liTTON .DR. FRANI{LIN TIlE C·ENSUS. 'VASIIINGTON, February 5, To the honorable commUtcc8 of the Scnate and J[oww of Representatives upon, the ninth ccnNUS of tlte Un'it(xl &tate.'J : JIaviug enjoyed opportunities for studying the practi- cal details of eenRUN and of the dHlicillties that the procuring of returns, I deCln it a privilege to a- few remarks npon this subjeet, which, by the return of the perjod fixed by the Oonstitution, has come nrulpI' your consideration. .;; In doing this I shal1 limit Dlyself entirely to an exmnination of the imperfect.ions of the present law, awl to snggesti.ons for its amendment, or rather for the substitution of a onc througlwut, that shall eIllbl'ace'principles applicable to the present ·want.s of the cou!ltry, and the existing demands of science.' . I shall more particularly consider relating to the nlcthods for proeuring facts for a fun and correct census, a·s therein consist the chief difficulties to be elleoulltered, and to rernedy these will be the principal object of your legislation. OB.JECl'IONS TO THE LA.. ,V OF 1850, NO'V IN FORCE. The act for taking the 7th and 8ub"equent cenSlUW8 passed in 1850, and '. in force until changed,.eontains certain provisions that I consider very,,'·, objectionable and which demand an effectuuJ remedy. In fact, with()'Up'\·; I do not believe, that with the changed , country, the law could be now e,nfol'ced in a jnst and satisfactory' nUtTI- ner.· It In.a)" be well to briefly review- its provisions, noticing the objec. tions that may be raised against it in the order of their occurrence .. .. REASONS ·WHY SHOULD NOT BE El\-IPLOYED. The first section places the ennnlCration in the hands of the nlar- shals of the. district courts in the several States and TenitorieB.' .In this it has followed the precedent of former census laws, which was borl,'o\yed from the colonial and State customs of req niring t.he duty to be , '> performed by sheriffs, coutltables, &c. The objections against this are , as follows: . 1. Tha.t the term" marshal" has, in the Xtthids of t.he lower classes of l)()pulation, become so associated with \that of "provost Jnal'sbal," . and with memories of' the enrolments and conscriptions of the late war, ·.that it would very probably lead to snspicions and jealousies, tending to most serious degree, the accuracy of census returns. '.f11StI1ct;g· of marshals nre very' uneq,ual in size, and the time of is fully with the. duties proper to




'VASIIINGTON, February 5, To the honorable commUtcc8 of the Scnate and J[oww of Representatives upon,

the ninth ccnNUS of tlte Un'it(xl &tate.'J : G·:K~fTLE)U}N: JIaviug enjoyed opportunities for studying the practi­

cal details of eenRUN s.Y~t{:';ms, and of ob~ervillg the dHlicillties that ~Lttend the procuring of sati~raetory returns, I deCln it a privilege to ~mbmit. a­few remarks npon this subjeet, which, by the return of the perjod fixed by the Oonstitution, has come nrulpI' your consideration. .;;

In doing this I shal1 limit Dlyself entirely to an exmnination of the imperfect.ions of the present law, awl to snggesti.ons for its amendment, or rather for the substitution of a bet,t~r onc througlwut, that shall eIllbl'ace'principles applicable to the present ·want.s of the cou!ltry, and the existing demands of science.' .

I shall more particularly consider question~ relating to the nlcthods for proeuring facts for a fun and correct census, a·s therein consist the chief difficulties to be elleoulltered, and to rernedy these will be the principal object of your legislation.


The act for taking the 7th and 8ub"equent cenSlUW8 passed in 1850, and '. in force until changed,.eontains certain provisions that I consider very,,'·, objectionable and which demand an effectuuJ remedy. In fact, with()'Up'\·; ame~dment, I do not believe, that with the changed conditionsof~~ilr' , country, the law could be now e,nfol'ced in a jnst and satisfactory' nUtTI­

ner.· It In.a)" be well to briefly review- its provisions, noticing the objec. tions that may be raised against it in the order of their occurrence .. ..


The first section places the ennnlCration in the hands of the nlar­shals of the. district courts in the several States and TenitorieB.' .In this it has followed the precedent of former census laws, which was borl,'o\yed from the colonial and e~il\~Y State customs of req niring t.he duty to be ,

'> performed by sheriffs, coutltables, &c. The objections against this are , as follows: .

1. Tha.t the term" marshal" has, in the Xtthids of t.he lower classes of ~he l)()pulation, become so associated with \that of "provost Jnal'sbal," . and with memories of' the enrolments and conscriptions of the late war,

·.that it would very probably lead to snspicions and jealousies, tending to most serious degree, the accuracy of census returns.

'.f11StI1ct;g· of marshals nre very' uneq,ual in size, and the time of th~~e~.o!n~ors is fully occupi~d with the. duties proper to theiroffices~


:t 'They are'·not l~nder the eontfol of th~ SN~retar'y of the or onicer ir,t;~jrect, eharge of the eeUs,uR, atHl ma,Y or may Tlotl?e .;>".J!.Jl-..fJ" ..... ,a1('"

per~ons tq:~lkeehnt'g(', of a (~(IWmH enulIlPl'ation, a duty th~,t~,j~lJHlot be well don~" 't by men who takn an intdligeut i[lt;(,I'I~st intliaservicc,

who;~J;,u" lws:-Il!ahits, illt(lgrity of ('haratt{~I', and an aC'qufilutane 'wi th lI1en~~ :'l)e 1i Upd f(H' tl}(~s(~ d n tie~. It is ycry true that all of the~'H; flml.1itieR mll,y be fOlllHI in marRhals, hnt installel~'s have oeeuI'fcd, and would again, in whidl tll('.n~ was a g'PIH'raJ utditlWSS a."\ to eharaeter u,n~, h(),Ilesty,' for any 8en"ie(~s of HIl ppn"isioll i 11 ~t (',(>l1SllS. TIte job might ·b..e."far"med out a,mong political fa\"orites to prolllotp ppI'sollal or sinif;;ter ~}tiij.s, and even should this fad ('Olll!' to tilp knowledge (~f thp~direeting

of the eellSUS the law gh",.~s him llO I'E'lllP<1y. Lik(l, onl' Post Oflke '," . Renmnc Depal'tmell ts, i't j:~ llP(~('Ssal''y til itt i IWlllll hentsill the I'm b­timina,te places should hH seled.'d hy tlH' oflicPI' in cliarg(', with refer­ence to <lualifieation8, and that they sholl1d he within his readt if found unsuitable for their places. It lS tI'lH~ that tlH" law has heretofore imposed a penalty for negleet of duty, or fratHlnleIlt rptUl'llS in eeIlsns mattel'H, hut althongh thpre is g-ood l'paSOl! to lwlien~ that o('e;tsions ha~;e hith­ert.o :tl'isPI1 for (~omplaints iI' both of tlH~S(\ Wp hu,-e not n ~jingle liistanee UpOll n~eoI'(l ill whl(',h tIl('. I){lllaHi('~1 of' tlH~ law han~ h(It'Tl enforep(1. The recol'(1!-i of 0111' t:;ta~,p and natio1lal (~oltrts ('ontain 110 d('.(~i~loH~ showxng th at tlll', pri !leI ple~ in \"01 n'<l in a ePIlHltS ha \"e ever been direetly brought befo!,I' tllem.

4. nlarshal'H (listl'iets are too jarg(~ for thorong-h supervision.


BeRid('~ the oath of ofTiec, IH'pscribed in the 2<1 seetion, an {)ath of a,lleg'i(tll('f~ to th~5 g'llyernmrmt of the lJnitc(1 State~ shollld be required of eY(~I'.v l11~l':":'()Tl ehargc(l with dntic!'l under tlH~ eensns ad. 'l'!te interests involvpd ill the re.'mlts of a eensns, and UPOll whieh depend the most valued of rig-ht:-l, that of represPlltil.tion, onght to dema.nd that uo one shouhl he in a,llV way entnlsted ',1iith duties eolltH'etell with this H(~lTiee but those who (~olll«( take snell an oath cheerfully, eorL"eieIltiolU~]'y, a.nd with effect.


I now eome to eonsider the prO\'iRion~ of t.he pxiRting bnv \'dth refer­ence to pn,yment fur Hen'iccR of marshals and <1,ssistants, and whieh I regard a8 wrong in e\"cl''y part.ienla.r; and not only wrong- in theory, but well atlaptcd to covet fraud and \\'Ol'k injustice. They are as i()lloWH :


By this la,,' lnarsha18 arc al10wed for their f.lUIH~rvision at ~;he rate of $1 per 1,000 person::.;, if the district exceeds a million of inhah~tants; 3md at the rate of lBl ~;; per l.nOO if the IluJnber U~~ less th~lll a m~l1ion.

1'0 show the injustiee of thiK, let us snppo!-3e that one marshal bas a, population slightly exeeeding- a million, as, for example, ] ,O()O,OOl, and another a. lit,tIe Iosf.!, as 9nn,f)UH. 'rhe latter will reeeive $125 more than th(~ fornwr. Or let O1W r(~port 1,000,001, :1U<1 another 800,000, and t,lley each rcceh'(~ $1,000 therefor. The prineiple when I'5hown by uiagn:un be­comes more striking.

It follows by this that there is a pecuniar;V~ motive in keeping do~~·u the tota,ls belo"r ~1 million, for tho lnoment this limit is exceed(~d the rate not only on all above that sum, but on aU below it, is lost. There would


'le&, h,justie{', had t.he la w g-iven a eeria'in rate HI' tn a ",{>.'.-rn·''''~ n, different ~ntt~on(ul(1hove thiN limit. If any rule of this

t..~d it shorii'ti'be:,'tlllifol'ln]u itg for 'an IlumherA. S t() uwrshaJa tbe privilege of as aBH.i8taHt~, thuR

glvl ", ,', double, pay. TlliN ,Youhl+not t f1HHH doing, ", ' , nes~ of the eourtR, in'their l)l'oper ilanH:tel' af! marsha-1M, and of (''('),llrse nt the IU:HWI eOHlIH·wiatioll.

In section 7 of the IH'Pl-\('ilt law wp, nrHl nlrght allow the appointment of a double Het payment of mi1ea~'(' for ('Heil. It is aR fOl]oWf.1 a.ppointment to eolh~ct HI(' H(H~ial statisti(:s Blw fCI'("Ilce vfith thf~ dutiPH of tlH~ a~Hist;lHtS.~'

Thl~ mnr.,hnl might l"(lst'n"p the ~()(~iHl Htati:'\j his ~nh·distriet8 of his wh()!(~ (,Oll1t fiistrid, all f()f his own hew'tiL I twill 1)(' fOHlJ(l

the~c 4\ ~oeia{ statiHties" are for the llW~t p:u easily and rapidly obtaixl{·d.

iou~ (~lauHe, \vhieh "1',..." :lHd the s,epal'at.e ':"(n"i(lcti, lwU'crc)', j\n

)e, dcmned an inteI'-

l1im8elf for arg~:ulil cage c'I'm't~:e t4) the

Hi very general kind,


. A .. ssistants are pai<1, nndf'l' tIle pr~S(~llt lav\" :'or the separate itemH of enum.:~r((Ii,on undmih:afle, both of whieh 1 ('j IVl'ong ill theol'J', and \\'01'SO in practice.

For t.he enuHlcratioIl 1 the a.ssi;.;;tant g;eb~i\o eeI1ts per eapita, or $~ per 100, whether ill derlKcly settI(~d distrid,,- \y!tere he eoul<ll'eport ;,WO in a day, or in widely separated d wcl1ing-s, here the most of his time ,vould be spent in travelling. The rule 1-\11 lo;>\es ~L nniformity that no whpre exists, and no rule, but oue that; PH,\ him, for his time, whetliN' spent ill inquiries, or on the road, 'wouldvquitable and jmit. BC::JiueH this, it atfqrd~ the temptatioll formu1tiplyirq:; fictitions entries, in cities,

tVl'rithout or control-a. double wiekedIH'~R, bemtuse it Hot only rohH . the treasury, but it cheats localities out their .lust r-ight8 of rcprC8cnt('1-tion, than ,vhieh thero could be 110 crime more deserving of severe pun­ishment.


I now came to consider the rule pre~'i:ribed for paylucnt of mjile;ag~~[it;:lW,~~{;' which.I ean only regard as one' of the llwst insidious and trivanees for giYing unequal advantages to eertain IO('-<.'llities, OppOl'tu'nity for fraud, that has ever come under Iny notice. In making this statenwnt, I do not assert, that [meh was its intention, nor do I ' charge any perf;OU with having ahused the privileges that it offers. The rule is this: " ., >II< # and ten cents a mile for necessary traveI~ to be aseertained by Hlultiplying .the sqnare root of the number of dwelling houses in the division, by the, square root of the number of square Tuiles in snch division, and the produet shaH be taken as the nnlnber of miles travelled, for aU purposes in taking this cerL~ns."

One would naturally snppose, that if it required one day to go five miles, aIHl enumerate t;O familic8, it ,vouJd require two days to go ten miles and enumerate 100 f<uni1ies, rtnd thus in cornmon arithmetical pro­gression for grea«~r or les8 numbers, and in direct prl ,portion to tIw time employed. .

But let us examine us to the eftcct of taking tlw gqual'<,~ roots of a, &9rieR of nUfllbcrs, instead of the nurrlb~rs themsel\~cs. 'file 8quHl'e root of 1 is 1; of 4, it is 2, 'or 50 per cent. of itself; of {) it is 3, or 33 per cent._


of it.~wlf; of lH it. is 4, or ;2:; PPl' e{'nt. of itself; (;,~mt. of it1'J,elf; of 10,000 it iN 10d, or t~eu\t.. it is 1,000, Dr 'n, ten t.h of OlW per '(~ont. of th UH onw~nrtll~;itJm'~}V(~r approadtiug' nothing' 'without uvel' arriving In ing- sprl!'s wlH,tl pI'(~i('et~'d a~t\.'ellrvp,'win -l){~ fOHwl to be a. n~~'"1:"f,t,f1;€),lrL

As the l"allW rnle appl!m~ to dW411lingJ-i~' aN to Hqlmre at. OiH'(' apparPlIt, that theru]p would oIH'rate agaiwit distriets~ alld ill favor of thmH\ hilt thinly illiwhit{ld, hnt in all (~1l0r1ll0HS wast(' of uw~et.tle{l t(llTitoI'Y \yould lll:t.k«~ lip a large multiple for the mil('s,

,An Hssist<lllt in bt;iug appoillt<'d to takp tIl(' ('('llSlIS of a eOnnty would dou.btless 1H" expected to resort' to flip dl'jinitioll of it:-,. hOUIHJari4.'s as

~)l~~~~lJed by statJ.J.te~ It IIlHy he qll(';.;tiOlH'd \\'lwth('r ~,hj~ pri'v-ilegecould 'oot(lelliedhim. N'ow the whp](' of tile wat.PI'H of Lakt',"l Erie and Olltado t.liii,t1ie\vithin theStftte of X(),\\' York, an' illtlwi('d within the cOllntiPH that lie a.djaccnt, and in thh~ yip\\, of tll(~ir h01l1ubrieH Home of tlH'm are more tlull1 half sulnnerg('(l? and ill SOlIl(' ('asps tlwy overlap. The COHll­

tieK of I~ake and Erie, in Ohio, w('n~ f(Fmpd~ a!'4 wa~ well UIHlel'!'4tood at thp tillle~ 1.yhere the cOllstitnti()llal l'('striction of 400 Rquare miles to the W'W ('(Hlllt,\' could only be obS('l'\'('(l hy appropl'iat-iIlg' tile bottom of the 1nk ... :lIull1w,\' derive thf'ir lWllli'S fl'fHH t,hl~ fad. Tlw !'4,Une iR, I lH~lieq~, tru(' i II all the otlWl' StateHlwr<iPl'iIlg" the g"l'eat.iak(,H .. The State of Florida, is lHHLIlded ill part by the g'111f stn';un awl in part by a line three lcag-ues di~Ul1lt from the shore, 011 thp g-ulf si<i('. Thhle ~tatemeHts indie:lt{~ a. ('hatH~(, for fl'awi111ellt daims under sanction of law, HOI' iH it entirely cer­tain that theHe fclets have Hot been llotieed oefore.

Hilt witllout further alhlHioll to enses ,vhere an ennmerator mjght have to dire to find the distriet'for vt'llieh he claimed 1llil~:ag('~ \H~ find <)H shore abulldant, illustrations of the ahRrl.rdit.y and injnstiee of the rule.

I will take thr(>e eOllllties ill Ne\,' York, atlj~H'('nt, ill t1~e order named, viz: H::lllliltOll, l!erkinwr~ and On.('ja~~., The l1n;t, is mostly <1\viIdernesst:(j: ·wit.h only its sonthern horder thinly settled; the second has R narrow tra'tt of for(,st at 01le clHl, but is other\vise a rich fanning' region, and chiefly devote<l to dairying; thr third j:,\ one of tile largest and lnost populous eOllIltie:-:; in the', traserscd by eanab an<l railrDads, and

;c~:F"""alJoUI1{ling in wealth; yet the (liff'()rences as to the rate of labor per hun­;'i!%:~;'[s\~l;~~~~r~(ljntakil1g no eeIl~llH in these three eonnties won1(1 not vary sensibly ·";'i':;'~:Solitsfd2 of tlH~ lnrge d!lages. 'rho mileage of IIami1toH county hy the

rulelnider consideration, aceordil;! to the State eenSUH of 1~G5, '\vould bet'\vo cents awl :-.;ix mills per ea~)ita; in llcrkimer it would be bnt six mills; and in Oneida, hut. fonT lJ1 iHs.

The rule applied to StateR alld Territories wonl(l Hho\v still greater injllstiee. Fronl a table deriY(1(1 frOlll the returlls of the seventh census 1VC fhal that. in Connecticut the mileage, eompnted as of one dj~triet, would be 4.7 nliUs to eaeh per~oIl; in Delcware, G.2 mills; in lnorida, two cents Hnd 6.4 mills; in }\IassadnlSl'US, :3.:3 mills; in ~Ih;siRsippi, 8.1 Joi]]s; in Nmv York~ 4.8 mills; ill Ohio, n.n minr~; in Oregon, 21 eents and 2.2 mills; in Hhode Islnwl, :3A mills; ill South Carolina, 0.8 mills; in Texas, four cents and 4 lllills; (md iu Y'" e:nnont, G.7 mills.

