Linking male bbt to fertility outcomes

Linking male BBT to fertility outcomes Reflections of a senior clinician's experience 1 Heather Bruce

Transcript of Linking male bbt to fertility outcomes

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Linking male BBT to fertility outcomes

Reflections of a senior clinician's experience

1 Heather Bruce

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Observations after 35 years fertility & obstetric clinical experience

1.  Look to animals - farmers cull out the dud studs.

2.  A wellness indicator is fertility (Slides 18-21)

3.  ‘Fertility’ is not speciality, but general medicine. .

4.  BOTH intending parents need to be in good health – his health issues are usually the reason why she is not a mother. NEVER

forget it is probably him hiding behind western medicine’s ineptitude. (See slides 24, 34, 40 and especially 42)

5.  She is not ‘too old’ usually – he is too ill to be fertile.

6.  Forcing what is not happening naturally often leads to tears, as miscarriages and tragedies happen.

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Where do we start from?

Do we use our medicine (tongues and pulses and notions of TH production, and Jing, or do we try to validate our standing through the eyes of mainstream medicine - numbers (ovarian reserve, estrogen levels, sperm numbers), with little understanding of causation?

Do we emulate the medicos who try to cram a pregnancy on top of all the inner mess and dysfunction? (as evidenced by the menstrual and BBT issues?

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Successful mating in nature :

Sex equals babies.

Q - Why is ‘normal’ not happening?

Q - What needs to be cleared out before a new project (baby) can be started?

  Look at what makes good periods/eggs.

  Ki yang - metabolism & better fertility/sexuality.

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Look to Jing and the state of her Blood, or to ‘hormones’?

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Yes, she is 40 – BUT look at what could happen in treatment to help her condition. (Best tongue slide of her condition).

(She naturally conceived identical twins, who at 20 weeks died with acute twin to twin transfer). Then naturally conceived another son 18 months later).

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Extreme Blood deficiency

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The best I ever saw her tongue. Carrying a gene issue, whereby 2nd baby was unable to live – ventilated for a month, the support turned off. First son (different dad) OK, finally conceived a daughter who is carrying the problem. Very disturbed when I saw her initially. Her partner was also very ill, and allergic and needed sessions before conception.

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After 2 years of treatment

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Best ever seen this tongue - previously a lot smaller, stiffer and purple/red. First baby died at birth after Strep B infection (waters broken a week being monitored in hospital – and mum terribly affected. She accidentally conceived and carried to term

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Too old? Or too unwell?

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As good as I could ever get this tongue. 45 and desperate for baby – no sign ever in treatment of her husband, as the medicos said he was fine and she was ‘too old’. She had a 13 year old and at her age had decided another would be fun.

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Is age really a problem?

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50 yo, 10 weeks pregnant Naturally conceived at 43 then used donated eggs which became twins in this pregnancy. Age not a important as her inner balance and biological age.

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Great Jing (teeth)

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Looking at her tongue - she would need considerable support to build up her digestion and her Blood – is very possible. But not in the context of “I want a baby now”. Great teeth hence great Jing stores.

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Him (alcoholic) and her (40)

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Is age such a consideration? Him and her

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Him (after gut bug attack) & her

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Possible – but only saw them once (would need a lot of work)

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Him (post 1 treatment – was 12 yo in Gulf War in Iran - bombed with chemicals/


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Whose medicine do we use?

  Looking at the view from my rural clinic – where an AHA!! moment occurred, I wondered . . .

  Where should we as a profession head in baby making – how do we start building a baby? Do we . . . .

  ‘Help IVF make mistakes that Nature did not want, or

  stand in our traditions?

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Heather Bruce

We could use the old site with all of the mess intact . .


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What do I mean?

  They are said to have endometriosis – why not undo that FIRST?

  They may have a medical diagnosis of AMH, PCOS, whatever – why not increase their health and these ‘conditions’ that are apparently immutable through orthodox medicine’s eyes, will be reversed .. .

  (IF he is fertile).

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Heather Bruce

Or we could build on the cleared ground


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Start from perfect/optimal health – of both parents to be   Make sure that there is normal qi and blood circulation

and production and then she will be baby ready.

