Line Scan Standards for Character and Symbols: A Practical ......he will detect errors with as good...

Line Scan Standards for Character and Symbols : A Pract ical Study C. J. Dunca n There arc now several photocomposition machines available or in immediate prospect which produce the characters by means of a raster on a cathode ray tube (CRT ) . In the case of the Hell Digiset and the Alphanu meric machines the chara cter generation data is sto red in digital form; in the case of the Linotr on a nd Purd y Mcintosh ma chines th e scan instructions for generating the char acter arc derived each time they are required by rescanning an opti cal matrix in sync hronism with the c haracter generation. Th ere is in fact little published data on fin e qu ality character ge neration and th e task of deciding what line stand ards arc required for specifi c tasks is therefore not easy. An alogies to the reprod uction of c haracters on television tube faces is not a very good guide to the qu ality required. Pro ofing Qual il)l The situation is complic ated so mewhat by the various tasks f or which such images arc required. In printing the first requirement is for proofing. If paper proofs are required at some stage, is it desired to know whether th e characters or symbols earmarked inside th e compu ter are, in fact, those de ired at output. They can be represented br transformations or double sy mbols which arc consulted in a table, but the ti me-honored practice of actually examining a proof which is an orthograp hic representation of the final printed work is not to be discarded ligh tl y, without considerable retraining, since it materially assists page make-up as well as checking the precise sense. Similar req uire men ts exist for editing purposes on CRT's. At fi rs t the text string 49

Transcript of Line Scan Standards for Character and Symbols: A Practical ......he will detect errors with as good...

Line Scan Standards for Character and Symbols : A Practical Study

C. J. Duncan

There arc now several photocomposition machines available or in immediate prospect which produce the characters by means of a raster on a cathode ray tube (CRT ) . I n the case of the Hell Digiset and the Alphanumeric machines the character generation data is stored in digital form; in the case of the Linotron and Purdy Mcintosh machines the scan instructions for generating the character arc derived each time they a re required by rescanning an optical matrix in synchronism with the character generation.

There is in fact little published data on fine quality character generation and the task of deciding what line standards arc required for specific tasks is therefore not easy. Analogies to the reproduction of characters on television tube faces is not a very good guide to the quality required.

Proofing Qualil)l The situation is com plicated somewhat by the various tasks for which such images arc required. I n printing the first requirement is for proofing. If paper proofs are required at some stage, is it desired to know whether the characters or symbols earmarked inside the computer are, in fact, those de ired at output. They can be represented br transformations or double symbols which arc consulted in a table, but the time-honored practice of actually examining a proof which is an orthographic representation of the final printed work is not to be discarded lightly, without considerable retraining, since it materially assists page make-up as well as checking the precise sense. Similar requirements exist for editing purposes on CRT's. At fi rst the text string


errors can be removed by using a simple and restricted letter-form generation, but the nearer one comes to final output the more need there is for "full quality" letter generation.

We need to know what this implies economically, since the fineness of scan affects not only the speed of output (and hence the unit cost) in direct ratio, but also the quality of the components used, the tube or tubes themselves, their lining up and maintenance, and the quality and nature of the driving circuits. There is little or no experience yet in the character generation field, but considerable experience in the facsimile transmission of photographs and in electronic scanning for engraving and color separation.

It is unfortunately true of the printing industry that the quality of initial image demanded is frequently much better than can be justified by the subsequent degradation it receives in processing, and little work has been done on the effect of noise in character generation and processing. We need to know in particular how low a line-scan rate can be used and still present to a "reader" a proof image from which he will detect errors with as good a certainty as he does from con-ventional proofing methods, and we need to know what line standards are suitable for low quality information printing (such as telephone directories) and for high quality "pleasure" printing such as books or glossy display printing.

Scanned Specimens As a preliminary to more rigorous tests it was decided to use the facilities available on the K. S. Paul Colour Scanner to delimit the range of line scans which might prove to be useful in printing work and to attempt if possible, some fairly crude tests of readers' ability to detect errors from proofs of relatively low line scan frequency.

