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LITERARY. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW 1879. SKW HERIEB. |879t Published Ouce In Two Months. /Vie*, $6 a Year, in Advance. THE NOBTH AMERICAN REVIEW, IN entering on a new series under new management, will retain all that has made It, for over sixty years, so important an 010- B*ent in American literature Ita more frequont issue, and the addi- tional writers engaged lor it, will hereafter enable it to discuss more promptly and thoroughly the vital questions of fhe time ?political, economical, social, industrial, \u25a0sientiflo. educational, literary and moral. The BEVIEW is not lhe organ of any party, sect, school, clique, or of its editors, bat of the beet scholars, thinkers, scientists, statesmen. writerß and critics of the day. With this ft!*" and character, with this honorable record, and with tho abundant resources at its command to make good its womisee, the NOKTU AMERICAN RE- VIEW commends itself to the favor all of Intelligent citizens. TERMS?$5 a Year, in Advance. JAB- R. OSGOOD & CO. Publish kks, wniTHßor square, boston. felftt 1879. Eclectic Magazine. Thirty-Fourth Year. The Eclectic reprints from all the lorelgn Quarterlies, Beviews, Magazines, and Jour- nals their choicest contents, including Es- says, Scientific Papers, Biographical sketches Beminiscences uf Travel, and Adventure, Tales, Stories and Poems. The field of se* lection Is very large and it Is believed that tbe Eclectic presents a greater varloty and higher standard ot literature than any peri- odical oau bone to do that depends exclu- sively upon borne talent. A Enuwiodge ol tne current literature uf other countries is indispensable to all who would keep pace with tbe progress ot the humaa mind, and the Eclectic offers the best, sjad, indeed, the only opportunity tor oi> tainwg this knowledge within a reasonable compass, ana at a moderate yrice- Among the writers reureaentea in recent Bombers of the Eclectic are: IWeUt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, James Anthuny Froude, Matthew Arnold, Charles Em* 'lay, Bobert Buchanan. Geo. McDonald. John Bu»kin, Alfred Tennyson, Tbouias Hughes, William Black, Mrs. Oliphsut, Tbos. Hardy, William Morris, Miss T;«ackersy, Mrs. Alexander, Profs. Huxley end Tjudall. Hicham proctor. B. A.. Prof. Owen, Dr. W. b Carpenter, Max Mullet. J. Norman Lockyer, llerbert Hpen. ear, and others equally eminent, besides the regular articles in the body uf the magazine, there are four oriKinal Editorial Depart- mental Literary Notices, foreign Literary Votes. Science and Art. aad Varieties With regard to the character oi tne selec tions, the aim uf the Eclectic is to be in- teractive without being dull, and entertain- ing; without being trivial. While each num- ber contains something to interest every member et tbe family circle, it addresses Itself particularly to that great body of in* teUigent readers who seek profit as well as amusement tn solid and healthful literature. Besides the I'M pages ol reading matter, each number of the magazine contains a tine steel engraving?usuaily a portrait- -execu- ted In the niofci artistic manner. Terms?Hingle copies 46 cents', (me copy one year, tft; two copits, 4 < Uvt copies, i - Trial sunsciiptloi&-. ur three months, *1. Tbe Eclef and auy M magazine to one ?*-> sßdTt-r-,»'., * Postage 1 -*9 to all subscribers. Address, PEL'I ON, Publisher, Asln-ri aS Bond Street. New York. THE GREAT REFERENCE EOOK OF THE CENTURY. Biographical Annals of the Civil (iuveri:- \u25a0tent of the United States, During tlie Vint Century of its existence. nOS OAXODIAL AMD Or?ICULL BOCKCE* ByChas. Lanman, aa tii or of the "Dictionary of Congress/ "Private life of I»auiel Webster," "Bed Bookoi Michigan." This valuable work, the only one of Its kind extant, contains about seven thousand bio- graphical sketches, and eight thousand ad. actional names of persons who have been;lnO with the Government since the signing of the Declaration ol Independence, Banking Is all, about roTKXJi thocsaxd rxa- soual anrzaxwuKS in the volume. It em DKnoes in its scope the Delegates, Boprosent- atrves, and Senators who have serveil in the Continental and Federal Congreeses, the FeU- oral ana htate Judiciary, Miniwters to and from Foreign Countries, Executive officers in all the Department* ot the Nattun, as well as all the Governors ol the States and Territo- ries, together witha very lar/.i- amount o! tabular iniormatlou, gathered Irom official sources, calculated to illustrate tin growth and present condition of the Government of the united States. For greater convei kac* or reference the Book Is srrai . * 1 in twe parte; the first containing tbe BIOUHAi'IIiCAL ANNALb, and seme idea of the value and extent of th Tabular Information wbi"b forms the BLC OND PABT, may be gathered from the sub- joined TABLE OF CONTENTS. Thai agates to the Colonial Congress. TheD aclar a tion of Independence, Signers ot the Declaration. Delegates to thu Continental Congress. Beaalocs o! tbe Continental Congress. President*! oi tbe Continental Congress Articles ot Confederation. The Constitution of the United Hiatus. Session* ol the Federal Congress. Bnoakersol the House of BeprueentaMven rioslilstiTii of the Senate. Bsxil etsrlnn of the Benate. Clerks of the House of Representatives. Obnplains to congress. Bnooeesive Administrations. Pbuscutive Officers of the Civil Service, presidential Electors. Electoral ami Popular Votes for President Political Parties. The Justices of the Supreme Court. Clerks uf the Hupreme Court. Mft? hltl * <>t the Hupreme Court. Justices of the Circuit. District end T«i rltorial Courts. Tbo Court of Claims. Organization of the Executive D-part. msnts. Settlement of States ami T urirorms. Counties and Towns of the United Btates. Area of the United States. or4gln of the names oi States and Torn to rise. Length and Cost of American Wars. Ohiel Commanders of the Army. progress uf Population in th* United Btatea. Density of Population. Population and Batio of reaei ? »n. pay Tabls of Civil Officers. Leading Government Publications. Tha Newspaper Press. Education inthe Uuited States. Colonial Governors of America. The State and Territorial Governoie. The Beat of the General Government. Bight of BudTago lv the United States. Qualifications ot Elective Officials. Diplomatic Agents of the United states. Diplomatic Agents from Foreign Countries, International Arbitrations and Coinmla. gtoaa. Treaties and convention -. Foreign Government BeprosonUtlves In tbe United Btates. Officials uf the Centennial Exhibition. Additional Facts to Date uf Publication. Index by urates of Federal Congress. General Index. Besides its own value as a work of refer- snos, the Book forms a worthy adjtinct to erory published history of the United States, nnd will be an indispunsible acquisition to ?very public and Private Library. In form itla a royal octavo ef about Too pages, well printed on good paper, and is sold in Morocco cloth binding, plain edges, for. .17 00 Half Morocco or Calf marbled edges .... goo Pull Morocco or Calf marbled or gilt 18 00 To be bad trom Agents and Booksellers ernrywhor ere, bymau or express prepaid. ' eroca JAMES ANGL.IM, Publisher, \u25a0Igftf UU F Street. Washington D. 0, OUR OWN COLUMN. DAILY AND WEEKLY HERALD The Leading Paper OF Southern California. Will devote Iteoolumn* to furthering the Interests of Los Angeles city end county end the Southern portion of the State. It Is the Intention of the publisher o make THE HERALD Ai.owspaporof the day, complete In all Its details, and In every department Full and Reliable. The Editorial Columns will dlscue' live loplcsof the day. whlla tbe Telegrams, fly arrangements newly effected, will be the fullest and most exhaustive to be found In any paper of tbe State, not be- ingaurpaaaed by those of the BanFranclsoo dallies. Tha Local Columns Win ooutaln a complete resume oi local happening and allmatteraol home In- terest. TERMS DAILY HERALD, by mall, 1 year...llooo ? ~ \u25a0 8 months... 500 3 month*... Delivered In tie Clly »1 25 CENTS PER WEEK. THE WEEKLY HERALD ! TERMS: Weekly I year by mall.. $8 00 " a months \u25a0 \u25a0? 60 ?? j ?? 10« Payable Invariably In advanoe Joseph D. Lynch, PUBLISHER, MEDICAL. DR. PIERCES STANDARD ' REMEDIES I Are not adverllsed ns " cure-alls" hul I arospecißc-In the diseases lor which i they nre rccummpndod NATURAL SELECTION. Inveellgnlors or nalurul science have I demonstrated beyond coorrovery that ' throughout lhe auiinul kingdom the "eurvlval or Ihe attest" l< the only law that vouchsales thrift and perpetuity. L)oe§ not the same principle govern the ' commercial prosperity o. mau? Au In- fonorcanuot supercede a superior eru- \u25a0 cle. Hy reason uf superior merit. l>r. Pierces Htandard Medicinos have out- rlvaled all others. Iheli side In the Uuited Stules alone cxoeeus one nilllloo dollars pr aliuuin, while the iiniouul ex- ported louts up to Several hundred thousands more. No business could trow to such gigantic proportions ami rest up- ou any other ba-rs thau thai of merit. Dr.Sage'sCatai-rS. Remedy It I'leiibaUl to USB. Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Remedy 1Ucures extend over a ptrluu. ol Tweniy Years. Dr.Sasd s ..atarrh Remedy its sale I a taullv lucieases. Or.Saee'sCatarrii Remedy Cures by lis Mild, .-soothing KUeci. Or.Sase's Catarrh Remedy cur..- Tjoid iv Ural "»ud Calami, m Ozoma. AN OPEN LETTER?IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Rockport, Mass., April 2, 1377. Mn. EUITOk:? Having read in youi pa- per repolts of lhe remaraul le cures ol »? lurrh. 1 am induced lo ten » what 1 know ahoui catHrrh," and 1 lancy Ihe "siiurl ' and "uiuahug tube" musers (mere dol- mr grabbers) would be glad ir liny could ewiduzou tt similar cuie lv ihe papers. F?r ilti years I sullered with ratalrb. ihe vasal passages Occam \u25a0 cuiupicle.y closed. "Suntf," "dust," "ushes," "mbaling- luues," and "sticks" wouldn't wort, though at luleivul. I would »rnfl nr UM so-called cuturlhsuuH. until 1 became a valuable tester lor «uch medlolnee. i gradually grew worse, and n.i one can know now much 1 lufferad or wuali miserable beiug 1 was. My head ached over my eyes until 1 was - onliued to my beulur maul successive days, .u.iunug the moat intense pain, widen ul one tune lasted continuously lor His leans. Al. sense ol smell and luste gone, hignl and neariug impaired, body suruukeu anu weaaenea nervous system snat lured uud couslituliou broken, and 1 whs hawklnguudspilling seveu-cightos of the nine 1 pruved ior death to relieve me oi iiiv s'utlcrmg- A favorable notice In VOOI paper ol lv. Sage's Culur i h H oiicdy In- duced me to purelUMH a packnge and use it wi b Ur- I'ierce'a Nasal Lioueue. which applies ihe remedy by hyiirosiatic pies- sirc. the ouly way compatible wi.h com mou seiiee! well, .«r. Euiior. it did urn cure at* iv three- ouilusui a second, no. \u25a0 none hou. "r ururrth, but lv less thai, eight mlliutca i was relieved, Bud li. ,brue uiouius entirely cured.and mm reuiarue.. au oyer sixteen luouihs. V. bile using ihe Catarrh remedy, I used Dr. i icice'sUolum Medical U.scov.iy to pu my my biood anu siicugtueu my atom- ic 111 alio kept my liver uciive ami oowtta regular by the use of Ins rlea-im. ,-umiuve t'c-iie.s. II experience win nUucc-o.ucr suff.-icrs ... seek Ihe-am. mcauso. relief, Uu» letter Will have an- «wared lv purpoaa. ioura ruiy. s. I*. rli.Mir iv. A CLOUD OF WIT.NKSSKH.-TUe lul. lowing named parUai are among lhe tuou-ands WHO Have oeen cuicu ol cu- tai-rii by iho use »i Ur. sage', caiarrh Kerned/: A* U..wns, New ucoeva, la; ' j liiown. st Joseph, Hej X V Mala, Kullartu, Vt: l-ev. .-springer. Nel le uake, ..liiiou joucs, aerie*. NYI J at tamer, Urid*e. .sla.ioo, W/'d J 0 Jleinmau, Lv "inspotl, lud; M M foal. Logurispon, hull W Bailey,liemout, l'..;H U -VJ res. . La for". Ind; Jessie M .-scars. , I Branch, 1 ud L Williams.caulon, Missouri. VV ,1 . muyer, uuuiga, 1,1; H » Mohule. Jr.Oul ' iaatua lexas: Jonas F Humeri. Muuaa- . inie.ftt; » W Lu.k. M.Fur.and. * ,i» luuuVuai wi.nams. neimick. yu,o. Mr. . UACurry, ireuton. leun: Jet .losi in X ene N H; A J Caspar, table liock. W V . Kouls AUdera. uajspori, Ohio; c 11 il.ase tlkhart. lud: Mrs Heuu Haight, Mrs r. MOallu ha. tawrJnceville. N V : W J Auei, lowa- AOBtullb. cua, I. tUMT Baltimore. Md: Jesse M Seura. Cur- trsle lud: Uau'l v Miller,ltWHyuu.n.n, See Mluul. Arnaiae. iw Ueiaucy ---'.Nevr York- 11 W UaOl, Hustings, Mich; Vl in 1 Marsrou. Lowed. Mass; l W Itoberls, Oba. .-, Uclaney, riurn,- buig, fa; M C cuie, iaiwcll. Mass; Mis c jspurn,.,rjamueu, Ala: cnarles * ' Fredericktuwu. ouio. Mrs Lucy Hun - lugtun,; Capll;. s .-spauld- . ug.rJu.upMauim.uaU, Wyo: 1 W TrMy sleumboii Kock. ioku. mis Ljdiu Wu ic. V; J M I'cck, J,..,ct1.,i. y Muut; llenry cut.Hautaa.Oall L licuu.- mines, Ituuioul. in; s a Jones. CHunes tJn four Corners, N V; Ueo F Uall,fuel, I.,.car; Wm f. Uaitrle. slcrnua, 1", v X Kbou. sis feuu st, f.iisuuig, la: .11. Juckmuu, Samuel's Uepul, hj , nenO Zobnal.Oeucvu. N V: Miss ..a.tie la- wn, Moulgo.ueiy, ulno; i. lldbiook chuthaui. ill: r, B McCoy, N..shporl, onio- W W Wurner. Nuilb Jacks,;!. Mich; Miss Mali .i Winue. lla.len. rt is: Jouu/.eigler.CurllßlerTjJliiißs, fa.: James luiu Mkius. st uuuu. M.un: r.uocii nuc.. '?a*nee cm, *co; Jee i .Miner. Xeuu.. oino- s BN.cnois, uuiv alou.'ieauaa. v Ti a id, upper Alton, Hi; Jonu UaWI., 'Vescoti, *ri»i Mi» Ni.u.-y Urataam, Id- eal (drove, UgD. Golden Medical Discovery lit alierMtive. ur biooU cieuusiUii. 1 Golden Medical Discovery i is reetotal. Golden Medical Discovery Is a Cholui'.ogue, or Li Tar Btlmulaoi. Golden Medical Dscovery la lonic. Golden Medical Discovery By reason uf He alterative properties, cuies Uisenses ot the nloud and tskln, as Sc ululu.orKins's Kvll; Tumors; Ulcers, or Old sores: Blotches, I'luiplcs inn. Kru,,lion». ? By virtue oi lis fectorai properties It cures, ihroatanu LuugaUecllous; Incipient corisiimptiui. Llngei iuu Cougus, ami r.hionic L,aiyn»i- tis. its cuoiugoguo uroperuea. reuuei n an unciiuai ro.ueuj tor Htiluuaaesgj lvi iild ur ??Llvert:oiril>liUUi;" arid il r Voulc properties un.ku It equally eftloa- crous lvcuring ludigeslion, Loss ol Ap pcllte uud Uyspepsla. Wucro Ilie sain is sallow nnd covercu wilh blotches and pimple*, or when Lucre are surorulous, .Welling, and alluc- tlons.a few bottles ~1 Uul.ieu Medlcu. Uiscovci v willellcct an eiulie cuio. li you leei drowsy, debilitated, have sunuv. color uf skinoryclioiush-biowu spots on lace or body, ireuocnt beauaeue or uiz/.i- uess. bad taste lv rr.outli. internul 1.c.. or chills alternated with hoi tlusues, low apirli.unu gloomy fore bod luga, irreguuu appetite and tongue coulou, you aie sui- ,enn- trom Torpid LiViur or Hiliousncs in many cases oi Liver Complaint, only partol these ayiuploms are ex pen eu ecu. As v remedy lor all such ciihcb, Ur.l'ierce's Oolden Medical IMaouvery baa uo equal, aa iteuecis perfeotcqrea.ieuvlng tbe nvcr , strengthened and Hcuithy. THE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL SERVANT UR. R. V. PIERCE Is lhe sole proprlt. i lor and luauulaciurer of the lorcgolng l remedies,all of which lire sold by drug- l gists He ia also lire author ol tho r*o- ple'a Common Sense Me.llcnl Adviser, ? work olneuily luuo pages, with M »ood engravings end colored plates. Helms | already .oldol this populur work Over 100,000 Copies! PKICE, (poet-paid) : : : $1 50 Aidrera: R. V. PIERCE, M. D., World'a Dispensary, Buffalo, N.T. narS-eod-derw-17 LEGAL. IN THE COUNTY COURT Loa Angeles County, Htate of California. I TUOM.V.3 LEAHY vs. HIS CREDITORS. PURSUANT TO AN 0 lU>CB OF TUB 1 Hon. Albert M. Stephens, Judge ol J said C'.riir , litis day made aud en en d, nonce Is hereby given tv ull ihe credit- or, ol snid 'I asL uhy, an Insolvent dehlur, loshow cau-e herein, ifany my can. why the staieraent tiled by A. h IP-, hi. uss ghee of said insolvent, in ' tin-olllce,-houhl nut be accepted, aud ' distribution sin uld uot be mano agreea- ble to lhe contents of s. ltl stalement, < within lift en dais next following lhe 16th day oi "iclub r, A. I. 1».9; and the tl si duy of November. 