  How will we know? Normal red start, 14 days of stable 36.6/7 C before the

  ovulation temp drop to 36.2/3 with abundant fertile mucous, a steady, almost instant rise to 37.2/3 C and stable and

  then a drop at day 28 to 36.6/7 followed by bleeding – ideally three months so HE is baby ready . .

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Heather Bruce

Fertility JING markers What do we know?

  HAIR – flower of the Kidneys – Blood and JIng

  NAILS – and red start to periods – (and hair) Blood quality and Liver Blood esp.

  SLEEP – Blood nourishing the Shen, & peaceful mind (Amount of Stuck Liver Qi/Blood to release)

  VAGINAL LUB – estrogen (Ki Yin/Jing)

  LIBIDO – complex – mainly Ki yang

  TEETH – Jing/Ki/aging sign (maniifestations of Jing)


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Heather Bruce

STRAW POLL of 28 random women fertility patients

21 - HAIR issues/falling – often in clumps

14 - WARM FEET at night, so out of covers

12 – low/absent LIBIDO (not all were asked)

13 – Low/no VAGINAL LUBRICATION (not necessarily the same as above always)

9 - FINGERNAILS – very poor

12 – GRINDING of teeth/very disturbed sleeping

9 – BROWN BEGINNING to period 22

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Heather Bruce

Heather’s fertility JING markers KIDNEY-JING/YIN BLOOD LIVER





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Modern reproductive industry

Unexplained infertility - ?is he over 80% normal sperm and drinking any caffeinated beverages?

  Does he have a hot erect penis that works when/how he wants it to? Is his BBT at least 36.6?

Unexplained miscarriage - How is it possible to even begin to say ‘unknown’ etiology?

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Modern fertility dramas USUAL - Woman comes in but herself, he is told is sperm is

‘fine’ (ICSI markers). She tries to make his contribution irrelevant, forgetting that she can only help make baby 50%.

LESS OFTEN – both coming in, doing all and STILL a major drama (toxicity – where is this mentioned in IVF or classical acupuncture?)

  Example - Mary, 21, with 18 yo partner, after her 6th miscarriage – he 1% normal . . (BBT 35.8)

  Marion – (40) 3 older children to the same man, now they want more – BUT 7 miscarriages - her age not his 4% normal sperm are considered to be the medical reason.

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How do we see the woman’s ‘medical’ conditions . .

  Endometriosis – clean up the Stuck Blood, the hormonal disruption and the estrogen dominance and work on the heat in her gut and life.

  ‘Developmentally delayed’ and autistic babies come from somewhere – is there hot feet at night signaling the toxic overloads – just adding magnesium, heaps of veggies and lots of water can help.

  (Cutting out the fast modern diet, and the drinks that are not ‘soft’ . . )

  Need for both to look to their health before conception . .

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PCOS – Julianne below

  Reduce the Liver Fire – from avoidance of all chemicals (usually self medicating) to clearing out the past emotional residues.

  Increase her Blood and have a lustrous supply for Chong and Ren to easily fulfill her destiny.

  Low progesterone – modern life and toxic residues again – enhancing the likelihood of neurologically damaged babies.

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Heather Bruce

Heather’s fertility JING markers KIDNEY-JING/YIN BLOOD LIVER





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Heather Bruce

Using the Jing markers

Case study – JULIANNE (34)

Fertility or health retrieval? I aim to get the perfect BBT and have all my fertility markers in a line of optimal first.

For Julianne it meant a lot of homework as she needed to become a stable happy woman with hair growing normally – PLUS better periods.


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Heather Bruce


  Last 6 months not pregnant whilst unprotected sex.   Husband has ‘OK’ sperm, & an 8 year old (different

partner). I sent him home herbs, which he took.   Pill usage - off it 3 months prior to trying, after 2

years on it.   Had 3 periods then none for 2 ½ months.   Prior to pill, had a 30 day cycle.   *Brown start - 5/6 days flow.   Lactating - & has for years if squeezes nipples


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Heather Bruce

Menstrual & Blood History

  Flooded badly when younger.   VVV heavy when started at 11 and vv painful also.   Bit of back discomfort when heavy flow.   Moody, tired and irritable leading up to it.   *F/n not good – thumb nails OK.   *Vvv fine hair, vv thin, bald patches.   *Hair also pale red/fading colour.   *Low libido and little natural lubrication


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Heather Bruce

Early Life  Mother had 1 Aspergers son, then she is one of

the twin girls 1 ½ years later.

