Little white lies


Transcript of Little white lies

This magazine doesn’t follow the typical conventions of a film magazine, normally you would get a photograph on the front page. However, in the case of Little White Lies you get a graphic representation of the main image. This helps the magazine stand out and catch peoples attention. This magazine also has no feature stories around the outside, breaks another convention of film magazines.



The way this magazine has followed conventions is by having a Mast head, barcode, issue number, date, price and slogan. All of these things are features that you would expect to see on the cover of any magazine.

L- Language

The main focus on the cover is the image, its using this to communicate its purpose rather than words. Throughout the magazine language used is targeted directly at its audience of film lovers no matter the age. The mise-en-scene of this magazine directly links to the film that is main feature article. The colours used on the cover are stereotypical of the 70’s era that Inherent Vice is set in, this stereotype is continued with the pattern. The pattern on the cover of the magazine is iconic of 70’s.

I- Ideology

The ideology of this magazine is show and emphasize the fact film is a modern day art form. The unconventional set up of this magazine is also bringing film advertisement back to its roots. Originally films were promoted through the use of artistic representations of the main actors and film plots, instead of the glossy photos that are commonly used now. By keep the front cover basic it draws more attention to the product

I- Institution

Little White Lies is an internationally distributed, bi-monthly movie magazine. It has been described as one of the "magazines at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement". It is published by London-based media company TCOLondon (The Church of London), who also publish the DIY culture magazine Huck Magazine. Little White Lies rose out of the ashes of Adrenalin, an adventure sports and lifestyle magazine. When Adrenalin's publisher went bankrupt, a group of friends working there decided to turn designer Danny Miller's student degree project "Little White Lies: Issue Zero“ into a sellable concept. The magazine has been run since 2005.

A- Audience

The main audience for this magazine is any film lovers, as the language used in the magazine is universal and can be understood by a first timer film review reader. There isn't a specific age for the magazine as it would appeal to anyone who enjoys films and there is no age for people who enjoy films.

R- Representation.

The magazine represents its self as an art form and not just as magazine. Its also represents itself as something that is modern with original roots.