1879, at ten . o'elook A. H., before lb'' said AlnertM. ', Jutlge as Hlortsaid, at the court-room of said Courl, In tho Court HuU-ooi .aid Los Ange es couiilv, Isthe ilme and pla, c ?ppo,nted for heating , und Ueierin.niugan contest arising by reason ot any objeoliuii to sutd slat - menioritny oppo.-l luu to suld distribu- tion. . In wltnae. wheren', I have herounlos-l my baud, and uHtxed the seal of said Court, tin- 121b day ol oeplemoer, A U. |gW, [seal.] A. W. Pol'lS. Clerk By P. 11. kvvkn. Deputy. .elB d Notice to Creditors. KSTATE OF 11. M. BALL, DecenseJ. Notice hereby given by the uiidi r stgne,'., utimiuistralilx ol tho estaie uf il M. Bail, tie .aeed, io ih" ered- itnn of elitl all persons hiving elulnis against the said deceased, to exlntnl in. in. Willi lhe necessary yon. hers, within four mouths after I lie first publi- cation ol litis uoliee, lo lhe s .1 1 a lliums ir.lrix, ul her lesid-nce. In i os Angeles ciiy, nr io ber a' tornevs, oiassell, sunt h * i-mllb. ai 1 heir olllce lv larople Block, In said city. ..... PAULINA It ALL, Aduiinislrulrlx of lhe Esluto ot 11. M. Hall, d. ceased. Dated at UMAug.lei, Juue 24, 1879. IMB ~~ln the County Court Of LO3 Anceles C ninty, State of California. 0.1. BATHY VS. HIS CREDITORS. Pursuant lo ga order of Ih. Hon. Alberl M. Stephens, Judge of the County Courl ol Los Angr 1' s couniy, notice is hereto given to tne eiedltors ~f lb. in.oiv nt C". T. Bulliy to U|,|tear l.elore lire saiu Jn.ige, at lhe court, room ot s.ld Court, In lhe Court House, In lhe eltj and county of L'is Angeles, on Ihe twenty-Ural day of October, 18.9. at io u'oloak >. m. ot that duy, ihcn ami (here to show ct.use, If any them be,why the niiiyerol said peillloner should not be grunted, tbiit a cession oi Ills esllllo be nude,and adleebargefrom his hlsdubts b ? htio ;.- by st .111 c provided. . All proceedings ngain-t said insolvent are s uyeil. , , ? , . Witness, niv bind itnlllmsial ofs Id Courl, this i3ih day of Sept.mber, 15,9. ls,eal.| A. W. Pol ls. Co. Clerk By E. 11. OWES. Deputy. sepllld HOTIOI. I have Ibis day disposed of gll my In- leresi In Iho llrm ol H. NEWMAKK A CO. to Hairle New-mark, Kaspare Conn unil Morris A. Newmark, (lie remuiniiig members I hereof, who will \u25a0 oiitinue the bus.ness under tne same uuine and style. MB*| BK .1 N KWMAKK. Log Angeles, July 13t'i,1879. Certificate of Partnershio OF THE FIRM OK H.NEWMABK& CO.. Doing bus:ness In lhe cliyuf Lus Ange- les, couuly oi Los Augeles, suite of .a,! oralai We, lhe undersigned persons, B.IWDI cerlny lliat ibe above described parlner- ablple cumpo r-u ol the following per- so s, ami no 'o In-rs, whose names ami place, nf are as loi low., lown: Name. lies.deuce. Harris .vewniurk Los angelt s Kaspare Conn Los vn.eles Morrt. A. sewinurk L'is In wiiness wlierettl, we have Iter, unio affixed oar baud ami seals, ibis eigbl- eeuln duy oi July 1579. HAhKIm NEW MARX. [sesl 1 kaspvke imhn. HiOKKIS A. NEWMARK. iSeal-J BTATF. OF CAI.IPOhNIA, I M County ol Los Angeles, j On this eighteenth day of July, In the \ ear eighteen hundred and seven,y nlne, before me, J. J. vv i.rner, a Notaiy labile, pergonal I. appeared narrls Newmatk K.apareCOhu and Morris A. twni .ik known tv mo lo be ihe persons whose nam, s are subscribed iv ih.- gilliemnd in sl uii.eiit.and whn uckie.w.edged to lnc thatihey executed the,same. [Nnlotlul Seal 1 J. J. WARNER, jiy-tw Noiary Public. sUJUidOiM!*. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Sevenleeutli Judicial District of He state uf California, in and for the county ol Los augeles. LlluD. Cn-Ok, plaintiff, vs. VißlOg A. Cook delenoant. Acllou brought in Ihe District Couit ol lhe seventeenth Judicial District oi tin Slaluof California,in alid fur lhe counly ol Los Angeles, and the oomplalat liled in said counly OfMa, Ang.-l, s. 11l lhe otUei of Hie Clerk ol suid District Court. The people of ihe stale of California MBd greeting lo Viniug A. Couk, De- nudum. You are hereby required tn appear in an ac'lun brought against you by the above named Plainlill in lhe District Court ot tb. Seventeen ita Judicial District oi the State oi California, in and lor lhe County ol Los Angeles, and to answer the com- pluint tiled therein, within leu days (ex- clusive of lhe day of service) tiller the service on you ol this summons?ll served within this couniy; or. II served oui ol I his County, but inthis District, vvllhiu tws-iilv days; otherwise, wtlbln forty dai r ?or judgment by deluull will be taker against you, according to the prayer ol said complaint. Tne said action Is brought to obtnln Judgment und decree of fills Court .lis- solving tlie bonds of miit'imony nuvv and here existing beiWe.O lhe said plalnlilf and defendant nnd awuidln-. the cute, custody and control oi Ihe minor, Kuiline l>. Cook, lo raid pluin'lt) und f ,r such other und tut I her Judgiiieitl uud decree as may be proper, und loi costso suit Relereuco Is hud to complaint foi par- ticulars. And you are hereby notified that If you (ail to appear and answer the said com- plaint as above required, thesuld pluintit willcauae your defaull to be entered and apply lo ihe court ior tho relief demand- ed iv ibe complaint. i.i'. -i. under my hand and tb. sen! ul the District Courl of the seventeenth Judicial Distilcl of the State ol California, lv and for Lie counly of Los Augeles, this 2li'h day.oi July, in the yeai . i v i Lord one thousand eight hundred utt( seventy-nine. [seai.J A. W. POTTS. Oleiß. Ry A. RIMPAU, Depuly Clerk. Jy2o tm In the Matter of the Appli- cation of Mary Bullis to Become a Sole Trade.-. NOTICE OF INTKNXION T't) BECOME A SOLE l KAI'LR. Nollce Is hereby given that I, MARY BULMs, wile ul Oiurl J. hulls, resident ul lhe county nf l.ns Angelas, being tie- slmusuf uvuiling myself ul .bepiovis- lons of l Hie Xil, Purl I I,of the code uf ? Ivll Procedure, inteud lo ninke gppll cation lo the Couniy i otirioi tbo County of Los Angeles, slate of California, ai tho mi pteinb.-r term, A. D. 1879, of said Court, to no held ut the conn-room-ol said Com I, in the Court House ol suld county, un Saturday, 111h elghleettl It ot October, A. D. 187.1, al 10 A. M.trl 111 .1 day, or as soon theieatler as counsel may be beurd,r>ra Judgment ai d oider of the -aid i ounty Courl atilhulizing me lv curry on and t.ansuct nuslne-s lv Ut) own name and on my own uccounL u- sole Irader. '1 he nature of Iho business I pro; ose to c..rry on and conduct is lliut oi b tying and suiting goons, waics ami metchaii. ill-e, and selling real es, ate, cul- l.c. btrler end lnlik, and curry log ou a - lurni lv thu county of Los .vitgoies. MAKV BULLIS. Dated this 20lh day ol September, 1879. 1 .21 td ; Evergreen Laundry, WASHIISTQ Called forand delivered to any pari i of tbe city, by J. J. Phillips, Adams f . j Orders can be leit at the book store o i Mr. Sam Hellmun, Spring St. oui 1 LEGAL. MASTER'S SALE. j In Ihe Circuit Court of the Unlteil Stale". J Muth Circuit,lu uuu ior Ihe Cilslnttof I Culllurnla ] CA.MII.O MMtTIN, Compl»ln»nl, vs. c WIL.LI.\M TkMPLB, AJmluisirator I wiih tlio will aunesvil of tlm ema.o oi I WILLIAM al., . I.f. II i.i..!v j lii pursuance of a decree ol Hft'il Circuit l . ourt, inlcreu lv the above enticed ? cau.e ou tne nth day of februniy, l»'»i where',y I, th. underhlgned, Master In I C'liuhcery ol said C'uuil, v>a» uullniilzed I and direcleil to make, tonuuci an ' carry out lhe Mile ol the properly heii luuller i dcs ilbed- >otlco Is hereby Klven that on SATUKDAY, tlie 20th DAY OF rtEPTHMBEK, 1879, At 3o'cloclc P. M. ol that duy, at the door otlh-Courl liiiu-e, in the city ol LM Angeles, In lhe couuly of I,os Aiiue- len, lv «ald diKtrlct, I .hall .ell al pin,lie auction, lo Ihe highest bidder, l»,r ciisli In gold emu Ol th. IJ nlted wales. In s.psrale |,arcels,a. lieietciafierdeseribeil lhe foilowniK descrlliMl pr-iperl>, or .o uiucli thereof us stiall 1,0 . ecessary to p«y ei»ini>l«iu:inl the aiuount duo uuder uud decree, witli lnlerc - and costs and ac- ci Ull Xcosts, c ccpl lhe porilons thereof \u25a1erelnafler pVUoUl.rly meuiioued and Ui scrll.ed, Hie >atd property being situ- ,,led iv ilie county of l,oa Aiujeles, slaie of California, di-trict aioresaul, «nd pAT tiouUrly bounded and described as fol- lews, Ul W'li : pir.-t? Alllhat piece of land siiuaitd In lhe couuly 01 oh Anyeles kmrvu alio ilescilbed lv Ihe public suiviys ol lhe Uuited rtlntcs of America ub lhe souib IUUiofUM s.mihwest quaner oi Heel ion ll"l in two (2l t raiige ililrteen (111, wisi san lieniardino QMS.and merldiail, containing Stl ucres, more or lees. MMund? All that tructof land situated in tlie counly of l.oa Angeles know,, a> the "lini.ctio Potrcro Urande," bounded aud described inI he patent for the same issued by llie United states ijovt-rnilienl uijuun M. .-'atiches, dated July lU. IKiM recorded in Hook 1 ol Patents, on i.a«e 1 alio following, i.eeords ol the Couuty ol Los An teles. t.» whloli, aud lo tlie sui vev ?f the Uuited .-.lutes surveyor 'it-u.rai aud deld Uutes therein contained, reter- eaeBl.U.reb. made for a mo, c particu- lar uescrip.lon thereol, saving and ex- oaplln. f oiu the operation of suld decree so much Iheieol aa Is contained and de- iorlbed In . cerlaln deed nude by Wil- liam Woi a man to Marg-run Workman ..« l'emple, uate i October Id, MM! recur i eu uciober ad, lIM, in oook ii, page (til Itecordsol lain Angeles Oodni,, Ihud?All ihut r-.ct oi 1 md alfoftted in the couuly of l.o< Ailge.s, 0.1 D, » por. 101 l of ihe '\u25a0Kaneho La Puenti"und 0.10, that portion coii.e>i-d to William WoiKinun by Joi.n ru.wlaud isi-. b> a d> ed nl p .rtition oaied June Md, HUM, re- cunled June 251h, ISO', 111 boo., lOoi leeits, pac.W, LOCO,lis of I.os Angeles count.*, saving- v"d c .cepllng th.r.fiOm af i lio-e portion, llieieof described c -nveyed in aud by til. lollowiugdeeos: r,rst?A leeil irom William Workman lo .vlarg.i* ret Workman do T.mpl., dated March lihi IWI. reo. rded March6th M UMB,In book ao. deed-, page 3£i. second?a de,-a from William Wnikman lo treder ek Lam- Oouru, dined Seplember Kith, .870, and recoidcd Seplemiier 17th. 1870, lv book 16 vi deeds, page 45U. Third-A deed Irom William Workmun and peregrine Pitz- nugli to X l, Beale aud Reuari s Baker, ,la'.ed April Ist, 1872, and recorded Apri, 2d, 1872, In book 90 of deeds, page 6i. Kouiill ?A deed from William Workman io Joseph W Workman, dated October .Ith,lS?.,and noordad Msfii 27th, 1873, vi t>ooll2l ot deeds, page 275. Mlth?A deea irom William W'orkmau to the SoutU.rn I'uciho uallroad Company, daled August Hutu,MM.and recorded No- vtmber 20tu, 187.1, In book 37 of deeds, page 123. And sixth?A deed from Wll- Haiu Marginan to racittv Kiillroad Company iluted April Ita, 1871, ami ie.-o,ded Muy Ith, 1871, in book 20 <>i deeds. nageui7, all in Kecords of Los An- -.. ies couuly, which said tiaet-alter ex- oapting the portions referred to lv the *l\ deeds last above-mem bound- ed alio do-crlnod as follows: .tapolul in 111. cenlie of Ihe old bed ol tbo nv.rSaii Uabrlel on lhe soutli side ,I'ilie road horn Los Angeles lo San Ber nardlao, lvan irregular mound or rock .mm wnlcli a v. illow ireo 7 Inches la do auieler bears N TIV, degrees W vUtah I BBi links; Ilience accord! g to the line me- .l. Lan tlhe mugnellc Vailatlou belug 13 leg 30 minutes cast) along the exteiioi bouuuary o said La Puente, as -urveyed and patenteu by lhe Uuited nuts.a-fullowoJ N 32ueg a, ll.aaia... Hugs to a willow l) 1 ,che» In ulumeler, iiiaised .--, a2; thence N 1 IH. degrees r. .6 chains; ;> Il deg X (ill chains io stalluu to v rock II mc lies loag, 8 Inches wm anu (j inches tn,c>,; (hence ,N 7adeg , 218 chains to a s.\cauiora 24 Inches in diameter, aiioul one eualu Buuill of ihe r.-ad leading lo san Beninidiiiu and taargod MiaUoa 6; ihence along ihe parll- uii line described 111 said deed of part - lion between w.lllain Workman aud juan kuiwlaad, Mr, nt d«g w ajshaltiahi , he ii.,rthcast corner oi the 40 acre tracl : ~f said i rederick Lumbourn; thence along suld tru t i> 81 deg W 20 chains; s 1 ueg W 20 uaalu.l ami S 80 degrees X 20 ciuiins buea to said partition Inn ; Ihence along aald partition lino us .ollows: r- 4 dtw W tt.aaln. 82 links io v siaku eusi HMObaia., to astake lv mound in ravine, from which stake the nurlliern one ul a group ol three sycamoies on the southeru cd.c of a guLy ur wash, all of about thlr- -1 iv inches diameter, bears s 8i deg W dis- .am 401 links, aud lhe srutbern one ol san! gioup hears s 83 dog W distant 418 links; the middle one of said group not being vidihle Irom Ihe said slake; theuce over ihe .-an Jose Hills S 22 dogrees X 100 chuius and 50 linns to tbe noilheast coi- ner of the Ilac t of laud con v eyed by Wil- liam Workman and Peregilne Mtzhugh to E 8 Heuie and Koberl « Baker; ihence alutig the nurthern boundary Hue ofs.. d Boale and Baker iract, as fol- lows: SSSdeg W 47 chains «7 links to a -lukemuiked J? rltzhugh and Wlllhim Wnikinun,On tup uf a large bill; ihence S 33 deg W 40 chulns and 50 links lv a stake in inuund ol stove marked " H l> lt-z- -hugh and W Woi kiuau," cluse toasm»il arroyo; thence J> my t deg W 23 Clihliis and cVj links to a big pile o. rocks on lup ol a lull, marked 'P V & W Wl" theuce S 57% deg W 15 chains aud 80 links, io a stake marked "P f & W W," witu mound uud pits, posted ou summit ol a nigh anu -leephill; theuce S (Mo dug W 45 chains ,li links lo a big pile ol rocks maiked <> tho northern side '* w W" and on the southern slue "P F; M tl.euce is s7 deg \V chains to v stake marked "f PA W W," on the -uinmilol a high hill, wilh mound alio ells; hence SO6 deg rt 45 chains 115 links lo a stake mai ked "P rdt W W," with pits in v mound; tuence N7, d* W7sehans toastake marked "PFltgbagnavt Wort* man,' f ou tup of v 111 1; thencesG, deg v\ igouaiu. iv a pom in said p..riiuou line; tnenee a ong - ui,l pai inion hue u> loi- .ows: N2B deg W2O chain- to stal inn 11, .tl asiu in p of ny. prntiys ol an elder I re, iv the ceulei o an arroyo, " by iiicius nn Chen; Ihence ~vt r lb. plain fi -41, degrees W l.Bch.nus lo a .1aa..10 a mv md] (In nc fj 4 deg W 105 obaln, Bi, hills to a stuke in mound a tbo lo ,1 o iliowesltrii p.dnt ol ihe sau Ju-e Hill-, trom wnlcli sinke lb'- ttuUsw u| -Villi v. Workman boar- -69. d g -nil \u25a0\u25a0 Ink. \u25a0leg W; iliecnape- beai.n in oe t W; me uuii of J hu Kualand bear '\u25a0 deg , au his house b. ais .