front rank manonly 'j feet t; whirl· about to liiul him¬self facing ? .six footer, outweitthiug'him many pounds, hs must engag*.-hlm just Ute .«am·.*, und the upcer-t u in ties of this particular same he!:»to make ¡? attractive,

BELMONT RESULTS.Fin.-t kacK-FI.* fsfkags. Pisi im. Ill

IT... »? 13 to 5, i to :. 1 to ?; 1'igeon Wing.110 (lit binnoD'. 15 tn 19, - to j. «tit; Looking1 '» iK«Ue>., 13 to 1. ? to 1, -' to I. Tin,«·.

OtiksUe, S. <l·, « 'hiuiney S**-ift u-lr»ii.

.KiiiMi BACK Tue stilasi BaUo.*. M·ITsjW), ''à to ,"·. fun. out; Expectation, HIlì. ? ? ? '· m y mit; iiehnsht.

iButsb,, 4·) to 1, S 1.1 l, S to 1. Tin»«.*. 4:1» J ».

NllUllfg 1311TH1BÜ KA* E- Mil*· ar., »iitre-ntii: Rig! t.

(MaCrano 5 tt 1, 7 to :,. i.» Î; Barr\Wiemw«, 1(*> iflcbottisc«), ti ?» I, * ... *·, 3 t" ¦"-.Wiwiuii, IDE I.vs.- i lo r. »t. Tiii·»*.1:16 IS. JtadaV Vtisfftald, Waterpcouf, «UmJItsbber, .·> Valley al-o ran.??G??? RACK-Mile: .-t l*idm

(Watts*. 7 tf» ». '.ut and out: Wiiima... H*tllowan·. 1Î to «V. out ainl wit. «»uly two atari-fT*v. Tm. .*> :c.FIFTH It Vri:-Seven furlongs: tartagli 11.

121 fl.ykw··. 5 t<> 1. 7 to 5. 1 to 2, wos; Hot-matter. ?? tLnftuai, 7 to W, 1 tn 3. out; Talar.lit» (Thurlsr), 40 t.* ?. 11 to I and I to I, thirlTim«-, 38. Minutar Toi. T*«. NcTaggart, Sa!-.e.^tia 3λ rait.SIXTH BACK.FIt* and on»? half fur

Lord Brighton. 120 (Lfkt), 9 to 5. 2 tu 3, out:Qia.*l.pain, U*S (Watt*··, \Z to 5, 3 to 5. out:Xabla ifWwinsi. 105 "Bice*. 100 to l. 'jj to laad 3 tj 1, third. Time, 1:14 1-5. VindsK alaolull.

HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES.???? HACE-Fire and "tie bAÏt furti»«·.:

Tula I, 114; Morm< ? Boar. IM; Aucttoacer, 112:Russa M-, 111: Armant, 110; Btiasissdale, IH;Marie ?'??pµ?, 1»; Patina, lit; «ataeou*»«r.II!; tine Rid**. 107; Marie Hi-llina. Ill: Dr.Kta. 110; Clip. 11*; Uoom Uaorfr, 1* Lan¬des**, 107.BBCOKD BACE-Oas mil* Outlaw, 117;

MalUr, lit·, Roxtof» M, 112; Candidate 3J.11'2 J ark LMwfon. 117, Thrift. 112; Diwxn ei.112.THIRD RACE-Six furlon*»: Cheiming.rial. lit: Nigrl. IM; Murphy. Ill; IndianChant, 114: Juanita 3d, IC·; O. A. Co'niskey.1»; CoL Valentin·». 1»; Hielt Har. Ill; Finn*Inn-. 114; Matter Karma, 114; Roltin Laird.Pitan. U*; VaJapar. IOS; AU Bright. Mt; BeatsAtkin, lût».FOURTH RACE.One mile» and etventy raída:

Hoier. 112; Julia L.. lv\ Blaa-nrv, IOS: Ttwoi.iieV.. ;«; I»ouiiJas« H., 110; Ulj" L«»u. 110; WuuAViolt-t, 104: «'apt. Marchmoot. 105.FIFTH RACE.'Hie milt» and one-ixtcent;

Stir G?. Ill; Hiernmn. Ill; Front Royal, 109:Tonate, 10ß; Ring Urne.· 106; Flection, 110; E«c-nwvot, KB; Msnnclien, 109; Fairy Legend, 10n.Hahr Raarh. lCt>..SIXTH RACE.On* mile and one siitrentir

Diatnrtrr, 114; Havden 10»; Ben Hanipson. 109;RoMirater. 1U6: Kezirh. 110; Gnat Iirlly, 111;CVMie. 109. Tlie Belgian U, ICS; Caulàt. MS.SEVENTH RA<;B-One mile and one-aix-

tenth: Darkey. Ill; »taf Shnotir, 109: TrialBy Jnrr, 10»; OaMSDOS, IK. Bey oakvnod, UA:Molly O.. Ill; Charles Franc»». 10G; ?a?·? Bit¬ta*. 1«; Jeeiie C. 109.

ig Worldïmnmim'REAL FEATURE_

La nds Three Winners atHavre de Grace.St.

