List Publication Complete 2016(Final)

List of Publications Prof. Dr. A.H.S. Hassan LIST OF PUBLICATIONS --------- 1- Histological and histochemical studies on the adrenal glands of geese and ducks. Act. Vet. Acad. Sci. Hung., 25 (1): 19-34 (1975). A.H.S. Hassan 2- Ultrastructure of adrenal medullary cells in the geese and duck. Acta. Vet. Acad. Sci. Hung., 25 (4): 321-333 (1976). Guzsal, E. and A.H.S. Hassan 3- The postnatal development of the ductus deferens and ampulla in bulls. Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 95, 5, S. 785- 796 (1981). M. Abdel-Raouf and A.H.S. Hassan 4- Light and electron microscopic investigation on stellate cells in pars Distalis of the adenohypophysis of ducks and geese. Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 95, 5, S. 855-864 (1981). A.H.S. HASSAN 5- The effect of zeranol implantion on some endocrine glands and gonads in fat-tailed lamb. I-The pituitary gland (pars distalis). Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 95, 4, S. 634- 644 (1981). A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel and F.F.El-Hommosi 1

Transcript of List Publication Complete 2016(Final)

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List of Publications Prof. Dr. A.H.S. Hassan


1- Histological and histochemical studies on the adrenal glands of geese and ducks.

Act. Vet. Acad. Sci. Hung., 25 (1): 19-34 (1975). A.H.S. Hassan

2- Ultrastructure of adrenal medullary cells in the geese and duck. Acta. Vet. Acad. Sci. Hung., 25 (4): 321-333 (1976). Guzsal, E. and A.H.S. Hassan

3- The postnatal development of the ductus deferens and ampulla in bulls.Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 95, 5, S. 785-796 (1981).

M. Abdel-Raouf and A.H.S. Hassan

4- Light and electron microscopic investigation on stellate cells in pars Distalis of the adenohypophysis of ducks and geese.

Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 95, 5, S. 855-864 (1981). A.H.S. HASSAN

5- The effect of zeranol implantion on some endocrine glands and gonads in fat-tailed lamb.

I-The pituitary gland (pars distalis).Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 95, 4, S. 634-644 (1981).A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel and F.F.El-Hommosi

6- The structure of the Ultimobranchial body of the duck.15th. Vet. Congress, Cairo (1981).A.H.S. Hassan and A. K. Ahmed and G. Kamel

7- Cyclic morphological variations in the gonadotropic cells in the pituitary gland of ewe.Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 96, 2, S. 303-317 (1982). A. Hifny, A.H.S. Hassan, G.Kamel and Abo-Elmagd

8- Functional morphology of thyrotropic and corticotropic cells during reproductive cycle in ewe. Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 96, 2, S. 318-330 (1982).A. Hifny, A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel and Abo-Elmagd

9- Histochemical and topographical studies on the somatotropic and lactotropic cells in ewe during reproductive cycle.Z. Mikrosk. Anat. Forsch., Leipzig 96, 2: 817-830 (1982).A. Hifny, A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel and Abo-Elmagd


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List of Publications Prof. Dr. A.H.S. Hassan

10- Chromosomal analysis of the Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.).2nd world Congress on Genetic. Madrid, Spain (1982).M.M. El-Zawahri and A.H.S. Hassan

11- The effect of zeranol implantion on some endocrine glands and gonads in fat-tailed lambs. II- The testes. Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 11: 35-40 (1983).G. Kamel, A.H.S. Hassan and F.F. El-Hommosi

12- The effect of zeranol implantation on some endocrine glands and gonads in fat-tailed lambs. III- Adrenal cortex and thyroid gland. Egypt J. Histology (1983). A.H.S. Hassan and G. Kamal

13- Histological changes in the mammary gland of ewe in relation to estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy. Assiut Vet. Med. J., 11 No. 21: 45-49 (1983). I. Salem, A.H.S. Hassan G. Kamel and A.A. Abdel-Raheim

14- Qualitative and quantitative cell type population in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland in the male goat around the year. Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 11, No. 21: 27-33 (1983). A. Hifny, A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel and El-Kerdawy

