Little Ann



Little Ann. She is very smart. She always knows where the coon is and that’s what makes her a great coon hunter. What she lacks in strength she makes up for in intellect. Little Ann is always cautious, but she is sure of herself and her abilities . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Little Ann

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Page 3: Little Ann


+ She is very smart. She always knows where the coon is and that’s what makes her a great coon hunter. What she lacks in strength she makes up for in intellect.

+ Little Ann is always cautious, but she is sure of herself and her abilities .

+ She is always obedient to Billy no matter what.+ She has a great sense of direction and very good

hearing which helps her track down the coons.+ She is small so she was the runt of the litter. She is

sweet to all people.

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+ He is always determined to catch the coons even if it means being stubborn and not obeying Billy and freezing to death.

+ Belligerent, he always has a tough attitude.+ Not very smart and easily fooled, but he is very

strong.+ Aggressive bold and courageous.+ He and Little Ann make the perfect team.

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+ Helpful to Billy because he orders Billy’s dogs so that he can go coon hunting, which is a huge thing for Billy.

+ He always believes in Billy and his dogs, even when they lose track of coons.

+ He is willing to do anything for Billy.+ “The best grandpa a boy could have.”+ He is scared, nervous, and exited for Billy all at the same time

when he is at the coon catching championship.+ He likes to joke around and is kind hearted and is caring to


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+ Morning gray sky+ Deep washout+ Towering sycamores+ Old rail fence+ Swamp+ River+ Cold frigid air+ Rattling leaves+ Ground white with sleet+ Windy+ Ozark mountains+ Texas

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+ The starlit heaven reminded me of a large blue umbrella, outspread and with the handle broken off.

+ Climbing, clawing and swimming Little Ann searched the drift for the lost trail.

+ For a split second the ghost coon stayed on top of the post and then he jumped.

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+ I felt a hand as big as an anvil clamp on my shoulder.

+ My sisters shook the house from the roof to the floor with their playing.

+ I was walking along singing my lungs out when they came tearing out of the underbrush wiggling and twisting and, tickled to death to be with me.

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