Quentin Wins.¦p d* Grace, Md., Sept. li¬

stirring finishes rewarded the large:-.umber of race enthusiast* whothronged to Havre de Grace this af¬ternoon to witness the third day ofthe races at the popular Marylandmil· course. Airplanes from the

nearby government proving groundshovered over the thronged track anddelighted the visitors with their dar¬ing antics in the air.One of the airmen, after success¬

fully making a beautiful falling l«affor several hundred feet, descende-Jto within a few feet of the grand¬stand and waved his hand at thespectators. Th« crowd below stoodon their feet and lustily cheered the

daring aviator.The sensational riding of Sande, the

crack Western youngster who is now

under contract to Commodore J. K. L*.Ross, accounted for three of thepurees during the afternoon. Win¬ning hands down with St. Quentin intho Initial affair, at short odds, hepiloted Foreground to the fore in thefifth number and in the fourth no«he gave the best exhibition of rmrsgameness, when he held Dottie Van-divt-er up during the last sixteenthnnd succeeded ln stalling off the de¬termined rush of Duchess Lac·, ilereceived a great ovation upon his re¬

turn to the stands and the fans are

already proclaiming' him the greatesthandler in the country.Foreground, the chestnut colt by

Fugleman and Bernia, who was im¬ported to this country by CommodoreKo**, from ? ? ? laud, demonstrated to¬

day- what a really great thoroughbredlu» i.-^ Prevlousty he had experi¬enced great difficulty in getting awayfrom the post with the others, buttoday Sande had him on his toes, ?a<\When the barrier vras sprung he leftwith the other starters. He quicklytook u Ion;? lead which he held safetythroughout the race. Aunim finishedsecond after a slow beginning, andthe tiring Tomlmlo lasted third.Passing Shower, who wad so well

thought of by the knowing ones atho was installed a one to two favor-It« ??« the third"* number, rati a dullrace, and at no time exhibited anyform which warranted such heavybacking. 1 Miti· Vundiveer took thelead. and. although hard pressed, man¬aged to stay the »hállente of DuchessL*aee and Ambassador 3d, two long.-diots. who finished second and third.respectively. The seeond choice, I*il-lian Shaw, also finished out of themoney.In tite opening mmilter St. Quentin

opened up a long lead for a race offive furlongs and «ame Imme alone,with Tommywaar a second and Syl¬van, who was» well liked, third.The steeplechase proved to be a

thriller. Cuto Floto, ridden by H.Williams, barely managed to get upIn time to nip the fast traveling Tur¬moil, a real long shot. Turmoil ledhis field for the two rounds of thefield, and in the end continued bisfast pace and gave no signs of blow¬ing up. I'nder great punishment OttoFloto gradually crept up and juMcrossed the line a scant winner.Melos, another outsli^r. Unlshcd inthe third hole. The summari*. s:

KIRst KACC-FI-rt and one half f-iHoci« »Qutfitii.. 118 (Sand*), ? ¥). 2.P0, 2.Y TommWa*-. iti* Fohnaoat, ?.?. 2.40; htWaao, 11¦'.Cernili*. 2,70. Time, 1:91 S. Poultncy. Fur:.Trim**. Si.] Ç. Kenwr. Twilijiit 4th al·» r*D.

SEOI.M» RACE ?«·· mil*»: Otta Kioto. Ill(H, WUHaa»), *'?. ti·. SJO; ???pµ??, '¦¦

iLsad) H50. lC.ö). Make, 1:4 iWliimarkt. 8.8.'.Tim?. 3J9I-!. Rhomb. AMon. J. <". Ewalt.VTa* rite aiftfde, Eaii* TbvUE·, Be-*!·? Fitxhaeb.Boh RedfleW mimo ran.Ill III!» HACK Six furlorn"*: Thi» Mi.kir-an.

117 iRalli. 2.90, 3.11) tuw! t»; Choir Ma-ter.110 t-fofcnaoa). < W. ?.4t>; Korfbagr. Satfd-mam, 3.90. Time, lilt 4>ih«lt \.-\-. tablet.Flam:*, Queen Itloml·. Seagull, Kinj John,Uncle Sand, Cobalt alio rir,FOriïTH RACE-Su furious»: Ht'ii «Va-

direr, 113 ÍSandri. 10.SO. 5 '.V, ï»0; 1»; hrs*Lacr 10R («Masi, ?«, ß»; Amt·*.« jt 3rd.IÌJ tMolwwrorth». f &). Tim*·. 1:13 2-5. G?£ß??ßbhowrr, OUnella, Lillian Shaw al-v* rat».FIFTH RACE-Mile aad mrremtj >..-.· Fore US <Saode\ 3.60, 2.TU, ¿«. Aunan, 112tt\t)lln»i. I.«, .".»: Tom Rolo, lu (il Intypp2.90. Time, 1:« 3-5. Quietude, Un M Piernaanton alao ran.SIXTH RACB-Mile and a quartif : Pltirant