15- Histochemical studies on the skin of friezian, native cattle and buffaloes after exposure to solar radiation. 5th Congress of Histology, Cairo (1984). I. Salem, G. Kamel and A.H.S. Hassan

16- Scanning electron microscopy and histomorphological studies on the ruminal papillae in the goat. First Scientific Congress, Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut University, 289-303 (1984). G. Kamel, A.M.A. Ali, A.S. Saber and A.H.S. Hassan

17- Cytomorphological changes of the adenohyphysis in castrated male goats.Assiut Med. J. Vol., 9, No. 2 April, 84-91 (1985).A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel, A.M.A. Ali and Aziza A. Selim

18- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the testes in goat in relation to fertility. First Int. Conf. Appl. Sci. Zagazig Univ., 1-9 (1985).A.H.S. Hassan, G. Kamel, Aziza A. Selmi and A.M.A. Ali


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List of Publications Prof. Dr. A.H.S. Hassan

19- Cyclical changes in gonadotropic cells in relation to the ovarian activity in buffaloes. Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 17, No. 33, 15-20 (1986). A.H.S. Hassan, A. Aboul-Ela, M.R. Fath El-Bab and A. Selim

20- The effect of long-term TP or hCG administration on some hypothalamic neurosecretory centers. 9th Congress of Histology, Cairo, (1985). M. Abdel-Raouf, M.R. Fath El-Bab, G. Kamel, A.H.S. Hassan and A.M.A. Ali

21- The effect of long-term TP or hCG administration on reproductive functions in adult rabbit.II- Histomorphological changes in the prepuce and preputial glands.Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 17, No. 33: 23-28 (1986).A.H.S. Hassan, G. Kamel, M.R. Fath El-Bab and Aziza A. Selim

22-Quantitative histological studies on the thyroid gland of ewe during estrus cycle and pregnancy.Assiut Vet. Med. 17, No. 34: 45-51 (1986).Salem,G. Kamel, A.M.A. Ali, A.H.S. Hassan and Aziza A.Selim

23- Light and scanning electron microscopical observations on the shell gland of Fayoumi fowl.Assiut Vet. Med. J.,Vol. 18, No. 35: 58-62 (1987).G. Kamel, A.H.S. Hassan, A.M.A. Ali and A. Nafady

24- Morphogenesis of the cutaneous vasculature in dogs.Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 18, No. 36: 39-44 (1987).H.Badawi, M. R. Fath El-Bad, A.H.S. Hassan and M.N.K. Moustafa

25- The histogenesis of the pilosebaceous apparatus in dogs. Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. No. 36: 31-38 (1987).H.Badawi, M.R. Fath El-Bab, A.H.S. Hassan and M.N.K.Moustafa

26- Quantitative morphological study on the seminal gland of lambs after zeranol implantation.AssiutVet. Med. J., Vol. 18, No. 36: 52-57 (1987).G. Kamel, A.H.S. Hassan, F.F. El-Hommosi and M.N.K. Moustafa

27- Morphological and stereological changes in the thyroid gland of rabbits after long-term hCG and TP administration. Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 18, No. 36: 177-182 (1987).M. Abdel-Raouf, A.H.S. Hassan, G. Kamel and M. R. Fath El-Bab


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28- Histological studies on the prenatal development of goat stomach.Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 18, No, 36: 25-30 (1987).G. Kamel, A.H.S. Hassan, A.M.A. Ali and M.N.K. Moustafa

29- Postnatal growth and histological development of the gonadotropic cells in relation to puberty in bulls. 9th Congress of Anatomy Cairo (1986).M.R. Fath El-Bab, A.H.S. Hassan , Aziza A. Selim and M. Abdel-Raouf

30- Improved histochemical and immunoytochemical methods of light microscopy of ovine pituitary cells in monolayer culture. XVI Congress of Europian Association of Vet. Anatomists. Budapest Hungary (1986).A.H.S. Hassan, C. Tsonis and A. McNeilly

