liturgy and sacraments

Liturgy and Sacraments

Transcript of liturgy and sacraments

Page 1: liturgy and sacraments

Liturgy and Sacraments

Liturgy and


Page 2: liturgy and sacraments

What is the Sacred Liturgy?

The Baptism of Christ by Piero della Francesca

What is the Sacred Liturgy? (1)

Page 3: liturgy and sacraments

What is the Sacred Liturgy?

The sacred liturgy is the true worship of God,

enacted by Jesus Christ and his body, the

Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It is a shared ‘public work’ (leitourgia) with ceremonies, rites and

formulas established by Scripture and Tradition.


What is the Sacred Liturgy? (2)

Page 4: liturgy and sacraments

What is the Sacred Liturgy? (3)

Page 5: liturgy and sacraments

This picture reminds us

that a perfect act of

worship involves

Jesus Christ as our high

priest. John the Baptist

acts as the sacred minister of this

liturgy.Horizontal dimension

represents the participation of the Church on

earth in the liturgy.

Vertical dimensionrepresents the true worship of God in

the liturgy, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

What is the Sacred Liturgy? (4)

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Why does the Church have liturgy?

The Last Supper by SassettaThis reminds us how Jesus instructed his Church to perform liturgy in memory of him.

Why does the Church have liturgy? (1)

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Why does the Church have liturgy?

The Church has liturgy in obedience to God. The sacramental rites of the New Testament fulfil and replace the Old Testament rituals. This change is most clearly expressed by Christ’s command at Passover,

“Do this in remembrance of me.”

(Lk 22:19)

Why does the Church have liturgy? (2)

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Why does the Church have liturgy?

As the true worship of God, it is also clear that the liturgy of the Church should follow the ceremonies, rites and formulas established by Scripture and Tradition where the will of God is revealed.

Why does the Church have liturgy? (3)

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Why does the Church have liturgy?

As we are physical and social beings, it is fitting that the liturgy that God has given to us be public and engage all our senses.

Liturgy therefore involves:• common prayers• visual signs • symbolic actions • sacred music• the proclamation of


Why does the Church have liturgy? (4)

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The liturgies of the Church

Christ Washing the Feet of his Disciples by Duccio di BuoninsegnaChrist’s action at the last supper is practised liturgically by the Church on Holy Thursday.

The liturgies of the Church (1)

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The liturgies of the Church

The Eucharist and the other sacraments All these are led by sacred ministers, usually priests, and consist of official prayers, Scripture and sacramental actions.

Detail of The Seven Sacraments by Weyden

The liturgies of the Church (2)

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The liturgies of the Church

The Divine Office These are the prayers that priests, religious and many lay people pray several times each day. They consist mainly of the psalms.

The Magdalene Reading by Weyden

The liturgies of the Church (3)

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The liturgies of the Church

Other Rites Other rites cover a variety of purposes, including the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) for reception into the Church , Benediction and Funeral rites.

The liturgies of the Church (4)

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When is liturgy celebrated?

When is liturgy celebrated? (1)

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When is liturgy celebrated?

Liturgy follows set times and seasons, the most important being when the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus on Sunday and at Easter.

The Resurrection by Piero della Francesca

When is liturgy celebrated? (2)

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When is liturgy celebrated?

Advent and Christmas Advent is the four-week period when we prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas and for his final coming at the end of time.

The Nativity by Fra Angelico

When is liturgy celebrated? (3)

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When is liturgy celebrated?

Lent and Easter Lent is the forty-day period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that follows the pattern of Jesus’ own preparation in the wilderness for his mission. Holy week and Easter are when we celebrate his redemptive death and Resurrection.

The Temptation of Christ by Duccio di Buoninsegna

When is liturgy celebrated? (4)

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When is liturgy celebrated?

Ordinary Time ‘Ordinary time’ covers the rest of the Liturgical Year.

Although this period is

called ‘ordinary’, it still includes some special solemnities and feasts.

The Mystic Lamb by Jan van Eyck

When is liturgy celebrated? (5)

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to reinforcekey points



Presentation Part II

Summary Activities I

Please select an activity or go immediately to part II of the presentation

Summary Activities I

Page 20: liturgy and sacraments


Activities Menu Presentation Part II

• The sacred liturgy is the true worship of God, enacted by Jesus Christ and his body, the Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

• It is a shared ‘public work’ (leitourgia) with ceremonies, rites and formulas established by Scripture and Tradition.

• The Church has liturgy in obedience to the will of God; it is also clear that liturgy is fitting for us as social and physical beings. The most important liturgies are those of the sacraments and the Divine Office. Liturgy follows fixed times and seasons.

Summary I

Page 21: liturgy and sacraments

Questions to reinforce key points

The true worship of God Enacted by Jesus Christ and his body,

the ChurchThrough the power of the Holy Spirit

It is a shared ‘public work’ (leitourgia)

With ceremonies, rites and formulas

Established by Scripture and Tradition

What are the key points of the definition of liturgy?

Activities Menu Presentation Part II


Click on a box to reveal one of the



Questions to reinforce key points I

Page 22: liturgy and sacraments

Discussion questions

Activities Menu Presentation Part II

• Discuss why liturgy is a necessary part of the Christian life.

• Discuss some of your personal experiences of the Church’s liturgy.

Select one or more of the following

Discussion question I

Page 23: liturgy and sacraments

Practical activities

Activities Menu Presentation Part II

• Pray a short office, such as evening or night prayer, from the Divine Office.

• Visit a church and make a note of any objects, symbols or colours that have a role in the liturgy.

