Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University...

Little Languages Little Languages for Big Applications for Big Applications Paul Hudak Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Yale University Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana University March 30, 2001
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Transcript of Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University...

Page 1: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Little LanguagesLittle Languagesfor Big Applicationsfor Big Applications

Paul HudakPaul HudakDepartment of Computer ScienceDepartment of Computer Science

Yale UniversityYale University

Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved.

Indiana UniversityMarch 30, 2001

Page 2: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.


• At Yale: John Peterson, Walid Taha, Henrik Nilsson, Antony Courtney, Zhanyong Wan

• Conal Elliott, Micro$oft Research• Greg Hager, Johns Hopkins University• Alastair Reid, University of Utah

Page 3: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Is “Higher Level” Is “Higher Level” Better?Better?

• A programming language can be viewed as an interface to an abstract machine.

• When is one general-purpose language higher-level than another?

• Assembly language is just the right abstraction for a CPU.

• Why do some languages better match some applications than others?

Page 4: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

We Need Domain We Need Domain SpecificitySpecificity

• A domain-specific language (or DSL) is a language that precisely captures a domain semantics; no more, and no less.

• We also need domain specific:– specifications (starting point!)– optimizations and transformations– software tools– type systems, aspects, constraints, etc.

Page 5: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

• Programs in the target domain are:– more concise– quicker to write

– easier to maintain

– easier to reason about

– can often be written by non-programmers

Advantages of DSL Advantages of DSL ApproachApproach

Contribute to higherprogrammer productivity

Dominant cost in large SW systems

Verification, transform- ation, optimization

Helps bridge gap betweendeveloper and user

These are the same arguments in favor of any high-level language. But in addition:

Page 6: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

The Bottom LineThe Bottom LineT


l SW





Software Life-Cycle

Start-upCosts DSL-based



Page 7: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

DSL’s Allow Faster DSL’s Allow Faster PrototypingPrototyping

specify specify



build test



With DSLWithout DSL

Using the “Spiral Model” of Software Development

Page 8: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Why Study DSL’s?Why Study DSL’s?• Ok, so perhaps DSL’s are useful.• But why should programming language

researchers be interested in DSL’s?– To have an impact on the real world.– The chances of a general purpose language

succeeding are slim, no matter how good it is.– DSL design and implementation is a source of

new and interesting problems.– It is also fun!

• In the remainder of the talk I will concentrate on the latter two points.

Page 9: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

A Case Study: FRPA Case Study: FRP• Fran is a DSL for graphics and animation.• Frob is a DSL for robotics.• FranTk is a DSL for graphical user interfaces.• FRP (functional reactive programming) is

the essence of Fran, Frob, and FranTk:– Fran = FRP + graphics engine + library– Frob = FRP + robot controller + library– FranTk = FRP + Tk substrate + library

• FRP has two key abstractions:– Continuous time-varying behaviors.– Discrete streams of events.

Page 10: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Domain-Specific Domain-Specific LanguagesLanguages

Functional Programming


Functions, types, etc.(Haskell)

Continuous behaviorsand discrete reactivity

Specialized languages





Graphics, Robotics, GUIs, Vision Applications



Page 11: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

FRP by example

Page 12: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

A First ExampleA First Example

leftRightCharlotte = moveXY wiggle 0 charlotte

wiggle = sin (pi * time)

charlotte = importBitmap "../Media/charlotte.bmp"

Page 13: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Wiggle vs. WaggleWiggle vs. Waggle

upDownPat = moveXY 0 waggle pat

waggle = cos (pi * time)

pat = importBitmap "../Media/pat.bmp"

Page 14: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

The Power of The Power of CompositionComposition

charlottePatDoubleDance = hvDance aSmall aSmall where aSmall = stretch 0.5 charlottePatDance

charlottePatDance = hvDance charlotte pat

hvDance im1 im2 =moveXY wiggle 0 im1 `over` moveXY 0 waggle im2

Page 15: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Stretching with a Stretching with a WiggleWiggle