- 11l He, W; i c c M 22>4 ueg W 18 ciniius 87 links to , lie end of the dIV slon ence In i ween the c cl sure- o vvoisinan ami H >Wiaadl Ihence along suld tenc, 21 deg vV 8 chains 50 links to an oir el In lence on tho south hank oi vi: arroyo; ihence N ttsd.g WB4 links toeoriiero n iice; thence w 22 deg W ID obtain, »i links tn (he cenler ul san J -i-e cieek. Ihence along tbe clianncl oi suld Greek is ai}, il, g W 7 chalus; SBl deg VV2ehaln ; s 10>4 dog W 2 chains 50 links; N 83 deg W2ch.ili,s6o links; N 13 dog W leballls; N (lv (leg W 2 ehalns; N H deg W 2 nnaln- -5111 lita; N 35 deg W I chain 50 links; N ;il ii deg W 9 chains 25 links lo station 39 whence lhe southeast corner of Work- man's Chapel he r N2O deg W; N 71 (let W lObalßM 1)0 links; IN 81 deg W 8 chains sii links; N 4udeg W 3 chains 5" links; N 48 Jeg W 2 chains 60 links; N 71)4 deg VV 5 chains, to stalluu 44 lv suid (: eek, from winch lb,- lene - ou the west \u25a0 ide of Kowland*. wheat field ranges s II d< g w, N 85 degrees W 4 chalus; N 77Vi deg W 2 elii.nis 60 links; N 611 deg W 3 chains 6 links; IN 77)4 deg W 4 chains In slailun 48 In said cieek; N 60)4 deg W 2 chains (8 links lo ginllon 49 In said creek; ihouce leave creek aud run hi the dliecilon ,f the sugar-Louf 1111 l et 15 deg W 0. links tn stall v 49: is 16 deg W 181 chains lo ihe evil ol Bald parllllon Hue, being a polut In c urse I weir l -toUT (24) "I (he sunt he, n exierlor boundary of said Ituncho La Puen t : iheuco aloiigtlleexteilnr bound* a y uf suld ranollo as surv- yed ai d pat- ented by he cinied stale- as ml ow.i MOdJid g W lOrchult a2'ill k»tosattlnn 2i uf sutd rancho, to a churted tut,- In mnuud; Iheuco 3ld(g W 100 Chan st., v utlon 23, to pi st 111 mound; thence n 66i4d<g a 10/chulns It. stailo i 27, lv tho 0.-nrie of mo Hlver Ban oahriel: nt 63 chains on this oourse leaves hills, nnd io a point oi j i, i ,- ihe dan, of Ihe isan Jo-o creek, agreed upon us a i nlnt In line be- twt en tho llunclios Lv Puente and Han , Jlurtolo, at a rock 2 feet long, 15 Inches wide and 12 Inches thick, on line; al 61 chulns crossi-8 San .lose Creek al he dam or litliia, 14 links wide, oourse s G5 deg W, at 105.00 chains to lefi bank of the Hlver i Htm o.tbriel, to a rt ek 14 Inches long, 10 inches wide and 8 inches thlon, on line, ior a witness io suld htatltrn 27; Hence along tbe centre nf lhe Ktver S tv Oubriot unslreuin us Iollows: N 20)4 degrees X 6 eh . ns; N (leg hi 5 cbalns; N B'i deg Escbulus; M 25 deg W 7 chains; N 9 deg LEGAL. R7chalns(at 8 chains links intersects thoooutb boundary of tuw ship i, south of the base line of range ti west of lhe Man Bernardino meridian, ti chalus 60 links west of ' , section corner on tbe south boundary of section ml) 12 chains, N LTM deg r, 7 chains: N 10 deg W 5 chains; N \v/ A deg E 0 chains; N dr-K tk il chains; KbUH ueg X 12 chains; «\ m l a d-K fc7 cnains,» ueg X 6 chains; a 77)4 dog r.Hchalns; is (14J<dog X 4 i-haitia; n4B deg X 4 chains; -i de,; ft (J cnaius; > m, 4 ueg i icnai ii ; r BOJj di g ). 10chains, <s 7tfueg E 6 cli in us; »\ oi deg t- 5 chains; In UuXdeg ft! 5 chain*: N \Ai% degrees hi h chains; »8 V A dey i 3 ehaiua 50 links; N *'eg k 3 cnains; N k Bciuiu,»; 6 2HH deg X 8 chains; N dt-g X i. chains; n t.(. , ueg KOch tlus; . -7% deg I iohsuoai N 71% 004 i. Bchains; E y chains; > 41 ueg X 13 übttlnsj N by 4 deg hi i.» chain 1 *; N 30)4 decrees * ,i chains 5o I oiks; N i \, deg W 11 i.Haiua: N IM4 deg, E 16 chains, and N hi V.l cliaius, tuore or le-s, io tuo most westerly point In (hu iractoi land conveyed by William Work man to Joseph W. Workman aforesui ; thence along the exterior bsundries of s:*id Iract, and leaving iho exterior boundaries :»f Mttu Ituui tio"La I'ucnte," M iollows: h ?>3>i <>eg, E IJO chains and 9.> links; ttionce IS 38# deg, E 77 chain** ami 7 » links to sla- tlou lij ihence N oijideg, W iGchaius und Hu links io station 13; tuence Nlsd<g. E ill chulns to station 14; thence N 75deg. W Q7 chains mid 73 links to .-.tallon one, a point on the eastern bank ol a braiicii of the rlvT .-.un liabricl, and dlsiant 158 chain.-, and M liuk> * nth, ftnd l9ti chains and la links west, fro inth sycainoie tree, Million livo (fjjof tne exterior boundary oi tne tiovcrninent f->uivey ol said ttsncho "IjhPuente;" ihence along s .i.i branch b tfMdegi W 11 chains lo station 2: theuce ti.", deg, W7 chains a .tl 60 linns lo .-tallnu 3; i hence H->t hciiaiusand 50 links to station 4; tlience 8 71% deg, VV 17 chains lo station 6; thenco a 83% deg, W 7 cnains to v I :i 0; t hener along the cunt bank of ihe river Hau Uaoriel, H 10% ? teg, \V U chum-, to station 7; thence » 3: l 4 leg, W H chains to s.atlou 8; tbence w soj-»deg, W schains to station 9; thence io< i the river bed, N'adeg, W 20 dial s ami iO i .iiii - io sluilon 10, bfiug thr most westerly corner of said Joseph w, Work- UMUi's uac.uudu point on theexierior me ol suid liuucho >'i,a Puerile," bear- Uin N 4U , deg, E27 hams, more or less, lioin me end uf ihebi'i couise o said Una cbo. Ihence uiou tbe exierlor Une of aald Ha cbo, LN 40U deg, E 9 ch.-lns, more or lest). t<> tne mound oi roca aforeinentioued, being ihepiaceof bi'glnmng HrtVlwo and kxckptinq irom Lhe aoovo a certain li aci .-I Isvttd conveyed o> w iii. < iiiWoikman toMargaiet work- man do leinpie. dated March Mb l«0H. recorded Mxich bth, latiB In book 9 ol deed-, jaige aud bounded and de- serthi das ioilu<vs: Beginning at the lunutii o tlie vi ii I race, wneie it is taken \u25a0 ait of the creek o. water iliat runs over aim tuiOttgb tlio riieme Kanch«t, i.os An gyles c juuty, and wh eh mill rate Mv plies tm- ralli ol Wiiiiaui Wo. kiuan, ittteUJ uuitLlu and upon the I'ueute rtaU- cti>?; thei.eesimthwes erly,down the bed ..i -a d cieeß lv aid mill, and ou lv con- tinuation down said oed, the distance of (, eibousauit i," v yards below tne said mill* tnenee northwest* rly, out irom Mild creek, one thousand (1,000) yards; iheuco northeasterly and parallel to .-.aid . ieek. to a point in front of the mouth OJ the s- id mill race; thence somberly down io the creek and iuoui h ul uiili iace aioie- th*- oootentsmof Or less. Hat* INO and fcXCEPTiNO. also, a certain tract ol lauu coveyeu by Wiiiiaui Workman io theSoii'heru Pacific Uallroad Compnnv, by a need dated August 2U(h, 1873, and re- corded in buok27oi deeds, page 1.3, mO'J described ai ionlowa l a atrip or tract of iand, one hundred (100) feet wide, lying equally on each side ol ihe tncaieo line of the tijillheru Pacific Kaiiioad Com- pany's railroMd, whi-re the same is loca- ted througu theLracLorsubdivi.-.l(-n oi the "Ea Puente Kuncuo," i \u25a0> ihe county uf Los Angeles, oi (Jallfornlu, uud well gnown as ihe *? W"i kmaii i rnct," and be- ing more particularly described as tol- towe, 10-wit: Connuencing lor tnesunie ai up.nivi on ihecenirc line of the -outn- ern Kaiiroad, wheie saiu otmlre live intersects Hie lionhvveslein Hue of »aid Workman Tract ut tne ciossmgof the-san Uabrlel ilver, and immedlan ly Uwrth oi county roud: and running thence easterly, uioug said centre Uneol said r-muluem Pacific HuHroad, near to said county road, and entirely li rough said W«iikman 'Irjct lo the eastern boundary lino thereof,Ot a point Dortb of <he bed ol -an Jose Creeh.einbiaciUK a s ripof land titiy (su) teet wide ou naOti side o< Mild ceiine line, fur a distance of iw ml thou- sand leet, more or less,oontaiU- |na an area ol lorty-six and IWO*tOO lis (40 L'-IO) UCIe.S, more or ieBS. ttAVma AND ivXCKitino, also, all that tracioi land conveyed by VVtil lam Wotkmau to ihe \u25a0southern facifla rlnUrond Company by a certain deed d ited AptlJ 8il», iccord- id May 4th, Is I. in book 29 ot deed-, pnge 317, tleo-dds ol I.« s Angeles cotltlLy , and desu ibed as follows! .-.11 thai cer- tain lot, piece or pan-el of land til Unto, lyingand being lv -aid county vi Los au- gt-les, and bounded and particularly de* scrioed as iollows, Ui-wtti Counieuciiig at a stake M 70 deg 43 minutes, t 2141 fe t I loin the northwest corner of brick ohurob: thence N 43 deglfiS mm E AW feet tuuhltike; tuence n 46 deg 37 mm E 3D7}4 leet to a take; < heuce Hsaeg 2o win, vv 574 leet to a sake; theuce N 40 deg 3< mm W tOSH t vl 10 'ho point of begin- -1 iiing. co> taming (exclusive uf theritli! of way lOOieet wide exiendiug through die same) five acre- of land, mure or l->ss, being a portion »jftho lv Puente Itancho. Tho total urea of the tiaet herein desig- nate d and debcribeu as "Thud," alter ex- cepting ihe federal portions mentioned and d> scribed in lie six d id- last above referred to, is 17,%7 ucies, bo tbe same more or leas« i ounTJj?All that tract of laud situated inthecniiniy ot Los Angeles kuovvn as the ltaiicho'de Felipe Lugo.'or 'Dolores,' grained April tglh, 1»45, by Pio Pico to Tecdoro Hem*-ro nnd Jorge Morlilo, aud conialnmg2ot2Bl-JOJ a. res moie of less, whose ilile vva.i confirmed by tbo United -t 'tesLaud Commissi diers uc>obei l 3 h, 1833. *io the papers In the case be.ore that tribunal, nnd field notes ol lurveya In the offlco of the United States (Surveyor-General in San Francisco,rtference is hereby made lora more particular description, saving and excepting therefrom alt the lutnest (herein oWhOd or h-ld by the defendant Margarita Workman de Temple at the i nut oi the execution of lhe mortgage in <h bill of complaint herein lilt ged, Which Interest so excepted Is hereby re- served from the operation of the decree her in. Fifth?All that tract of land situated In ihe county of Los Angeles, known as Lhe Rancho 'La Merced,' ior which a pa- tent was Issued by the U< Ited -lutea Govern ment io K. P. F. Tcmp.e aud Juan vi. .Sanchez, dated Febi tiar.v 13th, 1872. to Which\u25a0 uud lo lhe plat and ileid no es of survey lher> in con nlned re ereuce is hereby made for a more purtiantar do- -oi i p ion, coma nt ..g x 303 75 100 acres. mxtu?Aiso, ail ihat piece, parcel oi lot ? i land Situated in lhe Cuyoi Los Ancehs, bouinled and described as fi«* !? wm: Cnmiiiencing on the northwesterly line fit iSpr ug sll < et, at a polo* where the same is .nterseet d i>y th atm ht-rly line I land nf tlamll on; run Ihence norrh MH deg wesi, li. Ie t und g LiOiieai thence sou hi <l'*gWOai, along Lhe |y line of New H*gb si reel, 239 feet and i 0 inohta; th nc \u25a0< v heuster.y 187 teet to i hi nori hwesteriy llnem Bpi Ing Blreei: and them c alon ; Mild line ol spring t reei, -4<) feet nd 9 Inches to iho point of coinmenc ment. \u25a0 I s oi tii par'lesto the foregoing cn- tled sun may nectnue purobaaem at any -uch sale. Date i at San Fianclsc>, July 18711. L. H. sAWYEIt, id Master .n Chancery, Admfntftrator's Sale. in pursuance of an order of t he Probate Courl of Los Angeles o dinty, made ou lini tOth day of June, .879, in lhe maitei f the estate of lVdio Ptiariu, deceased, tho unJei-dgned adtuinisiraii ix of Hald fetai?, will sell at privaie snip, 1., tilt- hs host bidder for ensh In gold coin o the Government of the UnlLed States and >übJ<-ctio coiitlimallon by said riobute ourt, on or after WEDNESDAY, the J<l DAY OF JULY, 1879, all tho personal property of es- tate, consisting of U' oul 10,000 sheep and some sheep cnrralu, and a moveable house and one wagon and four horses Terms of the sale?Cash. Bids may be mitdo ittany time afierthe first puiillcit lain of t his notice aud before the making of ihe sale. Allbids or oiler* m tint bu In writing and left Ht tb« office of tilnHsell, smiih iV Smith, ntt'irneys at law.Temple Ulock, Los ? city, or delivered to the undi tslgned penonullv. Dafced Jiuie 10,1879. JU\NA PILARIA, Administratrix ni the Estate of Pedro PI aria, liec^itH'd. }f\7 Notice to Creditors. ESTATE OP LYDIA WEST, Deceased. Pursuant to an order of the Probate Court of Los Angeles county, notice Is hereby given to all persons having c aims against the suld deceased, to ex- hibit aud present |he same, with the necessary voueheis, to Ihe undersigned. Hrlnilnistnitor or said estate, at his ofllce andplacoof buslm ss, in the iurniture stor- of Dptter & Bradlov, No 82 Main street. Los Angeles city, Hluteof Callior- nla, ueeordlng lo law, withinfour moid lis utter the flrNt publleatio of this notice. Lws Angeles, April 13. 1879. ISAAC W. LORD, Administrator of the estate ot Lydla Went, deceased. al6-4w LEOAIi. IN the District Court of tne Boventeeth I Judicial District of the atate of Calk- forula, in aud for the county of Los An- geles. henry Cowell. Plaintiff, vs. A. 11. Me- serve and oLhers, Defendants. Action brought in the District Court of the 17tb Judicial District of the State of California, In and for the ol Los Angeles, and the Complaint, (lied lv said city and county of Los Augeles,ln the office oi t he Clerk of said District Court. Tbe people of the State of California send greeting to A ivln U Meserve, Hyd- ney Sorby, y. X, Huse, Robert Caihcarr, Arthur J. L. Brokenu, Willi <m U. llalslead, Heury K. W. Bent, Sar.ih HOlaer, -Ralph Leouatd, William Rilu> , defendants: You are hereby required to appear In an actiou brought agulust you by the above named plaint iff in (he District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the state ol California, in and for the counly of Los Angeles, and to answer the complaint Hied tbercin, within ten days (exclusive of the day of aervlce) anertbu service on you of this summons ?If served within this county; served outot this county, but in this district, within twenty days ; otherwise, within forty days?or judgment by default will be taken against you, accordlue lo the prayer ot said complaint. I he sutd action is brought (o obtain a decree of t his court ior the foreclo- me of it certain mortgage defect lbed in the suld coraulaiiit and exe- cuted by the said defendant A. rt. Meserve to Los Angeles County Hank on u>e twenty .Igbth day ot Janu- ary, A. D 187.3. to secure the payment ol a, certain promissory nolo by the said defet.dai.t A. ft* Meserve on tiie day und year last afore-aid fortheMim ul SltOO, payable six mouths alter date to Los Angeles County Hank or order, with Interestrroni date at the rate of one and one quurter per ceui. per month, piiya- ble monthly lv advance, and compound- ing said lut rest monthly at tne same i ate and pa> able In gold cola of the Unit- ed Mates, and by said i.os Aug- Icm t nun* ty Bank duly assigned to plultnili; lhat the premises conveyed by suld mortgage may be sold and the proceeds applied io th - paymt ni of me sum ol Si 00 (ba ance of said note of $1000; with intere-t Ihere- on from Api il 21,18.7, at the rate of one and one-quart<-r per cent., per month, payable muuLiily In advance, and com- pounding said lutere-t mom lily at the same rat -; also, for $421 79 100, for so much money paid for taxes and redemption of mortgaged premises from lax sale, with Interest (hereon irom February 6, 18;9, at two per cent per mon<b; al-o, ttve per cent, on whole amount due for counsel fers, us provided in said mortgage; ait.o, for costs ail expenses of suit, tic, all In \u25a0 gold coin ol I he United Stales of America; uud in case such proceeds are notsufH- i cient to pay the same, then lo ob am un , e-x< COtlOn agulosi naid defendant A R Meserve tor the balance remaining due an i also thai the sa<d do endunts und a 1 persons claiming by, through or un- ' der them or either of them may be bar- red uud lo<eclo-sed of ail right, title, claim, lieu,eu,uhy of redemption and In leiest Inand to suid moitmtged premises audlorothcr and further relief, as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint on hie herein And you are hereby notified that II you fail to appear and answer the said com- plaint as above required, lhe said plain \u25a0 tiff will apply to ihe court for the relief demanded in the ~ald complaint. Given under my hand uud tho seal ol the District Courl of (he Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles this c eventli day of Juno, lv the ye*.r oi ou. Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. ISeal of seventeenth District Court.] A. W. POTTS. Clerk. fly DM. ADA MM. eputyCierk. JOriiAU H. APPLEG.VI'K, Plaintiff's Attorney, >o. 7J9 Montgomery street, .Sun Krancisoo. I -7 2m Mortgage Sale. No. f2o.t. William McKee, Plaintiff, vs. Cayetano Duarte el al., D-'fcnd.iiits? Seventeenth District Court. Under nnd by virtue of a decree of fnrecb sue and order of sale entered in the District Court ot tlie 17 h Judicial District oi tbcMtalcol California, In and j Ibr the county of Loi Angoies, ou iiieldih day of August, A. D. I*7o, and a wilt of * xecu ion fov the euiotcement of Judg ment requiring sale ot property under lorcclosure ol mortgage, issued out ot the uforesaid District Court, annexed ' to decree, and dated the 19'h day ! of August, A. D. I*7o, iv tbe above entliled action and in favor of William McKee, ! plaintiff, and t'u>ctauo Duarte and Lewis olfakll I. defendants, a certi- flt-d copy of which said decree of fore- closure, duly ai tested under lhe seal of Hid Court on the 19th du> of August, A t». 1879, and delivered to me. together with the writ aunexed thereto on lhe said last \u25a0 menilomd day, whereby j am com- manded to sell at public auction, to the ih hes' iiml best bidder for cash. In U-S goltlcoin, ihe foMowiiigund ivsaid decree ! dcs r 1 bed real estate, lo wit: Thai cerium tract of laud, situate iv ' tho ounty of Ijos Angeles, State Of Call- I forma, aud particularly described as icl- . lows,to-wlt: I Being tho northwest quarter «.r the , nori beast quarter ol .section eleven (11), \u25a0 Townsh p oiietl) south Range twelve (12) ' wests B. M., and containing lorty (10) I acres of land, according to tho U. S. oiH> ( clal survey thereof. » Public notice is hereby given that, on j SATURDAY, the 13th DAY OF [ SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1379, >At 12 o'clock M.or said day. 1 will proceed ; to sell, at the court House door, In the 1 City and County of Los Angeles, mate of ' Calilornla, at public auction lo the high- -1 est und best biduer for cash In United J States gold coin, to satisfy said decree for J principal and Interest, attoiney's fees, " boBll and ul I accruing costs, all the übuve described r- ale Male. ' iiiven under mi hand, at the ciiy and 1 county ol Los Angeles, Stateof callfor- ? nla, this the 19th day of August, A. D. 1879. H. M. MITCIiELL, ' Slur Iff. By J. 0. KAYS, Under Sher.ff. uJOtd SUMMONS. , IN the District Court of tho Hp".Jteenth ' I Judicial District of the State of Califor- i nla. in and for thocouuty of Los Angeles. JOtham Blxby, PialJiiff, vs. Alfrtd Jones. Defendant. Action brought In the District Court o> ihe Seventeenth Judicial District uf tbe state of Ciilllurnia,in and for the County of Los Angeles,aud the compluint tiled in said t ounty oi Los Augeles, In the ofllce of tbe clerk of said District Court. The People ol the State of California, »end greeting iv .Alfred Jones, Defendant. You ure here >y required to appear ill an action brought ag ln>t you by tbe above named Plaintiff In Ihe 1 iatricl Court of tbe Seventeenth Judicial Dis met of tbe State or California, in and loi the Couuty of Los Augeles, and to an swer the complaint died (herein, within ten days (exclusive of ihe day ol scrvi c) aftei the service on you of this summons ?tfse'Ved within this county; or,lfserved outof Ibis county, bul In this District within twenty days; otherwise, witn- ln forty days ?or Judgment by de fault will be taken against you accord Ing to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is 00-ughi to obtain Judgment for ihe sum of $761 and mv alleged io be due by defendant to Ihe plat miff, as lollous: $-iv with inteiesl atlheiuLe 01 one per cent, per month fiom June Ut, 1878 due on a certain pi oin issory note made.executed Hnd delivered by de endaiit to plaintiff on June Ist. 1878, uud SB3 witu Interest at the rate oi elitlit per cent, pi r annum from January BA, 1879 balance due on accilaln promiSMOrV note ior |i7n executed by dele d nt n. la- or ol Geo. W. Purlin on January 26ib, ?H7B. and by snli Purlin assigned lo plaintiff; and 9270M-10U with legal inter- est from Jun- 2d 1879. amount due one J. W. Blxby by defendant on open account tor services ren< ered and moneys i aid out, ai d by said J W Blxby duly as- signed to piuihttff.aud (or costs of suit. Reference Is bad to complaint for partic- ulars. And you are hereby notified that Jf you fail o appear and answer the said com- plaint as above required, the said plaintiff Wi 1 cau-e your default to he cute ed and take Judgment for said sum of seven hundred and fllty-four and 11-100 and in- ter* st as aforesaid and costs ot suit. Given under my hand and the seal of the District Tourt of the seventeenth Judicial District of the Stateof Ca ifornla. In and for the county of l os Angeles, this 26tb day of July, in tbe year ot our Lord,one thousand eight huudred aud seventy-nine. Iseal.j A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. RIMPAU. Deputy Clerk. Jy29-2m Dissolution of Co-Partnert hip Notice Is hereby given (hat tho co-part- norship heretofore existing between I. i C'»HN and M. HuPK, under Iho firm i name of L COHN A CU , Is this day dls- 1 solved by mutual consent All debts due Ihe late firm aro to he I collected by I. Conn, who will also settle < all us Indebtedness. I. COHN. 15- Iw M. HOKh\ LEGAL. Mortgage sale. No. 5401. Commercial Bunk of Los Angeles, a cor partition, Planum, va.w. m. Williams (.ha Loa Angeles Omit, ty Bank, a cor- poianon, John s TtioinpsOn, O. H. Spioul, James AU<*i and W. X Gardi- ner, Defendants. Under anil by virtue of v decree of fore closure ami orderof Halo entered in the District Court o( lhe Seventeenth Judl clal District of the Htate ol California, In und for the county of Los Angeles,on lhe 2Htb duy of August, A. I>. 1879, and a wrrt ol executlnu for the enforcement of Judg v ment. requiring Rule of property under foreclosuie of mortgage, issued out of the aforesaid District Court, annexed to said decree nnd dated the 231 h day of August, A. D. 187i>, in the above entitled action and in favor or the Commercial Bank of Los Angeles, a corporation, n a hit iff, and against W. M. William , the Lis Angeles County Bank, a corporation, John s. Thompson, G. 11. Hproul, J nines Allen and W. P. Gardiner, defendants, a certified copy of which said decree of foreclosure, duly attested under the leal of said court on tin; 28th day oi'August, A. D. 1878, and delivered to me, together wiih the writ annexed thereto, on Ihe said teat mentioned day, whereby I urn c immanded to Hell at pub- lic auction to the highest and best bidder for cash lv United .States gold coin, the following aud in said decree de- scribed real estate, to-wlt: All that certain tract of laud.sltuate lv said county of Los Angeles aud Htate of California, bounded and described as to wit: Commencing at the quarter section corner lo the south line or section nine (9) town hip two (2) south range II weat nun Bernardino Meridian, and running tbence true courses, the variation being 14 degrees 46 minutes cist, one 90-100 chains to a post; thenco north a degree wost, leaving a llvo willow fence 04(7-100 chulns custof the llne,2U 9 100 chains, in- to line ot a llvo willow leuce; thenoe aloug Bald willow f.-noe north ROV4 de- grei a west 21 41-100 ohalns to point of In* teisectlon of said willow fence and the fence on the east side or the Aolf iract; theuce south 1 degreeeast29 42-lOlichal ns; tbence eust 19 ftMuU chains to quarter- section corner, the place of beginning, containing 68 90-109 (firty-elglit 96-100) acres, less nnd excepting from the above described lands lhat portion thereof which said W. If, Williams, on May 6th, 1876, conveyed to Mary C. James by deed recorded in took 47 of deeds, In th** office of Ihe County Recorder of said county, anil which 1 <st named au i reserved por- tion is bounded and described as follows, to wit: i eglnnlng ut a point In the south- east corner of the southwest quarter ol section nine (9) township two (2) \u25ba outh range thin-en (13) west Ban Bernardino Meridian; thence tunning west tO 45-10J chains; thence north 5 degrees east 27 69 160 chains; ihence south £0a degrees ea-t 9 69*100 chain ai thence sou h Hub- gree east i! 675-lCOohuitift; tlience west 1 90-100 chains lo the point of beginning, containing 30acres, more or less. See page 4 et seq.of said book 47 for said deed; also, r- serving and exceptl g the eastteu acres at said entire tract, being a stiip ot land 3 70 100 chains wide on tbe east side tncreof. Public notice is hereby given that on SATURDAY, THE 20th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1879, At twelve o'clock m., of said day, * l will proceed to sell, at the Court House door, In the city and couniyof Los Angeles, .Stateof Califor- nia, ut public auction, to tbe highest and best bidder, (or c ish In U. h. gold OuTn. to satisfy said decree lor pr sot pal and Interest, attorney's fees, coitsßim all ac- cruing costs, all the above described real estate. <jliven under my hand, at the city and couuty of Los Angles, Htale of Califor- nia, this the 29th day of August, A. D. l«7i>. H. H. ViTCHELL.Hlierlfy. ByJ. C. KA»M, Under Sheriff. aMld Sheriff's Sale. No 6161. James Entwlstle, PlalnlliT.vs.The Black star Coi.l Mining Company?in the Seventeenth District Court, HI ate of California, in aud for thecoualy ol Lo* Angeles. Under and by vlrrue of au execution is- sued out of the district Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of Ihe State of California, in and for the county of l.n.s Angeles, to me directed aud delivered on tne 10th day oi September, A 1). 1879, for rendeted in said Court on Ihe9 hday of Sept-rnbcr. A. I>. 1«79. in lavor of James Kn twist Is, plaintiff, and against ttie Black Star Coal Mining , defendant, lhuvo levied upon and shall on SATURDAY, THE 4(u DAY OK OCTOBER, A. D. 1879, At twelve o'clock M. of said day, proceed to sel l ut Ihe Cou r I House door, in the ciiy nnd county of Los Augeles, State aforesaid, at public auction, lo the high- est and best bidder, for cash In United States gold coin, to satisfy said judgment, costs and all accruing costs, all the right, title and Interest ot said defendant, >he Black star Coal Mining Company in and to the following describ- ed real estate, to wit: Thutcenatn real property,Bltuatcd lo the county of Los Angeles, stateof Call- ior in.i, and more particularly described us follows, to-wit: Being a part of the Ituncho Loinoa do Hantlago, particularly described as fol- low*: Commencing at the NW corner of Sec one (l)T5s RR A', S BM, said cor- ner being raurked by a sandstone post set ny Mlnto, U S Deputy r-urvryor, on first standard south; running thence at right angles to said standard line north 40ch<ins; tbence at right, angles east tt chains, Intersects the random line of t he eastern boundary of the Ranoho Lo- mus de Santiago, surveyed and murkid by C T Haley In March. 1878, 40 63-100 chains to a point on in* true eastern boundary line of gaid ianch; 1 henc<» along said true boundary S 4 degrees 7 minutes E4O 10-100 chains to a ted wood post 6teet long and six Inches square, marked L ». No. 2, at a corner of said rancho on said standard tine from which , corner a sandstone 4x4 and 5 feet, marked 97, bears S 62)4 degrees W 97 links; thence along s Id s und rd lino W 43 50-100 chains to the of beginning, con- taining '08 2'j-100 acres m laud, more or less, together with all mines, coul beds, I thereon or tbeiein; the nb ive property I being tbe same property heretofore occu- I pled and possessed by he defendant and 1 described in deed execuied by James Ir- I vine to W A Witre et, al, recorded In I book 63 < f deeds, page 630, Hecords of Los 1 Angel-s county, to whlcu deed reference 1 Is hereby made. *n undivided one-fourth of the above I described properly standing upon the J records of Los Angeles county In tie \u25a0 name of August Wltte and the remain- j lug three-founhs standing upon the rec- I ords ot Mild couniy in lhe name of the fl s>ild dblenduris. lhe Black Star CoM \u25a0 M nlng Company. Given under my hand, at (he city and J county of Los Angeles, State of > .alitor- noi, this tbe 10th day of September, A. D.fl 1879. 11. M. MITCHELL, Sheriff. M ByJ. 0 KAYS, Under-sheriff, selltd 9 In the County Court Lgs Angelen County, State "fjH California. AU CREDITORS vs. SAMUEL MKYErfI Pursuant to an orderof the Hon. AlberHf M. Stephens, Judge of said court, (hlvA day made and eiiiete I, notice la given tonll the creditors of saidH.niueWj Meyer, an lusotveut deotor, to hlioM cause herein, if any they can, why statement hied hy Jule.s C-rf, herein In llns office, shoivd not be ucflH tot ted, and distribution should not maile agr-eahln lo the* contents oi -uitflfl statement, withfu rfteeii days next folffl lowing ihe 10 i day of i clober, A. I. HTlflfl aud (hat the 27tu day lflfl o'clock a. m , before the said Albert Mflfl Stepb-u-, Judge us alortsald, at tlnflfl court-room of said Cour, In theCourflfl*, Hou-,6 « f aal<t los Angeles county, is ttiflM lime Hod plao\u25a0? appointed fur ueuriaflflj and determining any u>>ntesi ari .ng rea on of any objection < ? said slateitienflfl or uny opposition to said distribution. JJjj lo witness whereof, I have hen unt<fla \u25a0M my bund mid «lMxed ihe seal of » a l<flfl Court, this 11th day of September, A. £flfl 1879. m A. W. POTTS, Clerk, fl By E. H. OWENS, Deputy. «1 I Seal .1 se 12-t oli fl Dissolution of Partnership^ The partnership heretofore jxistlngbeiH two- n Pelr.cni .v Be aid), p ourleiors >S| tin Central Chop House on 1 -1 n si reetßp; is (his day dissolved by mv uul < "i.- t ma| Mr. i-er.ldlwill collect all debt-due (' fl hue and pay ull liabilities coutr flfll td by said firm, H A. PEIF ,| Los Angeles, Sept. 11, 1879. v i