31- Histochemical and immunocytochemical changes in ovine pituitary gonadotropic cells in culture after treatment with LHRH-A., inhibin and oestradiol.XVI Congress of Europian Association of Vet. Anatomists, Budapest Hungary (1986).A.H.S. Hassan, C. Tsonis and A. McNeily

32- Neuropharmacological analysis of the control of luteinzing hormone secretion in gonadectomized male and female rats: 2- Castration cells of males can function independently of LHRH

stimulation.10thCongress of Histology, Cairo (1986).A.H.S. Hassan and O.F.X. Almeida

33- Effect of inhibin, estradiol and GnRH-Agonist on the immunocytochemistry, content and secretion of LH and FSH by ovine pituitary cells in culture.Society for the study of reproduction. Champaign, IL, U.S.A. (1986).A.H.S. Hassan, C. Tsonis and A. McNeilly

34- Quantitative and qualitative histological changes in the testes of rabbits after 1ong-term hCG and TP administration.10th Congress of Anatomy, Cairo (1987).M. Abdel-Raouf, A.H.S. Hassan , G. Kamel and M.R. Fath El-Bab

35- Morphological changes in oviductal mucosal epithelium in relation to ovarian activity in buffaloes. 10th Congress of Anatomy, Cairo (1987).G. Kamel, A.H.S. Hassan , A.S. Saber and A. Ahmed


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36- Effect of hydrocortisone on the healing per primam of experimental wounds in the skin and intestinal resection anastomses in dog. Assiut Medical Journal, 12-23 (1988).M.A. Moustafa and A.H.S. Hassan

37- Immunocytochemical detection of opioid receptors, opioid peptides and corticotrophin – releasing hormone in rat brain and NG 108-15 cells.Advances in the Biosciences Vol. 75: 293-296 (1989). A.H.S. Hassan, O.F.X. Almeida, I. Forgas-Moya, Ch. Gramsch and A. Harz.

38- Diminished role of LHRH in the control of gonadotroph morphology and function in the long-term castrated male rat.J. Endocrionlogy Vol. 123: 263-273 (1989). O.F.X. Almeida, A.H.S. Hassan, K.E. Nikolarakis and G.B. Martin

39- Peripheral mechanisms of opioid analgesia.Symposium Advances in opioid research, Ringberg FRG (1989).Stein, C. Gramsch, G. A.H.S. Hassan, Parsons, C.S. Przewlocki, R.

40- Immunocytochemical demonstration of opioid receptors in selected rat brain areas and neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid (NG 108-15) cells using a monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody.Neuroscience, Vol. 32, No. 1: 269-278 (1989).A.H.S. Hassan, O.F.X. Almeida, Ch. Gramsh and A. Herz

41-Alteration in the immunoreactive content and distribution of gonadotropin releasing hormone,corticotropin releasing hormone and opiod peptides in the rat hypothalamus following castration and/or adrenalectomy:an immunohistochemical study.Anatomische Gesellschaft,Ulm,Germany,March 19-22,(1989).

42- Production and characterization of anti-idiotypic anti-opioid receptor antibody.Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 178: 244-265 (1989).Ch. Gramsch, R. Schulz, S. Kosin, A.H.S. Hassan, and A. Herz

43- Endogene Schmerzinhibition bei Entzundung. Opioide aus Immunzellen aktivieren neurale Opioidrezeptoren.Zeitschr Rheumatol, 49: Suppl. 1–72 (1990).Stein, C., A.H.S. Hassan, Comisel, K., Herz, A.

44- Opioids from immunocytes interact with receptors on sensory nerves to inhibit nociception in inflammation.Proceeding of the National Acadmy of Sciences, U.S.A., Vol. 87: 5935-5939 (1990).


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C. Stein, A.H.S. Hassan, R. Przewlocki, Ch. Gramsch, K. Peter and A. Herz

45- Peripheral opioid receptors mediating antinoception in inflamed tissue of the rat.Exogenous and endogenous ligands. Anesth. Analg, 72-76 (1991).Stein, C., A.H.S. Hassan, Grasch, C., Peter, K., Herz, A.

