Live for 32 copy

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Transcript of Live for 32 copy

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We Remember. 4-16-07.neVer forgeT

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Christopher James Bishop

• Jamie "spoke German like a native, understood computers inside out, played drums in a basement band, bicycled and hiked, followed the fortunes of the Atlanta Braves as obsessively as his mother, grandmothers, and I did, and made friends everywhere. He was a people lover from the get-go, and his energy levels put mine to shame.“

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Ross A. Alameddine• “From our first few days

together in class, I remember thinking, ‘Here’s a man who’s going to make his children laugh. Here is a man who deserves the title ‘beloved.’ Here’s a man who, just by being himself, makes you a better person.’”

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Brian R. Bluhm• “First love was for God, and his

relationship with Him was shown through his kindness, his warm smile, memorable laugh, and his friendliness with everyone he met. He loved his family and his friends.”

• “Brian would want to be remembered for his love of God, family, and friends, the Detroit Tigers, and Virginia Tech. He loved life and lived it to the fullest.”

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Austin Michelle Cloyd• “She was not afraid of failing

because she knew that, even in failure, she would learn from the experience. And she lived her life with purpose—she knew what she wanted to accomplish and she knew how to get there.”

• “Austin had a brilliant mind, a compassionate heart, and an iron will. She was a child who knew love and knew how to love.”

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Ryan C. Clark • Known as “Stack” to his friends

• "He was one of the kindest, most compassionate people I have ever known," said Mary Ipser, the camp's administrator. "He was also one of the funniest. He knew how to play, and the staff, parents, campers -- everybody --adored him. He was the kind of the person who always kept you up. He'd put his arm around you and say, 'Come on, girl, I love you.' I am 71 years old, the administrator of the camp, and he didn't treat me any differently than the 18-year-olds.“

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Daniel Alejandro Perez Cueva• “He and his sister reminded their

parents that there was always someone around who cared about them and what they did and who wanted to see them happy.”

• “Daniel believed that God put everyone here to make a difference in someone’s life. He loved to see his friends happy, and many of his friends viewed him as a role model. They said they were honored to have been able to call him ‘friend.’”

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Jocelyne Couture-Nowak• “Jocelyne possessed the

wonderful gift of bringing joy by living joy. May that spirit, her spirit, be lived by those who so remember her.”

• "It was always about the children with her"

• "She was full of life”

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Kevin P. Granata• “He taught me several important

lessons — science is fun…creativity in science is important, people are important, and family is important.”

• “As a friend, he was caring and pure of heart. He gave me guidance about living a simple life. He was my friend, my colleague, and my mentor, and he will be truly missed.”

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Matthew Gregory Gwaltney• “He just had a brilliant mind. You

just wouldn’t believe it.”

• “Gwaltney then had asked his coach to tell the team that he suspended Gwaltney for ‘talking back.’ You saw all their shoulders slump. But then I said, 'I do have one thing that will help you win this game tonight,’ then we opened the closet door,’ Goss said. Gwaltney popped out, and his teammates swarmed and hugged him.”

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Caitlin Millar Hammaren• “Her role as a resident advisor in the

Residential Leadership Community was her passion and she took care of each of her residents as if they were her own children. “

• “She had a way of making everyone feel as if they were her best friend. Her smile was contagious under any circumstances.”

• "She's just one of those people who would do anything for you. She stayed up until 5 or 6 in the morning when she had an 8 o'clock class to help you no matter what.”

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Jeremy Michael Herbstritt• “Jeremy was a phenomenal

friend, brother, son and dedicated teacher. He will forever be loved and missed by all.”

• “He was just the most outgoing person. He had lots of friends and was close with several of the students he taught.”

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Rachael Elizabeth Hill• “Her personal goal was to glorify

God in all she did through her Lord Jesus Christ.”

• “Her senior yearbook quote from C.S. Lewis sums up best what her family feels she would say to all of them at this time, ‘God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.’”

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Emily Jane Hilscher• “Emily was always wise

beyond her years and insisted on fairness in everything. She was eternally trying to save someone or something. She wanted people to be happy.”

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Jarrett Lee Lane • “He was a fun-loving man,

full of spirit. He had a caring heart and was a friend to everyone he met.”

• “Jarrett recognized the importance of being a serious student but even more so, the importance of living life to its fullest.”

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Matthew Joseph La Porte • “He was a bright student, and

he consistently scored high marks on his physical fitness tests; peers admired his strength and stamina.”

• If there was any justice in life, Cadet La Porte would be given a medal for bravery, as he acted as any military man would. He died in uniform.

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Henry J. Lee • “He will always be fondly remembered

by his classmates and teachers as the young man with an open smile and zany personality.”

• “Henry loved his family and was a good son,” writes a family friend. One of his proudest moments was becoming an American citizen in May 2006. Although the Ly family will forever miss their treasured child, they find some comfort knowing that Henry died a heroic death while trying to help his teacher block their classroom door.”

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Liviu Librescu• “He loved his position as a

professor. A prolific researcher and wonderful teacher, he devoted himself to the profession, solely for the love of it.”