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Rockport, Mass., April2, 1377.Mn. EUITOk:? Having read in youi pa-

per repolts of lhe remaraul le cures ol »?lurrh. 1 am induced lo ten » what 1 know

ahoui catHrrh," and 1 lancy Ihe "siiurl

'and "uiuahug tube" musers (mere dol-

mr grabbers) would be glad ir linycouldewiduzou tt similar cuie lv ihe papers.

F?r iltiyears I sullered with ratalrb. ihevasal passages Occam \u25a0 cuiupicle.y closed."Suntf," "dust," "ushes," "mbaling-

luues," and "sticks" wouldn't wort,though at luleivul. I would »rnfl nr UMso-called cuturlhsuuH. until 1 became a

valuable tester lor «uch medlolnee. igradually grew worse, and n.ione canknow now much 1 lufferad or wualimiserable beiug 1 was. My head achedover my eyes until 1 was - onliued to my

beulur maul successive days, .u.iunug

the moat intense pain, widen ul one tune

lasted continuously lor His leans. Al.

sense ol smell and luste gone, hignl andneariug impaired, body suruukeu

anu weaaenea nervous system snat

lured uud couslituliou broken, and 1 whshawklnguudspilling seveu-cightos of the

nine 1 pruved ior death to relieve me oi

iiivs'utlcrmg- A favorable notice In VOOI

paper ol lv. Sage's Culur ih H oiicdy In-

duced me to purelUMH a packnge and use

it wi b Ur- I'ierce'a Nasal Lioueue. which

applies ihe remedy by hyiirosiatic pies-

sirc. the ouly way compatible wi.h commou seiiee! well, .«r. Euiior. it did urncure at* iv three- ouilusui a second, no.\u25a0none hou. "r ururrth, but lv less thai,

eight mlliutca i was relieved, Bud li.,brue uiouius entirely cured.and mmreuiarue.. au oyer sixteen luouihs. V. bileusing ihe Catarrh remedy, I used Dr.

i icice'sUolum Medical U.scov.iy to pu

my my biood anu siicugtueu my atom-

ic 111 alio kept my liver uciive ami

oowtta regular by the use of Ins rlea-im.,-umiuve t'c-iie.s. II D» experience win

nUucc-o.ucr suff.-icrs ... seek Ihe-am.

mcauso. relief, Uu» letter Will have an-«wared lvpurpoaa.

ioura ruiy. s. I*. rli.Miriv.

A CLOUD OF WIT.NKSSKH.-TUe lul.lowing named parUai are among lhe

tuou-ands WHO Have oeen cuicu ol cu-

tai-rii by iho use »i Ur. sage', caiarrh

Kerned/: A* U..wns, New ucoeva, la;

' j liiown. st Joseph, Hej X V Mala,Kullartu, Vt: l-ev. .-springer. Nel le uake,

..liiioujoucs, aerie*. NYI J at tamer,

Urid*e. .sla.ioo, W/'d J 0 Jleinmau, Lv"inspotl, lud; M M foal. Logurispon,

hull W Bailey,liemout, l'..;H U -VJres.. La for". Ind; Jessie M .-scars. , I Branch,

1 ud L Williams.caulon, Missouri. VV ,1. muyer, uuuiga, 1,1; H » Mohule. Jr.Oul

' iaatua lexas: Jonas F Humeri. Muuaa-. inie.ftt; » W Lu.k. M.Fur.and. *,i»luuuVuai wi.nams. neimick. yu,o. Mr.. UACurry, ireuton. leun: Jet .losi in

X ene N H; AJ Caspar, table liock. W

V . Kouls AUdera. uajspori, Ohio; c 11

il.ase tlkhart. lud: Mrs Heuu Haight,Mrs r. MOallu ha.

tawrJnceville. N V : W J Auei,

lowa- AOBtullb. cua, I.

tUMT Baltimore. Md: Jesse M Seura. Cur-trsle lud: Uau'l v Miller,ltWHyuu.n.n,

See Mluul. Arnaiae. iw Ueiaucy ---'.NevrYork- 11 W UaOl, Hustings, Mich; Vl in 1Marsrou. Lowed. Mass; l W Itoberls,

Oba. .-, Uclaney, riurn,-

buig, fa; M C cuie, iaiwcll. Mass; Mis cjspurn,.,rjamueu, Ala: cnarles *' Fredericktuwu. ouio. Mrs Lucy Hun -lugtun,; Capll;. s .-spauld-. ug.rJu.upMauim.uaU, Wyo: 1 W TrMysleumboii Kock. ioku. mis Ljdiu Wu ic.

V; J M I'cck, J,..,ct1.,i. y

Muut; llenry cut.Hautaa.Oall L licuu.-

mines, Ituuioul. in; s a Jones. CHunes

tJn four Corners, N V; Ueo F Uall,fuel,I.,.car; Wm f. Uaitrle. slcrnua, 1", vX Kbou. sis feuu st, f.iisuuig, la: .11.

Juckmuu, Samuel's Uepul, hj , nenO

Zobnal.Oeucvu. N V: Miss ..a.tie la-

wn, Moulgo.ueiy, ulno; i. lldbiookchuthaui. ill: r, B McCoy, N..shporl,

onio- W W Wurner. Nuilb Jacks,;!.

Mich; Miss Mali.i Winue. lla.len. rt is:Jouu/.eigler.CurllßlerTjJliiißs, fa.: James

luiuMkius. st uuuu. M.un: r.uocii nuc..'?a*nee cm, *co; Jee i .Miner. Xeuu..

oino- s BN.cnois, uuiv alou.'ieauaa. vTi a id, upper Alton, Hi; Jonu UaWI.,'Vescoti, *ri»i Mi» Ni.u.-y Urataam, Id-

eal (drove, UgD.

Golden Medical Discoverylit alierMtive. ur biooU cieuusiUii.

1 Golden Medical Discovery

i is reetotal.Golden Medical Discovery

Is a Cholui'.ogue, or LiTar Btlmulaoi.

Golden Medical Dscoveryla lonic.

Golden Medical DiscoveryBy reason uf He alterative properties,cuies Uisenses ot the nloud and tskln, asSc ululu.orKins's Kvll; Tumors; Ulcers,

or Old sores: Blotches, I'luiplcs inn.Kru,,lion». ? By virtue oi lis fectoraiproperties It cures, ihroatanuLuugaUecllous; Incipient corisiimptiui.Llngei iuu Cougus, ami r.hionic L,aiyn»i-

tis. its cuoiugoguo uroperuea. reuuei nan unciiuai ro.ueuj tor Htiluuaaesgj lviiild ur ??Llvert:oiril>liUUi;" arid ilr

Voulc properties un.ku It equally eftloa-crous lvcuring ludigeslion, Loss ol Ap

pcllte uud Uyspepsla.Wucro Ilie sain is sallow nnd covercu

wilh blotches and pimple*, or whenLucre are surorulous, .Welling, and alluc-

tlons.a few bottles ~1 Uul.ieu Medlcu.Uiscovci v willellcct an eiulie cuio. liyou leei drowsy, debilitated, have sunuv.color uf skinoryclioiush-biowu spots onlace or body, ireuocnt beauaeue or uiz/.i-

uess. bad taste lv rr.outli. internul 1.c..or chills alternated with hoi tlusues, low

apirli.unu gloomy forebod luga, irreguuuappetite and tongue coulou, you aie sui-,enn- trom Torpid LiViur or Hiliousncsin many cases oi LiverComplaint, onlypartol these ayiuploms are ex pen euecu.As v remedy lorall such ciihcb, Ur.l'ierce'sOolden Medical IMaouvery baa uo equal,aa iteuecis perfeotcqrea.ieuvlng tbe nvcr ,strengthened and Hcuithy.


lor and luauulaciurer of the lorcgolng lremedies,all of which lire sold by drug- lgists He ia also lire author ol tho r*o-ple'a Common Sense Me.llcnl Adviser, ?work olneuily luuo pages, with M»oodengravings end colored plates. Helms |already .oldol this populur work

Over 100,000 Copies!

PKICE, (poet-paid) : : : $1 50

Aidrera: R. V. PIERCE, M. D.,World'a Dispensary, Buffalo, N.T.



IN THE COUNTY COURTLoa Angeles County, Htate of


PURSUANT TO AN 0lU>CB OFTUB 1Hon. Albert M. Stephens, Judge ol Jsaid C'.riir , litis day made aud en en d,nonce Is hereby given tv ull ihe credit-or, ol snid 'I asL uhy, an Insolventdehlur, loshow cau-e herein, ifany mycan. why the staieraent tiled by A. hIP-, hi. uss ghee of said insolvent, in 'tin-olllce,-houhl nut be accepted, aud 'distribution sin uld uot be mano agreea-ble to lhe contents of s. ltl stalement, <within lift en dais next following lhe16th day oi "iclub r, A. I. 1».9; and

the tl si duy of November. 1879, at ten .o'elook A. H., before lb'' said AlnertM. ', Jutlge as Hlortsaid, at the

court-room of said Courl, In tho CourtHuU-ooi .aid Los Ange es couiilv, Istheilme and pla, c ?ppo,nted for heating ,und Ueierin.niugan contest arising byreason ot any objeoliuii to sutd slat -menioritny oppo.-l luu to suld distribu-tion. .In wltnae. wheren', I have herounlos-lmy baud, and uHtxed the seal of saidCourt, tin- 121b day ol oeplemoer, A U.|gW, [seal.] A. W. Pol'lS. Clerk

By P. 11. kvvkn. Deputy. .elB d

Notice to Creditors.KSTATE OF 11. M. BALL, DecenseJ.

Notice l« hereby given by the uiidirstgne,'., utimiuistralilx ol tho estaie uf

il M. Bail, tie .aeed, io ih" ered-itnnof elitl all persons hiving elulnisagainst the said deceased, to exlntnlin. in. Willi lhe necessary yon. hers,withinfour mouths after Ilie first publi-

cation ol litisuoliee, lo lhe s .1 1 a lliums

ir.lrix, ul her lesid-nce. In ios Angelesciiy, nr io ber a' tornevs, oiassell, sunt h

*i-mllb. ai 1 heir olllce lvlarople Block,In said city. .....PAULINA ItALL,Aduiinislrulrlx of lhe Esluto ot 11. M.

Hall, d. ceased.Dated at UMAug.lei, Juue 24, 1879. IMB

~~ln the County CourtOf LO3 Anceles C ninty, State of



Pursuant lo ga order ofIh. Hon. AlberlM. Stephens, Judge of the County Courlol Los Angr 1' s couniy, notice is heretogiven to tne eiedltors ~f lb. in.oiv ntC". T. Bulliy to U|,|tear l.elore lire saiuJn.ige, at lhe court, room ot s.ld

Court, In lhe Court House, In lhe eltjand county of L'is Angeles, on Ihe

twenty-Ural day of October, 18.9. at iou'oloak >. m. ot that duy, ihcn ami (hereto show ct.use, If any them be,why theniiiyerol said peillloner should not begrunted, tbiit a cession oi Ills esllllo benude,and adleebargefrom his hlsdubtsb ? htio ;.- by st .111 c provided. .

All proceedings ngain-t said insolventare s uyeil. , ,

?, .

Witness, nivbind itnlllmsial ofs IdCourl, this i3ih day of Sept.mber, 15,9.

ls,eal.| A. W. Pol ls. Co. ClerkBy E. 11. OWES. Deputy. sepllld

HOTIOI.I have Ibis day disposed of gllmy In-

leresi In Iho llrm ol H. NEWMAKK A

CO. to Hairle New-mark, Kaspare Connunil Morris A. Newmark, (lie remuiniiig

members Ihereof, who will\u25a0 oiitinue thebus.ness under tne same uuine and style.