An idea of the relative mileage of sections of the Union nHl.y be formc(l frum the Htatenwnt tlJat the l-iqnare root of 8quare miles in the

ff A "dwolling" cnn only' he definetl in the CPI1!;US, us "an ilJhl1i>itcd ph\cc,!1 Slave cabinf> W1!re IlIJ tru1y dlCCllillf.(S, as tbe mnnl'liOllR of their masters. Yet tbey were not visited by assiHtant m!i.rslu~lA in laking' the cenSllS. \Verc~ they ~ol1tlted in computing the mileage 7 We hase pe.rhapfi 110 existing- datI}, ti)r nns"'ering the questlOlJ. Nor i~ it noW' of pmctical imporl,a'tl':!o, ~yolld that of pointing ont the opportunitielJ for fra...:d that the law of 1850 afforded.


New,England States together js about 2[)1; in the :rrHdfiJC States, :~88; in tbol9oast Slave States, as they were ealled in the eighth (~eUHUH, !):~!); in the(:~ntral Slave Stutes, 55G; in tho ~rort1nveMerH StateR, GOO; in Texa.s, ~~,; and iu Calii()l'nia, 4.'33. Thl~R the'faetoJ' of the multipliea.], 1'e ., etrti~lg square nliloo(would 00 n~iu. 'ly twiee HH .~~·('at in 'l\~xH,R as In t .. ..9w England Stn.t.os togctlwr, 'If 1\110 her populatIOn Waf'5 only about a tW~~ll part as great. The final result, ";'}I(:ll com hilled with the sqnarc'"rooil:i!O'f:",,(!.w:elHngs, gave for mil~age to Nev~' Enghmd H.4 mjH~ per Ct'l'pit.a~ to oS 63~f),mill8, aJHl to California 82.n llliIh;.~ ,

By a. sub ~~ltaet discretionary power was gi n~Jl to the Secretary of the Intern)12; '··~lrcreasc t.lw pay of Jnarshals, in Oalifornia, Oregon, Utah, and N'tnvl\rfexico, to sceurc a rnore prompt and faithi'nl execution of the work,it'being supposed that the enor.mous profits above stated

v",' .'.!;'\ :':0">;;:./':~i::;:,,~.,;;:..:llB:l

were inadefrnat,e to the labor n'qnired. '. .. . If westuqy the distribution of population in the Territories, :, .. ' ..

find, thu,tinstead of its being evenly and thinly scattered . over th~f'vhole, (as the rule, if it means anythillg would impl,r,) it is mostly fOl.lnfi along some. border, in some valley:;;, or around Inilitu,ry 01' trading posts and mines. The diflieultieR of takjug a eensns there are relatively but little if any greater than in the agl'ienltul'al SLahl 1:l; but the assistants get tho benefit of the thousands of square miles of uninhabited territory ill their mileage rule. The same ineqnality exists thronghont all the States, in which lakes, bays, mountains, fOr(~Rts, Inarsll(~H, <h'owllc(i lands, and other uninhabited wastes, may come in to the aid of one enumerator and c~,t of another.

To confirm this view of the utter fallaey of tho present mileage rale, on the ground of its purely Jnathematical merits, I have proeure<l and herewith deliYcr to the eOllnnittee, the 'written opinions of the present superintendent of t.he Unitf1d Stares coast survey, WhOHC well pstabliHhed and wen deserved reputation in this department of the seienees, gives authority to his views, upon every question that comes within the rules of mathematics.


The third section requires that districts shonld be sub-divided portions containing not. less tha.n 20,000 inhabitants each. This U/Jl~'V,fll.Ii.1'.':~c of much too great an aUlount of labor for one assistant to perform Witbjil1tj~; the limit of time that should be allowed for enumeration.


It is a well recognized principle in statistics, tllat the time during' which, au inqniry is to be made, sbould be a.~ short a,8 possible, to avoid the uncertainties arising from changes during the period, the risk of <h)uble-entryor omission, and the increasing doubt as to accuracy when _ the inquiry refers, not to the conditions at the time, but on a fixed day in the P<lSt. The census refers all facts to June 1st of the year in which the cenHUS is taken, and allows till November 1st for the taking, with as mueh lnore thne, in the Territories, as the Inarshals':,nu1,Y ask and the Sec-

11/ The ahovo aggr(,go.tes pr. el:lcnt these inequalities ill tl;eir 'objN~tjonfLble form, o,nd 1\.8 we tRIce the sopanite districts' we find tlh'~ir injustice still moro striking. }'tor (lAsrnxIe, root of 100 is 10, ,or one number a tl:'nth part of itself. If 100 is divided Into 25's we have four factors of 0, each of them a fifth part of itself. If divided intolO't.I we havo 10 factors of :t 16) of them nourly a. tbird part of itself; and thus, by increasing Tl\t.o, to unity, where this opportunity for fraud culminates in a hundred fa.ctor8

t each of the full v!Uua of ·itself., .


retaxy . th~) Intcr~or may allow.~ It n'qnin'.H lin nrt{IlHH'llt to prove th~ . :p~ In. fiwhng \vho\vpJ'l' j II Hla,t('.~ of u, fam ily on tJH~, ] ~lt HH)HU'mg- III Octol~r'1 q;Rpt.'(·ialiy \Vitll tile dUH1g'eH of n~Midf'rlcfn ''k·""-.h·'''""",,

INH!1'('I' dHS;i.>t'o"1 ill eities, wlwre I'tmtH an~ rndd bJ' the {i<'IW'(' IH t l'llll.o..;fI'ITl'd OJ! Hhort noUee to other qrmrtel'l'3, aH pmplo,YlIl(,llt or pn~HRnre of poverty eOlnpeh~.

I-iFB.J EC'NJ 'l'HAT HUOULD In: JnrnltAO}ljD IN Irlll!; fTl.J"'l!\d!rt~1r1'(~

L Of l'OITL1\TIO:.\', a fun elllllllPl'ation of aU c1as~etl people, def·;ig-llatin,L; ('()I()r~ 0[1(:, ci'vU condition, birtlq}{((cC, and of p, pcrr;oll, 'with columns in the Hchedule for marking those are 'Coth-s, ali.e:n8, under instruction d'urinfl the year, 'illiffrate, and, if col()r(~,d, whether

by tJlt' Will', and tl1e <tt:.a/ and rlwnb, lit ind, in}fant?, 'idiot'i£~ i1Ud oq)han CJ~)tl~R~8~

"' ....... · ....... " ..... ,.,. •• 1;'1>.'-" ... "' ... ' .and DEATHN within the year previous, :full statis-tics, by aid of separate Rehe(luleH for each.

~t Of AGRICUL'l'Ull,E, returIlS of the land awl its zu'oductionH. 'l"he blank ~llOUld Rho\;T the Hrea of laud, tIw amolliit eult,h'ated and nn!;ulti­vat4:'d, its VahHj of land awl of hllildiug's. til(' amonnt of land eultivated in ('aell (~rop the year pn'yjolls, with U;(' QIl:tlltit.y of mwh I'aiH(~d and K-{)ld, aTl(l 01(> prieeH or rate~ }'('c(~in"d, togdJwl' \vith faets eoneerning domestic. allimai:-; and farm OJ' plantatioll lahor, eo~t of fertilizers, valu(~ of farm impJ(,Ill('lltR, &e,

In pI'm~Hl'iJlg theRe facts, RPparat·e hlanks to h(~ left when (leHirable, to b(' filkd Ollt at a ] ('i.'Hln'. hOllr. and to be eolleeted at H, t'H'J~OjHI visit.

4·, Of :HA:\,l'FACTCln~s a.wl r:'IDCWl'IUAL STATISTICS UENERALLY, fun :-;iatist i('R l)y til(' aid qf HJuxial blanks, to be filled by the personH giving the information, aTHf not jn dllplieate.

0. Of EOlICi\TIO='lAL, HEL[CH<>T.JS, INT]:;LL1~;CTFAL, and CHARITABLE r,r.;'1'Elu·;:'rr~, III the main on the plan heretofor'(' ll~pd, bat. more fully, and vlith can-fill I'I'\'il"'ioll of form:-;, as e1~ewhere Btate(l,

. .' In eompariIlg' the ef'IlslIs retm'nR of connti('R, as given at dHferer.c :):j/Deir:UJtllg~ olle is oft(~11 struck wi th (litfen'Bees that appear to Hhow a great ';;:i!~.\.ra!Uln~ off in nlllIlbers, but whieh, on farther examin.ation, win be found.

a diyil-llOll of the (~Ol!llty, This appaI'(illt iTl(~r(~ase or deerease in ttf/ .. "'.lWMt;;;::;:;Ji('~tl11tte8 and States, arlsiug from changf·. of hOnTHlaTips, (~oIlsolida.tion,

:.;;hOllld he properly explailH~i1, and mig-lIt l)(~ ful1y elud­ing with the n~pol't a lit1t of eouIltje~, &e., with the

formation or change of area~ and the nauw.-; of Dw coun­ties from whieh t:tl"q"ll. The ~tatllte la\~;8 of the States. :md other gOHreeS of information \\'ithin easy reaeh, \YOHld afroI'd thf~~e faet~l with fa.eility, and:~ eoneise tahl.~ of thi~ kind would g-reatly ('n1t:uwe the value of tlw work, aside from its iIltriIlHie iIltpl'('St. tIl-! a hiRtorieal I'(~eol'(L

In ~;nr:H" of the Stat('~ it. has heen ew~tomary, for rnany y(~arr~, to puh~ lik5h, in conneetion \vith their State eeIlSHf-leS, for purpos('s of n~presenta· tinn, an outline map, with lIO geographka.l !ldails eX('A~pt (~onnt..Y and flOwn lines, upon whieh should he eUg'I'Hve(l the total aut! rf'IH'eH!mtative

.. In 17 rlO , 1600. and ]f.lIO, the retnrms 'wero reqmred to be rmtde within six month8; in 1l:l20, and 18:30 y within nine monlh."l: l~nd in 184(\ 18;;0, find l.~;n, within fiv!) ulOuths. In 1840 an nmHlCc(~8lJfu! nttempt Willi made to reduce the time to four months.

population. of ('neh divi:-,doll. Ttw fa(~ility ,vhid. 1>md1 it 1ll:1J) v/fmJII 1~ff(n:'d ~t~::~tl'l'mlg'iHg distl'ict.H wonld 1)(, ohVj;HlH; and -It i~~ worthy of'con-8Hlet1lf.lOllnrIH,t!I(·j' OIP ninth cnnsn:" shotdd Hot (!'Oltl";tln a ~':'(IJ'j('N ,(,f out. line map." i?f tlw Htate."l, in which flu'. eou'~lti~'~A ~~h()IIld hI' thw·\ di1'ltin­(J"ui~hed"":i)\":\" \ ~ '·::~~:~;t!;f>

(1~llAR.A.l'E lU~TunNH }'HO:\1 T(HVNN ;\).'1) COC:"iTn::--:. ... ' ":-'~~\~·t~:::P'.:e,:",., ",-. '.,' '. ~

The I-ml.)(U,"i~i(Hl into toww';'}lip~ of six mileH i{q\l;u'(~ by til!' goV('rnm('nt RIH'vc.n-1 haH1;~:~~Rome i nstanceH, heen adopte(l as a eml \"f'lI iPIJ t If II i t () f ad II Ii IJ­

istcalioll fo:r'~' ,Polputposes and nOw}' loeal afl'air,q, aIld rot, t lIiH I'(',L'-'O!! tlln e{msus FihouI · return~ distinct, or at h'i!l'it, if Hot pnb} i~l!!'d YI/ith thil;detail,t •.. ,.c(~\Vork shonhl be~oarra.nged aHtol.,dvP ilJii)l'mation, if de8iredft)!:'purpo~e~1, upon request of StH,te~-\ or eO/lIlHtlilitj(,,"i. Yet ",j J'

th . .......,. . II'! . 1 i ""'. ',J,?,;'i~l1l !~ e mUHIC:I . rporatIOHH, (lrg-maZl'.! [tm!nlOWB aH tOU'Jl8, llJ;ry Ille u( E~,~rj!ii",;';;,::;';~:;'?;P;~A~(F:i;;2:; part.s of t".:.::nlore to'wJu:lhip HllrVeyH, and thest~ ol'gallizf~d tOWllS l,nu.(.,t'i/' .., in any even'ttj~ kept (li:-;tinet. It would he de!';irablt~ that the tf.?tatpopil~ lation of e~~wh organize<l town, with !-iome of the IHoro gen~J~al"clas8i.fica~ tionE", filhonld be pnhlisiled, as 'vf~11 as those hy eou:ni'iegp.:;;Jly careful instructions and proper attention to tile making' of l'etUIT1H hoth of these objeets couldb1c attained.


I, The diversity that prevailN in tile State of llIiuoi."'l with 1'('gal'd to county and town ol'gallizatioTl!-\, the di vision of (~on II t il'."1 i llto town.'; reeently onlered hy the eOllstitntioTl of ~'orth Carolina, alJd otl,,'i' l'IIH!('ial conditions of this kind, sllOaId l'ceei ve earefuI prel illli Ilm'.y n t fl,/It iOT!, to the end that the retlll'IL"! m~l'y be made without eonfm;ioll or' 11IWl'rtaillt,r on any pOiHt", and that they may truly at dwell repl'CSc'llt tIll' aetna1 eon­ditioIlS of the eoulltI'y in every part.


In noc«tse ~h()tlld an enumeration distI'iet include I>artH of hvo towns, ,\vanls, or eOlltlties. But eases .. might oeeur in whieh one enumerator won.ld he :Lhln to make a separate r(~turn from t\yO entire towns the time allowed if they \vere small and thinly settlcfL

In taking the eClll-;UR of eitieH, eaeh enumerator Hhould l)'e with a Hmall piece of the cit.Y map, pai-lted UPOIl his commiSHion or eover of hiH iIlstl'UeUOIlS, OI~ \vhieh Hhould be \\Titteu the Harnes of the Htreets that boulHI hiH di.";triet, if they do 1I0t happen to l)e inelnded in the engl'RviIlg 011 his portion. H.y thiH precaution there would be no chance of miHUIHlerHtaHdiug as t4) his di:C'ltl'iet, awl no territory wopld be overlapped or omitted.

For loeal muniei pal IHU'IH>I'WH it. iH often highly desi ra hle to know the populatioll 'of f5ingle blocks 01' Hljllares IHHuHled h.)r Htreets. It is quite easy to report the cellSUS ia this Jnallner by dil'eetillg' that on beginuing upon a H(juare a He\V Hhe(~t of sehednleH h~ taken, aut! that \vhenbegun it Hhoul(l l}(~ fini: .. tlIPd before going to another. The e{~IlHn}:i l'eturnB prop~ er]y reported, would. in this wa.}~ afl'Ol'll Ule mean~;, from tho copy tiled with the county derk, for SHell minuto (leduetiowi as the loea1 anthori. ties might de~irc to make. It if.! not Huppo~ed that in an:y publicat.ion by the government, any Ruch det:JiI eonld he obHerved. ~l:1w ofHcia,l report might, however, in ~ome easeM i give tlw population of 'Y~rdB in cities.


I:'-iHTHCCTlf}:-;:-; ~HI()t-r,f) il!'; (,;AICEFl'f,f,Y PHEl'AHED ,.1:'111) J~DI<)X}l;1)"

TIJ(' i Il~t nH~! iOIl~ t ak i Ilj.! tIll' t'('W-HIH M!lOllid lH~ d I'awu ~;n·Ht.·,,'d ('an', Hwl t/1Ot'ouflhl,ll i"t/t:,['('(!, gO tlmf flo U 10:-lt ill 1'1' fl' 1'\' lI('j •. '4. Till' pat~t» Khould bl~ I !!·rno'

1 and tlH~ pam

1)(: hOllnd ill :-;,tilr P:IJH'I' CO\'~'l'l'\, H,{) ft~ he PH:-lily ('Hrri('d wIthout fnldiTl~,

TWo NETN OF HET1Tn:iN Hr;VI4'JUn~!'iTr()n ALL

'flu' IH'p:,w!lt la"rr J'(~qllire.K thr~'(' ~wtH of rpf~urw~ t.o h(" OIl(' ix J d;lf'(·(j ill t h{~ ofli(:~~ nf 111f' county dt-1'k? iu the rt'llll('s, Olli' if! tJJ(· ofii(~(' of th(~' Ki'f:retm:y of l1{at5~ iu the tIH' di:-ltl'j('I, afld <HI(' with the (~~ntra] depmtmeuL 1.

S"wtM would KlIpply thew:lnt in the fnJ1(>t<lt ftil" t he x(>(,l'(~ta,ry of Ktatc is a. t!f~{~dleRI:5 :lwl tJUNelt~Jlrne

']hn~tnltjorl: of this, I \\"ollld 8tat{~ tlw i~H~t that fur' one of , .f~~·kt.:~" iIH~ltlding nlOi'f~ thau half of tIll! State York, fiDf 1 &;O~ did ·~'()t .}~n.i.\l'{fn,t the eapi Ld until 1 KI;(i, and tll<lt it has n~~Ym' h{~en takf'H from thehox~~jJ, jJl wlJi('h it (~aHi~~. TIH~ filII n~tHnm HtatA~ (. '\('P4·d 100 aHd :11'(' t (1) ('Imd H'n40lTH~ for tlH~ of f /1(' Ht;It~'H~ Hi{ fo)' ('x:ullplf' :\I~!.,,\H:I4'Il\t;"'dts, Uw ("{~lJ;.;;mll \\';11'S

jlllhlii-\JH·d hy the Stat(· it!-'(,If in IlIOn' ddail tll:ln \VaH adlHitu~d iuto the oHki:d \"oltlI!le~; but thiH iflforJllatiofl waH Hot df'f'i\'(~d from tlle r-;.et of rdl1rlJ,4, ,,",4'Jlt to Boston, hut from tile Ome(~ of the d('partrnellt of the In­t(-1']or. 'finll; a Jl('('dlf·s.~~ (~XI)I'lJ.s(: of many thOl!H<llld doHar~ mig-ht h4~ i-I}l\'/'d to tlH' gO\'('!'llirl~'lIt, 11:'1' diKIH'IIHing' \vith t}H~ third Ket, awl COHg-reHf1 wOllld n·(,,·iv\' t11(.: t!llli1kH of Ht.ate oHkials fnr (~rt'lil,'illg Ull'm of a, UH-e. l<,ss hurd<'I!.

