Literacy & Learning 2013/14

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  • 8/12/2019 Literacy & Learning 2013/14


    Ive GotSomethingto SayHow Student Voices InformOur Teaching

    David Booth

    C H E R Y L L D U Q U E T T E

    2nd Edition

    Studentsat Risk




  • 8/12/2019 Literacy & Learning 2013/14


    coming in February 2014

    The Daily 5, 2nd

    Edition!Discover how to make the Daily 5 work in todays classroom, with

    more on launching and sustaining the program, 10 steps to teaching

    and learning independence, and the brand-newMath Daily 3!

    Reading & Writing |Reading

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 | www.pembrokepublishers.com2

    **Get the original Daily 5 while you still can!**

    The Daily 5Fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades

    Gail Boushey & Joan Moser

    136 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-429-8 $24.95 K5 2006

    Discover a student-driven classroom structure that ully engages kids

    in literacy tasks read to yoursel, read to someone, work on writing,

    listen to reading, and spelling/word work creating a cheerul buzz

    o independent learning in the classroom.

    The CAFE BookEngaging all students in daily literacy assessment & instruction

    Gail Boushey & Joan Moser

    136 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-728-2 $29.95 K5 2009

    Tis flexible learning system addresses the key components o effective

    reading instruction. Help your students remember and select readingstrategies, and implement a notebook-based approach to adaptable

    daily assessment.

    Catching Readers Before They FallSupporting readers who struggle, K4

    Pat Johnson & Katie Keier

    272 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-781-7 $31.95 K4 2010

    Tis complete guide to supporting struggling readers gives teachers a

    solid understanding o how kids learn to read; adaptable instructional

    strategies; the answers to common questions rom parents; and a

    proessional development guide.

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    Reading|Reading & Writing

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Reading PowerTeaching students to think while they read

    Adrienne Gear144 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-203-6 $24.95 K8 2006

    Reading Powerpromotes better reading comprehension with effective,

    engaging strategies that help students think while they read connect,

    question, visualize, iner, and transorm. Tis inspiring book is

    committed to using childrens literature and includes ideas or modeling,

    encouraging practice, and nurturing independent reading.

    Nonfiction Reading PowerTeaching students how to think while they read all kinds of


    Adrienne Gear

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-229-6 $24.95 K8 2008

    Encourage students to read critically to zoom in, question/iner,

    find the main idea, make connections, and transorm inormation.Discover strategies for incorporating nonfiction into the classroom with

    read-alouds and author study, and tips or teaching nonfiction orms.

    Independent Reading Inside the BoxLisa Donohue

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-225-8 $24.95 K6 2008

    From a reproducible blank template to a number o student sampleso the Reading 8-Box, discover how students can use a single page to

    strengthen and monitor their comprehension, language, and critical

    thinking skills.

    Ban the Book ReportPromoting frequent and enthusiastic reading

    Graham Foster

    112 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-264-7 $24.95 49 2012

    Discover new and exciting ways to nurture and deepen your students

    classroom reading experiences! Tis passionate book offers more than

    20 specific assignments that will inspire students to respond to their

    reading with innovation and enthusiasm.


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    Reading & Writing |Writing

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Write Like ThisTeaching real-world writing through modeling & mentor texts

    Kelly Gallagher264 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-896-8 $27.95 412 2011

    By helping teachers bring effective modeling practices into their

    classrooms, Write Like Tis helps students become better writers. It

    emphasizes real-world writing purposes: express/reflect, inform/

    explain, evaluate/judge, inquire/explore, analyze/interpret, and take a

    stand/propose a solution.

    Poetry Mentor TextsMaking reading and writing connections, K8

    Lynne R. Dorfman & Rose Cappelli

    200 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-949-1 $26.95 K8 2012

    Explore a variety o poetic orms, along with skills and strategies or

    both reading and writing classrooms. Students will learn to better

    address complex texts, dig deeper, and utilize their higher-orderthinking skills.

    Beyond the Five-Paragraph EssayKimberly Hill Campbell & Kristi Latimer

    232 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-852-4 $28.95 612 2012

    Discover a writing program that encourages lively, personal writing,

    including close reading; collaboration that supports writing as anexploration; a ocus on the student writing process as oundational to

    content development and structure; and the use o model texts to write

    in the orm o the literature students are reading and analyzing.

