Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the...

1 Lists & Linked Lists (Section 4) College of Computer Science and Engineering Taibah University S1, 1438 Algorithms and Data Structures (CS211 & CS202) Lecture Scope Arrays Linked Lists Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List Linked Lists Analysis (Complexity Analysis) With Singly Linked List With Doubly Linked List 2

Transcript of Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the...

Page 1: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Lists & Linked Lists

(Section 4)

College of Computer Science and Engineering

Taibah University

S1, 1438

Algorithms and Data Structures(CS211 & CS202)

Lecture Scope


Linked Lists

Singly Linked List

Doubly Linked List

Linked Lists Analysis (Complexity Analysis)

With Singly Linked List

With Doubly Linked List


Page 2: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete





Imagine that we have 100 scores. We need to read them, process

them and print them.

We must also keep these 100 scores in memory for the duration of

the program.

We can define a hundred variables, each with a different name, as

shown below


Page 3: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



But having 100 different names creates other problems. We need

100 references to read them, 100 references to process them and

100 references to write them. The following Figure shows a diagram

that illustrates this problem.

Arrays (cont…)


An array is a sequenced collection of elements, normally of the

same data type, although some programming languages accept

arrays in which elements are of different types. We can refer to

the elements in the array as the first element, the second element

and so forth, until we get to the last element.

Arrays (cont…)

Page 4: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Declared using [ ] operator

1- datatype[] arrayRefVar;


double[] myList;


2- datatype arrayRefVar[]; // This style is allowed


double myList[];

Arrays (Declaration)


In the definition:

int [ ] tests;

tests = new int[SIZE]; // SIZE is 5

allocates the following memory

first element

second element

third element

fourth element

fifth element


Arrays (Storage in Memory)

Page 5: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


In the definition:

int [ ] tests;

tests = new int[ISIZE];

int is the data type of the array elements

tests is the name of the array

ISIZE, in [ISIZE], is the size declarator. It shows the number

of elements in the array.

The size of an array is the number of bytes allocated for it

(number of elements) * (bytes needed for each element)


Arrays (Terminology)

Array Terminology Examples The Length of an Array

Once an array is created, its

size is fixed. It cannot be

changed. You can find its size



For example,

myList.length //returns 10


Arrays (Terminology) (cont…)

Page 6: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Each array element has a subscript (index), used to

access the element.

Subscripts (index) start at 0


Arrays (Accessing Array Elements)

0 1 2 3 4Subscripts


public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args)


int[] values = new int[5];

for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {

values[i] = i + values[i-1];


values[0] = values[1] + values[4];



After the array is created











After the first iteration












Arrays (Example)

Page 7: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



The arrays discussed so far are known as one-dimensional arrays

because the data is organized linearly in only one direction.

Many applications require that data be stored in more than one

dimension. The Figure below shows a table, which is commonly called

a two-dimensional array.

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Multi-Dimensional Arrays (cont…)

Two-Dimensional Array Example:


Page 8: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



Although we can apply conventional operations defined for each element of

an array, there are some operations that we can define on an array as a data


The common operations on arrays as structures are searching, insertion,

deletion, retrieval and traversal.

Although searching, retrieval and traversal of an array is an easy job,

insertion and deletion is time consuming.

The elements need to be shifted down before insertion and shifted up after


An array is a suitable structure when a small number of insertions and

deletions are required, but a lot of searching and retrieval is needed.

Operations on Array


The following algorithm gives an example of finding the average of elements

in array whose elements are reals.

Operations on Array (cont…)

Page 9: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



A record is a collection of related elements, possibly of different

types, having a single name.

Each element in a record is called a field.

A field is the smallest element of named data that has meaning.

A field has a type and exists in memory.

Fields can be assigned values, which in turn can be accessed for

selection or manipulation.

A field differs from a variable primarily in that it is part of a record.



Two examples of records: The first example, fraction,

has two fields, both of which are integers. The second

example, student, has three fields made up of three

different types.

Records (cont…)

Page 10: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



If we need to define a combination of elements and at the same time

some attributes of each element, we can use an array of records.

For example, in a class of 30 students, we can have an array of 30

records, each record representing a student.

Array of Records



The following shows how we access the fields of

each record in the students array to store values in


Array of Records (cont…)

Page 11: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



However, we normally use a loop to read data into an array of records.