Two samples were procured/ one of Times Roman ranging from 6-point to 24-point in size, as a representative of a serif face, the other of Univers Medium from 6-point to 22-point size, representing a sans-serif face, both with italic as well as Roman upright forms. These were scanned at 250 lines/inch and 1000 lines/inch. Both the width of the original scan and of the reproducing beam will affect the result. The

1 The original positives of type samples were kindly supplied by F. Holland of the Monotype Corporation and were made on the Monophoto. Mr. R. Mcintosh of K. S. Paul Ltd. kindly arranged for the scanned positives to be made on the colour scanner.


reproducing beam width is 0.004" for 250 lines per inch and 0.00 1" for 1,000 lines per inch, as might be expected. The direction of scan was as closely as possible kept from top to bottom of the sheets, but no special precautions were taken to align them with the uprights of the characters. In the event, however, the scan angles were very close to the vertical.

In presenting the results, some difficulties were immediately experienced. In order to show specimens with low line scan frequency it is necessary to take the 6-point characters and enlarge them as far as 24-point ( 4x), which is bound to accentuate variations in the character outline caused by other noise sources. Further, on the Times Roman scan at 250 lines/inch it proved difficult to balance the exposure over the whole area, so that the 6-point section was not in fact as fully exposed in the "thin" portions. This spoils the effect of even the "cleaned up" enlargements, and it may be possible to attribute some of this loss to the fact that the scanner in this mode is operating near an artifically imposed limit.

In Figures 1 and 2 the basic data used are presented. They show a photo litho contact reproduction from the unscanned originals and from those scanned at 250 and 1000 lines/ inch. In order to make it a fair comparison between these, and with trade practice, where usually two stages of film work are involved between composition and printing down to metal, negative plates were used and the positives were contacted to negatives. This, incidentally, allowed the original set of positives to be reversed laterally since they were made to read correctly emulsion up, whereas the scanned positives had been reversed and were correct for direct printing down to make negatives. All the reproductions are made from 3M TypeR negative presensitized plates printed down on a vacuum frame and run on the small offset machine on cream wove paper. In order to have a closer comparison of various line standards the 6-point, 8-point, 12-point, and 18-point specimens have been progressively enlarged to 24-point and placed alongside the unscanned and 24-point scanned negatives in Figure 3. 2

Finally, since comparison at 24-point is not, in fact, necessarily the most appropriate test, various intermediate enlargements have been used to present various sizes at various line scan frequencies (Figures 4 and 5). I t should be noted that in discriminating words, characters, and

Text continues on page 62 . 2 I have to thank M iss A. Rutherford for performing the tedious and meticulous

task of making the enlargements for me.

5 1

6 Point 7 Set

7 Point Bl Set

8 Point 91 Sec


The first thing to remember about a filmsettE is a camera and that its function is t·o presenl on all its beauty, variety and intricacy. Its pre mote versatile than those of casting machinM open up to the typographer a whole nev design, liberating him from the limitations The first thing to rÅmemb~ about • films~nt is a c•mera •nd th•t its function is to presem in all its beauty, variety and intticacy. Its pre more v&natile th•n those of casting machineJ THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER ABOU

The first thing to remember about a fil is a camera and that its function is to ~ in all its beauty, variety and intricacy. more versatile than those of casting ma open up to the typographer a who design, liberating him from the limite: The first thing to remember about a fiJ is a camera and that its function is to ~ in all its beauty, variety and intricacy. more versatile thtm those of casting ma THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER ,

The first thing to remember about is a camera and that its function is in all its beauty, variety and intric more versati le than those of castin! open up to the typographer a design, liberating him from the I The first thing to remember about is a camera and that its function is in all its beauty, variety and intric more versatile than those of castin! THE FIRST THING TO REMEMB

, g_ 'Point The first thing to remember at

lot Sec is a camera and that its functic g in all its beauty, variety and ir 0 more versatile than those of ca :;· open up to the typographer Cl design, liberating him from tl

The first thing to remember at is a camera and that its functic in all its beauty, variety and il more versatile than those of ca THE FIRST THING TO REME

6 P oint 7 Sot

7 Point 8! Set

8 Point 9! Set

250 Ll NES/1 NCH The f1rs1 1h1ng to remember about a f1lmsette1 IS a camera and that its functton IS to present •n all tts beauty. vanety and Intricacy hs pro more versal ile than those of castmg machrnes open up to tho typographer a whole new des~gn. hbetaung h1m hom the llm1tauons • The lust thing to r~memW about 11 filmsette. i$ a camera and that its /unction is to present in all its beauty. variety and intricacy. Its P'' more versatile than thou of casting machines. THE FIRST THING TO REM EMBER ABou·

