Lindbergh Kidnap,… · •...

Weather Forecast TODAY’S :~NEWS -TODAY . iVOI.. xvir. NO. 213-5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, t'JilDAY, JANUAIIY 25, I'.W.'i Ol'FlCIAfi COUNTY NM\YSI‘AlMiK ■iJHaiiptmann D ^es Lindbergh Kidnap, “S jc © ££s=iat^L adnd ' FlilCMINGTOX, X. J., .Inn. .25 L ’i’ ) -r'B rw-ti o.-Richnrd — tlnr-hindbcrRli-ltKliinir-lftador 'hiicl tlisownctl il ns the pfodnct ‘..oil liis liniulicrnft. Tlip Bronx cnrpcntPr, de. ‘ '^ Blniui jrom tlic dinrfio oI nnu-I] deriiiu..Clifirlcs_A. Lindbergh, tho -poyorful’ army 6C, exrinnts~lhc "Kovcfiilhcn'r'lmil i'rrtci-il to hifi door 'wltli djsdnin niia — ftt tiintb — ft. atrnngcly _ _forccil Icvily. ------- - -I- nm' * ciirpenlcr.’ :r.WASHINOTON.^iA.-23 ErcaUltail_nooacY£K_jipi«accd_aft: nuroU today o t early con^rreaalonal approvAl or the $4,690,000,000 bill mftkln(r him rclW "ciar." The hoiue sent tbb mca^uro to the acnatc, where lendcra foresoo lit* Ho trvublo Ui’ Jan>niliis''U Umjugli., Tho ovorwhclmtaff hoiiao volol 6f ,confiiloaco_ In jdclcCTtlnK voat rcUtf powers to^tbc 1’. dent: •strr-rpthened the- chief _ |«cutive's control over, Ibo luuallyi unruly cliambor, And mfty prcsac«' the end o( any further ^m ocretlc Inaurffcat drived — cxccpt or ......... . Edwnrd J. Rellly'n ques- . tion whether h0.bullt-U»o-ludiler by ■ ' which lho kldnnper mounted to the auracry window of tho Llndbe^h jranor on March 1, 1032. Denle* All Churps* For the reat, ho contented,him- BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he v<aii a Icndlns: figure. He not only derided the work- .• mnnnhlp of the kidnap ladder, hut . dtaowned the ranaom notts. Dcfcnt Arx Before poAalncr Inighl, 328 to lln.i In • onawer to every q<je»lion - tfonecmlnff-hta aMOclatloa.wfUi.thc wurder; ------------------------------ •• ------ Early Irt tho-doya tcatlmony. ho had reiterated his declaration tliat . ._ l!tlrmr Klgch-left him the LlndbCrgh ranBom money in o'«tiqo'T>SJf=ana forccd ' b<At do^-n' ovcry 'omcnd- nicnt hut a'mtaor onelwWch.laclc-; ed White Houoe Iweklnff. Rep. Al- fred Bulwlnkle. D„ N. C.. Uic •'Wirt red*bo4tcr" of-laat owlon. lut throuj^h' on amendment fore* nfr tho Prcsklcat to {rtv'o congrcjui annually. a <}«tal]ed AccountlDf of hb relief oxncodltuKS. By a vote if 159 to 131 tho houAe defentod tho otrohg coalition of ........ - ftnd TMmocralii-who fought for. d provlolon for<lo{f pay: ment- of- pro_vailln5 _wa5ea- under wllef; cooslructiTO .coaUncta. -'iria plonncd to $60 a month wog« mm th.; bill will b hls-'omeat. , I , He had nayir.aeeK the aleeplngj ' -aultunUl It.waa hrou'ght'lnto court.! 7 V '“ hrdcclarW.“ -HOaanilcewlBO-7ioverj l)cforc scenuUjo thunj.b'ffuard. nor, - ?Any ot tho . other iaiJU»?>^cnc«1 hgolnst hlm.'Ke aald.-.;. Notlunopnml He dcnled'he;had «votf-bccn in; .-vHopwcll.'thnt he hqd_^er «cen| •Col. Llndberph'B child, that ho h ^ ------ tivor'HCOled- -a-'cemeterr-walk-tof- mecl Dr. John V. Conjon, that he ‘ liad uver aat on a parU bench with ^-Jaiale-to-dUouM- - - ~ . ~ ’followc°d'’S o llncs'oVhTa^tcatlmohy ------ In the Bronx, when h#wft* extradlt- •d’ to:New Jersey,.hut hla manner] '• i&fdellyory wM^ m ^ ng. — lor in.MLicDllca.M-thcLrclicx3t-l ^ c o u n s e l . He' neemed to have I____fioramand otjilmBelfond—for the] f:-th^HXiaUoiir ------ 1 L.wWch Col. .Lind’ ......led a*' that of.the! errtloncTThla'atotyof-the domestic scene at home on. the, tsighlof tholddnoplng—ofhlflvlalt to a balteahop to pick up hla v "* who v.-as working lato oa that 1 /ul evening. ' Rapid-Fire Ouettloni naiiptmann'fl denial that ho .. . . - tfio-iTnurdercr -of-OJlonol-. Und- . (Continued on Page 2, Column 3) ' =B(eHi6WM —Beourittc^-CommlaBlon-Thlakg' Broader Elections Would -T— Protect-Pnbllo*"- •WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 dXi;)— I flfSk .exchanges ahould rovlae t ic.'o:^irTrule3-to-T)cnnlt-e5ecUon-of by.dlrcct-tacpretMlon of all " rocmBera ,lnst6ad of by reotrlctod commlltea .which may perpctuato ' control "b y -a small group, tho ucurltlea- and cxchango comml«> •Jon- advised tho seoato today. Tlioae revision*, tho commti— •aid. would make tho Eoverolng L— board moM - reprcAcatatlvo and ‘•more .vlgUant In protccUng the Invwtlors and public" 1 b\* Sonato •. cUjsalflMtkm ot otock exchange taomberft'.olcctkina ^.offlcopi and . rulM- for auspenBtoa o r , oxpuWoi V. of members.- . . • ‘ -,'rhft.caaxmUalon .dld.not rceom- v)m^ legislation because the sug- lf-‘ V6stiona.-«)uW-“ofl.piit into cf- * loct by tho voluntary acUos of ,7 :/th e ~«cbanges\U>e«riWv«~^------- VASHiNGTONrT’fta::'^nm= 1= ., AMooIatJoa-;!of-,^orlcan . ;:::Bailroad8 uoountM today that ‘-^wloadlngB'of reronnd-fttlRhMorl l^..i:AhA.::wcclf..end>d-JAn, .3fl fotalcd' Jp-:rm055--car».-inerease»‘ of-l>.2M Uio bUl loat PfOESTRIlHURT Erra H prsi^, -Martau'gh,- Hjt ' By Auto'After Machiios’’ Oollido on Boud talned In as accident on tho high* wayjgbuth of Miirlnugh-at about a report of tho accident along Uie hlghway__ . . . ___ preaching lilm from .both direct; tiona were citra driven ..by_J._U.; Pocatello. When V om on . turacdl said to havo pollld- etl with the one (Jrlvea'Uy Stovona. Verson's cor was.bollevod to have been Ihrotirn b(tck, atriklng Hcrshey. ' An arobulanco was coU^ and Howhey waa niflhod to tho boapi-; ' ' ‘ Dnmogos to tho maohlnoa -----------$200, East'Seaboard Di'gfr dill After,Blizzard NRW .YORK. Jan. 25 (ttCI ^ ^Powrcntmi^llBtfeirliwl8ttiO''by=Ui5 nrcatcst'blliznrd In ycaro dugout wny-w .port tcfia'of~thoiisaada of men- worJced •at , clearing fltreoli-7-and—modem—nmoj trnnspomvorkcd'townra-nortnnt; ' All along the AUastlo aeaboard there •wcre-roporta-of oxtmordl- nary cocdltiona after tho storm, accompanied try wind of gale forco and low temperaturea. llore than 30 deatha wer. trlbuted ;to tho-atorni-in-tho-New York area alone. la Jicw.-Yorlc the anowfall nveiogcd 17% ir tho b?avleat In 16 years. .- ALBUQUERQtra. - M-— Well, all I'know la Just what I read'Jn tho Amarillo (Texas) Dally Noflrt. OitUemen bto -to ihat-aa soon u they grt ui. oil set in tho .world c o i ^ wlU Just about b)» tbo breokl^- of thU-dcprcttlon,- yes, «lr. WIsB^thBy-coifla-get-;out-and" , talk to tho.peoploi thinlc.toey. ’ -WBUlli -learo- somottfBff- ra t^ 7W^^^a.■^^epu^1lefln iwmicg -----‘rbe'-JfchdUlMi^r-in-tho.aoutliwcittcrn-oornoc.of..................... -ahbwa-cnclrclwLinmnn nhovT. lt thejinrc of lntr»fSlm>-Jmmiir«i> difficultly. iVngered ul rulda alleged to liavo Ixt-ii iitude by hoI- dien> of' Gen. Huiir Cheh-Yuuii. governor of Clmlmr provlnre, over the-JirhoI.bordrr In tlie vicinity o( Takochm, n punitive expMltlon tuu been lauiiclini by tho Japmicfie goveniment to oxiwl the mid- era. Four H-na oxprnmcU by Clilncfw offlclnli.Omt thc.mavo.inniUc^L JaponcM , liit«ntlona to uniiex Clutliiir to ninnrliilktior-Vlclotluun. JapaoMo troops luul lull(<^d today liorih of the grrut tvull. ivllh Nippon -tooden UI>claiwl»R-Bny- lnt«iUlati o(-mlvuiicliig turllirr.— JAPAN,' CHINA *CALL _ PARLEY ON DISPUTE _______ ::3 ii'ii>—Action - - 16, dclayod from yonlccxloy Int ilio rcqum o r Senator Donnrt of lVa.tfitofftijn.coun{j'.-waj. jyraln held-rjff-todaj-whcn-Senator-SIit' clicll_of_Lc;'da_iuikc'J_ttiBt_iUJc referred t<> a commlttce of the |wlw)Io for nnicndtnent, Tliy bill providca prevention, of Uio tailing of duftclcncy Jiidg- ,nii3iL:i In foreelo(uirea. Senator Conact.exiilalncJ Uuxt- Uie bill aa now atiiiiJa lnt»>rfcr>M -A-lth loon* Uio Kodcra^.Uind ink. objectionuSle "Ih.hls'cslIBiir ■■Commlttf« of Wliole" For tlio flm l tlnio thUi nemlon, Uiu-ocjuilw n.'«olw.| li/>elf .Into II committee of the wliolo.. heard thel Fighting rGeases'Onl ,Jehol-Chahar , - Boundary- - ny irSitURUT K. EKINS (Copyright, lOM. UJilted I’rew) PEIPING, Jan. 2.-5 .... ~ PMh“ Movcmont for Aabption] W ar Oontfftcts Giving Cost Protection (Copyrloht, 1635, United Pro . WASHINCIDN..Jan. 23.JL'.U»—' Angry congreiislonal crltlclam ot itho mlllUu7 . forcea nprcad .today oped-to^compel-adoptlon of bundrtiflrrcbhtrrtcta which ____ protect-tho (rovcmracnf .aRalnat ovcrcharBca.- In Umes of- omerg. ency.-, : ___ ; -■*- • A bouno' mlUtiuy nrfalra. nub* commlttbo months-ago -ehallenged war-Uopartmont-ttlrplanr ---------- ment • methoda. Today ________ Homer T. Bone, D.. Wnifli.. and BeancU D. Clark. D,.. Mo„ c pltfln^^ o f cxceiviivo wnnili^' \ Sung Cheh-Yilan’. ".Chiccao gcivcr. nor. of -Cholmr province. Wiuk re- ported ready today to cnpltulalo to tlio-<lemftnda-6C-ft- Jupiineiie-milU tary forco-tliat he withdraw within tho great wall of Chinn. ■Flghtlnff ceoaod in the area .affer . itico'diiyiror(;ucrrlita-iiicu warfare In which at leiuit 50 Chlnciie aifd 10 Nippon Mldleru ioat tlielr lives. The Japancne reflted on their irms ofter .tal<Ing-posncfi#lon o( n itrlp-bf^orui:aimavciatmo<r.'3ouir lly by hfnnchukuo nnd Chahar.- - ' •-.:Con»oyJatbPo*ltJon ‘* Cqnmlldatlng thelr-poaltlon be. ..ire Mie great woll. which for «yj; turica lian guarded, China-from'Iti northern...enemies, - tho - Japnneao «cnt"w-onl to General Sung that they-ftrorea<ly-to-dl9cu9!i*ovcrrthe confercnco table the dlaputo about the Jehol-Chnhnr boundary. |_,jnpjincae..flcoullnir-nnd. i x ____ _ [planeii flew over'tho area, circling lyiitom devluod by Uio Wllsi ilslratlon. ..' -War Contracts Dared - I^Tcatimiaay^boforBithe-jepBte n nitlons Invcntlgatlon revealed tlio Inow York ShlpbulldlufTCorp. waa |5lyca_waMlme...conlracla_whicb taxes- and,.' in - obc- in-itnnw}, ao~Pttyment-of dl r«a~iitoi:k."Thiri of both'aldea'maintain their prca*| cnt position. Tenalon in Peiping! ,. Except'for tli'o droning of the iplanoa, tho frontier waa (]ulet. - - ' Colonel-.. Uatsul, -chief- -of - tho ilnaUy disallowed the claim t ^ t a *377,000 Ineomo.tox payment waa properly chargeable to tho coat of'conatructlcg «h‘" Clark told tlto United I>rcei> . . . ^mmlttco would devlao.a modLt contract to' avoid ouch cxccaa, chorgM tn futuro-omorgoncloa. ll : AiinuaT'Gathering' Will .GlVoi OuiiBiJvtittion'~ttf ^Brun(T~~~! Oonunodity Plan . At tho annual mooting of tho Southern Idaho Beon Growera’ oa* vjcIoUon, to bo held at I. O. O. F. ball, 2 p. m. tcmor- attention will be given the o f having beana made a bas^ commodity subject to AAA regulations, officers i^ounce.' In aWltlon,' contnictlng of gnrd. taken-UQ for ducuarion when thel .association business is completedl atabout.a p. m. -At.lho.buslncfta' session. olocUon of directors to fill ;yacaaciM on the-board, wllT be leondueted. CssUoford. Tholr successors jire to bo.aamed forHhrco*yoar,tCTTns. A director is to be named also-to (lir'out the unexplred term of H. Uui^bey. Filer, whose death took plaee-reccntiy. Ptomaine P^i&onihgf -~KiUs-Idahb-Pair| -.PAJRFIBnD, Jan. «-<8pcciaD tom, wbat-ls boxicvcd to ' [TrBoth-L-,- -- , .^Id_bc^«cu?s.d,l Oregrun. H. J. M. 1. which ft«lM congrww for old-age penalon leglJiUUon. poiuwl tlio /icnato unanliiiounly. .... Murdcr..ciau!» . Six new iiiou.iuro.1 woro intro- tluccO. S. B. 40 defined murder commlttoJ In llio' pcrpotratlon of kidnaping tut •'murdor in tlwflrut ■-(p»o." Sonator Wllllanu o£ Val' Icy formulated tho meojiuru. . S. B. 41 provkJos-intcr<«t'^( eight per cent yearly on delinquent taxcfl.anil-a dJacount-.oi.Uirw.pcr cent to bo allowoJ ■v.-hon taxea are pnld bcforw becoming dcllnqlient. Senator Erb ot Nes Pcrco tatro- .duc»d-th».bm,---------- Senator Erb al«r- B. 12 and S. B. <3.,'............. . vldea that tho tax collector of each county shall .mall tax notlucs on ., ... ...----------------- -^ilay^aod November of cach j-car. S..B. 43 Adda. an. am«n<lmenl'to H. B. 3. tax moratorium meaoure’ poawd early in-the'ocMlon. It'provklcti Ihiit ho- Inxpay.or. shall b<i entitled to' tlw'.J>cncflta;of-the moratorium who Ima nofpald taxes for tlio year 103i and riubacquent'years, duo. S. B. 44. by Woodward, provides (Continued on Poge .2,'Colum- ' ' .. Within Uio wall, and-General I ISuglhara., commander of Uio Jap - troojia in Jeljol. were ' 1 to rcpreaent Japan li conferencea Uiey requested. Sung indicated Uiat he ani Haei :ai Bln. provincial commisslo'nerl ___ provincial c ___ of'.military, affairs, will i China. Tlie conference will ottefnpt to itralgh'lcn out the exact boundary llnca aopai-aUng- Ohlnane,. Chahar froni~Munchuhuftn“3ohoi;"nr “ Icti pending rcflulta of the meeting of tho military leaders in ICalgnn.j |Labor Charges Ship" »N, Jan; '25 lUJ!)— I TiiraciosrEinjorl today before the ......- ymj' Bkddinj ■WASHINGT •A icyvffurrii ei^utlvo acnato m_______ cofltem" iihtpbutldlhff' corii'p.-ihic.i' submitted "collufllvo bids" o“ '*• worships in tho nav>-‘a 1D33 strucUon program. The witness wna-John P. Prey. nrof;tho-A-;-T';-ofirrhittal <lcpartmeat. IBo 3 «: Remember Prison *Mother - KANSAS d t r . llo., Jan. 28 UR) By tejegraph and tele- phone and lettera—and, in. one the law and whom she had aid> ed in,9ome way or another,-call her ‘'UoUMr." Sbo ia Mrs. Uary B. Clark, who has'hopled the aaforJunatfrlor.-55 yeaxa.-. From the Mls«)uri penitea- TtlMy-flt-^JoffcraDirCltrTiauj-ir grbetiog with M nUmMra oa It—«ne foe-oocti .year of hec -UU-^- ---------------------------------------- — ThorB Waa -a-talMam'froia- -.WaKlen-Jr-.M. -Baoder»-of-ti»-, ■lHMourl';^Ittotlafyr«7iilaat- from-tb» stat«--parol« -boojxlr^ - . llr^. Clark oard« of ad- Governor? I'runtolloii to tiie North l)a* kota Kovnrnor’s chalrniaj-ronie to Uout. (^ov. ^^'»Uer II. WrI- ford. Hhuati ubuve prudiriiig ivlM»-Uw»^Ravrl.'. If. QavvJClW.T’.” " SfiiKlie iH fort'ed from cfflro by' lm)HUcliniciit p r o c r e d l i i g H tAUiK^lii-Hl usnliiDt him. Wrifurd H n iionpiirtlinn Irarfurr. \mmmm jMal£C3 Further Increase Over Provioua Week; Weather SlowB-Ectailera------ NRW--yORi<.~Jan.-23- While retail tmde 'wns alowed by lictivy .ir.owfltormii and a cold wave during the paat week, whole.ulc Iine-r...... ............ 46-M issm ^^Her- Seaj^askzSm fe Liner off Jers^ -M-PA-SS-mGE-RS-A-NB-^2^ SE%T^mw^STiEirmiSEwr Mohawk Ripped Apart by Ocean Jragedy-JD-urhig Zero,.Weather ■C3n*K^Tr7TrXrTiSir2!ntIP5—FoUVntfrbootB-cOTitn ing passcjiBc'rn were sijjhtcd from the air 20 miles southeast o£ Sea Girt today.’ ................ . ' ' .............. ..........v-^ LJout.-E.-G.-riihoyr-coiumaadiug-two.cDa3t.guiU4LacapIanc3. ; said he coiild not determine whether the persons in the boats were alive. : ^ —— — ,NEW YORK. Jan. 25 (UP)—Tlie coast, guard patroal boat 00 100 ropoflod today that she had picked up nine bodies - near tho scene of the Mohawk disaster. \ ‘dwlu'd - (li'iid or iiiissiiifc Molinwl: wfin ripped ciillUT Iji'it iiiglil ofi; IN-M'uV-vcKKyls- ioilFt; i-iTJatm'c . operatloa-j made further advances. Uiu weekly Imolnena reviev/ of.Duc & Brudntrcet, Inc..' nald today. .. Iniiuacrlal . opcratioM .werp re* ported-nmnlntr^a-^trto-SO'-pcr cent hlRhor thnn ■« year ago; “The leadership held by the automobile nnd Btcci . Industries In the up* trend." ,tho review continued, ‘-lo .iMMng ohalloDgod by the ;nvpldlcy of tho progr^JiB ln,tho.textlle. elec- trical equipment, ,^la33. rubber. M piissciitfi'i's mill sL-niiicii \ iftcr.tli.- 'Wiini lilU-’s :?-J.(iOO.OO(l S. S. i])art in a c<»m mid. sank in zom .w .li'I''it'V ____„ I_ The' Mttiiinvic was’ rmiimod'nl'OiflO p. iii. hy illo SrS. TiiH'i I, jilioii:„f.nir iiiil«'s <ifr S.'ii Cirl. inul sank l)oforl‘ ml3iii«lit lil'HT C'lipt.'.f. I-:.-Wood ordrri-d llie M |>its*.< ‘iiBPrB and 110 ‘' cw—ll) lake; lo t!ie -lifclKjafs. JI(nt ot llie boats Rot awny n . runtiiny. sen, .b'l't this _ morjiiiii: onlyj^ljnssnigm aiirl 73 of tlic erciv imd been aci'oiitited for. Cimst . gimrdg . found t'vo oinply iifebonls tos*!. iii^ .in the sen, causing fenr.s tiuit-.thosc-tvha.arii-uiiiisiug iiiay,. . Iia'vu Intt tlipir lives. Tlie S03 call from the MohAwU f int-Teportinfrtho-collWon—«auflo of whlch rcmcilnn uncertain—sent cooot guard vea-iela out from Ujo -• N w JeriH!y nhore and brought the ' Officers- (Halm In Se'a .Dram^ Survivors Say NEW Y om c; Jimrs.’jTirlir— - HcroLim. calmncM luiJ "100 per c_cnt e'fflclcncy’- marked-.tbo conducf bf'offlcern and aJamiin.' Aboard Uie S. S. Mohhwk, when tho Ward liner waa-crunlieil nnd srsr Lovlne. formerly of New York. , .■Hcc-acatl«ent;-v.-aa-&choca-'hy-l Harry SIdlelt of Ncwarlt..N. J.‘ ' •■I was walking- on the port aide." Mra. Levine said, "Hud* denly. there waa a terrible crash. t in some of the.iel bnuicTica are higher than In Jan- wiry. 1034. as the Dun U Brad- rM..HnintUnrw.i nrHvl inriur— --------------- ilb^-corsonpondlnK- ,0 poaltlor Trade -. CommisBion ' . SuggcBla — -U.'S.'Obarters-to Ourb— Holding OompanioB ____ alleged power rate ______and ilotatlon of ..‘'watered” accurltlca waa auggeated to the senato'today by the federal tradel pommlaaloa. Tho commission. In.another . . , ■■ dccreoM of .0 point for the week. The'gain in retail sales, ulowcd by- cola -weather- and -nnow,f-wfto iiUir'8 to 15“ per cent above the 103< volume. Some oecUona made a good showing. The largoatgnln was reported for the south, wbere nalcfl averaged ’23 :to 35 per cent •' •:r livan.a year ago. ...tall tmde in the-Paclflc continued to hold galnn, wlUi .. , rent vblumo' placed 8 to '12 per cent, ahead of Inat year. , broad federal control f'^'rTtnn’ I' Tho commission la expectod to oiiuiHoraTaprairicrKgiaiatiyctTiro- p-nm In ita text report, probably a0O0ME. 6 » ExclieTflLX Advlaeil . , Under tho suggestion# today. congroM- could fmploy- cpeclal-cx- cbo .tax. mcaaurca, the. existing postal lawa and added federal Btatutca to restrict the alro and c*'- tcnt of utility hbldlng concerns. -Tho-roport followodtreceat-caa- fercncea betfli-cfta, members. oL the federal trade commission, tho-fed* era! power’ commission and Prcai* dent Roosevelt, who la prcparlni; his utility program for aubmlsalon Ito-congrcaa soon, ' . ' Tho ^ d e commission contended S llMnslnff c ISAVANT^DRINKS- ‘HEAVY? NO ILL EFFECTS . OSLO, Norwi*. Jan. 25.'(^U*)• — Prof. Maua-Hanseiv ocleB-; •tlst, dran' 10 gtama (oearly three ouncea). ofjpurc. heovy , -wBter .today-, -to; demoojtrat*.. ,that it is not deadly ^laon,_u I . experiment, wm carried out In tho imiversity labora* , to:^-Ia th* proiignM “«~fodc -i drinking jt«be£or«.u-.~,. . ^ 7 ,---------- Tai**^-:.ltsriMOTrrbydretett-K»m^- roppowUy stopped me.. He calmly told mo Uiat ho Uiought tliero inlght bo water below. rr'Tho-offlcorj-aMonibli.'y'liro' paa3engera. .Thcy.nald.Uior» was no reason for alarm but they told us nil to get our llfcbella.’ "I didn’t have any lifebelt. An officer auw me without on6 and LVO-mi«-.liln— . 1-lia.................... lifeboat. voice. Tve never seen anyone who appeared so linworrled. \— '"It sccmcd-onlv-A-mlnute-iin^l UI-thb-Rnii of'-A’ acwhlTBhT from Uie Ali^mquln plckcd out.” Secretary of Jntcrio'r Fights! ’ - -Bactt\nt Onttn.1 tising—WAtoi-Briiigft.:-H^rd! In Washington; Sltdos ........... Offer Idaho-Poril -— - SE.VTTLE, Jan. 25 n'.Pi—Land- slides and high- water isolated scorea..of..communitiefl-ln_thc.jeat clfic northwest today.*—■ ^ . .tuvera^-ere.rislng-near.£elllng* ham.. Several feet of wnter cov ered the Olympic highway and tho lower end o f tho CbehaUs, valley. 'a Harbor waa surrounded en- |whlc^ xollowed unusually heavy RciildcnU of Chuckanut village fled from tbeir'homes as tons ofj iloose'earth moved on 'tbe bouses! ' - I thft TnoimtAin itbnvy.^ flnow: Btirk^ __^Idaho^~-~and other north' Idaho anas.- Famliiea la Port An- geles' were- Bvacusted-rbj^* coast guardnmen because o f .hlsn 'wtktcr. •*■ - - -- - T iy - t o Vancouver. B. _________under' water.' Radio jstAtlonii'provided the main means of communlcaUon from-.tliorclty 'to tho outaiae world. I p r o p ^ y damage la BriUth Co- lumbia, wa# esUnaated-.ln .mimons of dpllam. «. M .^OOHE VP -doMan.''ITo.ttM-has'-we^tried— i —NKW*.yORKt OIT^ drS kIn k4t!bS U «-far:aa.isnm l Motors |>ua-a'> ____ ■toclc,-, wmpared^wlth '*T4.< or-.fl,7^Va .................. lna>y'-wf-- The 1 AI Ul. iff a'pj—! 5h~nlB3en5!oh and rivalry threatened loda' engulf Harold L._Ickea, right-l -lan to Pivaidcnt' RooaevelL Tho former CTilcago 'attorney who holds 11 important New Deal positions, including - sec>etarj’ of Interior, public worlcs dlrKtor and ouradmiaiotttitorr^ongiit-Mck^ai criUM wto Bought to_deprive.hIm of much of his power. Tlrat, congrcaslonn forced.a White House ...... Ickea would not administer the new H8SO,000.000 work-relief funda. S ^ t o r CompliUta Sebond. l^t .Mias., o o m p h i ] ^ 't o ' Uw' attaddDC_him. _ ri<w . oral JUnea A. Farley and-Attor- ney.;g«)«»}^pomer^ 8.. " in a discussion of-th6 snda. Iclcea aakl the arUcl. - roprtnted merely for Information -* Interiordepartment officials. the' holds-'-ofrnio' §;illJ:t«i''vitfsei.'’ and-wlthia' a'al]6rt tlintf. It'w ^ oh* Federal Chief — r-Orders-Probe- WASHINGTON, >Ian. 23 <r.i!i—A federal inquiry Into -ihe-ftinklng-of-llie-WAnl-Iln^- Mohawk wns orderwl_t^ pantmcnfn bureau o f navi*, gatlon and aleamboat- la- I-spoetlon-aorvleo.------------------- ‘ ==.Vtorer.-MMriilghLgtfiefcib -- of the •Oepartroenl.. wouia"; , leave today for Ts'ew York | l-lf7-^l?ilSSS5!=?SS=l bo or Dickerson-N. Hoover.' hLn luuilainnt who bad charffe b a PTaorATnrro:,Cnatl«r4mreati=j gatlon. would make.the trip.- - Weaver Indicated public.' hwrlnga called Im-s mcdlaUly la New York City to take testimony. . vlous that she waa doomed.-Cap- tain Wood tried to beach her. but Clio tragedy moved too swifUy. Still several mllea from ahore, ho ordered the life bonta lowered and - • off. The Al. a tnlal of 38 ptiltscngers, amonff, them two bablca. and 68 seamen. Tlio Llmoa rescued-Sl'from ono ilf-lv.-'t nut Ihftt time thejTOOJlt puran:ultcr”Cli4iiipiainTian-ma'do' .■(CoolisiM>^tiii-r-dgaA-Ci3limi».l). Wheels- Scm-es^ Merger Request WASHINaTONrTanr - '■-—P hnlrmon - Burton • K. -.Whetl-^. er; D„ Mont., of tbo acnato in* terotato commerce committee- t o ^ ridiculed suggestioaa tlut ooaaolklatloD;^teltfgraph and. radio communlcattona -. oom- nanies wouM bo "In th«.lato>. eat of national dcfensB.‘‘ i=~.— G & r^ T n Payne,; mambw-«rf the i o d e r a l commnnlcaUaDa - ' told Iha take/'-Iekes-aald. Eo aU ttan«r Tl»e two Inc..____ __ ___ ______, dlffercneea between I c ^ aM Parley: -Bpan^-wII______________ , opponent tn.tba.,White Honso.-wbo demaadod.QUitar.otBftwt-g.Sw. acroa*;.’ foreign oompetitton., , . . . lUxnoia-leglsUtleajiqt— ; Wboeler aald; . •hattonal "detente -thiuf «ay other a » .ml*repre«ot*» r ':' -UogM •••.•« >- WlWer.: , j merger •The' n«atMt,T7 Saatlo ■ tsooopor-i- 1 -Jlefl.LSil.^un.tlK.M

