1/41 LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂRI Conf. univ. dr. Laura DIACONU (căs. MAXIM) A. Lista celor maximum 10 lucrări considerate a fi cele mai relevante 1. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., Dornean, A. Trends, challenges and perspectives of sustainable development. An empirical analysis for Romania, Transformations in Business and Economics, vol. 17, nr. 2B (44 B), 2018, pp. 760- 779, ISSN: 1648-4460, FI 2017: 1,112; AIS 2017: 0,085 2. Popescu, C., Bostan, I., Robu, B., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. „An Analysis of the Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Students. A Romanian Case Study”, Sustainability, vol. 8(8), 2016, art. no. 771, doi: 10.3390/su8080771, ISSN 2071-1050, FI 2016: 1,789; AIS 2016: 0,333 3. Popescu, C., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions among Romanian students”, Transformations in Business and Economics, vol. 13, nr. 3C (33C), 2014, pp. 370-388, ISSN: 1648-4460, FI 2014: 0,374; AIS 2014: 0,04 4. Diaconu, C., Maxim, L., Timofte, D., Livadariu, R.M. Biopsychosocial Implications Related to the Breast Cancer in Young Women, Revista de Cercetare Şi Intervenţie Socială, vol. 46, 2014, pp. 152-161, ISSN: 1583-3410, eISSN: 1584-5397, FI 2014: 0,798; AIS 2014: 0,047 5. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C.C. Human capital - a pillar of sustainable development. Empirical evidences from the EU states”, European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 5, nr. 3, 2016, pp. 103-112, ISSN 2239-5938, eISSN: 2239-6101 articol în revistă indexată ISI fără factor de impact 6. Diaconu (Maxim), L. “Education and labor market outcomes in Romania”, Eastern Journal of European Studies, vol. 5, issue 1, 2014, pp. 99-112, ISSN: 2068-6633 articol în revistă indexată BDI 7. Diaconu (Maxim), L. The foreign direct investments in South-East Asia during the last two decades”, Procedia Economics and Finance, ELSEVIER, vol. 15, 2014, pp. 903-908, ISSN: 2212-5671 articol în volum ISI Proceedings 8. Diaconu, L. - „The Evolution of the European Low-Cost Airlines’ Business Models. Ryanair Case Study”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, EBSCO, vol. 62, 2012, pp. 342-346, ISSN: 1877-0428 articol în volum ISI Proceedings

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Page 1: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan



Conf. univ. dr. Laura DIACONU (căs. MAXIM)

A. Lista celor maximum 10 lucrări considerate a fi cele mai


1. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., Dornean, A. – „Trends, challenges and

perspectives of sustainable development. An empirical analysis for Romania”,

Transformations in Business and Economics, vol. 17, nr. 2B (44 B), 2018, pp. 760-

779, ISSN: 1648-4460, FI 2017: 1,112; AIS 2017: 0,085

2. Popescu, C., Bostan, I., Robu, B., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „An Analysis

of the Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Students. A Romanian

Case Study”, Sustainability, vol. 8(8), 2016, art. no. 771, doi: 10.3390/su8080771,

ISSN 2071-1050, FI 2016: 1,789; AIS 2016: 0,333

3. Popescu, C., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Determinants of entrepreneurial

intentions among Romanian students”, Transformations in Business and

Economics, vol. 13, nr. 3C (33C), 2014, pp. 370-388, ISSN: 1648-4460, FI 2014:

0,374; AIS 2014: 0,04

4. Diaconu, C., Maxim, L., Timofte, D., Livadariu, R.M. – „Biopsychosocial

Implications Related to the Breast Cancer in Young Women”, Revista de

Cercetare Şi Intervenţie Socială, vol. 46, 2014, pp. 152-161, ISSN: 1583-3410,

eISSN: 1584-5397, FI 2014: 0,798; AIS 2014: 0,047

5. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C.C. – “Human capital - a pillar of sustainable

development. Empirical evidences from the EU states”, European Journal of

Sustainable Development, vol. 5, nr. 3, 2016, pp. 103-112, ISSN 2239-5938,

eISSN: 2239-6101 – articol în revistă indexată ISI fără factor de impact

6. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “Education and labor market outcomes in Romania”,

Eastern Journal of European Studies, vol. 5, issue 1, 2014, pp. 99-112, ISSN:

2068-6633 – articol în revistă indexată BDI

7. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The foreign direct investments in South-East Asia during

the last two decades”, Procedia Economics and Finance, ELSEVIER, vol. 15,

2014, pp. 903-908, ISSN: 2212-5671 – articol în volum ISI Proceedings

8. Diaconu, L. - „The Evolution of the European Low-Cost Airlines’ Business

Models. Ryanair Case Study”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, EBSCO,

vol. 62, 2012, pp. 342-346, ISSN: 1877-0428 – articol în volum ISI Proceedings

Page 2: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


9. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Diaconu, C., Maxim, A. - „The evolution of the medical

system and health status in Romania after the collapse of communism”, CES

Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 2A, 2015, pp. 555-565, ISSN: 2067 - 7693 – articol

în revistă indexată BDI

10. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “The Development of the Low-Cost Carriers’ Business

Models. Southwest Airlines Case Study”, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii

„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Editura Universităţii „Al. I.

Cuza” Iaşi, Tomul LIX, nr. 1, 2012, pp. 231-239, ISSN: 0379-7864 – articol în

revistă indexată BDI

B. Teza de doctorat

Titlu: Strategiile low-cost în contextul dinamicii pieţei mondiale

Conducător ştiinţific: Prof. univ. dr. Ion Ignat

Domeniul de doctorat: Economie

Anul obţinerii titlului de doctor: 2009 (Ordinul Ministrului Educaţiei, Cercetării şi

Inovării nr. 6026/27.11.2009)

C. Cărţi şi capitole în cărţi

C.1. Cărţi – unic autor:

1. Diaconu, L. – Investițiile străine, capitalul uman și creșterea economică, Editura

Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2017, ISBN: 978-606-714-377-5 (130 pagini)

2. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – Evoluţii şi consecinţe ale strategiilor low-cost în contextul

modificării climatului economico-financiar mondial, Editura ASE, Bucureşti,

2013, ISBN 978-606-505-658- 9 (127 pagini)


3. Diaconu, L. – Strategiile low-cost în contextul dinamicii pieţei mondiale, Editura

Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-703-461-8 (268 pagini)


C.2. Capitole în cărţi:

1. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Trends in the foreign direct investments’ inflows in

Romania in the period 2007-present”, în International Collection of Scientific

Work on the Occasion of 60th Anniversary of University Education at Faculty of

Business Economy with seat in Kosice of University of Economics in Bratislava,

Gayda, V., Langhamrová, J., Lieskovská, V., Löster, T., Megyesiová, S., Pavelka,

Page 3: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


T., Soukup, J. (coordonatori), Ed. Melandrium, University of Economics, Praga,

Republica Cehă, 2012, ISBN: 978-80-86175-80-5;

2. Diaconu, L. – „Legătura dintre inovaţie, ca rezultat al acumulării de capital uman

şi social, şi creşterea economică. Cazul statelor în curs de dezvoltare”, în Educaţie

şi performanţă economică, Mursa, G., Ignat, I. (coordonatori), Ed. Universităţii

„Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-703-434-2;

3. Mursa, G., Diaconu, L. – „Disparităţi în dezvoltarea umană din România”, în

Educaţie şi performanţă economică, Mursa, G., Ignat, I. (coordonatori), Ed.

Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-703-434-2;

4. Diaconu, L. – „Aspecte privind sănătatea în România”, în Capital uman şi

competitivitate, Mursa, G., Ignat, I. (coordonatori), Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”,

Iaşi, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-703-286-7;

5. Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. – „Educaţia, sănătatea şi creşterea economică”, în

Capitalul uman şi creşterea economică, Popescu, C., Pohoaţă, I. (coordonatori),

Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-703-295-9;

6. Pungă, C., Diaconu, L. – „Capitalul uman – stadiul actual al cunoaşterii”, în

Capitalul uman şi creşterea economică, Popescu, C., Pohoaţă, I. (coordonatori),

Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-703-295-9;

7. Diaconu, L. – „Atractivitatea pieţei româneşti pentru companiile multinaţionale

după aderarea la UE”, în Costuri şi beneficii ale aderării României la Uniunea

Europeană, L.G. Maha, S. Ursu, S. Bălțătescu (coordonatori), Ed. Universităţii

„AL. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-703-255-3.

D. Articole/studii publicate in extenso, în reviste din circuitul

ştiinţific internaţional

D.1. Articole publicate, in extenso, în reviste indexate ISI cu factor de


1. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., Dornean, A. – „Trends, challenges and

perspectives of sustainable development. An empirical analysis for Romania”,

Transformations in Business and Economics, vol. 17, nr. 2B (44 B), 2018, pp. 760-

779, ISSN: 1648-4460, FI 2017: 1,112; AIS 2017: 0,085,

2. Popescu, C., Bostan, I., Robu, B., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „An Analysis

of the Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Students. A Romanian

Case Study”, Sustainability, vol. 8(8), 2016, art. no. 771, doi: 10.3390/su8080771,

ISSN 2071-1050, FI 2016: 1,789; AIS 2016: 0,333,


3. Popescu, C., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Determinants of entrepreneurial

intentions among Romanian students”, Transformations in Business and

Economics, vol. 13, nr. 3C (33C), 2014, pp. 370-388, ISSN: 1648-4460, FI 2014:

0,374; AIS 2014: 0,04,

4. Diaconu, C., Maxim, L., Timofte, D., Livadariu, R.M. – „Biopsychosocial

Page 4: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


Implications Related to the Breast Cancer in Young Women”, Revista de

Cercetare Şi Intervenţie Socială, vol. 46, 2014, pp. 152-161, ISSN: 1583-3410,

eISSN: 1584-5397, FI 2014: 0,798; AIS 2014: 0,047,

D.2. Articole publicate, in extenso, în reviste indexate ISI fără factor

de impact

1. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Can Romania offer a sustainable environment for the FDI

inflows?”, European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 5, nr. 4, 2016,

ISSN 2239-5938, eISSN: 2239-6101, pp. 443-452,

2. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C.C. – „Human capital - a pillar of sustainable

development. Empirical evidences from the EU states”, European Journal of

Sustainable Development, vol. 5, nr. 3, 2016, ISSN 2239-5938, eISSN: 2239-6101,

pp. 103-112,

D.3. Articole publicate, in extenso, în reviste indexate în baze de date

internaţionale recunoscute

1. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A. – „The Consumption Behavior after 2008-2009

Crisis. Evidence from Romania”, Revista Economica, vol. 70, nr. 3, 2018, pp. 65-

78, site:


2. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Șterbuleac, D. – “FDI and the labour market: empirical

evidence from the 2004 EU member states”, CES Working Papers, vol. IX, nr. 3,

2017, ISSN: 2067-7693, pp. 343-357, site:

3. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Șterbuleac, D. – „The impact of foreign direct investment

on the Romanian labour market: new evidence from a pooled model”, Timisoara

Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 1, 2017, pp. 19-34, DOI: 10.1515/tjeb-



4. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Is human capital a major determinant of the FDI inflows?