46- Opioids from immune cells interact with receptors on sensory nerves to inhibit nociception in inflammation. Proc. 2ndInt. Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1991).Stein, C., Hassan, A.H.S. Hassan, Przewlocki, R., Gramsch, C., Peter, K., Herz, A.

47- Local apioid receptors mediating antinociception in inflammation: endogenous ligands. Proceeding of the VIthWorld Congress on Pain, Chapter 10: 88-87 (1991).C. Stein, A.H.S. Hassan, Ch. Gramsch and A. Herz.

48- Induction of seasonal testicular reactivation in Soay rams by melatonin.1- Histological and morphometrical changes in the seminal gland.Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 24, No. 47: 40-50 (1990).A.H.S. Hassan, M.N.Moustafa, A. Abou-Elmagd, Aziza A. Selim and G.A. Lincoln.

49- T3-dependant inhibition of TRH transcription in hypothalamic neurons is mediated by the beta thyroid hormone receptor. C.R. Soc. Biol. 185: 491-499 (1991). B. Demeneix, F. Lezoualc’h, A.H.S. Hassan, J.P. Loeffler, S.L. Lee, and P. Giraud

50- Role du recepteur ß des hormones thyroidiennes dans la regulation de la transcription de la TRH. C.R. Soc. Biol., 18: 491-499 (1991). Demeneix, B.A., Lezoualc’h, F., A.H.S. Hassan, Loeffler, J.P. and Giraud, P.

51- Gene transfer into neurons and chromaffin cells. Prog. Psycho. Pharm. Biol. Psych., 16: 929-968 (1992).Boutillier, A.L., Barthel, F., A.H.S. Hassan, Loeffler, J.P., Demeneix, B.A.

52- Assignment of the ß thyroid hormone receptor to T3-dependent inhibition of TRH transcription in hypothalamic neuons. Molecular Endocrinology 6: 1791-1804 (1992). Lezoulc’h, F., A.H.S. Hassan, Loeffler, J.P., Lee, S.L., Giraud, P. Demeneix, B.A.


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53- Gene expression and localization of opioid peptides in immune cells of inflamed tissue: Functional role in antinociception. Neuroscience Vol. 48, No. 2: 49-500 (1992). R. Przewlocki, A.H.S. Hassan, W. Lason, C. Epplen, A. Herz and C. Stein

54- Dynorphin, a preferential ligand for K-opioid receptors, is present in nerve fibers and immune cells within inflamed tissue of the rat.Neuroscience lett. 140: 85-88 (1992).A.H.S. Hassan, R. Przewlocki, A. Herz and C. Stein

55- Hypothalamic corticotrophin – releasing hormone and opioid peptide neurons; Functional changes after adrenalectomy and/or castration. Brain Res., 571: 189-198 (1992).O.F.X. Almeida, A.H.S. Hassan, M.S. Harbuz, E.A. Linton and S.L. Lightman

56- Assignment of the ß-thyroid hormone receptor to 3,5,3- triiodothyronine – dependent inhibition of transcription from the thyrotropin-releasing hormone promoter in chick neurons.Mol. Endocrin. Vol. 6, No. 11: 1797-1804 (1992).F. Lezoualc’h, A.H.S. Hassan, P, Giraud, J.P. Loeffler, S.L. Lee, and B. Demneix.

57- Intrahypothalamic Neuroendocrine actions of CRF-41.Ciba foundation Sympsium, Vol. 172: 151-172 (1993).O.F.X. Almeida, A.H.S. Hassan and F. Holsboer

58- Inflammation of the rat paw enhances axonal transport of opioid receptors in the sciatic nerve and increases their density in the inflamed tissue.Neuroscience Vol. 55: 185-195 (1993). A.H.S. Hassan, A. Ableitner, C. Stein and A. Herz

59- Opioid peptides from immune cells interact with peripheral opioid receptors to inhibit pain in inflamed tissue. Lancet Vol. 342: 321-324 (1993).C. Stein, A.H.S. Hassan, K. Lehrberger, J. Giefing and A. Yassouridis