Algorithm 11.2 shows part of the pseudocode for this process.

Array of Records (cont…)


Both an array and an array of records represent a

list of items.

An array can be thought of as a special case of an

array of records in which each element is a record

with only a single field.

Arrays versus Array of Records

Page 12: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



Fast element access


While many applications require resizing, static arrays

are impossible to resize

Required size is not always immediately available

Arrays: The Pros & Cons



Linked Lists

Page 13: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



Storing data items in arrays has at least two limitations

The array size is fixed once it is created: Changing the size of the array requires

creating a new array ad then copying all data from the old array to the new array

The data items in the array are next to each other in memory: Inserting an item

inside the array requires shifting other items

A linked structure is introduced to overcome limitations of arrays and allow

easy insertion and deletion

A collection of nodes storing data items and links to other nodes

If each node has a data field and a reference field to another node called next or

successor, the sequence of nodes is referred to as a singly linked list

Nodes can be located anywhere in the memory

The first node is called head and the last node is called tail


Linked Structures

An alternative to array-based implementations are linked structures

A linked structure uses object references to create links between


Recall that an object reference variable holds the address of an



Page 14: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Linked Structures (cont…)

A Person object, for instance, could contain a reference

to another Person object

A series of Person objects would make up a linked list:


Linked Structures (cont…)

Links could also be used to form more complicated,

non-linear structures


Page 15: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Linked Lists are dynamic data structures that grow and shrink one

element at a time, normally without some of the inefficiencies of


A linked list is a series of connected nodes

We create a new Node every time we add something to the List and

we remove nodes when item removed from list and reclaim memory




Linked Lists


Allocate elements one at a time as needed, have each element

keep track of the next element

Result is referred to as linked list of elements, track next element

with a pointer

Array of Elements in Memory

Linked List

Jane AnneBob

Jane Anne Bob

Linked Lists (cont…)


Page 16: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Each node contains at least

1. A piece of data (any type)

2. Pointer to the next node in the list

Head : pointer to the first node

The last node points to NULL


data pointer


Linked Lists (cont…)


Linked Lists (cont…)

There are no index values built into linked lists

To access each node in the list you must follow the references

from one node to the next

Person current = first;

while (current != null)



current =;



Page 17: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete










Linked Lists Operations


Care must be taken to maintain the integrity of the links

To insert a node at the front of the list, first point the new node to

the front node, then reassign the front reference


Linked Lists Operations (cont…)

Page 18: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


To delete the first node, reassign the front reference accordingly

If the deleted node is needed elsewhere, a reference to it must be

established before reassigning the front pointer


Linked Lists Operations (cont…)

Before insertion into a linked list, we first apply the searching algorithm.

If the flag returned from the searching algorithm is false, we will allow

insertion, otherwise we abort the insertion algorithm, because we do

not allow data with duplicate values.

Four cases can arise:

Inserting into an empty list.

Insertion at the beginning of the list.

Insertion at the end of the list.

Insertion in the middle of the list.

Linked Lists Operations (Inserting a Node)


Page 19: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



Before deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm.

If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is

found), we can delete the node from the linked list.

Two cases:

Deleting the first node

Deleting any other node.

In other words, the deletion of the last and the middle nodes can be

done by the same process.

Linked Lists Operations (Deleting a node)


Retrieving means randomly accessing a node for the purpose of

inspecting or copying the data contained in the node.

Before retrieving, the linked list needs to be searched. If the data

item is found, it is retrieved, otherwise the process is aborted.

Retrieving uses only the cur pointer, which points to the node

found by the search algorithm.

Linked Lists Operations (Retrieving a node)

Page 20: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



To traverse the list, we need a “walking” pointer, which is a pointer

that moves from node to node as each element is processed.

We start traversing by setting the walking pointer to the first node in

the list. Then, using a loop, we continue until all of the data has been


Each iteration of the loop processes the current node, then

advances the walking pointer to the next node. When the last node

has been processed, the walking pointer becomes null and the loop


Linked Lists Operations (Traversing a node)

There are many variations on the basic linked list


Linked list can be Singly-Linked or Doubly-Linked

Variations of Linked Lists


Page 21: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


A doubly linked list contains next and previous members

A single linked list contains only a next member.


Variations of Linked Lists (cont…)

Circular linked lists

The last node points to the first node of the list

How do we know when we have finished traversing the

list? (Tip: check if the pointer of the current node is

equal to the head.)