Transcript of Lindbergh Kidnap,… · •...

Page 1: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

Weather Forecast TODAY’S:~NEWS

-T O D A Y

. iVOI.. x v i r . NO. 2 1 3 -5 CENTS. TW IN FA LL S, IDAHO, t'JilD AY, JANU AIIY 25, I'.W.'i O l'F lC IA fi COUNTY NM\YSI‘ AlMiK

■ iJ H a iip tm a n n D ^ e s L in d b e r g h K i d n a p ,

“ S jc© £ £ s = ia t ^ L adnd

' FlilCMINGTOX, X . J., .Inn. .25 L’ i’ ) - r 'B rw-ti o.-R ichnrd

— tlnr-hindbcrRli-ltKliinir-lftador• 'hiicl tlisownctl il ns the pfodnct ‘ ..oil liis liniulicrnft.

Tlip B ronx cnrpcntPr, de.• ‘ '^

Blniui jrom tlic dinrfio oI nnu-I] deriiiu..Clifirlcs_A. Lindbergh,

■ tho -poyorfu l’ arm y 6C, exrinnts~lhc "Kovcfiilhcn'r'lmil i'rrtci-il to hifi door 'wltli djsdnin

■ • niia — ftt tiintb — ft. atrnngcly _ _ fo r c c il Icvily.------- - -I- nm' * ciirpenlcr.’

:r.WASHINOTON.^iA.-23 ErcaUltail_nooacY£K_jipi«accd_aft: nuroU today ot early con^rreaalonal approvAl or the $4,690,000,000 bill mftkln(r him rclW "ciar." The hoiue sent tbb mca^uro to the acnatc, where lendcra foresoo lit* Ho trvublo Ui’ Jan>niliis''U Umjugli.,

Tho ovorwhclmtaff hoiiao volol 6f ,confiiloaco_ In jdclcCTtlnK voat rcUtf powers to^tbc 1 ’ .dent: •strr-rpthened the- chief _

|«cutive's control over, Ibo luuallyi unruly cliambor, And mfty prcsac«' the end o( any further ^ m ocretlc Inaurffcat drived — cxccpt or ‘

„ ......... . Edwnrd J. Rellly'n ques-. tion whether h0.bullt-U»o-ludiler by ■ ' which lho kldnnper mounted to the

auracry window of tho Llndbe^h jranor on March 1, 1032.

Denle* All Churps*For the reat, ho contented,him-

• BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto

claims he v<aii a Icndlns: figure.He not only derided the work-

.• mnnnhlp of the kidnap ladder, hut . dtaowned the ranaom notts.

Dcfcnt Arx Before poAalncr

Inighl, 328 to

• lln.i In • onawer to every q<je»lion - tfonecmlnff-hta aMOclatloa.wfUi.thc

wurder; — ------------------------------••------ Early Irt tho-doya tcatlmony. ho

had reiterated his declaration tliat . . _ l !tlrmr Klgch-left him the LlndbCrgh

ranBom money in o'«tiqo'T>SJf=ana

forccd ' b<At do^-n' ovcry 'omcnd- nicnt hut a'mtaor onelwWch.laclc-; ed White Houoe Iweklnff. Rep. Al­fred Bulwlnkle. D„ N. C.. Uic •'Wirt red*bo4tcr" of-laat ow lon . lut throuj^h' on amendment fore* nfr tho Prcsklcat to {rtv'o congrcjui

annually. a <}«tal]ed AccountlDf of hb relief oxncodltuKS.

By a vote if 159 to 131 tho houAe defentod tho otrohg coalition of “ ........ - ftnd TMmocralii-whofought for. d provlolon for<lo{f pay: ment- of- pro_vailln5 _wa5ea- under wllef; cooslructiTO .coaUncta. - 'ir ia plonncd to $60 a month wog« mm th.; bill will b

hls-'omeat. ,

I , He had nayir.aeeK the aleeplngj ' -aultunUl It.waa hrou'ght'lnto court.!

7 V '“ hrdcclarW.“ -HOaanilcewlBO-7ioverj l)cforc scenuUjo thunj.b'ffuard. nor,

- ?Any ot tho . other iaiJU»?>^cnc«1hgolnst hlm.'Ke aald.-.;.

N otlu n op n m l He dcnled'he;had «votf-bccn in;

. - vH opw cll.'thnt he hqd_^er «cen| •Col. Llndberph'B child, that ho h ^

------ tivor'HCOled- -a-'cemeterr-walk-tof-mecl Dr. John V. Conjon, that he ‘ liad uver aat on a parU bench with

^-Jaiale-to-dUouM- - -

~ .~ ’followc°d'’S o llncs'oVhTa^tcatlmohy------ In the Bronx, when h#wft* extradlt-

•d’ to:New Jersey,.hut hla manner]'• i&fdellyory wM^ m ^ ng.— lor in.MLicDllca.M-thcLrclicx3t-l

^ c o u n s e l . He' neemed to haveI____fioramand otjilmBelfond—for the]

f:-th^HXiaUoiir ------1

L.wWch Col. .Lind’ ......led a*' that of.the!errtloncTThla'atotyof-the

domestic scene at home on. the,■ tsighlof tholddnoplng—ofhlflvlalt

to a balteahop to pick up hla v " * who v.-as working lato oa that 1 /u l evening. • '

Rapid-Fire Ouettloni naiiptmann'fl denial that ho .. . .

- tfio-iTnurdercr -of-OJlonol-. Und- . (Continued on Page 2, Column 3) '

= B ( e H i 6 W M

—Beourittc^-Comm laBlon-Thlakg' Broader Elections W ould

-T— • P r o te c t -P n b llo * " -

•WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 dXi;)— I flfS k .exchanges ahould rovlae

tic.'o:^irTrule3-to-T)cnnlt-e5ecUon-of — by.dlrcct-tacpretMlon of all " rocmBera ,lnst6ad o f by reotrlctod

commlltea .which may perpctuato ' control " b y -a small group, tho

ucurltlea- and cxchango comml«> •Jon- advised tho seoato today.

Tlioae revision*, tho commti— •aid. would make tho Eoverolng

L— board moM - reprcAcatatlvo and ‘•more .vlgUant In protccUng the Invwtlors and public"

■ 1 b\* Sonato

•. cUjsalflMtkm ot otock exchangetaomberft'.olcctkina ^ .offlcop i and

. rulM- for auspenBtoa o r , oxpuWoi V. of members.- . .• ‘ -,'rhft.caaxmUalon .dld.not rceom-

■ v)m^ legislation because the sug- l f - ‘ V6stiona.-«)uW-“ ofl.piit into cf-

* loct by tho voluntary acUos of ,7 : /th e ~«cbanges\U>e«riWv«~^-------

VASHiNGTONrT’fta::'^nm= 1=., AM ooIatJoa-;!of-,^orlcan. ;:::Bailroad8 uoountM to d a y that

‘-^ w lo a d ln g B 'o f reronnd-fttlRhMorl l^..i:AhA.::wcclf..end>d-JAn, .3fl fotalcd'

Jp-:rm055--car».-inerease»‘ of-l>.2M

Uio bUl loat


Erra H p r s i^ , -Martau'gh,- Hjt ' By A u to 'A fte r M achiios ’ ’

Oollido on Boud

talned In as accident on tho high* wayjgbuth of Miirlnugh -at about

a report o f tho accidentalong Uie hlghway__ . . . ___preaching lilm from .both direct; tiona were citra driven ..by_J._U.;

Pocatello. When V om on. turacdl

said to havo pollld- etl with the one (Jrlvea'Uy Stovona.

Verson's cor was.bollevod to have been Ihrotirn b(tck, atriklng Hcrshey.' An arobulanco was coU ^ and Howhey waa niflhod to tho boapi-; ' ' ‘ Dnmogos to tho maohlnoa


East'Seaboard Di'gfr dill After,Blizzard

NRW .YORK. Jan. 25 (ttCI ^ ^Powrcntmi^llBtfeirliwl8ttiO''by=Ui5 nrcatcst'blliznrd In ycaro dugoutwny-w .port tcfia'of~thoiisaada of men- worJced • at , clearing fltreoli-7-and—modem—nm oj trnnspomvorkcd'townra-nortnnt;

' All along the AUastlo aeaboard there •wcre-roporta-of oxtmordl- nary cocdltiona after tho storm, accompanied try wind of gale forco and low temperaturea.

llore than 30 deatha wer. trlbuted ;to tho-atorni-in-tho-New York area alone. la Jicw.-Yorlc the anowfall nveiogcd 17% ir tho b?avleat In 16 years. .-

ALBUQUERQtra. - M-— Well, all I'know la Just what I read'Jn tho Amarillo (Texas) Dally Noflrt. OitUemen bto

- t o ihat-aa soon u they grt ui. oil set in tho .world c o i ^ wlU Just about b)» tbo breokl^- of thU-dcprcttlon,- yes, «lr. WIsB^thBy-coifla-get-;out-and"

, talk to tho.peoploi thinlc.toey.’ -WBUlli -learo- somottfBff- r a t ^

7W^^^a.■^^epu^1lefln iwm icg

-----‘rbe'-JfchdUlMi^r-in-tho.aoutliwcittcrn-oornoc.of.....................-ahbwa-cnclrclwLinmnn nhovT. lt thejinrc of lntr»fSlm>-Jmmiir«i>

difficultly. iVngered ul rulda alleged to liavo Ixt-ii iitude by hoI- dien> of' Gen. Huiir Cheh-Yuuii. governor of Clmlmr provlnre, over the-JirhoI.bordrr In tlie vicinity o( Takochm, n punitive expMltlon tuu been lauiiclini by tho Japmicfie goveniment to oxiwl the mid- era. Four H-na oxprnmcU by Clilncfw offlclnli.Omt thc.mavo.inniUc^L JaponcM, liit«ntlona to uniiex Clutliiir to ninnrliilktior-Vlclotluun. JapaoMo troops luul lull(< d today liorih of the grrut tvull. ivllh Nippon -tooden UI>claiwl»R-Bny- lnt«iUlati o(-mlvuiicliig turllirr.—


_______ ::3 ii'ii>—Action - -16, dclayod from yonlccxloy

Int ilio rcqum o r Senator Donnrt of lVa.tfitofftijn.coun{j'.-waj. jyraln held-rjff-todaj-whcn-Senator-SIit' clicll_of_Lc;'da_iuikc'J_ttiBt_iUJc referred t<> a commlttce of the

|wlw)Io for nnicndtnent,Tliy bill providca prevention, of

Uio tailing of duftclcncy Jiidg- ,nii3iL:i In foreelo(uirea. Senator Conact.exiilalncJ Uuxt- Uie bill aa

now atiiiiJa lnt»>rfcr>M -A-lth loon* Uio Kodcra^.Uind

ink. objectionuSle "Ih.hls'cslIBiir■■Commlttf« of Wliole"

For tlio flml tlnio thUi nemlon, Uiu-ocjuilw n.'«olw.| li/>elf .Into II committee of the wliolo.. heard thel

Fighting rGeases'Onl , Jehol-Chahar ,

- Boundary- -ny irSitURUT K. EKINS

(Copyright, lOM. UJilted I’rew) PEIPING, Jan. 2.-5 .... ~

PMh“ M ovcm ont for Aabption] W a r Oontfftcts Giving

Cost Protection

(Copyrloht, 1635, United Pro . WASHINCIDN..Jan. 23.JL'.U»—'

Angry congreiislonal crltlclam ot itho mlllUu7 . forcea nprcad .today

oped-to^compel-adoptlon ofbundrtiflrrcbhtrrtcta which ____protect-tho (rovcmracnf .aRalnat ovcrcharBca.- In Umes of- omerg.ency.-, :___ ; -■ * - •

A bouno' mlUtiuy nrfalra. nub* commlttbo months-ago -ehallengedwar-Uopartmont-ttlrplanr ----------ment • methoda. Today ________Homer T. Bone, D.. Wnifli.. and BeancU D. Clark. D,.. Mo„ c pltfln o f cxceiviivo wnnili^' \

Sung Cheh-Yilan’. ".Chiccao gcivcr. nor. of -Cholmr province. Wiuk re­ported ready today to cnpltulalo to tlio-<lemftnda-6C-ft- Jupiineiie-milU tary forco-tliat he withdraw within tho great wall of Chinn.

■Flghtlnff ceoaod in the area .affer . itico'diiyiror(;ucrrlita-iiicu warfare In which at leiuit 50 Chlnciie aifd 10 Nippon Mldleru ioat tlielr lives.

The Japancne reflted on their irms ofter .tal<Ing-posncfi#lon o( n itrlp-bf^orui:aimavciatmo<r.'3ouir

lly by hfnnchukuo nnd Chahar.- - ' •-.:Con»oyJatbPo*ltJon ‘ *

Cqnmlldatlng thelr-poaltlon be. ..ire Mie great woll. which for «yj; turica lian guarded, China-from'Iti northern...enemies, - tho - Japnneao «cnt"w-onl to General Sung that they-ftrorea<ly-to-dl9cu9!i*ovcrrthe confercnco table the dlaputo about the Jehol-Chnhnr boundary.|_,jnpjincae..flcoullnir-nnd. i x ____ _[planeii flew over'tho area, circling

lyiitom devluod by Uio Wllsi ilslratlon. ..'-War Contracts Dared -

I^Tcatimiaay^boforBithe-jepBte n nitlons Invcntlgatlon revealed tlio Inow York ShlpbulldlufTCorp. waa |5lyca_waMlme...conlracla_whicb

taxes- and,.' in - obc- in-itnnw},ao~Pttyment-of dl r«a~iitoi:k."Thiri

of both'aldea'maintain their prca*| cnt position. Tenalon in Peiping!

,. Except'for tli'o droning of the iplanoa, tho frontier waa (]ulet. - - ' Colonel-.. Uatsul, -ch ie f- -of - tho

ilnaUy disallowed theclaim t ^ t a *377,000 Ineomo.tox payment waa properly chargeable to tho coat of'conatructlcg «h‘"

Clark told tlto United I>rcei> . . . ^mmlttco would devlao.a modLt contract to' avoid ouch cxccaa, chorgM tn futuro-omorgoncloa.


A iinuaT 'G athering' W ill .GlVoi OuiiBiJvtittion'~ttf Brun(T~~~!

Oonunodity Plan .

A t tho annual mooting of tho Southern Idaho Beon Growera’ oa* vjcIoUon, to bo held at I. O. O. F. ball, 2 p. m. tcmor-

attention will be given the • o f having beana made a

bas^ commodity subject to AAA regulations, officers i^ ounce.'

In aWltlon,' contnictlng of gnrd.

taken-UQ for ducuarion when thel .association business is completedl atabout.a p. m. -At.lho.buslncfta' session. olocUon of directors to fill ;yacaaciM on the-board, wllT be leondueted.

CssUoford. Tholr successors jire to bo.aamed forHhrco*yoar,tCTTns. A director is to be named also-to (lir'out the unexplred term of H. Uui^bey. Filer, whose death took plaee-reccntiy. •

Ptomaine P i&onihgf -~KiUs-Idahb-Pair|-.PAJRFIBnD, Jan. «-<8pcciaD

tom , wbat-ls boxicvcd to■ ' ■ [TrBoth-L-,- - - ,

.^Id_bc^«cu?s.d,l Oregrun.