    Boy WritersReclaiming their voices

    Ralph Fletcher

    176 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-425-0 $23.95 38 2006

    Get a rank look at the challenges o engaging boys: rom finding

    subjects to inspire and motivate them; to understanding the humour

    and the violence they love; to incorporating drawing, boy-riendly

    genres, and targeted student-teacher conerencing.


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    Reading & Writing |Assessment & Evaluation

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Assessment in PerspectiveFocusing on the reader behind the numbers

    Clare Landrigan & Tammy Mulligan152 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-964-4 $28.95 K6 2013

    Tis thoughtul book shows teachers how to use a range o assessment

    types rom reading conerence notes and student work to running

    records and tests to uncover the real strengths and weaknesses o a

    reader. It also shows that involving students in their own assessment is

    key to helping them set goals, monitor progress, and celebrate growth.

    Informal Assessment StrategiesAsking questions, observing students, and planning lessonsthat promote successful interaction with text

    Beth Critchley Charlton

    128 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-181-7 $24.95 39 2005

    Explore the three undamental components o successul teaching and

    learning: asking questions that engage students; observing students atvarious stages; and planning well thought-out lessons.

    What Every Middle School Teacher Needs to

    Know About Reading Tests(From someone who has written them)

    Charles Fuhrken

    248 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-885-2 $30.95 59 2011

    A wealth o resources that can be incorporated into everyday reading

    work, including vocabulary development, literary techniques, inter-

    pretation, comprehension, and more.

    So What Do They Really Know?Assessment that informs teaching and learning

    Cris Tovani

    184 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-730-5 $27.95 612 2011

    How are your students progressing? What do they need next? How do

    you plan instruction to get them to the next level? Tis straightforward

    book explores the complex issues o monitoring, assessing, and

    grading students thinking and perormance with airness and fidelity.



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    Language Skills|Reading & Writing

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    When Spelling MattersDeveloping writers who can spell and understand language

    Doreen Scott-Dunne128 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-277-7 $24.95 K8 2013

    Tough spelling may not matter as we explore the creative side o

    writing, when communication is key, spelling matters. We need multiple

    strategies to investigate, decode, and love language. Tis practical book

    delivers a series o explicit lessons that address the developmental

    nature o spelling and the unique structure o words.

    Word NerdsTeaching all students to learn and love vocabulary

    Brenda Overturf, Leslie Montgomery & Margot Holmes-Smith

    184 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-954-5 25.95 K6 2013

    Forget copying dictionary definitions and completing boring work-

    sheets! Fit vocabulary instruction into an already-packed literacy

    schedule with a classroom-tested 5-part plan that will improveachievement while building confidence and enthusiasm.

    Making Words StickStrategies that build vocabulary and reading comprehension in

    the elementary grades

    Kellie Buis

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-174-9 $24.95 18 2004

    From the role o semantics and syntax to original, tested activities, this

    imaginative guide will help you make a connection between vocabulary

    and comprehension, and build a literacy oundation or your students.

    Opening MindsUsing language to change lives

    Peter H. Johnston

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-816-6 $17.95 K8 2012

    Discover how the words you choose impact your students. Tis

    thoughtul book explains how to engage students with productive

    talk, and create classrooms that support not only students intellectual

    development, but their social, emotional, and moral development.



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    Reading & Writing |Information Literacy

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Nonfiction NotebooksStrategies for informational writing

    Aimee Buckner136 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-952-1 $23.95 38 2013

    Explore how writing notebooks can help students improve their

    nonfiction writing with 23 strategies to help students capture their

    thoughts, develop ideas, leverage mentor texts, refine a research

    strategy, write better first drafs, confidently explore topics across

    many genres, and become more independent writers.

    Q TasksHow to empower students to ask questions and care about


    Carol Koechlin & Sandi Zwaan

    144 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-197-8 $24.95 412 2006

    Tis step-by-step approach to critical thinking offers more than 80

    flexible classroom activities to help students ask questions that ocuson understanding and give them ownership over their learning. A

    number of reproducible worksheets complement the books deep lessons.