60- Oxytocin binding sites in rat limbic and hypothalamic structures: Site specific modulation by adrenal and gonadal steroids.Neuroscience Vol. 57, No. 3: 537-543 (1993).V.K. Patchev, S.F. Schlosser, A.H.S. Hassan and O.F.X. Almeida

61- Demonstration of opioid receptors on rat gonadotrophs.Endocrinology (1993).A.H.S. Hassan, A. Ableitner and O.F.X. Almmeida


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62- Precocius auto-regulation of thyroid hormone receptors in embryonic chick hypothalamic neurons.Developmental Brain Research (1993).F. Lezoualc’h, A.H.S. Hassan, H. Abdel-Tawab and B.A. Demeneix.

63- Local inflammation of the rat paw enhances opioid receptor density in the paw tissue and their axonal transport in sciatic nerve.INCR, Suppl., 163: 163-164 (1993).A.H.S. Hassan, A. Ableitner, C. Stein and A. Herz

64- Primary cultures of postnatal rat hypothalamic neurons: Characterization and functional studies on corticotrophin releasing hormone, arginine vasopressin and ß-endorphin neurons. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. (1993).S. Hellbach, A.H.S. Hassan and O.F.X. Almeida

65- Corticotropin releasing factor receptors in inflamed tissue: Autoradiographic identification. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. (1993).S.A. Mousa, W.M. Mitchell, A.H.S. Hassan, L. Carter and C. Stein.

66-Intrahypothalamic neuroendocrine actions of corticotrophin-releasing factor;In Textbook Corticotropin-Releasing Factor,Pages 151—172.Published by John Willy and Sons,England(1993).

67- Precocious auto-induction of thyroid hormone receptors in embryonic chick hypothalamic neurons. Neuroscience Lett. 180: 197-202 (1994).F. Lezoualc’h, A.H.S. Hassan, H. Abdel-Tawab, J. Puymirat, B.A. Demeneix.

68- Perheral opioid receptors: Modern trends in postoperative pain control. Ann. Med., 119-221 (1995).C. Stein, M. Schafer and A.H.S. Hassan

69- Lactation as a model of naturally-reversible hypercorticalism: Plasticity in

the mechanisms governing hypothalamo-adrenocortical activity.J. Clin. Investigation, Vol. 96: 1208-1215 (1995).D. Fischer, V.K. Patchev, S. Helbach, A.H.S. Hassan and O.F.X.Almeida


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70- Apoptosis in the rat dentate gyrus: The effect of aging, stmulation by dexamethasone, and the apparent protective role of corticosterone.Society for Neurosciennce, Washington, USA, (1995).A.H.S. Hassan, V.K. Patchev, F. Holsboer and O.F.X. Almeida

71- Light and lectron microscopical studies on the thyroid gland of sheep after melation administration.In: First international conference on electron microscope, adrances in research in different fields of science.Ismaillia, Egypt, Sept. 13-15 (1995).Abu-Elmaagd A., M.N, K. Moustafa, G. Lincoln and A.H.S. Hassan

72- Exacerbation of apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the aged rat by dexamethasone and the protective role of corticosterone .Exper. Neurology, Vol. 140 (1996), 43-52.A.H.S. Hassan, P. Von Rosenstiel, V.K. Patchev, F. Holsboer and O.F.X. Almeida

73- No tolerance to peripheral morphine analgesia in presence of opioid expression in inflamed synovia.J. Clin. Investigation Vol. 98, No. 3: 793-799 (1996).C. Stein, M. Pfluger, A. Yassouridis, J. Hoeizl, K. Lehrberger, C. Welte and A.H.S. Hassan

74- Gene transfer by naked DNA into adult mouse brain.Gene Therapy, 3: 405 – 411 (1996).B. Schwartz, C. Benoist, B. Abdallah, K. Kangara, A.H.S. Hassan, D. Scherman and B.A. Demeneix.

75- Local upregualation of corticotrophin - releasing hormone and interleukin-1 receptors in rats with painful hindlmb inflammation.J. Pharmacol., 311:221-231 (1996).Mousa, S.A., Schater, M., Mitchell, W.M., A.H.S. Hassan, Stein, C.