H. J. M. 1. which ft«lM congrww for old-age penalon leglJiUUon. poiuwl tlio /icnato unanliiiounly.

. . . . Murdcr..ciau!» .Six new iiiou.iuro.1 woro intro-

tluccO. S. B. 40 defined murder commlttoJ In llio' pcrpotratlon of kidnaping tut •'murdor in tlwflrut ■-(p»o." Sonator Wllllanu o£ Val'Icy formulated tho meojiuru.. S. B. 41 provkJos-intcr<«t'^( eight per cent yearly on delinquent taxcfl.anil-a dJacount-.oi.Uirw.pcr cent to bo allowoJ ■v.-hon taxea are pnld bcforw becoming dcllnqlient. Senator Erb ot Nes Pcrco tatro-.duc»d-th».bm,----------

Senator Erb al«r-B. 12 and S. B. <3.,'..............vldea that tho tax collector o f each county shall .mall tax notlucs on ., .. . ...------------------^ilay^aodNovember of cach j-car. S..B. 43 Adda. an. am«n<lmenl'to H. B. 3. tax moratorium meaoure’ poawd early in-the'ocMlon. It'provklcti Ihiit ho- Inxpay.or. shall b<i entitled to' tlw'.J>cncflta;of-the moratorium who Ima n ofpa ld taxes for tlio year 103i and riubacquent'years,

duo.S. B. 44. by Woodward, provides

(Continued on Poge .2,'Colum- ' '

.. Within Uio wall, and-General IISuglhara., commander of Uio Jap

- troojia in Jeljol. were '1 to rcpreaent Japan li

conferencea Uiey requested.Sung indicated Uiat he ani Haei

:ai Bln. provincial commisslo'nerl___ provincial c___of'.military, affairs, will i China.

Tlie conference will ottefnpt to itralgh'lcn out the exact boundary

■ llnca aopai-aUng- Ohlnane,. Chahar froni~Munchuhuftn“3ohoi;" nr “Icti pending rcflulta of the meeting of tho military leaders in ICalgnn.j

|Labor Charges Ship"

»N, Jan; '25 lUJ!)—ITiiraciosrEinjorltoday before the......— - ymj'

Bkddinj■WASHINGT •Aicyvffurrii ei utlvo

acnato m_______cofltem" iihtpbutldlhff' corii'p.-ihic.i' submitted "collufllvo bids" o“ '*• worships in tho nav>-‘a 1D33 strucUon program.

The witness wna-John P. Prey. ■ nrof;tho-A-;-T ';-ofirrhittal


IBo3 «: Remember Prison *Mother

- KANSAS d t r . llo ., Jan. 28 UR) By tejegraph and tele­phone and lettera—and, in. one

the law and whom she had aid> ed in,9ome way o r another,-call her ‘ 'UoUMr." Sbo ia Mrs. Uary B. Clark, who has'hopled the aaforJunatfrlor.-55 yeaxa.- .• From the Mls«)uri penitea-

TtlMy-flt-^JoffcraDirCltrTiauj-ir grbetiog with M nUmMra oa It—«ne foe-oocti .year o f hec

-UU-^- ----------------------------------------— ThorB Waa -a -ta lM a m 'fro ia - -.WaKlen-Jr-.M. -Baoder»-of-ti»-, ■ lH M ourl';^ Ittotla fyr«7 iilaat-

f rom-tb » stat«--parol« - boojxlr^ - . llr^. Clark oard« o f ad-


I'runtolloii to tiie North l)a* kota Kovnrnor’s chalrniaj-ronie to Uout. ( ov. ^ '»Uer II. WrI- ford. Hhuati ubuve prudiriiig

• ivlM»-Uw»^Ravrl.'. If. QavvJClW.T’.” "SfiiKlie iH fort'ed from cfflro by' lm)HUcliniciit p r o c r e d l i ig H tAUiK lii-Hl usnliiDt him. Wrifurd H n iionpiirtlinn Irarfurr.

\mmmmjMal£C3 Further Increase Over

Provioua W eek ; W eather — SlowB-Ectailera------

NRW--yORi<.~Jan.-2 3 - While retail tmde 'wns alowed by lictivy .ir.owfltormii and a cold wave during the paat week, whole.ulcIine-r...... ............

4 6 - M i s s m ^ ^ H e r -

S e a j ^ a s k z S m f e

L i n e r o f f J e r s ^

-M -P A -S S -m G E -R S -A -N B -^2^ SE% T^m w^STiEirm iSEwr

Mohawk Ripped Apart by Ocean Jragedy-JD-urhig Zero,.Weather

■ C 3 n *K ^ T r7 T rX rT iS ir2 !n tIP 5 — FoUVntfrbootB-cOTitn ing passcjiBc'rn were sijjhtcd from the air 20 miles southeast o£Sea Girt today.’ ................ . ' ' .............. ..........v - ^— LJout.-E.-G.-riihoyr-coiumaadiug-two.cDa3t.guiU4LacapIanc3. ;said he coiild not determine whether the persons in the boats were alive. : — —— —

,N E W YORK. Jan. 25 (U P )—Tlie coast, guard patroal boat 0 0 100 ropoflod today that she had picked up nine bodies - near tho scene o f the Mohawk disaster. \

‘dwlu 'd - (li'iid or iiiissiiifc

Molinwl: wfin ripped ciillUT Iji'it iiiglil ofi;

IN-M'uV-vcKKyls- ioilFt;

i-iTJatm'c . operatloa-j made further advances. Uiu weekly Imolnena reviev/ of.Duc & Brudntrcet, Inc..' nald today... Iniiuacrlal . opcratioM .werp re* ported-nmnlntr^a-^trto-SO'-pcr cent hlRhor thnn ■« year ago; “The leadership held by the automobile nnd Btcci . Industries In the up* trend." ,tho review continued, ‘ -lo .iMMng ohalloDgod by the ;nvpldlcy of tho progr^JiB ln,tho.textlle. elec­trical equipment, ,^la33. rubber.

M piissciitfi'i's mill sL-niiicii \ iftcr.tli.- 'Wiini lilU-’s :?-J.(iOO.OO(l S. S. i])art in a c<»m mid. sank in zom .w

.li'I''it'V ____„ I_The' Mttiiinvic was’ rmiimod'nl'OiflO p. iii. hy illo S rS . TiiH'i I, jilioii:„f.nir iiiil«'s <ifr S.'ii C irl. inul sank l)oforl‘ ml3iii«lit

lil'HT C'lipt.'.f. I-:.-Wood ordrri-d llie M |>its*.<‘iiBPrB and 110 ‘ ' cw—ll) lake; lo t!ie -lifclKjafs.

JI(nt ot llie boats Rot awny n . runtiiny. sen, .b'l't this _

morjiiiii: o n l y j ^ l j n s s n i g m aiirl 73 of tlic erciv imd been aci'oiitited for. Cimst . gimrdg . found t'vo oinply iifebonls tos*!. iii^ .in the sen, causing fenr.s tiuit-.thosc-tvha.arii-uiiiisiug iiiay,. . Iia'vu Intt tlipir lives.

Tlie S03 call from the MohAwU f int-Teportinfrtho-collWon—«auflo of whlch rcmcilnn uncertain—sent cooot guard vea-iela out from Ujo -• N w JeriH!y nhore and brought the '

Officers- (Halm In Se'a . Dram^ Survivors S ayNEW Y o m c ; Jimrs.’jTirlir— -

HcroLim. calmncM luiJ "100 per c_cnt e'fflclcncy’-’ marked-.tbo conducf bf'offlcern and aJamiin.' Aboard Uie S . S. Mohhwk, when tho Ward liner waa-crunlieil nnd

s r s r

Lovlne. formerly of New York. , .■Hcc-acatl«ent;-v.-aa-&choca-'hy-l

Harry SIdlelt of Ncwarlt..N. J.‘ ' •■I was walking- on the port

aide." Mra. Levine said, "Hud* denly. there waa a terrible crash.

t in some o f the.iel

bnuicTica are higher than In Jan- wiry. 1034. as the Dun U Brad-

rM..HnintUnrw.i nrHvlin r iu r — ---------------

ilb^-corsonpondlnK-,0 poaltlor

Trade -. CommisBion ' . SuggcBla — -U .'S .'O barters-to Ourb—

H olding OompanioB

____ alleged power rate______and ilotatlon of ..‘ 'watered”accurltlca waa auggeated to thesenato'today by the federal tradel pommlaaloa.

Tho commission. In.another . . ,■ ■■ ■

dccreoM of .0 point for the week.The'gain in retail sales, ulowcd

by- cola -weather- and -nnow,f-wfto iiUir'8 to 15“ per cent above the 103< volume. Some oecUona made a good showing. The largoatgnln was reported for the south, wbere nalcfl averaged ’23 :to 35 per cent •' • :r livan.a year ago.

...ta ll tmde in the-Paclflc continued to hold galnn, wlUi .. , rent vblumo' placed 8 to '12 per cent, ahead of Inat year. ,

broad federal control f'^'rTtnn’I' Tho commission la expectod to oiiuiHoraTaprairicrKgiaiatiyctTiro- p-nm In ita text report, probably

a 0 O 0 M E .

6 »

ExclieTflLX Advlaeil ., Under tho suggestion# today. congroM- could fmploy- cpeclal-cx- cbo .tax. mcaaurca, the. existing postal lawa and added federal Btatutca to restrict the alro and c*'- tcnt of utility hbldlng concerns. -Tho-roport followodtreceat-caa- fercncea betfli-cfta, members. oL the federal trade commission, tho-fed* era! power’ commission and Prcai* dent Roosevelt, who la prcparlni; his utility program for aubmlsalon Ito-congrcaa soon, ' .' Tho d e commission contended

S llMnslnff c


N O I L L E F F E C T S. OSLO, Norwi*. Jan. 25.'( U*)• — Prof. Maua-Hanseiv ocleB-; •tlst, dran' 10 gtama (oearly three ouncea). o fjp u rc. heovy

, -wBter .today-, -to; demoojtrat*.. ,that it is not deadly ^laon ,_u

I ■ . experiment, wm carried out In tho imiversity labora* , to:^ -Ia th* proiignM “« ~ fo d c -i

drinking j t « b e £ o r « .u - .~ ,. . ^ 7 ,----------T a i**^ -:.ltsriM O T rrbydretett-K »m ^ -


stopped me.. He calmly told mo Uiat ho Uiought tliero inlght bo water below.rr'Tho-offlcorj-aMonibli.'y'liro' paa3engera. .Thcy.nald.Uior» was no reason for alarm but they told us nil to get our llfcbella.’

"I didn’t have any lifebelt. An officer auw me without on6 and

LVO-mi«-.liln—. 1-lia....................


voice. Tve never seen anyone who appeared so linworrled.

\— '"It sccmcd-onlv-A-mlnute-iin^l U I-thb-Rnii of'-A’ acwhlTBhT from Uie Ali^mquln plckcd out.”

Secretary o f Jntcrio'r Fights! ’ - -Bactt\nt Onttn.1

tising—W A toi-B riiigft.:-H ^rd!In W ashington; Sltdos

........... O ffer Idaho-Poril - — -

SE.VTTLE, Jan. 25 n'.Pi—Land­slides and high- water isolated scorea..of..communitiefl-ln_thc.jeat clfic northwest today.*—■ ^ . .tuvera^-ere.rislng-near.£elllng* ham.. Several feet of wnter c ov ered the Olympic highway and tho lower end o f tho CbehaUs, valley.

'a Harbor waa surrounded en-

|whlc xollowed unusually heavyRciildcnU of Chuckanut village

fled from tbeir'homes as tons ofj iloose'earth moved on 'tbe bouses! ' - I thft TnoimtAin itbnvy. flnow:

Btirk^ __ Idaho ~-~and other north' Idaho anas.- Famliiea la Port An­geles' were- Bvacusted-rbj^* coast guardnmen because o f .hlsn 'wtktcr.

•*■ - - - - - T iy - t o Vancouver. B._________under' water.' Radio

jstAtlonii'provided the main means of communlcaUon from-.tliorclty 'to tho outaiae world.I p r o p ^ y damage la BriUth Co­lumbia, wa# esUnaated-.ln .mimons o f dpllam.

• «. M. OOHE VP-doMan.''ITo.ttM-has'-we^tried—i —NKW*.yORKt OITd r S k I n k 4 t !b S U « - fa r :a a .is n m l Motors

|>ua-a'>____■toclc,-, wmpared^wlth '*T4.<o r - .f l ,7 ^ V a ..................lna>y'-w f--

The 1


Ul. if f a'pj—! 5h~nlB3en5!oh

and rivalry threatened loda' engulf Harold L._Ickea, right-l -lan to Pivaidcnt' RooaevelL

Tho former CTilcago 'attorney who holds 11 important New Deal positions, including - sec>etarj’ of Interior, public worlcs dlrKtor and ouradmiaiotttitorr^ongiit-Mck^ai criUM wto Bought to_deprive.hIm of much of his power.T lra t , congrcaslonn

forced.a White House ......Ickea would not administer the new H8SO,000.000 work-relief funda.

S ^ t o r CompliUta Sebond. l^ t

.Mias., o o m p h i]^ 'to ' Uw'

attaddDC_him. _ ri<w. oral JUnea A. Farley and-Attor- ney.;g«)«»}^pomer^ 8.. " in a discussion of-th6 snda. Iclcea aakl the arUcl. - roprtnted merely for Information -* Interiordepartment officials.

the' holds-'-ofrnio' §;illJ:t«i''vitfsei.'’ and-wlthia' a'al]6rt tlintf. I t 'w ^ oh*

Federal Chief — r-Orders-Probe-

WASHINGTON, >Ian. 23 <r.i!i—A federal inquiry Into

-ihe-ftinklng-of-llie-WAnl-Iln^- ■ Mohawk wns orderwl_t^

pantmcnfn bureau o f navi*, gatlon and aleamboat- la-

I-spoetlon-aorvleo.-------------------‘ ==.V torer.-MMriilghLgtfiefcib --

of the •Oepartroenl.. wouia";, leave today for Ts'ew York |l-lf7- l?ilSSS5!=?SS=l

bo or Dickerson-N. Hoover.' hLn luuilainnt who bad charffe

b a PTaorATnrro:,Cnatl«r4mreati=j gatlon. would make.the trip.- - Weaver Indicated public.' hwrlnga called Im-s mcdlaUly la New York City to take testimony. .

vlous that she waa doomed.-Cap­tain Wood tried to beach her. but Clio tragedy moved too swifUy. •

Still several mllea from ahore, ho ordered the life bonta lowered and

- • off. The A l.

a tnlal of 38 ptiltscngers, amonff, them two bablca. and 68 seamen.

Tlio Llmoa rescued-Sl'from ono ilf-lv.-'t nut Ihftt time thejTOOJlt puran:ultcr”Cli4iiipiainTian-ma'do' .■(CoolisiM>^tiii-r-dgaA-Ci3limi».l).

Wheels- Scm-es^ Merger RequestWASHINaTONrTanr - —

'■-—Phnlrmon - Burton • K. -.Whetl-^. er; D„ Mont., o f tbo acnato in* terotato commerce committee- t o ^ ridiculed suggestioaa tlut ooaaolklatloD;^teltfgraph and. radio communlcattona -. oom- nanies wouM bo "In th«.lato>. eat o f national dcfensB.‘‘ i=~.—

G & r^ T n Payne,; mambw-«rf the i o d e r a l commnnlcaUaDa

- ' told Iha

take/'-Iekes-aald. Eo aU ttan«r• Tl»e two Inc..____ _____ ______,dlffercneea between I c ^ aM

Parley: -Bpan^-wII______________ ,opponent tn.tba.,White Honso.-wbo demaadod.QUitar.otBftwt-g.Sw.

acroa*;.’foreign oompetitton., , . . .

— lUxnoia-leglsUtleajiqt— ; Wboeler aald; .•hattonal "detente -thiuf

«ay other a » .ml*repre«ot*» r ':'-UogM ••• .•«> - W lW er.:

, j merger•The' n«atMt,T7 Saatlo ■ tsooopor-i-


Page 2: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

lUAHQ EVENING TIIVIE S, TWTO FALLS, IDAHO ' - .........Priclny,. January .£5,. 1335'

l e i S l G ' A S ^ - L i e r a U N O E R S

s . s . Ttlolmwk Ripped Apart by Sca-Oollisipn in Zero

; ; WcaUicr ; j .

'(ConUini«il Kroiii P.iKf Onr).- lifrrro^kmtn"W«^nrilHircp stuall

C'liifl vwHln Imil rrnchcil the itccnr from tlio .!<'«<■>• nhore.

flic TiilUmati iii>j>;irc'Hlly had -p o t-w on ‘r . r r l o u 3 ! y - I n - I * - -

toUblon althoucli •■'lii: mipnircil- lir-tnttmrr-som<*-\viilpr, Slip rIimmI

•bj' tn-nlri-in-Ihc-rrftCli.'fl.' ......One of ilic co:int iiirf-

' iKiiilu. commiintled by ; Hofttawiiiii H. R. TulUo. iind nnollier unilor JJanUTivnln II. >1.' Jtymor, camc

- nlons^He lh>r Llirinrvnt U l«ilnl tin. const giiiiriln lirlli w l to bir iiboill go mUcn BouthciUit of .Mmii>S<|uiin.

‘_.Tuttlc_'“' l ‘' int<T._;iThpro_woji_B. lOK' 11 w.Ts'cxtrcmcly colJ.

•■Wr twKi'n .inldnjj ihu niirvlvor.i off Ihc Linum. iinil irnnnforrlriK llicm-to.Uic CUaniplfiln ijn the U- roott was to continue »oitliwar»l.. "\Vc Ijml lo uno ropes to luwcr thraic-fcUown - from - the-Uiuon. — • - ‘ o-bo frt*#*

"AKuln wc imil lo uiic ropes fKt-tlu-m from our^boatJi to Uie

. . CiiunpJalH., ' . ■ •_...:_^iWjr li\ier (jlrclol-tlio uroa whoro

.the Mohawk \vn« bcllcv*:*> to hftvi

%vc cam'c unon two tlfcboatji, Innh- eil lopethcr. One wna full of water, only lui bow iihowlnjr." •

lS<mtA Lonbet) Xocvtlier The cocuil ffunnln wero uneci

wliethcr the two llfeboala had '■ tAlncU -pjinncnnvru- from-- Uie—Mo«. • )u»wk or whcUicr theym a broken

tegelher Incllenltd Ihey-Juul l>«/;n used.

1 ■ • Thr Clirmiprnin itnd the Al| ■fiuln proceeded, to New Yorfc

bor, the Clmmplnln lAndlnR itii 21 min-lvora nt Stntcn Talond and the AlRimquln puttlnff In at Brooklyn. : Search-of-tho wat«rB. off.Now Jeriry contlnueil, tho coaat guard scndlDK out four life voata lo join in Iluj apparsntly-vnln ficnrch forother (lurvJvora. ............

nie.WanJ line announced nil i vlvom would be )icld-on board i ciic veMclB until they liaJ been . nmlned by phyBlclaw). with the cx- ceplion o f those needlnff Immcdl- nte hojipitnl-trfftlment.-Police Bold nevunil nurvlvora were *erloti»ly Ir

- Jurcd. ■ '

iOSPJIUlEE-H .-C .-Jcppescn Rcapptfintcd as

H ead: Advisoiy Conunittee.. Kctoin i'F csts

AiuK'unccmcnt' 1.1 mncle by the bonnl of coimty commlaaloners of

'ntmcnt_ol!j.II._C._Jciii' pcflcn an niiuinncr of, the county “ Kcncrftl lK>«pltiii, ft jK «f be'him

j»cW for the, jvuit yc.v. iu«l re- nnmlAK of the mcmbem of-the'nd-

News in BriefItcnclcrn of Ui« Urtnlnr TIricci »r» lifvUc'l -ii» contrl1m(B hrlcf

...... ........... - ••• Jcii«rlm«til'o{


Iniprnvrinent Coutlnupn ' liniirovcnitni ccmllnucifi in thr mdltlon of C. D. Tliomao. pioneer

Twin Kulia citizcn, ncffinllnj: to iiulhiirllU-n iil the Imnptt tl wherr

: -ui>-u|u railuii. rocvnt*

Haiiplmann ABscrts Fisch Was Original Pos-scaaor • o f

Rnnaom Oaah

ly..Mother I)lr« '

S. Flliwaler,'acciiiiipnnlcd by hl.i brother. I. M. Kltr.wuti'r, Uolw k'lt . j ’calcrdiiylIot_>Ujlltuc._liima. In re/iponne-to ncws'of tha-iinrx- peeled (I,-nth of hi« muthtr, JlrH.

;i n. Swindle.

Soiiiiiera Nitinri)lilmrr Somnrr has IK-cn elertdl

"ecriitary «C Twin Knlln chajiti'r. Fuluio I'anucrH of Anierieu, tu'flll ih(i vacancy left by Howard Annl", wlio wan rtccnlly drcled prp-tiilrnl. Tho f?prHnn tni.lf plngi-tl~

(Continued Prom raRc One) berjTli'n «on-wnn-tirwiKhfrnit In «

■rli'ii o f nipid-flrc c|uc!iUonn. "Wore you cvcr.ln Jlopcwell?'

—•’Dlii-yoii-kWnnp-Calcncl'Llnd-bcn:h’n’ thll(37"— ----------------------. -■ ..■ Tlio hot-courUuom, Jainmod with ‘ '' ‘ "“ ‘n'iy wiitchlnic U)c miin bntllo for hb life, wnii brvalhlcs.l during

Tlie only .cxprciulon ot Bcrvoun- ..CM on ilia fiico wiui ti conntant bllnklnir of hln eycfi, and occnnlon-

meclinK Twc.tdny.

On C«w.t Trip -R.-A. Mo<>n,-|>roprlclor (if-Moon'K

Paint and Kiirnllurc nliirp, lofi to- clny-for Lon An};c!f(i wlicre-lie wlllvlnit furniture fnarkuUi. l}n -----accompanied by Mrn. Moondau(,')iter. MUu Etliel Moon. ___wlH maUe tlw trip by svytomnbllc •~ d expect to be gone 10 flnyn.~

(iueiitlonrr and tlic Jury.__________—J^Dlaln th.aLJic_CiTrJ{n2it_Dr, John r . tondon or that ho ever reeelvwl -thc-mnsom-moncy from him followed rapidly.-Leading his client pcntly. Rcllly had lilm nlep from tbo atAnd and examine tiie ladder nllegcdly iiued in climbinK Into Uie LindberRh baby-B nursery' anti v;Mch the irtntc

.......... ■ wtin built and iiacd"bY

Inatnllatlon of offlcera of Harry Slmdley chapter, Disabled Amer- Iciin Viteninn of the Worlil Wt»r, will <al(e place at ceremonlea In Cfie imibato” court 'rooms thin' cvcnlnK, itJ« imnounced. T. M. Knijjht willCcc(riTrc"“ <?Br Leonard Snelson.