(and a waggle)

dance2 = hvDance (stretch wiggle charlotte) (stretch waggle pat)

Page 16: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Integration Over TimeIntegration Over Time

velBecky = moveXY x 0 becky where x = -1 + integral 1

Page 17: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Integrate Twice: Integrate Twice: AccelerationAcceleration

accelBecky = moveXY x 0 becky where x = -1 + integral v v = 0 + integral 1

Page 18: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Mouse Position is a Mouse Position is a BehaviorBehavior

beckyChaseMouse = move offset becky where offset = integral vel vel = mousePosition - offset

Page 19: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.


• Discrete event streams include user input as well as domain-specific sensors, asynchronous messages, interrupts, etc.

• They also include tests for dynamic conditions (“predicate events”) on behaviors (temperature too high, level too low, etc.)

• Operations on event streams include:– Mapping, filtering, reduction, etc.– Reactive behavior modification (next slide).

Page 20: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

“Where the Continuous Meets the Discrete”

• FRP’s key reactive form: x `until` e ==> ycan be read:“Behave as x until event e, then behave as y.”

• Declarative semantics.• Rich event algebra.• Examples...


Page 21: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Reactive Control of Discrete ValuesReactive Control of Discrete Values

tricycle = withColor (cycle3 green yellow red) (stretch (wiggleRange 0.5 1) circle) where cycle3 c1 c2 c3 = c1 `untilB` lbp ==> cycle3 c2 c3 c1

Page 22: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Reactive Control of Continuous Reactive Control of Continuous ValuesValues

growFlower = stretch size flower where size = 1 + integral bSign

bSign = 0 `until` (lbp ==> -1 `until` lbr ==> bSign) .|. (rbp ==> 1 `until` rbr ==> bSign)

Page 23: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Fran Also Supports 3DFran Also Supports 3D

spiralTurn = turn3 zVector3 (pi*time) (unionGs (map ball [1 .. n])) where n = 40 ball i = withColorG color (move3 motion (stretch3 0.1 sphereLowRes )) where motion = vector3Spherical 1.5 (10*phi) phi phi = pi * fromInt i / fromInt n color = colorHSL (2*phi) 0.5 0.5

Page 24: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Implementing DSL’sImplementing DSL’s• Language design is difficult!• Idea: Embed DSL in Haskell

(or other language)• Haskell features that facilitate task:

– type classes– higher-order functions– lazy evaluation– syntactic extensions

• Goal: Embed semantics in functions rather than interpret as a data structure.

Page 25: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

DSL’s Embedded in DSL’s Embedded in HaskellHaskell

• Graphics/Animation (Fran, w/Microsoft)• Robotics (Frob)• Computer Vision (Fvision)• Computer Music (Haskore)• Sound Synthesis (Hsound)• Dance/choreography (Haskanotation)

• HaskellScript for the WWW (Utrecht)• Scripting COM objects (Utrecht, Microsoft)• Hardware Description (OGI, Chalmers)• Parsing/pretty printing (Utrecht, Chalmers)• GUI’s (FranTK, etc.)

At Yale:


Page 26: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

A Typical Fran A Typical Fran ExpressionExpression

1 `until` time>2 -=> time+1

Behavior BehaviorPredicate event

Infix operator Infix operator

This is equivalent to:

(until 1 ((-=>)((>) time 2)((+) time 1)))

But, what are behaviors and events?

Page 27: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Fran’s BehaviorsFran’s BehaviorsHaskell’s type classes conveniently describe behaviors: newtype Behavior a = Beh (Time -> a) instance Num (Behavior a) where Beh f + Beh g = Beh (\t -> f t + g t) fromInteger x = Beh (\t -> x)

Also define: time = Beh (\t->t)

And thus: 1 Beh (\t->1)

time+1 Beh (\t->t) + Beh (\t->1) Beh (\t-> (\t->t) t + (\t->1) t) Beh (\t-> t+1)

Page 28: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Lazy EvaluationLazy Evaluation

Essential for things like:

color = red `until` lbp ==> blue `until` lbp ==> color

which would not terminate under a call-by-value interpretation.