'ftl(' En:.dil"h ('(,JIl'lHH, reports the population aK it find:-! t!H~m on the night IH'{)(,,(,dillg' tlH~ da.v Oil \vhkh t.he (:{mSIlK iK tak(~H. No IH:n~on abf'H~Bt on that Hight is enU'I'pd in the houHeholdt~rKi ~wlH'dulf\ exe'~pt th()Ji!,{~ 'who may h~., tra\'{'lling-~ or at work during the flight, and \,,110 .. home ill tiH> HloT'oiIlg'.

appan'nt that this rdllrn of the popniatioll, in tJl(~ (~a.~(~ of nnw.mal of p4;opl(" \YOllld gj\'(' a VPl'Y ineorreet :W("l)lIHt of tlH~ H,(:tnal

di!-Striimtioll of l'be population at the JH~rjod of the \~eHl'\Ug. iy ~n tlw tTl!it{~d Htat("s, \ViH're the primary oJ~j(~et of tlw eenHUI5

to obtain t}J(~ InP:lfll'l for (~(JlwJjZili~ T'(~JH'eHentation, W(~ (~OiIId admit, (Jlf

nocntI'i.'K of au,Y lwnmrl ('x('ept at hi!'! IIHwd pJaee of ah:Hlf', 'fheillteruatioflal staUstital (:Oll;g-rl';-.}!"l of EIlf"{'fH', n'eog'lIizing: Uw lm­

portalH:e of tlllM, althollg-h tlH~y pn'fj,J' tlw Hwthod of taking a e(~I1~W"l hy the plan aj)O\'(~ not i(~4~d, n~(.,omIlH~fHl HH~ l'(·turn of uHual H~ W(-)J ai'1 that of (u:/u(J/ r-esi<if'fWf'. Bllt OH~ tw"k ()f dig~~~tiHg a1HI e1al'!xi tying RIl.ell a e~·Ilf..iIlH ,,,'oll1d bi~ {'OOl'rnOlJrI, awl in a g"n'at eOllntr.y and a:lIwHg' an aeti ,'(~ popn Ja t iOll q II j tt~ i HlJ)l'1H'li(;ahl(~.

The q!l('~\tioll a"\ tn vdlat (~on~tit!!.t..(~:-\ a r(~Hide1lt(·, and\vllf'n~ should it. IH~ dairrH:d, will (:O!rl(~ lip in man,r c::t:-:.p,\,\, and shollld he KO d(~ady defined ill th(~ jlJ,~IT!ldioIlK :1..\.) to l('(lV4'. flO pos"",ihl~ .. room for donlJt. In gPJwl'li,l~, the pojnt~ Hli~ht bn Ho)ved, jf (:o!j('A.~r·lIiJj~ a.n (d(~(~to[', h,v UH~ queMtion "'wlH~re do VOII e1aim the "i'yilt to vot{~?'r1 In \~az.H~~ \\'!wf'e JH'l'SOIlH lodge in OHP t(HVj~ aliI! ta~w tflPi; iJH~IlJ"\ or do hUKiiH~H.4. in ttTJothnr, it would be \vhf'I'(' iii' Jodgc·:-\ and tlot f·I~p,\·hj~l'tl.

An atU~mpt lHad/~ iu Ow ::\(~\t,' York (:.(mJ<.HlS of 18nr, to iJ:i(',~~rta,iH the


eo of ~~Hlplo.ymellt. if awa:,' from 1,loHH'/' did lIot pl'wl!/I'I' n',"Ililh'1 imp,or"tal!(~~~ to P!H'Otli'Hg-f' 1I,i{ II,~ (·hid' IHilitv

hen appH4~d to a xuhllI'lwlI it WIHJ!;r t~ vi:11uahJf~.

h(in~qllil'l'd to t f'\"f'J'} d\\J'iling-, flH~Y flwtH COfl('f,'!Tling' it, \vithoflt, infjllil'Y or .IlllH~h

York, nH~ n·tn I'Ild l-l.h(n'f(~d H t tIll' ! :t.~\t. t \vo z..)t a t (~ ag of l'\tmw, lJI'ick, wood, &,('" :rwl valilt,) awl

bf~t,'\-}\,'f'eH tlJ(~ two J'('JHH'b4r nJ}ul!: IIlllkr ,"lllllilal' i!l!~fn/(~,. ng aK i'lhowing UH' g'l'adual d i!-\tlJlj Ii';l r:ITW(~ of tli(~ t~'.!ll.

to UH~ AU b~\tn,1I riaJ, and, hy ~ n ff'n'lJ('f'~ tJ 1I~ j Ilen~a-l'«~ or , ,,' tie happI1H·s,li.

et;ot"Cohunhia, in JHH7, n'Jlott(ld ofd\H.lfiut;rI, , nfJt1 whethm'(:I'ect{~d ill lX/Hj 01' !HH7~ rlUrn!~('I' of

" " " ," .• ' ,bited lm.gmn~:,nts, uses, if ailY, to \vbicb applied riij", ' welling, (Hl'I Ofn{j4~, }\torf~, p;Hlo{"m,<&(~.,) NalJit:~pW'J;vndi~

ion mal ex,p(JI,.nt(~~, xrurnber of farrdJil'x living in tlw. JI(~M~;:tmd the Hvi!~¥",(~nth:~~]y in ha~emeIlt, (If! t IH~ L!1t floor, 2dfi\o6r, :JqJ tJoor,

·Hll fioor .. ,.ys,:" . ~" , Ia Bttrol)(~~Ul:t.ystmui'\ qtH'Mtiom; imv<: b(~(~I1 addr(,Hy.(~d I'e1ath.:(~ to JIIIHl­

of roon;'g ~)(~cupj('(l by a fam i ly, w!Jet IH'r J,.;;H·d(~flS m'(l :It hlcJH'd, jn~ml',ed agaiw-it lin', &e, For lH:}O awl IHf;O oIH'I1atioll:d (:{'IJ-,

lHlblhdwd the total IllImber of (hn~niflgH hy HtaU':...;, allll for P(-;O, hy (~OlHat.iex, dil'lfrietM, t~ldparjHJwH aJ."lO.

I v,,'(mId HHgg{~Ht in the coming e<..'·rJHUK that n't.uf'w<{ lw J'('qllin'd of tJH~ matf'riaI and value of d\velHnJ';s~ wlwtIH'J' uK{~d for IHliYT)()!,wH OtiH'l' fl!;IH

aH (hn~I1ingH, HH "Mtor(~," "Otlk(4/' &e., HtnH her of famil It'X iii a d wf'lli flg', Illllnher in emH'';';C of ereetion, and number unneenpied.

OIlOi\ NIZA 1'10~; OJ.' J;;A)HLU~H.

\Vithont furthm' eare on UU>, l'al't of emHIH'ratOI'H thaH Hiat of ('Jlteriug falIlilie~ together and iu IH'OIWl' order, we have data foJ' da.'{si . many int<~I'eHtjng faet~ eoneen:mg f~UHjli(,K; :tN, thn 11 11m bel' of }I(~ad 1.9 H, marrif!d m;m, It· -;;-i.jow, or it ':lido\ver; n Il1nlH'I' of ftu.njH(~,t.§ OlJe, two, th!'f~e, or more peI~oflR; un m her of eh i Idr(~!l ] i viug in f';urf IllHnh(~I' of f}tnd;ie.~ \vithout, Kerv~mt~, 01' \vith OW!, t\VO, &e.; I~Taud-ehi1dren, adopted ehi1dI'(~lI, ...'te.

Al1 these'are ouly Inattel'~ of otliee JahoI', tlH~y iH~(~(l no aUefltf<m in , and only eOHlIWm eare iu the (mlluH'I'ation.

AJwtl1C!' faet eOJl(,:er,ling familieR 11m; interf'sf; and if; :lH f'(LloIil,Y ohtained Ul(~ foregoing. it hs aJ.\ to "how HlaflJ' familieH, (~onl-lj14iilg- of nuwried

l'erhapH with ehildren or H.e;rv:tIltK, aT'f~ liYing ill otJI(~J' fan~!:i{~H.'" only attention needful in gettlug the dat.a for thil'! iM a dear deHui. in the iUHtnwtioHH of Uw t(~rm 'H family" 'wIH~re it iH HlJt SYIlOHYHHHl5>i'

"~wul#~ho1d/' Tlw latter iH oft{~H tlH~ more eOJnJH'ehen~live tf~l'm. The inmat-eH of pI'ir;oHM, HHyJUUlM, e(mV('n h~, &f~'1 ,vou)El, in tlw mi~a.Jl iug the eew~uM, h(~ fHmilieH, as Jiving in one hOlHI{>IIOId atHl IH'oyjd(~d for hy

(:.<mHnon head. There \.,'onld1 (l(mhtJel"H-I, he ditiiellJty iu g(.ttillg' rep01"tH tiAe jllmat,t'~H of (.:4)tj\'(mt.M VdlO have taJ~~'!l tllo \"OWI-i of a HUll-at Jeal4t

11"1 inl(~rl'ed from a.ll paHt eX)H:!l'ielH:e within my kr1Owledg(~.


'By thi~ u~fm, h{)f'l'owNa from tlw usa~'eH of !~~lIrop('an flltati~t idaH.~~~ and err!IJiloyed iu St .... wgral State (~Cnf.m~:H5H, il1 intf:nded, "wheth .. ::" Hingle,

mHlTi~ld. Of' ,ri,lnw('ll;1 til(' 1:t1t4'!' tenll h(ling ('OIllHHHl to hoth ill tilt' olli,'.' l'lllS:..;iHc,atioll to })(- tl(·t~·rlni!/I'd !Iv 1'1'(0'('11('(' to t St':':. \\-" fllliS g:lin hro ('!iI.'-<.'4('S hy lIsing- OfH: {'OlllHln of til('

Tl1i,'\ qlli'stinll hilN lIot lH!(~ll Jdt!H'rlo illCludt'd in tlH' t :nili'd ~~!:Jt(.:..;, hilt it:..; ilrljJortnneu h'l O!>\'iOIlS, Hlid iiI-; rnodn i'a,"'.\', j'('qllil'illg' hnt Oll(' ('()Jllllill, ml(l .tHtrYOT! of t1H'l§~ {II' "\\'." ;\ rlll'thi·l'{'lass."I),··r~H'(!i\'ol'l.·{'{l~<Y nSl'ea{~Jl'~r Ill: .. ;tp:ld of ihis! lIlay 1)(1 llillTOW ,"OII!tnW-\ t(H'makini'itr.l·Hml'lnativ{~ Pili]',\' witll flll' .-.;t!'ok~' of :\ pilll for (':wh (~Ias~!, By :lUPllti9n. to theomtp cltlssifkatioll. it would il{' PllSY to :li"H~{>I·t:lill fll(> JHlml)('!' of';(JnarI'ipd pain; liying 1ogdlH'I' nlld tilP 111111111(,1' of IIlaITjpd IH'},SOllS liviq·&~IHl]'ately.

i Jl t hi' .:\ I'W Y ork ('I'Il~lI~ of' I S(ji) th('n' \vere two addi ... nal jHquiri«'~ having' l'1'i'1'l'('lI('(' to till' ramily l'p1ation, yiz: Applie(l t<:,(,(~rtvel1'alld 'vid­OW.'4-"ol' llow lllallY ('l!ildl't'll the pareIltr1 and t.o nHlnif~;~i:c~.a.nd \yidowed of an ('l;1:-;~1·;.;_~4 Hllmhel' of times marripd 'Cn These""'· )'rere in lllO:-;t (,·:t:--;I·~ fllily n'pol't('<i, hut Hi) they are somewhat " > . aJHl mig-ht h~ad to Old!'('! i()HS ill <,:olUmnllitie~ not aeellHfft~mH'(l to statistie21 inqnirie14, I ""ng;geDt that nIP eolumn or colmml:-; to Rllow the eivil con­dition he iHehHI(~d. Of (·.(mI'~(' tlu.'. whol,' population should he aeeounted for ill one or nnot.lwl' of tl!('~(' d:u .. ;!,,(.~.

'I'll.·;';l· illt})()l'iallt ('1:t:-i:-;('~ ~Il()nld hp d(>~i~'fl,lt('d by Ow Ntrokc of a pml f()r all ;tilil'lll;ttiy(, Plltl',\". ill ll;lITO\\, eoltllHll~ ;q)l'l'opriateIy head('(1. But ill dflill~' tlti" it i:-; (It' \"ital 1111})()l'tallcP thai" tlll~ (lllitllWration should be {'()lldllt't'd ill a lll:tllll('l' so (,IItil'i'ly fn~p f'ro;n politi{'al inqniries as to ;l\'oid all sl!~pi('ioll:-5#of l);!rti~all pllrpm,;('~, Tlw f'('ll~US shonld lH' kept ill f;tl't, :I~ \\{'Il :l~ iii theory, fl'('o froHt inlllH'lIc('S otll('l' tl1all thos(~ that :lilll :It S('{'llJ'illg' a fnll. ('qwll. aud impal'tinl I'durn of :l1J (·l:l."';~I~H, and frllllt (I\'('l',\' S!'ctioll, ()II two pa~t oee~1.'"ioll!-; (IS~O and 1.".:;(1) tlH~ nnm­lH'I' of nli('IIS \\-as n'pol"t('d,

In a~('(,l't;lillillg' till' illtllllH'l' of \-oters~ it. wOllldbe lI(~('{':-;~;li'.\- to aeet'IH the definitioll as gi\'t'!l ill till' ('o!1stitutiolll-i of tli{' ~('Yt'l'aI Bt(\tt':-~. ~rh(' returns Ul ig'll t !lot ht, COlli p:ll'<! hiE' lwtwe('u HtaU's, but wonld hn \vithin the same ~t:tt(·. '1'111' di . ...;tilldioll a."-\ to wl1ethp}, "llatiyc voter" or 11 at­

vot('I'''' \\'as wade ill Xew York in lK;);) all(l lKG;j, an<l mig-ht illlPOl't<lllt jn flIP lIatiolial e(~H~IlS,

reporti 1I~~' .; a li(,Il":~ t 1.1(' t l'rllI slwl! hI lw so ace!!J':! tel,Y de:..;el'i bed, frum existillg' 1('I'IIIS of Olll' llational laws UpOll naturalization, tha .. t then'

cou]«i 1)(' lin lllj:-;t:ll~illg' it~ liS!', .

\Vht,l'j' two 01' 11101'1' grad!'s of \'01l'l's ,'xi:-;t ill a SLd(" ('aeh das.'l should ht~ di:.;tilq.~'lIish('(l. 'flIt' !I1l1ll1wl'of \01!.'I'S :tlld Hlit'lls~li'oHl(llH' pnhli~hl'.:l by tOWllS .. ward.". :lIld (·I)III1!j(·S. :L" a check llJWl1 ('ll'ctioH frauds, .

If ill titt· COhlll111 ill!' 11I:\rl~illg' •. 1," llS thp amrlllatin\ opposite "lit, na!!H'." (r,' aiil'lls w(' i'llkl', illstead, Iht· 1(·ttf,1' "1).~~ for tlWS(' aliells who lla\'{' <I('('I:ln'l1 tllt·ir illl,'lltioll to ~H'COl!lj' 1I.!tlll'alized, we :-:.rlal1 'without addi t iUlw 1 t nm hIt' oiJt;lllJ a lllost i lit, i' l,'(':-.;t i llg' r('('ord. .

('()unu:n PEHSO);'S.

It is, of ('0111':-:('. :L-..J.SlIlll(·d t h,l ~ t II!' ~('h('dtll(' of P(IPlll:!tioll :uHl the (lpd1H'! inll." \ri!! ht· ~Illlil;lr ror ;ill dul"~{':";, ;dth(lll:~h tlH'Y may hI'. sc'pnl'ately tai){d(\t~·I!. alld 111:11 ll\lt lilli' hlanJ, \vill iw Il('('dp<i. Hut there i~ ow' i Ilq II i r.,·. ;IPP] i.,;t bl{, to ('olon-d pt'.n~olls ollly ~ \'1 hieh cl ppean.) to 1)(' dt'sir:tldt'. :llId wlli(,lt ~llllliid lit' thi' :-:'fllll~~ thI'Ollf:.dwut tJH' Cnioll. If 'Yt'

im~i,!'It a llarrow ('OlUHlll IH':tdi·d ;, fh'(·d from slaYc!'y hy the )far," or

The IlIdiauH not IV"'''' .. ' ..... , .... wilen applied l'{'(~ei\'iHg

tri he in the State j'('p.ortr..; of COHn:

It \'Ilould he desi} he reported in the ( they would eonr the term:..; of the ( dpg-ree of improve' knowledge and ari reports of th(' (1t"1 :'.c1l0018, agrieHltur~ :lnd eori1parahle, ih allc)',v. There shon readl eOHcerIling' tl the ne\vly aeqnii:e,(l HHm her of children (l\veHings. It i~ PI' III a tes, ;yet they Bho infO.rInation.


Our census in 18: for df'sig-nating .-)(>1';

of hlind, the i()rmer 2;'j/7 and. ":!;j; and SPxe~'1 and of the hl

In 1840 the same who \yere "insane :.1

r'nkr into those" al III lS."}O and 18GO

: .. :' c.C every na me. 1 blind, iw~niH::', idioti( mad(:~ hy \\Titillg th who might. bplong

-<~- -~" -.~---. <.

" v,;r c may dedu.ct a c1a5,'· and ti.!rim subtracting it.