One MctJon of Uie ladder, .ac- cordinf: to prooecuUon teatlmony, waa built.from.a.board token from Uio tttUc o f tiic <Jcfendant’n home.ifwiurclnlracd-ftlno'tLflflhpljiddcf bore markfl of Huujitmann'a

Wilt Hear DeluitPni Membeni of tho high nchool de­

bate team will be on the propram at the monthly nieetlnK of the rrcabytcriun Mon'a'/club _tit^Uiii church parlorn at 0:30 p. m., today It In nUtwl by WllhurS. Hill, preal- denL Special muiilc will bo provid­ed, folIowlnK the BtrvlnR of dinner.

berch o. ••I no

On SitU Trip"In'attend/incp at a convention of

l-'riffldnlre dealer^ In Sail UUe City, Ifl C n . Dolwcllfr.and Coorfic Delweller, Willl(i Threlkcid, Saitr Jlcmphlll and Korbco Puttcnionr of Ihe Uetweller Coid company, local denlem. Accompanj-infT .lhem .were Mra. C. I!. Delweller and Mrs, Ceoreo Dctweilor.DlvoTcei UtetTO Urunt«l

Decree of dlvore? wiifl jrapted In dLitrlct eouri this niomlnjr Irene Uawklnii from I’nul Ilawlc- Iiu(,~iin<l tJic plalniiff wiui iiwnril- pd cunlo«ly o£ n U>nx‘*ycar-oUl chlkl: dho la to rccclvc permanent iilimohy of J15'mohlIily.‘ Tliu''dC- cr«: waa fjraiited by Judge Atlam B, - B.irclay. Itaybom & niiyborti

HaupLnittnn.'stepped, from the stand and beftcd cncJj noctlon of the ladder.

'It lookn like n musical Inatru- mcnl." ho commented.

He denied making the ladder, unlnc lt.-or-ta ltin ff-lt from - his‘ ------In. the Dronx- to Uio Lind-

Ciitnle.never took a ladder In

uulomobile at iiny time," he plied In answer to a que/itlon by Ilcllly.- , . - .. ^

Hdlly went Into elaborate dc- tail conccrntnif the ladder, anklnij If ho njiaembled It from four, klndn of wood, If ho ever uoeil It, dwell- InR on n il phasca of. tba. atate'a tentimony conccmlng It.n coniitruc. lion an<l uae.

-----8tre*»es;Bank- Photo*-ConBldora^lo-iitri'M-wan-lnld


' In luldlilon to the ‘‘Clrcua Da>V ktuRfo uttnK'tlon nt-tho Orpheum tmlny Curv Grunt iind KllMa tAndl ait, to bo M-rn In

A-ineiTY-lJi.iii»icnl^ f r « n- jp-. mnnee, “ Kiiler Mudnrae,*' 'Tbo ■Orpheum’ir~(ilii(!:c> #how lit. p!cto=-ivHl>-i ’ '

(Continued Krom I’aRC One] that the stM* tree o f Idaho .1 be tho wlillo pire. .

S. -B. <6, by the Jitutc aXftUm . immlttc«.-wouU.pix>vklo-(hAt-ln caaoTio clnlni'for campciir.aUoii,' inCWH> «t-4k>atiu af-aa~ompU>ye,-iamado by a dependent of tho dc- CKuicd-niul'fUc' -with-tho -Indus-

AccUknt board within a year____tiic dcaUi. tJio employer uluillpay Jl.OOO bito th«i-lr'e«)ury. The claim m aybo pald'biick to Uic dc- pcmltsl- after .dcpouil If Ijo waa not of age or mcatally competent within n.ycar after tho.dealh/—A n-over-‘wlmhii«-numl>er-«f the

John Mock Brown and SoUy illnnc In a sccnD'from **Ai:iilRit' itin Lnw," the comedy ^ven ­ture story of one. man pitted ncalnst a powerful crimlinU niwhln'r> now playing 'today


-at4lr*,-tvlr«-ualbnr*,’nnlmnlx, and In fiu-t, rvcrj'thlng that get* to make n real elreuai-


Tip llarnrff,” olonj; with a romMy and the newH eernplrtra thf lU iy pmcram' today


S C K S l i B TH S J H M S

pliolocrophs and records of Ilaupl.mann'fl bank d e p o ! " - ..............drnwala by Reilly.

depo-iitii and with. . ellly. .He Bousbt to

in accordance wltl

At The lIosplt<a. Three pallcnta h.ive becn,^dnill-

U-d t<i.lho liojipllAl, J. A. Mllboumc.

taunh. for mcdlcal treatment, and Mrii. H. H. Vadi'n, Rupert, for an operation...DijimlB.icd followinfc op- iT.Ttionn were Tom Mori, Shonhone. Mljui Anna Mae Lcwiii and Bjiby Marlin Latlumi.'-both- of 'Twin falls.


—James-QAnmm,--T.-li.-NTcho!DoaBnti H. O. TlrinUe.

. Tetltnnvc— approval—bod—bees.^ r lv fn-thl«-yfj.T>aThfMpHgl-bnrt|^L


Jcppcflcfl reporlB' a M p « {ncrcase in eamlngn and a

•jkr cent' gjiln In collections the paat year.

Membenr of the county conimifl- »lrtrcr bonnl convcne<l today to give consideratkrn lo tbc budBcla


1 '..

— Mrs,- P'ft«r- P«ar*on,.-&3, .-Twlri '■ rAlla~rc;ildeht” «lnce-lD12,'“ dled

7;0Gj ft. ni. today at .the hoapllal . -followlnjr-a-llnKerlnK illneaa.- Tba

body rests at the White mortuary, I nud funeral arranpcmentB are ' awaiting word from relaUvea In


Jrsale Powella, a »on by ft former ■ marriape; *four brolheta who live

in Texiut. and her a'dopted llnrry Pearnon, Twin Falla. ■

Mr«. Pearson waa a well known - -nember of the local Spanlah War

•/cterftn*' -auslllary, nnd had held icveml office* In th# group. She vw» bom In Mljulwilppl, March J7, 18fl2, and married Peter Pearaon In .011 at FlagstAff, A rlt She came '.0 Twin Falla with her husband la :612.......

SHiott Roosevelt ' Maps Aeriaf Race

• NEW YCllK. Jan. 2J <V.W — -nilott' Hoo«%-elt. the I*real<lent’B -on. ia'pwmotbig a IM.'j nir racc <\-er ft pi«poo(^ ::5.000-mlJe coarae

~M tm a-lhe AmericjiB.Ji.waJi Irom.• d today. *“ ■ '

1 Mf nlrm/ly U canvnMlnf wmI. ,hy moil It was u . .erstood, neck. Ag tb aaaurc *100,000 la prlzeo.

. . Yorkrand lla purpose .'.•ould be taJxuprcas.South Jtsietr ■M -markots-Mth-thii .superiority f Vankeisbunt plnneit.------ ---------

r ...... .- cuth'c. plailji i t

J--......... - ;“ ik J Iri'New Yorl

Following trUil'of-ft ault brought by C. H. Scliro«ler agaJnnt John D,—Quary—on—a—labor—lien.—the

nplaint wua Judge U. Uarclay ycBtenlay, aa wnfl erons-complalnt, and It wo«

<>nlercd thj»t tho defcwlanta roeov- IT «vt)fl o f the Butt. Chapman * Ohnpmnn-were-ftttorwyi>-for-the SefendanEa.

—l*ctlticn.'haa-btcn-lile(f-lnTrobniecourt by WllfretJ W. E<len seeking ftdjudlentlon of the community iiwnerahln of a i o f ln Klmberlv. ofwhich-ne-waa -nucew.ior lo - l-----eat. TJametl by the court oa . , p m ls(« are Harwood Stowe. Uoyil JnmeiXnd Wade Lowell. Hcarlnj; luis been eet for Feb. 0. 'Attorney for the .petitioner is Harlan D. HeiKt, Sho.^hnne.

Cruelty Is Chn'rgW ■&ira. Dora C^ughrnn hoa

menced ault In dlatrlct court »eek- Ing divorce from' W. R. Caughmn

grounds of..cruelty, which, ahc

llauplmann.. Uad-wlUjdrawii nnd dcposlJcd the aamo money many timvs.-_.;^'crcconBtantly.-niritli. dmwlng nnd eoniitnntly rcdepMlt. Ing. that correct?" Keilly—HAiipimftnn-Annwvred.-*Sf«fl.^

At thlA point the court admon- inlicd linuptmaim Ihat “ Yoa’II havn to «pcak louder. Wc can't hear you." .. ,

—^Pr«jbe*-6toelc-;DealinoiThe aamc carcful uttcnUi........ .

devoted to, HftupUiiannVi ' slock market tmnsntllonn. it being con- lendcil lljut he playud iho market

margin and that total boldlngn d not repreirent hla true \VealUi, Ueilly naked Hauptmann to ex-

plQliua. S^OO-baak-wlUidruwalJn iD30. ,Hnuptmann mild he took the money out to put It fi)lo the stock market'-TAnotiii’r*— wfoinrnwni;— miupn mnnn'^ld,- vras-mado-to pay'for • 'a cftr, which coat S700,

On July 3, 1031', there _____withdrawal of JMO, which Haupt­mann BAld was used for n trip to Cnitfomtn:-------------------------------- -—

No "s BS8IjON

•lUit—Thert-wllt-bp-Tia-ijc.'Hioir'of tho HAUptmana trial tomorrow, Attwjwy C«ieral David T. WU.

■ /laltl ■ ‘


JOE-K 8AV8:- U you -make thlnga' much

more comfortable at the state "pen" a lot will bo trying to brenk In, Instead, of trying to keep JuBt two ]umpa‘ ahend of the aberlff. El> wluktl . You

-dfm'Chnve-to-brcalt-ln“ to"Rer

Elifsa Lnndi Escapcs Injury Bnt.CMneramaa’s Material

Completely Rnlncd

(Copyright, 10S5, United rrrsa)• HOLLYWOOD, Jan.-26 iUi:i- — The landecnpe aroiutd. EliaAn Landl’o home today looked • though. B-cyclono n«d slruclt IL

The nctrwia waa ftslrldc n borne pootng for "BtiUa" v'hca Uie ani­mal . Ixiltod, linockcd <!own Ihe cameraman, emaaheO hla t<julp- ment nml then alagc a wild <laoh lhrt)UgH-thc •efllate-wlth Ita-Tider clinging doopenitcjy'to the saddle.The horec n»gc«r ------ '*•“ground-bcforclt-u ... ,

Miaa-Landl eocaped injury but the ahrubbiTy about- the grounds

- a wreck. So wb4 Uw. cumom-

l-ovcJy" CIorCi^SniujBoir'ojv" penring la Ibn luugb-mualeul ronlaner, “ .Miuilc In The Air,"

• n lth John Hole*,' Dougla* Mont- Romer}- nnd Jiino.Loag. Added., fun U •Taltapln Tommy, No. 8,” a cartoon and Movletono iiewa.

Aided GreeksAUSTIN, Tex. <tU’l—Muftic, ac­

cording to Prof. H. P. Leon nt the University of Tcxaii, worked won. dcra amonf the Jtnclcst sona ol Troy. Ono-Sporton-Venator unod banda to put votera In the proper mood before anklng the people app^ovo-hla-blll.—To-Uftch - « l - dcnta to rcspfct the l«w,-AUicnlan BcboolmaJitem had- them lUng In clawi, Dr. Leon nald. M uoic-----

Ungo_nnd_c_ertnla.fomui of InoMlty.

P O S T P iE lO fnmi

Bill to Prevent Deficiency Judgmenta Delayed for



By United r /cM .- ' SENATR

Contlnuea world court <lebale. Munltlona cominllteo continues

invcatlgatioa of iihlp' conCnicta.Finance comnilllee henra ML..

Perklna on Wagner necurlty bill, lnt»‘rotato conimcrco commlttco

ox.inilnfttlon o f ffJcral' conlmunl- cntlonfl. comniLinloncrn.

- ---------HOUHBBanking And currcncy commll-

« contiiiuea riviuink' <iii extensionof—K*-‘G. ■ . —----- , —

-IntcTBtato-commerco commlttcc

tn-fn>-or-of-“ Irinho - for Idahoana't whor- thpy-TOte<3 -to-'rc<iuiro-lhc atatc lard board lo dmw contracts Ui'-BCUttiff-tlmbcrDn'Trtato-land- so that proccJBlng muat be done ia Idaho. The mcuaure, HB 3<, panoetl &0 to 7, with two,memDera absentlUMl.not .w t in g .........................” -■ • jvn _cnc_0f_thrc jiawd

Mllltiiry nffalrfl'conimlttco tlnuen -htnrlngs -on-billa- to- uilco Uje-proflto out of-wor, -

Wayn and ineanfl cnmmllttj contlnuea licnrlngs 'oa econmnlc security.

DOIlDEIt TOKYO. Jan. 23 q'.ri—Official

dIflpatchco.Xrtm.MiuichuhuoIla catcd today Uuit Manchuki aoltllcni nnd Sovlellicd nativcn of outor-MocgolCBoa- cgatcJTia -a border <llspute.■Japahw>-officlala dkl-not

iovo Rueftlan BoldU-ra were ... /oTved in the battle. CaauolUeo were light.


IfARKS, M1m „ Jan. 25 (UPI—Fcftr that an. epidemic of Influcw-Ji waa

idlng among thouaaods of vlc^...... of Uio dlaantroua aoi'lh Mia-

oljuilppl flood wan exprcBsed to<lay by Ued CrdsB officrniu ;vfio Isiiued luiother appeal for more money nnd mcdlciU auppUt*. - •

An catlmaled 20,000 pereons . cro liomelea.1 nn a result of tho

flood. An- ovcr-wldenlng ureii wa« imdcr-watcr-Db-n-rc«ult of-.tho*

laliAlcliiu'rlvcr/i. ' _............■ 'Water ■itUlngWTillo rcfugwa-from the flooded

north \:ounlty poured into MarJi«v onrUBhlng wauro lapped . at tho levelH,- and the town was cxpi-cled to ho under water before nightfall. •

Many fk>od vlctlma were «iclc and Influenza waa prevalent.

itiiiijitiM'"i[f'” tliB""(Irod,^_vmj,____ 0 placb Uie fipjVa nt l2. 16, and ntUl othera at 20. -RelitfwoWcFa:rwira':rxa'iiUa~~Ti!ccmnr’watcm In outlying dlBtrlcla wouli uncQVcr.inora.victlm*;.. .

havlng'^to^^ih^Hiipthenlnff^he terma of county commlaalonerfl aa provided In tho eonfltltuttonal omendmcriL

•Tho "houso ndopt«l"tiiB'stBBte' old'n'j^'pcnolon mcmoriarand'h:- committed HB 14 ' by Charles LcavltL-JOCTCwnh. concwilng m<s chonlc's licna.

Bight new bllla wero introduc­ed, making 80 Dow-ln tho house not counting aome that have been withdrawn for correcUon.


Workmen were, making

ntltutmsr n -by-pjiM-ncroas-Itock Crwk bridgo on Sboobone etrwl, and sold to bnvo been crACked. by reecnt freezing.

InfllAllatlon ia i,der the direction c ___. ..mipcrintcndcnt. who rcporta that on croorgcacy.-order for 10-lnch pipe waa made, arid ahipment rc- ct'ived by- freight from Provo,U [ijj.___________________ ___ ..:l . ■—-F ourtccn.-m on-w e -cngnBcd In roalring tli'e Tcpalro.

euiTtnt- conlrovcray— with. Um Si?Fi5i"Acl irculId-U-l«tUed-by NRA •authorltlea.

-Ed«-bi J. Loeb,'attoracy for*thc naoocLillon of Motion Picture I'rt^ ducera, diaclosed today that'.the codc authority haa granted- Pro­ducers n/iuoclallan time to file t brief replying lo chorgen of th< 3ultd-thaf-Hollywood - nctora- an< tctreflAM are a downtrodden lot rho Guild chargfo were, filed »«%- Tnl_-.t-r.»l(.i npT> with Sol'Rown-. blatt. N ^ code.adrntatolraiw^

-Small .botUeo. Of perfume, with dlrccUono fOr.Silxlng for vnrloua odora, are being nold in Paris.

l e A H Q1 0 c ------TODAY!. . - P J5e

11.—. Tb -Klnff-ap QtWia------■--------- of'S fu iW H irth l-----------

~RGYAL-nS-UTAH*S-PUREST-'eOAL—■ 'T h o .Winner in A ll Oompotitlon W ic r o Q U A L ITy

------- ----- is-Paramonnt.Ooatfi Less than Ordinary .Goal becauio it futiiiahcs

_ M ORE CLEAN heat pCT p o n n d . _________

ROYAL-KNIGHT C O M , COMPANY"Royal Exdoilvfty**

m il. and are Uie parenta of six cliililfen. whose agc.i'iaiige'from 0 TJK22.. Tj(rmnthcnislnrfoi-J30-« month for support of five mlnof

•fllTof- tho-Cood-Tini<*»

R Ofiled at the office of the county re­corder by Lora RoberW, B. H. At- klnBon and Paul H. Cordon, deputy clerks of-the-dliUrlol-court,-by- '• I5. Quire, deputy asscaaor, and . Henry GIvena, deputy eherlff; Xor JIOOO each by Dr. Harwood Stowe, coroner. M. C. BlacJc, pro­bate court.. cicrif, nnd Jake M- Shank, probation-officer: for J6000 by Ernest E. Gwin and Thomas E. Luca*, deputy trcn.iurcrfl; and ‘for *10,000 by E. r . Priiter, sheriff. '

Stolen' Car Damaged Sheriffs forMii

“ wTtjreroiaJt-SSy-ANSON-:' ^!KI101£B

DOOOtAM- MOtfTOOMIBT-nno: lano .rii hcnw •


aro <idesrtUjt

—peraon—railegtd —to . have stolen an nutopiolrtlc from Everttt Ooutboo b(To.lnjitLnlc>it. and .be­came iavoIve<l -In an accident on the highway curve north of Flier. The ear faire<l to make the" turti and turned "over sevcrnl tlmefl, ilrrnioglnc.ll.lft.Ute MlentBf »100. W. II. HawlL'-wt, iKOfby realdcnt, who reported -the accident to the nherlfrn office, 'aaid> the occupant goriip"aM Tan"nwnynrtcnie had extricated hlxjmlf from thewreclt.

EMrW)n«ENT BI8M , WASniNGTOI^Jiin. • 25"<IU:>—

A -D eocm bcr-m in-in -foelory-w ; pkiyment of- 340,000 -workcm- nnJ Vnyrall lh c n ^ 'o r $10,800,000 won he largMt December lncr««se in S-ytars,. according-to .ilgtirea eaacd today by th« labor depart-

inent. ' ' ' ' '

PLUS — Chapter No. fi “BUltN 'EM.UP B A R N ^ "

-Al»o-— Cattooo-Comcdy-N ew EXHH-AlTIlAL'n^lIl

Late«t CxcltUIre Pletiireaoftlio DIONNE qUINTlTPLETti -

•' Se« Them fron> Datvit to. ^UmeS.

8UV9ATI • v x o n M 9 BOT"


CilAMFlONSlUP _ (T»pe«lfy r r l* « )


T O N IG H T '


'DOtJMqo 'J J i I f-i j IJl/iTiCE-uMm«7TTTT tovt nn iia ii. M ^ ■ F

N O T E t'm All In Fun, an'a.We Never Raise Our PricM!

KIDDIES: lOe ^ -A D U L T Stfc

Old Time Dance 8:80 P.



Iv n ih Ser^nllnf, CoiScfti. NolMmalten. llata and Kvery- ________ tblnir) ftBd— : ___ _


S A T . , j A N . 2 6 T H

Z R A D i O ^ N D :

^ ........WITH STARS • ■Ineltdinq ^

ai^ack«:mack * miietta sisters^ H A R R IS O N ’S ANIMALS ^



GRANT LANDIIn The M im y, M ad M usical BoinfLoce




G ood News spreads fast!• ♦ • That d e l l c lo u ir / d ifferon t

— fla v o r li b e c a u jo G o ld e n W ® rt“ -" U T H E R M A L 5 'R oo* tod ,T « to 111 •. A ll Iho-flavor j* /n '/fio cup ./

BUY AT THED i a m o n d H d w e . C o :

TocKi- tfWina— :-W ffit W atches . . . . ; . - .5 2 .8 5 7-Jowcl Ladies' and M en’s

-W rist.

Seo O o f OLOSS-OIJT Table -JN TH E'OH H iA 'BHO P

. . . Lots o f Beal . ■B A B O A IN 8~araO .JD c'

■ Each. .

Glass Tumblers

B ofle^Qrcenror= C lear-—

-Wnrif? TTn r __^ ec^= H oir-01 ippm ji^$ 7> 98

Barber Bhisars...-.........._ 4 9 ^

,4 5 J>i£ferent P a U firia^ oI- —Tine'Diahes^fot^OQ-to—

Select froia. A s L ow ftfl-' On^y W 5 - P e r Sot

You Can’t Qo W B O NG IP You B n? QEfHUAPtg KEEN.

.-KDTTBR Shears--..... -

-<?m el'te -B afetr -B o*cra -^ or .................... $1.00

L o v e ly -g B M E Y -Q L A S a -in W laea,' Ooo^ I I b S h er^ Uandj^blqta-io PJoiii.or;lJqtc

rcCQSINCl OUT r-“ , aLAOB B A K E 0 t o £ ;

for', o n l y .......... ............ .. ..........Ochl;B ^ o BaxoTS ......4 9 ^Gillette B ozor Blades, 5 for

B aser Blade Sharpeners-^ f l .0 0 to $ l^

G la s s -B o K d 'P ie -T la lo ' fiS' Chrominm Plated P rune fo ronJy^......._.C.__A 5 < .Oaaaoroles, Glass Bake. 96c valub. Cloflo-ottt . , - g O^ Glass Bako Oasserole. w ith Pie Plate Lid. E cgnlar $tOO Oloso-oat ________

Q-jQlass-BokaJJiutAtd.- Ctipe-wiUi-Wire-^Mne-for-

only_____ 40*

Stainless Paring 'K aiycs for on ly ....... ........KEE N .g U T T E B P a r i n g] ivcs ............. —

Non-Bnst - Wa i ']Qoilor fo. only

10-qt. Kon.Btiit Jai;s.;>25^ waih\B6iL«uiL:r.::r4sr^;

.blades;.ond -'le&tlibr- ptmu/ Foldiaff-Irdslns: Boards for.-for -on ly -^ z= ~ = rr^ ------- ’ ----------------------------- --------------


Page 3: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

BIRTHDAy PARTY' Or^Tilzos on Mfttional Scalo

T o ' Support Benefit Fetes — .A—— On Jan. 30 ........ ....

