LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children,...

St. Francis, Francesville; St. Joseph, Pulaski; St. Peter, Winamac Rev. Leroy G. Kinnaman, Pastor Cluster Email: [email protected] Cluster Website: Cluster Correspondence: 401 N Monticello Street, Winamac, IN 46996 Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday Morning by 9:00 A.M. Phone: 574.946.4906 Fax: 574.946.4962 LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday, April 16 at St. Peter 8:00 A.M. +Lawrence & Mary Jane Perry by Family Tuesday, April 17 NO MASS Wednesday, April 18 at St. Joseph 8:00 A.M. +Leona Kinnaman by Bill & Peach Roth Thursday, April 19 at St. Joseph 8:00 A.M. +Tom Fox by St. Joseph Christian Mothers Friday, April 20 at St. Peter 8:00 A.M. +Juan Knarr by Tom & June Roth Saturday, April 21 4:00 P.M. at St. Peter +Leona Sommers by Mary Pratt 6:00 P.M. at St. Joseph +Sister Marianna Heppen, C.S.C. by Bill & Peach Roth Sunday, April 22 8:00 A.M. at St. Francis +Our Cluster Family 10:00 A.M. at St. Peter +Beverely Loehmer by David Loehmer and James Loehmer LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, April 21 at 4:00 P.M. (St. Peter) Reader: Rex Allman Ministers: Jane Rausch, Andy Pesaresi and Joe Morris Servers: Bonnie Budd & Caitlyn Ottow Ushers: VOLUNTEERS Saturday, April 21 at 6:00 P.M. (St. Joseph) Reader: Maggie Rowlands Ministers: Larry Brady, Monica Whiteman and Kelly Weaver Servers: Cash Roth & Bunnie Daugherty Ushers: Curt Daugherty, Lisa Foerg, Ron Roth & Tim Weaver Sunday, April 22 at 8:00 A.M. (St. Francis) Reader: Pat Ames Ministers: Dillar Ames & Janet Ricks Servers: Jonathan Ottow Sunday, April 22 at 10:00A.M. (St. Peter) Reader: Marita Grisel Ministers: Rick Grisel, Tony & Tina Pesaresi Servers: Adrian & Alonzo Huizar Ushers: VOLUNTEERS

Transcript of LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children,...

Page 1: LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children, Confirmations, etc. How do I know if I am registered? Are you receiving How do I

St. Francis, Francesville; St. Joseph, Pulaski; St. Peter, Winamac

Rev. Leroy G. Kinnaman, Pastor Cluster Email: [email protected]

Cluster Website:

Cluster Correspondence: 401 N Monticello Street, Winamac, IN 46996 Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday Morning by 9:00 A.M.

Phone: 574.946.4906 Fax: 574.946.4962

LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday, April 16 at St. Peter 8:00 A.M. +Lawrence & Mary Jane Perry by Family Tuesday, April 17 NO MASS Wednesday, April 18 at St. Joseph 8:00 A.M. +Leona Kinnaman by Bill & Peach Roth Thursday, April 19 at St. Joseph 8:00 A.M. +Tom Fox by St. Joseph Christian Mothers Friday, April 20 at St. Peter 8:00 A.M. +Juan Knarr by Tom & June Roth Saturday, April 21 4:00 P.M. at St. Peter +Leona Sommers by Mary Pratt 6:00 P.M. at St. Joseph +Sister Marianna Heppen, C.S.C. by Bill & Peach Roth Sunday, April 22 8:00 A.M. at St. Francis +Our Cluster Family 10:00 A.M. at St. Peter +Beverely Loehmer by David Loehmer and James Loehmer

LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, April 21 at 4:00 P.M. (St. Peter) Reader: Rex Allman Ministers: Jane Rausch, Andy Pesaresi and Joe Morris Servers: Bonnie Budd & Caitlyn Ottow Ushers: VOLUNTEERS

Saturday, April 21 at 6:00 P.M. (St. Joseph) Reader: Maggie Rowlands Ministers: Larry Brady, Monica Whiteman and Kelly Weaver Servers: Cash Roth & Bunnie Daugherty Ushers: Curt Daugherty, Lisa Foerg, Ron Roth & Tim Weaver

Sunday, April 22 at 8:00 A.M. (St. Francis) Reader: Pat Ames Ministers: Dillar Ames & Janet Ricks Servers: Jonathan Ottow