Variations of Linked Lists (cont…)


Page 22: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


2 8 3 5Circular singly linked list

2 8 35



Circular doubly linked list

Variations of Linked Lists (cont…)

Circular linked lists


A singly linked list is a concrete

data structure consisting of a

sequence of nodes

Each node stores


link to the next node


element node



Singly Linked Lists

Page 23: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


1. Allocate a new node

2. Insert the new element

3. Have the new node point

to old head

4. Update head to point to

the new node

Inserting at the Head


Singly Linked Lists

Algorithm addFirst(v)


v.setNext(head); // make v point to the old head node

head = v; // make head point to the new node

size = size + 1; // increment the node count


Inserting at the Head (cont…)


Singly Linked Lists

Page 24: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


1. Update head to point

to next node in the list

2. Allow garbage

collector to reclaim the

former first node

Removing at the Head


Singly Linked Lists

Algorithm removeFirst()


if ( head = null )

Indicate an error: the list is empty;

t = head ;

/* make head point to the next node (or null) */

head = head.getNext();

t.setNext(null); //null out the next pointer of the removed node

size = size - 1; //decrement the node count


Removing at the Head (cont…)


Singly Linked Lists

Page 25: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


1. Allocate a new node

2. Insert the new element

3. Have the new node

point to null

4. Have the old last node

point to new node

5. Update tail to point to

new node

Inserting at the Tail


Singly Linked Lists

Algorithm addLast(v)


v.setNext(null); //make the new node v point to null object

tail.setNext(v); //make the old tail node point to the new node

tail = v ; //make tail point to the new node

size = size +1; //increment the node count


Inserting at the Tail (cont…)


Singly Linked Lists

Page 26: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Removing the tail node of a

singly linked list cannot be

done in constant time.

We need to traverse the

whole linked list to remove

the tail node, which takes

O(n) time, where n is the

number of nodes in the linked



Removing at the TailSingly Linked Lists

Algorithm removeLast()


if ( size = 0 )

Indicate an error: the list is empty;



if ( size = 1 ) // only one node

head = null;

else // at least two nodes


t = head; /* make t point to the head */

while ( t.getNext != null ) /* find the last node */


s = t;

t = t.getNext();


s.setNext(null); //null out the next pointer of the last node


size = size - 1; //decrement the node count




Removing at the Tail (cont…) Singly Linked Lists

Page 27: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


A doubly linked list is a concrete data structure

consisting of a sequence of nodes.

Each node stores:


link to the previous node

link to the next node

Special trailer and header nodes

prev next


trailerheader nodes/positions



Doubly Linked Lists


In the Doubly linked lists:

Each node points to the successor and the predecessor


given a node, it is easy to visit its predecessor. Convenient to

traverse lists backwards



10 2



Doubly Linked Lists (cont…)

Page 28: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


/** Node of a doubly linked list of strings */

public class DNode {

protected String element; // String element stored by a node

protected DNode next, prev; // Pointers to next and previous nodes

/** Constructor that creates a node with given fields */

public DNode(String e, DNode p, DNode n) {

element = e;

prev = p;

next = n; } /** Returns the element of this node */

public String getElement() { return element; } /** Returns the previous node of this node */

public DNode getPrev() { return prev; } /** Returns the next node of this node */

public DNode getNext() { return next; } /** Sets the element of this node */

public void setElement(String newElem) { element = newElem; }

/** Sets the previous node of this node */

public void setPrev(DNode newPrev) { prev = newPrev; }

/** Sets the next node of this node */

public void setNext(DNode newNext) { next = newNext; }

} 55

The Node Class of Doubly Linked List

(a) Before the insertion

Rome Seattle New York

Rome Seattle New YorkSydney

(b) After the insertion

header trailer

header trailer


Doubly Linked Lists

Inserting at the Head

Page 29: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Algorithm addFirst(v)


w = header.getNext(); // make w point to the first node

v.setNext(w); // make v point to the old first node

v.setPrev(header); // make v point to the header

w.setPrev(v); // make the old first node point to v

header.setNext(v); // make header point to v

size = size+1; // increment the node count



Doubly Linked Lists

Inserting at the Head (cont…)