Empirical evidences from the EU states”, CES Working Papers, vol. VIII, nr. 2,

2016, ISSN: 2067-7693, pp. 238-250;

5. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Changes in the foreign direct investments’ inflows into

the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare

University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration,

vol. 16, nr. 1 (23), 2016, ISSN 2066-575X, pp. 47-55;

6. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The foreign direct investments and the labour markets

from developing countries”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice,

Tomul XXV, nr. 2, 2016, ISSN-1582-5450, pp. 58-66;

Page 5: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


7. Maxim (Diaconu), L. – „The refugees and the economic growth in the EU states:

challenges and opportunities”, CES Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 4, 2015, ISSN:

2067-7693, pp. 881-890;

8. Maxim (Diaconu), L., Diaconu, C., Maxim, A. – „The evolution of the medical

system and health status in Romania after the collapse of communism”, CES

Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 2A, 2015, ISSN: 2067-7693, pp. 574-584;

9. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The dynamics of the FDI inflows during the last three

decades. A comparative analysis between developing and developed countries”,

Revista Economică, vol. 67, nr. 3, Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga, 2015, ISSN: 1582-

6260, pp. 46-62;

10. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Ageing population: comparative analysis among

European Union states”, CES Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 1, 2015, ISSN: 2067-

7693, pp. 50-59;

11. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., „The importance of organizational culture for

the success of USA low-cost Airlines”, SEA – Practical Application of Science,

vol. III, no. 1(7), part II, 2015, ISSN: 2360 – 2554, pp. 375-382;

12. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Regional economic disparities in Romania. Comparative

analysis of the North-East and West development regions”, The Annals of the

Stefan cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and

Public Administration, vol. 14, nr. 2 (20), 2014, ISSN 2066-575X, pp. 75-82;

13. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “Education and labor market outcomes in Romania”,

Eastern Journal of European Studies, vol. 5, issue 1, 2014, ISSN: 2068-6633, pp.


14. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A. – „Income inequalities in the developed

economies”, Revista Economică, vol. 66, nr. 3, Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga, 2014,

ISSN: 1582-6260, pp. 14-28;

15. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “Regional disparities of the European Union labor

markets”, CES Working Papers, vol. VI, nr. 2, 2014, ISSN: 2067-7693, pp. 57-67;

16. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Foreign Direct Investments in Romania after the EU

Adhesion”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The

Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 13, nr. 2 (18), 2013, ISSN

2066-575X, pp. 56-62;

17. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A. – „Gaps in Economic Development inter and

intra-European Union States”, CES Working Papers, vol. V, nr. 4, 2013, ISSN:

2067-7693, pp. 484-496;

18. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The brand name’s role in the purchase decisions at the

beginning of the XXIst century. Empirical evidences from the north-eastern part of

Romania”, CES Working Papers, vol. IV, nr. 3, 2012, ISSN: 2067-7693, pp. 306-


19. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Education, Consumption and Economic Growth of a

Country”, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational

Alternatives, vol.10(2), 2012, ISSN: 1313-2571, pp. 216-223;

20. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Business Strategies of the Multinational Corporations”,

CES Working Papers, vol. IV, nr. 2, 2012, ISSN: 2067-7693, pp. 141-151;

Page 6: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


21. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The evolution of the low-cost airlines between 2000 and

2011. Comparative analysis across American and European low-cost operators”,

Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti, Seria Economie şi Administraţie, vol. 6, 2012,

ISSN: 1842-9327, pp. 116-128;

22. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Impact of the Economic Crises from the XXIst

Century on the European Low-Cost Airlines’ Market”, The Annals of the Stefan

cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public

Administration, vol. 12, nr. 1(15), 2012, ISSN 2066-575X, pp. 91-98;

23. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The low-cost airlines' impact on the behavior of the

passengers from North-Eastern Romania”, Revista Economică, supliment nr. 1,

Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga, 2012, ISSN: 1582-6260, pp. 251-256;

24. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Development of the Low-Cost Carriers’ Business

Models. Southwest Airlines Case Study”, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii

„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Editura Universităţii „Al. I.

Cuza” Iaşi, Tomul LIX, nr. 1, 2012, ISSN: 0379-7864, pp. 231-239;

25. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C.C. – „The Evolution of the Low-Cost Airlines in

US. The Case Study on Southwest and JetBlue Airlines”, The Annals of the Stefan

cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public

Administration, vol. 11, nr. 1 (13), 2011, ISSN 2066-575X, pp. 92-97;

26. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „A Comparative Study Regarding the Evolution of the

European Legacy and Low-Cost Airlines in the Context of the XXIst Century’s

Crisis”, Revista Economică, nr. 2(55), Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga, 2011, ISSN:

1582-6260, pp. 207-213;

27. Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. – „The Foreign Direct Investments in Europe and the

Global Financial Crisis”, Revista Economică, nr. 3(50), Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga,

2010, ISSN: 1582-6260, pp. 174-181

28. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „Human Capital. Any Investment in Education

Leads to Economic Growth?”, Revista Economică, no. 3(50), Ed. Universităţii L.

Blaga, 2010, ISSN: 1582-6260, pp. 392-400;

29. Diaconu, L. – „The Importance of the Brand Name in Taking the Consumption

Decisions. The Case of the Romanian Consumers”, Lucrari Ştiintifice. Seria

Agronomie, volumul 52, Editura Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi, 2009, ISSN:

1454-7414, pp. 328-331;

30. Diaconu, L., Diaconu, C. – „The Impact of the Price-Quality Relationship on the

Romanian Consumers, Lucrari Ştiintifice. Seria Agronomie, vol. 52, Editura

Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi, 2009, ISSN: 1454-7414, pp. 322-327;

31. Diaconu, L., Diaconu, C. – „The Ability to Assume the Decisional Risk in the

Consumption Process”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava,

Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 9, nr. 2 (10),

2009, ISSN 2066-575X, pp. 75-82;

32. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „The Crisis’ Effects on the Romanian Stock of

Human Capital”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul

XVIII, 2009, ISSN-1582-5450, pp. 502-507;

Page 7: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


33. Diaconu, L. – „The Multinational Companies and the Low-Cost Markets of

South-East Asia”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul

XVIII, 2009, ISSN-1582-5450, pp. 148-153;

34. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „The Relationship between the Level of Education

and the Development Rate of a Country”, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii

„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Editura Universităţii „Al. I.

Cuza” Iaşi, Tomul LVI, 2009, ISSN: 0379-7864, pp. 475-480;

35. Diaconu, L. – „Strategic Options of the Low-Cost Companies”, The Annals of the

Stefan cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and

Public Administration, vol. 9, nr. 1(9), 2009, ISSN 1582-6554, pp. 81-87;

36. Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. – „Informal Education in Romania”, Analele ştiinţifice

ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Editura

Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2008, ISSN: 0379-7864, pp. 231-236;

37. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „The Determinants of Human Capital in

Romania”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVII,

vol. II, 2008, ISSN-1582-5450, pp. 356-361;

38. Diaconu, L. – „The Multinational Companies and the Emerging Markets”,

Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVII, vol. I, 2008,

ISSN-1582-5450, pp. 111-115;

39. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „Human Capital and Innovation”, Analele

Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVI, vol. I, 2007, ISSN-

1582-5450, pp. 560-563;

40. Diaconu, L., Maxim, A. – „The Influence of Social Capital on Organizational

Competitiveness”, Lucrari Ştiintifice. Seria Agronomie, vol. 50, Ed. Ion

Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi, 2007, ISSN: 1454-7414, pp. 108-112;

41. Diaconu, L. – „Low-cost Strategies in the Context of Global Market

Dynamics”, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din

Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Editura Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2007, ISSN:

0379-7864, pp. 121-125.

E. Articole/studii publicate in extenso, în volumele

conferinţelor internaţionale de specialitate

E.1. Articole ştiinţifice publicate in extenso în volumele conferinţelor

indexate ISI

1. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “The role of the human capital in attracting the foreign

investors. Empirical evidences from Romania”, Conference Proceedings of

International Days of Statistics and Economics, Melandrium Publishing House,

University of Economics, Praga, Cehia, 2016, ISBN: 978-80-87990-10-0, pp.


Page 8: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


2. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The foreign direct investments in South-East Asia during

the last two decades”, Procedia Economics and Finance, vol. 15, 2014, ISSN:

2212-5671, pp. 903-908;

3. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “The nowadays crisis’ impact on the economic

performances of EU countries”, Conference Proceedings of International Days of

Statistics and Economics, Melandrium Publishing House, University of

Economics, Praga, Cehia, 2013, ISBN: 978-80-86175-87-4, pp. 329-338;

4. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Evolution of the European Low-Cost Airlines’

Business Models. Ryanair Case Study”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,

vol. 62, 2012, ISSN: 1877-0428, pp. 342-346;

5. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Evolution of China’s Foreign Direct Investments

Inflows and Outflows since the Beginning of the XXIst Century”, Conference

Proceedings of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Melandrium

Publishing House, University of Economics, Praga, Cehia, 2012, ISBN 978-80-

86175-86-7, pp. 287-297;

6. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Low-Cost Airlines’ Market from the North-Western

Europe – Ryanair and Norwegian Air Shuttle”, Business Excellence, ed.

Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, vol. 1, 2011, ISBN: 978-973-598-940-8, pp.


7. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Low-Cost Carrier Model – the Case of Romania”,

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Management of Technological

Challanges, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandoupolis, Grecia, vol. 1,

2011, ISBN: 978-960-99486-2-3, pp. 369-372;

8. Diaconu (Maxim), L. - China – „Main Pole of Attraction for the Foreign Direct

Investors”, Proceedings of the 4th

International Conference Globalization and

Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration (GEBA), vol. 1, ed.

Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2010, ISBN: 978-973-703-550-9, pp. 72-82;

9. Diaconu, L. – „The Impact of Price and Value on the Consumption Decisions. The

Case of the Romanian Consumers”, Business Excellence, vol. 1, ed. Infomarket,

Braşov, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-1747-11-8, pp. 133-136;

10. Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. – „The new challenge raised by the low-cost airlines.