Sunday, April 22 at 10:00A.M. (St. Peter) Reader: Marita Grisel Ministers: Rick Grisel, Tony & Tina Pesaresi Servers: Adrian & Alonzo Huizar


Page 2: LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children, Confirmations, etc. How do I know if I am registered? Are you receiving How do I

Oh, by the way…

As we continue in Easter Time, and as the annual reminder, a snapshot of one of the Sacraments of

Vocation (Calling). A synopsis of some Canon Law and Policies of this Local Church for the Sacrament of


Prerequisites to be married in the Catholic Church: Space doesn’t allow for all the

fine details, simply stated:

●Registered and participation in a specific Parish (at least 6 months before

marriage preparation process begins);

●Full, active and conscious participation in the life of the Church, i.e. regular

attendance on Sundays and Holy Days; Precepts of the Church, etc.

●Both Parties must be free to marry: 1. never married; or 2. spouse has passed

away; or 3. previous marriage(s) annulled. (If a couple chooses to marry outside the

parameters of the Church, they have made that decision. A validation is a process

where a couple, married outside Church Law, wishes to have their marriage blessed by the Church so they may

return to receiving the Sacraments. The Catholic party is not permitted to receive any Sacrament until the

marriage has been validated within the Catholic Church. A civil marriage may not be validated for at

least one year after the civil union.)

The major 4 parts of the Marriage Policy are:

●There is a minimum 6 month preparation time; ●Attendance at a Pre-Cana or equivalent;

●If one or both are under the age of 20, there is a psychological referral for the couple. No wedding date may be

set until this referral is completed; ●PMI/Score/FOCUS (an evaluative tool used by the priest)

Other considerations:

˃Couples residing outside the Diocese are expected to participate in the formalized marriage preparation

programs in the Diocese of their residence.

˃The Policy also addressed pregnancy, non-practicing Catholics and


There are some restrictions on music. All church music, whether for

the Eucharist, a wedding, a funeral, etc. must be in compliance with the

USCCB’s document: Sing to the Lord.

For those who wish, a copy of the Diocesan Marriage Policy is

available at on the Diocesan web site:

One ‘after the fact’ fact many couples forget after the wedding: Registering in a Parish where their

‘domestic church’ regularly attends. This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children, Confirmations,

etc. How do I know if I am registered? Are you receiving The Catholic Moment? Envelopes? Call the Office

if you are not sure!

Register to vote? Register for school? Car registration?

Can’t do anything without them! The same is true about parish registration. The aspect about being registered in a parish also

needs the annual reminder! ANYONE who is: not in school anymore: out on their own: living separately from parents or even still at home: or gainfully employed needs to be registered! By Canon Law, a Pastor is prohibited from administering the Sacraments of Initiation or Vocations for persons over whom he has no jurisdiction, only to his registered parishioners! (When I went to bury my mother, I was required to have permission from her Pastor!) In addition to not being able to administer these Sacraments, a Pastor is unable to write a letter of recommendation or certify that a person is a registered member in good standing of that Church. (Confirmation people are discovering this!) This hurts a priest as much as it does the person…when no one is to blame except the person who does not fulfill what the Church asks.

Page 3: LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children, Confirmations, etc. How do I know if I am registered? Are you receiving How do I

After receiving some comments about the political campaigning during the Chicken-Noodle dinner at St. Joseph, there is a need to restate the Church’s position on the Church’s involvement in the political arena. Nothing new! This is being restated from previous years. Everyone needs to know the position of the Church. The following citations come from the USCCB’s web page and the ICC’s statement.

We strongly urge all parishioners to register, to become informed on key issues, and to vote.

The Church does not support or oppose any candidate, but seeks to focus attention on the moral

and human dimensions of issues. We do not authorize the distribution of partisan political

materials on parish property.

(USCCB statement)

Activities to Avoid In order to avoid violating the political campaign activity prohibitions, parishes, other church organizations,

and their representatives should remember these guidelines:

Do not endorse or oppose candidates, political parties, or groups of candidates, or take any action that

reasonably could be construed as endorsement or opposition.

Do not make available the use of church facilities, assets, or members for partisan political purposes.

Do not authorize distribution of partisan political materials or biased voter education materials (those

that support or oppose—or exhibit bias for or against—any candidate or party) on church property, in

church publications, or at church activities. Authorization should be given only after materials have been

approved by your diocesan attorney.