HI (Ill t n ho t h f(\l't'lH'{\ to t 11 11mB of th{\ 1 in tlH' ee t its mnd(~ yofthel Li he a:-l '"lllnkin ' Y attpll

~lInh(\r 0 )Us livi 1"0 Hd. ,liet} t

WC1~e in d might

to ' iIlqnirief.i~ \ to S110W the civil con­OIl should he aeeounted

bj~ the stroke of a pen Ipriately headNl. But 'ulimeration should l){~ Dlitieal irlliniries as to l'eIl=-,llS should he kept other tlWl! thww that rIl of all (·l:l . .;.;ses, and ~o all(l lK::()) tlJC num-

be IlPCf':~~ar.\· to accept , s('veral ~:Hat(>s. The , hut would he \vithin llatiYe Yotel'" or nat­awl 18(j;\ and might

lrat{'l,r described, frum uralization, that therf'

tat(', (~aeh e1ass should IS sllOul(l be pnhlish_e.d peti(lll frauds. l"lllati H', oppo:-.ite the for those aliens who

ize(l, we sfwll without '1.

. populi! t iOll and tItt'.

hey way bn :-{epa.l'ate1s ,(,de(l. Hut t.1JCre is wbieh appear~ to be HIt the tJ Ilion. If we very hy the war,'" or


iuswnd thiH two (~olnmnH for eo1ol'pd pel'HOllH-" freo hefur(' tile wart tUld' by t1H~ wart the aHhmati\'(~ n·tord he,ing lllad!~ h.Y tl!p Htrol\(~ of 1\' ~he eohu!ll! appliC:lhle-we Hl,IOHht.1JU;Y(~ H,ll HlIWHt,lt of j nf(!f-maUo.l tlve t.c) thlH l'aee of Hluch pl'(~~ut~nt.('rp~lt, :Hld of g-n'at Ills-torieal It might be dassifiod 80 H~ h., pi'PHl'lIt, ill eOIl1l4,(,tioil with loeality,::: sex, and nativity, !,\"rnost nllualJl(~ 1'('('01'(1 of tlu' diHtrihu· t.ion and of these ~lht,8f'H.

'rile retl.rr~, mighth~'mado st il1 HlOI'P eompl(,t(· if t iJe ('1)1 mn II IH'ad{'!i " freed fnnnJ~lavery by the war," or " fn'(~(l h,v tllt' war,:" illst('Hd of .. 41" we should ' the initialH of'tll<' ~H:lte iu whiell tlH' l)('l'SOll l'P;. .. :jfl('d when the ,gaB, at! "Ya./' " H. C.," &c. This (,lItl'y, ill eOl!I1,~ctioH with dence when reported by the e(~Jl.;';IlH, w(lllld ill astra to Ow operatIOn enees, wlletlwr mi1itar~r HIl<l :Hll1lilli~tI'ativ(', or illcli· vidual a tary, tUrtt, have affected the relative distribution of thiH class in

INDIAl.'1t S.

The C ,",,"\\, not rClluirc, hut perinits,'I'{I an rHnm9.:t~tio1.!:'~~bf Ill(liallR n~t~~~~.~, ,yet t!ll~ bceomeR n Hll~)jeet ~f i,m]}Ortt~:H~r::fi~lweial1y when apphe4:":,,~;~rlbes hvmg' on reRet'vatlOHs wltlutl the States, but Hot n~eeiviug anll.'tij~ieB" frmn the United St.ates, aR, for exmnple, the St. Hegis tribe in the St.a:te!of NevI" York. These Indians are not inelnde<1 in the l'Pports of the Commissioner on 11ldiam~ i\.tfairs, HOI' in the natiollul CPIlSHS.

It would be desirable that an Indian 1i\~iIl2; upon re~eryatio1l8 should he reported ill the census as fully as eil'enm8tanecs may permit, although they would of course be deducted from the represented daHHf'S, under the terms of the Constitution. Special scl]edules, for ~ho\"l,"int! their degree of improvement and their opportunities of edneatioll III the kuo\vledge and arb, of civilized lif~, would be desirable. The allnuul reports of the departmen.t present financial statemtlnts, statistits of Rchools, agricultnre1 &c., but we need rnore eomplete returns, uHifonH and comparable, from every section, andus reliable as circumstances ,vill allow. There should also be obtf\lned the fullest information within reaeh concerning tribes not settled on reservations, including those in the newly aequired Territory of _Alaska. We should know at least number of children and adults of each sex, and Humber of lodge~,' u weIlings. It is probable that some of these returns would be but· mates, yet they should be rnade by those of greatest reliability and information. ' /


Out censu:;; in 18:30 first inserted columns in the population schedule f(H' designating separately, hy eolor, the number of d~af and dumb, and of blind, the former being distingnisheli as "under 14," "14: and under 25/, and "2;j and upwards." 'l'here W~1S no separate classes for the R('xes, and of the blind there waJ,~ only rtjported the numbers.

In 1840 the same inquiries were lnade, and, in addition, as to those who were" insane and idiotic." Of the latter it furt.lwr divided each ('nlnr into t.hose "at printte charge~' and those" at public charg:e."

lit 1850 and 18HO the population blank, which waR intended to em­~: j';:l'-.e every name, hatl a, eolumn IH~ad.~d, '~vVhethe.r deaf a.nd dumr), blind, insane, idiotie, panp(~r, or convict. The entry waR directed to be made by writing the. word that should express the condit~on of anyone ~'i~~"~_ m i1f!~_~-,~e~~~Y5_"~~) "~~~!~?_I'_'?X_~~E~~"~_~1.(~HS~~" ... _. ___________ ., __

/j Wo may dulttcl tl c1asli of papula,lion by pa.ssing it uunoticod, or by finding its number.;! and then subtracting it.

A!4 for the ('01I'det. eln;;s, which, aeeorciing' to tlu' i h'lIdpd to indu(ip thO:'H! who had lH'(,1l (~{m\'id{'d of a erime JJ!lli<r~<irh~ .. • • .\'('<11\ it, would 1)(' IH~tt(lr to drop th('. inqniry from tiw HdH~( Uw lIHmhpl' hn fl{'sin'(l ll't it ohtaiJWtl frotll tlH' l'('eoniH of an invariahle rtt]p 110 d('lH·ild('n{I.(L(~nn be plac('fl npoll retu rl'pntabl(~ ('iY'(,I1Illstanee ohtaillPd from t.he"perR011H or hy tll(', disg'I'ac('. .A similar l'PlIlHrk would apTlly to .",..,,,,,,;,,:,,,';;,"., .. ,, relati\'{~ 'to UH'ir nnmhl'r, &('" (~(Hlld b('st he records.

It ,vmIld 1w 'well, ho'w('\"P1', iIH:{t4~a<l of "COlI ylett-'." indwli' "orphans uIlder II, YP:U:-i," as a dasH liable to pllhlie clwrity, awl (:cmeernillg' whieh information eonld he rl~J,le eireUIll\-,tanee of th<ir lwillf,; retm'IH'(l :tH meHl h~~rH of at" inmat('!'\ of an iIl~titnti(m, could be eolleetively Ktnt.e Hneh fnrtht'l' dh-iKion aK to age, sex, eolor, &e., :iK t liS mig:ht appear to WalTHnt.<",;\",: ",:,111 the New York CC'IlSUB of lS()5 a tablp, \ya.~ addeu'f6r:.thepul'pose of oht~ht~~llg fnrther,:,.,iI1IOl'lnation concerning the deaf autl dumb, blind, insarie, ~tfi<1;;:i~i8~ic:'··· It emiJraeed: "Duration. of the infh1.nity;" '~eau:s~::~ if known; 't"~,b~'trelatiyes, if an,)" have been similarly ~dl~.ct,ed;" "treat,. llwnt in au asyhnn in IIHmtlu·;, and whether HOV{ nndertreatment; di~l. eharged impro'n~d, or diKeharged unimproved;" "dependence for sup­port, whether upon private or puhlic means, or partly both;" "able to earll :t Ji ving;" "Ii ving in a poor or almshouse; "accustomed tD i~olieit alms ;" and "l'emark~."

TIl(', r(~tllrns were vrobahly as ,wen lnade as eonld he expeeted by a eeltSllS, but for obvious reason the eau:-;e, and other itemN ,vere often omittp(l, from the ifnpossibility of gettiug' informa.tion. Upon m.l1tnre cOllsideration, I wouhl suggest that the hel.Lding' of the eolumn used in t Ill'. last eellsus, dropping the \vords "pauper or eon viet," a nd adding " orphan under 15 years," he used in the next c,{'n:-;uN, 'without iue1udiug the add i tional i nq niries.

The Bnglish blank reqnin's that in case the infirmity nwntioncd has ex.isted "from birth," the faet should be written down. ,]~hjs entry of itself, when intelligently alld eorreetly mad{>" would. he important. Yet

tHe diseases HUt,r delStroy a sense before it is brought into evident . ;alld the liahilit,Y of confounding these caHCS with those of' congenital

would be oln'iolls anti unavoidable. , st intimately associatp(] '\lith thiR iU(pliry, ~LIld concerning whieh existing data as to condition eonld be readily obtained, would l.wone

. bracing the statistics of State., Territorial, llHlnieipal, connty, to\VH, 'incorporated, and private cst.ablishrnents, for the treatment, mainte­nance, or edueation of the deaf and dumh, blind, insane, awl idiotic, fiK well as those in general awl special hospita,ls, &c. 1'he mnunerators could, ,~;ith little or 110 em;t, snpply the census offiee with copi{'s of t.he last reports of these institut.ions; and there is no doubt hut that nearly all of them would readily respond to cireuhtrs addressc(l to them for pro­curing uniform and comparable ret-m'nN upon a giYen elass of subjects eoncerning their operations, re,sonree8, aecommodations, Humber of llll: mates, &e. Thus, ","'ithout emharrassing in the leaRt degree the census proper, with qnestions to be answerot! by the ppoplo at large, 've might, obtain an amount of information as; to the number, distribution, and operation of our eharitic:-; in a vcr,Y complpte mauneI'. The ilHlllil'Y might also extend to penal and l'l'f()rmat~)r.)' institutions~ if thought desira.ble.

No direct the tirne of prc'vious, if the general suflicient for PI',

Un fortunah+ riages, awl deal of comparison : Island, and Co!'! aid in judging <

records in citi('~; to by the en nIW

give" particular reeord8 would ; tional age,) Hlld

The number jnqniry iu IS;'jO ; COUld afi()rd no i

showing time HI

of ea(~h of the r b(~fo:re a cleq:;-.Yl nesses. Snell a

l>roperly, in :l Hhould be repOi tended 'with dif; place of residew the, qne8tion be the enumerator rernoved out. of . heen married be sent very nearly and, froin tho \~~: tion of nHtrriag{ ha.t can be obtai

loc.aJ. authori ty.

in~truetio .wl,siu-If a eriuw ~dn tlw tiw ~ehe{ if ~'ortlR of )\s )on retn R dis· or fam n:ftceted panl) .. ', hnd faets

taiHe(~;~~from otUcial" to nee upon obtained. family or ,. , ~her with


tl. purpose of r anti'd b, blind, ~ il1tlrmit~y;" ,. eausc, I:v affeCted·n "trca t-.' " . ., .... ', .... ,... , . der,:~tment; dIS-ependence for sup­trly both;" "able to cCllstomed to 80licit

!el he expected by a er items ,vere often ion. Upon Inatllre the column tU;ed in )nviet," and adding I, without including

nit .... Tucntioned ha~ nni. This entry of he important. Yet 'ought into evident those of congenital

I. concerning whidl aine(l, would be one ~ipal, connty, town, treatment, mainte­

;;ane, and idiotic, as The (l,HUmerator~

tth eopies of the last ; hut that nearly all ,e(l to them for pro­cn dass of fSubjects .iOUR, numher of in: , deg-ree the censu:-I \ at la.rge, we might r, distribntion, and

The inquiry might . thought uesirablc.



o t.he inquiry wa~ first ulade <t!'i t.o '~;~' y'lumher of persons over of ago who could HOt. l'(~'ld.;~tHd \Yl'ite hy ill:-im'tiTl~ a (;olnrnn for

.. )~r of this chtH~ in eacb.,family. The eerH-lmi(~S of Ht-}O aIt<l J:'WO, bygh'illg/"lthenunu:~of'(:\,a(th.JI(~rHoTl, alllrwed the ("Iltr,;: of •• I" to 1>e made when 9,pl,1ichl)leonthe line of the name and ill the (~olumn thns lWiulcd. The record should be contiuw.·i1? aIld to rmHler it e01Jlparahlp, the limit of 20 ~tea.r8 should he reUlined, although thern arp l'('(lSmll'; to I'Pgret tlmt 21 was not at first adopted, as, in some of the Stat(~s, the appropriations of schooLmolwys extends to per~ons Hp to that, Hg·(~.

The distjjJetion made between those" \",ho eanuot read or write," and those "wlI~~,ca,n reafl but Hot write," as empio,yed in the New York een-sus, did" ...... , roduco results of sufficiellt importanee to indtwC' it::; eon· tinuance:~'~

The offi~~;~~eductions frorn this record might be mneh more precise, and should~in£l'Y,de reference to age, sex, color, and nationality.

ji~gl~;r,~s .WITII1N THE UAR PRE()E~ING. /j'

No direct;jJ .. is needed for this. rl~he ages of\t~ni~9,~rf1iving at the time of.J ..........risns, and of those who have died 'vitIiin: the ye~~r pre'vions, i(tgr:f~if'in ii'actions, as l~., i-I, &e., in the column of age:.; of the generalschedtiles, afford all the data attainable by a census and sufficient for practical usc.

Unfortnnately the absence of systems of regiRtration of births, nUlf­

riages, and deaths, in most of the States, d.eprives u~ of the opportunity of comparison in this regard. The reports of J\tI~~.s8achnsetts, lUlOde Island, and UOlluecticnt, mla to some extent of a few other State~, would aid in judging of the fnlnesR of tlie returns in this, and the ori&rinal records in cities and towns wherever they exist, should always be referred to by the enumerator in making up his retull1s. rrhe instrnetiolls should give particular directions upon this subjeet. If folIo,,~ed, the eCllRUS records would show number of births by Inonths, (hy aid of the frac­tional age,) and other useful data.


The. number marric'rZ witllin the past year was Illude a inquiry in 18[)O and 18()O, and the results were published. The, could aff'ord no other information. In the New York schedules i:~ a Hhowing time Hnd place oflllnarriage, previollR eivil condition and of each of the parties" and as to wilether the Inarriage was sole Inn before a clergyman or civil magistrate or by deelal'ation before wit­nesses. Such a blank is submitted vvith the hill herewith presented.

Properly, in a system of registration in constant operr!,tion, luarriages Rhould be reported in the towns where they occur. But this is at­tended with ditlieu1ties, as many p(~rsons Inarry n.way frmn the usual place of residence of either party_ I would thcreforQ, recommend that the question be addressed to the particH thernselves, ,vherever found by the enumera.tors. I)ractieally, it wonhl embrace all who not removed out of the 'United States, and might ine1nde others who 111't<1 been married before coming into t.he country. In the end, it would pre­sent very nearly a true ~weonnt of Uw present distribution of this class,. and, froln the want of a better, a clORe approximation as t.o the propor­tion of marriages to the population, relative ages, &c., ~tnd the best

can be obt~rine,d- by ftn:r method short of an official registration by ocal au thori ty. .

III 1S;)0 Hnd IS(iO J>I'I',-;Oll;-.; who had !li{'(! \vithiu (' u I j 'l' (\\' hit t· 0 r hI; w k 1) fn· I' 0 l'

mOil tll ill\\, II i(~ll t hp 1I('a t h d is{'asp or (,:Ui~-i(' of ({{Ill t h.

1 (;


for n'pnrtillg' tl!(" ,JIlIH' 1, with

01.' wjdo\,lf~(l,

Tlw results of t.1t£' former e('flSlIS \\'('.1'(', pnhlL .. ;lwd with the allti in a Nlllall YOIIlI'IH', alld of' tlw latter,\\'ith all tile flliHf~HS retlU'llS :tIlo",pd, an~ embr;H~l'd ill tlH~ fOl!rtll voluliH' of .. the ]'pport. \\'illt thp Hli:.;ht ehaIlg'p mad(~ ll('('('s:-',ar.v hy the of ."IIan'}'.", this blank \vould prol)abl~v contaiu all tlJ(~ in ('ollld lH' ohtaiIlpd bv a eell:-\l!S. The most careful att(~n gi\'Pil tu tlw (,llnIllYI~atioll, to tll(l end that the~w iHqlljl'iP~; H and tln> f:l('h rettlI'lH~(1 'with flllness ~Uld aeetU'tley. De report-t'd from the t(HV!lS or cities vt'h('re they h~~ye nee, oUH'I'wil'lt'i yd. in eaSPH of (h'a,th tnvay from horne, or 'Il'!".f'!".a.;nflP."T(1

fI'i(:~l(IK who could alOliP giyo torre(';t infornlation, it tha,t d('ath retnrus .'wiH not A~ (~a.:'H~~<}t'i~\~lUl,l'rin,ge, the reeord~3 of

;"\110111(1 be e(~xl~~!1t~d, HllCI flip utmof,t em'!', Hhould be ".,.,","'*"1."": .... '11,,"",'""

of d('Hth be reporh·d eOJT('etl,Y and by (ldiIlite tenus. hpl'1l found, eensuH·takeI'H ha:,:e nflled vague, unlneaning t('l'lrl."\ ill t1(,ScI'ihing' tIl(> cause of death, awl that the sunnnary 1would, to this ('xt('lIt, he ineornplete, or worH-(~ than nothing. 1'he only rmnedy is to J)(~ Hong'ht in the omployment of faithful and intelligent agentH, and in the lIf;P of dl:~ar lUHl definite iustrnctiOHS.