The case of the US operators”, Proceedings of IECS 2009, Universitatea “Lucian

Blaga”, Sibiu, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-739-775-1, pp. 99-104;

11. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „Financial Crises: between Regulation and

Nationalization”, Proceedings of IECS 2010, Universitatea “Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu,

2009, ISBN: 978-973-739-775-1, pp. 292-296;

E.2. Articole ştiinţifice publicate in extenso în volumele conferinţelor

indexate în baze de date

1. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A. – „Traditional versus low-cost airlines’

passengers. A study on Iasi Airport”, Conference Proceedings of Contemporary

Issues in Economy & Technology – CIET 2018, University of Split, ISBN: 978-

953-7220-29-7, 2018, pp. 156-167;

Page 9: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


2. Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. - “Corporate social responsibility and

sustainable development in China”, Conference Proceedings of Contemporary

Issues in Economy & Technology – CIET 2018, University of Split, ISBN: 978-

953-7220-29-7, 2018, pp. 397-408;

3. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A. – „Changes in the determinants of the FDI in

Romania after 2000”, Proceedings of 4th

International Academic Conference on

Social Sciences, Editura International Institute For Academic Development, 2016,

ISBN 978-9941-0-9064-6, pp. 70-76;

4. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Multinational companies and the foreign direct

investments: in depth study of their presence and profile in Romania”, Proceedings

of IAC-MEM 2016 in Bratislava, Editura Czech Institute of Academic Education,

2016, ISBN 978-80-906231-0-1, pp. 29-35;

5. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The impact of the demographic aspects on the Romanian

socio-economic environment”, EURINT Conference Proceedings, CSE, UAIC,

Iasi, 2013, ISBN:978-973-703-892-0, pp. 708-716;

6. Diaconu (Maxim), L. - The Role of Innovation for the Economic Growth and

Development of the States. The Case of the Emerging Countries, Proceedings

of ERSA International Conference (indexat în baza de date EBSCO şi Repec),

University of Barcelona, Spania, 2011, ISSN: 1478-341X-1, pp. 276 – 292

7. Diaconu (Maxim), L. - The Evolution of the Foreign Direct Investments in

Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of the Nowadays Crisis,

Proceedings of ICEA International Conference (indexat în baza de date EBSCO),

Facultatea de Administrarea Afacerilor, Universitatea din Bucureşti, 2011, ISBN:

978-606-12-01-39-6, pp. 208-214

E.3. Articole ştiinţifice publicate in extenso în volumele conferinţelor


1. Popescu, C., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Impact of Religion on the

Entrepreneurial Intentions of the Romanian Students”, Proceedings of 5th Biennial

International Conference “Future of Europe 2014”, Editura ASE, Bucureşti, nov.

2014, ISSN 2392-8611, pp. 497-507;

2. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., Popescu, C. – „The impact of migration on

human capital and economic development”, The Proceedings of the International

Conference Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity, "Petru Maior" University

Press, Tîrgu-Mureş, vol. 3, 2014, ISSN: 2069 - 3389, pp. 32-41;

3. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C., Maxim, A. – „Internal migration in Romania in

the post-communist decades: evolutions and consequences”, The Proceedings of

the International Conference Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity, "Petru

Maior" University Press, Tîrgu-Mureş, vol. 3, 2014, ISSN: 2069 - 3389, pp. 264-


4. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The consumption behavior in the context of the nowadays

crisis. Empirical evidences from the North-Eastern part of Romania”, Proceedings

of Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration

Page 10: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


(GEBA), ed. Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2012, ISBN: 978-973-703-766-4, pp.


5. Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Multinationals’ Investments in China Before and

During the Present Crisis”, Proceedings of the 5th

International Conference

Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration

(GEBA), ed. Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2011, ISBN: 978-973-703-697-1, pp.


6. Diaconu, L. – „The Markets’ Globalization and the Emergence of the Low-Cost

Airlines. The Case of the European Operators”, Proceedings of the 3th

International Conference Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and

Business Administration (GEBA), Vol. 1, Ed. Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2009, ISBN 978-

973-702-711-5, pp. 192-198;

7. Diaconu, L., Maxim, A. – „The Role of Education, as a Qualitative Side of Human

Capital, for Romania’s Sustainable Development”, Proceedings of the 7th

Knowledge Economy and Management Congress, Istanbul University, Turcia,

2009, ISBN: 978-9944-0203-5-0, pp. 1488-1497;

8. Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. – „The Impact of the Human Capital Migration on the

Economic Growth of Romania after the EU Adhesion”, Proceedings of the 7th

Knowledge Economy and Management Congress, Istanbul University, Turcia,

2009, ISBN: 978-9944-0203-5-0, pp. 1498-1507;

9. Diaconu, L. – „Designing International Strategies for Multinational Corporations”,

Proceedings of ICBE, Ed. Muntenia, Constanţa, 2008, ISBN: 978-973-692-233-6,

pp. 230-246;

10. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L. – „The Impact of Formal Education on Human Capital

Accumulation in Romania”, Proceedings of ICBE, Ed. Muntenia, Constanţa, 2008,

ISBN: 978-973-692-233-6, pp. 161-167;

11. Diaconu, L., Maxim, A., Popescu, C.C. – „Human Capital and Migration Costs for

Romanian Economic Development”, Proceedings of Economic Policies for

Sustainable Development, University of National and World Economy, Sofia,

2008, ISBN: 978-954-494-985-3, pp. 72-79;

12. Diaconu, L. – „Human Capital, Development and Economic Growth”,

Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization and Higher Education

in Economics and Business Administration (GEBA), ed. Universităţii „AL. I.

Cuza” Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-703-411-3, pp. 235-246;

13. Diaconu, C., Diaconu, L. – „An Overview of the Healthcare System in Romania”,

Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization and Higher Education

in Economics and Business Administration (GEBA), ed. Universităţii „AL. I.

Cuza” Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-703-411-3, pp. 247-256;

14. Popescu, C.C., Diaconu, L., Maxim, A., Dominte, L. – „The Social Value of

Education for Economic Growth”, Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge Economy

and Management Congress, Kokaeli University, Istanbul, 2007, ISBN: 978-9944-

0203-0-5, pp. 2354-2367;

15. Diaconu, L. – „Factori care au favorizat globalizarea economică şi crearea pieţelor

globale”, Volumul sesiunii ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională Capacitatea şi

Page 11: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


eficacitatea construcţiei instituţionale în România Europeană, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-

973-37-1181-0, pp. 35-40;

16. Diaconu, L. – „Câştigători şi perdanţi ai procesului de globalizare economică”,

Volumul sesiunii ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională Capacitatea şi eficacitatea

construcţiei instituţionale în România Europeană, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-37-

1181-0, pp. 5-13;

17. Diaconu, L. – „Piaţa forţei de muncă din România după aderarea la Uniunea

Europeana – importanţa companiilor multinaţionale”, Lucrările Conferinţei cu

participare internaţională Efecte economico-sociale ale aderării României la

Uniunea Europeană, Ed. Sedcom Libris, 2006, ISBN: (10) 973-670-205-7,

ISBN: (13) 978-973-670-205-1, pp. 104-112;

18. Popescu, C.C., Dominte, L., Diaconu, L., Maxim, A. – „Human capital. A new

approach”, Lucrările Conferinţei cu participare internaţională Efecte economico-

sociale ale aderării României la Uniunea Europeană, ed. Sedcom Libris, 2006,

ISBN: (10) 973-670-205-7, pp. 248-254;

19. Diaconu, L. – „Globalizarea şi dilemele identitare”, Volumul sesiunii ştiinţifice cu

participare internaţională Economia cunoaşterii şi globalizarea, Iaşi, 2006, ISBN

(10) 973-37-1175-6, pp. 21-28;

20. Diaconu, L. – „Globalizarea culturii şi impactul ei asupra economiei reale”,

Volumul sesiunii ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională Economia cunoaşterii şi

globalizarea, Iaşi, 2006, ISBN (10) 973-37-1175-6, pp. 28-37.

F. Alte lucrări şi contribuţii ştiinţifice

F.1.Lucrări ştiinţifice publicate în rezumat în volume din străinătate

1. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C.C., Maxim, A. – “Is the Chinese growth model

sustainable?”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism,

Hospitality & Sustainable Development (IC17Dubai Conference), Dubai, 2017,

ISBN: 978-1-943579-18-1,


2. Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A. – “Students’ motivation and their academic

performance. A study on Romanian and Moldovan pupils”, International

Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Education 2017 - Book of

Abstracts, Florența, 2017, ISBN978-80-89864-04-1, p. 32,


3. Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. - Tertiary education and labour market insertion.

Empirical evidence from Romania, International Conference on Language,

Literature and Culture in Education 2017 - Book of Abstracts, Florența, 2017,

ISBN978-80-89864-04-1, p. 60,


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4. Diaconu, L. – „The Multinational Companies and the Low-Cost Market of China”,

în volumul conferinţei internaţionale ERSA, Lodz, Polonia, 2009,;

5. Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. – „Importanţa educaţiei pentru ţările în curs de

dezvoltare”, în volumul Conferinţei Internaţionale a Tinerilor Cercetători,

Chişinău, 2007, ISBN: 978-9975-62-196-0;

6. Diaconu, L., Maxim, A. – „Importanţa capitalului social pentru dezvoltarea

economică”, în volumul Conferinţei Internaţionale a Tinerilor Cercetători,

Chişinău, 2007, ISBN: 978-9975-62-196-0;

7. Diaconu, L., Diaconu, C. – „Sănătatea – factor esenţial al creşterii şi dezvoltării”,

în volumul Conferinţei Internaţionale a Tinerilor Cercetători, Chişinău, 2007,

ISBN: 978-9975-62-196-0.

F.2. Participarea cu lucrări la manifestări ştiinţifice


1. Conferinţa internaţională Contemporary Issues in Economy & Technology –

CIET 2018, University of Split, Croatia, 1-2 iunie 2018 – lucrările “Traditional

versus low-cost airlines’ passengers. A study on Iasi Airport” și “Corporate social

responsibility and sustainable development in China”,;

2. Conferinţa internaţională 25th

IECS, Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 11-

12 mai 2018 – lucrarea „The Consumption Behavior after 2008-2009 Crisis.

Evidence from Romania”,


3. Conferinţa internaţională GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 19-22 oct. 2017 –

lucrările „FDI inflows in developing countries: new empirical evidence regarding

their geographical distribution, determinants and sectoral composition” și

„Romanian passengers` perceptions regarding the low cost airlines and the full

service carriers”,;

4. Conferința internațională International Conference on Tourism, Hospitality &

Sustainable Development - IC17Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 6-8 octombrie 2017 –

lucrarea “Is the Chinese growth model sustainable?”,

5. Conferinţa internaţională 4th International Conference on Language,

Literature and Culture in Education - LLCE2017, Florența, Italia, 11-13 iulie

2017 – lucrările “Students’ motivation and their academic performance. A study

on Romanian and Moldovan pupils” și “Tertiary education and labour market

insertion. Empirical evidence from Romania”;

6. Conferinţa internaţională EURINT – European Union at crossroads: building

resilience in times of change, Centrul de Studii Europene, UAIC, Iaşi, 19-20 mai

2017 – lucrarea “FDI and the labour market: empirical evidence from the 2004 EU

member states”;

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7. Conferinţa internaţională TIMTED, FEAA, Univ. de Vest din Timișoara, 19-20

mai 2017 – lucrările “The Entrepreneurial Intentions and the Religious

Orientations. A study on the Romanian Students”; ”The impact of foreign direct

investment on the Romanian labour market: new evidence from a pooled model”;

8. Conferinţa internaţională GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 20-21 oct. 2016 –

lucrarea „Dynamics, patterns and determinants of the FDI inflows in Romania”;

9. Conferinţa internaţională 4th

International Conference on Sustainable

Development (ICDS), Roma, Italia, 16-17 septembrie 2016 – lucrările “Can

Romania offer a sustainable environment for the FDI inflows?”, “Human capital -

a pillar of sustainable development. Empirical evidences from the EU states”;

10. Conferinţa internaţională International Days of Statistics and Economics, ESC

Rennes School of Business, Praga, Cehia, 8-10 septembrie 2016 – lucrarea „The

role of the human capital in attracting the foreign investors. Empirical evidences

from Romania”;