    Strategies that Work, 2ndEditionTeaching comprehension for understanding and engagement

    Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis

    360 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-481-6 $39.95 K8 2007

    An indispensable resource or teachers who want to teach thinking

    strategies so students become engaged, thoughtful, independent readers.

    Tis revised and expanded edition includes 20 new comprehension

    lessons and a new section on content literacy.

    When Writing with Technology MattersCharles Fuhrken & Carol Bedard

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-937-8 $25.95 18 2013

    Tis timely book demonstates how to take advantage o the digital

    generations affinity or technology to change and improve the writing

    process, empowering students to become better readers, writers, and

    thinkers who are prepared or the challenges o a digital world.



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    Balanced Literacy|Reading & Writing

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    100 MinutesMaking every minute count in the literacy block

    Lisa Donohue160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-276-0 $24.95 18 2012

    Make balanced literacy learning work in any classroom with this

    comprehensive look at literacy and learning that includes reading,

    writing, oral communication, and digital literacy and fit it all into a

    daily 100-minute literacy block!

    Back to LearningHow research-based classroom instruction can make the

    impossible possible

    Les Parsons

    96 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-281-4 $24.95 K8 2012

    Conront bullying, tame the digital universe, and change the trouble-

    some trend in students entitled attitudes with 3 simple principles you

    can use to prioritize your approach to any teaching task.

    Choice WordsHow our language affects childrens learning

    Peter H. Johnston

    120 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-389-5 $15.95 K8 2004

    Grounded in a study by literacy teachers, the book shows how the

    things we say (and dont say) can have surprising consequences orwhat children learn and who they become as literate people. Tis book

    will enlighten those who wish to be more conscious o how language

    helps children acquire literacy skills and view the world.

    Apprenticeship in Literacy, 2ndEditionTransitions across reading and writing K4

    Linda J. Dorn & Tammy Jones

    240 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-966-8 $31.95 K4 2012

    Tis essential new edition oApprenticeship in Literacyprovides all the

    basics of a balanced literacy curriculum solid theory, guided reading,

    writing, letters, sounds, word study, and moving to independence.

    It includes dozens o new classroom examples and language prompts.


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    Reading & Writing |Early Literacy

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Reading with Meaning, 2ndEditionTeaching comprehension in the primary grades

    Debbie Miller228 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-955-2 $31.95 K3 2013

    In this second edition o a true classroom classic, Debbie Miller shares

    her new thinking about comprehension strategy instruction, the

    gradual release o responsibility instructional model, and planning

    or student engagement and independence. Te second edition also

    provides new titles that will engage and delight students, and lists o

    current picture books or reading aloud and strategy instruction.

    Journey to Literacy: No Worksheets RequiredKrista Flemington, Linda Hewins & Una Villiers

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-261-6 $24.95 K3 2011

    Te play-based learning and individualized strategies in this practical

    book explore simple ways to use traditional learning centres to provide

    children with real and authentic reasons to listen, speak, read, write,

    and view.

    A Place for WonderReading and writing nonfiction in the primary grades

    Georgia Heard & Jennifer McDonough

    216 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-432-8 $26.95 K2 2009

    Are you searching or new ways to create opportunities to ostercuriosity, creativity, and exploration? Tis practical book offers a

    number o classroom centres and projects that can be easily woven

    into your existing nonfiction curriculum.

    Basic Tools for Beginning WritersBetty Schultze

    144 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-221-0 $24.95 K3 2008

    Successul strategies or teaching the skills beginning writers need

    rom alphabet recognition and spelling to strategies or sel-editing

    and building coherent text. Te activities presented in this practical

    book are designed to engage young students, and give them the

    confidence they need.


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    Hands-On Resources

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 | www.pembrokepublishers.com12

    The Bully-Go-RoundLiteracy and arts strategies for promoting bully awareness

    in the classroomLarry Swartz

    32-pg fipbook ISBN 978-1-55138-285-2 $12.95 412 2013

    Combat the bullying epidemic with more than thirty-five

    powerul and positive class activities, including responding in

    writing, in art, and in role, along with lists o resources, discussion

    prompts, and tips or teachers on providing a orum to explore the

    bullying issue.