Lazy evaluation is also central to our stream-based implementation, thus emulating “demand-driven” computation.

Page 29: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

The Semantics of FranThe Semantics of Fran• Denotational semantics [Elliott,Hudak,ICFP98]

– at [[b]] t : instantaneous value of behavior b at time t.– occ [[e]] t : presence of event e at time t.– Domain (cpo) of time T, with partial elements >t that

denote “a time that is at least t”.• Stream-based operational semantics [Hudak2000

and Wan,Hudak,PLDI2000]– Streams represent behaviors and events.– Compositional semantics via stream transformers.– Leads naturally to concrete implementation.

Theorem: In the limit, as sample time goes to zero,the stream-based semantics is faithful tothe denotational semantics [PLDI2000].

Page 30: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

From Semantics to From Semantics to ImplementationImplementation

ICFP semantics:

at :: Beh a -> Time -> aocc :: Event a -> ((Time,a), Event a)

time :: Beh Timetime `at` t = t

switch :: Beh b -> Event (Beh b) -> Beh b(b `switch` e) `at` t = let ((t0,b0),e0) = occ e in if t<=t0 then b `at` t else (b0 `switch` e0) `at` t

which suggests the implementation:

type Beh a = Time -> atype Event a = [(Time, a)]

b `at` t = b tocc e = (head e, tail e)

User semantics:

at :: Beh a -> (User, Time) -> aocc :: (User, Event a)->((Time,a),User)

time :: Beh Timetime `at` (u,t) = t

switch :: Beh b -> Event(Beh b) ->Beh b(b `switch` e) `at` (u,t) = let ((t0,b0),u0) = occ (u,e) in if t<=t0 then b `at` (u,t) else (b0 `switch` e) `at` (u0,t)

which suggests the implementation:

type Beh a = (User, Time) -> atype Event a = User -> ((Time,a), User)type User = [(Time, UA)]

b `at` (u,t) = b (u,t)occ (u,e) = e u

Page 31: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Time-Ordered SearchTime-Ordered Search• Motivation by analogy:

Consider ordered list L :: [T] and function:inList :: [T] -> T -> Bool

• Now suppose we want to find many elements in L:

manyInList :: [T] -> [T] -> [Bool]manyInList xs ys = map (inList xs) ys

This is quadratic: O(|xs|*|ys|)• Better to order ys first, then do the search:

manyInList xs (y:ys) = let (b,xs’) = inListRem xs yin b : manyInList xs’ ys

This is linear: O(|xs|)

Page 32: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Type-Directed Type-Directed DerivationDerivation


specification: Beh a = (User, Time) -> auncurry: Beh a = User -> Time -> atime-ordered search: Beh a = User -> [Time] -> [a]unfold User: Beh a = [(UA,Time)] -> [Time] -> [a]unzip User and uncurry: Beh a = [UA] -> [Time] -> [Time]->[a]synchronize: Beh a = [UA] -> [Time] -> [a]


specification: Ev a = User -> ((Time,a), User)encode non-occurences: Ev a = User -> (Maybe (Time,a), User)decouple aging: Ev a = User -> Maybe (Time,a)time-ordered search: Ev a = User -> [Maybe (Time,a)]unfold User: Ev a = [(UA,Time)] -> [Maybe (Time,a)]unzip User and uncurry: Ev a = [UA] -> [Time] -> [Maybe (Time,a)]synchronize: Ev a = [UA] -> [Time] -> [Maybe a]

Note now: Ev a = Beh (Maybe a)

Page 33: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Advantages of Stream Advantages of Stream DesignDesign

• “User” implicitly “aged;” no User argument to event generators.

• No dynamic adjustments in time; everything is fully synchronized.

• Behaviors can be memoized using a singleton cache.

• Potential for heavy optimization. • Event a = Behavior (Maybe a)

One disadvantage: cannot easily time-transform User.

