Lithuania information about kretinga adult teaching centre

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Project Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Project „Imagine my Country! - Cultural Awareness across „Imagine my Country! - Cultural Awareness across Europe” for 2011-2013 Europe” for 2011-2013 A P A P oster oster about about Kretinga Adult and Youth Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre Teaching Centre for Comenius 1st meeting in Urlati, Romania 16/11/2011- for Comenius 1st meeting in Urlati, Romania 16/11/2011- 20/11/2011 20/11/2011 English teacher Irena Kaltauskienė Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre 16/11/2011



Transcript of Lithuania information about kretinga adult teaching centre

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Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Project „Imagine my Country! Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Project „Imagine my Country! - Cultural Awareness across Europe” for 2011-2013- Cultural Awareness across Europe” for 2011-2013

A PA Posteroster aboutabout Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre for Comenius 1st meeting in Urlati, Romania 16/11/2011-20/11/2011for Comenius 1st meeting in Urlati, Romania 16/11/2011-20/11/2011

English teacher Irena KaltauskienėKretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre 16/11/2011

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Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre has got a lot of different names:has got a lot of different names:

Adult Gymnasium, Working Youth Secondary School, Evening Secondary School, Extramural Secondary School,Kretinga Adult Secondary School, Kretinga Adult Teaching Centre.

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Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Center Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Center started its activities in 1945.started its activities in 1945.

In 1945 Kretinga Adult Teaching Centre as Adult Gymnasium established in the rooms of Kretinga secondary school (now it is Franciscan gymnasium) and maned four classes with 78 students. Its first principal was Anicetas Kalytis.

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Main facts fromMain facts from Kretinga Adult and YouthKretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Teaching Centre historyCentre history In 1993 school became Kretinga Adult

Secondary School. 1996 school celebrated its 50 years anniversary and for this great moment was created the school emblem. In 1993 the school started courses of the English and the German languages as extracurricular activities. In 2002 the school became Kretinga Adult Teaching Center. Its headmaster is Mrs Irena Dūkštienė. In 2011 Kretinga Adult Teaching Centre has changed its name into Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre.

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The Acievements of our studentsThe Acievements of our students

Such famous Lithuanian and district people finished this centre as architect Edmundas Giedrimas, the principal of Kretinga M. Daujotas secondary school Algirdas Kecorius, folk artists V. Laučienė and R. Puškorius, Lithuanian TV newsmen Virginija Šliažienė and Liudvikas Sabutis.

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The aims of Kretinga Adult & Youth The aims of Kretinga Adult & Youth Teaching CentreTeaching CentreThe main aim of Kretinga Adult and Youth

Teaching Centre to contribute the students to return to consistent learning, give and support a new motivation and conditions to find out themselves and solve their problems.

The vital goal is to provide high quality education: primary, basic and secondary.

There are different learning possibilities: morning classes, evening classes, extramural, independent and distance.

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Photos from the gallery of Kretinga adult and Youth Photos from the gallery of Kretinga adult and Youth Teaching Centre activities, events and festivalsTeaching Centre activities, events and festivals

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The Acreditation of KretingaThe Acreditation of Kretinga Adult Teaching Centre in Adult Teaching Centre in April, 2011April, 2011

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Active Students’ meeting in Active Students’ meeting in January, 2011January, 2011

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The Week of Adult EducationThe Week of Adult Education

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1313thth January 2010 January 2010

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IT and Geography integrated lesson in IT and Geography integrated lesson in April, 2010April, 2010

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The European Day of LanguagesThe European Day of Languages

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Open Lithuanian and Russian integrated Open Lithuanian and Russian integrated lesson “Sight”, 2010lesson “Sight”, 2010

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Open Literature, Art and Music integrated Open Literature, Art and Music integrated lesson “The tree of Life”, 2010lesson “The tree of Life”, 2010

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Open History lesson in Open History lesson in February, 2010February, 2010

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The Earth DayThe Earth Day

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A Project “From the Folk Treasure Chest of A Project “From the Folk Treasure Chest of Lower Lithuania, 2010Lower Lithuania, 2010

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The Last Ring, 2010The Last Ring, 2010

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The New Changes in 2011The New Changes in 2011In 2011 Kretinga Adult Teaching

Centre has changed its name into Kretinga Adult & Youth Teaching Centre.

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For this great event the New Flag of Kretinga Adult & For this great event the New Flag of Kretinga Adult & Youth Teaching Centre has been sanctified in Kretinga Youth Teaching Centre has been sanctified in Kretinga

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Head of Kretinga Education Head of Kretinga Education DDivision Dalia Martiivision Dalia Martišauskienėšauskienė Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching CentreKretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre Headmaster Headmaster Irena DūkštienėIrena Dūkštienė Deputy Palmira JurgilienėDeputy Palmira JurgilienėTeacher Vaiva Žekonienė on Teacher Vaiva Žekonienė on 11stst September 2011 September 2011

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Kretinga Adult & Youth Teaching Centre headmaster and distinguished guests Kretinga Adult & Youth Teaching Centre headmaster and distinguished guests from Kretinga municipality planted an apple-tree on 1st September. The apple-from Kretinga municipality planted an apple-tree on 1st September. The apple-tree has become an important symbol for the whole community of our centre.tree has become an important symbol for the whole community of our centre.

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The European Language Day, 2011The European Language Day, 2011

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Teacher’s Day, 2011Teacher’s Day, 2011

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The exhibition ‘Autumn is The exhibition ‘Autumn is adorning …’, 2011adorning …’, 2011

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Comenius school, 2011Comenius school, 2011

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The Poster for 1The Poster for 1stst Comenius Comenius project meeting in Urlati, project meeting in Urlati, RomaniaRomania Our students have decided to present Kretinga Adult and Youth

Teaching Centre on traditional linen material.The linen is named like sainted plant in Lithuanian folklore. In the middle of our poster there is a shape of Lithuania. All three yellow, green and red horizontal stripes are meant to symbolize the flag of Lithuania. The main attributor is a blazon of Kretinga Adult and Youth Teaching Centre. The main symbols of it are: a white book, two green branches of a sorb in the yellow background. The fruitful apple tree symbolizes our new name of the centre and a rising number of our studens.Round the shape of Lithuania there are pictures of our Comenius community: students, teachers and administration. They have presented our different activities in the centre.