11. Conferinţa internaţională 4th International Academic Conference on Social

Sciences, Barcelona, Spania, 28-29 iulie 2016 – lucrarea “Changes in the

determinants of the FDI in Romania after 2000”;

12. Conferinţa internaţională International Academic Conference on Management,

Economics and Marketing, Bratislava, Slovacia, 6-7 iulie 2016 – lucrarea

„Multinational companies and the foreign direct investments: in depth study of

their presence and profile in Romania”;

13. Conferinţa internaţională EURINT – The Eastern Partnership under strain -

time for a rethink, Centrul de Studii Europene, UAIC, Iaşi, 20-21 mai 2016 –

lucrarea “Is human capital a major determinant of the FDI inflows? Empirical

evidences from the EU states”;

14. Conferinţa internaţională EURINT – European Union. Past, present and future,

Centrul de Studii Europene, UAIC, Iaşi, 23-24 octombrie 2015 – lucrarea “The

Refugees and the Economic Growth in the EU States: Challenges and


15. Conferinţa internaţională GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 22-23 oct. 2015 –

lucrarea “Religion and youth entrepreneurial intentions. A study on romanian


16. Conferinţa internaţională EURINT – Regional development and integration.

New challenges for the EU, Centrul de Studii Europene, UAIC, Iaşi, 21-23 mai

2015 – lucrarea “The evolution of the medical system and health status in Romania

after the collapse of communism”;

17. Conferinţa internaţională 22nd

IECS, Sibiu, 15-16 mai 2015 – lucrarea „The

dynamics of the FDI inflows during the last three decades. A comparative analysis

between developing and developed countries”;

18. Conferinţa internaţională SEA 7th - Interdisciplinary Approaches between

Traditional and Modern Methods, Iaşi, Academia Română, 24-25 aprilie 2015 –

lucrarea „The importance of organizational culture for the success of USA low-

cost Airlines”;

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19. Conferinţa internaţională 5th Biennial International Conference “Future of

Europe 2014”, ASE, Bucureşti, 14-15 noiembrie 2014 – lucrarea “The Impact of

Religion on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of the Romanian Students”;

20. Conferinţa internaţională COMMUNICATION, CONTEXT,

INTERDISCIPLINARITY – ediţia a treia, Târgu Mureş, 23-24 octombrie 2014

– lucrările “The impact of migration on human capital and economic

development”, “Internal migration in Romania in the post-communist decades:

evolutions and consequences”;

21. Conferinţa internaţională 21st IECS, Sibiu, 16-17 mai 2014 – lucrarea „Income

inequalities in the developed economies”;

22. Conferinţa internaţională EURINT – European Union in times of crisis.

Perspectives and solutions, Centrul de Studii Europene, UAIC, Iaşi, 9-10 mai

2014 – lucrarea “Regional disparities of the European Union labor markets”;

23. Conferinţa internațională Emerging Markets Queries in Finance and Business,

Univ. Petru Maior, Târgu Mureş, 24-27 oct. 2013 – lucrarea “The foreign direct

investments in South-East Asia during the last two decades”;

24. Conferinţa internațională International Days of Statistics and Economics, ESC

Rennes School of Business, Praga, Cehia, 19-21 septembrie 2013 – lucrarea „The

nowadays crisis’ impact on the economic performances of EU countries”;

25. Conferinţa internaţională EURINT – The EU as a Model of Soft Power in the

Eastern Neighborhood, Centrul de Studii Europene, UAIC, Iaşi, 15-17 mai 2013

– lucrarea “The impact of the demographic aspects on the Romanian socio-

economic environment”;

26. Conferinţa internațională World Conference on Business, Economics and

Management – BEM, Antalya, Turcia, 17-18 mai 2013 - lucrarea „FDI in South-

East Asia in the context of the 1997 and 2007 crises”;

27. Conferinţa internaţională 6th

GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 18-20 oct.

2012 – lucrarea “The consumption behavior in the context of the nowadays crisis.

Empirical evidences from the North-Eastern part of Romania”;

28. Conferinţa internaţională International Days of Statistics and Economics, ESC

Rennes School of Business, Praga, Cehia, 13-15 septembrie 2012 - lucrările "The

Evolution of China’s Foreign Direct Investments Inflows and Outflows since the

Beginning of the XXIst Century", "Trends in the foreign direct investments’

inflows in Romania in the period 2007-present";

29. Conferinţa internaţională Education, Research and Development, Sunny Beach,

Bulgaria, 7-11 septembrie 2012 - lucrarea "Education, Consumption and Economic

Growth of a Country";

30. Conferinţa internaţională ICEA, Facultatea de Administraţie şi Afaceri,

Universitatea din Bucureşti, 8-9 iunie 2012 - lucrarea "The evolution of the

low-cost airlines between 2000 and 2011. Comparative analysis across American

and European low-cost operators";

31. Conferinţa internaţională 18th

IECS, Sibiu, 15 iunie 2012 - lucrarea "The low-cost

airlines' impact on the behavior of the passengers from North-Eastern Romania";

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32. Coferinţa internaţională Free Economy, Free Society, Institutul Hayek, Iaşi, 14-

15 mai 2012 - lucrarea "The Evolution of the Foreign Direct Investments in

Romania after 2007";

33. Conferinţa internațională EU enlargement: dilemmas and perspectives, CSE,

UAIC, Iaşi, 10-12 mai 2012 - lucrarea "Business Strategies of the Multinational


34. Conferinţa internațională World Conference on Business, Economics and

Management – BEM, Antalya, Turcia, 4-6 mai 2012 - lucrarea „The Evolution of

the European Low-Cost Airlines’ Business Models. Ryanair Case Study”;

35. Conferinţa internaţională 6th

ICBE, Braşov, 14-15 oct. 2011 - lucrarea “The Low-

Cost Airlines’ Market from the North-Western Europe – Ryanair and Norwegian

Air Shuttle”;

36. Conferinţa internaţională 5th

GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 20-22 oct.

2011 – lucrarea “The Multinationals’ Investments in China Before and During the

Present Crisis”;

37. Conferinţa internaţională 7th

MTC, Alexandroupolis, Grecia, 1-4 septembrie 2011

– lucrarea „The Low-Cost Carrier Model – the Case of Romania”;

38. Conferinţa internaţională ERSA, 51st Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 30 august – 2

septembrie 2011 – lucrarea „The Role of Innovation for the Economic Growth and

Development of the States. The Case of the Emerging Countries”;

39. Conferinţa internaţională ICEA, Facultatea de Administraţie şi Afaceri,

Universitatea din Bucureşti, 3-4 iunie 2011 – lucrarea “The Evolution of the

Foreign Direct Investments in Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of the

Nowadays Crisis”;

40. Conferinţa internaţională 18th IECS, Sibiu, 19-20 mai 2011 – lucrarea „A

Comparative Study Regarding the Evolution of the European Legacy and Low-

Cost Airlines in the Context of the XXIst Century’s Crisis”;

41. Conferinţa internaţională GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 21-23 oct. 2010 –

lucrarea “China – Main Pole of Attraction for the Foreign Direct Investments”;

42. Conferinţa internaţională 17th IECS, Sibiu, 13-14 mai 2010 – lucrările

„Human Capital. Any Investment in Education leads to Economic Growth?”,

“The Foreign Direct Investments in Europe and the Global Financial Crisis”;

43. Conferinţa internaţională Knowledge Economy and Management Congress,

Kokaeli University, Istanbul-Yalova, 29 oct.–1 nov. 2009 – lucrările „The Role of

Education, as a Qualitative Side of Human Capital, for Romania’s Sustainable

Development”, „The Impact of Human Capital Migration on the Economic

Growth of Romania after the EU Adhesion”;

44. Conferinţa internaţională GEBA, FEAA, Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, 22-24 oct. 2009 –

lucrarea “The Market Globalization and the Emergence of the Low-Cost Airlines.

The Case of the European Operators”;

45. Conferinţa internaţională ICBE, Braşov, 15-17 oct. 2009, lucrarea “The Impact of

Price and Value on the Consumption Decisions. The Case of the Romanian


Page 16: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


46. Conferinţa internaţională ERSA, 49th Congress, Lodz, Polonia, 25-30 august

2009 – lucrarea „The Multinational Companies and the Low-Cost Market of


47. Sesiunea internaţională de comunicări ştiinţifice Integrarea europeană – noi

provocări pentru România, ediţia a V-a, Univ. din Oradea, 28-30 mai 2009 –

lucrările „The Crisis’ Effects on the Romanian Stock of Human Capital”, „The

Multinational Companies and the Low-Cost Markets of South-East Asia”;

48. Conferinţa internaţională 16th IECS, Sibiu, 7-8 mai 2009 – lucrările „The

new challenge raised by the low-cost airlines. The case of the US operators”,

“Financial Crises: between Regulation and Nationalization”;

49. Conferinţa internaţională International Conference on Business and Economy,

Univ. Spiru Haret, Constanţa, 6-8 nov. 2008 – lucrările „Designing International

Strategies for Multinational Corporations”, „The Impact of Formal Education on

Human Capital Accumulation in Romania”;

50. Sesiunea internaţională de comunicări ştiinţifice Integrarea europeană – noi

provocări pentru România, ediţia a IV-a, Univ. din Oradea, 30-31 mai 2008 –

lucrările „The Determinants of Human Capital in Romania”, „The

Multinational Companies and the Emerging Markets”;

51. Conferinţa internaţională Knowledge Economy and Management Congress,

Kokaeli University, Istanbul, 26–28 decembrie 2007 - lucrarea „The Social Value

of Education for Economic Growth”;

52. Conferinţa Internaţională a Tinerilor Cercetători, ediţia a V-a, ATCM,

Chişinău, 9 noiembrie 2007 – lucrările: „Importanţa educaţiei pentru ţările în curs

de dezvoltare”, „Importanţa capitalului social pentru dezvoltarea economică”,

„Sănătatea – factor esenţial al creşterii şi dezvoltării”;

53. Chairman în cadrul conferinţei internaţionale Economic Policies for Sustainable

Development, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 19-20

octombrie 2007 – lucrarea “Human Capital and Migration Costs for Romanian

Economic Development”;

54. Conferinţa internaţională Globalisation and Higher Education in Economics

and Business Administration, FEAA, Iaşi, 25-27 octombrie 2007, lucrările:

“Human Capital, Development and Economic Growth”, “An Overview of the

Health Status in Romania”;

55. Conferinţa internaţională Competitiveness and European Integration, Univ.

Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj, 25-26 noiembrie 2007 – lucrarea „Human Capital and

Migration Costs for Economic Development”;

56. Sesiunea ştiinţifică cu participare internaţională Capacitatea şi eficacitatea

construcţiei instituţionale în România Europeană, Iaşi, 17-19 mai 2007 –

lucrările „Factori care au favorizat globalizarea economică şi crearea pieţelor

globale”, „Câştigători şi perdanţi ai procesului de globalizare economică”;

57. Sesiunea internaţională de comunicări ştiinţifice Integrarea europeană – noi

provocări pentru România, ediţia a III-a, Univ. din Oradea, 25-26 mai 2007 –

lucrarea „Human Capital and Innovation”;

58. Sesiunea internaţională de comunicări ştiinţifice Efecte socio-economice ale

aderării României la Uniunea Europeană, FEAA, Univ. „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 17-

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19 noiembrie 2006 – lucrările „Piaţa forţei de muncă din România după aderarea

la Uniunea Europeană – importanţa companiilor multinaţionale”, „Human Capital.