Page 34: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Faithful Faithful ImplementationsImplementations

• The stream implementation of FRP is an approximation to continuous behaviors.

• But the denotational semantics is exact.• So in what sense is the implementation

faithful to the formal semantics?• Is there any hope for semantics-directed

compilation or transformation/optimization?

Page 35: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Egregious BehaviorsEgregious Behaviors• Consider this behavior:

• This captures Zeno’s Paradox:

and is a natural expression of non-determinism!


light off

light onon or off??

1 2

> zeno :: Event ()> zeno = when (lift1 f time) where> f t = if t>2 || t<1 then t<0.5> else f (2*t-2)

Page 36: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

More Egregious More Egregious BehaviorBehavior

• Consider this simple behavior:

• This seems innocent enough, but the predicate is true only instantaneously at time = 1. However, a stream-based implementation may miss this event.

• In fact we can show that: A stream-based implementation may miss this event even at the limit of event sampling.

> sharp :: Event ()> sharp = when (time ==* 1)

Page 37: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

““Good” BehaviorsGood” Behaviors• Zeno’s paradox represents a problem with the

semantics, and instantaneous events represent a problem with a stream-based implementation.

• Solution: define good behaviors as those that converge to a stable value as the sampling rate increases. Similarly, good events are those whose frequency within a finite period becomes stable as the sampling rate increases.

• Key result: we can show that, with suitable constraints, in the limit, as the sample time decreases to zero, a steam-based implementation is faithful to the denotational semantics.

Page 38: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Lambda in Motion:Lambda in Motion:Controlling Robots with Controlling Robots with HaskellHaskell

Page 39: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Robots with VisionRobots with Vision

Page 40: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.


• Mobile robot control is hard!• Prototyping is essential: repeated experimentation

required.• Must deal with uncertainty: imprecise sensors,

unknown environment, moving obstacles, mechanical problems.

• Need to compose solved sub-problems.• Reliability needed – programs must recover from

errors and deploy alternative strategies to meet goals.

Page 41: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Our Solution: FrobOur Solution: Frob

• Recall that:Frob = FRP + robot controller + robot/vision library

• Programming robots is a lot like programming an animation!

• … except that:– The robot doesn’t always do what you want it to

do.– Error / anomalous conditions are more common.– Real-time issues are more dominant.– Robots are a lot slower than graphics hardware.

Page 42: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Autonomous Coordinated Autonomous Coordinated MotionMotion

• Natural behavior amongst living animals:– flocking, herding, schooling, swarming

• Specific tasks of interest to us:– congregation, navigation, “escortation”,

formation motion, obstacle avoidance, dispersion, etc.

• Key technologies of interest:– computational vision and control– FRP

Page 43: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Example of Coordinated Example of Coordinated MotionMotion

• Problem:– Specify local control strategy for two differential-drive

robots in interleaving trajectories, where each robot only knows the relative position of the other.

• Can be achieved by two-step simplification:– Non-holonomic constraint on differential-drive robot is

eliminated by considering a moving frame of reference.– Relative to that frame, each robot exhibits identical

behavior: simply circle the other robot.

• Frob permits abstract formulation of solution.– Two independent critically-damped PI controllers.– Local motion assumes holonomic vehicle; i.e.

differential drive robot can be treated as omni-directional robot.

Page 44: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Local BehaviorLocal Behavior

desired distance

desired rotation




movingframe ofreference

Page 45: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.
Page 46: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Code SnippetCode Snippet

interleaveC dist omega0 vFrame =

let …

distError = distOther - dist

vLat = vector2Polar

(kpDist * distError +

kiDist * integralB distError)


vRot = vector2Polar


(angOther - pi/2)

in velocityV (vFrame + vLat + vRot)

Page 47: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Our old robots:

Nomadic Technologies SuperScoutNomadic Technologies SuperScout

Computing: PC running Linux Hugs Radio Modem

Vision16 SonarsBumpers


Page 48: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

A Control System for Wall FollowingA Control System for Wall Following

Front Sonar

Side Sonar

Objectives: Maintain a specified distance from wall

Don’t turn too much toward wall

Stop (slowly) when approaching an obstacle ahead.