The first thing to remember about a fill is a camera and that its function is to p m all its beauty. vanety and intricacy. more versatile than those of casting ma open up to the typographer a whol design, liberating him from the limita The first thing to remember about a fi/. is a camera and that i ts function is top in all its beauty. variety and intricacy. more versatile than those of casting ma TH E FIRST THING TO REMEMBER 1

The first thing to remember about is a camera and that its function is in all its beauty, variety and intric more versatile than those of castin! open up to the typographer a • design, liberating him from the . I The first thing to remember about is a camera and that its function is in all its beauty, variety and intric more versatile than those of castin! THE FIRST THING TO REMEMB

9 Point The first thing to remember at 10~ Set is a camera and that its functic

in all its beauty, variety and ir more versatile than those of ca open up to the typographer design. liberating him from tl The first thing to remember at is a camera and that its functic in all its beauty, variet y and i1 more versatile than those of ca THE FIRST THING TO REME

1000 LINES/INCH 6 Point

7 Set

7 Point a: Scl

8 Point 9~ Scl

9 Point 10~ Set

Tht• lrr:-.1 lluuu to u;r'lWtnlJcr .ahuaa t a hhn~cllm Ŀ~ ,, Co lnu:r.l .utd th.ll 1b lunc11on 1' If) present "' .111 us l>comty, va,.mv .md •ntur acv lb pro more vcrsn11lu than 1ho~o ot cast•UH machmt..·s. open up to tho P(pogr,lphor ,, wholu uuw tlcs•nn. ltbcratii){J h1m h om lho hrtnlauon'> 4 1/u: /ll:i( tlung to remember abafJI a 11/mstttet rs ,, t.·ouueta dUd that rts lunctwn IS to ptesunt , ,,1/ us IJramy. vam.•ty 1111d mtucac. y Its /IW more versowle than those ol cJstmg m.1chmes. THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER A80Ul

The lorst thong to remember about a loh os a camera and that ots lunctoon os 10 p on all ots beauty, varoely and ontrocacy more versa tole than those of casung ma• open up to the typographer a whol desogn. liberatong hom from the limota Tl1c firsr rhing ro remember abour a fill 1S a camera and char i rs function is ro p m all irs beaury. variery and inrricacy more versarilc chan chose of cas ring ma. THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER I

The firsl thing 10 remember abou t is a camera and thai its function 1s 1n all i ts beau!y. vanety and inlnc. more versaule than those of castln! open up to the l ypographer a 1 destgn. l1beraung h1m from the h The first thing to remember about is a camera and that irs function is in all its beauty, variety and mrric. more versatile than those of castin! THE FIRST THING TO REMEMB

The f irst thing to remember ab is a camera and that its functic in all i ts beauty, variety and 1r more versatile than those of ca: open up to the typographer design, liberating him from tl The first thing to remember ab is a camera and that i ts funct ic in all its beauty, variety and i1 more versatile than those of ca. THE FIRST THING TO REME

10 Point The first thing to remembe 11t set is a camera and that its fur

in all its beauty, variety an more versatile than those o open up to the typograp design, liberating him fror The first thing to remembe is a camera and that its fur in all its beauty, variety an THE FIRST THING TO RE

10~;~:~ abcdefghijklm ABCDEFGHI, abcdefghijkln ABCDEFGH/,

112~t;:~ a bed efg h ij k I ABCDEFGH abcdefghijkl ABCDEFGh

10 Point The first thing to remembe 11* Set is a camera and that its fur in all its beauty, variety ar more versatile than those o open up to the typogra~ design, liberating him fro1 The first thing to remembf. is a camera and that its fur in all its beauty, variety ar THE FIRST THING TO Rl

10~;~:~ abcdefg hijkl rr ABCDEFGHI. abcdefghijkln ABCDEFGH/.