Do not invite or permit only selected candidates to address your members. Before inviting candidates,

make sure such events are consistent with diocesan policy. If so, it is important that all candidates be

invited. Do's and Don'ts for Parishes

-Address the moral and human dimensions of public issues.

-Share church teaching on human life, human rights, and justice and peace.

-Apply Catholic values to legislation and public issues.

-Conduct a non-partisan voter registration drive on church property.

-Distribute unbiased candidate questionnaires covering issues of human life, justice, and peace that have

been reviewed and approved by your diocesan attorney.

-Check with your diocesan attorney if you have any questions about what is appropriate.

-Endorse or oppose candidates for political office.

-Distribute partisan campaign literature under church auspices.

-Arrange for groups to work for a candidate for public office.

-Invite only selected candidates to address your church-sponsored group.

-Conduct voter registration slanted toward one party.

-Distribute a biased candidate survey.


Perhaps the most important document is: (One will need to download this document; saving

paper---it’s 44 pages!): Please remember that the IRS rules against political campaign activity also apply to materials posted on

parish or other church organization web sites.

From the Indiana Catholic Conference:

While it is important to be clear about what we can't do, the more

Page 4: LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · This impacts all future sacraments: Baptism of children, Confirmations, etc. How do I know if I am registered? Are you receiving How do I

important thing to focus on is what we can do. In a democracy, loving our neighbor and caring for the least

among us means supporting leaders and policies that promote the common good and protect society's most

vulnerable members. Helping Catholics to recognize and act on this dimension of their faith is an essential task

for parish leaders.

There are numerous implications which impact the tax exempt status of the Church (501(c) (3). And

there is the domino theory with this: IRS looks at one Church, look at all in a Diocese then looking at all

Dioceses. If Pastors have any questions about what is allowed, we are to call our diocesan attorney.

The bottom line is: The Catholic Church neither endorses or supports any candidate or political party. FYI: People don’t listen. In a previous assignment, after numerous admonitions, I needed to rip down all

political campaign billboards/placards/flyers in front of the Newman Center at Wabash College. Some didn’t

listen! World Day of Prayer for Vocations is April 22, 2018.

The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publically fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk

10:2). From Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, CCLV Chairman

The 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be celebrated this year on 22 April, Good Shepherd Sunday. Pope Francis has prepared a personal message for this occasion. In it, he speaks to key elements involved in the process of receiving God’s call, stating: “In the diversity and the uniqueness of each and every vocation, personal and ecclesial, there is a need to listen, discern and live this word that calls to us from on high and, while enabling us to develop our talents, makes us instruments of salvation in the world and guides us to full happiness.” He goes on to encourage young people to “open [their] hearts to the voice of the Lord. To listen to that voice, to discern our personal mission in the Church and the world, and at last to live it in the today that God gives us.”

The entire message is available at

Meanwhile, refreshed in our Baptismal water… fr. K

Quick one-liners for you:

●St. Joseph Parish Council meets Wednesday, April 18th at 7:30 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Rectory.

●There’s not a good reason to miss Mass on Saturday evening/Sunday morning…not even


●I got hit by a rental car last week. It Hertz!

●St. Peter Parish Council will meet on Thursday, April 26th at 6:30 P.M. in the Parish Hall.

●St. Peter’s will have a collection for the Cemetery Fund the weekend of April 21st & 22nd.

●Sympathy is extended to the family of Ralph Kiser, age 74. Ralph passed away on Sunday,

April 8th. His funeral Mass was celebrated on Friday, April 13th. Please keep the Kiser Family in

your thoughts and prayers as they grieve their tremendous loss.

Cluster Weekly Activities

Monday, April 16 Wednesday, April 18 6:30 P.M. EM Class at St. Peter 5:30 P. M. RE Classes at St. Peter

Tuesday, April 17 7:30 P.M. Parish Council Meeting at St. Joseph

6:00 P.M. First Communion Class at St. Peter

St. Francis St. Joseph St. Peter

April 8, 2018

General Offerings: $405.00

Loose Collection: $105.00

Catholic Moment: $22.00

April 8 2018

General Offerings: $1,063.00

Loose Collection: $105.60

Easter: $33.00

April 7 & 8, 2018 General Offering: $2,276.00

Loose Collection: $446.12

Children’s Offering: $20.50

Votive Lights: $21.00

Easter: $200.00

Cemetery Collection: (From

MARCH): $3,339.00