1 t cannot he expeet{~d that BdentWc re:'-lu1tH of great \':~tlue can he ohtailH'(l cOllceI'ning thiB clas~ of I~~tatisties by in<1l1iries made at intervals of t('1\ years 1 HOI' ean 've hope to deri'ft!e satisfactory (lata. from any method IeH8 than that of a. system of rCg'istration of bil'thR, marriages, and deaths, hi COIlHtant force, and vi'ldeh, as in England, might, witJl great efi]ciency, assume the snpplementary lahor:-+ of the eensus as its period returned. '''litb a knowledge of the amlllal clHtngcH of population aIHl itH eonditioll

... at given illterva]~, we shoul<l er~jo.y ample opportunitif'S for arriving at . of those data, In vital stati!-3ties, from, the experienees of our own

, whieh wc HOW, from ncecBsity, borrow frolIl otherH. power of (·~tablishiHg :;mdl a sYHt{~m' has llitherto 1>een consid­

as within the Hole jurisdietion of States. It is \vell worthy of' eon· ion 'whether Congre~m might not with advantage and propriety

t itA eflitiCllt illtrodnetion in the Di:-;tI~iet of Colnmbia and in the awl cRpeeially whether't 'would not be wise and well, t-o

hnpoFl.c the IH~CeK14ity of Hueh a HH:'asnre as olle of the conditions upon which t~I'rjtorieK in future applying for admi~8ion into Hw Uuion luight he received. It would tlnm lay tIw fonJl(Jation of a sYHtc·m iu the new States by \yllieh their iHhabitantt-i Gould e~tabHHh legal reeonled evidences of rightH in the inheritanee of propert.y an(1 othenvise vdlieh ~11'e no\v almm~t entirely \v;:mting ill Il(·arIy everyone of the rn'escnt Stat'<:,f;. One hcLS only to eOllsider ho\v many soldier's wido\'lt!., hu.\:e hcen deJayed, if not debarI'(~d, in the pro8eention ofjutl.t claims on :wconnt of the R{:rvic.('5 of hUHbalHlH 10Rt in the late war, by the dHfienlty or imlW8Hibility of cstabliHhing- ,,\-'ith legat e(}rtainty the IH'oof':.:. that a regiHtration woul(l have readily ftU'lJished, tu reali;.~c in some degree the pra.ctical value of the. meagt1r{~ here reeommen(ied. Its yalue \yonld increa,ge with time, whi<~h sweep:;;; to oblivion all unf{~(~ordetl (widenee:-; of anee~try and, scat.­tel'S nIl pcr~onal reeords not lodged in publie archives.

As tJH,~ (~,('nsns 'whieh !flaY hI' OIl(

nu' :l \'('ragp of <:f. (liffel'f'H t sec', ions method of' appl;i:i i l'P;'''lit to a Huif<H'j;

'rill, of counw. lH' ditI'PT as to Hit: all eonl(l get. Thi:-l: hla Tl k for so('ia I :-it and f'('n<iered mol"

In vie\\- of "tiw 1)

jt ha!'l heel! reeom; a table of a verag'( ('enSHS retnrllS n Il( at OHee appareuto siJrmld show ail (':'<.

a country vi-'lwt'e I~( librinm. '" In onr '. eh:1nge~; are HO rat' he compa.n1(1 with mu<:h \\'Ol':~e than

.An inquiry cow: with Rpaee for nne the national emH~l It \'va,s alig-eHt{>d ai (~Ulf,,~;Lfie~d unuer t.h

h tIle report p fuhwss.·that the , of .the,publh;hed iw <1isQ(mt:im.wne(~ e inforttu~t;i()n that ~h)ntiolt~~\~honld be

. ttlade '1dbe d not.

lllovnl 01



ooas., unrneaning suulmary\yould, to ~he only fernedy is ~ent agents, and in

~reat value Cc'ln be ~, made at intervah ta from any method [Tiages, and deaths, it)l great efliciency, :.8 period returned. DIl and its eoudition tips for arriving at rienees of our own others. ~hcrto been consid­well worthy of ~on· ta (J'e and propnety ,ol~lnbia and in tIle (~ wise and well, t{) ,he conditions upon to the Union might HyKh>m in the new

, recorded evidences dse whieh are now resent States. One ,\~e been delayed, 'onnt of the oorviC(~s " or impossibility of

registration woull! e practical .valtl~ of increase WIth time, f anee~try and s,cat· ego


AO InCi'LTCIL\ L HTA'rJ.,~Tle8.

Beginning with t.lw vag-HP illqnh'h~s eOllCe~!'jH{.!; "lin~ stOl·J':,'1 "("{'I'f'id

"\-al'iOHl; crops:' ., cot,tOIl1 8ugar1 Nilk, &('.,'~ 'i gHnl(III.'-\.~' .lIId ~;}U:tl:'~~f3ri&eS of the oflRtO, t.hp ."I,ystL'lIl WiI,'-I ('xtt'lIri"d iii 1"~"!Ji!ltl)

it {.!;O(IK it h, \'PI'.\' wl'll; inlt it Il('(·d~ a tllost thonghtt:nl mHI thorough n~Yisio", lIlId Klioll l(lllot bp:! 11:-\01 n j"('iy n·~,trid H! by statute to an.)' pre~'H~diH'd fOl'lIJ. It would lH' w('ll, llo\\,(',"pr, to lililit it to the {~xt,('Ht that tllp inqllil'i(':-: :"hollld liot hI' !('I'i,"i (~xt('lIl'ii\"(. tlwl1 tho~e made hy the la~t e(~ll."iHI'i.

The l'emaf'k'~ coneel'ning spp(:ial hlanks, nnldp IIIJ(h~1' tllf' head of "!II-

dustri,t;loI Stati~tie:-i/' apply here ill filII (()rtp, Hlld if Ih~~ ('II HIII{'l'a tOl't-; cOllld distribute these on a fir'Nt vi~it, <Iud ('itll t()l' thelll Oil tlH~ir 1'(·t 1ll'1I. tiJ(~ t:rttitl@~i;('A"!won.Id be m:HI~~ It·jslil't'~ly, and from ('ill'pflil l'itwly and ("Ol'llJ


." . '(~re tiu!v arc lInw too Ont'n hut, a IlllITipd gl{{'H~, and :\(ldl'(~:-;:-q~(l ,[ perhi:ip~, otlH~l'wiHe oCf:llpiP(l with Pl'('s!,dIlg"' lm~"ilH',"":-':, The

f preHent tel'1H . .., of e01l1} H~lIRatiolJ, \VII idl is 10 CPlitH for oat 01' :-;maJl,i8 ah~o manif'eHt. TllHsIH'tial blank

labor of the origillalentriel'i to thO~H" pmtip~,:; "_._l.r·","".",,.

and wel1, awl 1I ndet' thel'~~q,u il:~~J~~i~fit.f) of law, my opi Ilion, be genel'all,r made 'eol-il~~~{;t]y. Tll(~se

d not Hupersedo tht' H~O of general'schedult'K, into thle€rtOJfm,er~:ttors should topy them. '

AVER~\..Gl<j PRODUCT OF TilE YEAn In;POH.TED~ Ai') CO::'tIPARED ,\V ITIr 01'UElt YEA Itt--:.

As the eenSHH will l't'JlOrt theagrieuItm'al In'oduetf.; of tl1P ,\"1';11' 1 ;'"ifiO, whieh may Iw one of' g;reater or less relative amonnt, H:-; tOlllpal't'd with the average of com Inon ,rears, and very,unequal as eom pared lH't W/'PB

different seeUOllH of the eOlluhy, it is manifest that there !-;hOllld be ~Ol!l{' metho<l of applying" a eorreetion \y}wl;e this is neeeSSHI'.Y to bring tlH~ 1'('Sll1t to a uniform Rtandal'd. This lwing a mattt:'T of peX'soHal opinion, will, of cOllI'He, be HOIlH'\vhat arhifhu'y in its value, alHi t\yO HWIl might differ as to the amOl1ut. But in the ag'gre:!.mte, it would he the best. 'we eonld get. rfhis snl~jpet has, to i::iOflW jl,xtellt,heell }-H'ovid(>,d for hlank for' social statisties llIHlct' the law of JB;jO; Ullt it t-ihonhl he awl rendered more definite.

In vim,,, of "the ullcerta.inty nR to the a~l' yield. on t.he ceus it liaR been reeOTrllHCll(}('d by the fnt.ernational StatiHtical t~ollgres' a table of averag'e~ :'\hould he gi veIl, to he as(~el'tai Ilf'd h.Y (~OBl binin eemHlS return::; uIHlerliotiee wit.h thoHe of thp Ia~t In'eee{ling one. at one,e, that this rule might work injuHt"ic(> if both peri should show an exees~ or a {lef1eiene:v, and tlwt it li'l only :lppJi(~ah}e to a country where Hettlement and eultinltioil have readIed a Htable ('qui~ JibriUU1. In our young' and aetive COllntry, where impI'on~ment~ and eha,uges are 80 rapid as often to gi".,re no pl'eeuflingdata of :lHy kind to be eOlnparec1 with the pre~ent, thi::; rille would be ntterly fallacious, and much WOl'Re tha.n Hone at an.


. An inquiry eoneerning eertaiu speeitie(l HlaHufaetuy4~!-{, (J7 in ~lu,mt)(~l', witll Rpa.ce for nnennmerated artielel'i, was fir:-lt made Hi cmlIwetlOu WIth tbe national eeURUS in 1810, a.nd ruported to the Trea:-;ury Department. It was digested and prepared for pnhlieatiou by ),11'. Tcneh Coxe, awl elass:iiieii under the headingg of H rrextile fabrics, felt, paper, f..~:;c.;" H .Ma;.


chiw'n' H:-l('(l in t'l p~ III 'n d p t h ('1"(' fro !II ~ prodlJ.<'t:.; j" /:1. :\rdal~ and 1iwt It n':-:..·~


in IH:.!O thl' llwr:-\hall'\ WPl'P n'(l1 lirt'{l

tioll ('olH't'rniHg m:umt'adlu'p:-l, flu' .. Hal(' maferitrls cmplo.lJcd.-KilHl, qu.ant

of ulUlnal eom·mmptioll.'" 4 • .J.Yumbcr (~lp('r,>tfmR employed.-"Ytr('n~ wonwTl, bO.V~, and girl~!.'ry .

. •• .l[(((·hincr.ll.-Qll;\llUty HlHl kin!l ot'·m:l(·hiIH.:ry; qUilHtLty of nUM.:biuery In np!~ratiOIl.~· ,

d 1:,~,tpcllditlln:s.-CHpital con-tiH;!.!'PHt .. Xpl'W:W1" .....

h Pi'mludioN.-Xatan' awl lWIlH~S of artide.'l. .. 1 ~(rlllC (~( prod /{dl~O}L-:Hark('t . .,,"nIne of artiC1eri

tnrp(l:-"'General rcmark.'l.--Part and preK4.'ut eonditiou of the egq~JI)}ULijJJm!flmJlt

for and saIl' of ih JlUUH!f;..~etul·e:::l." ts of tlw~;e 'I;Vet'e arruiIJgeu

geHer:.}Uzution ox' lliwy Htth~ vahw,

isolatelll facts they pre~ented. I n sao no attempt wa~ lIw,d{' to ('xknd the

lH'.H)!J(l an enumeration of till' popnlatitm. . I II I ~10 a st'l4..'(~t(\d list of sllldect~, -1:, in HumlJler, and a general elu88 of

.. all ot hpr Hwnnt'actun.'s," was prepared, aut! their fo)evenll intere3t~ repm·tt'(l tUlllpl' t.he l.u:ad~ of "Artiele;;; PI'0I1Utl.':ll and eon~u!ne{l," H I;abor \'mplo.n'd;' L. Capif;tl iHye~tpdt "Yalne .of product-H./" &e. - The returns W!'n' illlpl'l"fectly lmule in many ; nor ,\ven'the results comparable. I1psi(ks llltmnt'aetnres, n~nally 80 ternled, the li",t t:mbraeed mining and qnarrying, a fe\'; g('neral items of agricnltul'(', eommen:e, fi::;herie~, Sllip awl how .. ;e buihHug, &e., for the most. part too vague and general to eonvey information of great practi<:'al \"alue they beell fully and trnly re· turned.

law of ] S;jO, st ill in fore"~ pre~ernw~ the form of one ~;enpral blank .... __ •. ·~I.'~._.. of indnsti'y,'" anang-ed uwler fourteen heads, and ine1ud-

e of business, ma Ilufat·tnn:-, or pl'odltct ~ uame of corporation, ", 01' iIldiyidnal prodnl't~iHg: articlp:-:, to the annual \;alue of ;

lnvested ill l'l'al and f\t'I'l"Ional e~tate, in the bnBiue~s; of raw ah~ Hse~t (illdndiH;~ flU'}:) HIl' qHalltitit's~ kiIllI~ and valtH'!'3; kind

otivp Pl)\H'I\ m,whiIlPl'Y, stnldnn)~ or reSOlH'('e; a\'erag'(~ nnmber of ('mploYl'd, mal(~ alld it'malp: wag'I'S; <lserag;e monthly co~t of

lnale awl female lahor; alHl of aIlllual pl'oduet, the quantities~ kin<ls7 \ and valueM.

The detailed re~n1t:-; of th(\~t· iHqnirip~ for 19},)O were not puhlished until l~.jn, and then un1y ill <Initl..' a limitt,a edition, and by Stat(':~. For auy praetieal yalne to IHtsiw.:~s:.; men tlu',Y may be de8Cl'ibed a~ u;orthlcJ!UJ.

In 18GO the Hame i1'lqniri('s wel'f' made relativ(· to iH"(ldnds of indulStry, awl tlw re~ult~ \yere pubIislH~'d in 1~1;.\ ill the third volume of the cefl-8 n~ I'e po rt.

rrhpy appear to he as fully das~ifil:>d a~ the retiu'uB \vould. aU()'\'lt. nut :It little retleetion will l'iugge:o;t ditlicultiA'S thrt;t a further ~tudy vriB multi. :ply and en]arge~ until they Je.ul to a seHled opinion that then~ is a. 8-eri· OU8 fault in the hnv its,df, cOll~isting in the fact t.hat. it eaU~ i(}1' a brOHdl~r and more comprehcnsi ve' g-elll'ralization of i(lpHs,. and involves a grE.~ater am.ount of uncertainty i~ eon;-;i:",tent yfith a.ecurate anti valuable

ee genera.i bla.Bl{~ a

an hour. aft~3rwaraH and bnsine~8 facts and e.ontidence. A Ilbh information off

ported to the eCIJll;l

the eounty. '~rhe re ing f()l' the ti fIle ne( against faI~e returH:':

ni. ..c:\~ thela\v Be

lS the eeHsns is depr t ,votIld he hetter tl'

and that to the ef~IlS But no rempd Y C:l

hat win lw put. 11poD H:tnrell prod nets:' tion, iuterest of llH

hat t,yO 11el'Rons 0

nId take the cenm tnrers (~'leh guid,.

xtended list. ,.c

In vicvt of thesc, di o1'k censUi'; of liH)'). 'single page y aw'! p~;

here were eight kim ron f~lrna,ces an d 1'0: unerie.s~ awl '',i'ooll,

Iar user 8IH:~·df.ied pr, Hnd nrtiek~l.~ pro

tnrnsln:Hle bv t~WR adopting it "her\~a

ly for the con-

Illi fm: tun'd. '1

t'~ :.1UiHlaUy

a class of 'heir ~en::,ral intere~t!:5 1(1 (~OnSu.nH~11.!1 H Labor ~t~<'" &e. - Tlie returns la' results comparable. t'lHbraeed Inining' and nmerc("', fh;herie~; Sllip _~ awl ~l:nf'ral to eOHvey ,'en n'iHy and truly re-

III of one g't>ueral hhmk 'en head~, amllnelud­Jj~mH' of eorporation~

,r:JHual \:;HIne of $;'}OO; the bn~ine;4~; of raw

jutl:-; awl yaltIl':'I; kind ('; a \-erag'(~ BHlHb~~r of rag'" wOllthly t'o:-;.t of the quantitieH~ kindti,\

~O wen~ not pnhlishf:cl 11 awl by States. 11101'

~le&eri lw~l as lcorthle.'$,'tJ. o pl'(Hluets of iwlustry, nl volume of the cell-

rnR would allow. I~ut :rther study wi}l nullt~­OIl that ther4'~ IS a, OO.'l"l­

lat it call!", for a broader and involves a great4~r 'iCcurate and valuable


iw fore 11H OW of p{'rHow1~ dim'dug il1

thonght, awl fadlity for In·p~eut Javr, tile aHHir;tallt mat­

an <·:;tnhli~~hmetlt, ho\'n~\'('I' la1'l':;(" and involvhuC detuilH h()\\:ev('l' It i~"1 tlH' .'\,1111(' PH V

for 8onHi' Iittle conee~m, umnaged 1),Y onp uHillg but. OTW I.. !"<l\l,' 7l!;lt~~-turning out hut one .;, iHiiHntil.etnred prmlnet," af:l it i.~ for a

ineorpm'ated Inam:ttil,et~li\ing e~)mp;u!~/, in-rolvillg' a million of dol­(~apital~ employing a tlwH!,\nIHl men, nw] IH'(Hludilg, it Hl<-t.y

a hundred kinds of 'ONxluebl. finit he ri>tm'lH'd within ooe miuut:ejnnd for this 15 eeut", i~ too mw',h. seCOlHl wouhl requir(>, at leastIi~f a day, (if tlte f.wsiHtunt waite(l for the HIIH\\-'('rH to he pn~pared,) an(r~vi~Ng tl}(~ hooks 1'0 be \vell pOHt('d and the a~Wllts of Uw lmHiHe~,:; rC.Jl(lY'8ud 'willing tD answer hiM inquirieHi awl for tlbiF!, the ~nm of Ii) cents Httle~ Bnt. ho\\" ofh~n \vou1d it happen that delays, nn willillg'­

or other occasion of diflienHy 'l,vonid IH' en COIl Hte:rf·d , and islunent -would fl1togetlH~r omitted, or it '\vonld the

t~dverti8-mneut. UHd in ible Doncealed, to avoid SOHle ma.y

:lent to the inquiries, or to eon'r IIp tile profits of a b .. .. ... nhould be shared b,'r a riyal? if diH(~ov('red. The expedence:(J1:the·eenslls lw,s developed au()thel' oec~lHiou of distl't1Ht, that the g~lleral blaHk, at the head of \vhieh one cRtahlishment 11-; reeonle(l, is an hour aftervrards laid under the eyes of another, perlmp.'l R rh-al oIle~ rmd business facts become l{JIOW'1l'w'he1~e justice- would eall for H('creey and confidence. ill 'veak oflidal Inight even be lndueed for pa~' to fur­ni:-:.h information of establishments within his uistl'iet that should only be reported to the cent.ral ofUce for pnblieation in the gene-raJ aggregates of the eount;y. The remedy for evils thus far notieed would consist in pay­°ng f{)f the time neees~ml'ily spent in the inquiries, enforcing penaltic8 against false returns, lMld enjoining the strictest secres,Y upon enumera­

rHo ..:\8 the la,\y now stands, ho\ven:.r, this seeresy is at a,n end the eensus is deposLted in the county clerk's offiee1 and for thi!'} il'A>C\\!.;fj>m':-';'.:'

t vrouhl be better that onlY one returH of manufactnres should ue amI that, to the cemm~; office.