G>?**ß??·, 106 (Sterling». 10». 4.80. 110; Waukac.1W i\y<rmier). 5.03. 3G-0: Bar of Phoenix, 10*(Stalker», :.». Time, 2:08 13. TooUie, Hanal«) Tan.SEVENTH RAd-V-Mil« and a furlong: Bo-

çart, 123 (Pominick), 12.40, 5.80. 140; Baierojeet,IH» (State), 5.3,. 4.50; Handful. 113 ti'teken**.9.?. Time, 1:56 h«; Arbitra tor. Onward, Utle,Mcnocacy, Tranbj also ran.

EVERETT TRUE BY CONDOi/veu., «vhat's New G

g| tqpav, e?«p?ett, s

-afr< /UuAV?tajCiivS IT





Th« following casuali!«· are re¬ported by the commanding Renerai ??the American Expeditionary ForcesKilled ln -fiction. «£Missing ln action. JaWounued eeverely. g»Died of wounds . 2»Died from accident and othercause« . g

Died of disease.:.. gWounded (degree undetermined) 3¿"risonerà . 1

Total . 171Killed in Action.

Capt. Phil J. Keller, Ban Antonio.Texas.

Lieut. Michael J. Duddy, Plains. PjS*rgt. \V. H. White, Richmond, Va

CORPORALSClifton B. Foster, Sapulpa. Okla.Harry Godinsky. New York.Emanuel J. Hammon, Sprlngrun, Pa.John Friii,'is Holland, ??·???, MaasI.inwood W. Hopkins, Argyle, Me.John F\, Schwall. Wllkesbarre. Pa.Commie D. Wheeler. Creedmoor, N. C.Mechanic J. W. Dillavou, Glldden, la

PRIVATES.Roman Barnirkl. Erie. P£ *

Walter L Bradley. Elmo. Mo.Wlnfield G. Carey. Qreenc.tstle. Pa.Alf. G- Champagne, Chlcopee. Mass.Grady M. Cochran, Flcklin. Ga.Agostino Conlcello. Coniahohocken, P«.Theodore J. Crist, Chamberaburg. Pa.Raphael E. Cross, Jackson, Mich.John P'Amore. Milwaukee. Wls.F. L Delaney. Moundsville, W. Va.Frank B. Doerfer, Goodland. Kans.Herbert S. Duncan. Terre Haute, Ind.T. J. Goranson. Saskatchewan, Can.Patter T. Hansen. Hoisted. Denmark.Charles P. Hemphill, sEmbry, MisaClarence T. Johnson. Nampa, Idaho.Anthony Klucka, Blelgorai, Russia-

I'oland.Died ef »Asmad·.

Lieut. A. M. Mclnerny, South Bend,Indiaha.

Lieut, .lohn ?. Roberts. Madison, Wi«Sergt. «V. A. Kuedisale. Detroit. Mich.

CORPORALS.Paul T. Butler, Kalamasoo, Mich.Eat Harold Ewtng. Ludington, Mich.John E. Lynch, Chicago. 111.Wm. Harvey Walker, Havelock. Nebr.Harry M. Wilson. Plymouth. Pa.Mech. M. R. Hanson. Glenwood. Ky.Wag. wm. Emil (Jraunka?. Hebron, III.

PRIVATES.Richard H. Bernlnger. St. Louis. Mo.Robert E. Bottles. Selway. Mont.Leonard F. Hums, Winsted, Conn,oriste Cioccolini. Trenton. N. J.Roy F. llalton, Pesolum. 111.Walter B. DeShong. Fairchance. Pa.Giuseppe Fontana. Rockford, 11:John Gurny Lubin. Russian Poland,»in E. Halley. Moberly, Mo.Harry Helman, Cincinnati, Ohio.

tiled mt Disease.Sergt. Jesse A. York. Mangum. Okla.Corp. D. C. Mitchell, South bend. Imi

I'RI VATES.Henry B. Morgan. Shive, Tex.Harry Pearson, (eslíen. IndThomas Raymond. Statesboro. Ga. iTluinia.« Sutton. Sneedvill«-, Tenu.

llled From Initial «ad Other4'aasae*.

Lieut. W. w. Porter. Syracuse. ? ?Ser^r. t. E. Johnston, "asaco. Tex.Corp. J. M. Scherer, Pittsburg, Pa.

PRIVATES.Olivers Bcauchard. Rochester. N. T.Elmer WT l'hambers. Parma. Mii.liJohn A. Hand, Camella. Ga.Arthur Laferriere. Anthony. R. "I.John C. Welch. Southboro. Mas·.