NEW YORK. N. Y. (Special)— 'L obor 'w llI ORiiln bo in the .git&rl. o f . mcrrymakcni._wli030 •partlcfl will benefit -the imUon’fl

_ ,rvlcUmi- o f -lofttntlIe-.parali-Blfl_til---tho-JOai-blrUiday .bttll.for ihcprcatlilcnt Jan. 30, It w u (tnnounccd ot nutional blrUidayljcaclquartor ' dny by Col. Carl Byoir, CIrcct tlic 1U39 entcrtalcimcnt.■ FoUowlDg Colonel Byolfn rcccat

, nnnouncemeQCUiat Wllltoin CTrccD,

___ _t Labor, and Mallbew Wollcd to serve on iho national .corc

hor wbolo morning waa waat<U bccauso of on ogcnC, who 0(1 her when aiie opened tlio (loor-wUli, "I ’ -o ixx- you be*.fore, .......... I," While tho'houMwifo WM vainly trytnfr to remember where, the accnt flllppwl In and bcKan to lay out

-bor-gooda, ........ 4toarraa{r/Jincot.o ( tlio’ cabbeta at the ;;cncral dellvctj' office In the post olJico nn ns to bIvo moro llpht to the

-oom behind tlie "bam.''.............riemlnder that Ground

~Hog"dfly 'Is' but tt~wecU- from- ■'lomorrwv,- In'dicalin'K lhol' Uiohi' is-but-.ono > moto. weclt. Jcfl .la. January. .! ... . . .Wlwl wa« .a, wonderful aliatlnR pond In tho Blue -Lnltcfl -ftddlllon,- ocrlounly- olfeetcU'by-tUo worraer -woath*

Ilea.Green Aecepti

Prenidcnt Green, in a tclcBmm to Col. Henry L. Doherty, chair­man of. the • natlonar eommltlee. oloted that "aloDK with you ana

------>-our •.a.isoclftlen, I am- liappy to

upon labor evcrywtiero to • oralo to tho fullest extent."

_____ ClDi'e..OD Iho, hcpU,of. lhl« mc:;------naco-eomou-word-from-WaJililnfi.

•ion that nearly 50 intcmatloniil, 10 "tote and Vi city labor organ-

-lziaimiaJiaYCjilrcritIx_llJtol_uiLl>c: hind Prcnlilent Green, and ncorcii o f ollicra are dally aildlnR ihclr

•jwnies to tho lint of labor groupn which will lioUl birthday celobru- tlonii next month.

................... -Qhlef-MoUf------------.. It'wiui"cxiilalncii nt~ national licadquartem. tlmt. an wiui • the ciuio lant year, all parties wHl lia%’c entertainment aii thuir chlct motif. Procecda will so towariT flghllnc

jf!5AH 0~EVBN IW 6 TIMe & TWIN FALLS, iO AH O Page Thrco

Seen TodayI!ou#owlfe c

entlrq r

In-wlntsr a p o r ta .- . -T l ic o t c r window card, remaining on din- piay upnldo d<rwn at ono placc,

‘ ^ U i6 ^ F o n - irJo— Jjtreit— W - watch two youn('.ilem eneago

-ln-ftn-oUU^lilon»d-ilght...........'N o one made niny'effort to ulop

the ‘ 'brutal" blown...........Lltllo'boys; taking great- dcllRht- In throwing ono v. little ■girls. _ '

g p i l R l l l l -m m

■W Klejpread-Pnblicitr-Term ed Oaiiao for Ohango from „-,Tulsa t6 Paw nee-

iiolntcd by' tho prenldcnt. the other 70'cenL*i rolng to loca’ *' ‘ - ' ' '*

• victims of the dlacaacmong 'the InternnUonal. labor ips already algncd up for actlvp

Barber.V . InlematlonaJ union. In- teriiatlonaV UroUierhood of Boolt-

■ blndcrj, 'Amalgamated-, Clothlnf; . ■Workeri of America, United Gar­

ment Worltem ot America. Hotel und Rcnluumnt Kmployen' Inter-

• national .Alliance, United' Mine '■■'WorlJcnrbfAmtrica. IntiTnftllolirll

-Kn'i'ravem’ union. Brotherhood of _* Railroad Trainmen. Jnler .........“ Oi.-n-mnM'n TrnTfi n "'iiT

PAWNEE. .OKlai.-Jnn:-25 (lUi Rculdcnts of thla .imiill. wentcm town evidenced today a of added Importanco coincidental with the iraniifer here from Tulna of the murder trial ot t’ hll Kennamcr. lO- year-old -non. of Ftfdural District 'udfe<> Franklin E. Kennam'er. - '

Judne Thomaii Hurst, who will Biv the case, yesterday granted

.1 Tulsa an application of young Cennamcr'a ottom o's ^or n change if ven>ie. Defuniio lawyers main-

■ •• • puWlclly .iilven

BUSIESI ACTORSBcrcen Players W ho- Support

Stars Aro Rnnlccd as M oa t. ----------Often-Em ployed----------

(CopyrlRlit, 1085, Vnlied Prwui) HOU-YWOOD, Jan. .23 (lil!) —

Motion Picture Arts and Sclenecs, are .Uioan-wlio-aupport-Uio-stara, wllli-a few-oxeoptlon*.-Forly-BU players aro named, all of whom appcarea in'aovtn onnore pictures n 103H. The list: . .

Henry Armetta. Robert Arm­strong. William Bakewell, George Barbler,' Ifona Darrle, Itary ' land, Jolm Boles, Bnice Gal Mary Corllale... Berton Cliurclilll,

James Dunn, Ann Dvorak, Madge Cviijui, Stuart Erwin,.Glenda'Fnr- rail.-naipirFOl'W-lR— '^— '^ — T -

And Minna Gombell. C, Henry Gordon, Alan Hale. Nell iilimilton Samuel P. Hinds, ICdwarcl Kveret Horton. Allen JcnIUnn, Isabel Jew oil. Arllno Judgo, .Henry Kollter Otto Kruger, Una Merkle. Joho .Mlljanr Allim ' Mowbray,' Herber aroniiin:Tflt'OT?iTciTrT»;m^^^Roger Pryor, , Willard nobertnon Ned Sparlui, Charlcii Slarretl Henry Stephenson. .Lylo Talbot_U,-.. ______Wll

Producers Are Reai Actors in ■Screen CapitalBy VINCENT MAHONKY

nOLLY^VObD (OPJ—Tho great.liL-splana of Ilollywood, tho -----wlio mako all laiown ralmes £

i<o unfeeling nutomatono,>rn to Ulubh relatively uniieeri, That'fl U they over blush, and

the ‘ 'unieon". refers - only to yoii and you and you. Picture people Bce them over arid anon, Is Kenerally^«oatir"for— the-*-plelure «ople: • —

The Dusen nnd Bemhardlfl_ In question ajM Jho ‘ ‘ inuBhuteB,' Ui'eprbdudeni; ‘ , V 1" ...........

•One of them reputedly gota JIO,- 000 a week, and reputedly «umi every penny of It through hls hla. (rlonlca. Let ua reconntrvct an oftwhispered ncene; ; ................

!Ii* Leusy Salnrj' ClaudO'Corgeous, that h

' ‘ifrr 'Z r ‘’da'mn it ail, I want something done about my contract.

Qrowore Demand Explanation O f D ilatory Tactics in

— ---Dclnying.Oonrcrcnco___ _.

aCOTTSBLUFP. Neb,.-J<in.-2r. (UJI) — A demhad from Nebraiika beet growers for an explannlion from-lhe-Great---Wc«lem— Sugar Beet compnnyof aMcrted-illlatoo

week,when I got more fan mall this week already than tJiat-r"

'•So. It’s fan mall, lo It. my boy?" (Reproachful -stare,‘ "So It’s fan mall (Itollca)?" (Sinister-glance, then business of riffling through fllp.n.)-“ Ah.-hcrc-we-nre."my'boy


liUir;i’ receivcing“ lirglienl-'faF mall wore found by studio mir%'py to be lowe.1t of top brneket In box office appptil-..^


^YouUl-betl down,temal'. beam) "take It from ,..,.. Hint fqn mnir?i n» iinfitn,.n«- t? women really like you tliey're loo overawed (ItallciO to let- tcr.i, They regodtl you na uomo- thing on a pemlejal. Take It from

e. m / boy—". And Tli«ii thc .Uiiuhr«

Lnp-dl»nolve lo nleoilor young - carrying his burolng face Into

niio woulil prevent their client___ iveelvlng ii fulr'triiil InTiilna

The trial waa expected,to begin r about, Feb, 18,Kennamer in accused of nlaylng

John F. Gorrell, Jr., non of a promi­nent phynlelan. Kennamer nald 'll va'ji ■ Jieir dofcjiiio'wh'cn"bL-"adnl1t- ed tho lilUlng. IIi-1-nttomey.n have

and the International Alliance of . -Theatfleal Stage IF.mplovon

Hovlng- Picture ■'itaclilno Opct-


Crew_Radios Last Good-Bye as Ship . Founders in GaleItEYKXAVlK, Iceland, an, 25

«U:i—Beyond hope o'f rcncut, tho crew of 13' aboard the Grlmiiby trawler Jerla Wlrelena- ed u laflt farewell to tlieir fam- lllen and friends an the littlo nhip was foundering in a galo

“ Tucsdayr^e trawler-Wnmbery


JEROME, Jan. 25 (Special) — Funeral 'arrangementa were Iwing ni.Kle today for Mn. l»eiirl Claar, who died lute yesterday afternoon at the family Iwme nortliwent 'of Jerome. Mrs, Claar. -wife, of Hnrr}- Cliuir, came lo Jerome mi « plonect In IDOp. Tlio body, lay to­day at tho Wllcy fimernl parlors.

She b flurvived by her huaband: ifour chlUrcn,-Haroia."'WllUer."nnd Alice Cloar ami Mrn, Audrey Hun- 'sen, all of Jerofne; her pnronLi, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1*. PIcltunii.. Dl.t-

Mo.; two broUiers, J. L.. Plck- . LonK Beach, -and .Jlomer

Pickenn. Menlo, Kan.; five Biators.Mr.l__ Laura O rd W' n-y,—l ineau,Alaska; Mrs. Bee Nounan,. Den­ver; Mrs, Alm:i Could, Ilexford, lCan.;..Mrs..Kaucy Fruomyor,. Mon- lo; and Mr.i. ICathJeen Claar, Res- ford.

Her parent.! liav bo«n hero fot

I wnllc<4 u'p-oninrcrudc^n iakc containing 103,000,000 gallons wni formed. •

Uio hands of Officials of the pany today. • .

Pokiting to "unfavorable'.' re- null! from'Uie deaillflck'that de- layed planting of beets for week? last yean ,8.-1C Worrlck.-Seolls- bluff, preuiqeilt o f the .Nebrnflkn Qeet Crowei-fl'' • MitoclaUon, ' anltc( offldats.of'tJjcit'OrnrinjTitDjiAiJtata their delay (In-meeting with repre sentatlvfis otjhlff organisation.—Tlio-Groiit- •”

:lie clean air..There Is omi jirouuce

putedly htui reduced 100 ........ictre.i'ie.n to downright lenra u>ci iln recital o f hts-prJvato financial

wofrles, •coinciding with Ihelr re- <iucnt.i for contract ndjuntments. His wizardry In iiuch. apparently, that they don't read hla Income tax returns, becauno It contlnuca -to woJ-k.

Thero' In ntl!l "unoUio'r—hl.i fa- •orl e phrane in such" Intorvlewn,

when rrglsterlng thft'helght of pa tient pernccutlon. is mild to he "It'.. - carriage of mliijiistlce!"—who In

'pcirtetl evi-n te have' heart at- tnckfi If the Interviewer In too In- Hintont-d-cen't nee you now—nor- ry~m yheart-;ui:h!) To tho trade, he has .the mont durable. If not thL-Ian:e5it-hcart-ln-tnwnnt-hfifl-tiur~vlvc'd attacks that .woulil hav Idlk-d A dozen lo»»or men.

proceiines most of the bboto pm duced In the_ Nebranlig panhamli

SeeU* Conferenro - Although ho had attempted arrange conTerencn in mld-Docem her nnd ther-ln mid-January, Vft tlck..jaid,-oCtlclala. ot.lho.buflt pro

hw>NIHBy«Mt-nwf tera. A eonfcrcnsc iwil been ti'nH lively net for Jun. 15, the n-inocla lion prenldcnt said, but he ret ‘ ■-- reeelvCTl a letter from W

, pUt^.prcalduL.utl Uie..'cumpaoy advliilng him ''unIooke<i for devel opments" had mnilu It Impo.iulbli for ft <li-fliilt<> ilnte to l>e net,

'’Tint imfavor«l)l« /iliuaiion re nulling from late m m planting bar eri'atcd a demand for Imineilliili action on'this year’s conirael*,’ iiald Warrick. '

"If. Uio Crcat;Wcntern comprtnj offlclalii have a good reai'on for do laying tho conforenci-.i,' thi'y jihouli bo frank aboul It,"

■Modeling birds'from paper nni clay 1.1 the hobby, of Dorollic. RIchanL-ion, -JtttcalinorcIaaJ. :Euc She hos.creatwl I.IO _varlolles o the fcntlioreri creatiire.i, airefiill; preserving the ficale.

1I,\N1)IT U:,Vl)Elt SUVIN M E X lio CITY. Jan. 23 lit 1!)—

Emlllono Perer, bandit leader, and seven ot liU men havo l>cen killed by feileral troops In Vera Cnir slate, tho O riaba coirespondent of the newuaper Universal aald to. day.



Seeing Amcrlca - first - lim t r- coHtly proponltlon theue daya.

In fact, II can he .done for nothing by ningU' men, aecord- iii)r to Chad Wallin,' loclil ncwu- paper man, who did lu

Wallin clalmii that by Inking •■atlvant-VgB-of the-Nc\r Dears- trannlent relief campa.'lt Is poii-. fllblt-for-a.iuoa-lo. travel indef.-._ Inltcly at government expense.

••Vleldlng to an Impulne. 1 -doniicil heavy-ctolhtng; ovcra'In. -A- Jiieket, enrrU'd-Iwo blunkotji, a' pipe nnd a can of tobacco—

■|ind'wllliohn.'n'ienrti'“T1»-“ my 'i'kiu' et«—ciimhcd w th c r o o fo f ' a boxcar Just to find out what

'the fate of ft pennlicnn tr-iveler In." \Vnllln nsld.• Not Too Comfortabln - — '11 lun't Uio luippiest uorjnoat comfortable condition In tho world, and a decent'bodrwarm-

~lar food’ h ii« It beiiten. Hut r ~ Informative, and Hlrangoly. a

WOM.W im*I/)M.VTMI-:.'<IC0' .CITY, Jan. 23 lUD —

■>cnfirlta Palma Aguirre wa.i nam- xl Milnlnivr to Columbia today— Vlcxlco'a flrnt Wonian diplomat.



With l i & B. 1-CycJe Enclne. Ca» Klectrlc

5 6 9 .9 5 M o o n ^ S 5 3 9 -S 5


day lo Havre tr.innicnt'cnmp; neMt jump to Glangow; next' to Wllllston. N. D.: Mlnol. N. D.:


•here ever you want." Aceordlng lo the reporter, a

fev- mlnuten of fioor-HWoi-plnt; _or..jr«f£?Jra;)J)tllJn;. f'»_-Tll. ihf -fort ................................

and retrace yoiu- ntepn, bceauae you will have 'been gone long erunigh from the oUier.caiiipj lu rate anolhor ntay," Wallin ex­plained.. ■. ,

liiM kaM :!' ■ Incredlents'of Vlcki-VapoRub in Coflvenlent.Condy.Form,


- F o r dollar for.dolIac..valuc in coal y o iu w jl find_Utali Chicr tor Star brands unbeatable. Order tod .iy !

■_____________________________ _______i'lird rxlce.. iVHvprcd___• 1-Inch SLACK; p er t o n ..............$ 5 .2 5 $ 6 .0 0 *I'^/u-Inch SLACK, per t o n ......... S 5 ;S 0 5 6 .2 5

------ :Star-Poa-CoalrPor ton-,,...—-------S G .6 Q------- $ 7 . 3 S . i - ,Utah Chief Pea Coal, jier ton ...,.:57 .0< ^

U ta h C hieg C oal Co.. j . J . W INTERH OLER ;

PHONE n i l

A RADIMLOSE-OUT Of All PlillDo flafllos


IN p ::r .7 E C T W o r k i n o o r d e r

NOTE THE PRICE DISCOUNTS ','.»S rhV 1 l-tiibo liHig wave.

Itrgiitiif'jiJimi).'!. NOW -T

$ 2 2 .5 0 -

C 0 IIIIIII r. JtrKUliirly

_SlfJ6, 50„

i.'iC 'rliil^ O-tulm long anif ■hori wave. ltej;ulnrly ^10.03.

---------- NOW— '

- $ 4 4 v5 0 r


S 7 2 .5 01— 8-TUBE RCA-VICTOR A LL-W AVE MODEL 143—R E W LA R LY -£93 .75r-----------------


S 4 9 .5 0KC.V Vidor H-llilm buttery Coiisnir; ''Alrrcell- type;' Coni-

plrtP >vllh li;itliTlrH— •

S 2 1 .5 0

$ 4 9 .5 0 $ 2 9 .5 0, LIBERAL TRADE-INS ' r-— -^EASY-T-ER M S------------

—OH C-RltlCt-A-SoUAKt-DCAl..:-'


WASHINGTON, Jan. S.'S (ir.l!)—Tho United Sttitca Chamber ' of

- rrtmmcpro tmlny nrgfd enngT(.-Li tfi . _rcpcol .the publlcllii.clause.inr tlm

new Inqome tax-law. .The elmmber contended llie pur*

^ s e of Income'tax retumi Is .to enable, the. government, to collect

____ toxea anil,j)Ot^;£ar-lbe.purpoaelat -aa^yiro-nuxt 4ny.-.^ j^ p ublatilng:Tirimtet:Bffati3-=to=thg ------------------------

worl.i." ___________________ 1—Publicity, the chamber eald. will

—«incouragorfrlmft~.'ft»f< 'ftirheterrlnc.• natlafy mero peraonal curiosity and

disclose trade' aecreta und. private affairs to competllora.

Tiiesdiiy under llio eUff»-o_f Lat» la'bjarg on tho went cpast of Ice­land. in a terrific gate. Life Ueltii marked 'JerlA. clothing and.other,articles were waiiUed

I f l lS im R BIES ON-COAS

Word hair been received of IhL . .death In l,lq1.Angelns^ye9lc^iny .o,-Thomoo AV. rottor, oarly d a y -----—ty-aupeririterident-of-achooi;....... .

.one tirao£hi.local icboof,. fyntcm.^______ ' j ___ _____________

"Uurlal ls-to lalte place nt'Lofi


- . . W A S M E R S ^Come In and see., the &en Hqrton &lectrlca-before you buy. eUewherc.

ust what is meant - l i B y ^ f ^ = l 5 l e n d i n ^ t a b a c c o s T 7 r ^


-~ X o ca tc 'd 'a r .7 4 3 2 iid 'A V 0 ,"E iiB l^ rooms anCbath,- furnace heat.- W #-hiivo-bocn"boldliis this -propoi at $2760.01). ^ c o d for oiiq wook a t ..;» ..$ 2 2 S 0 .i

. . . SEE . . . - ' ■: . PEAVEY-.TABER CO., Inc.

.PHONE 201 ,

* ! ^ e e . b u r T N e w - I > i * p I a y ^ o f

Electrical SuppliesU _M ndea 'p racH w ily a n y ^ ' j yo iT w an f

IPAINTS.... .'W e 'bttve a fu in ine ' o f'F lex' imd Bo&nott*palnta Asd B(ur« etc© KaUomlat. ' ';

f f a t c E ^ ^ ^ K ^ T V o f f r c s T W '10351

haw does it make a cigarette milder

Well, m'bkndins you take two or more •- - —tobaccos and mix them :together—a rader simple

pmcess. But cross-blending goes a step furiHer,,.

N mTiking C hesterfields ' w e ^ a k o ::' andtherighrlciiitl3 'otarotnailpl\irklali,Bright tobacco from V ii^ iiia , tl)c -Tlicp, instead o r j ^ t

-•-Caroilnas, GMFgia and F lbnda, W o •.-,‘baccos.together, w «-6 lcn d -ftn d ^ rn M N j.-~ --- tak« Burley tobatco from K entucky and ‘ ^ “ ^/fffa^them ^8a':thar'dU jtii« d ifferdn t - Tennessee, and tobacco from Southern flavors go. together into o a » ^ flavpf.M a r y la n d ^ ------ ::— — — -------------- -~ -^ t h » . .C h e s t c r f ie l ( l : , ;a s » -^ t -M

^ . T h e n .ih additioa t o ^ ^ c s o ..h o m » - ':'.•!.g^o’wntdbftcbo».^^ takd tobacco grow n !

sm plcOT’l ik e .'’ . . ' , Crojs bkndm to^ccu iu it'is dofw

:^ldsj^s tAia^ZZ:T:zr~'7J~}— ' y '

;_ ^ ro w n - t o b a c f f l8 > iA ^ M 'r ig h ^ a m p im tt ' - -

la ,T w I(^ .m id -..G re«cer^ ^

Page 4: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

Pngo PonJ* • IDAHO EVENING TDIES. TW IN FALLS. m A H O - Trldoy, Jhnuary 28, 1933

- TRU%P110NE38 -----------••

Full LcueJ Wire iJcrvlea UuUeO Prcnn AasQ itloni. rull N )£ A V

fulillshod HIz Dayii a. Wn«k Kar.1, Twin ralli. Idftlio.

"lilerolo by C»nyi

Tow.r, 220 l|un). K.ii. rranclnco, CM.

W H A T OF BEANS AND POTATOES?,Designalion bf'liean's iiird })blatoos,‘ Uv(5“ ’o f the

;lpuhci*pal-ciiops-Qf-tliis-.scction,-a&-ba6lc-commo(li' ties.uilder'thc'AAA, aiid'cnactmcntrof’ controMegis-

lation for these products, similar to the KenvSmith net for 'tobacco is now a moot subject.

___ Lcgislation.for nmlunif beans a basic coininodity.-is-now -beforq congress,-and recommeridalions.that

*■ ..............................resentatives o f 11 potato-growing states at a meet­ing in Washington last week.