Hut no remedy can be !')uggested again~\t the dHl'ereJlt eOHstrn hat 'win be put upon mlCh general terHl:-} aH "raw 1llaterial~" and H ,,,,,, .. ,,c-;

tdnred pl'orlnet:-l/' 'rlwy iuvolve 1';0 Inany elemellt.~, of eo.·;;,t" tl'aHSpOl't~ tioll, iuterest of HH!Uey on investments, ehanges in market value, &c., mt hvo perfwns (If equal intelligence cou1d scareely he fonnd who ould takf~ the ce!U',UH of the same (}istrict alike; or tv'{o different mann~

urer8 eneh guided by his best' judgment, agree in every itCIH of an nded list. $

In vie,Y of these difficulties, whieh I deem insnrmoHntable, in the ork ccn:'5U,"~ of IfJHj \ve adopted the plan of .vpedal blanltll, con:-;isting 'single page, and partieulady adapt{~d to certain industries. Of the~e ere were eight kitHls, viz.: eheeso factories, cotton fa<:tories, grj~,t ::mil1s,

ron fnrnaee::; and forges for redueing ores ; lumber miHt'), paper lniHs, nneries, awl woollen faetories. Each one ''''as prepared for it!-l partic­ruse, apedfied precisely hy name; the kind aud quantity of Inaterials

and uTtidcs produced, labor and InadJiuery (~mplo'yed~ &e.; and the ,·,·,.-,,,,,,,,,,,c, nHlue by th(),se fully justified the trial, and g~in~ abLU~dant. reas?ns

adopting it her(\-aft~r on a m.orc general scale. By prevlou8ly ask1!tg: .


(InHHH'l'ntors7 hrrw m:my ,of (la(~h of nl~'!'W ('~t:ahlh~hnwHiN tI1Pre we're in tllPil' djstl'jds~ hlanl';:N Wf're !..:.('llt J ,'ritliollt tlw ]0/..;:-4 of :\' quire, f~)J.' t hI' w].IOJ(· ~HaI1'. ~nH'se hhmks ,vere at ('nell est,d)} tillpd Ollt (It a J('islln~ hO!li'~ in (~alI, n hy till' Sig'Il:1! Ul'P of :-;0111(' l"PSPOllkihlp pprgon gi\'

'1'ln's(' bl:mlo.; :In', in fad, hut a modifi("ntiollbf Keil('dule of nil' Brit'b'-\h e('llNlI!-', alld ClK applied to productive indu!;tries of' (.\'t'l',\" kind, <In' fully :rppJj(·ahl(· ill OUl' {·~·IlSUS. The plan ahov(~ rUeIl­

tjoHt'd is ('mill'(lc('(l in :t ditft'l'('l\t fo'j'lIl in the l\laf-lsaehu!'/.l'.tt~\ blanks for returns or industrL hut in tlH' latter, all yurie1ies rln~' jndnded largp ('nst!,\" blank '(;1' milBy. P:!J.!.'ps, to (}{' ll~'d by t'llUi!l(~ratol'S ('::,q)('!1:~',.(' :111(1 izH~ulllbralie(~ \villIld ,nlloullt to a prohihition 111 t('ll."-ilS.

1 wonl(l tlH'l'eii)1'e l'CSIW(,tfnlly l'(·('.OilUHP1Hl that tlw b\.'1,~ be :-'0 as to gin· to til(> o11i('pl' ('llal'!~(>d with t1H~ ('x('(:nUoH of PO\H'I' to ('lllplny i-i]H·tia,l hlallks rO!' pro('uring: indw..;tria1 """'~""''',J pH blie iII t('j'(·stfJ. lllayn'qnin'~ and tlla t 1)(-, be not reHtl'itt~~d n~lrt:!CUlaI form~. hut allowt'(1 time to ('onsult with rwulUfaetnrerR an(11t)tJH~I'S ('f)t('d, with tlw yj(·w of 111'('paring ~q!tl}

't,}H~ lwst etlt·ct. ,A,: - ,"', ..... ,"

mig-ht lH 'o\'1(leo. for" I kno\v of no higher anthority of opinion on the ... :,!,ti'stics gen-

crally. tlJan thatoftlw IlJtol'!latioIlal ~t,,~tbstieaI COHgl'eS8~:'i,~rtt:their report. n'('o;ll!lIH'Il(Iing' certain Pl'ill('iplt:~ to be adopted irl prO(5lrring informa­tioll tll:tt Khan lip cOlllparable awl iIltrilJxitall~' Y<tIuahle industrial ~t:1 t i ~tl\':-;l they ('OIJW to tile eonduf:iion to report, undpl' the.RP'eond p,('ctioll adopt('d, tIle' g'f'IH'ral f:ltatistital d.ivision of labor into fotu' dasses, to "rit:

~t:ltist i<:s of ag-rieultural industry, {'.If agriculture. :-;tat ixti('s of iBdlJ~tr'y applied to mille:::;. Statisties of mHJlufaetnriug" huhu;tl''y. t)tatiKties of COlllHH'J'(',ial ilJ(lustl',v, or eomnlf'l'{,c. They might admit a fifth class, that shonld eOlnprise ma.rinn aiHL ri\'(lY'

th;;herieH, and, jf it W('n~ possihh'y pro{',nre l'Pport.s upon these yarjoll~ of fh;herit's.

tll('s(~ s('\"era] llt'ads, tIl('. HlIhjpdx of inqniry are varionsly MUll­

<H.·cording" to tll(·ir s1!b,jpets1 which (ll'(' of such diY{,J'~ity that lin nOllH'IH:la tnn' ('ould bp appl i('d, rfll(',V should, in tlH' mail!.

the kwatioll; kind 01' <I (':-'.('l'iptioll ; l!I('ckmical fon,:~'N awl ell iIWN lt~('<l; 11 U mlwl' of ]:\ hon'rs {'Ill plo,\'td, (nH~n, \YOIiH'll, ami tlJil,

;) wag'('N, 'qll:llltiti('s alld \'ahll~ of 111:!kl'iah; w,;,(·d, and arti{'jp" prO{hw(~(l. .1\s to salari(·s of WOrkllll'lI. til('Y wOlil(l a~4(,i'rt;ai!l nlt'rate, paid to (':\('.11 (·laS;.i, th(· nil('N o\)s.'n"('(l ill <ld\'aIl(~illg tlw staIn of wagl'~, and fads !".howiIlg' IllaJlll('X' of lj\-illg' of tlH' work 1Ilt'1I , and thp adYall

tagps tllt',)" mig:ht ('lljO,Y ind('IH'lldt'Iltly of tlwir pay ill IllOiU'Y, The l!U1Il'

IWl' of apPl'entiees, term!". of appn'Jlti(TslJip, &e., are al:-;~) ma~ll' ~mhJect of iIlquiry. '

Tht'se details an~ probably ill part heyond OHr In'(,s(~llt l'('aeh, but great (}(,:l1 lIlH,\" 1w aC('olllpliNlH.:'d hy thc' pas,)" and Nimple method of RJH cial hlanks. By tliP ai<l of a pn'Iiminary inqniry, tlwre IIP{>(l he hut tritiiug" wastp of' pappI'; if dpsirabl(', th~>y may 1)(.' pl'int('d with im"trll tiOHS upon their had .. ~in otht'r ]allg"lWW'K tilall English; th(',Y ,,"ill 1 uniform awl ('omparahle 1'01' ea('h indnstl'Y throughout tIw cOHntry, aJ

"yiH elaim the Imhlie eouti<hmee to .1 degree lWY(~r before de8t~I'ved enjoyc'd ill a eenHU1'5.· ..

AI; for the limitation of l'stublisumcnts produdng over $500 Hi val

In 18.£0, the ceWHIK i of universities or (~ol:i and_ com mOIl HdlOnlH, ~) all-i-O :made inqnil'jPH m;

In 18DO and tIl the name of' ,1J

au dill t Ii e Humher of (

amount am on n t r:tiw' sehoolH. dllriJ i

This blank should h~ poinb;. briek, or athmI

eou\"eya reference time.' TTl ~ex~ and daSH, or color ality and oeellpatiOH 0) should em hraee studPIl those in aead.emies (uu: the inqniry might withiu tlle year," is 1'(" " BehooF' meant an,}"

A,s in the I'eturH~ 0, from ilHlepeudeIlt antI Jog-nes of every iHHtitu.i tiOll. ..A, mmit'\,'~ll ua hl\ alone, ~~howiilg the attJ endowments, &e, HH publiHhed f~H' the ('omparative tabh'. thiH paper., the ofUcer .L prpeiMe lw:uliHgl:l, of hb Ktatisties not Ie~&i ·ext~·tl f~tl· as latter afford,,:


Iu 18,")0 t-lw national er llt the H(:hnl'inle ~Iwuld

of the H Humber of ehu, date? and ". Y<lIne of ell illations. I il the ~ e .. y tlwl'e is req uireti, ~',~ah est~-lt,e..,j'J separately gh-el llluniC;,lutS/' ~md "

lHJ(\HL~ thpTe were in of B ~ingl{' quire, 1'01.'

('stu hli~hmeHt, t~{i;::~)e d were rHl,t.!tenU(~tted

int'ol~:rl)ation. \llOll~ehol(lersl

pro<inetive iwlm;"trles TIlt' plan a hove nlen· ,aehusetts blau]ns for " are~ indnded in OIH,'

ltunerator~ only. It."i hition iu t,he~~tio:nal

the l~iw b'e ~ntion of the'''fce~nSt1.8! trial sbltisti ;tl'ieted

gen· report,

I g .iuform~l· tIllahle in, industrial ,('I' the,se(~ond Bcctioll [) rotU' tlasscs, to wit :

':ise marine and. river upon th.ese yarioll~

yare variotH.;ly tHI1)·

lell div(ll'Hity that 110 hould, in the mail!. dUllIieul forces awl ~tl, \VOInCJl, aBel e11il· " HKt'd, and ~lItiel(', l (tt-4('ertain the rat('~ ; tlw seale of wage,..,. II ell , <I Jld the ad nm· n IllOlH'Y. The nUll]'

e al~) liladp subject w

pn'HPnt l'paeh, but mple lnethod of 81 lwre ne(,(l be but .rillted with lBstru ~nglish; tlwy win .HIt the country, all ~r before des.crved


Ibeliev(>, it to he as mln'aHOIlal)le~ a8 it ,,,V;ll(l. he to limit l'('tUl'ns of flJrnlS to those over ten aeres, and therefm.·(~~l·VU Id n~cl)mme1Hl tha t tIJ i.'i restrietiou.,be remo\·Q,d. '

8onaO'L~~-J~DUCArf'r()=,r AL STATIH'fllf'H.

In 1840~ the CeUStlH lirRt iJlt',rodu<~('(i inquil'ieR (,Oll(,f'r'llinf.( the llllmlwr of univen.;ities or eol!eg'f's, ae(Hl(~lllies arHl gTcunmal' ,"\ehools, primal',Y and common sdwols, and the nnm her of stHflents 01' pupils in {'nell. It a11-\0 Inade inquil'iP8 as to the HlUlll)(~r Df seholars at the puhlie tharg'{l.

In 18GO alH118nO, HIe persollal blanks had a eoluwn for HHtX'kiJlg " 1" opp()&~t,e the name of e,'"ery person who had attended :;dlool within tIle year;;and in the sehedule of Hoeial statistics, prod~ioll was mmle to aster· tahi;?/the number of coHegeR, academies, free sdwols, other sellOolH, sch09~DlOUSCS, amount of money raisf'(l h.y tax for ~ehools \vitlIin the last;iy~n~, amonnt raised in other waYH, and amount reeeived from public fuudst'{of;;sehools during the ]a~t year.

This blauk sbould be carefully reviH('ll, and might he amelHled in )-lome points., ' ef)JJcerning I')clwol·honse,':l, as to wlw\J!('l' of logs, fl'aJnpd, brick, un ar rooms, capaeit.y of aeeoBlmodat..ion, . aetual dance, value, grouuds 111tta-cued, &c.., lnight be Hug

Xn k for the column heade<l '~Attenderl SC11oo1 within the y be substituted, u. If it scholar Ol[' Rtndent-::\IoHths uuder'lwithin laf;t year." The entry :3, u, or 8 '''0111<1 then cou\"eyapreclsc meaning, while the mark" 1." Niml)ty aUJrlns, without refei'ence to time~"The ret.urns would adrnit of daHsif1cation hy age, :'IcX:, and claB~, or color, and mightreadiIyembrace refcTence to natioH­ality and oecnpation of parents, &0., if thought def;ir[!lble. The entriefJ. Hhould {~mhrace stu<ient8 in professional sebools and eoHegcR, a~ ·well a~ those in aC~Hlemies and eommon ~ehoo~H. This view' of the intentioll of the inqniry Inight be overlooked if the present heading, '~A t Ifchool within the year," is r·etaineu,.as very many would Hot understand that " Hchool" meant any plaee of instnIetlon .

. A .. s in the rctuI'UH of religious \yoTKlfir~ notieed elBc,vhere, statisties from independent awl oftieiaJ soureeH Hlight be preHent{~d, and, logues of en~r.y institution publishing, might be forwarded for tion. ..A. IHOHt valuable daHH .of statisties lnight he derived from alone, showing the attnwtion of nu'iouH lrL"ltitutioJls from ot.lH~r 8 eudowment.~, &c. The eOHdit~on of puhlje~ehoolH iii tlw Heveral S as published for the" past year in oUiehll n;pol't.<;, might1 be gi'ven. comparative table. I trm-lt that .in thiN inquiry, as iu otherH noticed this paper., the oflieer in eharge of the emlHUH wHI Hot he restrieted hy jlreeisc headings of hlallks, hut lIe may properly be required t{J obtain statistie~ not leNS ,extensive than tho'se of the last ee.UHUH, arHl that., a~ far as the latter affords the duta, they should he comparable therewith.


In 13;)0 t.he eenSll~ eon ta,ilWfl a, nsefuJ in'fluirs- upon this ~ul~jeet, . ut the l-lehednle should, be extended a.nd improved. it reqnire(l a return of the" number of ehnrehes," "lllUubcl' of pe:rRoni~ they will aeeommo­date/, and '~value of ehnrehes." Th(i~e facts ·were l'(:~portell by denoul­jnatioIlS. In the New York 8tatecensns, be8ide~ tlH~ above iuforma.tioni · ",c· ,','·'·d·',:'·,

there is reqnired, "value of' church and lot," and" value of other rea estate.," separately gi'l:en, 'lnumber usually attending/, "nmuber of com .. unieant~/, and" .salu,ry of clergy~"


rrhe~VI'. i IHlnirif'R, HHlnn~ t.hose ad(h'(\~HPd to j Hdi vidH:l !~{ r,,~Iath'e to their n'li.l!,ioa~ opinion;.;, m'(' to and BTl' hi fnl1r :11Id l:liI'J" <Ii'! t HOIl;I' 0111('1' IH';':-;Oil Yillg ofikiai ill

TIl(' dpdlll'iiollH to ('.ompld4', t iHtiC'S pI! 1,1 il'\lit'd hy tlH'ln~'H·b;f'.", til rongh p:lril'loIl. T!H'~{(' ('ould Pl'ot'ul'P(l 'with n'port"" ;Hld puhlieatiotlH. ft'

TIH~ ('II II HI ('ratOl'f\ wig'llt 1)(> inl'\tTlldf'd to t'm'\yar~l \vith their returf'H-l ~lwh prillt~'d hi.o.;tori{'al aH~l otlH'r pampldt·tN at-I mig-itt illHHtrate 8nb~ JPet, :IIHI tl)(,;.;.(· coI1pd iow.;, pr(,:-:'('lTf'd iii tht, CongT{'~N, library, a Yaluald~' z.;olire(~ of information tIn' thoHe in ~~areh of flwt~ of


The iHqliiri(~1'\ of lS50 and lSGO, (~1!drr;H:ing the name, ela,Hs, '~n'f>£>1"''Iff~",~ puhlieat-ion, and eh'eulatiol! of u('.\vl'\papf·1'H. and periodieaJ rcgardefl as of the most important kind, a.nd wlwn tl.",:. ,_"co ..... " ......

prei-H'Ht a ~tri king and th011g'htfuI view' of iuteHe(:tnal de (i}l to 01' Hpedal kIHHvled,¥se, eouditim

tJWl'€~ou. l'he ni\~t:hod migh Rhorterwd and

ing Himply title and (~jrclilatioH? and hy ~endin ";'\Iwdmen IHunlwr," takeu from Ow laNt lJI'e\'iouf.; . wOllId inform UN as to the :--:ize,i!H'm, iHt(~rval of editorH and pHb1iHhen~, (exe(~pt iu a, Ca~teH,) ol~j(~~t to devoted, &c. rrlH' (~oneetio~t~ bound up a, {~(Hn"'~~nieHt Heries and pref;.el'''ved in library of CongTeH~, would he a 'vitIH~RH to eoming ages of ~"t(lIldard ofinteHigmwe of tlH:-': towhieh it n~lat4'H; azul as snell a HeI'j('j-1 btl'eame ext(~lHled at each period, tIw inteHeetual progrcHK of our \\o'01d<1\ b~~ exhihited a Inanner mOJ';t us(~fnl and instnwtivc. 1""0 f:11Wh He.ri~~H, each believed to very nearly eomplete, reiating" to :New York in 1855 and IBH5, are IH'eH{~rved in tlw Htat(~ library at ~I\lban'y.

firHt tUIH 11 and the H(~eo!Hl14 volumer-" ThiH point is /-;0 Mug:gestive I deem further remark HUJJerflnouM. The ou]y difJieult.y of exeeution

.;lS,,' in ver,Y large cities.


imporhHj(~(~ of havillg" an int(>l1ig'l'nt HHfif'I't-It,anding of pnrpo~es U. e('mm.'"l, amollg' tlH~ maSt-IpN, of tlH~ popn1ntion, it-l ton ol}\1iom~ to

""!i;~'\""""H' arg'lImt'Ht in itR favor. It HiJoHld he IlIH{{,Tl'\t.ood that therp are tome from itN retUI'lI:'1, no (~nrolment f()l' milihlry Is,erviee of a.ny kirid,

no taxatioTl,~ no IH'I'Honal liabilith'~J all~l IlO di~doHureH of familyhiHtory or pri'l."ate ImHinf'H~.