W »aaded Severely.Lieut. F. H. Ramwell, Memphis. Tenn.Lieut. S. C. Snienson, Grand Island


R. V. Albert. Houlton, Me.W. A. Murray. Niles, Ohio.Thoma.« M steuert. Hugo. Col.FRANK TH'HACEK. rvK Newton I

l'lace northwest. Washington. I>. C.

corporai>s.John Carl. Elmwood fonn.William H. Pratt, Kmixiria. Kans.John E. Slater. Middletown. a'onn.¦Mechanic Charles D. Kirkhani, New

Haven, Conn.

PRIVATE?Ilonipanino Bartolomé«. Suss· Io. Italy.¡Claude I. Blenus. sUddletown, Conn,¡Wallace Bomster, New Haven. Conn,'james E. Claes. Alexandria. La.[Forester L. Clark. Mâchais. Me.Alexander Cowalski, Tariffville. Conn.Jesse V. Elliott. Holton. N. C.John Figarofsky. New York. ?. T.Frank W. Fournier. Gra-enfield. Mass.Bert Frenne, Detroit. Mina,Harvey- C. GOff. Golfs. W. V«.Arthur W. Green, Lawn nee. Mass.Vernie E. Hughes. Melica Mo.

PR I VATKSArthur W. Hutchison. Fi Madison, la.James King. Binghainton. ?. Y.Ieon F. Lafay, Potsdam. ?. Y.John Livingston, Arllng'.on Hgts.. O.Otto Köhler. Bakerafi« Id. Mo.Raymond S Ludwig. Fibrata, Pa.Albert McKinney.vShelM ville. Ind.Theodore J. Meschede. St. l.ouis. Mo.Angelo Morandi. Monci ha, Italy.Adolph J. Nelson. Hartington. Nebr.Joseph I'nybflisky. Beaver Falls, Pa.Joseph L Segneri, Sterling, IILJohn G. Sera. Koenig. N. Y.John W. Shorter. Par* H li. Md.Pronislaw Sicdzik. Ilanitramck. Mich.Norman J. Spencer. Mlddlefield, Conn.Francis J. Synnott. Walt-rbury. Conn.H. M. Wentworth. Cliftondale. Mass.Anthony J. Yechus. Bangor.'Muss.Jack Evans Joyce. Menominee, Wl·.M. I. Keller. Richardson. N. Dak.Ernest Kibler. Cavalier. N. Dak.Bert C. Kines. Grafton. W. Va.Oscar Kropp, Kenosha. Wis.

Albert Kukacka. Fers s Falls. Minn.L. P. Lanoux. Baton Roupe. La. ·

Jesse A. Liles. Johnston. Ohio.Frank J. Lynch. Peabody. Mass.V. W. McLendon. Perido Station Ala.Ray. Macchi. Hohoken. N. J.Will H. Miller. Seattle. Wash.Leslie Mock. Forbes. N. Dak.Kmello Moynier, Santa Monica. CaLEarl L. Mutter, Elkader, Iowa.EDW1ARD J. NICKOL 696 Fourth»treet northeast, Washington. D. C.George Oas. Janesville. Wls.Elmer E. Otness. Fergus Falls. Minn('.. Patrohilos. Thompsonvtlle. Conn.T. Petterson. Renton. Washington.Fred Penti. Mlnot, N. Dak.Henry Peterson, Morgardehammer.

Sweden.Joseph F. Piese. Madison. III.Adras J. Prevot. Mansura. La.Frank B. Reak. Randolph, Wisconsin.Harry I. Rimstidt. Beloit. Wis.Archie Ross. Cornhill. Ark.James sf. Ryan. Ft. Wayne, Tnd.Alfred Sather. Koenigslrom. Ncrwny.Harry F. Seellg. Montpelier, Ohio.Goodman Sclvog, Drdke. N. Dak.A. Shermuksnis, Jr., Shenandoah, Pa.John E. Shrum. Greenwald, Pa.Stephen Smar, Olean. ?. Y".Henry W. Steffoy. Bassett. Nebr.Joseph V. Stoltman, Winona. Minn.Harry H. .gtroetz, Neenah, Wis.Dave A. Swagi,erty. Salem, Ore.S. Fwiderski. Buffalo, N. Y.Ralph D. Switrer, New Himpton, Mo.Roy Tellman. Parker. Colo.Wendell Tolf. Kenosh». Wis.Anthony l'rlch, jr.. Sliamokin, Pa.Eds*arti Vanderlinden, Appk-ton, Wis.Geo. M. Weaver, jr., Wayne, Pa.«Aoui.ilr-I la Action (Deajree la-

detrrasslerdl.Corp. Harry W. Marchbank, Bridge¬

port. Conn.Corp. C. L. Swensen. Hlckrall. Ore.Private C. ?. Voinarskl. Plymouth, Pa.