MB*| BK .1 N KWMAKK.Log Angeles, July 13t'i,1879.

Certificate of PartnershioOF THE FIRM OK

H.NEWMABK& CO..Doing bus:ness In lhe cliyuf Lus Ange-

les, couuly oi Los Augeles, suite of.a,! oralai

We, lhe undersigned persons, B.IWDIcerlny lliat ibe above described parlner-ablple cumpo r-u ol the following per-so s, ami no 'o In-rs, whose names amiplace, nf are as loilow., lown:

Name. lies.deuce.Harris .vewniurk Los angelt sKaspare Conn Los vn.elesMorrt. A. sewinurk L'is

In wiiness wlierettl, we have Iter, unioaffixed oar baud ami seals, ibis eigbl-eeuln duy oi July 1579.

HAhKIm NEW MARX. [sesl 1kaspvke imhn.HiOKKIS A. NEWMARK. iSeal-J

BTATF. OF CAI.IPOhNIA, IMCounty ol Los Angeles, j

On this eighteenth day of July, In the\ ear eighteen hundred and seven,y nlne,before me, J. J. vv i.rner, a Notaiy labile,pergonal I. appeared narrls NewmatkK.apareCOhu and Morris A. twni .ik

known tv mo lo be ihe persons whosenam, s are subscribed iv ih.- gilliemnd insl uii.eiit.and whn uckie.w.edged to lncthatihey executed the,same.

[NnlotlulSeal 1 J. J. WARNER,jiy-tw Noiary Public.


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THESevenleeutli Judicial District of He

state uf California, in and for thecounty ol Los augeles.

LlluD. Cn-Ok, plaintiff, vs. VißlOg A.Cook delenoant.

Acllou brought in Ihe District Couit ollhe seventeenth Judicial District oi tin

Slaluof California,in alid fur lhe counly

olLos Angeles, and the oomplalat liled in

said counly OfMa, Ang.-l, s. 11l lhe otUeiof Hie Clerk ol suid District Court.

The people of ihe stale of CaliforniaMBd greeting lo Viniug A. Couk, De-nudum.

You are hereby required tn appear in anac'lun brought against you by the abovenamed Plainlill in lhe District Court ot

tb. Seventeen ita Judicial District oi theState oi California, in and lor lhe County

ol Los Angeles, and to answer the com-pluint tiled therein, within leu days (ex-clusive of lhe day of service) tiller theservice on you ol this summons?ll servedwithin this couniy; or. II served ouiol Ihis County, but inthis District, vvllhiu

tws-iilvdays; otherwise, wtlbln forty dai r?or judgment by deluull will be takeragainst you, according to the prayer olsaid complaint.

Tne said action Is brought to obtnlnJudgment und decree of fills Court .lis-solving tlie bonds of miit'imony nuvvand here existing beiWe.O lhe said

plalnlilf and defendant nnd awuidln-.the cute, custody and control oi Iheminor, Kuiline l>. Cook, lo raid pluin'lt)und f ,r such other und tut Iher Judgiiieitluud decree as may be proper, und loicostso suit

Relereuco Is hud to complaint foi par-ticulars.

And you are hereby notified that If you(ail to appear and answer the said com-plaint as above required, thesuld pluintitwillcauae your defaull to be entered andapply lo ihe court ior tho relief demand-ed iv ibe complaint.

i.i'. -i. under my hand and tb. sen! ulthe District Courl of the seventeenthJudicial Distilcl of the State ol California,lvand for Lie counly of Los Augeles,this 2li'h day.oi July, in the yeai . i v iLord one thousand eight hundred utt(

seventy-nine.[seai.J A. W. POTTS. Oleiß.

Ry A. RIMPAU, Depuly Clerk.Jy2o tm

In the Matter of the Appli-cation of Mary Bullis to

Become a Sole Trade.-.


Nollce Is hereby given that I, MARYBULMs, wile ul Oiurl J. hulls, residentul lhe county nf l.ns Angelas, being tie-slmusuf uvuiling myself ul .bepiovis-lons of l Hie Xil,Purl I I,of the code uf

? IvllProcedure, inteud lo ninke gppllcation lo the Couniy iotirioi tbo Countyof Los Angeles, slate of California, aitho mi pteinb.-r term, A. D. 1879, of saidCourt, to no held ut the conn-room-olsaid Com I, in the Court House ol suldcounty, un Saturday, 111h elghleettl It ot

October, A. D. 187.1, al 10 A. M.trl 111 .1 day,or as soon theieatler as counsel may bebeurd,r>ra Judgment ai d oider of the-aid i ounty Courl atilhulizing me lvcurry on and t.ansuct nuslne-s lv Ut)own name and on my own uccounL u-sole Irader.

'1 he nature of Iho business I pro; oseto c..rry on and conduct is lliutoi b tyingand suiting goons, waics ami metchaii.ill-e, and selling real es, ate, cul-l.c. btrler end lnlik, and curry log ou a -lurni lv thu county of Los .vitgoies.

MAKV BULLIS.Dated this 20lh day ol September, 1879. 1.21 td ;Evergreen Laundry,

WASHIISTQCalled forand delivered to any pari i

of tbe city, by

J. J. Phillips, Adams f . jOrders can be leit at the book store o i

Mr. Sam Hellmun, Spring St. oui 1


MASTER'S SALE. jInIhe Circuit Court of the Unlteil Stale". J

Muth Circuit,lu uuu ior Ihe Cilslnttof ICulllurnla ]CA.MII.O MMtTIN, Compl»ln»nl, vs. c

WIL.LI.\M TkMPLB, AJmluisirator Iwiih tliowill aunesvil of tlm ema.o oi al., .I.f. II i.i..!v j

liipursuance of a decree ol Hft'il Circuit l. ourt, inlcreu lv the above enticed ?cau.e ou tne nth day of februniy, l»'»iwhere',y I,th. underhlgned, Master In IC'liuhcery ol said C'uuil, v>a» uullniilzed Iand direcleil to make, tonuuci an '

carryout lhe Mileol the properly heii luuller idcs ilbed-

>otlco Is hereby Klven that on

SATUKDAY, tlie 20th DAYOF rtEPTHMBEK, 1879,

At 3o'cloclc P. M. ol that duy, at the door

otlh-Courl liiiu-e, in the city ol LMAngeles, In lhe couuly of I,os Aiiue-len, lv «ald diKtrlct, I .hall .ell al

pin,lieauction, lo Ihe highest bidder, l»,r

ciisli In gold emu Ol th. IJ nlted wales. Ins.psrale |,arcels,a. lieietciafierdeseribeillhe foilowniK descrlliMl pr-iperl>, or .ouiuclithereof us stiall 1,0 . ecessary to p«yei»ini>l«iu:inl the aiuount duo uuder uuddecree, witli lnlerc - and costs and ac-ci Ull Xcosts, c ccpl lhe porilons thereof\u25a1erelnafler pVUoUl.rly meuiioued andUiscrll.ed, Hie >atd property being situ-,,led iv ilie county of l,oa Aiujeles, slaieof California, di-trict aioresaul, «nd pATtiouUrly bounded and described as fol-lews, Ul W'li :

pir.-t? Alllhat piece of land siiuaitd Inlhe couuly 01 oh Anyeles kmrvu alioilescilbed lv Ihe public suiviys ol lhe

Uuited rtlntcs of America ub lhe souibIUUiofUMs.mihwest quaner oi Heel ll"lin two (2ltraiige ililrteen (111, wisi san lieniardinoQMS.and merldiail, containing Stl ucres,more or lees.

MMund? All that tructof land situatedin tlie counly of l.oa Angeles know,, a>the "lini.ctioPotrcro Urande," boundedaud described inI he patent for the sameissued by llie United states ijovt-rnilienl

uijuun M. .-'atiches, dated July lU. IKiMrecorded in Hook 1 ol Patents, on i.a«e 1alio following, i.eeords ol the Couuty olLos Anteles. t.» whloli, aud lo tlie sui vev?f the Uuited .-.lutes surveyor 'it-u.raiaud deld Uutes therein contained, reter-

eaeBl.U.reb. made for a mo, c particu-lar uescrip.lon thereol, saving and ex-oaplln. f oiu the operation of suld decreeso much Iheieol aa Is contained and de-iorlbed In . cerlaln deed nude by Wil-liam Woi a man to Marg-run Workman..« l'emple, uate i October Id, MM!recur ieu uciober ad, lIM, in oook ii, page (til

Itecordsol lain Angeles Oodni,,Ihud?All ihut r-.ct oi 1 md alfoftted

inthe couuly of l.o< Ailge.s, 0.1D, »por. 101lof ihe '\u25a0Kaneho La Puenti"und0.10, that portion coii.e>i-d to WilliamWoiKinun by Joi.n ru.wlaud isi-. b> ad> ed nl p .rtition oaied June Md, HUM, re-cunled June 251h, ISO', 111 boo., lOoi leeits,pac.W, LOCO,lis of I.os Angeles count.*,saving- v"d c .cepllng th.r.fiOm af ilio-eportion, llieieof described c -nveyedin aud by til. lollowiugdeeos: r,rst?A

leeil irom William Workman lo .vlarg.i*ret Workman do T.mpl., dated Marchlihi IWI. reo. rded March6th MUMB,In bookao. deed-, page 3£i. second?a de,-a fromWilliam Wnikman lo treder ek Lam-Oouru, dined Seplember Kith, .870, and

recoidcd Seplemiier 17th. 1870, lvbook 16videeds, page 45U. Third-A deed IromWilliam Workmun and peregrine Pitz-nugli to X l, Beale aud Reuari s Baker,,la'.ed AprilIst, 1872, and recorded Apri,2d, 1872, In book 90 of deeds, page 6i.Kouiill?A deed from William Workmanio Joseph W Workman, dated October.Ith,lS?.,and noordad Msfii 27th, 1873,vi t>ooll2l ot deeds, page 275. Mlth?Adeea irom William W'orkmau to theSoutU.rn I'uciho uallroad Company,daled August Hutu,MM.and recorded No-vtmber 20tu, 187.1, In book 37 of deeds,

page 123. And sixth?A deed from Wll-Haiu Marginan to racittvKiillroad Company iluted AprilIta, 1871,ami ie.-o,ded Muy Ith, 1871, in book 20 <>i

deeds. nageui7, all in Kecords of Los An--.. ies couuly, which said tiaet-alter ex-oapting the portions referred to lv the*l\deeds last above-mem bound-ed alio do-crlnod as follows: in 111. cenlie of Ihe old bed ol

tbo nv.rSaii Uabrlel on lhe soutli side,I'ilieroad horn Los Angeles lo San Bernardlao, lvan irregular mound or wnlcli a v. illow ireo 7 Inches la doauieler bears N TIV,degrees W vUtah I BBilinks; Ilience accord! g to the line me-.l. Lan tlhe mugnellc Vailatlou belug 13leg 30 minutes cast) along the exteiioi

bouuuary o said La Puente, as-urveyed and patenteu by lhe Uuitednuts.a-fullowoJ N 32ueg a, ll.aaia...

Hugs to a willow l) 1 ,che» In ulumeler,iiiaised .--, a2; thence N 1 IH. degrees r. .6chains; ;> Il deg X (ill chains iostalluu to v rock IImc lies loag, 8 Incheswm anu (j inches tn,c>,; (hence ,N 7adeg,

218 chains to a s.\cauiora 24 Inches indiameter, aiioul one eualu Buuill of iher.-ad leading lo san Beninidiiiu andtaargod MiaUoa 6; ihence along ihe parll-

uii line described 111 said deed of part -lion between w.lllain Workman audjuan kuiwlaad, Mr, nt d«g w ajshaltiahi,he ii.,rthcast corner oi the 40 acre tracl: ~f said irederick Lumbourn; thence

along suld tru t i> 81 deg W 20 chains; s

1 ueg W 20 uaalu.l ami S 80 degrees X 20ciuiins buea to said partition Inn ; Ihencealong aald partition lino us .ollows: r- 4

dtw W tt.aaln. 82 links io v siaku eusiHMObaia., to astake lv mound in ravine,from which stake the nurlliern one ul agroup ol three sycamoies on the southerucd.c of a guLy ur wash, all of about thlr-

-1 iv inches diameter, bears s 8i deg W 401 links, aud lhe srutbern one olsan! gioup hears s 83 dog W distant 418links; the middle one of said group notbeing vidihle Irom Ihe said slake; theuceover ihe .-an Jose Hills S 22 dogrees X 100chuius and 50 linns to tbe noilheast coi-ner of the Ilac t of laud con v eyed by Wil-liam Workman and Peregilne Mtzhugh

to E 8 Heuie and Koberl « Baker; ihencealutig the nurthern boundary Hue ofs.. dBoale and Baker iract, as fol-lows: SSSdeg W 47 chains «7 links to a-lukemuiked J? rltzhugh and WlllhimWnikinun,On tup uf a large bill; ihenceS 33 deg W 40 chulns and 50 links lv astake in inuund ol stove marked "H l> lt-z-

-hugh and W Woi kiuau," cluse toasm»ilarroyo; thence J> mytdeg W 23 Clihliisand cVj links to a big pile o. rocks on lupol a lull, marked 'P V & W Wl"theuce S57% deg W 15 chains aud 80 links, io astake marked "P f & W W," witu mounduud pits, posted ou summit ol a nigh anu-leephill; theuce S (Mo dug W 45 chains,li links lo a big pile ol rocks maiked <>tho northern side '* w W" and onthe southern slue "P F; M tl.euceis s7 deg \V chains to v stakemarked "f PA W W," on the-uinmilol a high hill, wilh mound alio

ells; hence SO6 deg rt 45 chains 115 linkslo astake mai ked "P rdt W W," with pitsin v mound; tuence N7, d* W7sehanstoastake marked "PFltgbagnavt Wort*man,' f ou tup of v 111 1; thencesG, deg v\igouaiu. iv a pom in said p..riiuou line;tnenee a ong -ui,l pai inion hue u> loi-.ows: N2B deg W2O chain- to stal inn 11,.tl asiu inp ofny. prntiys ol an elder Ire,iv the ceulei o an arroyo, " byiiicius nn Chen; Ihence ~vtr lb. plain fi-41, degrees W l.Bch.nus lo a .1aa..10 amv md] (In nc fj 4 deg W 105 obaln, Bi,hills to a stuke in mound a tbo lo ,1 o

iliowesltrii p.dnt ol ihe sau Ju-e Hill-,trom wnlcli sinke lb'- ttuUsw u| -Villi v.Workman boar- -69. d g -nil \u25a0\u25a0 Ink.