111~t~:~ abcdefghijkl ABCDEFGt-abcdefghijk~ ABCDEFG/-

•o Point The first thing to remembe "~ sc, is a camera and that its fur

in all its beauty, variety an more versatile than those o open up to the typograp design, liberating him fro1 The first thing to remembe is a camera and that its fur in all its beauty, variety ar. THE FIRST THING TO RE

10~:~:.: abcdefghijklrr ABCDEFGHI, abcdefghijkln ABCDEFGH/,

111:~~~.: abcdefg h ijkl ABCDEFGH abcdefghijkJ ABCDEFGh

0 0 0

6 Point 6t Set

7 Point" 7t Se t

8 Poi nt 8 Set


THE FIRST T HING TO REMEMBER ABOUT A FILM The first thing to remember about a filmsell· camera and that its function is to present la1 beauty variety and intricacy. Its products ar• than those of casting machines. and they • typographer a whole new vista of design, The first thing to remember about a filmsett• camera and that its f unction is to present /a, beauty, variety anti intricacy. Its products ar. than those of casring machines. and they THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER AI

THE FIRST TiliNG T O REMOMDER ADOUT The first thing to remember about a f camera and that its function is to pre: beauty, variety and intricacy. Its prod than those of casting machines, and typographer a whole new vista of < The first thing to remember about a f. camera and that its fun ction is to pre: beauty, variety and intricacy. Its prod, than those of casting machines. and THE FIRST TH ING TO REMEMB

THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER ABOU The first thing to remember about a camera and that its fu nction is to pr• beauty, variety a nd intricacy. Its proc than those of casting machines, a n typographer a whole new vista of The first thing to remember about a camera and that its function is to pre beauty, variety and intricacy. Its pro. than those of casting machines, an THE FIRST THING TO REMEMI


6 Point 6 ; Set

7 P oint 71 Se t

8 Point 8 Sot

11 11 tlkSI 11 11 '\,ll, HI KI\.U·\HUk •\IUI!fl A 111'-l IK· li r~l th lll!! It• t~o-'llh."mhct .1 lwul :1 lihn ... ~..·ll l..':t !l l l..' f; l ~IIHt tha i l h r tl/h,.'I LOII j, Il l pt\.' ..;\.·u t Ja 1 hc.t ttl) . \'~ t ri•.:ty :end in lr~t..:a l.' y. II' Jl l'lhlt ll.:t..: al' I han thn~ of ~;t,IJ il~ tna~h ll lt..'"· and l h ~..·y l ) flO)!J:qlh .. -r a v. lwk· 111..·w ,,,,,, u f dc"•~n. / Jw ,,.,, thm.-: /II tc·mc·mb,·r oh"lll t1 /11111\f'l l , cmwra mul tltut th /mwtum ;, to t'r,., ,., /a. /lc 'tWII'. !'ufh•n a mi iutt ;etlfT. ft , {N'flthwt., or llnm t!J,,,.,. o/ nrsting 111111 ltiuc·.\', mrd f llf'l T ill ' I IR ST 1'111 :-J(; TO I<I ·MI ·VIIII I< I\ I

11 11 llt<:'\ 1 II IIN~• lt J K l ·\ti• \1IU•f( t\IUH I I The l i P .. t t hin~.:. to r~nH.:m b~..:r a hott l a I ~;ll n~o:ra ~IIHI tfla l ih rurh.:l iotl j, to pre· beaut) . \ariel ~· and. int r i...:at.:y. lh pnH..I th;m !hose u 1 t.: ~ J '\ l iiH! madlln...:-,. ~IIH.I I) pngr01phcr a " IHll~ llC\\ 'ista uf ' The /lnl 1hiug /o rcmc·mlwr uhoul t1 I t 'unn•nt uml ilwl il.' /uu('liou ;, /o pre. /wou/ 1. roric•/1' unt! i nlrintc' l , l i s prod !fum 't lw:w oi nt.,·liug muc:ltillc'' · uml T i lE I:IRST f i iiN<; TO IU ; M I' Mil

It It· HHS I I l l"<; I 0 Kl :\ 11 \1111 R 1\IIOt l'hc l i r~ L t h inu, tn r...:-nH...·mhcr ablHil a

(;llllcra a nd Jlwl ils run <:! inn b 10 pr h.:aul\. varict\ ;end inlri<:ac\. lls pn >• than iho~l.' ul: t.:a~l illt! tn:u.·hint:~. a n 1 ~ po~raphcr a whole ll<'" ' i,ta nf '/1w firs/ thi11g to I'C'IJI('II Ih('J' ctl~tnll '' ('(II II(' I'll owl I hot ils ./tfllction 1\ lo fJ/ '! ht•wor. rari('/ 1' and intrinwl'. Its J'ro 1hun ·Jiu, ... ·c o/ cu,·thl,t: llittt'llin<''· 1111