 Mother was in hosp. with pre eclampsia (given ½ pint Guinness every night in hospital) for last month of pregnancy. (Severe Magnesium deficiency).

  Had significant metal abuse from brother, who terrorized her all through life.

 Was a ballerina and had in-growing toenails.


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Heather Bruce


  Awakens exhausted and feels ‘knackered’ all day.

  *Grinds her teeth at night.

  *Disturbing nightmares.

  *Always talked in sleep and had vivid dreams.

  Very emotional, personalizes everything, gets upset very easily, tends to be obsessive and easily irked.


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Heather Bruce

Lifestyle changes for both

  3 cups of veggies daily   No gluten   Lots of nuts/seeds/oils & fish and avocadoes, & eggs   Eating a small amount of protein every three hours   No alcohol, caffeine, carbonated or sugary drinks, sugar

& chocolate banned   Plenty of unchilled water all through the day   10,000 steps as measured by pedometer   Plus any extra exercise as a bonus


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Husband   (Start BBT 36.2).

  Refused sperm test and all treatment options.

  Took all supplements and herbs

  Made all lifestyle changes

  Was incredibly supportive all through her emotional journey, massaging her as ‘ordered’ several times weekly for months.

  In the 4 months it took for her to have her first ever normal period and with ovulation mucous, ended 36.6.

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Heather Bruce

4 months later

  After taking herbs to Liver Qi to flow/quell fire.

  Having sporadic acupuncture (me not resident in NZ)

  A perfect patient – followed directions!! (was actually cursed with OCD – instructions to the letter!)

  Diligent home pelvic opening massage & moxa

  First ever fertile mucous 1st month on fertility herbs

  Amazing hair regeneration


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Heather Bruce

Massage – pelvic opening Bonding exercise . . .intimacy assured.

  ‘We did the pelvic massage every few days.

  I overall feel like the ‘wee monster’ or ‘pent up bitch’ in me has released - made up of years of compounding emotion, frustration, anger and negative energy that in my mind I had dealt with.

  I also feel physically more released in the area of my buttocks with an improved sensation during intimacy.

  I also would like to add that this is great time to spend together … bonding. Protected time to talk (& touch)’.


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Heather Bruce

8 May 2007   Hair best she can remember in over ten years – colour

is better than has been ever and is growing, no bald patches. (More excited about this than the +ve test)

  Fingernails strong

  Some talking in sleep, but much deeper sleeps. Libido & lubrication now fine.

  More cheerful and less emotional

  PREGNANT (first cycle taking Heather’s fertility herbs and after her first ever sighting of fertile mucous)


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Her hair back - and a baby!!

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From artificially coloured with bald patches to better than she ever had

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Two years on

Julianne needed more herbs as she is NOT conceiving Number 2 as soon as she had expected to – and after TWO MONTHS herbal help she was with child again.

  This pregnancy was far healthier – she easily breastfed her first baby 18 months, has a full head of hair, (she was first pregnant nearly bald).

  Jing changes in first pregnancy have meant a much happier and healthier mum for the second.

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Heather Bruce

STRAW POLL of 25 random men fertility patients

24 – BBT too low – under 36.8

19 - HOT FEET at night, so put out of covers

12 – LIBIDO/performance probs (or incompetent)

15 – HOT PENIS when erect

21 – GUT ISSUES (Tongue or answered ‘yes’)

14 – SLEEP - very disturbed sleeping


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Heather Bruce

Men’s issues

  WARM FEET at night/often sleeping hot (often years)

  LOW BASAL TEMP – often 35.5 – most under or just in 36 C - only one of 27 has normal – 36.8 – none others were even 36.6!!!

  COOL TO TOUCH PENIS – when erect

  GUT ISSUES – either active IBS/reflux or easily seen by looking at the mess on his tongue . .

  EXERCISE/LIFESTYLE – usually sedentary & toxic.


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Sperm free fall   1980’s – had to be at least 80.5% visually normal looking –

one head, one tail and a rounded head of on it – to be considered the LEAST fertile.