\u25a0leg W; iliecnape- beai.n in oe t W; meuuii of J hu Kualand bear '\u25a0 deg ,au his house b. ais .- 11l He, W; i c cM 22>4 ueg W 18 ciniius 87 links to , end of the dIV slon ence Iniween the c cl sure- o vvoisinan amiH >Wiaadl Ihence along suld tenc,

21 deg vV 8 chains 50 links to an oir el Inlence on tho south hank oi vi: arroyo;ihence N ttsd.g WB4 links toeoriieron iice; thence w 22 deg W ID obtain, »ilinks tn (he cenler ul san J -i-e cieek.Ihence along tbe clianncl oi suld Greek isai}, il,g W 7 chalus; SBl deg VV2ehaln ;s 10>4 dog W 2 chains 50 links; N 83 degW2ch.ili,s6o links; N 13 dog W leballls;N (lv (leg W 2 ehalns; NH deg W 2 nnaln--5111 lita; N 35 deg W I chain 50 links; N;il iideg W 9 chains 25 links lo station 39whence lhe southeast corner of Work-man's Chapel he r N2O deg W; N 71 (letW lObalßM 1)0 links; IN 81 deg W 8 chainssii links; N 4udeg W 3 chains 5" links;N 48 Jeg W 2 chains 60 links; N 71)4 degVV 5 chains, to stalluu 44 lv suid (: eek,from winch lb,- lene - ou the west \u25a0 ide ofKowland*. wheat field ranges s II d< g w,N 85 degrees W 4 chalus; N 77Vi deg W 2elii.nis 60 links; N 611 deg W 3 chains 6links; IN 77)4 deg W 4 chains In slailun 48Insaid cieek; N 60)4 deg W 2 chains (8

links lo ginllon 49 In said creek; ihouceleave creek aud run hi the dliecilon ,fthe sugar-Louf 1111let 15 deg W 0. links tnstall v 49: is 16 deg W 181 chains lo iheevilol Bald parllllon Hue, being a polutInc urse Iweir l -toUT (24) "I (he sunt he, nexierlor boundary of said Ituncho LaPuen t : iheuco aloiigtlleexteilnr bound*a y uf suld ranollo as surv- yed ai d pat-ented by he cinied stale- as ml ow.iMOdJid g W lOrchult a2'ill k»tosattlnn2i uf sutd rancho, to a churted tut,- Inmnuud; Iheuco 3ld(g W 100 Chan st.,

v utlon 23, to pi st 111 mound; thence n66i4d<g a 10/chulns It. stailo i27, lv tho0.-nrie of mo Hlver Ban oahriel: nt 63chains on this oourse leaves hills, nnd io

a point oi ji, i ,- ihe dan, of Ihe isan Jo-ocreek, agreed upon us a i nlnt In line be-twt en tho llunclios Lv Puente and Han ,Jlurtolo, at a rock 2 feet long, 15 Incheswide and 12 Inches thick, on line; al 61chulns crossi-8 San .lose Creek al he damor litliia, 14 links wide, oourse s G5 deg W,at 105.00 chains to lefi bank of the Hlver iHtm o.tbriel, to a rt ek 14 Inches long, 10inches wide and 8 inches thlon, on line,ior a witness io suld htatltrn 27; Hencealong tbe centre nf lhe Ktver S tv Oubriotunslreuin us Iollows: N 20)4 degrees X 6eh . ns; N (leg hi 5 cbalns; N B'i degEscbulus; M 25 deg W 7 chains; N 9 deg


R7chalns(at 8 chains links intersectsthoooutb boundary of tuw ship i, southof the base line of range ti west of lhe ManBernardino meridian, ti chalus 60 linkswest of '

, section corner on tbe southboundary of section ml) 12chains, N LTM deg r, 7 chains: N 10deg W5 chains; N \v/A deg E 0 chains; N dr-Ktk il chains; KbUH ueg X 12 chains; «\ mla

d-K fc7 cnains,» ueg X 6 chains; a77)4 dog r.Hchalns; is (14J<dog X 4 i-haitia;n4Bdeg X 4 chains; -i de,; ft (J cnaius;

> m, 4 ueg i icnai ii; r BOJj di g ). 10chains,<s 7tfueg E 6 cliinus; »\ oi deg t- 5 chains;In UuXdeg ft! 5 chain*: N \Ai% degrees hi hchains; »8 VA dey i 3 ehaiua 50 links; N

*'eg k 3 cnains; N k Bciuiu,»;6 2HH deg X 8 chains; N dt-g X i.

chains; n t.(., ueg KOch tlus; . -7% deg I

iohsuoai N 71% 004 i.Bchains;E y chains; > 41 ueg X 13 übttlnsj Nby4 deg hi i.» chain 1*; N 30)4 decrees* ,i chains 5o I oiks; N i \, degW 11 i.Haiua: N IM4deg, E 16 chains, and N

hi V.lcliaius, tuore or le-s, io tuomost westerly point In (hu iractoi landconveyed by William Work man toJoseph W. Workman aforesui ; thencealong the exterior bsundries of s:*id Iract,and leaving iho exterior boundaries :»fMttu Ituui tio"La I'ucnte," M iollows: h?>3>i <>eg, E IJO chains and 9.> links; ttionceIS 38# deg, E 77 chain**ami 7 » links to sla-tlou lijihence N oijideg, W iGchaius undHu links io station 13; tuence Nlsd<g. Eill chulns to station 14; thence N 75deg.W Q7 chains mid 73 links to .-.tallon one, apoint on the eastern bank ol a braiicii ofthe rlvT .-.un liabricl, and dlsiant 158chain.-, and M liuk> * nth, ftnd l9ti chainsand la links west, fro inth sycainoie tree,Million livo (fjjof tne exterior boundary oitne tiovcrninent f->uivey ol said ttsncho"IjhPuente;" ihence along s .i.i branchb tfMdegi W 11chains lo station 2: theuce

ti.", deg, W7 chains a .tl 60 linns lo.-tallnu 3; i hence H->t hciiaiusand50 links to station 4; tlience 8 71% deg, VV17 chains lo station 6; thenco a 83% deg, W7 cnains to v I:i 0; t hener along thecunt bank ofihe river Hau Uaoriel, H 10%?teg, \V U chum-, to station 7; thence »3:l 4 leg, W H chains to s.atlou 8; tbence wsoj-»deg, W schains to station 9; thenceio< ithe river bed, N'adeg, W 20 dial sami iO i .iiii - iosluilon 10, bfiug thr mostwesterly corner of said Joseph w, Work-UMUi's uac.uudu point on theexieriorme ol suid liuucho >'i,a Puerile," bear-

Uin N 4U , deg, E27 hams, more or less,lioin me end uf ihebi'i couise o said Unacbo. Ihence uiou tbe exierlor Une ofaald Ha cbo, LN 40U deg, E 9 ch.-lns,more or lest). t<> tne mound oiroca aforeinentioued, being ihepiaceofbi'glnmng HrtVlwoand kxckptinq iromLhe aoovo a certain liaci .-I Isvttd conveyedo> w iii.< iiiWoikman toMargaiet work-man do leinpie. dated March Mb l«0H.recorded Mxich bth, latiB In book 9 oldeed-, jaige aud bounded and de-serthi das ioilu<vs: Beginning at thelunutii o tlie viiiIrace, wneie it is taken

\u25a0 ait of the creek o. water iliat runs overaim tuiOttgb tlio riieme Kanch«t, i.os Angyles c juuty, and wh eh mill rateMv plies tm- ralli ol Wiiiiaui Wo. kiuan,ittteUJ uuitLlu and upon the I'ueute rtaU-cti>?; thei.eesimthwes erly,down the bed..i -a d cieeß lv aid mill, and ou lvcon-tinuation down said oed, the distance of(, eibousauit i," v yards below tne saidmill* tnenee northwest* rly, out iromMild creek, one thousand (1,000) yards;iheuco northeasterly and parallel to .-.aid. ieek. to a point in front of the mouth OJthe s- id millrace; thence somberly downio the creek and iuoui h uluiili iace th*- oootentsmof Or less. Hat*INO and fcXCEPTiNO. also, a certain tractol lauu coveyeu by Wiiiiaui Workman iotheSoii'heru Pacific Uallroad Compnnv,by a need dated August 2U(h, 1873, and re-corded in buok27oi deeds, page 1.3, mO'Jdescribed ai ionlowa l a atripor tract ofiand, one hundred (100) feet wide, lyingequally on each side ol ihe tncaieo lineof the tijillheru Pacific Kaiiioad Com-pany's railroMd, whi-re the same is loca-ted througu theLracLorsubdivi.-.l(-n oi the"Ea Puente Kuncuo," i\u25a0> ihe county ufLos Angeles, oi (Jallfornlu, uud wellgnown as ihe *? W"ikmaii irnct," and be-ing more particularly described as tol-towe, 10-wit: Connuencing lor tnesunieai up.nivi on ihecenirc line of the -outn-ern Kaiiroad, wheie saiu otmlrelive intersects Hie lionhvveslein Hue of»aid Workman Tract ut tne ciossmgofthe-san Uabrlel ilver, and immedlan lyUwrth oi county roud: and running thenceeasterly, uioug said centre Uneol saidr-muluem Pacific HuHroad, near to saidcounty road, and entirely lirough saidW«iikman 'Irjct lo the eastern boundarylino thereof,Ot a point Dortb of <he bed ol-an Jose Creeh.einbiaciUK a s ripof landtitiy (su) teet wide ou naOti side o< Mildceiine line, fur a distance of iwml thou-sand leet, more or less,oontaiU-|na an area ol lorty-six and IWO*tOO lis(40 L'-IO) UCIe.S, more or ieBS. ttAVma ANDivXCKitino, also, all that tracioi landconveyed by VVtillam Wotkmau to ihe\u25a0southern facifla rlnUrond Company by acertain deed d ited AptlJ 8il», iccord-id May 4th, Is I. in book 29 ot deed-,pnge 317, tleo-dds ol I.« s Angeles cotltlLy,and desu ibed as follows! .-.11 thai cer-tain lot, piece or pan-el of land tilUnto,lyingand being lv -aid county viLos au-gt-les, and bounded and particularly de*scrioed as iollows, Ui-wtti Counieuciiigat a stake M 70 deg 43 minutes, t 2141 fe tIloin the northwest corner of brickohurob: thence N 43 deglfiS mm E AW feettuuhltike; tuence n 46 deg 37 mm E 3D7}4leet to a take; < heuce Hsaeg 2o win, vv574 leet to a sake; theuce N 40 deg 3<mm W tOSH t vl 10 'ho point of begin-

-1 iiing. co> taming (exclusive uf theritli!of way lOOieet wide exiendiug throughdie same) five acre- of land, mure or l->ss,being a portion »jftho lvPuente Itancho.Tho total urea of the tiaet herein desig-nate d and debcribeu as "Thud," alter ex-cepting ihe federal portions mentionedand d> scribed in lie six d id- last abovereferred to, is 17,%7 ucies, bo tbe samemore or leas«

i ounTJj?All that tract of laud situatedinthecniiniy ot Los Angeles kuovvn asthe ltaiicho'de Felipe Lugo.'or 'Dolores,'grained April tglh, 1»45, by Pio Pico toTecdoro Hem*-ro nnd Jorge Morlilo, audconialnmg2ot2Bl-JOJ a. res moie of less,whose ililevva.i confirmed by tbo United-t 'tesLaud Commissi diers uc>obei l3h,1833. *io the papers In the casebe.ore that tribunal, nnd fieldnotes ol lurveya In the offlco of theUnited States (Surveyor-General in SanFrancisco,rtference is hereby made loramore particular description, saving andexcepting therefrom alt the lutnest(herein oWhOd or h-ld by the defendantMargarita Workman de Temple at theinut oi the execution of lhe mortgage in<h bill of complaint herein lilt ged,Which Interest so excepted Is hereby re-served from the operation of the decreeher in.

Fifth?All that tract of land situatedIn ihe county of Los Angeles, known asLhe Rancho 'La Merced,' ior which a pa-tent was Issued by the U< Ited -luteaGovern ment io K. P. F. Tcmp.e aud Juanvi. .Sanchez, dated Febi tiar.v 13th, 1872. to

Which\u25a0 uud lo lhe plat and ileid no es ofsurvey lher> in con nlned re ereuce ishereby made for a more purtiantar do--oii p ion, coma nt ..g x303 75 100 acres.mxtu?Aiso, ail ihat piece, parcel

oi lot ? iland Situated in lhe Cuyoi LosAncehs, bouinled and described as fi«*!? wm: Cnmiiiencing on the northwesterlyline fit iSpr ug sll < et, at a polo* where thesame is .nterseet d i>y th atm ht-rly lineI land nf tlamll on; run Ihence norrh

MH deg wesi, li. Ie t und g LiOiieai thencesou hi <l'*gWOai, along Lhe|y line ofNew H*gb si reel, 239 feet and i0inohta; th nc \u25a0< v heuster.y 187 teet toihi nori hwesteriy llnem Bpi Ing Blreei:and them c alon ; Mild line ol springtreei, -4<) feet nd 9 Inches to iho point of

coinmenc ment.\u25a0 Is oi tii par'lesto the foregoing cn-

tled sun may nectnue purobaaem at any-uch sale.

Date i at San Fianclsc>, July 18711.L. H. sAWYEIt,

id Master .n Chancery,

Admfntftrator's pursuance of an order of t he Probate

Courl of Los Angeles o dinty, made oulini tOth day of June, .879, in lhe maiteif the estate of lVdio Ptiariu, deceased,

tho unJei-dgned adtuinisiraii ix of Haldfetai?, will sell at privaie snip, 1., tilt-hs host bidder for ensh In gold coin othe Government of the UnlLed States and>übJ<-ctio coiitlimallon by said riobute

ourt, on or afterWEDNESDAY, the J<l DAY OF JULY,1879, all tho personal property of es-tate, consisting of U' oul 10,000 sheep andsome sheep cnrralu, and a moveablehouse and one wagon and four horses

Terms of the sale?Cash. Bids may bemitdo ittany time afierthe first puiillcitlain of t his notice aud before the makingof ihe sale. Allbids or oiler* mtint bu Inwritingand left Ht tb« office of tilnHsell,smiih iV Smith, ntt'irneys at law.TempleUlock, Los ? city, or delivered tothe undi tslgned penonullv.

Dafced Jiuie 10,1879.JU\NA PILARIA,

Administratrix ni the Estate of PedroPI aria, liec^itH'd. }f\7

Notice to Creditors.ESTATE OP LYDIA WEST,


Pursuant to an order of the ProbateCourt of Los Angeles county, notice Ishereby given to all persons havingc aims against the suld deceased, to ex-hibit aud present |he same, with thenecessary voueheis, to Ihe undersigned.Hrlnilnistnitor or said estate, at his ofllceandplacoof buslm ss, in the iurniturestor- of Dptter & Bradlov, No 82 Mainstreet. Los Angeles city, Hluteof Callior-nla, ueeordlng lo law, withinfour moid lisutter the flrNt publleatio of this notice.

Lws Angeles, April 13. 1879.ISAAC W. LORD,

Administrator of the estate ot LydlaWent, deceased. al6-4w


INthe District Court of tne BoventeethI Judicial District of the atate of Calk-

forula, in aud for the county ofLos An-geles.

henry Cowell. Plaintiff, vs. A. 11. Me-serve and oLhers, Defendants.

Action brought in the DistrictCourt of the 17tb Judicial District of theState of California, In and for theolLos Angeles, and the Complaint, (liedlv said city and county of Los Augeles,lnthe office oi t he Clerk of said DistrictCourt.

Tbe people of the State of Californiasend greeting to A ivln U Meserve, Hyd-ney Sorby, y. X, Huse, Robert Caihcarr,Arthur J. L. Brokenu,Willi <m U. llalslead, Heury K. W. Bent,Sar.ih HOlaer, -Ralph Leouatd, WilliamRilu> , defendants:

You are hereby required to appear Inan actiou brought agulust you by theabove named plaintiff in (he DistrictCourt of the Seventeenth Judicial Districtof the state ol California, in and for thecounly of Los Angeles, and to answerthe complaint Hied tbercin, within tendays (exclusive of the day of aervlce)anertbu service on you of this summons?If served within this county; servedoutot this county, but in this district,within twenty days ; otherwise, withinforty days?or judgment by default willbe taken against you, accordlue lo theprayer ot said complaint.