Select one or more of the following

Practical activities I

Page 24: liturgy and sacraments

What are the Sacraments?

The Communion of the Apostles by Fra Angelico

What are the Sacraments? (1)

Page 25: liturgy and sacraments

What are the Sacraments?

Sacraments are signs established by

Christ that cause what they signify.

They heal us from sin and plant,

nourish or restore the life of grace in



What are the Sacraments? (2)

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What are the Sacraments?

What are the Sacraments? (3)

Page 27: liturgy and sacraments

What are the Sacraments?

The tableresembles an altar and the room reminds us of

the sanctuary of a church, where many of the

sacraments take place.This picture reminds us that Jesus

Christ is central to all the sacraments. He is the principal agent acting

through his minister in the liturgy today.

Christ as ministerJesus Christ feeds the

apostles one by one with the sacrament of the

Eucharist, his own body and blood.

What are the Sacraments? (4)

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Why are sacraments important?

Why are sacraments important? (1)

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Why are sacraments important?

The sacraments are important because they make the power of the Paschal mystery of Jesus Christ present to us for the sake of our salvation.

By these seven channels of grace, God makes us his adopted children and increases his life of grace within us.

Why are sacraments important? (2)

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Why are sacraments important?

The Seven Sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments

of Christian life: they give birth and

increase, healing and mission to the

Christian’s life of Faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the

spiritual life.ccc. 1210

Why are sacraments important? (3)

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What is essential to the sacraments?

The Baptism of the Neophytes by MasaccioSt Peter baptises with water and in the name of the Trinity, as is essential to Baptism.

What is essential to the sacraments? (1)

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What is essential to the sacraments?

Every sacrament has a minister who performs certain actions prescribed by Christ and his Church.

Sacraments are not, however, magic formulas; they require faith and consent (the parents give this in the special case of infant Baptism).

It is only when all their conditions are fulfilled that the sacraments bring about their intended spiritual effects.

What is essential to the sacraments? (2)

Page 33: liturgy and sacraments

What are the effects of the sacraments?

What are the effects of the sacraments? (1)

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What are the effects of the sacraments?

By God’s will, the sacraments bring about his divine action.

They cause what they signify; they are not merely signs or symbols of his work.

There are seven sacraments with diverse actions and effects.

What are the effects of the sacraments? (2)

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What are the effects of the sacraments? (3)

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The minister pours water over the head of

the candidate (or immerses him or her) and says, “[Name] I baptise you in the

name of the Father, and of the Son, and of

the Holy Spirit.”



The forgiveness of sins, the new life of

grace and membership of the Church.


What are the effects of the sacraments? (4)

Page 37: liturgy and sacraments



The bishop (or priest) anoints a person’s

forehead with chrism and says,

“Be sealed with the gift

of the Holy Spirit.”


The sealing with the Holy Spirit for the

mature Christian life.


What are the effects of the sacraments? (5)

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The penitent confesses sins with sorrow and

repentance. The priest gives absolution,

“I absolve you from your sins in the name

of the Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit.”



The forgiveness of sins and the restoration of



What are the effects of the sacraments? (6)

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The bishop lays his hands on the head of

the candidate and then says the prayer of

consecration for ordination.



The ordination of a minister to act in the

person of Christ.


What are the effects of the sacraments? (7)

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The spouses express their consent to one

another following the prescribed canonical form, usually before a




The union of the spouses

as Christ is united to the Church.


What are the effects of the sacraments? (8)

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The priest anoints the sick person’s forehead

and hands with oil, praying the prescribed




The forgiveness of sins, spiritual strength

and healing.


What are the effects of the sacraments? (9)

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The priest consecrates bread and wine,

saying, “This is my body which will be

given up for you ....; this is the cup of my

blood ...”


Calvary re-presented; the Real Presence;

spiritual food.


What are the effects of the sacraments? (10)

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to reinforcekey points



Summary Activities IIPlease select an activity or go immediately

to the concluding prayer

Concluding Prayer

Summary Activities II

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Activities Menu

• Sacraments are signs established by Christ that cause what they signify. They heal us from sin and plant, nourish or restore the life of grace in us.

• The power of the sacraments derives from the passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Seven Sacraments touch all the stages of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of Faith.

• Every sacrament has a minister who performs certain actions prescribed by Christ and his Church.

Concluding Prayer

Summary II

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Questions to reinforce key points

Signs established by Christ

They cause what they signify

They heal us from sinThey plant, nourish or restore God’s divine life

of grace in us

What are the key points of the definition of the sacraments?

Activities Menu Concluding Prayer

Click on a box to reveal one of the



Questions to reinforce key points II

Page 46: liturgy and sacraments

Discussion questions

Activities Menu

• “There is … a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.” ccc. 1210. Discuss any parallels that exist between the stages of a person’s natural life and the reception of the sacraments.

• Discuss whether someone could receive all seven sacraments in a lifetime.

Select one or more of the following

Concluding Prayer

Discussion questions II

Page 47: liturgy and sacraments

Practical activities

Activities Menu Concluding Prayer

• Read the Compendium of the Catechism questions 224 – 232 on ‘The Paschal Mystery in the Sacraments of the Church’.

• Visit a church and try to find any objects or symbols related to each of the seven sacraments.

Select one or more of the following

Practical activities II

Page 48: liturgy and sacraments

Final Prayer

The ‘Gloria’ Glory to God in the highest, and peace

to his people on earth. Lord God, heavenly king, almighty God and

Father: We worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God: You take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us. You are seated at the

right hand of the Father; receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the


Final Prayer