A t Uie latter-scssion-tlie.state.rei)i:esentatives..fa:voriinrth‘01j«rincllVd6-d” th-osc"froni-l\;ainerNbrth Carolinn. Virginia. Maryland, New Jei^ey,_ South

E l

_________________ __ . m « i_±l£<‘iX iy j LS! j_-i:U.JT_V_v ‘ —SjlXilil?.Carolina,. 01»o, Kansas, Alabama, Michigan and Louisiana. The Connecticut representaiive voted against the proposal. Not voting, pending further study o f the p.lan, were representatives o f Minne-

-50ta. North.Dakota,. llew York and Florida.Idaho -was not ■ represented officialIyj''but" It Is

. known that the Idaho Vegetable Growers, Inc., has expresised disapproval o f the proposal. Whether or

-:iiot that-oVganiKation’s-attitude is representative of gi-owers'as a whole is not known; hut doubtlessly, they •will be pennitted to express themselves. Sep-

-a to r Borah attended the meeting, as did Represen­tatives D. ^Worth Clark and Compton I. -White of Idaho. Senator Borah is reported by the U. S. De­partment.of Agi'iculture to have said-that his state was deeply interested' in the proposed potato pro­gram and that he would endeavor to cooperate in a program that would advance the welfare o f the

■:‘producei'5?.“ .......................• ...............................................■ A t a meeting_p^ the_SouthernjIdaho..Bean Grow* eis’ association,here tomorrow,, the matter o f mak­ing beans a basic commodity will be discussed, it is

mcdlntcly. I don't wbh to oli /ou. Your bcnrt (in<l luajni a >plcn(il(l condition, but you

much run tiown and-Ldaa'tJuiow w hatm lrtt happen-U-yt>u continue worhlne?'-IIo. •

iced^—annount___, It .appeara that the subject should merit keen in terest on the part o f all. growers, especially now .that the..production-control_program_aa-carrie^out with wheat, hogs, corn,and sugar beets longer an experimeiit, haS’ been • tested, and the results already known. ■ ‘

With Idaho an im])ortiuit producer o f both beans and potatoes, it is essential that the attitude of

—growei‘s,-iii-thiB-as-wcll-a8-otlier-wcstcnirstates,-be ascertained before either .a bean or potato program

_advanccs^toQ-j'ar..It ia. necessary, then, that grow- ~ei-sthumsulvea'give’ the ■subject'iminediate'consider’. ation to the.en^ that any possible benefits be made .. the next.crop,

_____. ___IN:.FAmNESS_TP^AN; ID E A L .""RsnmrQrthe"Sa'ai'“ValIey-to^Gnnan3rclcans-

jne o f the least defensi’blo tangles bequeathed - n troubled world hv the makers of the V eraailles—treaty;;^

• H erew asaxcgion .w hich , was. solidly .-Gei-man,and always Imd been. .To detach it from the fatherland

-and hold it under alien rule was to go completely counter to the fine words about' ‘ ‘s d f determina­tion” 'and “ demoeracy” which the allied leaders were so ’fond ofrepeatingi

To turn its mineral 'ricnes over to thej^rench was 3 im p ly rr tO T Q d d -to .-a ~ r e p a r a lio n s ..lo a d -.* a li :c 'a d y 4

-heavy-to be bom e; _Now, long ypai's after tlie armistice, the Saar goes

back to Gennany; and the step is a. long one in the -rig)it-directiori.-it-hints-that-^the-i-ule-of-simi)le-jus- ^tice7^rid-not'=of--vindietive-^nationaliBmrnihy-y6t-pr^

vaif in-settlement o f ‘the problems bom of'the war.

In Iho wlicii w c HtriiBKlcil RCmnotry,we nil met Hint iiicthoil o f tli.sproof which led up to n

. ._w lik lijs_ :ibsim l^_ _ ____ 'r h c khicl^nrilicrjitorship wliioh ln!ii-.t!rTliut"i>coi»lc

sliali^liavo o'ulylti'iclr pliiyH;' liooltM, movic.s, nml.iicwK- liiipors ns the rulers bcliovc nro bi‘s for IliPiii, nlwnys riiiiH nfoiil o f these aliiimlilie.s in wliolc^nlc lots.

Tw o nliiiiiiiK cxJiiiiplr-B recently cropped n]). In Kuh- Mu tlicro wa>i n imlilic scnndnl over the fact tliat n radio station wnFi caught red-Jiaiided hi-oadca.sting—XcKro spiriliiiJK! Som choilysaw Jii-.idiftiis eouutcr-vcvolulion- nry propat,’ nmhi in .the JminitiiiK Jiiclodios and sweet

.chonl.s ihat jiiid wnndcrecl so far from tlie irh ow e ia the Old South,

■fTG;ii iimy- -fiIiii,-wlm!rr-wuH.uiim«jse._ ly popular iu Ocnniuiy in J02C, is today 'barred «H “ nfff, coinoiJiiiK' with v-brld pliilOHOjihy of' the present Oay hi aemaiiy.” I f 'wii.H Cliarlic Clinplin’s ' ’ ‘ Tlic’ <lMd '

, , ■ . _ i -if o ninn lw fl poliUfifll dletfltor, lie irievTiinny'ilinilts lie l:np-WT, better ihan tlic rc-st'of us n-hat wo ought to scp, n)ifl read, aud Jicnr, W’hich j* sbsurd. . ‘

Congress may be • more liberal tlian the .Presi­dent) with his p r o ^ m 'l o r social le^sldtidhi provided the people, will remember this in 1936.

• Last year’s drouth, the U. S. Weather Burepu “ decidcsra^tcrlong^and"'

by exce&?ivoly hot and hot rprorl, a n d 'J j^ '^ o :

'deep"StiTd37~was^causcd“ ; dry weather:; Thatc'S a '

L O V A B L E —V a . rfJI— 4 - (Copyright; 1031. NBA ficrvloe, Ino.) ,

jh?"'iT/VBT'i»«T“rrrnT“ *KnN” tril. VALIUtlA IJISrTNITTT. hU, flaiirrtv Ikat «*rr7tkli>ic la •T<r bvtRrcH thiai. Ana tklaliaaka ■nil SoTfa ToBf aad ivirv k»-bat .wkra *kaa«a kriasa tk»* «wa KKi-tkrr aad r*<rr a■ka^AB■ la

Ttirr K« BBd. • » .

• -AI.I.AK. VlNCUNT.-k” rmtr'a krotfc*r, ia aCtralUa la «aa. Thraaak klaa Aaa iaaiaa Ikal P*(«.r U faralaklaK a kaaar. [:or>Tla<r4 tkaf k« sUaa <a dlTsrra hrr aa4 mmrrT Valeria. Aaa Ifarca lk» Trarya. ■ ■

nlA and will bo Rono unUl tho first tho ycAT, a t leant. I Uiou^ht

vhcn you leit CroondoM-you wore .nnhlnff n mbtolic. Thcn'I waa bo- fanning t beliovo I rnlgbi be wronff whtn you married. JJut now It.iicuna you havcnXnudo a ro of thftl clUitr. I udvlJio you to go,bni;k to your huvbanU. It yoii can. Uont of your iriMiOo here aro ipan-led nnd -hftvo done welt.-If you can't find n place to go .I'll bo rIai] to havo you for a vlnlt when I come homeu-IAffMUonatoly. -Aurit' Hat^ lie." • '

Thia wof Atint llattle'a rcvcher way cC),rtlln>f Ann k n o w ___

. lnd not been forgiven for Ictiv* InR Oreoifleld, for not beln^ tylll* Inff to follow tho nnrrow pntler ' * llfo Aunt Hiittle would have ranpcif for her.

There wnii nowhere eloo • Annktn'Yaraiaarr.



jonilnuod, "lU Ifl Uko ft plcUet off Iho bJieJi Icnct. Anything can hnn- pen. Anytlilna; might creep In, In tho rundown condition you art "

“ I must otop right Away?” '"The sooner tho better. Y ou ____

_ rcBt—ft long one. You have ovl- douUy . bccn_\vorI(InR,.uodcr._a ntrnln, «atlng poor food. gatUng out In all Ulndn of weather. You muflt rent for six weelu, at leaat. Hat plenty • of good, wholenome food.-Stccp-ftnd .play....DrlnU rlfh m!ll{ and cut Iota of fruit"

.Ann oald Alowly, "But If you An’t do thono thlngn, what then?". J lic doctor shniggcd cxprcsnlve

ly. "I make no prcdlctlonii. Only' I should bo oorry to luiow that a young woman an lovely ajj ybu had broken hi-r health. A stitch In time, you linow. You are runnlnfr a jrrcat risk If >uu go on aa you arc n ow -

far from well..Isn’t thero uome- e you luiow. a frlenil c> relatlvi

.10 could Inlic you -lij for a' wueka or two.monUia?'’■••I’m-not Bure,-" Ann said: "I ha'

rcliiliVfa In Georgia."'•A warmer climate- wtyild—bc

bolter—where you could g c ^ u t in tJic open daily. The roae/i would come bade In your cheelta oooner.'' —Ann WL-nfliuiuirtii u wtror'iiiuwi; When Shelia camc In flho told hci whnl the doctor had aald,

••Ttinfji tough. You’ll havo to go home, 'Ann. Don’t worry ,about me. ntii<iW»ovi^a!.Klr!fl-who>11I’ efime it! with me. or I could go-to Uioli places until Jimmy and r aro mar

■•ril write lo my aunt In Green­field tonighf," Ann said,........ • ' ' '

Sheiln. ftnd Jimmy mailed tho let' r that night. Shelia affixed a (ipij.

_ al delivery ntiimi ' i'I5TI'al»ul"Ann.

.-eral days reply. ."Denr. Ann: Ho.glad;to htar from you after so long, and nony ■ know you are not well. You

jw. <)f course, .that I would love A ve you hero-If 1 could,'hut

En)lly and I nro going to Callfor.

irbubVrs''e'nDUBh without asking him to tahe In a poof, alcit nlcco.— "WJIIil ---Itrl.TTTTT------------------tho-flrnUfiU-l-who-luui-faficiI-the name problem. 1 haven’t the moilcy to tiUto" rpnt. and no placo to gr to havo on*. That’s all there’s tc

UUdred.sald nervously, "Mayho 0 Is n detective, Sheila.''

___i_ "Ifaybe he'Isn’t Anyway nobodyfeeling very Urcd To could malio me believe Ana .had

>uld It b8 Uko during

people to be dragging Uirough her work. lialf.»lcU. They needed-some-

• well ofld fltroag for tho hoM-

._. .. .... . Jally:"Tho thought camo suddenly. It

:)cctrtrtcd Anno. WTiy not 7 "Did your letter bring good

lews?" Shellft asked.- ,.•■No, hut IVo decided to go away.

Would It Inconvenlenco you If I ■jft tomorrow. Shclla?” - ‘.'Not-A.Wt.--a’ll.Kct:Ccrtrudc^- :n to come In-unUM get aetUcd.

Gosh, I'll mlsa you Ann. Where, you going? To Greenfield 7". "No. to a nice, quiet llttJo placei n i wrlto’ you nfUr J-g«t thrfio.'’

'Juet -n little placc to wait in _ til aho got strong. And then? But ihe could not-looic.ahoad,

"The renffl due tom oi.. ______irythiag: Is happening at the right time;" oaid the practlcnl Sheila •’Ct.n’t I help you pack?"

".Vo; lliftnk8..Tlit.rc’o auch ii lit. lo pack.’’

'You do need clothes. Ann,’ Sliella nalil, ;'I hope i.omc day you'll liave nice things like mine. You ,won’t pet to ncc them. It xvlll bo 'lw o wbko' bi-Toru' I '-g ct ni> ihlngB out of the 'lay-away’."- "I to ncnd->-ou aomcthlng,-' Ann said. ’'Shall u be foolish oi practical?'''

"gomrUiIng borrowed, n o th e- iinlig~TTue7'— Slieiln Biing— 5Ut ,’I'lca.-ie Just give me some little thing for luclt. I know you can’l afford to.-give mb’ auyUjlng, Ann.'

,^n_Uioiii:!it,.of_tli8.l0Yc)y.unUcr* thmKJi Bhc hn«J left In tho apart­ment whtn sho ran-nway,‘ tho-cx- ciuimte sllvtr fox neckpiCcr, her sable cont, the ermlnc-lrlmmed velvet evenlnp -wrap, suits.* Imis, (Iremten. ThO'ring’ that was liV irop of wliltc fire. Her pcarhi.

U wmi nil like ,a dream now. . . ihe flhouM tell ShcIln nboiit Uie Hf«> -■he hrtd lived-for a brief while Shellft would , think.uhc hiid sud­denly lout her mind.... ShcUa:tiia,~'-'Ann,'-lf I-w<-l'o-you I wouldn’t raluc that window that openn nf«r.,t»v) fire cflcapfl, '‘ "W hy?" _ _ _ ■_I ■ 'I’vo seen a man hAnglng around :tlila blocX. I ’vc seen him twice—

junt hanging nrousd. ]t-mado kind of nervous."-The-sam e man was alanding in tlie gloomy court, near tho-ntepa, when Sheiln relumed from work Uiat afternoon.' Gertrude Allen wat with har......

" I beg your pardon."Sheila tried to pau him, but he

barred the way. "lo your sameSheila Davis?" ---------- -------

'•Well, what If It la?” ‘!‘Ia Ihera a girl named Ann Jonc«

wlth you?’! ' - ------— - ■'••What bUBlnesa ia U-of-yours?" -• trying lojocnto Mlfls J(....'p lr - - - ’- - - - -Ia~lhere .......

Cun<7"------T .Sheila faced lUm belllgercnUy.

'f^o, thero Uin’t I will aay you^vo a KW kind of npproach, but Tve >lhcr thingn of my 'mind ant' you're cluttering up my path,”

'lif rf .- aliter.- Vmi'Te- ral wrong. ,l''m a deleclivfl." H<

lOYEAEi O • ‘ . __ . jlimlnary at«pfl in .tho orgtm-

IzaUon o f a horticultural aodcty vero taken at ft- 'meetWff of or- ;Uardlats in Pariah hall yeiitc^y afternoon. Fruit growers from ajl iccUona of tho .Twin'; J'olls tract vcro preacnt to co-opera lo in the novtiment, which'hftfl aa- ita pur-

poao~prol«cUon-from ln»e<il-(uid o_t .p<ju^— :..

turned -back hla

nay Felton, editor of the Idaho Farmer, who haa be«n in Twin Falla for tho paat few daya at­tending the stock show, hoa re- tumdd to hla homo at Boloc. Mr FSlOTrHira^rrKrHCTjiaiEInr tlon for tho way la which tbi

aald, - .‘Tour

s s fB S S s strying to locate her for her iua- band. That’s all."

"Her husband? Tell n onot'-

—Harold-Porterfkld, ft-4Knlor-iii the loeal ■ high school, haa been jlecleJ . preoClcnl of tho • newJy- irgnnlaNl Hl-Y club at tho. high school. Jamcfl Wood wna choaen ’lee pixsldent, while'Ted ICoania- ---------•Kerctary-AiKTThnip-ionff;

—“Tn«o-n-looirBtnhIa.^Emfl)cc anybody like her before?"

........... -gloHsr-TMUKrapEer..•Int from his pocket and handed to Sheila."It'a Ann Jones, all rigbl," Shcl aald alowly.

••You made a JItUo nilBlake." the. detective aald; putting tho picture bock In his pocket “ She'n AnrI£cndalL’: : i _ _ . . - - _____

"What?'!"Mr«. Peter Kendall. Now lefa

have It.-Where Is ahe?"Shelia aat dmvn on tho atep.

'l>Ihch me,-Gertrude. WhatLlhla feltow'a saying doeiih't inakb sense. Am I dreaming b'r'"'cuckoo, or /hat?”-••I'm giving you a, straight.atory. ihe’a .Mr.-i, Kendall, wlfo of tho mll- lonalre. We’ve been huntlni; her

fur moiitlin. I found out today ahe -an In thIa . apartment building •ith'you."••G/)sh!" Shelia brcaUicd,

Buhd. "Thafs-why she wn ig. And she nald this Peter Ken- all was i?)od to her. Well, then, rliat did ahe run away for?", '■‘SoarcW mc, sLotcr.' Wluit T 'ai

..’orrylng about la finding her.']?hc comlng home-noon?"-----------

••’No," Sliella,fl.ild. ."She won’ t be lomlng home tonight. She went iway today."- ”Wcnt-n\WrnirTarrry.'flho'u'tVJ Iw wools. And then, as Sbeilii con­

tinued to ataro blankly at him. ’You're not kidding


MitchclI'aSd Carlyle

27 'TEARS AGO_0._D ._T honiM _tcluni(Sl_liomc ycslerdny-from-Rcxburf|^and-«ev- cml of the neighboring towns, WHfl ’Tibaeatr-Mrr-Thomaff-iipoki! to tho aaoombly o f school Iruateeo In aeoakui at Rcxburs' on the cen­tralized school nyatcm. Upon be­ing preawxl lo-g lve .similar ad- drcsoes at tho other towns Ur. Thomna spent ooveral «Jaya In making taltu. Tbo communlUefl there .......................•IV/ln FnKS—pfaa or'cratridlzlni, and In'two cauea luive dcclded to make a change.'

T. D. Pcrrlno- this weclc let «ntract for gruhblnff-200- acrfB If oa^e br\uU) on hla holdings on ho north aide. Mr. Perrlne la. get)

ting iw ly to make use of the


Tho~«iity"Mi6\vjii'6ljj!i;"— operalioiuiu-ldaho-carEics__

the mail from ToO' Onti iiiirtlru f •Moniitain Ilomi

I’Oh. w ell .j mlgfiriiave . ... There’a-nlwaya a cur\’o on' thti hall —no atralglit plecc o f luck for mc."

-Shu packed lant night and tuld ...j goodtiy before ahe Ipft iblii momlng.-I've-got her part of 'the........ . my,purne."

you know ' where sheSheila started to say •'Qreei.

fluid," and then remembered what nn had aald. .Slia'-ivoa almost ‘ crying.-.-•.‘Oh.

what a dumb-bell 1 was not .to find outi Sho said abo was nice, .quiet. placc. Thafs. -all Icnow; .

(To Do Continued)^____

An Excluilve Evening Tlmca Dally noport on tlie Fast-moving Eventa,la tho Natlon'D Capllal By an Expert Interph!{<f» indfcCdmreOntator.

(Copyright, 1035. By Paul Mal'lon)

deslro lo cxpoao Uic dlimntlafocllon of—U)o—court—with—govommoot counsel. . . Mr. Glavls (ferret for Mr. Idles) haa turned 176 caaea of vlolatlona o f the labor ckiuao o? the oircode'ovcr'to'tho juatlco depart- meiit for ■ jiroaccutlon~but up—to

ow, there have been no proaecut Iona. '. ........... , .

NOTES ON GOVERNMENT ■ WASniNGTO.N — TUo odds government nr<> aomcllmea 'm importiuit than the ends. . . , Tiiat

’ "nUoul----PrpnHJcnt—nobsovcrt ;iitg-lbal-Vice-Prealdent Gar­

ner./>Jio»Jr run again , appear* to huve iK-en iMplrcil prematurely by


iI>r 6om<H«fHhc-preoldTOt‘»-pollt' cnl mauter minds "would mtbei

lu£i'i:,R_n: '

Bccurltles and cichango commla- Blon. The White Houac conaldorfl the appointment , aeltlcd. but Mr. Cohen, doott not. Ho can malce. niorc'IiroacAira-cUcioi.'law in NcW Yorlt; hut will eventually toc-patrti otic nnil take the government job.

jD UltbjM Aciy_bttd_j

which In not Democratic, but — — evident .now that they will not tmvc their-way: -> rr ‘ anTner ha:

iged hls'ijilnd and want:

ECO. _Congreft«ni£u_jirc_<aiUdUhly.. JralniM n b o u t grttliig- thrlr nninrii oti New Driil IpKlslntlnn. Ttin blllff ure uetiiiilly Kliont. wrllleu by rxprrl« who never get uiiy credit. .Mont contrrm*-’ nirn tvould not know hoiv In write n bill wllhout Ihu aid cl tho congren<ilonul dmriliig nrrv- Icc. yet they.wilt fight to grt their namen on lillta eoiieelvrd iihd u-rllUn by ollieni . . . It It. going to be Imrd nijxt year for the ifccublcu. The budget pro-

-mtlnn'on'-»hN'p-nna-go.-\tii7TDnf^ zhost«r Generul I'arley wlU get more Jobs out of that apprbptl-

-nUon than he doM out of. hla post office drpurtment. It doen not re<iulre the same mento] acumen to chano Kubles m to be a fourth' rhion poiKmaater/

WISHING 1______.Cbngre.-)jiman Dies h'na tjo

dence of ceniorablp. on which to baae hUi move for a congrcMioaal inquiry. . He lB_lust fishing, or whitcwnahlngr. . . Great Brilnin and the United states are tho only Important the-vorlil having- a free -proas.- The real arc under goycmment thumb or heel. ...... Hen ■ Cohen.,.jniLa.t1u Jcgolmind bcliind motit o f the Kew Deal .flnnnclftl-Tcfonn- Icgt/ilatlon.-dbcs nol'-€Ar»~vrn' much about-taking ,Mr. Pcccora'a vacant .Job or •»'»

Ing appropriation hofl-' been 'boontcd 10 S3 .«4201..-. ..State Sccrctary Hull haa a now talk­ing line on foreign trade. Ho U'ilu ollcallcrs about.thc big nc- gotliiUims with Canada and Itnlv. Illa reason la that expcct- td'a-gu-rmi-nta with .Br.-izll and C o lo m b ia have not como through, A financial disturb­ance la Drazll la lioldlng up tho on»i nnil South Ahierlcim politico lit holding u c the other. It is al- wnyK bellcr to hold, out new hope.i ihnn to try lo explain 'de- Jaycil onen-. .-. When Treaaury Secretary Mnrgcntlmu barred that forcl(,Ti movie on ilrs.,Mor- gcnthau'a re co m m e n d a U o n ,without (ce ln g ........................

Joipcrtiacnt-pcflt—w uki-oot-a

able to let all ^ -ivfs see U to 'learn whether. It waa decent cnoughfor bUabands . . . . It coal* the fiovemment *35.000 a year lo cure for the lepers In Guank

DEFICITPpatniailcr' General Farley .wai

ifpoecd lo havo caacclled those alr-mall tentmcts Jasti^rihgr tn der to Kijp money, but ho does appear lo have -saved anything The olr-raall deficit,.oa oltad 'la' tht budget, w n ' 50,531.000 for 1034 Ul.023,000 for 103S and «11,7Q2,000 io r lP30_lfljc#l years)....... .Thesupremft court Is atitl.perturbed — the Inside about the manner ■■hlrh lh«- liiatlff .Irnnrlmpnt pre cnu cajies to the court. Some 'O

tho8« pointed qucatlona--aaked-b> thc.juaUcca-in -tha-goia-cw i luppoacil to have been baaed

■KOFIT '■ The poai o

t»jai2.000««2iSX000 A year from montiy rrs which are never cubed . . .