A New Approach”;

59. Sesiunea ştiinţifică cu participare internaţională Economia cunoaşterii şi

globalizarea, Iaşi, 18-20 mai 2006 - lucrările „Globalizarea şi dilemele identitare”,

„Globalizarea culturii şi impactul ei asupra economiei reale”.


1. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice Performanţă şi excelenţă în cercetarea

postdoctorală în domeniul științelor economice din România, ASE, Bucureşti,

22-23 martie 2013 – lucrarea „Evoluţii şi consecinţe ale strategiilor low-cost în

contextul modificării climatului economico-financiar”;

2. A treia sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice a cercetătorilor postdoctorali din

programul "Performanţă şi excelenţă în cercetarea postdoctorală în domeniul

științelor economice din România", intitulată Provocările crizei şi răspunsurile

științei economice, UAIC, Iaşi, 23-24 noiembrie 2012 – lucrarea „Dezvoltarea

modelului de afaceri low-cost în industria aeriană din SUA”;

3. A doua sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice a cercetătorilor postdoctorali din

programul "Performanţă şi excelenţă în cercetarea postdoctorală în domeniul

științelor economice din România", intitulată Provocările crizei şi răspunsurile

științei economice, ASE, Bucureşti, 16-17 martie 2012 – lucrarea „Importanţa

relaţiei preţ-calitate în luarea deciziilor de achiziţie. Cazul consumatorilor români”;

4. Prima sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice a cercetătorilor postdoctorali din

programul "Performanţă şi excelenţă în cercetarea postdoctorală în domeniul

științelor economice din România", intitulată Provocările crizei şi răspunsurile

științei economice, ASE București, 1-2 iulie 2011 – lucrarea „Strategii de afaceri

ale companiilor multinaţionale”;

5. Simpozionul ştiinţific Agricultura românească în UE – oportunităţi şi

perspective, Facultatea de Agricultură din Iaşi, 22-23 octombrie 2009 – lucrările

„The Impact of the Price-Quality Relationship on the Romanian Consumers”, „The

Importance of the Brand Name in Taking the Consumption Decisions. The Case of

the Romanian Consumers”;

6. Simpozionul ştiinţific Agricultura românească în UE – oportunităţi şi

perspective, Facultatea de Agricultură din Iaşi, 18-19 octombrie 2007 – lucrarea

„The Influence of Social Capital on Organizational Competitiveness”;

7. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice EconomMIX 2005, FEAA, Iaşi, 21 mai 2005 –

lucrarea „Politica comercială a Uniunii Europene”.

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F.3. Participare la proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare obţinute prin

competiţii internaţionale și naţionale

2018: Proiect de mobilitate pentru cercetători PN-III-DCD-RU-MC-2018-2, cod proiect

PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2018-0409, finanțat de Ministerul cercetării și inovării din România,

CNCS – UEFISCDI, în cadrul PNCDI III (valoare proiect 15.070 RON) – director de


2017: Proiect de mobilitate pentru cercetători, cod PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2017-0134,

finanțat de Ministerul cercetării și inovării din România, CNCS – UEFISCDI, în cadrul

PNCDI III (valoare proiect 5.611 RON) – director de proiect

2015-2016: Grant pentru tineri cercetători ai Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași

nr. 20/03.12.2015 – „Capitalul uman şi intrările de investiţii străine directe în ţările în curs

de dezvoltare. Evidenţe empirice în cazul României” (valoare proiect 20.000 RON) –

director de proiect

2012-2013: Proiect POSDRU/87/1.3/S/63908 „Dezvoltarea resurselor umane din

educaţie şi formare profesională” – titlul proiectului Perfecţionarea cadrelor didactice,

din învăţământul liceal, care predau discipline economice - formator

2010-2013: Proiect Postdoctoral ”Performanţă şi excelenţă în cercetarea postdoctorală

în domeniul ştiinţelor economice din România” cod POSDRU/1.5/S/59184 – temă

individuală de cercetare: „Evoluţii Şi Consecinţe Ale Strategiilor Low-Cost În Contextul

Modificării Climatului Economico-Financiar” (valoare proiect individual 100.300 RON) -

bursier postdoctorand

2008 – 2009: Proiect CNCSIS tip TD, nr. 15/2008: „Strategiile low-cost în contextul

dinamicii pieţei mondiale” (valoare proiect 42.500 RON) – director de proiect

2007-2008: Proiect CNCSIS tip A, nr. 1384/2007: „Investiţia în capitalul uman – sursă de

creştere a competitivităţii forţei de muncă romaneşti în perspectiva integrării europene”,

director proiect Mursa Gabriel (Valoare proiect 94.000 RON) – membru în echipa de


2007-2008: Proiect CNCSIS tip A, nr. 1416/2007: „Capitalul uman ca factor al creşterii

economice in România, trăsături balcanice şi compatibilitate europeană”, director proiect

Cristian C. Popescu (Valoare proiect 95.000 RON) – membru în echipa de cercetare

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G. Recunoașterea și impactul activității ştiinţifice

→ Diaconu, L. – „Low-cost Strategies in the Context of Global Market Dynamics”, Analele ştiinţifice

ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Editura Universităţii „Al. I.

Cuza” Iaşi, 2007, ISSN: 0379-7864, pp. 121-125, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Asha’ari Maryam Jamilah, Daud Salina, „The Effect of Green Growth Strategy on

Corporate Sustainability Performance”, Advanced Science Letters, vol. 23, no. 9,

2017, pp. 8668-8674,,


→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., Popescu, C. – „The impact of migration on human capital and

economic development”, The Proceedings of the International Conference Communication,

Context, Interdisciplinarity, "Petru Maior" University Press, Tîrgu-Mureş, vol. 3, 2014, ISSN:

2069 - 3389, pp. 32-41, citat în:

Cărți din străinătate:

o S. Saksiriruthai, “Human Capital as a Determinant of Long-Term Economic Growth”,

în D. Ushakov (ed.), Economic Reforms for Global Competitiveness, IGI Global,

2018, ISBN13: 9781522538561, pp. 249-264,



→ Maxim (Diaconu), L. – „The refugees and the economic growth in the EU states: challenges and

opportunities”, CES Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 4, 2015, pp. 881-890, citat în:

Monografii din străinătate:

o The Higher Population Council of Jordan (HPC), „Study and Policy Brief on

‘Population Characteristics of the Syrians in Jordan: The Opportunities to Address the

Challenges on the Jordanian labor market’”, Report of the main results of the General

Population and Housing Census, Department of Statistics, 2017,



o Feminism, Multiculturalism and Immigration in Europe, Rampages, 2016,

→ Diaconu, C., Maxim, L., Timofte, D., Livadariu, R.M. – „Biopsychosocial Implications Related to

the Breast Cancer in Young Women”, Revista de Cercetare Şi Intervenţie Socială, vol. 46, 2014,

pp. 152-161, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Bayar Roxana Elena Bliuc, Andrei Ioan Costea, Cozmin Mihai, Sorin Ioan Stratulat,

„The Role of Family in Medical Rehabilitation”, Revista de Cercetare Şi Intervenţie

Socială, vol. 60, 2018, pp. 51-64, FI 2016: 0,38,

o Alexandru Bogdan Ciubara, Aurel Nechita, Razvan Cosmin Tudor, Madalina Matei,

Dana Tutunaru, Paul Dan Sirbu, „Social and Medical Ethics: Implications for

Romanian Protocols Regarding the Therapy of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in

Trauma Patients”, Revista de Cercetare Şi Intervenţie Socială, vol. 60, 2018, pp. 174-

179, FI 2016: 0,38,

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→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The dynamics of the FDI inflows during the last three decades. A

comparative analysis between developing and developed countries”, Revista Economică, vol. 67,

nr. 3, Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga, 2015, pp. 46-62, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Bayar, Y., Gavriletea, M.D., “Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Financial

Development in Central and Eastern European Union Countries: A Panel

Cointegration and Causality”, International Journal of Financial Studies, vol. 6, Nr. 2,

2018, pp. 1-13

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., Maxim, A., „The importance of organizational culture for the success of

USA low-cost Airlines”, SEA – Practical Application of Science, vol. III, no. 1(7), part II, 2015,

ISSN: 2360 – 2554, pp. 375-382, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Mohamed Abdelhady, Hanaa Fayed, Nancy Fawzy, „The Influence of the 4Ps on

Passengers' Purchasing Decision-Making: the Case of LCCs”, International Journal of

Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, vol. 12, no. 1/2, 2018, pp. 246-270,

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., Popescu, C.C. – „Human capital - a pillar of sustainable development.

Empirical evidences from the EU states”, European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 5,

nr. 3, 2016, pp. 103-112, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Dauda, R.S., „Impact of HIV/aids epidemic on human capital development in West

Africa”, The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, vol. 33, no.

2, 2018, pp. 460-478, DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2486, Factor de Impact 1,241,

o Beata Cialowicz, „Demand sphere as a co-engine of sustainable development”,

European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 6, nr. 4, 2017, pp. 465-474,

Cărți și monografii din străinătate:

o Okafor Samson Nonso, Chukwuma Queen Obiageli, “Fostering Sustainable Growth

through Human Capital Development: Policy options for Nigeria”, Proceedings of

African Heritage Institution International Conference, 2018,


o Subas Dhakal, Alan Nankervis, John Burgess, Verma Prikshat, „Challenges and

Strategies of Transition from Graduation to Work in the Post-2020 Asia Pacific and

Beyond: A Comparative Analysis of Nine Countries”, în Subas Dhakal, Alan Nankervis,

John Burgess, Verma Prikshat (eds.), The Transition from Graduation to Work

Challenges and Strategies in the Twenty-First Century Asia Pacific and Beyond,

Springer, 2018, pp. 241-253,


→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., Diaconu, C., Maxim, A. - „The evolution of the medical system and health

status in Romania after the collapse of communism”, CES Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 2A, 2015,

pp. 555-565, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Bazac, A., „Epistemology of empirical research: the case of the consequences of the

Romanian neo-liberal ‘Healthcare’ law”, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern

Europe, 2018,,


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o Bielykh, A., Pylypchuk., A., Moiseieva, A., „Health reforms in Romania: Harvard

flagship approach”, Modern Economic Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2018, pp. 42-50,

o Ravnbøl, Camilla Ida, “Doubling Syndemics: Ethnographic Accounts of the Health

Situation of Homeless Romanian Roma in Copenhagen”, Health and Human Rights,

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2017, pp. 73-88, ISSN 10790969, F.I. 2017: 1,429,


→ Popescu, C., Bostan, I., Robu, B., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „An Analysis of the Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Students. A Romanian Case Study”,

Sustainability, vol. 8(8), 2016, art. no. 771, doi: 10.3390/su8080771, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Păunescu, C., Popescu, M.C., Duennweber, M., “Factors Determining Desirability of