'Thp proper HWHllS t()l' imparting' thi~~ \;iWn'et and f;lYOrahl(~ opinion is throug'h tIlt' TH'prl,f.I, hut tlH'n~ \vonld hp au ohviow·1 imprnprif.t.y in any onieial atkmpt at illierff'J'i'IH'e or ad\'iep in fbi:.; hehaif. It iN, IHnrever, qnite (~('rtaiB, tlUlt the f:,(fitors of our pnhlie jonr-BalH would lip d('NirOHH (if having· 111('<1.111-1 for :,riving' to thpir r('~Hh~rH whaten'r information thol't~ might hit, aH to tl! .. org'aJ!~zatioH HIHl ol~i~~etH of the eeuHuK, and it. iH pre. smIwd that nOlle of Olem would have an,· oUWl' d(~!-iiI'e than to ~~e it fuB" and C01T('ctly tuk<"H. TAw.)" Hlwuld"then~fore be fu .. rnished, upon apPUClt-

-.-----.------'~.-.. -------... --.------...,.--..... ---." Although tiw cOYlIltitntion pNmitfi dirN:t taxe.'i to he Juid upon the SInk';;, ill proportio11

to the population, the right hll.l'1 tll'en eXf~r('bi!ed bllt thrf'fl timf'!'l in the hlstm'y ()f onr gQV;,:lm­mcut,.1lIml there is no pn~jo}lCnt pm!spect tiu~t the uiuth (~qmr:lUJ; will he naed for ~m,d/. a purpose.

'\r;H-h ('op fm~:,;J l~tat4'mf'jj


ma.ldng tlit·: n' aI~pm'f'H t. grol! ,jealoHBY npoll thedh'('etion ( hy some. perl<to this.


theoeraejir., in ' the reig'u of 1

J\}'; :dI'I.'.ad v 1

on mw day, i~.y the \n'ek pn'l tilled lip hy tIl day a1)J)OiHt(~d tlH~ d('f~,(:t h,'I work m01'l,t :u Ktant n'gi,"itrn e~.tahli."llJ(~d ill Britil'5h (~oJonil, ordv in!'{tanee ; Kidi:rahle ('xt{~ 1 Hil of }IO\"(,lH

The l'('i'~lJa, \ill(

\vhen tried ill ; it f:til{~{l AO eon I'PHultH of the f the hlankH tL"\(>,f

'" In 17 12 GOVl1!",

the d{'f\'etl> of [IHl i

tion tbnt the !ilidr.· m/,m, t.~t 11, netrw fW

C()nM(HpH~fH':(',';l of tJ t 0[.1 ~~OifiJ! tilrou

familUM with /lltati:

I i ddT IlH Is to ailll an,' til tho

:lined from

report­rts a

itself, pnl!)U.{~ltt1iijn,'n~l!n~es of

.hje(~t totle'voted, ri'(~~ and preseI'l¥ed in th(~· ~!'; to eomiug ages the t relat4)t-}; awl ~"H snell a the intellcetnal progress "t w-Ieful and instrnetive. 'jy eom plete, relating to State librar,Y at ,Albany. lis poiHt iH 1'\0 i'm~ge.'~tive Iy diH-ieul toY of eXt~eat.ion

:u::-.aNG THE CE:'<iSes.

Itanding of the pnrpoHe~ l!'-l too olnrioHK to n~qnire [(>[,Ntood that theI'~· are .ry K('n-iee of any kirHl, o!-\nN~~o\ of family history

HI thvorahip opinion i~ lHR impropri(·ty in any behalf. It i~, ho'Ve"'tler, alK ,\YOld<l !H~ dexiI'ow~ (jf ~teyer inforillation then~ 'le eemnu-!, and it iH pre· leKin~ than to HI(~(~ it fuBv :'m.'JtiRhed, upon appliel~-------_. __ .. _---pOD th(' Statl'l'I, jIJ propf'lrtioll , in the hhltory (.)[ our govern­'ill he uJ1ed for such a purpose.

,yith ('opip~ of til(' Inw Hwl in:-4t1.'lu·tions, to :! tlH'!ll in pn'p;!I' i1I f,!'

!4tat.-nwllL-.; a:-; mip;ht to to thl'il' r4'a~h'rsj lind i'\'i-ry 'F'''''1a;:!''Ir~ in illtiH'lJw/ion ill fnrtlU'nllH'l' of

EHHOHN OF OPf:\,iO:-; THAT DiPAIH A CI,;~:,,:t·}-'/.

mmlt 1 WITI i(~iow'1 ('ITOI' til:d pn·ya i 1.'4 alllOll g tIll' p('opl(" n~1:!fi \"(' t 1,)

ol~ied~ of a nms!l;-l" that it, iK to he l1!"wd a~. thl' fonndatioll for S()IlH~ partienial' t~l.\.atioil, and ill g-i\"ing; au al'I'oullt of the vall!l' of f(ll'lIi~\~, farru and prodiH~th'p illdll:--;tl'.\.", tlH'Y an' l'\~lIdl'l"jflg tlH'lll:-whf'~

X. Unfortnnatf'ly, ill s~~vt·.ral of tlH' wl'Ht('nl and KO!l

Uti' Htat,~ (·Pll.'4I1K iK takpll 1)\; as!-i('N:-\on~ at tlH~ tiDl!' 1)1' tlw I'('gulaI' aMHPRRflll'll t, til is ('iTO), ha:-I ill ;-:,OIlW part!'4 had i'\t 1'0 Il g

3I)parent grollndH of reality., In tho!-\p Stah':-I tll('n~ \rolli(t lH~ ·fOlllHl BWl'('

jealou8.v upon thiH~ul~ieet thau ill otllpr~. V{(~n' tlw ePIlHUH takf'lI IHllh'T

thedil'eetion of onr prCl'wilt r('n.~IllW oHh~f'I'H, ax 1 lin \'e heard HlIgg'psted hy persoHH '!,vho eonld Hot have :-ItlHlied tlw H!ll)jpet, \ve :-;ilOUld lIa v(> this in fuB 1'01'(:('., and it \vollld r~~(lllire DO I'iJ)(>cial gitl of pI'O-

its adverse effeet. As theHe otHc4>r:-1 have hitlH'rto IlP\"!'l..'

or inqu.iry of a hllSiJH~:"\~, ('X{;I\'pt to g("t the the HUFlpidoH \'\."(mId ineYitahJe~ that the eel!-

revenlH~, IHHvlwel' unjust or unfoHuded thiB opinion

,80 rare ai; to he ranl{(~d amOH~~ tJw enrio::.;iti(lS of tlH.~ . noti(~('a and existing1 it-; the Hit IH'l'sti tioH thn tit is WI"OlJ g

to H,numbering of the people, and that HOIlW pnblie ealamity In<Jy

follow it. iH evidentl.y dm'ivml frOIU Di-vine prohibition in titp.1 pwi:-;h in wltith a violation was punished 'with s,evere jwigmentR ill

of J)avid.~


A~ already notiecd, the Britif;h een~l1!-\ haR, for many years, heen tak(lH OJt one day, by the aid of hOlH'whold('r~' sciled ules Id't ,,\"ith families during the 1K(lek preceding" the d~IY 011 "wIdell the CP!lKllH iI-I to he tilh~(l up hy the IH'(l(lR of familit~H, aiHl given to tlH" enumeratOl'H U~,X~;"M!~,J:l' day appoinh~(L If they are fOHnd Hot tilh·(}ry thp enumerator tlw dl~t('et by (lHtl'if'H made himHPlf. 'rId:;' nd(~ haM heetl work most admirahl.Y under tll(~, excelleut organization for Ht.ant n>gistratioll (If hirthH, marriageN, and d('aUIH that haH establiHhed in Great .Britain, aad ha;-; heen adopted in nWHt Britil'-.;h eoioniet~, and ill f.;cvPI'al (~OllIltl'i(~H of eontinental Europe . only in~t.ance of its applieation to this COllntry, on a seale of any C01.l¥ "

t·dderahle extent, ,,,,a.s ill tlu' .. (~('n!,nH of the Distl'iet of Colmnhia, on Uw 11th of Novelnhl~r? IHWi, throngh the ag'Em(;:y' of the )'Ietropolitan Police. The l'('.MnH, under ear't'f'nl Knpcl'visioIl, \~ as fOHlHl Hwst, !'mtiHfaetory; yet" ,v!Hm tried ill a.lal'g"(~ eity of ,I., xw.ighlwl'iIlg' State ng' la!'lt HIJ.1HIIH:'.T,

it. failed 80 eompletely thataHotlH'I'('IlUIlll'ration ,yaM at ouee made, and the T'(>l-mltH of the tirHt trial were not HllHOllll('('d. On a ear{~ful (Ixamination of the blaukH u.i.l,ed,t I am eOH\"iHe(~(l that errOI'K of arranl..;(,uH~nt, and au HHfor-

~ In 17J2 Governor Hunter, in l'f'Jlflrfing- the ('(!tlHTl!<l of the provine.l of l'~ew York, admir~ the dl'fl·~ctfil of tlw mtl1rw~, il tile people h(->ing dd(!rrt,d by 11. fjimjlle l1upenHitioll fUld observft­tion that the siekueltl'l ffl!lOW,~d upon the llHlt n1lmbering of the people." In IHf>7 a "'~'hit6 man, L\t 11 ll(·gl"O.nwcting in t.he Dilltrid of Colnrnbin, wMIled hi" bearertl H.g'tt.lmtt tho f~~arful C{):tJIH.'quence..'1of thUN illcmriug' tli{~ Divi!l(> uh .. pll!ll"lm~ in Ow taking' ot a Cf'HI11W.

tOn goiug' through. "to'ill! thii'> blank, 1 Ilotwed ~ii fl~lllttl of I~rmllg()meilt. which every familliaf "vith llIu&ti.!Hicnl labonj would ftckuowledg'l'.

lUll:it4.' inqlliry m~ to nnd f mn eO~Ji'" fldE'!l! tlwt< witll 11l11111!"ph-i'Ollld hI' t:!I,i'll thi'OlU:!lolit 'lll('llol't ,".pct it>Il!>\ wlH'n' :'wIHH;1 \'il('f:('~'\ b HlOn' !)I't'y:!lPnt :UIlOll~!' till' Ill:lS!'{I'H of tlH~ aUl'lllpt 'would n'~lllt in 1~IiInl'(' :d tIn' In'(,~i'llt tIll' nH·thod of taking' <l t{'HSllS 1Il!lst 111." Hllifol'11l thronghout tJw UIlitJf~'d ~tilti'."" or otlH'rwi,,,~· tilt, l'dlll'll.-';, would lmn~ !to YaltH~ for comparisou;. alit!, tlH·I'('{tll· ... r wOldl! J'('('OIlIIIH'lId thl' cOlltillWIIH'1' of the 1'01'lII(,}" HIE,tho(i or IH'l'SOllal \'isitation to filJllilil'!"\" hy I'OlHIwkllt :md 'yel1-iIlstrUtt~(l ; Ii.~·e III s,

TH)·: (,E~N{'H SHOT'f.D B!'~ T.\KE':\ WITiH;'; OX}·; :'I'O':\TH.

\\"itll l'I,f<'l'!'lWP to tlH' tillH~ ;1I1o\\"('d fm' t~ddllg' of' our eewm:..; ther€f {'an hi' lln douht hut that it ."II!HlJd hI' n~dll('i'd to at, lea;\f orl,(; i:-: dOlH~ ill til{' 2':4'\r York StHh' tPHNllS. By UlOl'ongh ."InIH~rvision (',HI lip d01l1' ilia HlOst sa tisY;!('lorym:mll('1'1 and '\ve sha il have n~tul"1H~ j;U'IlJOl"P \vol'thy of (~oHfjdp!!('(· tlWH aliY llitlwrto madf'. 2,luonnt that 011(' !'{'l'SOiI' ('all PIllllllP:f'nt(' iu a Hlo!l'th is \'n~H the eXIH.~ri{·lH·l· of HOllle tilol!I'!(lfuls of beli(~f that it~ applieution to the Hational etmNUf.;

and be attended 'vlth a mo:.:t satisfa.etof',r n'fHl.IL


The amonnt of eeHRUs elllunel'},l!.tion that eaa be ~done d('IH'JH~;~ gJ'(~atl,\' npoH cireuHlJo:ltances,:twl, as a g4~IH'ral hp(',OHH~S IlHH'e difHeult..iu diHtriets inhnbit(~d by tlw 'w('aithy :l lilt' dasse:-\, "'here"delays in tinding the IH'ojH'r IH'l"SUlI to give infiH'­mation, explaHation1;i a:'>l to the pm'pf)ses of the ViHit" and otlwr ineideJlts eOllHll!ne tillH:> and retard progre~1:'I. lV[ore e!'1peciall,Y \vonld till!') true if the inquiries vrOl'e HW({(' hy a reV('lHle o tl]e!' 1', '\vllOse ordinal',Y yiKitl'l

are made to fll';eertain eOIH~(ll'llillg reveflll(,S alld taxahle pl'op(~rt,y. It wou1S1, in SUd1 a eaHe, l)f~ impo.'isible to !'-\l~parate tIlt' tPHsn;-; from /"lome

, aS~Ociatioh with taxatioll that \vould H(~riou:-;I'y impair n't"mltR. relativeclellsity of Hettl~:nlf'nt7 HIe prendling iI1telligeIH~(>, good

R gon.·nmHmt, ~lIld eonfidt'Hee of tile people in the nH'~lHUr(>8 hy it, 01' tlH~ n~,\,(;l'se, would gn'atJy iHHw~ile(~ the operatioll of a

law. All tllt'Nf' c(Hlditioll~~ lwing alike, two men migbt ~H~emn-. a ypry difft'1'('nt HllHHUlt of wOl'k in Ol(' Kamn timp, ;wcon1iHf!,' to O\Yll t;wt aJHl illkllig{'IJ('(' in 1t:-:: p(·.rfOI'JIWIH'(', From thf~S(, cmi:-;id-

awl otllf~l's -that wi!! O(:(~lIr upon card'nl r(·t1ectioIl, it appp;H'~ that no arhitrary rule ('Ollld 1]1(' laid d()\\'lI, fOHlUh·d npo!! 'ITf':t, or dellsity of pOPlllation, whieh "'Olljfl lll\'ariahly op~'rat(' with (,X~H~t HJlif(wmity; bnt \\-itll intpl1i::Wnt lo(~al KIl]WI'visioJi 1 ill distrieL~ not: ]arg'eI' than the

" ArnerH'IUl:'l will nov('r HHhmit to of!idld inquiries illto tfwir religion or politir:.']; and nothing- w01lld "OOller I'x(~itt; jealotl'''lY alld provoke n~:WlltUJent than all inqlll'st on the:,\c 3nhjeet~, on whieh every man cnjoyi'i the bigh privih'ge of ill(h'pelldont opi!Jiou without qlH~ .. ti/)nil!g',

t III tlll'\ "H~s·ionH of tile Intprt1l1t.iolla,j St.ati."tkH.l Cong-reHI'. hellj in BnlllHf'l'4 ill lB;);~. iil Pari!; ill '1",-,;\ in Yll'lltH& ill ),");,7, Ilnd ill Lundon ill 1~()I), thn n){~rlwd1'l !If ('('WHlS tlt!dug" werl1 frilly rliMe1JM~l'(L and pIli!!" for 1'I1'('Itring' nnifomJity, ill difi'en'lIt eottlltries, weri:! H:<:\.~m­Hlf'wlp(l. The 1HH' of h()1l!H'f,(.jd(~rH' 1H·1H'(lul(~pc. 1.0 1>(. returned within om~ day, i!' Htwtlgly urgwl by fl)reibll~ rf·H..,!OlI"l Tfll<y re{'OITlrtll'lIrl thnt both tho actual aml tla, UN/Ul! H:."lidellc.e I;Ihonld be n~Jlllrtl'd, 140 ILH to ll!lOW t.he t:ollditlOIlH of the population (Ill the day tilt' (".I'WlUS i"l

. ft'lhn, bllt t.heir dil'tributinn when Hil nt their proP(.)]' homes. The h~tter ill, vdth UB, the (illly qU!~griOIl of pm.diCtd impufllmee.

"'lrhieh its j fa \'01' or ,I UlH'

AUg'n~t l!"1t. It i.~ a tillH' wi!!

l)I~H·{~,.z, of r-QlmIHI'l

. FarnH'rH awl 1 ag-ri<'llito al

i{,s Ii efwnot Iw foulld.