Mls.iiig In Action.Lieut. Lee C. Prentice, Albert L*a


J. 8 Burn«!«!«·. Mass«varille. W. V.Joeeph Parlab, Wut Haxleton, Pa.Gerald V. Stamm, Mantau. Ohio.

PRIVATESJohn E Baiaa. Scarica. Ala.Henry R. Bonne,-. Summit. Miss.Andrew Bore, New Haven, Conn.Frank Carello, Ne« Tork.Walter Caajkoakl. Brooklyn, N. T.Frank J. Durali. Anaconda. Mont.Wm. H. Edward«. Lerimore N. D.Thomas K"x Flowcra. Kane. Pa.W. R. Hunter. Spring Bailey. Wia.Harold J. Jenson. Boston. Maaa.Edwin Wm. Koenlg. MU«--aukee, Wia.Alfred J. Kramer, Alexandria. Ind.Clyde La bar. loia. Wls.John J. I.ab'ah. Yoi.i ers. N. T.Marcus Una, Salt Lake City, Utah,Francia W. Le>Qu|er. Deer River. Minn.Thomas N. LonlM. Greenrllle. Tenn.

Private Joahie Brown. Leeaville, Va.

THE ARERNOON LIST.The following caaualtlea «u-e re¬

ported by the commanding renerai ofth American Expeditionary forces:Died of dlaeaa*.mt. 6Killed in action. SMissing In action. IllWounded severely . ITSDied from accident and other

causes . 1Died of wounds. j.Wounded, degree undetermined. S

Total . atKille« la Aellas»

Lieut. J. 8. D. Bum«. New York. ?*. Y.Lieut. H. A. Kroegcr*Atlanta, Ga.Sergt. C. S. Carlson, Bristol, Conn.

CORPORALS.Ernest A. DeOuerre. Toronto. Can.Stanley Moroxlk, Detroit. Mich.Morrie L Payne, Marinaro, Va.Wm. F. Fountain. Manchester, tt. H.

PRIVATES.Luciano BiHanueza, Brownsville, Tex.H. 8. Campbell, Osase. Iowa.Adolph Coolack, Providence. I: LJohn Doerr, Bamea, Kan«.Oliver Hall, Turner, Mich.John Hawks. Snohomlsh. Wash.Herman J. Kolkana, Portland. Ore.Joseph R. Libertas. Detroit, Mkh.John Mavros. Boston. Mass.Jinlie Merllnl. South Porltl, Italy.Nicolls Pagnani, .'asteria. Italy.Elmer L. 1'arker, Kaltspell. Mont.Wm. C. Schleiger, New Britain, Conn.¦lames Selr, Genoa, Italy.Ernest G. Sherman. Wllhur. Mich.¦ 'red M. Tomlinaon. Portland. Ore.Frank Peter Glenn. Philadelphia. Pa.'"ltfford <? Glover, Keenan. W. Va.Russell S. Moore. Kmaus. Pa.Ralph Oenen. I'hicaso. 111.Nick T. Tataoii. Deliiailt. Mich.Lenedik Wlcha. FlUhbuig. Maa«.

¦>ie«i af H,aaai Rece'« cat la Art!··.Lt. Harry W« Fenelon, Rr.inelander,

Wl«.Lt. Harry C· HUI, Pittatoli PaCorp. John H. Johannseti. L'avcnport,

Iowa.Corp. Robert Race, Pittsburgh. Pa.

PRIVATE·?Felix DtokaB. Me>e:s Hill. .-'. f*.John J. Dublinski«-. Shamok n. l'a.H«-iiry S. Mäher. Hart,·.· \·

'"lark Hall Harlan. KyHairy A. Kelt*. Latrobe. PaMacaceJ Kowalski. f1:i.oi^*e. Ma*«.Tilden 1'aik«. l'anviil.·. KyHoward A. Van Wagner, l»ocust Val¬

ley, ?. ?

lii'ii af Disease.PRIVATES

John T. McCoy, Cumberland. Md.unal ?. Merrill Evan Lake. Idaho.Erneat L. Simpson. Gulhrie. okla.John W. Stanley. Sontag. Ya,AValter Nix, Monticello.Die« Kraaa llrl.ral and Other

Corp Alva F Olsen. Hartington. Nebr«¦.¦adtii la Arila« »,,,..

Lieut. Albert ¥T. Enimona. Kenr.e-bunk. Mc.