Ihe sutd action is brought (o obtain adecree of t his court ior the foreclo- me ofit certain mortgage defect lbed inthe suld coraulaiiit and exe-cuted by the said defendant A.rt. Meserve to Los Angeles CountyHank on u>e twenty .Igbth day ot Janu-ary, A. D 187.3. to secure the payment ola, certain promissory nolo by thesaid defet.dai.t A. ft* Meserve on tiie dayund year last afore-aid fortheMim ulSltOO, payable six mouths alter date toLos Angeles County Hank or order, withInterestrroni date at the rate ofone andone quurter per ceui. per month, piiya-ble monthly lv advance, and compound-ing said lut rest monthly at tne sameiate and pa> able In gold cola of the Unit-ed Mates, and by said i.os Aug- Icm t nun*ty Bank duly assigned to plultnili; lhatthe premises conveyed by suld mortgagemay be sold and the proceeds applied ioth -paymt ni of me sum ol Si 00 (ba anceof said note of $1000; with intere-t Ihere-on from Apiil 21,18.7, at the rate of oneand one-quart<-r per cent., per month,payable muuLiily In advance, and com-pounding said lutere-t mom lily at thesame rat -; also, for $421 79 100, for so muchmoney paid for taxes and redemption ofmortgaged premises from lax sale, withInterest (hereon irom February 6, 18;9, attwo per cent per mon<b; al-o, ttve percent, on whole amount due for counselfers, us provided insaid mortgage; ait.o,for costs ail expenses of suit, tic, all In

\u25a0 gold coin ol Ihe United Stales of America;uud in case such proceeds are notsufH-

i cient to pay the same, then lo ob am un, e-x< COtlOn agulosi naid defendant A RMeserve tor the balance remaining due

an i also thai the sa<d do endunts unda 1 persons claiming by, through or un-

' der them or either of them may be bar-red uud lo<eclo-sed of ail right, title,claim, lieu,eu,uhy of redemption and Inleiest Inand to suid moitmtged premisesaudlorothcr and further relief, as willmore fully appear by reference to thecomplaint on hie herein

And you are hereby notified that II youfail to appear and answer the said com-plaint as above required, lhe said plain

\u25a0 tiff will apply to ihe court for the reliefdemanded in the ~ald complaint.

Given under my hand uud tho seal olthe District Courl of (he SeventeenthJudicial District of the State of California,in and for the county of Los Angelesthis c eventli day of Juno, lv the ye*.r oiou. Lord, one thousand eight hundredand seventy-nine.

ISeal of seventeenth District Court.]A. W. POTTS. Clerk.

fly DM. ADA MM. eputyCierk.JOriiAU H. APPLEG.VI'K, Plaintiff's

Attorney, >o. 7J9 Montgomery street,.Sun Krancisoo. I -7 2m

Mortgage Sale.No. f2o.t.

William McKee, Plaintiff, vs. CayetanoDuarte el al., D-'fcnd.iiits? SeventeenthDistrict Court.

Under nnd by virtue of a decree offnrecb sue and order of sale entered inthe District Court ot tlie 17 h JudicialDistrict oi tbcMtalcol California, In and

j Ibr the county ofLoi Angoies, ou iiieldihday of August, A. D. I*7o, and a wilt of

* xecu ion fov the euiotcement of Judgment requiring sale ot property underlorcclosure ol mortgage, issued out ot theuforesaid District Court, annexed

' to decree, and dated the 19'h day! of August, A. D. I*7o, iv tbe above entliled

action and in favor of William McKee,! plaintiff,and t'u>ctauo Duarte

and Lewis v» olfakllI.defendants, a certi-flt-d copy of which said decree of fore-closure, duly ai tested under lhe seal ofHid Court on the 19th du> ofAugust, At». 1879, and delivered to me. together withthe writaunexed thereto on lhe said last

\u25a0 menilomd day, whereby j am com-manded to sell at public auction, to theih hes' iiml best bidder for cash. In U-Sgoltlcoin, ihe foMowiiigund ivsaid decree

! dcs r 1bed real estate, lo wit:Thai cerium tract of laud, situate iv

' tho ounty of Ijos Angeles, State Of Call-I forma, aud particularly described as icl-. lows,to-wlt:I Being tho northwest quarter «.r the, nori beast quarter ol .section eleven (11),\u25a0 Townsh p oiietl)south Range twelve (12)

' wests B. M., and containing lorty (10)I acres of land, according to tho U. S. oiH>( clal survey thereof.» Public notice is hereby given that, on

jSATURDAY, the 13th DAY OF[ SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1379,>At 12 o'clock M.or said day. 1 will proceed; to sell, at the court House door, In the

1 City and County of Los Angeles, mate of

' Calilornla, at publicauction lo the high--1 est und best biduer for cash In UnitedJ States gold coin, to satisfy said decree forJ principal and Interest, attoiney's fees,

" boBll and ul I accruing costs, all the übuvedescribed r- ale Male.

' iiiven under mi hand, at the ciiy and1 county ol Los Angeles, Stateof callfor-? nla, this the 19th day of August, A. D.

1879. H. M. MITCIiELL,

' Slur Iff.By J. 0. KAYS, Under Sher.ff. uJOtd

SUMMONS., IN the District Court of tho Hp".Jteenth

' I Judicial District of the State of Califor-i nla. in and for thocouuty of Los Angeles.

JOtham Blxby, PialJiiff, vs. AlfrtdJones. Defendant.

Action brought In the District Court o>ihe Seventeenth Judicial District uf tbestate ofCiilllurnia,in and for the Countyof Los Angeles,aud the compluint tiledin said t ounty oi Los Augeles, In theofllce of tbe clerk of said District Court.

The People ol the State of California,»end greeting iv .Alfred Jones, Defendant.

You ure here >y required to appear illan action brought ag ln>t you by tbeabove named Plaintiff In Ihe 1 iatriclCourt of tbe Seventeenth Judicial Dismet of tbe State or California, in and loithe Couuty of Los Augeles, and to answer the complaint died (herein, withinten days (exclusive of ihe day ol scrvi c)aftei the service on you of this summons?tfse'Ved within this county; or,lfservedoutof Ibis county, bul In this Districtwithin twenty days; otherwise, witn-ln forty days ?or Judgment by default will be taken against you accordIng to the prayer of said complaint.

The said action is 00-ughi to obtainJudgment for ihe sum of $761 and mvalleged io be due by defendant to Iheplat miff, as lollous: $-iv with inteieslatlheiuLe 01 one per cent, per monthfiom June Ut, 1878 due on a certain pioinissory note made.executed Hnd deliveredby de endaiit to plaintiffon June Ist. 1878,uud SB3 witu Interest at the rate oi elitlitper cent, pi r annum from January BA,1879 balance due on accilaln promiSMOrVnote ior |i7n executed by dele d nt or ol Geo. W. Purlin on January 26ib,?H7B. and by snli Purlin assigned loplaintiff; and 9270M-10U with legal inter-est from Jun- 2d 1879. amount due one J.W. Blxby by defendant on open accounttor services ren< ered and moneys i aidout, ai d by said J W Blxby duly as-signed to piuihttff.aud (or costs of suit.

Reference Is bad to complaint for partic-ulars.

And you are hereby notified that Jf youfail o appear and answer the said com-plaintas above required, the said plaintiffWi 1 cau-e your default to he cute ed andtake Judgment for said sum of sevenhundred and fllty-four and 11-100 and in-ter* st as aforesaid and costs ot suit.

Given under my hand and the seal ofthe District Tourt of the seventeenthJudicial District of the Stateof Ca ifornla.Inand for the county of l os Angeles, this26tb day of July, in tbe year ot ourLord,one thousand eight huudred audseventy-nine. Iseal.j

A. W. POTTS, Clerk.By A. RIMPAU. Deputy Clerk. Jy29-2m

Dissolution of Co-Partnert hip

Notice Is hereby given (hat tho co-part-norship heretofore existing between I. iC'»HN and M. HuPK, under Iho firm iname of L COHN A CU

, Is this day dls- 1solved by mutual consent

Alldebts due Ihe late firm aro to he Icollected by I.Conn, who will also settle <all us Indebtedness.

I. COHN.15- Iw M. HOKh\


Mortgage sale.No. 5401.

Commercial Bunk of Los Angeles, a corpartition, Planum, va.w. m. Williams(.ha Loa Angeles Omit, ty Bank, a cor-poianon, John s TtioinpsOn, O. H.Spioul, James AU<*i and W. X Gardi-ner, Defendants.

Under anil by virtue of v decree of foreclosure ami orderof Halo entered in theDistrict Court o( lhe Seventeenth Judlclal District of the Htate ol California, Inund for the countyofLos Angeles,on lhe2Htb duy of August, A. I>. 1879, and a wrrtol executlnu for the enforcement of Judg v

ment. requiring Rule of property underforeclosuie of mortgage, issued out of theaforesaid District Court, annexed to saiddecree nnd dated the 231 h day of August,A. D. 187i>, in the above entitled actionand in favor or the Commercial Bankof Los Angeles, a corporation,n ahitiff, and against W. M.William , the Lis Angeles County Bank,a corporation, John s. Thompson,G. 11. Hproul, J nines Allen and W.P. Gardiner, defendants, a certifiedcopy of which said decree of foreclosure,duly attested under the leal of saidcourt on tin; 28th day oi'August, A. D.1878, and delivered to me, togetherwiih the writ annexed thereto, onIhe said teat mentioned day,whereby I urn c immanded to Hell at pub-lic auction to the highest and best bidderfor cash lv United .States gold coin,the following aud in said decree de-scribed real estate, to-wlt:

All that certain tract of laud.sltuatelv said county of Los Angeles aud Htateof California, bounded and described as

to wit:Commencing at the quarter section

corner lo the south line or section nine(9) town hip two (2) south range IIweatnun Bernardino Meridian, and runningtbence true courses, the variation being14 degrees 46 minutes cist, one 90-100chains to a post; thenco north a degreewost, leaving a llvo willow fence 04(7-100chulns custof the llne,2U 9 100 chains, in-to line ot a llvo willow leuce; thenoealoug Bald willow f.-noe north ROV4 de-grei a west 21 41-100 ohalns to point of In*teisectlon of said willow fence and thefence on the east side or the Aolf iract;theuce south 1 degreeeast29 42-lOlichal ns;tbence eust 19 ftMuU chains to quarter-section corner, the place of beginning,containing 68 90-109 (firty-elglit 96-100)acres, less nnd excepting from the abovedescribed lands lhat portion thereofwhich said W. If, Williams, on May 6th,1876, conveyed to Mary C. James by deedrecorded in took 47 of deeds, In th** officeof Ihe County Recorder of said county,anil which 1 <st named au i reserved por-tion is bounded and described as follows,to wit: i eglnnlng ut a point In the south-east corner of the southwest quarter olsection nine (9) township two (2) \u25ba outhrange thin-en (13) west Ban BernardinoMeridian; thence tunning west tO 45-10Jchains; thence north 5 degrees east 2769 160 chains; ihence south £0a degreesea-t 9 69*100 chain ai thence sou h Hub-gree east i!675-lCOohuitift; tlience west 190-100 chains lo the point of beginning,containing 30acres, more or less. Seepage 4 et seq.of said book 47 for saiddeed; also, r- serving and exceptl g theeastteu acres at said entire tract, being astiip ot land 3 70 100 chains wide on tbeeast side tncreof.

Public notice is hereby given that on


At twelve o'clock m., of saidday, * l will proceed to sell, atthe Court House door, In the city andcouniyof Los Angeles, .Stateof Califor-nia, ut public auction, to tbe highest andbest bidder, (or c ish In U. h. gold satisfy said decree lor pr sot pal andInterest, attorney's fees, coitsßim all ac-cruing costs, all the above describedreal estate.

<jlivenunder my hand, at the city andcouuty of Los Angles, Htale of Califor-nia, this the 29th day of August, A. D.l«7i>. H. H. ViTCHELL.Hlierlfy.

ByJ. C. KA»M, Under Sheriff. aMld

Sheriff's Sale.No 6161.

James Entwlstle, PlalnlliT.vs.The Blackstar Coi.l Mining Company?in theSeventeenth District Court, HI ate ofCalifornia, in aud for thecoualy ol Lo*Angeles.

Under and by vlrrue ofau execution is-sued out of the district Court of theSeventeenth Judicial District of Ihe StateofCalifornia, in and for the county of l.n.sAngeles, to me directed aud delivered ontne 10th day oi September, A 1). 1879, for

rendeted in said Court onIhe9 hday of Sept-rnbcr. A. I>. 1«79. inlavor of James Kn twist Is, plaintiff, andagainst ttie Black Star Coal , defendant, lhuvo levied uponand shall on


At twelve o'clock M. of said day,proceed to sel l ut Ihe Cou r IHouse door, in the ciiy nnd countyof Los Augeles, State aforesaid,at public auction, lo the high-est and best bidder, for cash InUnited States gold coin, to satisfy saidjudgment, costs and all accruing costs,

all the right, title and Interest ot saiddefendant, >he Black star Coal MiningCompany in and to the following describ-ed real estate, to wit:

Thutcenatn real property,Bltuatcd lothe county of Los Angeles, stateof Call-ior in.i, and more particularly describedus follows, to-wit:

Being a part of the Ituncho Loinoa doHantlago, particularly described as fol-low*: Commencing at the NW corner ofSec one (l)T5s RR A', S BM, said cor-ner being raurked by a sandstone postset ny Mlnto, U S Deputy r-urvryor, onfirst standard south; running thence atright angles to said standard line north40ch<ins; tbence at right, angles east ttchains, Intersects the random line ofthe eastern boundary of the Ranoho Lo-mus de Santiago, surveyed and murkidby C T Haley In March. 1878, 40 63-100chains to a point on in* true easternboundary line of gaid ianch; 1 henc<»along said true boundary S 4 degrees 7minutes E4O 10-100 chains to a ted woodpost 6teet long and six Inches square,marked L ». No. 2, at a corner of saidrancho on said standard tine from which ,corner a sandstone 4x4 and 5 feet, marked97, bears S 62)4 degrees W 97 links; thencealong s Id s und rd lino W 43 50-100chains to the of beginning, con-taining '08 2'j-100 acres m laud, more orless, together with all mines, coul beds, Ithereon or tbeiein; the nb ive property Ibeing tbe same property heretofore occu- Ipled and possessed by he defendant and 1described in deed execuied by James Ir- Ivine to W A Witre et, al, recorded In Ibook 63 < f deeds, page 630, Hecords of Los 1Angel-s county, to whlcu deed reference 1Is hereby made.

*nundivided one-fourth of the above Idescribed properly standing upon the Jrecords of Los Angeles county In tie \u25a0name of August Wltte and the remain- jlug three-founhs standing upon the rec- Iords ot Mild couniy in lhe name of the fls>ild dblenduris. lhe Black Star CoM \u25a0M nlngCompany.

Given under my hand, at (he city and Jcounty of Los Angeles, State of > .alitor-noi, this tbe 10th day of September, A. D.fl1879. 11. M.MITCHELL,

Sheriff. MByJ. 0 KAYS, Under-sheriff, selltd 9

In the County CourtLgs Angelen County, State "fjH


AU CREDITORS vs. SAMUEL MKYErfIPursuant to an orderof the Hon. AlberHf

M. Stephens, Judge of said court, (hlvAday made and eiiiete I, notice lagiven tonll the creditors of saidH.niueWjMeyer, an lusotveut deotor, to hlioMcause herein, if any they can, whystatement hied hy Jule.s C-rf,herein In llns office, shoivd not be ucflHtot ted, and distribution should notmaile agr-eahln lo the* contents oi -uitflflstatement, withfu rfteeii days next folffllowing ihe 10 i day of i clober, A. I. HTlflflaud (hat the 27tu day lflflo'clock a. m , before the said Albert MflflStepb-u-, Judge us alortsald, at tlnflflcourt-room of said Cour, In theCourflfl*,Hou-,6 « f aal<t los Angeles county, is ttiflMlime Hod plao\u25a0? appointed fur ueuriaflfljand determining any u>>ntesi ari .ngrea on of any objection < ? said slateitienflflor uny opposition to said distribution. JJjj

lo witness whereof, I have hen unt<fla\u25a0M my bund mid «lMxed ihe seal of » al<flflCourt, this 11th day of September, A. £flfl1879. m

A. W. POTTS, Clerk, flBy E. H. OWENS, Deputy. «1ISeal .1 se 12-t oli fl

Dissolution of Partnership^The partnership heretofore jxistlngbeiH

two- n Pelr.cni .v Be aid), p ourleiors >S|tin Central Chop House on 1 -1 n si reetßp;is (his day dissolved by mv uul < "i.-t ma|Mr. i-er.ldlwill collect all debt-due (' flhue and pay ull liabilities coutr flflltd by said firm, H

A. PEIF ,|Los Angeles, Sept. 11, 1879. vi