, lu H4)TIW of OJ(' of tlH'

rdi· r; a IJr lH<mt. C~:U"K~~ b~:fOl'('


i8 a petHled. The ol~ roadR. If \1)"C t a k t1H"se ad va,ntilge: ml;:,ht an be n.'('i' of (~oHgI'e~.:~ at il­fore, l'Prqwdfu L'

month of :\J ardL

In 'li~(,j(ling;- HI g'l':liHl ol~i(·(~t :-\hol a~kt'd, hu t <IS to tor\' l'~'~ult. fH i €In 'thOSt~ that pn ('xaet ag~', pn'~I'l of c1a~~jtk;1tioH 1 'whidl by t1H' old of over :~HO cohn

If PYery farlll(l; (TOP; 11O~r Hill(' I: domt'xti~~ animaL brill;':';"1 awl a fp\

a III I nIl im pI.'oycd" much dt'an.'I' 1'I't 1

tha.n if lllll1udr'ed

.. Tlw pn,ji: "Tho ldanl<il'l nctlln:

inqnirie:4. :\0 fnr lHill,

"buedwm,") 7 fur G:,,!

finn: Hud I nm eon .. our uatio:nal (,fmij!ltl

uwtlAod.t Jo)"{)d t Hudil1itt1rne," HtioH~ I bt'lh'n~ th~} 1·"01' {}bvious I\'n!-iOH~

'onghont the Oilit(~d ilH' for eompari~ou; .d' the fonm't' Hu,thod aud well·in~trueted

l.:'\E ~!'Ol'1TH.

of oar een~ns there h"'l~f one 11umth"fii!f

g'h ~Hper\"ision this shaH have returns

Hadt'. Th tt,Uwunt ;('prtain tho


lone in a h~\'en time 'Heral rule, the tagk '"f'Hith v an4, f;udlion­rm to give 't'lw infoI'­<111(1 other ineitlent8 " would tbi!'; be true hose ordinaTV vixits \:ahle proppi:ty. It CPHsns from some

r re~mltF;. ~ ill tel1igenc(', g'ood pIe in the IIWHsurc!'; · the operation or a men might aeeom-time, aeeordiIlg' to

From th(~s(~ eorlsld­,flection, it appears lHHI an>:!, or deJl~it.Y

eX,H:t uniformity ~ 1(>t lar~er than tilt'; religion or politics; and au all inq1lest on these :>endent opinion witbout

ill RruJIII'H'l"1 in J ,,:;:~, i il ~tbndt'l of eClIRUI'I tithing It cOl1ntrif~s. were wc6m~­hin one day. i!'l Rtrongly alld the lisual re,"IideIWC on the day tlJ{' eNll'HlH iill he irl, with us, the

in~ .li:-;tTid:-~ of Cm!J"l'g.i:~S, a .f.mlHH·d:·dou mig"llt. Ill' m,tll,- tIlat itHWd l:mti~I'ador'y ih the g(lllP!'al Hlod~' of iiM O}H'I':I! iOIl.


'Yith r(~f('rtllN~ to tlu' tim" OIl whi('h a {'(,H~lI!-\ 14llOulfl lH'gill, alld to 'whidt its illqniriPH Hhonld l'('ft,l', W(· l!Hn~ tiH' pn~('l'd(,llt of ·HI yl':ll'S in favor of .TUlIP 1st, awl an (·qwd lWl'iod ulItl'l'ior 1.0 that in favor of Ang-n~t 1st. There KOllli' g1':I\'(' objl'('!ioll:-l, to Pitlll'l' of tll!':-Ip, flaIlH'},\':

It is a tinH' whell mall" famili!'s an' abst'llt fl'Oll1 tlieir u:iwd hOllu's. at plnef:,'l. of Nllal mel' re:'tort: '

Fanners anel pltHlt(Il'H, wllO 111 m·d:. l){, ('OllKldt<·d ill pl'w'n ri llg' ) .. t <I t i:-lti,,!'", of ng:rienltun', art> often in distant !i('hls, and I)/'~l~s('d \rith bllsilW;-.\S,

'} .... nmiJi('s living on honnl of boats awl Y(·XS('.J~, 011 riven,l aild <'~~UlalH~ eltnnot be found.

':Ju some. of Ow ag-ri(,tlltllral inquil'it's t1wr(~ i:-, liahility oi' hI"IHling of tliexetnrnH of the emTt'll t ,Yt',u' with t.ho~;e of the 1 H·PC~C.~' li llg', to whi{~h tlw.y :~hcil:lhl refer; awl a ('llHH!~e of l'esidpll{~{', \rhplI it O('('.UI'S1 Ilappt'IlH in most, })efOl:(~ .JUIlt', NO tlwt. qllPstiOlIN liS to tlH~ Sidd of fanll;-i, dt'athx, &e., &e." during tlH~ pmit. Y('Hr, ealllll)t btl HllS\\'('I'(:d by the IH'l'NOll!-\ liv-in ill plae~~8 wIH~I'e Um,Y Hhould he l'(:Ilwrt(·(i.

.. tical (~ongr('s~ has nl;(~ommf'lHled Decf!ml)4'r as tho (.Ill.'::'~'~:U,;"j,us. 'fhemonth of .Ja.nuary \vonld be better, as

then corl'mJ,powl ,vith tlw civil year; HH~ erops of are lWl'Yested,an(l their IH'odHet is known ; hHSiIH>H~ nuts po~ted ; families al'tl at their proper hOH)('~; it

··~,g.son!/o(lei8nl'e with farme['~? Hud :na:dgation i!4 geiH·ndly ~us­pend{;o'.' The objeetiOllR againsttll,atthne would be, ghort (h~SH and bad roads. If ,\YC take the first of l'tfitf'c.liive should, perhaps, t'lljo,v most of tll(~ge iulvanhlge1'l, tOg'(·ther with. days of~tn~I'age h~nh~h; and the retnl'W-I might all be reeeiv('d, and the gt~neral l'el:mlt::; puhlishetl, for the udiltB of COB b'1'e88 at it. llext regular ~~!,;Rion, in 1)(~(~0lH hm'. * I would, tlH'rc­

fore, reHpeetfu' '"' .-mggc8t, tlwt the eensu~ shouhl be taken withiu the. mouU. of )Iareh, and that it; lIe reported ill i\..vril.


In cleeiding: u.pon forms of inquiry,. arlit tahles for g'l'and ot~jeet Khonl<l he to deeille, Hot a:-i to how IIl;.W\" qncHtion,8 a~ke(l, but HH to how f(·w and fl,petifle tbey may he, ill vhny. of a, Q''i:t"f.ii:lt'f''tl{~_ tory reHuJt.. III thiH regard the hlallkH of' 18;;0 \ .... Pl'P an im'rnense on thoHe tllat IH·(·t('d(~(l tlwm; for examp!(', a :-;lngle eolnmn to enter exact agp, pn'Hellted, in eOllIwetion witIl Hex HIHl eolor, tIle opportuni of e1aHHitieatioH by Hiugle years of each, had it beeIl thought (leHirable, whid) by the old Hlt~thodH eould Bot haye been l"eaehf~d without the use of O\'eI' ·too COhlHlIli'l.* -

If every farmer were aHkt'(l, "llOW In nell did you 1'n iHe last year of eacb crop; lHHY lunell land (lid you culti\"ate with euell; \vlwt nmnbel' of domestie animals of eaeh kind do you o.\YU; ~wha.t IH'ieeR did ('aeh erop l>riltg';" awl a fpw more qllPstioBH, relative to Jlmn,hel' of aer('s improve{i and nnimprovpcl, valne or fal'Ill anel of tHlil(liIlP:H, &e.,. we HllOUld have a llHWh elearer returIl from him, if allowed a few If:iHul'.' hOlll"l-i to make it,. than if a. hundred iIl'1nil'it'H were hurriedly addn·H8.ed, \vithout forethought

1+ The prelimiJlMY ff'port of tho eighth C(HH!U!j wag nHMJe ~lay ~l. ISH,:!. "The blanks l.I.ctually 1l!'l(H] ill tJ.tkin~ thB (;ctllHIIl of 1 '340 (:ontl:l.irwd7'J. <;olumrm f(}r tJ(~lrnO<lna}

inqniriell, au for mines, 'Z7 for agriclIlture, .. for 1lOrticultlHI" 11 for COl1lnH'n~e "butdHm>J)") 7 fur a·d.lerieg, fJ for productJ3 of the fvr;:5t, u,nd b~1:3 foil' nU\mlfta<;ture~ ;

or limp for rf~f(\n'iH'('? Hiltl the <1I'·W'.'·Hl~''''·'''' :-;p~'~'iHl hlllnkH for 1I;:,.i(·HHlln~ Hnd t'm "(Hly til iN pri Ild plfl, 1I nd t lw idl'l£

UH'nt of jill/nil',\' to ",'deli it iN Hpplk:ahl('., It !!Illy h~' l'i'~;'lIrdf'd ll~ a I'H·t Ill'd maxim if! 1(lal iu

tlt~'ln'oi'Hrillf"':'ofiHrOl'II\Htion,l!lld flip Ilr'aUoll of Hf'i' alld diz-lt illtt 0lH'ra t iOflK, t lin t ('aIliIO! ~,n'l1 dotH' of UIt' I<I,HHU' t w,w a ('Olll pari~oll d ra \Vu from Illpn"H1 tile Ii HH' fOI'llH'I' 1M titl' lllid t lw IHt tc'l' t IH' Ll'dg't'l'; if t lli' fonnvl' (~orT('dly pnt{'I'X lin HH'i"\, Jd (Pllllltitit'~\, and VUllll'1-I, thn latt4'I' mi:.d~t, if it ''''ilK thoug-llt H hlp, J-dlOW ('\'(Il',\" daMHi ti('lIt ion ('l)lI(I~'i va hle HI'; to mOiIt hI,; of KH If'1 qUHnti­

t1('H Hnd \'alll~'M Hold of "IH~lJ kind, <lmOHllh; Hold to ('~>ltaifl IH'J'MOJH5 yarions IllolltlU4, &('., to HIl,\' ('xt~'ilt. .

To ('ar!'y 111t, H;UllP ('(Hllpnri;-(ol! fHrtiH'l' in ih~ npp1if l ation to 1:1w "(U'~>:'~1~;1!;j! tJIP Hldhod llltl'odlH'pd in IH,,,}O l'I'lll'PSl'otH illf' ,Jolii'nai or Dny.ho,ok, tiH' old HH'tllod (If hlankN 'IVitlt n Jinf' for (')wl, family n']H'('K~'ntH a l'1:h'({-ofr to 1'1'PI'('~{'Ht {'Y('r,\' (·lai'l.:-litkHtioll Ht-! to linH', "''''''<>.r\,i!l'\

qnantit.y and pl~i('(' ohtain:!hl!', :lIId it Hap:ll'at.· to hi' made TJw ('('ll~lIK Hilonld l'Pport /rlta! there iJi!, the ahSelH'('. of nIJHH"t

Hho\\' Mlutf i.x not.

I II IH'(>Hn;tillJ.' theHP yj(IWf.1., I havo limit,ed to that Rhonld he iiwlnd('d in the inqn.iry, and to thenw"tbods for lW(TU'Hte data, beeauRe these app(~ar to be the on HtatHt~~ eonld be nppHenhle. rrhe offieer vrho um,y adminiMtration of thn eew.;(IHoI" jf 1w ]UtH the illh~n ahility dne to to;f·.ation, the means at, diHPOfHd, h i:-i ag(}lwi('!>4., will bn able to organize tbe nwthods in :1:-1 to pl'o(lnee eorl'eet rel-mltR, withont) liability to error or umtensolutble d(~Iay. .,..

Th(, agrneiefi4 14e(~ommend(>d nrer aJ commh5sioner, in ehnrge of fhe een­tl'al oftlee, a Mup{,l,nnt.endent f(Il' t.aldng the f',eJH'iUf.! ill eneh e01ngregBional diKtriet and in each Territ'(wy, aHd mw ennm(~rator or more in e~wh to\rn HHd. ward.. In 8t,Hteli wlwr~· there are no town oI'ganization~\, a propel' Huodivision of tOllutieH !1ht)llld be made. In HmaH t'(HVHH the HaIne

make a :'H~parat(·, n'port from tvro; hnt in no e(l;4,e Hhould nHHig'n(~d tlmll ('lUI he well dOYle in one month. 'rile I'mper­

of diHtrid'};\ Hlwlild I'N~eh'(1 their appoiIJtment~ at le~iHt four before the time for takiHg' the eeH~n~? to the end that they may

lC~lr~!l1U·y a.rl"aHg'e Hll luli ViHiollH, :ulIl geleet hOIleHt a lltl fait.hful men. They paid a Hped1ie Hum, 01' for thn tillH) Hpellt. Tlw ('IlHHH\l'atOl'S

be paid by tIl(' da.y for the time nee.'RKaJ'ily employed witldn the in taking the ecnHw4, and making one clnplieate Il'OI)Y, and pay

.;>U'U'''U.'~ he withheld until a Hat.i~faet.or'y report iH ma(h-, To avoid trouhle froTH iHeompet{~IJee, :"lieklJeHl'ol, and other ineident'J,

tending to embar'I'aSH the work, tlw eOHltniH) .. dorwI' 1-Ihon1<1 haye the IH)\"(~r of remo\'al :Lll<il'eappointment of diHtl'iet HniH~l'iHtf~IHl('ntH aIHl t'Hnmera­tAH'H; and, HH l'(~tltrH~ partially eompleh',d aTe liahle to lOR!'! 01' in,illl',v b.y fire aIHI otitPl'\ViHt', IH~ HllOHl(llaav{' tiw p()\n~l' to order a l'(·'.-PIltHIWratioH to rmpply HIWh {l(>ft.,(~t, hut only \vith l'ef~'n~fl(~(~ to Ow day 011 whidl the <~eH. l~nl>\ Hlionl<l l)(~gjll.

I will eonelll~h' with WJ(' THorp MllggeHtion. 'riw dh;triet rHlperintf'IH1-eHt!~ 'woul<l n~(~(~h'e with tlwil' t.olnuli!-';Hio!!f.I a (!Opy of tlw im.;trlH:tiout-i and ~~etH of tiw hlan 1{1-\ for JH·(~paI'ator.y Rtndy and thol'ollgh 'IuHlpl'Mtawl­ing. If tht· MlllH'rilltenc1entM iH a ~~tate or in t\1l0 OX' HW1'P. adija('ent ~tateH could be aI'\MelHbh~(l at <J, eOll\'f'Hi(~Bt pl~u~(I, and iJ,O in 8~H~ep!-iH.ioH thron!~h­{.lut the Union, 011 tla,yti Hl)lHJinted for (·:tell, and tlWl'(> meet the couHni~-

lIon. tJ A11ES ~ Clwil

Ihhl t{) his (·H~t'. Tbt) H~11~iu J':'('orul,nt~ndetl,

iuto e'''ot-y d~rpnrt.

11 inn\~tigntion~ that '1'('NHlt~, are ~(lpl\rnt«:.\ , tlu' l'<~UlH' time. To WIIH'r is thl' ~J(Hu'HHl \utPl'l-I lmmf'H, datt~S~ . 'VHR thOHg-ht deRir .. nth~ of t-m}p, ()unnti­I) epl'tain persons in

['ation to th(~ C·PlfU'n:tfliE.

H1 or I)n:r- boo]\:, rt·1 H'tlKNl tR n LE}.(

nw, article, pel to iw matle iueacll.

Iwe uf reportW(lItlld

, KIa in' 1'01' or lm~Alsonable

n ehnrge of tIle, cen-I each con~rresHionu.l If more in endl to\rn rluizations, a proper II tOWIlA t he ~mme It in no ('a~'{e t-ihould month. The Rupel'­:mentl'l at leaHt four end that they may

faithful mell. They Tlw ('IHUlwrators

mployed witllin the ('ate copy, and pay [p.

llui other ineidents mIc} have the power dentR a.nd ennmera­to IOAJ'.t or iujul'Y b'y a I'B-ennmeration to y on whieh the een-

i8trict ~mperintend­of tho im:;trnetioHs lI'ongh nIH}(~rl-\taHd­lore a<\jaeent States ~ueee!,;Hion through­e meet the com mis-


l~i9nel', dbll{mMR doubtful P()!!t~~_.~nd conRtrtwtioHH tllJOIl '\vhieh tlH'!'(\ nligll',,(,t,.hH.nvi~e differences of' nrHlt~rHtatl(lillg, (~xam ille probahlB difliuultfM,;and. tbemethods of over{!omini~ them, auf! reyje'w tlw taHk hefcHx, them tHorongl11y and fully, tlwy would l'HtUl'n to their (luti(4H with tl uniformity of vloYn'l, and a, unity of pnrpOr:H), that eoul(l Bot faH to be rewarded in tho fuhwlS8 and aeeuraoy of t'(~tHrllH. rrhit; H.YHlnwtry of uTHler8tnnding might be impartecl to ennmeratOl'H hy the diHtriet" int{~IHlent~'{'\\'hNl fmu,Hl })l'aetieahle, and we HhOllltl have ill tlle NI1'i''l'H UKNSUH n reHult mOI'{~ HntiHftwt.Ol'Y, hpoauHe 11101'0 I'('liahle, than lIaH ldth· er,to h(~en attahmhle throngh tho Hwa1l8 ntH! af~l'nd{,H 11l'('Kerilwd hy }(nv •

Very rOHpectfnlly Hubmittcd. .FltA~KLlN H .. ilOUGlL

Hon. ~J A)tEH A. G AHPrELD, Clw,irman of the Committee on the

Ni."tth Oewm,.<.t oj the UnUed States.

from Pro.lemwr Peirco, Huperintcnilent of the UJlitNl StateR Cowd Sur­rtdative to Ow rule of milearlo in the law uf 1&')0, alluded to in a pre-

'.t!'\'JllIM']!fi1'll" l){tgt] oj' tJdll c01~w~wn'ieat-ion.


rule bas been adopted for Uw eompCllHatioH of ofUeers_ 8U3, does not n,ppe~~l' to me to have allY souud

and to he ohviou~~ly inconsistent with fact. It t*vtn'1"J'l ll to fnlse lL~eM, and I Hhonld regard it ~~s wiser

a Rysiem of cOlUIJensation ~vhich was made depeIHl­ft."l'll'nn,n judgment 9Jn(lexperience of faithful and intdligellt

BBNJA~IIN rBIHCB, fhtperintendent United/ Staied Coal:d Hun:ey.

Hon.J AMES A. 0 ARFIELD, . Chairman" of the ()mnmittee on the .' Xi/4th Censu-s of the Unitcr.l Bta '(g.