Literature work in renaissance


Transcript of Literature work in renaissance

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Christopher Marlowe(1564-1593)

His career was bagun before Shakespeare

His plays are quite different in style and content from Shalekespeare’s

His language was classically based::poetic style influenced byuniversity studies ofLatin and Greek dramatic poetry

The theme is always power

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PLAYS: The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage Tamburlaine the Great The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus The Jew of Malta The Tragedy of Edward II The Massacre at Paris

POETRIES Hero and Leander The Passionate Shepherd to his Love

TRANSLATION Ovid's Amores First Book of Lucan's Pharsalia

The Work of Marlowe

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Born: April 23, 1564 Died: April 23, 1616 Stratford-upon-Avon, England Stratford-upon-Avon, England


William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

His mother, Mary Arden, was the daughter of a wealthy landowner from a neighboring village

His father, John, was a maker of gloves and a trader in farm produce. John also held a number of responsible positions in

Stratford's government and served as mayor in 1569.

he probably attended the Stratford grammar school and studied the classics, Latin grammar and literature. It is

believed that he had to discontinue his education at about thirteen in order to financially help his father. At eighteen he married Ann Hathaway. They had three children, Susanna,

Hamnet, and Judith. He was almost the only great writer of this period who did not have a university education. Shakespeare’s characters seak

the same language as the audienceBlack period (1598-1607)Most of Shakespeare’s great tragedies were written in these

years.Little is known about his own life.

His son, Hamnet, died in the age of 10 in 1596. This may have influenced his black period, when many of his plays

concern fathers and children, just like Hamlet.

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Titus Andronicus first performed in 1594 (printed in 1594)

Romeo and Juliet 1594-95 (1597)Hamlet 1600-01 (1603)Julius Caesar 1600-01 (1623)Othello 1604-05 (1622)Antony and Cleopatra 1606-07 (1623), King Lear 1606 (1608)Coriolanus 1607-08 (1623)Timon of Athens 1607-08 (1623) Macbeth 1611-1612 (1623)


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King Henry VI Part 1 1592 (printed in 1594)King Henry VI Part 2 1592-93 (1594)King Henry VI Part 3 1592-93 (1623)King John 1596-97 (1623)King Henry IV Part 1 1597-98 (1598)King Henry IV Part 2 1597-98 (1600)King Henry V 1598-99 (1600)Richard II 1600-01 (1597)Richard III 1601 (1597)King Henry VIII 1612-13 (1623)


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Taming of the Shrew first performed 1593-94 (1623),

Comedy of Errors 1594 (1623),

Two Gentlemen of Verona 1594-95 (1623),

Love's Labour's Lost 1594-95 (1598),

Midsummer Night's Dream 1595-96 (1600),

Merchant of Venice 1596-1597 (1600),

Much Ado About Nothing 1598-1599 (1600),

As You Like It 1599-00 (1623),

Comedies• Merry Wives of Windsor

1600-01 (1602), • Troilus and Cressida

1602 (1609), • Twelfth Night 1602

(1623),• All's Well That Ends

Well 1602-03 (1623), • Measure for Measure

1604 (1623), • Pericles, Prince of Tyre

1608-09 (1609), • Tempest (1611), • Cymbeline 1611-12

(1623), • Winter's Tale 1611-12


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Several plays produced at the end of Elizabeth's reign are often grouped as Shakespeare's "problem plays." They are not easily categorized as either tragedies or comedies. All's Well That Ends Well (1602) is a romantic comedy with qualities that seem bitter to many critics because it presents romantic relations between men and women in a harsh light. Troilus and Cressida (1602), is a brilliant, sardonic (skeptically humorous), and disillusioned piece on the Trojan War. Measure for Measure (1604) focuses on the link between political power and romantic desire.