SERGEANTSRobert BUlock, Webb city. Mo.?. ?. oykendall, Hartforrl. Co'in.John W. I'uniK»·. Hugcr. S. C.John J Kilxgerald.- New York, N. T.Pat'k Fitzgerald. Eist Orange, N. J

CORPORALS.Orlatwlo R. Arhorn. So. Boston. Mass.De? > se W. Alwater. Orange. N. J.Baooh O. Boone. Spray. N. C.Edward ."isihke. Detroit. MichFran M. «Jriffith. Pittskfleld. IllA. Karwelat. Jr.. Collins« lile, ill.Hairy Krueser. Milwaukee, WisRasmus Olaf Lodoen. Warren. M.nn.Frank Novotny,· New York. N. Y.Edson L Ogden, Kdgerlon. Wi«.John H. Plttman. South Bend. Ind.Edgar G. Westlake. Wagersville. Ky.Briar I». Cuppa. Butler. Pa.John R German, Colunibiana. Ala-Paul B. Gladden. r"r«-«iericktown. Pa.Thomas H. Goad. Sardi««. Tenn.Olin McDaniel. Rossville. Ga.Menahenv Ptim. Brooklyn. N. H. Strong, pontotoc, Texas.Winslow B. Weston. Wollaeton, Mass.

PRIVATESJame« Anderson. Fox. 111.Veni 8. Baldwin. Glenville. Minn.James Bracken. Whitneyville, Conn.Edgar «'arson. Idaho Falls. Idaho.Grant t'olgenbaugh. Retail. WaahHorace B. Crtswell. Pocatello. IdahoHenri De Rycke. No address given.Simeon J. Durand, St. Paul. Minn.Elmer D. Flowers. Shelbyrilk. 111.John Ganftorowski. Hjxolton. PnRalph V. Garland. Osnge City. Kan?.Howard Griffey. Steele. Ky.William ?. HanloTi. Punrmuir. Cal.J. F. Harding. Cottage Grov». Ore.Harry Kennedy. Fairmount. I1LKonstanty Kordas. Dulutti, M-nri.Alex. ??????. Neehe. N. Dak.Jerry Boucher. Thompsonville. Col.Dave Christopher. Chicago. HI.H. A. Clark. Cannelburg. Ind.Artie G. Crumb. Kelso, Wash.Philo R Dunn. Seattle. Wash.Joseph Engelmann. St. Lóala, Mo.Frank Eporjesir. Prospect, l'a.John F. Ewald. Chicago. III.Ester Felt?. Fries. Va.Henry W. Klinn. Tunn. Iton. Ind.H. F. Grunwsld. St. l.oijis. Md.Dennia Hagg« rty. Bayonne, N. J.Clarence Haniman. «luntingdon. P«.E. R. Holland. Clarkstnn. Wa«h.Ben Johnson. Kansaa City. Mo.Adolph Kibachull. Milwaukee. WiaHenry E. Kolbc. BufTalo. ?. Y.Harry lambert. Wilton. N. Dak.Jas. V. livelle. Chicago. 111.Earl L. Lewis. Tryon ville. Pa.Anton Lllja. Kvi.linga, Sweden.Thoma« Charlea Mallley, New TorkTom Malony, St. l«ouis. Mo.Albert J. Martini, San Francisco, CalJoseph Mayo, St. Louis. Mo.Carmi D. Miles, Fair Oak. Ind.Irwin C Morency, Detroit. Mich.William E. Myera. Okfuskec. Okla.Edwin C. North. Red Bluff. Cal.Oscar Wm. N'owlin, Fostor.a, Mich.Joaeph Olton. Erie. Pa.Jamca Parks. Fargo. N. D.F. W. Pctrello. Merlden. Conn.William A. Phillips, Olathe. KansDelinar A. Poulson, Weiser. Idaho.Joseph Reid. Outlook. Mon'..Jo«. G Richmond. Summit Hill. Pa.Ixiuls C. Schaeier, San Francisco. CaLCarlvle H. Smock. Fayette, Idaho.Danilo Vukasovich. South, Takovo.

Ausilia. -,

Thos. E. Walter«. Hot Spring«, Ark.Ja«. ?. I.afroriboise. Neche, N. Dak.William M. Lyons. Holyoke. Maaa.E. H. McCarty. Minneapolis, Minn.Louis Mrple. Docatur, HI.Wnltcr W. Mitchell. Reading. Pa.Bernard Murphy. Kittcshandre, Ire.Wm. H. Murray. HartTord,· Conn.Harold A. Olsen. Brooklyn. ?. Y.Joseph Piro. Washington. Pa.James Salifia. Mlddletown, Conn.Louis A. Streng, Newark, N. J.ivincenio Tarraxo. Waterbury. Conn(Jesse K. Thurber, Ftlrflcld. Idaho.I Geo. E. TtbbetU. Foxholm. ?. Dak.Jos. Vi. Tromblej, Montjxîllex, Ve