' Ji lL l'IRS I Tll i Mi TO Rl : \1lcM


6 Point 6} Set

7 Po int 7~ Set

8 Point 8 Scl

11 11 II KSI I IIIM, 141 IUMI· \.tiUK Altt ll ll 1\ Ill The lin.t thilll; 111 rl.'mcmhcr ahnut ;1 camcr;, ;md lh~t l it' 1'111H:tinn j, hi pn;sl.'llt 1: l 'h.;: IUIY~ v;l ri~ly <llld i ntri~.:;u.:y. It ~ ruod ttl:IS :1 \ than t hn~ nr ~a..;t ill l:. lll;ll.'hin~.:,, and tht.:y l)'flt'~raplh;r " whole new 'i~w ol' dc'1~11 l11c /tr.,·l tltiiiJ: to rc •mt •mhcr uhout 11 /lfm,·f'l , c·omt•raumlthlll 1/,, /mwlion '' ''' /lfc'H'IItlt. lwantl '. •·anc•/1' ami imrit·m ·•·. f t .\ tlrodrwl.' a. thuu tho.,·c· oJ r a.,·JiiiJ: nuwlu'uc•,,, ami t/Jc•y Till · I'II<ST Til IN<; TO RI; MEMBI ' I< 1\

1 111~ I·IRS'I 1111 (i 10 1-(I ·M I·MHI•I( A IHHf The first thing tu rcmc mhcr a bout a \,;a mcr;t and that its Cun\,;t iun is tu pn bc;cu ly. varicly and intricacy. Its pro< th ~tll those or t:~tsting lll~h.: hincs. aJh ty pographer ;t whole new v ista of Tlw {ir.,·l t!tint.: ta rc•memh('l' alum/ u . c·rllllcra am/ 111111 ils f/mctiou i.'i tn pn bt•auty. rariC'/,1' and inlrinwy. Its prof than those t~!' ('liSiinK Jlfll('h ines. wu T il E FIRST T ili NG TO REM EMI

1111· I·I HS I I'IIIN(; 1'0 RI:MI :MIII:tl 1\ IIOt

T he first lhing to n:m.:mb.:r aboul ' c;11ncra a nd ihal it s runcl io n is to J11 h<.:auly. vari<.:ty and inlri<.:acy. lis J1tT !han !hose or cast ing machin<.:s. at tyr ngrarher a whole new visla o l 'f1w Jirst tlting 111 l'l'tll<'llllwr uh11ul 11

1'1111/l ' f<l 1111d tltut its .fimctiou is to f" l>c'll/111 '. l'ltrit•fl· t1111l i utril'l/1'1'. Its pre tll1111 .tllosl' oi' castiug tlllll'hiiii'S. 111


9 Point THE FIRST THING TO REMEMBER AE 9 Point 1111: HRSI I 111M; ·11 1 RI · ~II ; \JIIER AI 9 Point TilE FIRST Til IN(; TO IWMEMBER A 8! Set The first thing to remember abot: a·: Se t Th~ fi r:-! th in\! to r~m~mb~r ab!ll 8~ Set T he first thing to remember aho

camera and that its function is to ~:am~ra and tl1at its fu1Ktiun i:-. tu t.:amera and that its funt.:tion is I< beauty, variety and intricacy.lts r lx:a ut~. 1·ari~: ty and intri~:a~:~. Its 1 beauty. variety and intricaey. Its than those of casting machines, than thos~: of castin!! machin~:-.. than those or casting machines. typographer a whole new vista t) pogntp h~:r a who I~ n~:w 'ista typographer a whole new vista The first thing to remember abou. 71/l' .fin/ thing 111 rcmcudwr ah1111 Till' .firs/ filing lo rc·mcmher ahrn camera and that its func tion is to c·umcra am/ dull if.\ /UI/1'/irlll is 111 cwm•ra umllhat ils/imclion is 11 beauty, variety and intricacy. Its J than those of casting machines,

hcu11lr. mrh•f_r ami illlrinH y . l is 1 1111111 i//llw r~( cw lillg llltldlillt'.\,

llC'alllr, t•urielr ami inlrimn. fl.\' ll11111 .!hose rd' ms1i11g mur:hines.