    Attention, Please!Making assignments presentable, enjoyable, andmemorable for all

    Kathleen Gould Lundy

    32-pg fipbook ISBN 978-1-55138-243-2 $12.95 412 2009

    Revitalize your speaking skills by deciding what to say, why to sayit, and how to do so in ways that will arrest the attention o any

    audience, and keep them engaged and involved until the very end.

    Building Info SmartsHow to work with all kinds of information

    and make it your own

    Carol Koechlin & Sandi Zwaan

    32-pg fipbook ISBN 978-1-55138-226-5 $12.95 412 2008

    Tis innovative flipbook shows students how to identiy their

    learning style, gather data, and build personal understanding so

    their projects reflect original thought.

    Surviving and ThrivingMaria Carty

    32-pg fipbook ISBN 978-1-55138-251-7 $12.95 K12 2010

    Make classroom organization work or you and your students!

    Tis handy book offers practical tips or a thoughtully organized

    classroom, and effective routines that can be put into action

    beore, during, and afer learning.


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    Fantastic Flipbooks!

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 | 13

    Reading in the Real WorldStrategies for nding meaning in stories, songs, poetry,

    ads, movies, comics, and more!Graham Foster

    32-pg fipbook ISBN 978-1-55138-271-5 $12.95 412 2011

    From ocusing on meaning and using powerul strategies beore,

    during, and afer reading, to using amiliar genres to under-

    stand new orms o text, this intensive little book offers the most

    effective ways to read all text orms both effectively and with


    Write It Right!Seven steps to revising, editing, and polishingall kinds of writing

    Ron Benson

    32-pg fipbook ISBN 978-1-55138-262-3 $12.95 412 2011

    Te perect companion to guide you through all stages o thewriting process. Te easy-to-read format focuses on the revising and

    editing stages, and includes the nitty-gritty inormation students

    really need, with tips, aids, and checklists or easy reerence.

    Tools for Teaching Content LiteracyJanet Allen

    52-pg fipchart ISBN 978-1-57110-380-2 $18.95 412 2004

    Tis spiral-bound flipchart fits easily into a plan book and

    provides a ready reerence to strategies or reading and writing

    across the content areas. A discussion o the research basis, class-

    room vignettes, and graphic organizers help support each strategy.

    More Tools for Teaching Content LiteracyJanet Allen

    46-pg fipchart ISBN 978-1-57110-771-8 $18.95 412 2008

    Like its companion flipchart, this handy reerence provides

    instant access to succinct descriptions, practical strategies, and

    manageable assessments, allowing teachers to save time and be

    more flexible and confident in meeting students needs.

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    Reading & Writing |Early Literacy

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Whats Next for this Beginning Writer? RevisionMini-lessons that take writing from scribbles to script

    Janine Reid & Betty Schultze, with Ulla Peterson144 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-274-6 $24.95 K2 2012

    Tis timely revision discusses the relationship between reading and

    writing, and the importance o oral language in building strong

    writers. Based on the work o real K2 students, the book shows

    teachers how to interpret student work, identiy what they know, and

    build on those strengths.

    Balanced Literacy EssentialsWeaving theory into practice for successful instruction

    in reading, writing, and talk

    Michelann Parr & Terry Campbell

    144 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-275-3 $24.95 K6 2012

    Tis complete approach to literacy provides an overview o reading

    instruction; techniques or supporting writers; poetry, drama, andstorytelling activities; and experiences that encompass the digital world.

    Ready to LearnUsing play to build literacy skills in young learners

    Anne Burke

    128 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-249-4 $24.95 JK3 2010

    Learn to use play-based activities rooted in speaking, listening, creativethinking, and movement to build a strong literacy oundation in

    children, along with learning strategies that recognize the power o

    math, science, and technology.

    Books as BridgesUsing text to connect home and school literacy learning

    Jane Baskwill

    176 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-250-0 $24.95 JK3 2010

    Tis remarkable book suggests a process or using childrens books

    to explore our key aspects o literacy predictable structures, non-

    fiction, comprehension, and imagination and language play and

    build a strong connection between the classroom and the home.