ITY LISTJamv J Tumllty, Rearbury,Kay Epson. Whitehall, Wla.Wilbur 'R. Utur. Warwick, ? JEhrtck Vonberger. Baltimore. MdHoward E. Ward. New Tork. ?. T.Emil Weyrauch, okoboJL Iowa.Loul· WMrer. Fabiu·, ?. T.C. E. Witaso, Long Prairie. Minn.Joaeph Wold. Starbuck. MiniSidney L Smith. Aberde»»n. ß Dak.Daniel J. 8kullatn. Baya-es,iIle. N. J.Joseph Staffy. Derby. Cono.Aaron 1 sussig. San Francisco. CaLLoul· Tolhfaaon. Warwick. N. Dak.Carl B. TroTe. Brantford. N. Dak.Herbert YlieUnd. River FslU. Wla.Carl A. Weist. Hornfried. Nebr.Oscar w. Wright, Cc'umbia. ß. DakTony Tochim. Newark, it. J.Lynn G Farwell. Muskegoo. Mich.Edward G Fischer, Fasaaaseoden, N. D.Fred. H. Foreman. Oakland. Iowa-Edward W. Fritech, Gsrraej-, Iowa.Edward B. Froelleh. Foxholm. N. D.George Greln. Chicago, 111Darid C. Grlggs. E. Hampton. Conn.David Grubb. West Union. VLGeorge M. Haig. Philadelphia, Pa. ,David M. Hamlett. Mi-Gregor. Iowa.John Marti«. North Charlotte. ?. O IJacob George Held. Reading. Pa-Samuel Hirsh. Columbia Junction, la.Carl L Houghton. GreenneUL Mas·.FrIU K- J- Jena»en. Pt. Ludlow. *A ash. IHerman Johnson. Portage. Wi»William J. Johnson. Luck. Win,Stine Jone1« Bower. W. Va.Dorai« C. Kelly. McRob»'·, Ky.John A, King. New Haven, ''«in.Otto C. Kochanowskt. La Salle. IILFrank Kowalski. Trenton. N. J.Joseph Laferriere. Manitoba, Canada.Karl Gustav Laurln. Chicago IIJosepuli D. Learj'. New Haven Conn.Chsrle* Ixvinson. Baltimore. Md.Mlllard E Llrads»y. Hopkinsville. KyE. J. McCourt, New Brunswick. ? J'"lyrte ? Mclwrmott. Clinton. Mick.Walter P. McGee. Concord. Tenn.Kenneth Mclver. «rrlverstde, Oregon.Otto Marier. Piedmont. Mo.James V. Mario», New HaverLConnFrank Meyer. Jamesvllle. W. VaAngelo M. Molono. Belleville. N J.Percy James Moor·-. Chicago III.Albert Moxrctta. Putman, Conn.Mike Fapic. St. Ix>ut», Mo.C M. Patón.». Schenectady. ? ?Henry L. Pauller. Lancaster. ? Y.Patsey I'edinno. Middletunn. Conn. «Harlow P.-rry. Kalamaavoo. MichTlioma* ?. Plain. Richmond. CaLAlt-ert Price. Greenfield. Maas.C. 1». Proveí,, her. Gardner. Ma··.Andrew Rari. Wor. i«t. r. Mas·.Leroy Rasi·-... St. F> ale i»v ille. IILStanley G. I., ^. J

I -tlsouarla. Mist.Henry A St. Savioj. Xa-winrton. Coni..Joseph Seho· h. Tia-ntoii. N. J.Edward M lichaltx. Eureka, Mont.Joe Shaniaral. Thra.ll. TevConrad Seiler lldl.i.i. ? JEarl Schuorman. Admiro. Kans.Wassawded < lieg ree I »irisaai.^ !

MaJ. Harry T. reswtll. San Fran·claco. Cal.

PRIVATESOrrai JeiTerie». Cedarville. Ohio.Virgil U Oakui» Valhalla, MoEarl L. Rom Is,n. Addisor,. Mich.Arthur D. Stewart. Pittsburgh. Pa.

M Issatasi la «.rtl.a,Lieut. I. E. Caae, Lamoni, Iowa1-ieut. J I·. Gatiieas, Bay City, T- x.

'URIVRAL·*.John A. Aulback. New Tork. X Y.Ruel M. Bond. * ?? valli», cire.A. F Harter, an sejlaport, Wis.Edwin 1.UU. ReadinC. PaThoma» c Ree<L Philadelphia. Pa.«.rch C Wright. Monta idea,. Minn,.lohn J Daltoii. Siuth Boeion. Mas«.Louis P. Nelson. Philadelphia, G&.

Bl'GLEKS.Wm W. De Bilvey. Hstusburg. Pa.Jam»» Lynch. N» sv Haven. Con·.Frank Rossell. Provincia De Poten«, .

ItaliWagoner Mkh». F Lacer, Phils. Pa.