10 P oint THE FIRST T HJNG TO REMEMBE 10 Point TilE FIRS'l 'l l ll N(; TO RE\1 l 'MBI 10 P o int TilE FIRST T lllNli TO REMEMIII 10 Set The first thing to remember 10 Set The first thin!! to remem he r 10 Set The first thing to remember

camera and that its function camera and diat its runLiion camera a nd that its funct ion beauty, variety and intricacy. hcauty. variety and intricacy. beauty, va riety a nd intricacy than those of casting machi than those or casti ng. machi than those o r casting mach typographer a whole new \ typographe r a whole new ' typographe r a who le new The first thing to remember ' T!IC' jirs r 1hing ro ('(' /11('/lllwr , The .fir.l'f !hinK ro rememher camera and that its function call/('('(( alf( / thai ils jilll(' /ion mmera and 1/wr i!s jimclion beauty, variety and intricacy. hea111,r. rarietr all(/ intricacr. heauly, variely and intricacv T HE FIRST THING TO Rl THE FIRST THING TO R l THE FIRST THIN G TOR

24 Point abcdefghijkl 14 Point abcdefghijkl 14 Point abcdefghijk. 24 Set 24 Sc< 24 Set



'"=1 ~- ..£

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~":;:;-,.. Q) 8 c ~ = 2" (") " -..() 0.. tv ..,.

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fJre .,·c 111 Ill n.~lll (~C i11 rotlucf.\; lire IJiore rc ant! 1her OJJen fi/J

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L '-

({ fi h ns c I I e r is I h a I II .·

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beauty, variety and in The .first thin(f{ to ren1 can1ert1 ancl that its .fi THE FIRST THING -· ~ - - - - o- - -J - - - - - - - - - r -~ - - - - -


1ction is to present l 'd intricacy. Its proQ f casting machines, , :MEMBER ABOUT Jn is to present Jangt 1tricacy. Its products sting machines, and :MBER ABOUT A F ............_.~ .......... -~· ._..... ........... '-"' .... ,...,. .. open up to the t\ The first thing to re is a camera and tha THE FIRST THING -- -- - - - - - v . - -.I . - - - • • • • - .- -. - - -

ADf"r\ r::~ I

u A tl L U t .-.u H 1 J K. L lVJ 1'\J cr. ,~; ! ! -\ J LJ -c ~ a bc(/~fgh Uk !Jn no ]Jq rs I u v· abcdefghijklmnopqrst Q) c ·-- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNC -o ABCDEFGHIJKLMN( -o ~

mnopqrstuvwxyz£ 12: mnopqrstuvwxyz£123 ....c u


Q) HIJKLMNOPQ RST 'mnopqrstuvwxyz£123 c ·--0 nnopqrstuvwxy z£123'- 'IJKLMNOPORSTUV~ ll) N

....c lmnopqrstuvwxyz£ 12 mnopqrstuvwxyz£123


HIJKLMNOPQRS1 c mnopqrstuvwxyz£123 ·--0 0 mnopqrstuvwxyz£123· '/JKLMNOPORSTUV\ 0 ~

'U .mnopqrstuvwxyz£ 12 mnopqrstuvwxyz£123



mnopqr stuvwxyz£123· 'IJKLMNOPQRSTUV~

.r <.~csign, liberating I A a .ftlnJseller is thai if \-] ,,.e_\'£'111 language in ah oducf.'; arl) 111ore rer.,·(l rot/ //J('_)' OfJ!'Il flfJ /O

,.1 B F R l\ B () t.rr ;\ F II ---- 83 lines/inch ------.,

16/18 point

12 point

, .. ....... } ''l'"""·•• ~·J; "'~ ·()<..iul:lsarcnl(lrl:vcrsati or design. lihcrating ll llld th~y op~n up to tl a Jihn.\"('//('1' is that il ; }r d~sign. lih~rating hi

a {ilmscller is tlrat it is prescn I lunguoge in all ,.;,_,·cllt tmrguaKe in (J /1 i roduc/s ({/'(' /1/0I'C rcrsu •·oclucts are more rersoti

mel thl'y ope'// up to /J U!ld they OJJC!l lf/) to vtBLR ABOUT J\ FILl

----107 lines/inch ----t--- 125 lines/inch ---1

The first thing to remen 8 point camera and that !ts fun< pr.:s.:nt language Ill all I

. . and th~y op~n up to th~ roduct s an:m.u·,·wr~a t i beauty, vanety and intn or design. lihcratin!! him and th.:y open up to tl ~ ~ :~r design. lih.:rating hi The _fi.rsl lhin,a to rem en a titnlsl·fler is rhat ir is 11 utilmw/1 .. ,. is"/(/' if;_,