= limit(max, f - d)= limitsinmax * curr, s - d) - ds/dtlimit(mx,v) = max(-mx,min(v,mx))



follow f s d = (v,w) where v = limit vmax (f-d) w = limit (vcurr * sin amax) (s-d) - derivative s

Time is Implicit!Notation is nearly identical.Details of clocking are hidden.

Page 49: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Adding ReactivityAdding Reactivity

type Wheels = (SpeedB, AngleB)wfollow :: SonarB -> SonarB -> FloatB -> (WallEnd -> Wheels) -> Wheels wfollow f s d c = follower f s d `untilB` ( predicate (f <= d) -=> Blocked .|. predicate (s >= 2*d) -=> NoWall) ==> c

Wall follower terminates two ways:

-- Blocked in front -- No wall on side

The behaviorThe terminating eventThe continuation of the overall behaviorCapture this pattern in a Monad!

Data WallEnd = Blocked | NoWall

Page 50: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

A Task MonadA Task MonadA task couples a behavior with a termination event. In it’s simplest form, we combine a behavior and an event into a task:

mkTask :: (Behavior a, Event b) -> Task a b

Continuous value defined by task

Value returned at end of task

(b1,e1) >> (b2,e2) = (b1 `untilB` e1 -=> b2, e2)

Hide reactivity inside monadic sequencing

Page 51: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Using TasksUsing TaskswallTask f s d = mkTask (wallFollow f s d, predicate (f <= d) -=> Blocked .|. predicate (s >= 2*d) -=> NoWall)

roomFollow f s d = do status <- wallTask f s d case status of NoWall -> turnLeft Blocked -> turnRight roomFollow f s dTurn


No Wall



Turn Right



Page 52: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Real-Time FRP (RT-FRP)Real-Time FRP (RT-FRP)• Abstract, restricted subset of FRP.• Behaviors and events captured uniformly as signals:

s ::= input | time | ext e | delay v s| let signal x = s1 in s2

| s1 switch on x = ev in s2

• Expressive enough to encode most of FRP. For example, integration by the forward Euler method:

integral s = let signal t = time in let signal v = s in let signal st = delay (0,(0,0)) (ext (i,

(v,t)) where (i0,(v0,t0)) = st i = i0 + v0(t - t0)) in ext (fst st)

Page 53: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Operational Semantics of RT-Operational Semantics of RT-FRPFRP

• Two judgements:Γ, Δ |– s : tE,K |– s i,t s’, v

• Key: constrain higher-order behaviors and recursion.– well-formed and tail-recursive

• Results:– Type safety / preservation.– Each step takes constant time (thus no time leaks).– Term size cannot grow (thus no space leaks).

• So far only theoretical result. We need to:– Compile FRP (when possible) into RT-FRP core.– Compile RT-FRP into lower-level code (C, etc).– Consider application to embedded systems.

Page 54: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Ongoing WorkOngoing Work• Vision-based Control (FVision).• Language enhancements (“running”

behaviors, time transformations, parallel tasks, etc).

• Multiple robots and RoboCup soccer.• Teaching robotics using Frob.• Better implementation / optimization.• Better tools (debugging, profiling, etc).• “Visual FRP”.• Graphical user interfaces.• Formal semantics / verification.• Real-time control and embedded systems.

Page 55: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

For Further Reading...For Further Reading...

• The Haskell School of Expression -- Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia

• Cambridge University Press• Teaches functional programming using

Haskell, including three DSL’s: a Fran-like language (FAL), a Haskore-like language (MDL), and an imperative robot language (IRL).

• Available now from your favorite bookstore…

Page 56: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.


by Tom Makucevichby Tom Makucevich

with help from Paul Hudakwith help from Paul Hudak

Composed using Haskore, a Haskell DSL,Composed using Haskore, a Haskell DSL,and rendered using csound.and rendered using csound.