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    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 | 15

    This book is not about DramaIts about new ways to inspire students

    Myra Barrs, Bob Barton & David Booth

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-269-2 $24.95 38 2012

    Part ood or thought, part instruction manual, part stories and scripts

    to explore, and part encouragement to recharge, this thoughtul guide

    offers a comprehensive approach to using role play and discussion in

    meaningul ways. It contains simple strategies and model texts that

    will engage students, get them out o their chairs, and let them learn

    actively and socially. Tis must-read guide shows teachers how toinspire students to be creative, experience more ully, and express ideas

    with confidence.

    Drama Schemes, Themes & DreamsHow to plan, structure, and assess classroom events

    that engage all learners

    Larry Swartz & Debbie Nyman176 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-253-1 $24.95 612 2010

    Create meaningul and unique learning opportunities with this

    comprehensive outline o improvisation and interpretation strategies

    that are easily incorporated into classroom instruction. Tis practical

    and useul book offers a host o sources or dramatic activity that

    include scripts, monologues, poetry, novel excerpts, and technology.

    Tese activities will enrich the creative and critical skills that students

    need to succeed.

    The New Dramathemes, 3rdEditionLarry Swartz

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-141-1 $18.95 K9 2002

    Use the power o drama to create classroom learning that will excite,

    surprise, and stimulate your students! Tis remarkable third edition oa perennial classic includes more than 100 games and drama activities,

    including mime, readers theatre, improvisation, tongue twisters, mask

    design, and much more. Youll also ind opportunities to explore

    literary genres that include the poem, picture book, novel, rhyme,

    olktale, script, and photograph.

    Drama & Play|Drama & the Arts

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    Drama & the Arts |Visual Literacy

    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    Get Graphic!Using storyboards to write and draw picture books, graphic

    novels, or comic strips

    Mark Thurman & Emily Hearn

    96 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-252-4 $24.95 K12 2010

    Tis lively guide presents a step-by-step approach to story-boarding

    and artistic techniques including perspective and grounding, light

    and shadow, layout and spatial relationships that will inspire

    creativity and add vitality to any task or project. Simple suggestions or

    planning artwork ahead o drawing and using collage or illustrationare part o the active process described. Glossaries o visual terms, a list

    o recommended childrens books with strong visuals, and ready-to-

    copy storyboards complement this remarkable resource.

    I See What You Mean, 2ndEditionVisual literacy, K8

    Steve Moline

    272 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-840-1 $31.95 K8 2012

    Tis new and substantially revised edition o a ground-breaking book

    includes dozens o new examples o a wide range o visual texts

    rom time maps and exploded diagrams to digital tools like smart-

    phone apps and tactile texts. In addition to the new chapters and

    nearly 200 illustrations, the book has been reorganized into a useul

    teaching sequence, moving rom simple to complex texts. Tis book

    will help you decode the visual world or your students, and help yousee visual literacy in a whole new light.

    The Arts Go to SchoolEdited by David Booth & Masayuki Hachiya

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-175-6 $24.95

    Discover the power that the arts can hold in this unique collection o

    classroom-based activities that ocus on each o the major art orms music, painting, drama, movement, media, and more. Rooted in

    authentic experiences, the book gives a glimpse into real, exemplary

    classrooms where the arts are used to bring learning to lie. Checklists

    throughout the book provide handy reminders to key outcomes, and

    guide teachers in encouragement and assessment.


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    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 | 17

    Attention-Grabbing Toolsfor involving parents in their childrens learning

    Jane Baskwill

    96 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-283-8 $24.95 K6 2013

    Te definition o communication is rapidly changing. Tis book

    explores a wide range o tools rom take-home inormation and

    materials, through parent conerences and learning nights, to digital

    and social media. Aimed at the busy teacher, the book offers easy-to-

    implement ideas or efficient communication in the digital age with

    suggestions or web pages and blogs, Facebook and witter, onlinesurveys and virtual pinboards, and much more. You will learn new

    ways to establish and maintain a solid parent-teacher relationship that

    holds the child at the centre o all education decisions.