.., {}J.;'.H'Ilf lall.!!llll,t'<' ill all irs w;.,.,."' lul/g/lug•· ill"" i I II I ., t• • I"Otflll'(S tl/'(' 1110/'C' I'CI"SCI(I C(f/11Cra anc, 1(1 I s. Unl roducts (//'(' /1/11/'(' 1'('/'.\'(/fil<' 111/tl ""''" tl(l t ' ll llfJ '" II

TI-IJ:' H'IR~T Tl--111\.lr. T ll//(1 they Of}('ll up to .rill' \1BLKABOLJTAFII.I

____ 166 lines inch ____ ...~...... ___ 166 lines inch--__._ __ 187 lines/ inch--

a bcdcfghij klmnopqrstuvw ABC ' I)I~FG HIJ K I .M NOP()RSTU \

ABCDEFG H IJ K LM NOI (/ h('(/(~l~ll Uk 1177/l()jJ(ji'S/ u I' ll'.\_



The first th in!!. to rcmemh camera and that its runcti' heauty, variety and intrica The .first thing to J'('IIWIIlhl

nllnero OJI(/ tho! tt.\ /i111cti1 T HE FIRST THING TO

II II · I·IRSI 1111'<; Ill Rl \II I

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--------------1-------------t--------250 lines/inch ---

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-------------~~--------------11------ 1000 I ines/inch ---

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--------------------------------~-----------------------------L-------------- Unscanned

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___ 166 lines/inch ___ ---.~..-___ 166 lines/inch __ .......__ 1871ines/inch _

abcdefgh ijklmnopqrstuv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP & ., : ;"! ?- () [] -abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

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--------------+-------------+--------250 lines/inch ---

abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP & ., : ;"! ?- () []-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

The first thing to remerr is a camera and that its in all its beauty, variety more versatile than thos« open up to the typog1 The first thing to reme«. is a camera and that its THE FIRST THING TO

The first thing to remem is a camera and that its f in all its beauty, variety more versatile than those open up to the typogr design, liberat ing him f1 The first thing to remem is a camera and that its I in all its beauty, variety more versatile than those THE FIRST THING TO

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--------------------------~r-----------------------~--------- 1000 li nes/inch

abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP & ., : ;"! ?-() []-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv ABC D EFG H /J K L MNOF

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The first thing to. remem is a camera and that its f in all its beauty, variety more versatile than those open up to the typogr design, liberating him f1 The first thing to remem is a camera and that its I in all its beauty, variety more versatile than thosE THE FIRST THING TO

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--------------------------------L---------------------------4-------------- Unscanned

symbols r i.e., the process of character recognition ) the 6-point scanned material can be said to be readable e\'en when the enlargement of it seems very incomplete and crude. T he processes by which the eye itself scans the image and assembles the information for the exercise of the discriminatory function needs consideration here, as well as the purely ph ysical analysis.

I t is recognised that this is only a preliminary to a larger, full-scale evaluation. Enlarging to give reduced lines/inch is not a rigorously valid procedu re since the edge transmis.c;ion of the scanning and reproducing beam is also enlarged. Ideally the scanner itself should be capable of variable line standards, and the tests should be conducted in a rigorous statistica l manner to ascertain without the subjects' being able to influence the result by preference or bias. Further elucidation of the role played by noise introduced in later processes is essential to proper analysis.

Preliminary Conclusions Some elementary information can be obtained from close optical exam ination of the original scanned positiYes. There is frequentl y an additional line shown halfway down the vertical side of a character, evidence of a sporadic, or perhaps regular change in sensitivity threshold, or perhaps of an undetected geometrical shape change. There are "doublings" and "drop ou ts" suspected to be of a statistical nature, unacceptable in com ·cntional terms, but probably not significant to an unsuspecting reader. These preliminary results a rc submitted more to prompt further publication and to point the need for the scrutiny of work in parallel fi elds-character recognition and facsimile transmission, for insta nce-to sec if it can assist in the establishment of rational line standards for the CRT character and li ne generation systems of the future. When more information is available, it may be that special designs of type faces are produced for this method of generation, just as, say, U ni\'ers was designed specifically for conventional photocomposition. Quite obviously from these preliminary tests, there are geometrical features which can be a,·oided in designi ng a face if maximum reproducibility and legibil ity are required with CRT generation, as well as the prospect of increasing the economic yield by reducing the line scan standards, e.g ., by using a sans-serif face which clearly performs better than a serif face.