Entrepreneurship in Romania”, Sustainability, 2018, 10(11):



o Dinç Mehmet, Akçakanat Tahsin, “Planlanmiş davraniş teorisi bağlaminda girişimcilik

niyeti üzerinde makyavelist kişiliğin etkisi” (“The Effect of Machiavellian Personality

on the Entrepreneurial Intention in the Context of Planned Behavior”), International

Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies, July 2018, pp. 761-780, ISSN 1307-


o Dotun Olaleye FALOYE, Olabode David OLATUNJI, „Entrepreneurship Education and

Self-employment Intentions among Fresh Graduates in Nigeria”, Journal of Economics

and Sustainable Development, vol. 9, no. 12, 2018, pp. 146-158, ISSN 2222-1700,

o Manciu, V., Demyen, S., “Caraș-Severin county – a great canvas for entrepreneurial

development in the field of tourism”, The Annals of the Univresity of Oradea –

Economic Sciences, Tom XXVII, no. 1, 2018, pp. 104-112,

o Mazharul Islam, Abla Abdul Hameed Bokhari, Turki Shjaan Abalala, „Perceptions to

Start up Business as a Career Choice among Saudi Female Higher Education

Students”, Societies Journal, 8(2), art. no. 31,

2018,, Indexing: ISI/Web of Science (Clarivate


o Nițu-Antonie, D.R., Feder E.-S., Partenie Munteanu, V., „Macroeconomic Effects of

Entrepreneurship from an International Perspective”, Sustainability, 9(7), 2017, 1159;

doi:10.3390/su9071159, Factor de Impact: 1,78,


o Do, B.-R., Dadvari, A., „The influence of the dark triad on the relationship between

entrepreneurial attitude orientation and entrepreneurial intention: A study among

students in Taiwan University”, Asia Pacific Management Review, vol. 22, no. 4, 2017,

pp. 185-191,, ISSN: 1029-3132,

o Ali Juha, Zakaria Norria, Jaganathan Mathivannan, Rashid Nur ‘Arifah Mohd, Yacob

Peter, Gorondutse Abdullahi Hassan, “Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention:

Empirical Insights from Malaysian Undergraduate Business Students”, International

Journal of Economic Research, vol. 14, issue 19, 2017, pp. 159-169, ISSN 0972-


Page 22: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


o J. Dvorský, G. Sopkova, M. Janoskova, „Evaluation of the social environment and

access to financial resources for business: case study of the Czech and Slovak Republic”,

Economic and Managerial Spectrum, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 62-73, 2017,

o Francoise Contreras Torres, Juan Carlos Espinosa Méndez, Karla Soria Barreto,

Alexandra Portalanza Chavarría, Kety Jáuregui Machuca, Jesús Alfonso Omaña

Guerrero, „Exploring entrepreneurial intentions in Latin American university students”,

International Journal of Psychological Research, vol. 10, no. 2, 2017,

Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Belás, J, Dvorský, J., Tyll, L., Zvaríková, K., „Entrepreneurship of University Students:

Important Factors and the Propensity for Entrepreneurship”, Administratie si

Management Public, vol. 28, 2017, pp. 6-24,


o Bostan, I., Advancing research into sustainability issues starting with the study of some

vectors of economic dynamics, 2018, DOI: 10.31228/,,

o Bostan, I., If it is the topic of the research of the informal economy, 2018, DOI:


o Artene, A., Focusing economic research on the issues of sustainability and

environmental protection, 2018, DOI: 10.31235/,,

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – “Regional economic disparities in Romania. Comparative analysis of the

north-east and west development regions”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava,

Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 14, nr. 2 (20), 2014, pp. 75-82,

citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Steliac, N., “The Labor Market in Romania and Interregional Disparities”, International

Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, vol. 2, issue 6, 2016, pp. 7-

25, DOI: 10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.26.1001,


o Copot, O., Tanase, C., „Maxent modelling of the potential distribution of ganoderma

lucidum in North-Eastern region of Romania”, Journal of Plant Development, vol. 24,

2017, pp. 133-143,


o Borcuch, A., „Economic Development of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship - An Empirical

Analysis”, International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies, vol. II, no. I,

2015, pp. 112-122,

Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Ispoescu, D.N., Zăpodeanu, I.-D., “Local resources - key factors for energy efficiency in

North-East region of Romania”, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, vol. 62 (66),

nr. 4, 2016, pp. 61-78,

o Oţil, M., Boldea, M., „Performance and Development Level - Comparative Analysis of

Disparities Among Regions of Development and Macro-Regions in Romania”, Annals of

the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 1, vol. I,

Page 23: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan




Monografii din străinătate:

o Busetti, S. et al., The Geography of New Employment Dynamics in Europe - Case Study -



o Zoltan Levente Fejes, Investigating consumer demand for counterfeit goods: Examining

the ability of social learning and low self-control to explain volitional purchase of non-

deceptive counterfeit products in an eastern European college sample, Published by

ProQuest LLC, 2016,


o Steliac, N., „The Labor Market in Romania through the magnifying glass of interregional

disparities”, Proceedings of 14th International Scientific Conference on Economic and

Social Development Belgrade, Serbia, 2016, pp. 35-45,


→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Development of the Low-Cost Carriers’ Business Models. Southwest

Airlines Case Study”, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Ştiinţe

Economice, Tomul LIX, nr. 1, 2012, pp. 231-239, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Hunter, J.A., Lambert, J. R., “Do we feel safer today? The impact of smiling customer

service on airline safety perception post 9–11”, Journal of Transportation Security, vol. 9,

issue 1, 2016, pp. 35-56, doi:10.1007/s12198-016-0165-2,

Cărți și monografii din străinătate:

o Edogi, B.A., A Qualitative Case Study on Customer Satisfaction with Low-Cost Airlines:

Perceptions of Airline Customers, Published by ProQuest, ISSN 10256467, 2017,


o Dorin Trlin, Analiza Europskog Tržišta Zračnog Prometa Obzirom Na Poslovni Model

Zračnog Prijevoznika, University of Zagreb, 2018,

o Price, M.J., Strategies for Mitigating Low-Cost Airlines' Passenger Complaints, Walden

University ScholarWorks, 2017,


o M.J.M. Sharaaz, Strategy and Profitability: Managing Profits in Inflation Economy,

Walden University, 2016, 159 pag.,


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed. ASE,

Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

Page 24: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The foreign direct investments in South-East Asia during the last two

decades”, Procedia Economics and Finance, vol. 15, 2014, pp. 903-908, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Zohar Barnett-Itzhaki, Marta Esteban López, Naveen Puttaswamy, Tamar Berman, “A

review of human biomonitoring in selected Southeast Asian countries”, Environment

International, vol. 116, pp. 156–164, 2018, FI: 7,297,

o Yong Sze-Wei, Suhaimi, Rosita, Chai Shin-Yi, “The Effect of Public Debt on FDI-Growth

Nexus: Threshold Regression Analysis”, Advanced Science Letters, vol. 23, no. 8, 2017,

pp. 7342-7345,,

o Mohanty, S.P., Behera, S. R., „Macroeconomic Determinants of FDI Inflows to India: An

Empirical Estimation”, Journal of International Economics, vol. 8, no. 2, 2017, p. 43-61,,%20Iss%202,%20Jul


o Andaman, G., Yusop, Z., Noor, Z.M., Kaliappan, S.R., „Host Country-Specific Factors

Causing Outwards Foreign Direct Investment from Malaysia”, Jurnal Ekonomi

Malaysia, vol. 50(1), 2016, pp. 67 – 80,,

Cărți și monografii din străinătate:

o Suteera Sitong, „The ASEAN Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: A

Case Study of Japan’s FDI on the Automotive Industry”, Report of Policy Research

Institute, Ministry of Finance, Japan, 2017,


o Wattanakul, T., “Economic factors influence foreign direct investment from Thailand to

Laos PDR”, publicat în Proceedings of The International Conference of the Association of

Korean Economic Studies(AKES) on Korea and the World Economy XV: 'New Economic

Paradigm and Sustainable Development', Seoul, Korea, 2016,

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Ageing population: comparative analysis among European Union states”,

CES Working Papers, vol. VII, nr. 1, 2015, pp. 50-59, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Chand, M., Markova, G., „The European Union's aging population: Challenges for

human resource management”, Thunderbird International Business Review, 2018, pp.,

o Kashnitsky, I., de Beer, J., van Wissen, L., „Decomposition of regional convergence in

population ageing across Europe”, Journal of Population Sciences, vol. 73, no. 2, 2017,

DOI 10.1186/s41118-017-0018-2,

o Luksch, N., „Good Old American Guest: The Persistent Value of Transatlantic Relations

for Europe in Today’s Multipolar World”, Nouvelle Europe, no. 12, 2016,

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Monografii din străinătate:

o Lenhardt, F., Ageing in Europe: The challenge of the century, and how to deal with it,

Laurea University of Applied Sciences, 2016,


→ Diaconu, L., Popescu, C.C. - „Human Capital and Innovation”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea –

Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVI, vol. I, 2007, pp. 560-563, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Mojgan Samandar Ali Eshtehardi, Seyed Kamran Bagheri, Alberto Di Minin, „Regional

innovative behavior: Evidence from Iran”, Technological forecasting and social change,

122, 2017, pp. 128-138

o Barbara McCrory, Nick Pilcher, Janice McMillan, “A holistic framework to embed good

company practice for customer retention”, Training for Quality Journal (TQM), vol. 29,

issue: 2, 2017, pp. 257-275, doi: 10.1108/TQM-11-2015-0139,,

o Nor Aisyah Che Derasid, Aede Hatib Musta’mal, Nor Fadila Mohd. Amin, Abdul

Rashid Husain, „Content validity for innovation level of UTM undergarduate students: a

quantitative approach”, Man in India, Serials Publications, vol. 96, issue no. 1-2, 2016,

pp. 477-488,

o Sri Sasmita Dahlan, Palmarudi Mappigau, Siiti Khaerani, „Human Capital and Best

Practice Management Adoption of among Small Scale Maize Farmer in Bantaeng

District, Indonesia”, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 2, no. 1, 2014, pp. 81-96,

o Sri Sasmita Dahlan, Palmarudi Mappigau, Siiti Khaerani, „Human capital specific,

entrepreneurial behaviour and integrated maize crop management adoption: Case of

small scale farmenrs in Bantaeng district, Indonesia”, Research Journal of Applied

Sciences, vol. 9, no. 8, 2014, pp. 481-488,

o Dutta, N., Osei-Yeboah, K., “A new dimension to the relationship between foreign direct

investment and human capital: the role of political and civil rights”, Journal of

International Development, Vol. 25, issue 2, pp. 160–179, 2013, Impact Factor: 0.669,

ISI Journal Citation Reports, © Ranking: 2013: 40/55 (Planning & Development)

Online ISSN: 1099-1328


Monografii din străinătate: o A.S. Didenko, N.M. Abdikeev, O.V. Loseva, „Approaches to the Ranking of Regions

According to the Efficiency and Scientific and Innovative Activities”, 2018 Eleventh

International Conference "Management of large-scale system development" (MLSD),

2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4924-4, DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2018.8551885,

o Supriyo Das, European chemical industry and its innovation policy with focus on large

chemical companies, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Reus, 2015,

o Poh, Huang, Differential Effect of Human Capital on Firm performance: Evidence from

High Tech firms in Taiwan, Airiti library, 2012,

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→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. –„The Evolution of the European Low-Cost Airlines’ Business Models.

