Links and Tables

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Transcript of Links and Tables

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    Links and Tables

  • 8/8/2019 Links and Tables


    Links in HTML

    y A hyperlink (or link) is a word, group of words, or imagethat you can click on to jump to a new document or a newsection within the current document.

    y When you move the cursor over a link in a Web page, thearrow will turn into a little hand.

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    y Relative path

    y If a linked file or image is in the same folder as the hypertextlink then only the file name needs to be specified.


    Absolute pathy indicate the names of the drive and/or the folders that specify

    where the linked file is located.

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    Anchor Tag

    y An anchor is a piece of text which marks the beginningand/or the end of a hypertext link.

    y The tag can be used in two ways:


    To create a link to another document, by using the href attributey To create a bookmark inside a document, by using the name


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    Anchor Attributes

    y HREF (Hypertext REFerence)

    My school

    linkthis is a sample of a link

    My school

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    y Target

    y specifies where to open the linked document.

    Anchor Attributes

    My school

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    y Name

    y specifies the name of an anchor.

    y the name attribute is used to create a bookmark inside anHTML document.

    Anchor Attributes

    Go to top|:

    |Welcome to My Home Page

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    y mailto:

    y The mailto is a quick way to add the facility of receivingfeedback from visitor on your web site.

    y Creates a link which when clicked by the visitor it launchestheir email program with a new email message window. Thevisitor could then formulate the email message and send it off toyou.

    Note: mailto assumes that the visitor has configured an emailclient (say, Outlook Express) to send emails.

    Anchor Attributes

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    Using the bare form ofthe mailto:Using the bare form ofthe mailto:

    Using the complexform of the mailto:

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