(a) Before the insertion

Rome Seattle New York

Seattle Sydney New YorkRome

(b) After the insertion

header trailer

header trailer


Doubly Linked Lists

Inserting in the Middle

Page 30: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Algorithm addAfter(v,z)


w=v.getNext(); // make w point to the node after v

z.setPrev(v); // link z to its predecessor, v

z.setNext(w); // link z to its successor, w

w.setPrev(z); // link w to its new predecessor, z

v.setNext(z); // link v to its new successor, z

size = size+1; // increment the node count



Doubly Linked Lists

Inserting in the Middle (cont…)

Seattle Sydney New YorkRome

(a) Before the deletion

header trailer

Rome Seattle Sydney

header trailer

(b) After the deletion


Doubly Linked Lists

Removing at the Tail

Page 31: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Algorithm removeLast():


if ( size = 0 )

Indicate an error: this list is empty;

v = trailer.getPrev() // make v point to the last node

u = v.getPrev(); // u points to the node before the last node





size = size -1;



Doubly Linked Lists

Removing at the Tail (cont…)

Seattle Sydney New YorkRome

(a) Before the deletion

header trailer

(b) After the deletion

Rome Seattle New York

header trailer


Doubly Linked Lists

Removing in the Middle

Page 32: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Algorithm remove(v):


u = v.getPrev() // make u point to the node before v

w = v.getNext(); // w points to the node after v

w.setPrev(u); // link out v


v.setPrev(null); // null out the pointers of v


size = size -1; // decrement the node count



Doubly Linked Lists

Removing in the Middle (cont…)


A linked list is a very efficient data structure for sorted list that will go through

many insertions and deletions.

A linked list is a dynamic data structure in which the list can start with no

nodes and then grow as new nodes are needed.

A node can be easily deleted without moving other nodes, as would be the

case with an array.

For example, a linked list could be used to hold the records of students in a

school. Each quarter or semester, new students enroll in the school and

some students leave or graduate.

A linked list is a suitable structure if a large number of insertions and deletions

are needed, but searching a linked list is slower that searching an array.

Applications of linked lists

Page 33: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Java has a LinkedList class defined as part of the Java

collection framework, which is found in the java.util


So you simply declare an instance of the LinkedList

class and call member methods as required by your

program to manipulate the linked list.

Linked List Example Using JAVA


import java.util.LinkedList;

LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

list.add(new Integer(10)); //list.add(new object)

// the add() member method requires an object and not

a primitive data type.

Linked List Example Using JAVA (cont…)


Page 34: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



import java.util.LinkedList;

public class LinkedListDemo {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException

{ LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

list.add(new Integer(10));

list.add(new Integer(20));

list.add(new Integer(30));

for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)


Integer temp = (Integer)list.get(i);



for(int i=list.size()-1; i>=0; i--)

{ Integer temp = (Integer)list.get(i);













Linked List Example Using JAVA (cont…)


Singly Linked Lists Analysis

- Complexity Analysis -

Note: some ideas in this section are repeated in another way, or another

representation way

Both are doing the same operation

Page 35: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


public void append(Object obj){

Element element = new Element(obj, null);

if(head == null)

head = element;

else = element;

tail = element;


Complexity is O(1)

Singly Linked Lists

Insertion at the End (Append)


public void prepend(Object obj) {

Element element = new Element(obj, head);

if(head == null)

tail = element;

head = element;


Complexity is O(1)

Singly Linked Lists

Insertion at the Beginning (Prepend)


Page 36: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


public void insertBefore(Object obj) {

Element element = new Element(obj, this);

if(this == head) {

head = element;



Element previous = head;

while ( != this) {

previous =;

} = element;


Complexity is O(n)

public void insertAfter(Object obj) {

next = new Element(obj, next);

if(this == tail)

tail = next;


Complexity is O(1)

we can also define insertAfter or InsertBefore for the Element class to

insert a given object after or before a specific a node respectively:

Singly Linked Lists

Insertion Before and After an Element


To move a reference e from one node to the next:

Example: Count the number of nodes in a linked list.

public int countNodes(){

int count = 0;

Element e = head;

while(e != null){


e =;


return count;


e =;

Complexity is O(n)

Singly Linked Lists



Page 37: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


To search for an element, we traverse from head until we locate the object.