Ryanair Case Study”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 62, 2012, pp. 342-346, citat


Reviste de specialitate din străinătate: o Mohamed Abdelhady, Hanaa Fayed, Nancy Fawzy, „The Influence of the 4Ps on

Passengers' Purchasing Decision-Making: the Case of LCCs”, International Journal of

Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, vol. 12, no. 1/2, 2018, pp. 246-270,

o Reinhold, S., Zach, F.J., Krizaj, D., „Business models in tourism - state of the art”,

Tourism Review, Special Issue, 2018,,

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o Fabian A. Baltheiser, The performance effect of business model change in the airline

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ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

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Iaşi, Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul LVI, 2009, pp. 475-480, citat în:

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o Abraham Mugambi Nkingo, Managerial practices influencing integration of

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institutions in Kenya, University of Nairobi, 2016,



o Ogembo, J.B., The contribution of soapstone handicraft industry to community

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→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The foreign direct investments in South-East Asia in the context of the

1997 and 2007 crises”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 109, 2014, pp. 160-164,

citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Palma, A.P., “Truth Behind Economic Performance, Natural Resources and Attracting

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Y., Huynh, V.N., Lawry, J. (Eds.), Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling

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Monografii din străinătate:

o Maryam Yousefi Nejad, Azlina Ahmand, Fairuz Salleh, Ruzita Abdul Rahim, “IFRS

Adoption, Information Asymmetry and FDI”, Proceedings of International Conference

on Accounting Studies (ICAS) 2017, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2017, pp. 161-166,


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o Ibhagui, O., „How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Growth in Sub-Saharan

Africa? New Evidence from Non-threshold and Threshold Analysis”, MPRA Paper,


o Yu-Ling Liu, Using MCDM Method to Explore The Considerations and Decisions of

Selecting Real Estate in Southeast Asia: A Case Study in Indonesia, Thailand and

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o Hoo Lee Liang, Lau Eng Keat, Law Chee You, Tan Xue Er, Teoh Wil Kean, Impact of

crisis towards foreign direct investment (FDI) in eight selected Asia countries,

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 2016,


→ Popescu, C.C., Maxim, A., Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions

among Romanian Students”, Transformations in Business and Economics, vol. 13, nr. 3C (33C),

2014, pp. 370-388, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Izaias Martins, Juan Pablo Pérez Monsalve, Andres Velásquez Martinez, "Self-

confidence and fear of failure among university students and their relationship with

entrepreneurial orientation: Evidence from Colombia", Academia Revista

Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. 31, no. 3, 2018, pp. 471-485, FI 2017:


o Arthur Lin, Tien-Hsiang Chang, Hsin-Pin Fu, Hsiao-Ping Yeh, Kuei-Ying Hsu, and

Hsin-Ying Tsai, „Analysis of the CSFs affecting project execution: a case

application”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Taylor&Francis, vol.

29, issues 7-8, 2018, pp. 848-865, Impact Factor: 0,896,,

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o Alejandro Valencia-Arias, Ivan Montoya, Alexandra Montoya, „Constructs and

relationships in the study of entrepreneurial intentions in university students”,

International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, vol. 13, no.1, 2018,

pp. 31-52,

o O. Neacşu,, M. N., Radulescu, R., Diţoiu, M. C., Aluculesei, A. C., Mahika, E. C. –

„Study regarding the entrepreneurial intention among young people in the context of

the Romanian business environment”, European Journal of Business and Social

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Monografii din străinătate:

o López Valencia, J. D., Sáncez Calderón, N., Modelos de emprendimiento en

educación superior : Estados Unidos, Editura ICESI, Columbia, 2015,

o Yi-Chen, Chang, A Study of Personality Traits, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and

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→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „Business Strategies of the Multinational Corporations”, CES Working

Papers, vol. IV, nr. 2, 2012, pp. 141-151, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Sahat Aditua Fandhitya Silalahi, „Strategi ekspansi internasional badan usaha milik

negara sektor telekomunikasi”, Kajian, vol. 21, no. 2, 2016,

o Kapustina, L. M., Korovin, Y.I., „Implementation of Transnationalization Strategy of

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Scientific-Analytical Journal of Urals State University of Economics, vol. 52, no. 6,

2014, pp. 18-23,

o Van Detta, J.A., „Politics and Legal Regulation in the International Business

Environment: An FDI Case Study of Alstom, S.A., in Israel”, University of Miami

Business Law Review, vol. XXI, no. 1, 2013, pp. 4-110, ISSN: 2376-404X,

Monografii din străinătate:

o Benjarat Aksornlertsawat, A Case Study of International Strategy on Modern Dyestuff

& Pigment Company, NTU Science and Technology, 2016, ISBN: 0620116-155703,


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2 (dovadă atașată)

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4 (dovadă atașată)

→ Diaconu, L. – „The Multinational Companies and the Emerging Markets”, Analele

Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVII, vol. I, 2008, pp. 111-115, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Khan, M. A., „Challenges for MNEs operating in emerging markets”, Journal of

Management and Marketing Research, vol. 18, 2015, ISSN Online: 1941-3408,

o Beyer, H., Fening, F., „The Impact of Formal Institutions on Global Strategy in

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Science, vol. 3, no. 15, 2012, pp. 30-36,

Cărți din străinătate:

o Khan, M. A., Multinational Enterprise. Management Strategies in Developing

Countries, Published by IGI-Global, USA, 2016, ISBN-13: 978-1522502760, ISBN-

10: 1522502769,


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

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o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L. – „The Impact of the Economic Crises from the XXIst Century on the

European Low-Cost Airlines’ Market”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava,

Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 12, nr. 1(15), 2012, pp. 91-

98, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Karwowski M., „The effects of the evolution of the business model in a period

of economic crisis — a study of annual reports of selected airlines”, Ekonomia

i Prawo (Economics and Law), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2015, pp. 479–490. DOI: EiP.2015.031,

Monografii din străinătate:

o Olivier, N.P., Hippolyte, E., Effects of content on Google ad success: the case of

Icelandair, Haskolinn i Reykjavik, 2016,

o Chen L., Pawlikowski H., The Expansion of Low Cost Carriers into the LongHaul

Market: A Strategic Analysis of Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, Bergen: NHN, 2015,

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Popescu, C., Pohoață, I. (coord.); Diaconu, L. (coautor, total 7 coautori) – „Capital uman, capital

social și creștere economică”, Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2007, carte citată în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Buta, S., “Capital & Formal Social Groups - The Potential Implications”, Academic

Research International, Vol. 6(3), 2015, pp. 261-272, ISSN: 2223-9944,

o Balogh, B., „How to Measure Human Capital: a short Review”, Network Intelligence

Studies, vol. 1, 2013, pp. 21-35,

o Baciu, L., Asandului, L., “Considerations on the population's opinions regarding the

health services and tertiary education in Romania”, Journal of International Business

and Economics, vol. 12, issue 3, 2012, ISSN: 1544-8037, pp. 80-86,


o Popescu, C., ”The Deterioration of the Economic Environment and the Regional

Redistribution of the Human Capital Stock in Romania”, Procedia - Social and

Behavioral Sciences, vol. 62, 2012, pp. 285-289, ISSN 1877-0428,

Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Buta, S., Kicsi, R. I., „Empirical reflections on migration phenomenon. Major effects

of migration on the human capital”, The USV Annals of Economics and Public

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Administration, vol. 13, Issue 2(18), 2013, pp. 42-47,

o Popescu, C., “The influence of the social and political environment on the human

capital share in Romania. A historical overview”, Analele științifice ale Universității

„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Științe Economice, No. 59 (1), Ed. Univ. “Al. I.

Cuza”, 2012, pp. 275-287,

o Neamțu, D.M., Arionesei, G., Vranciu, L.E., “The role of social capital in the

economic development”, Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge

Society, vol. 8, Special Issue, 2013, pp. 239-246, ISSN: 2069–8887,


Cărți din străinătate:

o Cobzari Ludmila, Ulian Galina, Miron Oxana, Moroi Tatiana, „Investițiile în capitalul

sănătății – element important al potențialului de dezvoltare economico-socială”, 25 de

ani de reformă economică în Republica Moldova: prin inovare şi competitivitate spre

progres economic, vol. 5, pp. 64-67, ASEM, Chișinău, 2016, ISBN 978-9975-75-839-


o Popescu, C., “The Analysis of the Social Capital in the Context of the Democratic

Changes from the Central and Eastern Europe”, The 6th International Days of

Statistics and Economics Conference Proceedings, Praga, 2012, pp. 934-943, ISBN:


Cărți din țară:

o S. Buta, Capitalul uman în economiile celui de al treilea val, Editura Sedcom Libris,


o Popescu, C., Capitalul uman în noile democrații, Ed. UAIC, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-714-


→ Popescu C.C., Diaconu, L., „The Determinants of Human Capital in Romania”, Analele

Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVII, vol. II, 2008, ISSN-1582-5450, pp.

356-361, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Solarin Sakiru Adebola, Eric Olabisi Olabode, „Impact of Economic Globalization on

Human Capital: Evidence from Nigerian Economy”, International Journal of

Economics and Financial Issues, vol. 5, no. 3, 2015, pp. 786-789,


o Shaliza Azreen Mohd Zulkifli, Nur Mizatun Hasni Zulkifli, Noor Hafizha Muhamad

Yusuf, Chen Jen Eem, „Determinants of human capital development: Case of

Malaysia”, e-Academia Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 38-46, http://journale-


Cărți din țară:

o S. Buta, Capitalul uman în economiile celui de al treilea val, Editura Sedcom Libris,


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→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “Education and labor market outcomes in Romania”, Eastern Journal of

European Studies, vol. 5, issue 1, 2014, pp. 99-112, citat în:

Cărți din străinătate:

o Croitoru, A., „Gendered Migratory Pathways: Exploring the Work Trajectories of

Long-Term Romanian Migrants”, în Vlase, I., Voicu, B. (Eds.), Gender, Family, and

Adaptation of Migrants in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-319-76657-7,

2018, pp. 93-115,,





o Horea Serban R. I., Istrate M., „High Education, Professional Insertion and Economic

Development in Romania”, în Tsounis, N., Vlachvei, A. (eds.), Advances in Applied

Economic Research (Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Applied

Economics), Strategiile low-cost în contextul dinamicii pieţei Springer, 2017, ISBN

online 978-3-319-48454-9, pp. 487-501,

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Spatarelu, E.M., „Youth insertion on labor market”, Procedia Economics and

Finance, vol. 32, 2015, pp.1020-1026,

Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Salama, A.H., „Discuss the relationship between unemployment and level of

education in Palestine”, The Annals of the University of Oradea – Economic Sciences,

tom XXVI, 2017, pp. 171-180,

o Salama, A., „How literacy affects unemployment among different age groups in

Palestine”, SEA- Practical Application of Science, vol. V, no. 15(3), 2017, pp. 363-


o Adrian NAGEL, Silvia Nicoleta MIRICĂ, Martin DOMOKOS, Cerasela

DOMOKOS, Eugen BOTA, Cristian NEGREA, „Journey from academics to

employment: labor market insertion of the Fitness and Motor Performance Master

Physical Education Faculty of Timisoara West University Alumni 2011-2016- a pilot

study”, Timişoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal, vol. 10, nr. 9,

2017, pp. 25-32,


→ Diaconu L., “Strategic Options of the Low-Cost Companies”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare

University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 9, nr.