)ne bushjeu.whleh la belter la the (o>-emment power bnalnew. It iroflted $813,S74 from'.the aalo of lowcir (Mnicle- Shoal*) laat. yeas u!ErT3;W0n)00-tIiIO’« r r i ia J - l t iilnis*- it wlU-niabo. M,000,000 In'SO . . . NIlA.eni says they : *

many Itepuhlicahsaa Drmm.___their outfit, JVloat of tho key fig.

rhaaii tho starling away_../rom Ihclr.n^htly roosta on xoyeniDicnt

blm Jobless JDCR. to -carrj- t ______n hoiM.that tho_'atiirlln£» <vlU be

scared ofr.,Evl«trnUy the aUtrllne<i thinU they aw-trlal b,-»noona.

PYnA-MIDS • - -The principal power-obuBcn-cltci! n the,report of Mr. Pooscvelf/ intional power' policy commltlet yet to bo publlnhed) are: pyro- nldlng of operating companies tlirough holding companies; excea- aivo management fees charged by holding company executives for supposed (lupervlalon^f, ojicmtlnE :ompnnica:' inflation 'o f utility itocks through write-ups o f cap- ItallraUon . . . .Mr. Ickea Is running In to see Mr. Ilooscvelt every day, and congreaamcn are perturbed. ~ rrraroT-TOmOsrrnmjUnii--------

o-prorJob. Their objections that. If Mr. Roosevelt trjes to point Mr.. Ickcs, congress will questionably find a 'way to- bloclc the^opiWinUncnt. —


by codes wlH snocwd whcn.flshu. chase lions’ ’ . . . The New Deal - iM-tako,thOM-.rondtr sa'pcrrl-

.. of IT. S. Trcasno'” sljbu fsom dosed banks and plac« them cloaed farm*._______- ' ^

There are many known d e b i t s of_roL«jral*_i.n_C<U3ad9...oom6_af them <}f Immense \-aluc. Amber, lalca. /trrptiltf,da tomlte,. phosphate. rock^aoJiben. tonlle ord among these. . \

H I S T O RY Of Twin Falls eity“&'Comity

Prcparcdn'csa Advocates Hope For Bhar« Under RcUof

A p p r o p r ia t i o n -•

- -Dy IIOBAIIT O. MONTEB (CopyrUht, 10S5, United Prtrss)- WASmNGTON,- Jna.-20 -IllKl.-

Advocates of an adequate national defenne today believed they were •vlthlh-utrnnnfraiBtahce-' -of“ l5ial ibjectlve, for the flmt time Jio_..naUonal. dcfenao -a c t pafljcdjn 1P20.:____ ___ ... .

They hoped •tO-lnduce-Prcsidcnt Roosevelt to earmark approxi­mately *1,000,000,000 for tho army of tho rwiucattd $-1,880,- 000,000 work relief fund. - Thia wtfuld bo in addlUon lo-5fl00.018,. ■oornDiiciiixurjjjm'

Uie regular budget for tho 1035-3U

Both Seek Fundn Lof-thc-normaiked-f unda. the

nrmy liopta lo obtain nomc J405,- 721.CM " t o build up the military eatabllahmenf’ o f tlio United Slntca, and the nn\-y hopea to get between JGOO,000.000 and S700,- 000;000-to-cnmplcto-conntruction-oi warahlpa authorized under the Vln-

■AroySinll"navy“nJV55nTrirMiii3their hopea for Uiia added a------- ‘

) tlieao contcntlona:3. That the money apcnl

tlpnnracfmaoTmrpoacs-ls-probably ------ ----------------------- llmi

,fl1t 13 tumcd inlo the

You May Not Know That—

.. grcnCer prop<5rlion of It .. dlrecUy for labor and materials— Uian In almoat aity other coaatrue- llon projecla.

Inevitable iji l-'uture2. That expenditures for national :fenso are for tlio • purclmsi atcrtalfl which must be purehaned

sooner-or. latef-for-the. army, -and navy’ Onywny,.and that their pur­chase at this, time would be a real national economy.

3. Ttiat. purcbaaea 'would jlld-the navy.Jo.jiracUcallyj;irca-.

__f" strength, and would provide the nrmy with equipment- which

lid make It a thoroughly mod- army. Army officials claim thin

...jld provide naUonal security adequate for at leaat ten years.'

4. Tliat It would'glve the 'Unltcrt States a fighting air-fortc second to 'n o n e ." - ............... .........

KooMvelt Sllenr President Roosevelt liaa ... .

dlcated what portion of thn fcllef fiind ho Intends to nltocato to thj; army and navy.-'rravyofftclnlj

to ifncity liar, wlivrc tiicri; is' now more l.hnn three feet, o f .snow, wit]i Iienvy

— dritl K A t]ant07~H~inilc5—T l)i?yoiu] Jloclcy Uar, is 'g e t­ting ItK mail hy nir.'- Thnf is the only lucnns o f ^et- titiR in or out o f Atlnntn, .c.tceptiiig by the list of

“ Irj'TTir-sno'wsliotJsrijTer-thc- Hiild mouiilain Kummil to .no<*l‘y.:Bjrr,,;;- -------


jaURLESL.Raymond Oiloms, -Wifier, ...

rived-in-BurleyWcdtHSsdar-to-vlsll- hia sUter,'Mra. Donald McClaflhi.

Irlfl chapter, of Better Homca club'met Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs.' Jolm-naciOHT' wlth lB membora present* Mra. Homer Sautter preaented Be\;eral piano numbers, and- Mra. Brncat Stephenson gave a talk on "Chil­dren aa Hobbles". Mnt. Homer

talked on "Youth andthe Buslaesa World.’ .

1* B. Faulkner, Ogden, hna re- .ilved .the appointment as man­ager o f need’s Rlleway store In Burley, lie'succeeds. Vcm Soren­son. wh() haa taken over a position wlth-the George-A.-Lowe company. —Hurold-McKcan -ls-sp«indlng--thc wccJ(-encl la SaJt LaJco City, where he la attending a .conventionPrlgidolre dealers.—'' ................

.Mr—and-Mrs.-EugonorCroft-ilro bomgugbter, -

Owen McDrldp, who has been cmploycd.for.awcraLycanMltJhe Burley J. C. Penney store, left

ley slore In that city.Mra. Mamie Dudley entertained

nembers of the Sunshine chapter if the Belter llomea club at her .iofno-WfancmlayrThlrtccn-m' m iK-ra attended. Mias .^Mngdalijin Clemcnta. dlatrlct homo • --— slrallon agent, gave a talk furnluhinga. Mrs. Esther Wllmot apolio on "Training tlie Child for Hiiusehold Duties," The meeting clOacd with group singing frtahmcnlo,.

Mm, Ed Smith was h(?sti.........tho SOO club at a 1:30 o'clock luncheon.Wednesday. Covers were

. . laid' for 12 members and gueata

. --- --------------------------------------- - .:6lvcd high score prlzL ..............klrs. Leslie Glenn the cut priie and

Mra. Eathar Ui^gins the conaola- tlon prlf-c.' Mrs. Lloyd Somervlllc'wn^.'host* aa to her'brldgo club Tuesday eve- ilng. Dessert wai» served, followw

hy two tables of bridge. Mioi Mar* joriol.WrJBbl_rccclyed.»lil8:k.jcotc prixc. -

- E g g - W i l h i n - E g g.TULARE, calif. (UE)~An

within an cgrwaa.tho product-o: -\VUlto..L*gfiom-pullot^^oa-th*--J

. . Sherman ranch near BCft Weighing half-a pound and meoA- urisg-30.1nchoa-«i^nd-tho-Ions way and 7?i tho short, tho ..cgi

—opene<t ad-*'-<:-------- pon^ai2ed-«ffg-wllL.hardahell.7' . w

' , - J


. JANUAKY 2P ■ ■ -Tlio-foro part of the day-ls-lnaA- :ure. Do not overrate your omi ' jblllly or that of aomo ono else. Bo_ practical. The-lato"aftembon hnd evening aro good both In a materlirland artlatlc.way.. . _ . -------------------

. Color______'Magenta rcflTa’ the.cblor.for you.

If you belong to the aljm Lltin-A'" (Sept.. 23-Oct.. 23). Lemon yellow and., ultramarine- blue..- nrc-. al.w ngrcoablo colora . . . .

> . Ulrthdato

Uirough Oct. 21. You nhould benefit Iiaaucially..frQni-Nov...23_lhrouRli . Dec. 0. 'Tiy to develop new frlcmW aiid.Joln clubii or M3oelallons dur< Ing Uiat time.

Danger Dec. 11-H, 1035.Socially favoroblo Nov. 13-13. '


First Latin BookA>il<SnA. Turltey <rU’n=:Tbi

flrat Latin book ever published in ~ • ?y is about to nppcar. It will . . - Latin grammar for Prof. Fa- rll Nttcml of Istanbul univcrsUy,

the uae of tho studcnta of Ito. I law. Latin-la-being, taught

. . . tho first Umo In Turkey In ■Uncial lectures and la the Utero- •--•■-*-a5anjrirBunao urrienium.—

S T A R S I G N A L Snr•Octavine

For persona who bcUoTO that, human dcatlny Is guided by tho planets, tltls dally horoscope la. outlined by a noted astrologer.In addition to Information of general Interest, It outlines In.* formation of special interest to personn bom on tbo designated

•dotoa.— -------- -«»— ■ - — -

developed. T b w ojn iay Vu

HOLLISTERilra. Casper Nygord la apcn<month visiting her son, Oscar.'*

Nygord, at Inkom. ••Mfs. Lloyd Lowo and Infant

daughter, Pliylils ;enn. of CanH.5- foitl dro apendlng.a fortnight at the homo of'M r. and Mra. Joe Standlee, parents of Mra. Lowe. *

Edwin Lowo._arrlved Monday from a C.- C.' C. camp near Arrovlr Rock“ aaiiirHfl"\viii not rclum to tho camp.

•Tuesday bridge cU'b met this week at tho home of Mrs. Barney Glavin at Berger. Mrs; C.'E . Jen- sen. Rogcraon. waa nwnrde<l th« prlzn for.high.scoro-asd Mra. K.E. Lawrence, HolllaCer, low acoro prize. . . .• Mra, L A» Standlee wna tnkcn Tuesday to the homo Of her daugh­ter, Mra.- John .Boren, In Twin Fnlln. She la crilicnily 111.

Ilolllater Christian Endeavor *<j. jlaly-.hcldla-flrcaldt pra>-cr.incct-. Ing at tho church Sunday cvenlnR, A-jiumhcr.-o£.youag-.pcopltAttcn4-.. ed. Ellraboth Kunkol wna lender. '•-

_ J W o r ih 4 2 ,qD0 ,d ’0 0 - ^SAN..ANTONIO. Tex. U’.lll— . -

South and Ccnlml Texas contrlb- £il about »2,000,000 worth of

.jriioya to Uie carlot roarketndurlnK“ Tl»nnliaglVlng.~airl»tTnniT—r:and Now Ycnr's, according to a* , government survey. The mirv;.yr enllmate'd tliat tho aoutli and cen­tral acctlon.3hlpped about 000 cam o f ' turkoya, -about half the total number shipped from the .entire '. atate.- -During the-lattcr part of tl>e - aeaaon pricea rose to nearly 20ccntffTi-pound^er-flrtt-«tafln>)lr*lfl.— i-

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ M U M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Q u i l i c i •& B a r b e r I Grocers^— 13C -2N D-8TE EE T-E A ST-

Monung K , 12 Cans and a a_ Real Co^'BqolTTTT;7

Salmon. cans, 2 for , No. 5 Tin Jam...

r n-heat — r ~ - r r :

Jeromarex!tralne:tlendFlTOSndfistflbuLL4-lb.Lard ; : . : . . . . : ; . . . “ 7;.;:69cWalnuts.^oft-shelled,-2 lbs,— —29^1-Kre-fief-Dessert. Carmel, Chocolateand Vanilla. 3 for..... .. . . . . . .16c sDates. 2 lb, 17c j

■ ^ W sfa n d r ^ " " ^ ^ :^ l b t 2 5 c j : S w ^ Spuds, 3 lbs,. . . : . ’ . . . . , . l l c f1 ^ 1 Soap;61argebars. . . . . . ^27cMaxineCQWj^oii Soap76 bars Oranges; a fre s ts u p ^

;. pnces : iSpecials for Saturday'ahd Monday, JanrS

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M l

Page 5: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

. Pridny, Iftriuftiy 25,1935 . 'IPAHO'SVENINQ TIME S. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO PagbPiv*"

S O C I E T Y ,


Mm. D. B. Rcsan announccu tho- -ersnnlzftUon ot «in- with the AiricrJcnn -KeU-

craUon ^ Mualc Cluba.' nt Jier• mualc nWdlo. Mrs. Maude. Lowery

Clcury. BoUjc. otate vrcaUlcnt of' Oie' NalIonal‘T'e<3cnitlon-rrf-Mu8lc

g u .^ . who wm. hero Wcdncmlny.— ^Icomed Uio now-club

- of Offlccni followed. Wrln WohU loib-wtta chosen president. B cl^TarbroiiRh. tretwurw,MlWrcd Elrod, Mlfw Evn UuUihart.

- Mils Melbft Olaon, Mina Nadine • SUlllinRbcrir,, fuuilsunl counwl-

Calendar-All CtUTip Fire, Clrifl are urff- -

ed to-attcnd tho-flog Sundoy,. Jcin. 27, At a p. n . nt L«^on Memorlnl hull. Fdlmvlng . the'

.BlfHr.-ti-practica-wiiLbft-hcldJot_ thooc tnlilng part In tho Grcindf->____I. — ________‘ .

Elfility coupleo attcDdcd Uio ... Joynblo dunco held by T . 0. T. club Innt cvcnlntr nt Hadloland. Tho hoat commlltw (or tli# eve­ning WOB Mr. and Mrs. Orln o y -

**~too next mccUnK. Fcb.*mn— rto

•'Dream ot i-wiuKin.3cU y Jane Glantz: duct, '*J>

■ “ ^ r c ' V c r d r ' ‘t y ' D ctrtch—nnri5fo"™rt o U r :inlnoff. Ml.nn Ruthlmrt.VALENTINE MOTIF .

^ J -P . club iM t cvcnlnj;. at her

nliiJicd Uio music. Ur. nnU Mro. W. E. Tnylor, ehnlrmeii, of thlfl wlntcr’o-dnnco-Bcriti,- nnnouneeil that Mr. nnd Vm. nonnld Cmvcn^la-chnr];e ef-the-ncxt event, a Valentino dnnco to be held Feb. H at Rodloland.

MRarM^-HNKETJ-filOE8‘ : : ~ r

•were Bcrved by tho hontcM at U.oclMc of the evcnlDir-clMc of the evening, in uio uuru nvcnue no

_____omtlona -nnd rcfreahnKnta a color uonit. red tapers— ------- nctnTf i.' nf~rt t~nnrt'^hlte 'W La pro- and-othcr tablo't^i*_aDa_wn iE_?“2 ‘‘ir:,__ F.nrh cueflt_wtt»_pro^

m rW l Vllh . clmcr v ltn ilm favor. Priren were wonC. A. DleWord and Mra.

Mr^SHm Hedfltrom wU cnter^ n --tho-next-moeUng JiL.lHC.ropfyelJ

apartmontfl.^ ^ ^■ C im . RESERVES HEAR

TRAVEL EXPERIENCESMlia LlUlon Und told of eome of

-ftcr-cxpericncen durtuR "aroiind the world nt tlie Blue . . . ancle Girl Rcnervc club mMllaB ■verterday at tho Wgh acbool. AtC m e cV 0'*“ '•■'<>’' - 1 “% “musical proprnm waa prcwnted. Tv-'o piano eclecUono, were pln.>e<l bv Betty Yarbrough, and a Rlrifl

•S^ftrtct eompoRCd Sf Maxine Dow. rjin Mnrie HOlllater, Mnrjorlo Jane }Jalpln and' Martha Anbury WOK with a.ukulele nccotnpanl- ment.


B u n ix y , Jnn. 25 (Spcclnl) — ouU Pfodcrick Blreb, .0?, pic

rcfllilcnt of Burley., died at ,8 « ... .. hin home on North Cleve­land avehuo. n o Imd been 111 forftomirttnnj with cftnccr. ----------

Mr. Dlrch -woa bom in Cronls* vUIo, Utah, March 18.1872, tho aon of;-Thomafl-and Sarah-Blreh.-Ho married M lu Anna Clnrh, Albion, lo-ealt-LaUc CUy.-Juno-17,-1009. -Surviving are-hln wifo und four ibllilrea, EldOD.;lx]Uls, Morgan and Jack Birch, all o f Burluy. --T^10-^o^ly rm /(~ A f-U ie 'D ;' B. Johnson mortuary here, ptmllnt' fimtrnl nrrpnccments.


Mrs. David KochlR u-oa hostesarrv~itui;ittv~orufirMeti>oatBt~niinp

llarry WoliUalb. Mm. U a Bcbnel.der'rcnd a'paper. ••Docn'Mnlayn Know Jeaufl?" Two piano nolon "AprU SonK” and "ikllu o f iloo'

VALENTINE LUNCHEON —idTTir^ 1 enry —^iabnh iiu ^ talned today at nn nttmctlvbo'clock lunehcon at her h om o__Tlilrd avenue norUi. Retl cama- Uonn. red tapers In ailvcr holders and-othcr tablo'gppolntmcntj-eiir- xloI^utZXIlaliiiy—vilonUoo-moti^ Cuesta were aealed at flvo qunrtcV tables. Following the- luncheol tlio afternoon wan spent nt brldgl


Members of the Bluo Lakca boulevard_dub ntteodtd n pot-luck

"iRcr. Followlijff Ibo lunclicon, each one present contributed a atimt or rending to tbe (UI>nprogram. Mm. Hniny'Bcan .....guests-Uio group. planned a social ■rogrttm for Feb. 15 nt tha Wash-


Tho date of tho next, dnnec o'f AO club hnu been ehdnged from

-hursday, Feb. 14, to TJiurnday. Feb. 7, It was nanounccd today. TIic dance la to be held at tbe Lc* gloo Memorial hall.

, .were... Dudley. -Tho



to tbe Thimble club of tho Neigh' bora of Woodcraft yesterday nft' emoon at her home. Mm. MarChti Schlffgcn waa chosen 'prcaldcn for tlio coming year; Mro. Victoria Anderson, vice president; Mrs Jamco - Walts, secretary; Mm Bower.'treasurer, and Mrs, The­resa- Wylls, Mrs.—Bcllo-Rlchardi and Mrs. Mabel Cochran, thpboan of finance. Following tho hunlneiu meeting, n social hour wair spent


Mm. A. a. Howell.' asalntcd bj Mrs. nobcrt McDridc and-Mro..U N. Wagner, led an Interesting pro- gnun-on- "Evangelistic -W ork-li China" at tlie meeting o f Prcaby terim ■Mliuilonary'obclcty'y.-'’ ''- dny aftcmcMn In Uio churcii Ion. Mrfl. W. O. Smith prcoentet Dn-cial dn'oUomU numbers, nnd Mrs. Harry Wallace led devotion

[Reservations for .Chamber’s Dinner

Sfill Open TodayReoarvationa of tboW dciilrlot

o attend an open .meeting of tlu XMird ot dlrcctora of Um Twin Falln Clmmber of Commerce- at tho PnrU houl at 0:30 p. m. today can bo mndo ^ pbonbg Uicnec- rctaiy at tho Expcviltlon building, * woo otatod by Harpld It. Har- !V, eceretary.Mooting with Uio .board wUl be

u delegation from Pomona Gnmgc and tha JunVir Cbarabor o f Com* merco; mer-bcm of the boord of county commlsalonem, and wprc- witatlvea o f a nunibcr"©r-lociil :lvlo_ ftnd wrvlcfl-«''ibn^t, la_ « i ; nounccO. County problemo,. mciu<l- Irig noxloun'wec<l lawB.'tho Tnylor gnmng. act; imd Uw changlng'of ibo-clnnsifleatlon o f-th o county fiom ueeond' to first claw, wllj bodlSCUIUKj. . '

A second largo nudlencc nltcrid- o l Uio flriiil'producUon of "OuK'y’n Trial," .at Uio high school auditor­ium lajit evening anil vole<l It juat aa funny ns It waa the flmt nlKht. l i V. Lamon rcplooed H. G. Htry<d, who wnn 111,, a/t attnmi'y for the defenao. J. 11. Ulnnd/ord ii(rvc<l nr

replaced Tom ParHs aa-caller durlng-Uio-o<iuiiro-dane<“i----------- ------

Feature of tho cntic-act num'

bcrawero'Uw Spajil»ih and IluSilon (laneea given uy Lyii Desmond. OthiTH who reprcsfntcU tho Morrl* ivin>I>cAinon<l /rludlo were DlcH smart, and Butty Yarbrough. Ptiyllln Kimble. DoroUiy.-Krcascl. ICath'ccn ring nnd Uahrl Helf, puplla of Mrn. II. W. Merritt,' re- pcutcd th» •'rompiidour'' number of Uio evening before. Rh«ln Phil- llpa gitvu flcvcral ImpeDionaUons.


—A t tho recent annual meeting of'thQKtechhold^'oJ}^tlic Ho2«(> ton ntato banlc, tho following di­rectors wxrc elccted: J. U. Bar- low, J4.^A^Barlow,-E. \y. lUcman. a. 8. Brooka nnd H. E. CUndel- flngcn-Thtr-dlrcctonrmcrTntum iisd.clcctcdiUcmai), president; N.

A. Barlow, tlcc prtaldent; Gun. dolflnger, caabler. and W. L. Mitch­ell, assistant'caiihlcr.

Only onco doco tho word ' appear In the Bible. Tho 0 stance occurs In Joel, fl:&.