    Student-Driven LearningSmall, medium, and big steps to engageand empower students

    Jennifer Harper & Kathryn OBrien

    128 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-278-4 $24.95 K6 2012

    Tis timely approach to instruction shows teachers how to incorporate

    flexibility and hands-on learning into the classroom. Designed to

    help teachers reflect on their practice, this innovative book suggests

    small shifs, medium-sized ideas, and big changes that can be made to

    encourage student engagement. Tis practical book offers simple ways

    to help students to learn in their own way; to take initiative; and toexperience, wonder, and create.

    Many Texts, Many VoicesTeaching literacy and social justice to young learners

    in the digital age

    Penny Silvers & Mary C. Shorey

    208 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-875-3 $26.95 K3 2012

    Explore the use o a variety o learning tools, rom books to wikis

    and blogs, to pose critical questions about the world and to make a

    difference in the lives o others. You can learn to embed critical literacy

    into every aspect o everyday classroom lie through this rich array o

    rubrics, lessons, text sets, unit designs, and proessional resources.

    Learning Together|Teachers & Classrooms


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    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 | www.pembrokepublishers.com18

    Creating Caring ClassroomsHow to encourage students to communicate, create, and be

    compassionate of othersKathleen Gould Lundy & Larry Swartz

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-270-8 $24.95 K8 2011

    Tis passionate book is committed to building respectul relationships

    among students, teachers, and the school community; to helping kids

    care more about their work and each other; and helping teachers care

    about their classroom. Trough active, engaging, relevant, open-ended

    activities, students will be encouraged to explore events, ideas, themes,texts, stories, and relationships rom different perspectives, and then

    represent those new understandings in innovative and creative ways.

    Black Ants and BuddhistsThinking critically and teaching differently

    in the primary grades

    Mary Cowhey

    160 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-418-2 $24.95 K3 2006

    What would a classroom look like i understanding and respecting

    our differences were at its heart? Tis special book offers a wealth o

    insights into the challenges o helping young students think critically

    and learn to make connections between their lives, the books they

    read, the community they live in, and the larger world. With insights

    into the challenges o teaching kids to think critically, as well as starting

    points for conversations about diversity and controversy in the classroom.

    Caring Hearts & Critical MindsLiterature, inquiry, and social responsibility

    Steven Wolk

    260 pp ISBN 978-1-57110-859-3 $31.95 59 2013

    Discover new ways to integrate inquiry learning, contemporary books,

    and teaching or social responsibility across the curriculum. Tis booktakes teachers step-by-step through the process of designing an inquiry-

    based literature unit and provides 5 ull units used in real classrooms.

    Featuring a remarkable range o recommended resources across all

    genres, this passionate book gives teachers a blueprint or creating

    dynamic units with rigorous lessons about topics kids care about.

    Teachers & Classrooms |Communities


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    538 Hood Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 3K9 |1-800-997-9807 |

    3-Minute Motivators

    More than 100 ways to reach, teach, and achieve more thanyou ever imagined

    Kathy Paterson

    96 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-215-9 $24.95 K12 2007

    Tese short, playul activities will help reocus a group, release excess

    energy, or start class with a bang! Organized around common class-

    room challenges, the book offers a wide variety o activities that turn

    potential problems into opportunities, rom calm activities that sparkimagination, to lively motivators that mix talk with action, to working

    together toward a common goal. Ideal or both new and experienced

    teachers, this handy guide promotes active learning that involves

    competition, cooperation, and opportunities to ocus on real learning.

    55 Teaching DilemmasTen powerful solutions to almost any classroom challenge

    Kathy Paterson96 pp ISBN 978-1-55138-191-6 $21.95 K12 2005

    With practice, any teacher can develop the skills they need to conquer

    almost any classroom challenge. Tis essential resource offers a host

    o top ten lists o practical ideas to help teachers manage their time

    efficiently; educate with passion and enthusiasm; support struggling

    students; motivate with crativity and humour; and lead effectively,

    both inside the classroom and out. Te proven, results-based ideasin this unique guide will help teachers draw on their personal and

    proessional power to truly excel.

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