The "problem plays"

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Ben Jonson(1572-1637)

Come after Shakespeare

many of his early plays caused controversey. Thus he was put in jail more than once more success in comedies than tragedies

his most popular play is Every Man in His Homour

Most of his best known works come after the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603

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I:  To The ReaderII:  To My BookIII:  To My BooksellerIV:  To King JamesV:  On the UnionVI:  To AlchemistsVII:  On the New Hot-HouseVIII:  On a RobberyIX:  To All, To Whom I WriteX:   To My Lord IgnorantXI:   On Something That Walks Somewhere

XII:   On Lieutenant ShiftXIII:  To Doctor EmpiricXIV:  To William CamdenXV:  On Court-WormXVI:  To Brainhardy

XVII:  To the Learned CriticXVIII:  To My Mere English Censurer

XIX:   On Sir Cod the PerfumedXX:   To the Same. [Sir Cod the Perfumed]

XXI:  On Reformed Gam'sterXXII:  On My First DaughterXXIII:  To John Donne XXIV:  To the ParliamentXXV:   On Sir Voluptuous BeastXXVI:   On the SameXXVII:   On Sir John RoeXXVIII:   On Don Surly


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Thomas Middleton was the son of a London master bricklayer

He was educated first at Queen's College,Oxford, and was then admitted at Gray's Inn in 1593

He published three volumes of verse by 1600, and it is believed that he had already begun to write for the stage at that time

Middleton died of natural causes at Newington Butts and was buried there on July 4, 1627.

Thomas Middleton (1580-1627)

His comedy called city comedies.They are set in london and filled with local characters, tradesmen and families.

- A Mad World- My Masters- A Trick to Catch the Old One

His tragedies are dark, violent and complexThey explore themes of madness, politics and revenge.

- The Revenger’s Tragedy- The Changeling- Women Beware Women- A game at chess



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born in London about the year 1552He was known as The Prince of Poets in the

Elizabethan EraThe Faerie Queene,

published in the 1590his great national epic to celebrate Queen Elizabeth.Used a new verse form, called Spenserian stanza, of

nine lines rhyming ababbcbcc, the last line longer than the first eight

On the 16th of January 1599 he died at Westminster, ruined in fortune, if not heart-broken, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, near his master Chaucer

Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)

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George HerbertGeorge Herbert

was born in Montgomery,

Wales, on April 3, 1593, the fifth son

of Richard and Magdalen Newport

HerbertHe was also a churchman.

Most of his poems were first

published in 1633, shortly after his

death at he age of 39.

John Donne (1572-1631) and George Herbert John Donne

He was one of the most famous

churchman of his time, and wrote poems from the

1590, but his poems were not pubished until

1633, two years after his death.

Donne was born in London to a

prominent Roman Catholic family but

converted to Anglicanism

during the 1590s

They are known as metaphysical

poets.They often wrote about religious

theme, dissccusing their personal relations

with God.

Also, they were not afraid to use their poetry to face the intellectual, emotional and spiritual problems of the age.

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Marlowe was wholly an ElizabethanShakespeare was half Elizabethan and half

JacobeanJonson’s best works are mostly Jacobean

Elizabethan Drama (1558 – 1603) and Jacobean Drama

The Golden Age of English Drama produced many great plays and playwrights. The nature of human life was a new theme in literature, and showed the

Renaissance concern with a how to understand life and death in the modern world. Religion no longer gave the answer as it had done in earlier periods of literature. The literature itself questions, discusses and looks for answers. It’s

called elizabethan.After the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, the plays written during James VI of Scotland became King James I of England

are called Jacobean

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The fiction of the age of Elizabeth is generally "romantic" in nature in the sense that it is of the kind of romance.

 The romances of Lyly-, Greene, and Lodge The pastoral romance of Sir Philip Sidney The picaresque novel of Nashe The realistic novel of Delony.

Richard Hooker (15547-1600): the Laws of Ecclesiastical Policy is the greatest of the non-fictional prose works of the Elizabethan age.Bacon (1561-1626):

his style coupe or anti-Ciceronian style is exactly opposite to Hooker's Ciceronian style

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