  1990’s - dropped to 50%

  1996 – dropped to 30%

  2000’s – dropped to 14/5%

  2010 – dropped to where ICSI can potentially help – anything over 3%.

These figures are the bottom dwellers - not to be aspired to.

DNA fragmentation Is not measured by these tests.

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Modern dilemmas – pregnancy termination – what to do next?

  Trish comes in alone – but it takes two to make a baby.

  She is 44 and on IBS medication and antidepressants.

  Has recently terminated her Downs daughter at 20 weeks gestation.

  I suggest that as older men are more likely to have chromosomally damaged and schizoprehenic and autistic babies as their sperm generating cells age, and are these days are clogged with toxins, that he may be mainly the reason – not just her ‘advanced’ age. (Lack of magnesium means heavy metals cannot exit body)

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Sperm check/rescue package

  2006. He is 43. His BBT was 34.6 (2 degrees lower than it should be), 3% normal sperm. Overweight and tired.

  Addicted to bread and caffeine and likes a drink.

  With no other options (NZ has a population of isolated communities), they started all the changes I outlined.

  Seeing them only occasionally, their regieme was exercise, no grains, no sweet tasting foods (including fruit), no caffeine, no alcohol and heaps of water and fat and protein and at least 3 cups of colored veggies daily. Lots of herbs and supplements to hastily repair themselves.

  Early to bed.

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It took a while – she got older

  He had to come on board as they wanted their son to have a sibling.

  Many supplements – esp B and magnesium. Many herbal products and mainly a total life change.

  Initially he had erectile issues and a very low libido.

  He started vigorous tennis 5 nights a week.

  They felt that they sacrificed all. Both lost 10 kg.

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Eventually . .

  As he became healthier and fitter, sexuality bloomed.

  Concerned about her mounting age (now 45), I kept reminding them that his temp was still far too low – it had a long climb back to being within normal.

  They started trying to get pregnant after one year when his temperature went from 34.6 to 36.4 – still nowhere near I would like it to be. (36.8).

  Second month conception - a perfect son emerged

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Typical clinical scenario

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She wants another baby, so she arrives in clinic. I determine that there is really nothing much wrong with her – feet not out of covers at night, periods, good red start and lasting 4 days, no S & S, hair not falling, enough lube for sex and mucous at ovulation fine. .. Yes, I could do a session monthly to keep her there – BUT - where is he?

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Sperm – 5% normal – not rapidly swimming

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Really bad teeth, feet out of bed at night, drinking several litres of Coke daily, not well, can’t sleep, no energy, major gut issues. Rectal temp (BBT) 36.2C. Several months of herbs and lifestyle changes & his acupuncture – she is pregnant, as his gut, sleeping, energy & temp normal

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Him and her

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Him – under 5% normal and major gut issues. BBT 35.8 Her – very depleted, violent night mares all life. Eventually after many miscarriages, losing a tube, 2 years later, pregnant.

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After 5 years IVF, losing a tube, gaining 20 kg & becoming unhealthy/unhappy: a

natural conception

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At 32, told she needed donor eggs. His BBT of 35.7 & his addiction to ‘soft’ drinks, bad gut and constant headaches needed work

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Him and her

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Him – BBT 35.7. Sperm not tested. Sleeping & gut & drug addiction. Her – endo many ops, after much lifestyle changes 2 babies

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No sperm – undescended testicles op – 8 yo

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Her terrible endo easily repaired with acup. Him – eventually a dad to his own child (from 2 alive sperm only aspirated to 100,000 ejaculated)

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Him and her

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Fortnightly acupuncture sessions till she (taking blood tonic herbs and vitamins) conceived – his initial BBT 36.1, sperm 4% normal

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Him and her

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Heather Bruce

Treatment Strategies

  Animal breeders and farmers start with great stock.

  Patience and self discovery grows the inner person, who will be a better parent.

  Get rid of what is clogging up the system, to allow nature to reassert itself.

  How can we help nature to make the best baby with the strongest Jing possible? (Not just any old baby - the apparently fastest way).


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Thank you

Heather Bruce

Brisbane, Australia

Christchurch, New Zealand

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