76- A Powerful non-viral vector for in vivo gene transfer into the adult mammalian brain: Polyethylenimine. .Human Gene Therapy,7(16): 1947-1954 (1996).Bassima Abdallah, A.H.S. Hassan, Corinne Benoist, Daniel Goula, Jean Paul Behr and Barbara A. Demeneix


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77- The neurosteroid tetrahydroprogesterone attenuates the endocrine response to stress and exerts glucocorticoid-like effects on vasopressin gene transcription in the rat hypothalamus. Neuropsychopharmacology, Vol. 15, No. 6 (1996).V.K. Patchev, M.d., Ph.D., A.H.S. Hassan, B. V. Sc., Ph.D., F. Holsboer, M.D., Ph. D., and O.F.X. Almeda, Ph. D.

78- Opposing effects of synthetic and natural corticosteroids on apoptosis in the rat dentate gyrus.Symposium on: Normal and pathological aging, Munchen, Germany, (1996). O.F.X. Almeida, P. von Rosenstiel and A.H.S. Hassan

79- Local upregulation of corticotrophin-releasing hormone and interleukin-1 receptors in rat with painful hind limb inflammation. Europ. J. pharmacology,vol, 311:221-231(1996).Mousa S.A., M. Shäffer, W.M.Mitchell and A.H.S. Hassan

80- Functional studies on juvenile rat-derived hypothalamic corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), Arginine vasopressin (AVP) and ß-endorphin (ß-end) neurons grown in a novel primary culture system. J. Neuroscience (1996).S. Hellbach, P. Gartner, J. Deiche, D. Fischer, A.H.S. Hassan and O.F.X. Almeida

81- Light and electron microscopical studies on the thyroid gland of sheep after melatonin administration. Anatomy and Embryology (1996). A. Abou-Elmagd, M. Moustafa, G.A. Lincoln and A.H.S. Hassan

82- Apoptosis in Xenopus tadpole tail muscles involves Bax-dependent pathways. FASEB,Journal.11(10), 801-808 (1997).Laurent, M. Saghs, Bassima, Abdallah, A.H.S. Hassan, Giovanni, Levi, Amaury, de luze, John, G, Reed, and Barbara, A. Deneix.

83- T3 treatment increases mitosis, then bax expression and apoptosis in the optic lobe of the chick embryo. Neuroscience Letters 231 (3) : 127-130 (1997).M. Ghorbel, I. Seugnet, A.M. Ableitner, A.H.S. Hassan, B.A. Demeneix.

84- Corticosteroids and cellular losses in the rat dentate gyrus:Age-related studies. MPI-for psychiatry,Scientific report,pp 4-8,(1997).


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85- Dichotmous Control of Apoptosis and Neurogenesis in the Rat Dentate Gyrus by Mineralocorticoid and Glucocrticoid Receptor Ligands 17th Annu. Meet. Soc. Neurosci., New Orleans, No. 459. 1 (1997).A.H.S. Hassan, D. Fischer, A. Michaclidis and B. Abdullah, B.A.

86- Inherent glucocorticoid response potential of isolated hypothalamic neuroendocrine neurons. S. Hellbach, P. Gartner, J. Deicke, D. Fischer and A.H.S. HassanFASEB J. 12. 199-207 (1998).

87- Plasticity of hippocampal corticosteroid receptors during aging in the rat. FASEB J. 13, 115-122 (1999). A.H.S. Hassan , P. Von Rosenstiel, V.K. Patchev, F. Holsboer and O.F.X. Almeida

88- Subtle shifts in the ratio between pro-and anti-apoptotic molecules after activation of corticosteroid receptors decide neuronal fate.FASEB J. 14: 779-790 (2000) O.F.X. Almeida, G.L. Conde, C. Crochemore, B.A. Demeneix, D. Fisher, A.H.S. Hassan, M. Mayer, F. Holsber and M.T. Michaelidis.

