Linkedin & other professional networks

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Transcript of Linkedin & other professional networks

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New Rules to Networking Online

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About the Presenter

Chris Drinkut

Social Media Strategist with

2 years experience

201 LinkedIn Connections

600+ Twitter followers

Social Media Strategist

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Today’s Agenda

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Today’s Online Networks

Today, more than 900 million people are accessible through social networks.

Hiring is happening here. Having a good presence, or the right presence is of utmost importance.

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Why it Matters

Benefits to a solid professional network

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Today’s Online Networks


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Today, more than ever, we need to act more like networks.

Act More Like Networks

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The Business Suit of Social Networks

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Networking on LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn?

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Networking on LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn? The World’s LARGEST professional network Online network with more than 70 million

users in 200 countries. A new member joins LinkedIn

approximately every second, and about half of our members are outside the U.S.

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Networking on LinkedIn

Benefits of Using LinkedIn… As an owner…

Find Client Leads Find Employees Join Groups & Find

Events Get

Recommendations New Business


Benefits of Using LinkedIn… As an employee…

Find Jobs Be Introduced Find Services Find Organizations Event Market Yourself Network

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Networking on LinkedIn

Things to do at LinkedIn Create a Professional Profile Add Contacts: Cultivate Your Professional

Network Create & Request Professional

Recommendations Join &/or Start Groups Ask & Answer Specialty Questions Find & Place Job Postings

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Networking on LinkedIn

Fill in your profile Market yourself

Picture Summary Specialties Positions Education Website(s) Groups

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Networking on LinkedIn

Build your network by finding connections.

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Networking on LinkedIn

Make & Request Work Related Recommendations

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Networking on LinkedIn

Join: Alumni Corporate Conference Networking Non-Profit Professional & Other Groups

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Networking on LinkedIn

Converse and make connections Share news Post and Find Jobs

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Networking on LinkedIn

Ask & Answer

Find specialists

Market Yourself

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Networking on LinkedIn

Share Links & Streams Connect with Twitter Comment Check

Updates Co. Updates Recommendations Recently Connected Photos, etc.

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Networking on LinkedIn

Follow Companies Get insider info. New Hires Recent

Departures Jobs Posted Promotions &


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Networking on LinkedIn

Post Jobs Find Jobs

By industry By location Experience Function Time posted

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Networking on LinkedIn

Find Events Local professional As host As attendee

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Networking on LinkedIn

Recap & Summarize Cultivate Your Professional Network

Create a Profile Join Groups Find Events

Follow Companies Follow Colleagues Recommendations

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Other Professional Networks


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Other Professional Networks

Plaxo Address book Social Network

Founded in 2002 Over 20 mill users Owned by Comcast

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Other Professional Networks

Spotlight Portfolios

Branding Network Widgets

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Making the Most of Each Opportunity

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Networking: Basic Principles

Things to do in networking…. Know the organizer Offer assistance Be polite Smile Meet the influencers Meet the new comers Follow up

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Networking: Basic Principles

Things to do in networking…. Find new events Introduce a new person Relate Invest time in your networks Establish a routine Share the workload Invest in relationships that work

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Networking: Basic Principles

Things to do in networking…. Manage your notifications Keep up with policies and new

developments Avoid random or open-ended outreach

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Networking: Basic Principles

Things not to do… Spread yourself to thin Perform random, or open-ended outreach Be stiff Remain Invisible Leave it online

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Networking: Basic Principles

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.“

 --Margaret Mead

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QUESTIONS? LinkedIn & Other Professional Networks

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About the Presenter

Chris Drinkut

Let’s Network!

On LinkedIn:

Chris Drinkut

On twitter:


Social Media Strategist

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By Christopher Drinkut