Example: Count the number of nodes with data field equal to a given


public int countNodes(Object obj){

int count = 0;

Element e = head;

while(e != null){



e =;


return count;


Complexity is O(n)

Singly Linked Lists



public void extractFirst() {

if(head == null)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("item not found");

head =;

if(head == null)

tail = null;


public void extractLast() {

if(tail == null)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("item not found");

if (head == tail)

head = tail = null;

else {

Element previous = head;

while ( != tail)

previous =; = null;

tail = previous;



Complexity is O(1)

Complexity is O(n)

Singly Linked Lists


Deletion – Deleting First and Last Element

Page 38: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


public void extract(Object obj) {

Element element = head;

Element previous = null;

while(element != null && ! {

previous = element;

element =;


if(element == null)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("item not found");

if(element == head)

head =;

else =;

if(element == tail)

tail = previous;


To delete a specific element, we use either the extract method of MyLinkedList

or that of the Element inner class.

Complexity is O(n)

Singly Linked Lists


Deletion – Deleting a specific element


Doubly Linked Lists Analysis

- Complexity Analysis -

Note: some ideas in this section are repeated in another way, or another

representation way

Both are doing the same operation

Page 39: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


public void append(Object obj){

Element element = new Element(obj, null, tail);

if(head == null)

head = tail = element;

else { = element;

tail = element;



Complexity is O(1)

Doubly Linked Lists

Insertion at the End (append)


Insertion at the Beginning (prepend)

public void prepend(Object obj){

Element element = new Element(obj, head, null);

if(head == null)

head = tail = element;

else {

head.previous = element;

head = element;



Complexity is O(1)

Doubly Linked Lists


Page 40: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


Inserting before the current node (this) that is neither the first nor the last


Complexity is O(1)

Element element = new Element(obj, this, this.previous); = element;

this.previous = element;

Doubly Linked Lists


Insertion Before an Element

For DoublyLinked list, traversal can be done in either direction: forward, starting from

head, or backward starting from tail.

Example: Count the number of nodes in a linked list.

Element e = head;

while (e != null) {

//do something

e =;


Element e = tail;

while (e != null) {

//do something

e = e.previous;


public int countNodes(){

int count = 0;

Element e = head;

while(e != null){


e =;


return count;


Complexity is O(n)

Doubly Linked Lists



Page 41: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


public int sumLastNnodes(int n){

if(n <= 0)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong: " + n);

if(head == null)

throw new ListEmptyException();

int count = 0, sum = 0;

Element e = tail;

while(e != null && count < n){

sum += ((Integer);


e = e.previous;


if(count < n)

throw new IllegalArgumentException(“No. of nodes < "+n);

return sum;


Example: The following computes the sum of the last n nodes:

Complexity is O(n)

Doubly Linked Lists


Traversal (cont…)

To delete an element, we use either the extract method of DoublyLinkedList or that

of the Element inner class.

public void extract(Object obj){

Element element = head;

while((element != null) && (!

element =;

if(element == null)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("item not found");

if(element == head) {

head =;

if( != null) = null;

}else{ =;

if( != null) = element.previous;


if(element == tail)

tail = element.previous;


Complexity is O(n)

Doubly Linked Lists



Page 42: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete



An array is a sequenced collection of elements, normally of the same data type.

An alternative to array-based implementations are linked structures.

A linked structure uses object references to create links between objects.

A linked list dynamically grows as needed and essentially has no capacity limitations.

The order in which references are changed is crucial to maintaining a linked list.

Linked list can be Singly-Linked or Doubly-Linked.

Each node in a singly linked list stores element and link to the next node.

Each node in a doubly linked list stores element, link to the previous node and link to the

next node.

In circular linked lists, the last node points to the first node of the list.

Java has a LinkedList class defined as part of the Java collection framework.

So you simply declare an instance of the LinkedList class and call member methods as



Java Software Structures - Designing and Using Data Structures, 4th edition, Lewis and Chase.

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, 4th edition, Weiss.

Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, 3rd edition, Drozdek.

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, 3rd edition, Weiss.

Algorithms, 4th edition, Sedgewick and Wayne.

A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis, 3rd edition, Shaffer.

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th edition, Goodrich, Tamassia and Goldwasser.

Foundations of Computer Science, 2nd Edition, Forouzan and Ferous.

Slides at:


Page 43: Lists & Linked ListsBefore deleting a node in a linked list, we apply the search algorithm. If the flag returned from the search algorithm is true (the node is found), we can delete


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