List of Princeton University Graduates

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Prominent Students and Alumni of Princeton University

Transcript of List of Princeton University Graduates

Prominent Princeton University GraduatesBy William P. LitynskiExecutive Branch of the U.S. Government:James Madison (A.B. 1771)!resident of the United States (1"#$%1"17)& Secretar' of State (1"#1%1"#$)(oodro) (i*son (A.B. 1"7$)!resident of the United States (1$1+%1$,1)Aaron Burr (A.B. 177,)-ice !resident of the United States (1"#1%1"#.)Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)-ice !resident of the United States (1"1.%1"1$)2o3ert Smith (A.B. 17"1)U.S. Secretar' of State (1"#$%1"11)& Secretar' of the 4av' (1"#1%1"#$)Ed)ard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+1%1"++)John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+1%1"11)John 6oster 0u**es (A.B. 1$#")U.S. Secretar' of State (1$.+%1$.$)Geor/e !. Shu*t7 (A.B. 1$1,)U.S. Secretar' of State (1$",%1$"$)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$7,%1$71)& Secretar' of 5a3or (1$9$%1$7#)James A. Ba:er ;;; (A.B. 1$.,)U.S. Secretar' of State (1$"$%1$$,)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$".%1$"")(i**iam Bradford Jr. (A.B. 177,)U.S. Attorne' Genera* (17$1%17$.)