Page 57: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

How to Hide a Flock of How to Hide a Flock of TurkeysTurkeys

Page 58: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.


• Domain Specific Languages are a Good Thing.• Embedded DSL’s (ala Haskell) can be used to implement highly effective programming environments.• “Functional Reactive Programming” is a good abstraction for many real-time reactive domains.• The programming languages community has some good ideas; let’s start using them!• DSL technology is fertile ground for programming language research.

There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.

---C.A.R. Hoare

Page 59: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

A Formal Semantics for A Formal Semantics for FRPFRP

• What should an operational or denotational semantics for FRP look like?

• How is Time represented?• Are all continuous behaviors well-

behaved?• In what sense is an implementation (which

must approximate continuous behaviors) faithful to a formal semantics?

Page 60: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Some Key Design Some Key Design IssuesIssues

• Recursion vs. combinatorsuntil, switch :: Beh a -> Event (Beh a) -> Beh ab `switch` e = b `until` e ==> \b1 -> b1 `switch`


• A rich algebra of eventslbp :: Event ( ); key :: Event Char(==>) :: Event a -> (a->b) -> Event baccum :: a -> Event (a -> a) -> Event asnapshot :: Event a -> Behavior b -> Event (a,b)when :: Behavior Bool -> Event ( )(.|.) :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a

• “Aging” the “user”let getString = constB "Init" `switch` accum "" (key ==> \ch -> (++ [ch])) ==>

constBin constB "Start" `switch` lbp -=> getString

Page 61: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

What’s under the hood?What’s under the hood?

Event based interface to the outside worldSmoothing / sampling to allow continuous representationsClocking controls for smoothing / sampling.

Dispatch outputevents

Accept inputevents


Smoothing User Program

FRP Gateway Clocking Policy “Mostly” continuousworld

Page 62: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Domain Specific Domain Specific TransformationsTransformations

• Many domains exhibit nice algebraic properties, with which one can reason about, transform, and optimize programs.

• Query optimization in databases is the prototypical example.

• An implementation can often be proven correct with respect to these properties.

• But we cannot expect a general purpose compiler to perform these optimizations for us.

• We need source level meta-programming tools.

Page 63: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Example: Simple GraphicsExample: Simple Graphics -- Atomic objects: circle -- a unit circle square -- a unit square importGIF "p.gif" -- an imported bit-map

-- Composite objects: scale v p -- scale picture p by vector v color c p -- color picture p with color c trans v p -- translate picture p by vector v p1 `over` p2 -- overlay p1 on p2 p1 `above` p2 -- place p1 above p2 p1 `beside` p2 -- place p1 beside p2

-- Axioms over, above, and beside are associative scale, color, and trans distribute over over, above, & beside scale is multiplicative, trans is additive etc.

Thus an algebra of graphics emerges.

Page 64: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Simple AnimationsSimple Animations type Behavior a = Time -> a type Animation = Behavior Picture

Now we “lift” the simple graphics operations to work on behaviors as well. For example:

(b1 `overB` b2) t = b1 t `over` b2 t (b1 `aboveB` b2) t = b1 t `above` b2 t (b1 `besideB` b2) t = b1 t `beside` b2 t

(scaleB v b) t = scale (v t) (b t) (colorB c b) t = color (c t) (b t) (transB v b) t = trans (v t) (b t)

And a new function to express the current time:

time t = t

All previous graphics axioms hold for animations.

Page 65: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Visual LanguagesVisual Languages

• In some domains, the most common notation is pictorial.

• For example: signal processing, digital hardware design, control systems, and sound synthesis.

• Should Fran / FRP be a visual programming language, and if so, what should it look like?

• We need tools to provide both views of a program.

Page 66: Little Languages for Big Applications Paul Hudak Department of Computer Science Yale University Copyright © 2001, Paul Hudak, All rights reserved. Indiana.

Visual FRP