Linking the SDGs and P5 - Green Project Management · Linking the SDGs and P5 The following table...

Copyright GPM Global 2016 | Linking the SDGs and P5 The following table links the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the elements in the GPM P5 Standard for Sustainability in Project Management These linkages are based on a more detailed analysis available on the SDG Compass website ( GPM P5 Standard Sustainable Development Goal Labor Practices and Decent Work Employment Labor/Management Relations Health and Safety Training and Education Organizational Learning Diversity and Equal Opportunity Trained Professional Emigration Society and Customers Community Support Job/Unemployment Public Policy / Compliance Customer Health and Safety Market Communications and Advertising Customer Privacy Cultural Impact Human Rights Non-Discrimination Freedom of Association Child Labor Forced or Compulsory Behavior Ethical Behavior Investment and Procurement Practices Bribery and Corruption Anti-Competitive Behavior Transport Digital Communication Traveling Transportation Energy

Transcript of Linking the SDGs and P5 - Green Project Management · Linking the SDGs and P5 The following table...

Page 1: Linking the SDGs and P5 - Green Project Management · Linking the SDGs and P5 The following table links the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the elements in the GPM P5 Standard



GPMP5Standard SustainableDevelopmentGoal LaborPracticesandDecentWork

Employment Labor/ManagementRelations HealthandSafety TrainingandEducation OrganizationalLearning DiversityandEqualOpportunity

TrainedProfessionalEmigration SocietyandCustomers

CommunitySupport Job/Unemployment PublicPolicy/Compliance

CustomerHealthandSafety MarketCommunicationsandAdvertising


CulturalImpact HumanRights

Non-Discrimination FreedomofAssociation ChildLabor ForcedorCompulsoryBehavior EthicalBehavior





DigitalCommunication Traveling Transportation Energy

Page 2: Linking the SDGs and P5 - Green Project Management · Linking the SDGs and P5 The following table links the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the elements in the GPM P5 Standard


EnergyUsed CleanEnergyReturn RenewableEnergy Water

WaterQuality WaterConsumption WaterDisplacement Waste

RecyclingPractices EndofLifeDisposal/Reusability WasteDisposal Co2Emissions AirQuality



RecycledinputMaterials SustainableProcurementPractices ReturnonInvestment

BenefitCostRatio DirectFinancialBenefit SustainableReturnonInvestment NetPresentValue BusinessAgility

Flexibility/OptionalityintheProject IncreasedBusinessFlexibility EconomicStimulation