1(9), 2009, pp. 81-87, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Antonio de Souza, M., Weber, E.L., Herden Campos, R., „Práticas de gestão de custos

logísticos internos: estudo de caso em empresa moveleira do sul do Brasil”, Revista

Contemporanea de Contabilidade, vol. 12, nr. 25, 2015, ISSN 2175-8069, pp. 27-46,


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Cărți din străinătate:

o Edogi, B.A., în cartea A Qualitative Case Study on Customer Satisfaction with Low-

Cost Airlines: Perceptions of Airline Customers, Published by ProQuest, ISSN

10256467, 2017,


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., „Foreign Direct Investments in Romania after the EU Adhesion”, The

Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and

Public Administration, vol. 13, nr. 2 (18), 2013, pp. 56-62, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Popovici, O.C., „Closing the FDI gap in CEE countries. The example of Bulgaria and

Romania”, Journal of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics and Management, vol. 3,

nr. 15, 2015, pp. 24-30,

→ Diaconu, L., Maxim, A., Popescu, C.C., “Human Capital and Migration Costs for Romanian

Economic Development”, Proceedings of International Conference on Economic Policies for

Sustainable Development, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2007, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Rodríguez-Jesús LÓPEZ, Andres FAIÑA, Cosmin-Gabriel BOLEA, „Skills and

location in a geographical economics setting: the case of Romania”, QUAESTUS, nr. 11,

2017, pp. 225-253,



Reviste de specialitate din țară:

o Iatagan, M., „Strategy for Financing the Romanian Higher Education in the Perspective

of 2025”, Quality - Access to Success, Supplement 3, Vol. 16, 2015, pp. 178-184, ISSN







Cărți din străinătate:

o Uccellini, C.M., „Romanian migration to Italy”, capitol în Leila Simona Talani

(editor), Globalisation, Migration, and the Future of Europe: Insiders and Outsiders,

New York: Routledge, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-415-66904-7,




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→ Mursa, G., Ignat, I. (coord.); Diaconu, L. (coautor, total 6 coautori) – „Capital uman și

competitivitate”, Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2009, carte citată în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Savu, C., Gurgu, E., „Human capital in the new economy. A post-revolutionary

Romanian radiography”, Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, vol. VI,

no. 1, 2014, pp. 510-517,


→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., „The Evolution of China‘s Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Outflows

Since the Beginning of The XXIst Century”, Conference Proceedings of International Days of

Statistics and Economics, Melandrium Publishing House, Praga, pp. 287-297, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Ezeaku, C., „China’s Investment and Trade in Africa: Implications for Development”,

Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies, Vol. II, Issue 1,

2013, pp. 1-49,


→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., „The Evolution of the Foreign Direct Investments in Central and Eastern

Europe in the Context of the Nowadays Crisis”, ICEA Conference Proceedings, University of

Bucharest, 2011, pp.208-214, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Ifrim, M., „Capital Goods and Consumer Goods Industries During the Business

Cycle”, EURINT Conference Proceedings, CSE, UAIC, Iasi, 2013, ISBN:978-973-

703-892-0, pp. 595-603,

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., „Education, Consumption and Economic Growth of a Country”, Journal of

International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives, vol.10(2), 2012, pp. 216-223, citat


Cărți din țară:

o Ifrim, M., Ciclul economic – Dualismul monetaro-real, Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”

Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-703-976-7

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

Page 36: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


→ Diaconu, L., „The Multinational Companies and the Low-Cost Markets of South-East Asia”,

Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Ştiinţe Economice, Tomul XVIII, 2009, pp. 148-153, citat în:

Cărți și monografii din străinătate:

o Krause, S., Bøe, R.H., German and Norwegian Foreign Direct Investments into South

East Asia, BI Norwegian Business School, 2014,


o Hertanti, R., Ceresna-Chaturvedi, L., Working and Living conditions in special

economic zones – a comparative study between India and Indonesia, Published by

Cividep India & IGJ, 2012,


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., „The Low-Cost Carrier Model – the Case of Romania”, Proceedings of

International Conference MTC, Alexandoupolis, Grecia, Editura Universității Tehnice Gh.

Asachi, Iaşi, 2011, ISBN: 978-960-99486-2-3, pp. 369-372, citat în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Manolica, A., Roman, T., Gâlcă, A., „The behavior of the books’ consumers in the

current crisis”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 62, 2012, ISSN: 1877-

0428, pp. 1011-1015,

o Manolica, A., Roman, T., Roman, S., „The presence of stereotypes in advertising”,

Journal of International Scientific Publication: Economy & Business, Volume 6, Part

2, 2012, ISSN 1313-2339, pp. 334-339, https://www.scientific-

o Butnaru, G. I., „Creativity and managerial performance”, Journal of International

Scientific Publication: Economy & Business, Volume 6, Part 2, 2012, ISSN 1313-

2571, pp. 336-346,


o Butnaru, G. I., Balcan, C., „Characteristics of Strategic Management in Innovation in

the Field of Hotel Services in Romania”, International Journal of Academic Research

in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 10, 2012, ISSN: 2222-6990, pp. 428-442,

o Butnaru, G. I., “Conceptual approaches on managerial performance in tourism

organizations”, Journal of International Scientific Publication: Economy & Business,

Volume 6, Part 1, 2012, ISSN 1313-2339, pp. 180-192, http://www.scientific-

Page 37: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


→ Diaconu L., Strategiile low-cost în contextul dinamicii pieţei mondiale, Ed. Universităţii „Al. I.

Cuza”, Iaşi, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-703-461-8, carte citată în:

Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Ubaidullah Ahmady, Jai Prakash Tripathi, „The Multinational Organizations business

Strategies”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), vol. 19, no. 10,

ver. VI, 2017, pp. 63-67, e-ISSN: 2278-487X,


o Cârstea, Gh., Corboș, R.A., „Strategic analysis on the public power influence”,

Review of International Comparative Management, vol. 1, Special no., 2011, pp. 172-


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu, L., „Atractivitatea pieţei româneşti pentru companiile multinaţionale după aderarea la

UE”, în volumul Costuri şi beneficii ale aderării României la Uniunea Europeană, Ed.

Universităţii „AL. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-703-255-3, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu C., Diaconu L., „The Impact of the Price-Quality Relationship on the Romanian

Consumers”, Lucrari Ştiintifice. Seria Agronomie, vol. 52, Editura Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi,

2009, ISSN: 1454-7414, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu C., Diaconu L., „The Ability to Assume the Decisional Risk in the Consumption

Process”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of

Economics and Public Administration, vol. 9, nr. 2 (10), 2009, pp. 75-82, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

Page 38: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu, L., „The Importance of the Brand Name in Taking the Consumption Decisions. The Case

of the Romanian Consumers”, Lucrari Ştiintifice. Seria Agronomie, vol. 52, Editura Ion Ionescu

de la Brad, Iaşi, 2009, ISSN: 1454-7414, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu, L., “The Impact of Price and Value on the Consumption Decisions. The Case of the

Romanian Consumer”, Proceedings of International Conference ICBE, Braşov, vol. 1, 2009,

ISBN: 978-973-1747-11-8, pp. 133-136, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The brand name’s role in the purchase decisions at the beginning of the

XXIst century. Empirical evidences from the north-eastern part of Romania”, CES Working

Papers, vol. IV, nr. 3, 2012, pp. 306-315, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The consumption behavior in the context of the nowadays crisis. Empirical

evidences from the North-Eastern part of Romania”, Proceedings of International Conference

GEBA, Iaşi, 2012, ISBN: 978-973-703-766-4, pp. 217-223, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

Page 39: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The Multinationals’ Investments in China Before and During the Present

Crisis”, Proceedings of International Conference GEBA, Iaşi, 2011, ISBN: 978-973-703-697-1,

pp. 259-262, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “China – Main Pole of Attraction for the Foreign Direct Investors”,

Proceedings of International Conference GEBA, Iaşi, vol. 1, 2010, ISBN: 978-973-703-550-9, pp.

72-82, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The evolution of the low-cost airlines between 2000 and 2011.

Comparative analysis across American and European low-cost operators”, Analele Universităţii

din Bucureşti, Seria Economie şi Administraţie, vol. 6, 2012, ISSN: 1842-9327, pp. 116-128, citat


Cărți din străinătate:

o Edogi, B.A., A Qualitative Case Study on Customer Satisfaction with Low-Cost

Airlines: Perceptions of Airline Customers, Published by ProQuest, ISSN 10256467,



Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The low-cost airlines' impact on the behavior of the passengers from

North-Eastern Romania”, Revista Economică, Ed. Universităţii L. Blaga, 2012, supliment nr. 1,

ISSN: 1582-6260, pp. 251-256, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

Page 40: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan


o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The Role of Innovation for the Economic Growth and Development of the

States. The Case of the Emerging Countries”, Proceedings of International Conference ERSA,

Barcelona, Spania, 2011, ISSN: 1478-341X-1, pp. 276 – 292, citat în:

Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

→ Diaconu (Maxim), L., “The Evolution of the Low-Cost Airlines in US. The Case Study on

Southwest and JetBlue Airlines”, The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava, Fascicle

of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 11, nr. 1 (13), 2011, pp. 92-97, citat


Reviste de specialitate din străinătate:

o Mohamed Abdelhady, Hanaa Fayed, Nancy Fawzy, „The Influence of the 4Ps on

Passengers' Purchasing Decision-Making: the Case of LCCs”, International Journal of

Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, vol. 12, no. 1/2, 2018, pp. 246-270,

o Dinler, N., Rankin, W., “Assessment of the Evolving Low-Cost Business Model for the

Future Importance of U.S. Secondary Airports”, International Journal of Aviation,

Aeronautics and Aerospace, vol. 5, no. 4, 2018, pp. 1-35,,

Cărți și monografii din străinătate:

o Edogi, B.A., A Qualitative Case Study on Customer Satisfaction with Low-Cost

Airlines: Perceptions of Airline Customers, Published by ProQuest, ISSN 10256467,



o Cruz Rodriguez, I.J., Impactos economicos de la salida del mercado de Mexicana de

Aviacion, Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas, Universidad Autónoma de

Coahuila, Mexic, 2017, ISBN: 978-607-506-288-4,

o Cartagena Munizaga Mario, Jimenez Moreta Julianna, Estrategias de Bajo Costo

Sector Aerolíneas, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2015,


Cărți din țară:

o Manolică, A., Orientarea spre consumator – prioritate strategică a firmelor, Ed.

ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-627-5

o Manolică, A., Implicaţii decizionale ale comportamentului consumatorului, Ed.

Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-702-965-2

o Butnaru, G. I., Performanta manageriala in turism. Factori de dezvoltare in contextul

globalizarii, Ed. ASE, Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN 978-606-505-637-4

Page 41: LISTA COMPLETĂ DE LUCRĂ · 2019-01-15 · the developing countries during the last decades”, The Annals of the Stefan