• “known as a hero”

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G.V. Loganathan• “Professor Loganathan was an

exemplary educator who cared greatly for his students and their well-being. He was a kind soul, pure in heart, who taught us through his words and actions how to answer the calling to be a teacher, a mentor, and a beloved friend.”

• “the best father a daughter could hope to have, and a loving husband”

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Partahi Mamora HalomoanLumbantoruan

• “He was more than a colleague and friend; he was a man who will always be admired for his patience, wisdom, and compassion for others.”

• “His love, his positive energy, his sincerity, and his example will help his family and friends through this pain. Selflessly, in his final moments on earth, he sacrificed his own life to save that of another—a true hero.”

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Lauren Ashley McCain• “She had the divine ability to

make you feel like you were her best friend.”

• “Lauren loved God. She had faith that her savior Jesus Christ had placed her at Virginia Tech with a mission and a purpose: to touch those she met with His love and to glorify Him.”

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Daniel Patrick O’Neil• “Daniel was exceedingly loyal

to his friends and family.”

• “Dan you were an amazing person. I hope you know how much you meant to the people who knew you here. We are keeping you and your family and friends in our prayers. You will never be forgotten. Love forever.”

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Juan Ramon Ortiz-Ortiz• “Juan’s life was characterized

by his love for his family and his desire to become a better person each day.”

• “He lived his life with great intensity, as if each day was his very last. He changed the life of everyone he met and filled it with love and happiness.”

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Minal Hiralal Panchal• “There are some people who

need a year to be noticed, some who need a big achievement, and some conquer the world with power and fame. There are others who change the world by simply being themselves, offering peace and happiness with their smiles—Minu, you were one of those.”

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Erin Nicole Peterson• “Erin’s personality was a wonderful

blend of warmth and magnetism anchored by a sound moral compass.”

• “A certified homebody, Erin loved watching movies and staying in with her family. She absolutely adored her maternal great-grandmother. Erin had a profound respect for her parents and called them every night. A faithful and spiritual young woman, she was a firm believer in the power of prayer.”

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Mary Karen Read • “More than anything, she

relished her role of big sister to siblings Stephen (11), Patrick (4), Hannah (4), Brendan (2), and Colleen (10 months).”

• “Mary was happiest when helping others, especially children. She was renowned for her beautiful, constant smile and sweet personality.”

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Michael Steven Pohle, Jr. • “Mike loved being part of a team, and

there was nothing he would not do for his teammates or his friends.”

• “That inner desire to learn as much as he could, be part of a team, and help as many people as he possibly could are some of key reasons he chose Virginia Tech. Whether it was his family, friends, classmates, teammates, the Phillies, the Buccaneers, or his beloved Hokies, Mike was always looking out for them, as he still is to this day. That is how he would want to be remembered.”

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Julia Kathleen Pryde• Her older sister described her: “She was

a natural at many other things, including intuitively relating to people from many walks of life. She was open, kind, generous, and brave.”

• “She cared and thought about others much more than she paid attention to any personal concerns. She wanted to help change the world and was already on her way to creating positive changes for many people. Her giving to her causes and friends was infinite. In this world, her special brand of person is in great demand but, sadly, scarce supply.”

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Reema Joseph Samaha• “She maintained lifelong

friendships with a diverse group of people who were drawn to her openness, cheerfulness, creativity, and wit.”

• “Reema blended her joy of life with seriousness of mind.”

• “Family came first for Reema.”

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Waleed Mohamed Shaalan• “He was known for his broad smile and

the friendly wave with which he greeted everyone.”

• “Pasha (roommate) was the last person to have spoken to Shaalan. ‘He was studying for an exam the morning of the incident. It was about 4 a.m. when I last saw and spoke to him. We were talking about how amazing it would be when he brought his wife and son to Tech at the end of the summer. I could never have imagined that in six hours he’d be gone forever.’”

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Leslie Geraldine Sherman • “Leslie was an inspiration, a young

woman who could literally ‘do it all’ and excel.”

• “She had immeasurable integrity, courage, and strength and was a gift to all who knew her.”

• “She was a student volunteer at a retirement home, a Special Olympics coach at West Potomac High School, a tutor, cherished daughter, devoted older sister, beloved granddaughter, admired cousin, loyal friend, and trusted master of her dog, Winnie.”

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Maxine Shelly Turner • “She was brilliant, beautiful, and

extraordinarily talented—although she would have denied all of the above.”

• “Like anyone else, she had her quirks—such as her tendency to talk to herself while playing video games, stick her tongue out for photographs, and sprawl on the living room floor in random positions and sing aloud while doing homework with her head phones on. But don’t let her light-hearted outlook on life mislead you; she was also incredibly motivated and ambitious.”

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Nicole Regina White

• “Nicole loved her friends and her friends loved her. She was the type of person who would not judge a person by his or her outward appearance but looked at the person’s heart. She wanted to know people as they really were, not as they appeared.”

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Debbie, Look at notes on slides 1 and notes under this slide for description of event and what we did/talked about

26 students attended

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Words they chose to describe legacies of some of the 32 are listed under this slide’s notes