89- Effect of melatonin on the seminiferous epithelium of rams in the non breading season, a morphometric and A morphological study.

Anatomische Gesellschaft Congress,Wurzburg,Germany,(Sept.2001)A.E.Zayed, A.H.S.Hassan, and G.Lincoln.

90- Morphology of Leydig-Cells of ram after melatonin administration in non- breeding season.

Anatomische Gesellschaft,Wurzburg,Germany.(Sept.2001)A.Abou-Elmagd,A.M.Kelany, A.H.S.Hassan. and G.Lincoln.

91- Morphological studies on the testis of sheep in non-breading season after melatonin administration.24th Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists. Brno, Czech Republic, July 21-25 (2002).Abou-Elmagd, A.M.Kelany, A.O.Salem and A.H.S. Hassan

92- Development of the Areola in the early Placenta of the One-humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius):A Light, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopical Study. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 32, 326-334 (2003) M.M.M.Abd-Elnaeim,A.Saber,A.H.S.Hassan,A.Abou-Elmagd, K.Klisch,C.J.P.Jones and R.Leiser


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93- Histological observations in the female genital system of Oreochromis nilaticus. 31 Scientific Congress of the Egyptian Society of Histology and Cytology.Egypt, Cairo, December (2007). Enas,A.A. Elhafez, D.M.M.Mahmoud, Sh.M.Ahmed, and A.H.S.Hassan.

94- Histomorphological Changes in the Ovaries of Oreochromis Niloticus During Breeding and Non Breeding Seasons. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol 55. No 121. pp 227 – 253 ( 2009 ). Enas A.A El Hafez ; Doaa M. M. Mahmoud ; Sh. M. Ahmed and A. H. S. Hassan.

95-Histomorphological Changes in the Testes of Oreochromis Niloticus During Breeding and Non Breeding Seasons. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol 55. No 121. pp 254 – 273 ( 2009 ). Enas A.A El Hafez ; Doaa M. M. Mahmoud ; Sh. M. Ahmed and

A. H. S. Hassan.

96-Histogenesis of liver of dandarawi chicken.American journal of life science research, vol.1. Issue 2, 47-58 (2013)Doaa.M.Mokhtar; Enas.A.El-Hafez, A.H.S.Hassan.

97- Comparative histomorphological studies on oesophagus of catfish and grass carp.

Journal of histology. Vol.2013, 1-10.(2013)Enas.A.Abdel-Hafez; Doaa,M.mokhtar; Alaa,S.Abou-Elhamd, and A.H.S.Hassan.

98- Effects of administration of melatonin on the harderian gland of sheep.Journal of Interdiscipl. Histopathol. Vol.2(1), 19-25 (2014).Enas.A.Abdel-Hafez; Alaa,S.Abou-Elhamd, and A.H.S.Hassan.

99- A Histological , Histochemical and Ultrastructural study on the fundic region

of the stomach of the nile catfish (Clarias gariepinus).Journal of Cytology and Histology. Vol.6.Issue 4,1-6. (2015).Doaa M.Mokhtar, Enas A. Abd-Elhafz and A.H.S.Hassan.

100-Light and scanning electron microscopic studies on the intestine of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) : I-Anterior intestine. Aquaculture Research and Development. Vol.8. Issue 11. 1-6. (2015). Doaa M.Mokhtar, Enas A. Abd-Elhafez and A.H.S.Hassan.


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List of Publications Prof. Dr. A.H.S. Hassan

101- Light and scanning electron microscopic studies on the intestine of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) : II.Posterior Intestine. Aquaculture Research and Development. Vol.6. Issue 12. 1-6. (2015). Doaa M.Mokhtar, Enas A. Abd-Elhafez and A.H.S.Hassan.

102-Melatonin administration induced reactivation in the seminal gland of the soay rams during non-breeding season: An ultrastructural and morphometrical study. Journal of Morphology,Vol.277,pp.231-243,(2016). Doaa M.Mokhtar, Hanan H.Abd-Elhafeez, Ahmed Abou-Elmagd,and Ahmed,H.S.Hassan.