PRIVATES.Yelnver Aaron. Columbia. Ky.Ralph Anderson. Seat!la. Wash.Ja· ob ? Baker. Eastman. Ga.Tobia» S Bart· h. Columbia. Pa.Fre«J Bauer. l"nion\ille. Conn.Donald A. Bennett. Idaho Fall». Ida.James W B< ntlev. c.adsoi AlaRichard S Bla· kburn. Deeville, Tenn.Yin, .-nt Húmente. BnstoL Pa.Peter Bouriretl. Brattle, Wash.Eugene F Boa le. Fariro. N Dak.Walter J. Brown, I-.-.nsiiale. Pa.Michael Cnlcka. I.usk. Pa.C. W. Christian« ti. E|.; ;ng. V. Dak.l^arv Clifton. Free G????. Fla.? L Coffman. Providence. S. CTill· tt Crawford. Den Fla.tierechea K. Oes Fla,R» .1 S. Crump. Berlin. Win,Frank Cullen. New Beat i. Maaa.¡James J. 1 Pi.I'aul M. Ivanson. Carl ·. Pa.Starùf ? ?. DiKQaky, Moos* . P·.Josa-pli C. Dura, Maaa.John Frasul>eo J. Adams 1 S Dak.El. rv H. Barton. Ne» '».'lie Center.

New BnanaTwick. Can.Henri J. Is.-au, he-n.-. Lowell. MaasWm. H. Deltow·. asmeramento. CaLH :-o vv. r.r., ·;, hrr. Monn West*,David w I'raitstrom. Seattle. WashJohn J. I'ollins. New Hav·!:Edward Como. Seattle. Wash.nomiliItk Conti, New- YorkHoward J.'Daily. Ind.Sam Dickinson, t lak Hill.Altaert A. Edwards. Oui-· y. FiaIaonalil c Fe »man. Miillverry. Fia.Goorçe Germeraad. Netherlands.William G....Ian. Pittston. Pa.l.eon L Hansen. Salem. Ore.Groares" C Inlüvv. luka. M:ss.Stephen Jona. Jr.. Hartford. Conn.Irvin J. Kaiser. Ijnui»'-'lie. Ky.John F. Kenn,-dy, Boston. Mass

min F ??????,?'.. Millwood. Ga.lohn M l'oa. h. Minersville. PaPatri Jesse Manross, Birier. Pa.J,»- Mallow. Henm. 111.Michale Martone. New Haven. Conn.H. M. Mattson, San Fraticiseo. Cal·Frank Maturaa. Tariffville. Conn.Eurth Meyer. Chicago. 111.A. A. Mitchon. Schnlenhurf. T. x.Lee R. Nabera. Cadde.Nathan T. Nessclson. Br.idrord. Pa.E. M. O'Connor, 1-emont Fun.see. Pa.Thomaa O'Dea. Bofton. MlWilliam Powers. Bertrand. N.b.John Rlci. Milford. Conn.Grover C. Riot. Glen Fall«, WlsGeorge F. Beaùoetaer. lvetror. V rlRüssel I* Shannon. I-aii«ford. PaRichard alncinasklc. Port '«?»·??. Pa.Charles F. Biaer, 1 ·· G River, lonn.

Rome M. Stack«, College Park. Ga.Alexander c stone. Columbia. P».Howard E. Sweeney. Richmond. Vt.Edward .1 Washer, Syracuse. ? YL. w. Wellor. San Francisco. CaLThomas White. Jr New Hav en < On»Abner G. English. Tallahaase». Fia.Thomas R. Fowler. Rainler. Oregon.F.rcell F. Girard. Seattle. WafhAugustus C Goodwin.- Phila l'a.Edward Hoffman. Sandy, Oliala»«. -

Carl Josephson. Ambrose ? I *ak.Willard S King. Iliad. Mont.Ward O. Lawrence, Cansville Ky.William J. Mirn"'n· McKeesport, Pa.H. J. Millwood. Flowery Branch. Ga.Kdsar G. Moulton, Conrad. Mont.Joseph Mullen. Marshall. IllJoeeph Nasal. Brooklyn. ?. T.Carl Peterson. Brlggsville. Wis.David Kittenburg. Dorchester. Maaa.Antonio-Santino. New York City. N.T.Jake Scovlcke. Neshkoro. Wls,Michael Sy.k. Yonkers. ? T.Joeeph 8kwarlo, Yonaacrs. ?. T.Edwin S. Smith. Brooklyn. ? YClyde M. Snodgra·». Apuawka 111.Hugo Sundstrom. Stockholm. Sweden.George W. Tilomas. Ca hlamet. Waah.Louis Ti.iv.i Chicago. III.Bolleslaw. Wtnlmko. Detroit. Mich.

McBride Not PUyiaf.Philadelphia. Sept. It.Firwt a»·»«*-

man Luderus. of th» Phillies, haasigned to play ball on th« side «itkthe Koaciusko team, of the Lake-Shore Le..-ue. at Milwaukee. Short¬stop Geoide McBride. of the Wash¬ington club, also reaides in Milwau¬kee, bit has not yet deaided to eimSan, gtoú-protmasioami feei^