, W'liat Are People Talking About?,'Thos'e Satisfying Horao-cooked-Lunches j

■ K S ' T O N ’S

PUN IIIIES FOR 5 M iU lf)Y 5TDRE5i n r o t s o N

DUIILBY, Jan. 26 (Specbl)— Son«w bg friends and rolaUves were today arrangtag funeral-ser- vJcca_for_Aiidrcw Olson, 7B, wl>o dlcd-at-hla home ,in_Br;ldgo_huitevening- Death ’o f tho man, whoand o f Caonla county. waj» caused

^y^hcart^^^uble. Ho wna bora

Ho Its mirvlved by JO chUdren; Pronk-ftnd-W«»loy-Olaoo.Jl^gc; WniIun«3lflonr-N«nroda;^«!^OKnon Mmnan, Tda.i Jerry Olson. Carlin, Nev.; Jo« Olaon. Ellio, Nev.i Orvnio Olson, l -a J Mro. Mary George. BlacKIoo^ M1IWK« Mary and Vemettn Olaon. both o f U)« Angclcj. .A brother and thre« slstem . also survive. They Includo-Jack OlKon.-^^t, EnJio City,' a«I ‘MrB;‘ ltttrlo PctUt nnd Mm. Minnie riekett. hoUi of Salt Lnko City, and Mr*. Emma Evann, Ban Francisco.

Tl>« body lies at tho Tayno rtuaryjKTC.


eofd wi^c"nh(ni!8irwln<in cauBe.l-.5«flUi and -deatruotlon in ocvcml portions of Mexico, dls-patcUcfl wild today.--................. -

Two vwMlB went e*bor« off Puerto, Mexico! and -a Uilrd waJ-feftred -loBt.-A-clrcua tfint wajblown over in Vem Crus and »cv eraltsenxma were Injunfd. .


„O ur_stores offer frcsh ly :p rocessed -dr icd ±ijtender, meal----------------•’ --------^.of peaches a ' and dates. Help

ijtender, meaty prunes and raisins, golden halved; hes ana apricots, delicious pea^ rich figa

. tes. Help yourself to these special valued and thereby help us to help the drkd fruitgrowers. These fruits'add needed quick^nergy,

/ Vto winter meals. Serve'them plain.' Use them ' in-salads, cakes, puddings, whips, pies. Or^

- - eat them -‘'as is” as confections. They gjv^ ;_____ . you maximum food value at a minimum price.'j

Fe^tures-for Saturday and Monday, Jan. 26th and 28th

MENTOR CtUB GIVE6..........“ d INN£R-FOR-H USBANDS-~-Korty mernbcm of Uio .Mentor

‘ ■■'club and Uicirhuabnnas-attended 'nL a?tmctlvely appointed dinner at Uic Park hotel last evening. The

>-nlnrfl. Tilnk itnd cffecUvo decorations lone Ublca ami one umall table, at which ^tho picota ' were eeoXc - Following Uio_of-.plaoclile_wcrc_at_ELV- Wgh

Mrs! R “ JOftlln. WW. Wnlter Miller Mm. EJarl Miller, Mm.

• lAwrc'ncc Murphy ond Mm. H. A. Glene conntltutcd the commltue ia chargc of arrangementa.-


Mm. Bill Bateman, Jerome. hoaUaa -to..lO_mcmbem of. the

__avnwuw lc-club—w hoijiotorcd _tg" her country horbc yesterday for "

“ wcm'Biado'for'thB-annual party to be Biven’ Fcb. 8. Guests of ,the

= « u » ^ r c = M r s = C ly d C r A ll« n = ^m ™. D.n.e». TBo n e t'^ lirh c-n t 'th e -h o m o -o f-M rs .-E d


— PvUilan Siatern met at the home— * » -M w ^ b e r t .PatzIctJcsU ^ay

<pillUng. At the dOMhdd f o r ^ ^ Jnmea McWHtrter.

All Uio advanUigcn of a NEViT, car wlthout-noarly tn« orlg-.; m<U coat Tboy look a c t . like new ones, too When -so , take care of them.

’20 Ford Boadater ,„-,|12a •31 Ford Roadster,•33 F ^ V-8 T ^ clt 1B7, .

7,000 mllea_______ ______WW•33 Chevrolet S e ^ ---------MM•ai Ford Town Bedan------»31g•20 Ford Coupo ,•80 yord.-Ooupa ............." * 1«°T3r g d r t r 'fuaor- 8edw - -.i..,t aW- •30 Ford Tudor'BediUL— »2*5 •28 BufeJc Sodaa .•31 Ford Truck, -

D.W., 1B7 W . S . •..' " ■- fH S-»«rTord-Truek--.-^i---l~r|H 5'80 Ford Tniok, D .W .------•20 'Ewdi'Coupft >sn £>y Scdan >270n DA tieoan

-?18;00-tt-^O O -C air

'Union--Mjotor. £ Q m p _ a a y

•'•7 r v -. ■ ' ' . • " V- '

Page 6: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

■ rago six ■ IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN-FALLS. IDAHO •Pridoy,' Jnmifliy'25/ 103J - •


.bout coaL SSIIC:irly Uiln morning Lcwin lulkcd

to Uacr'fl rcprcscntfiUvcii In Minml rCKnnllDR Uic L nil Icy mntcii pluniicd here In Februnry.

. . . ta »ky .“ SUII#’:------- "Utier U imxlous-to-ffl'

-we ,- -Inj: trouble Boltlnfr tABlty to

ocpl. Wo have miicic lilm nii offer, nnil cxpccl to pet n ileflnlte ile-

. cliilon nfter hi# bout wlUi Jimmy Brnililocit ut New York Felr. 1. If Lnn!(y doc.m't accept, we'll htivc to

■ nlnrt nil over npvln nnd Rct hti' olhero^poncnt."

Julian'BlJtcIt. co-mnntigcr 6t Joe , Loulfl, Dctrolfji ■ iioplii iiplanher.

- -«am<*-ln .flJiorlly.after.Lcwlfl haJtnlkccl tp Dner'ii reprc.^ciitatlvca.

- i o u b lc n «s Bumlay for IwOa An- i;flo\ where he meet" Iaio Rtitn-

'BRe In n return l)Out Feb.___ ...C am era vi.,Loul!i

LpwI.1 anil MiiHcn hnvo Louln Blgnccl for two matdiM ln Mjircli,

• 6ne in ChlcaRo nnil 'tlic other In PetnilL-Tlioy-Uuvo oCfnrad-TrJmo Carnerii the Chlcnco mntch. tcntn

:^.«ve_ilftle, llurch 15.._Ci\rncra,rc-. luriiii to thin country from South

••• Amorlca -l'oI».-17.—'----------'---------"CHI Diitty. CamerA'ii Amer

•lean rtprcficntntlvp, lit in n rfcop- live • mnml tow/ircl rantchinj; the

" foniicrrh«fflp<on-Avith-LHnit»;^»l<'LcwU. ‘ •Wq-nliio hiivu Klnp LC' vintlty. Lnalty nnU llctzlaft under comililcrAllon' nn opponcntii for Ix)uIb. LouU la ready to meet nny

•TjioavywdlRhtr DuC-lhc-nnmc-mn’t .'.bb'."aaia. ror-somc or-the, niht;n!. -.-Wnlter - Neuael. Gcrmnnr nlrcAJy

lias turned ilown nn offer to meet ; tfluln."

•’ir LouId henln Cnrnern he’ll be rlirJ't In line for n‘ 'match wiUi Bner. won’t he?" Mullen nalccil.. “ Loulo-ha!) a good elianco

-IclCAn-out-UieJicavi'yi-ylght.Olylj’ lon bnil become the lending contender b|y late flummcr.” anuwercd Mul'

■ Icri."Do you tlirnU Buer will crOM

SC'color line nntl njcct Loula?" ulljn wna nalted.

• 'Rner would finht.tbc Twentiethrpnliiry Umlti'rl nr n _jnnnjljze<l

, r t/’.anawered Mullen. "He thftt ir Louln Iceepn on winnlnir.

—— linif-n -rhrtneff-tn-dra«r-n-tnHHon-___ dollar Kftto with him Irr ChlenEo.

. He tulil I.oui3 lui much recently in ."petrolL* The only thing thnt can

JEFFEmSON g itV , Mo. a'D— Beaver.' otter.- ttirhey nnil deer may t.v rfntort‘a~to~tliolmntunH~TiopU’ :j5tiairihij>ia j.cisr3irwiianirc jur;

,, vey will completccl next num-

blrilit .and mnmmaln can ••be-'ln- crraiicil within tho' iitnle.'•.YiThc alutfiV-wddc-Jucvm' Ifi helhC rn» iiiirti<i1 hy tlip giimo nnil* jtiartmcnt-the ,U. S3.-i^rcatry Serv­ice, the NatlonalTarlc Service nnd the University of Mlsuourl aided by Dr. Rudolph Bennlt and W. O. N agd Of the unlvornlly.

— SonJn-Gaino I h “'-*" 'The only apeclea of g,imo that

src holdlnK-thclr'own lm« the - J number nrc ' ........... "

blU. iKjulrreia. lojreit, iiKunkj»-*nd opoBflum, Badger.- carrier pigeon and'lhe-blflc3< bear are virtually cxtlnet in Ml#;«url. Tho ruffle groune nnd otter ore on tho verge ot extinction.

In 2U yearn the number of li­censed huntera tripled in Miimourl.

—A bm ie2<0,000'l!cen*earftre-lflau<Hl yearly now.

Cooperating In the Bur%-ey several or(ranizatlons.-lnl«re>it£d In

' wiid'Hfe, huntfm;'Bi>orlanipn, trap‘-

; •»atan<rout, aoccjpllnjr i -P in e the Burvey. — - X ,- • .HcganlKl lU Crop ____ iiSnmo must be lookcdmpon a

Vpernctuatlng-i An Inroad on tiource. they nay. ..............................

ijrcctSlnff fltoclc ufually drJca up the .;_:.*durcc.iuuLeaiuacfl It to bccoma—— ------------- -•,-;v'.."To ..m v o . Ujo brecdlDfr otoclt

tiP~the nattiral con« I d i t l o n » , tE rou^ conlxxil or-eroston

wjrt refomtftlion. and by 'an edu- — CirtlqTrafpiBSTHnr.-Mlaaetirl'glth'ltj■ --------T^geogrrapiy hiui excellent'fa-

___jiifor.'-.'itaniJ;iprovlsltJii.; lor ■4rira'Jife.coMemtWh-'- ~ '

■ x _

Coiddii’t Lick. Jack at His Opines Baer

MIAMI. Kli*.. Jan. US — SlncT time tx’gnii, and the fur­tive (inu>oba llr.Hl IlfUil lliiplf upon tho nlline. IIkto lyiii been only on» man wiu. wlUi hla. flat.1, could lick Max liiiT,

I know tliL'i b true.. iK'caiiw Mr. Haer toM mo ro hlmnclf. Lciininft -iKiek -In -a - bni'lHT'fl- .clialr, and with fluliery younfj -womca working violenuy oir hb. niillHi Mr, IfcuT t'llkc'l of thebuulnwii -«f-lwK-fi(TiitlnK........ -

l*n»l»M IH'iiiiwpy "A lot of pi-ople think I'm

the lwillo«t lieavywciKhl who' Ttnn.".v' !i UKlit.-Thgj-thTnic-l nr Mr. C(k1. Well, they ain’t right. I’ve been around 23 yn'ini, and I've met one guy who couW get In a room.wlth me, lock tho doormim-our-thir-llghtsr-ttnd-

,• .out.

Montreal Canadiens and New raaneera?HeIpme-tK>=

Complicate Rnco- ^ = 5 [ o r k T ] niizca ■ • • C(

' Hy L'nltf^” l ’rf«>»The Montreftl. Conadienn .

New York n.ingora |uive'm'>vc -in- Uw-N«llonal Iloelioy

-.............Uanh among the teiinvi toward the playotfu. . ■

The Cmiadlon.i d«rcate<l the Ma roons last nlBhl. a-1, and into a tlilr>l place llo w ith . the New Vork American;! tji tho In- lemaUonal dlvlnlon. Tho Aniorl- cans wero'tielJ’ to' ji ',2-2 "dcudlock by Si. Loub. ‘

.nangerrt have bogiin........ lu l. o£_Uii:-ccll;ir-. aad„byiK'lillng Clilr.->[;'> at 3-all Iiiiii nlKlit adv.uiced to a tlilnl plnco tlc with Detroit -In the Amorlcan'dlvinliln. HTht,‘ZIRanr«^r one-oftlie- iviiigliiwiU-pl '-'d- oa-iEIiii.uii Sfiuan* Uanlen icc la roccDt wwln. RoiiL-l'liig and fbt figliLi pr<r;-all- cd.;__ ; ________ _______ •... —.

Qooding Foreseeg __— Keen- GompetitionCOODIKG.-Jan-.-23-(Special)—

The China annlvcraary Uenth) of the Gooding collcce outlaw baaket- ball loumamcnt l/i expected .to dmw the tniighciit opposition ever.Mminllng"fiOiirfllK-tMinn-tn theorlRJnnI competition ih ifi23,

n nquad i in 1032.'

flrnt leg on the new cup- In 1033. Al \Vc3tcrgren’a wonder outfit from Twhi' Falls' took honors laat year.-

Ton gold 'medal-1 will be awardedmciabca_DLthc_lvinnlncJspjn_aM runners up will »:ct ailvor medals.

Big Problem •— IOWA— GITY:— Jan.— 3r>- (NEA)—It’a a good Idea to

■havi a couple of good, bUr mfln- '-on - your -baakctl»all team. Coach Rollle WUIlamB Of thfl University of Iowa agrc«,- Imt- j-ou .have your troublea with them, nevef*

-IhelSu-;---------:------------------------Williams, whose Hawkeye’

luiuad Irt leadlBR the Big Ten _copfew M , hs'l out.

■ plan vhcroby hBf-ienm-

r<i a btcn'l'icky to liu'it a round with hlin. That'n not Irecau/ie I like Jack'. U's bocaiuie he could hit lianlor and move nnd . think fiuilor. Ihaji-I ean-BHl boy, I'd II liko to have a nhot -it him, what, with nil tho dough ho c-juld- jml! in that gate, Wluit

- tlw- hell dld'hc dmw-wlth Tun- ney?"

•...rOh.4.iaUlU.n or.«Ki.-J.ijuild. llo'd Klght Wlldcatx

_ “ A million': 'L'wtwr.'r'rViglil';n,iu /.!>? .,f n..ii;

would h.ivc'donu to Tunney for a million:” I a;ik<-d.- ' •

•■The H,ame thing 1 did to Giniora, Sclimellng nnd l>;vln-

-alU-— ft.ll lw.iuid.waj a Icff.btmd.and U>ft banibi don't hurt, Vd wulkod -In—ihero-. and' plugged" him with my right, luid i ’olly would luivc luul lo pick up."

The manicuriiit-i applied their buffcra and Mr, Caer talked,

IIo aaid Ui.i luirdost lick ho o'/cr got wail ilie right hand punch that Schmellng nalk-d

their fight, ■ . '"I «aw fi*ur j;uya rigUt nfter

.he.-hlt-uie; au<l tho ionly UiUiir tliat navod mo waii ’Dcmpijuy'u advlco. Jack luul .told, me tliat when I tuw more tlian one guy,1 waa to. hit at the middle fel- low. I did.' and my leit- nailed

"Anii li'/i SehmcUng who could give mo the moat trouble right' • now. That, no-and.«o (when 1 miy fto-nnd-.'w I'm not

— punch."And..____ _ Uucr) ___ ,..........ho'.H got,a'heart. Which la tlian l.can Hay for Art I>i.'<ky. That Uidiy can hit, nnd he'n

•pretty tough,-,but lie't take It hero."

Ah lio .laid tills, Uaer patted . hL'i heart, mraning,_<if coiinie, that IJiiiiliy ,lai:l(,cil wliat the boy.H call the old.moxlc.

Mitx raloa IlamnJl aa tough.' — i'St..Vi.-<t,in-lill.-Th.-a-gJv(w- him -a—chance.- ^ut - ll. ton, 'I

■fought a guy in,Tampa the oth­er n lgh fuy ihcnam c .of Tony'

lCanCiU(i.nuil-ininictai‘-tliou3aiia- -biieitJfon-Hiim rsiiinst-Hamai! or Iju-tky. 1 ntvcr hearJ’of the guy

.-throw, a .tight hand .UiiiL..wlll_ knock your head off, and^hff can take* If. lie's no good I . J.-iilcc-i-t>Quo-ln-niy-xleht_lmnil- ivhcn-l-htt-hlm," -----

DUUIcm'^lardftn Baer thlnka his flrat defenw

of the h(

-my-Joluulon-who,-accord Ing-to- him. has but two alma In life— larccny—petty and gmnd. • -

Baer denied reports he waa engaged lo l>o married.

"I know many girls," he said. "Many lovely girls. But I think I nhall ooJcr a.Iu carte for a while. Got me. kid?"

Of coiira s I didn't £.cl *>lm. The man Ifl too nuutlo for wordfi.

. IIR.VVY ON THE 1IOKSF.STARIS — One of the heavlent ice track.plungers In'the world la Ffvncbmnn. Ho'is An.ielmo Du-

-jiVT^ho-bcts-Tnoro-than-SBS.OOO every* time he.vlslta a traclt.-

B R O l TO LEAVE -eO B G A M B .-

'Bllfloy’fl' ucccsSur Atfilclir Coach W ill Go to Now Joli - - - ‘-Noxt-Montli ----------

BUnnEYr-Jnn,-23-rSpeclnl) •AT(Babor'Brow'nrntni6tic'c6ieJt-|n Burley high nchool for the pa^t four and . a halt years, will leave about Feb. 1 for Moscow whore he

ceedlng Oale MIk.During, Coach Brown'* .alay In

Burley ho liaa transformed thoball lihd I'racU tca'riia fhHii—WcflU particlpanUi In athletic garaen and conteau to one of the ntrongeat ami most formldnblo high nchool croups In the nlate. For five yearn previous to Coach Drown'a coming

■e. the local high nchool did little the athletic field.

Grid Chnmpionii

co£iference gamu. This team rated for having onu of;.Uio

best aerial attacko of any nguad In /loulhcni Id.iho' Jn*3’«'.ir.r The foQtPjimTO'ii flimUi«Jja3_y^nchool yertP7Wna-imdefcnled-wil}»-on^ne3 game Bcorol agalnat it,

Uurley Bol>cata were.runncra.up .' the dliitrlct Itaski'lball -tuiirmi-

iiient In ll>33,' losing to Twin Falln after pLnylng two final Ramcfl, year, the Burley team won tho dti. trlct tournament, btit Ipnt the.right to cnter.'thc atatc toumatncnt-to the I’uul loam, wlnnerii of the clniia B group.

No Oelinlto' announcement ban been .niadc as to who will take Drown'a place on the local faculty, but for tlie present A.'iiilntant Coach .Kenneth Rarrett wlII pilot the b'aiiketball team, .

BOOSTERS HAL Elmer Atnip started hbi flrat gamn with a double, then mefliied iilngln pit) in tho 10th lo apoll lG(l-gniae.. He atarted hla necond

with two (iijllts Ixil'Wound It up v.'lth three nirikes. IClmer was glad when tho game wa.i over.

Fast RtipoK Basketball Five . Rolls Up 43 to 30 Win

O aN orth-S ide ■

JRRO.MF. Jan. 2S (.Special) —«prrt-Brt*ilvpr<‘''Ro'-t<M>m-<lef<N»l-

o<! till" Jerome Moos<>-by 43 to 34 • L-n.' night.

The hivadera. taking a narrow lead, had lo battle mightily, lo hold the margin, ais-pointa m-paratetl thc.lcaina.ul.tlic lulf.-wllh Rupert leading by 23 to '10, . ‘ . ' I>el« Taylor, with 20 points, lop. ped both ouUitn, Thornhill's 10 h-d Jerome.

Rupert-iioconTls trimmed Jerome Mooae re.iorves ‘ 27 to J7 In the

. . !f«uturu-samarIliriirrt—Tiiylor nnd Ijiry, for-

mirdnj N'orli.v, oeiitcrj Hhiirtleff and Carlson, giln^s. .Slilmtltullon: ,Tudevlnc. •lerotno Maos^—AdUInn and Shaw\'Pr, forwards: Tliornhlll, rnilrr: U'illlatiM and Olds, guanlH,

m m mFormer Champion Hold-i 8 to 5

Odds lo Contmuo Alonff Coiiicb'ftcic Trail .

.NE\V_i''0RIC...JuD. ..2 i. .(CLJ.— Vliicc' Dundee, former middle, weight champion of Uw world, will cllmh into -the Madl/mn Stiuaro Oarrlen Ting tonight-Bgalrirt-Kddlc

ITabr' Rl.nko of Syraciin! favored ,ji H to 0 to contlnue.on Uio comC’ ii.Vek triiil- "Dundee-'fnncj’ “ boxcr' nnd-:.................. ^outnmart tho, InexperleiTccd Poll»h 'fighter, who-^lfishcd lo ntuvJuid overnlnht-hy-flooring-Teddy-Vo- rbns, current diiJmplon, iilx times and Bcoring a teClmlcal-Unockout ■ i-llifr-iievenlh-round,-^— ' ■

ThoM -fow* ntrinRlng-nlong with Rlnko depend- upon-hln-wallop-to turn back the Ualllmore ex-ruler, who iMt Jiln crown lo Yarosz a year ago. 'Vnross naved It against Kinko Uirotigh forciiight. It

Steele Wins Kayo Victory Over Gans

TACOMA. Jan. 25 ,iai!i—Freddie Stoele, 150, Tacoma, luiooked out Bnby Joe Gans, 153, Angeles,

KmKSVn.t.1-:. Mo.—Pug Lund. Minneaota'o s^fd star .for tho.last two yearn, may bo. the nucceasor to Don Faurot at Northeaat Missouri Tencbera'.College. Faurot," roconUy made head mentor a ftb e Unlver- slty-of-Mi!«miri,-left'behlna a VM' onl of 27 straight victories.


NEW AND USED.RADI03'- -S oo our-wido selaetloh In tbese-new Stew art-W ftrnM --

Kadios w hich includos &U m odoli.

Some .Very spcciiil p ricc i on our Used Eadioa.

Bowlhig Ban ter—*jy— ^

FRED s t o n e ”

llaiiU llledrnun ban develop. *^*lilm^Mf'n flbrve-lmll, and'tt-

uorSu . . . somellnies..

Morrlo Barrett and bis left-hand- od ball were In there all Uio time.

'ot.A dbuble to offset two cr- ,ln the opener. Ills aparo ball't BO good In Uie accond gamo. OpIneO M o r r lo : , "you • fellowa acarcely needed mo In tbo.’ laat gamer'

-Campbell-______ _ ____- . .........-marks he got—those. alnglA nins Just wouldn't fall. In the ' laat game, Camle had a little bettermelt;

niedemiin _____ 105 120.130— « 7Maddlnff __ 138 141 150— <38Barrett ........ _.,10D 147 138— 4C4Campbell ...,..-.,.;..l?4-105-108—'387 " ' '.84 150 170— 400

"Nothing Ilko' nlartlng ' out slow." said Itlll Ford, anchor niau for Mutual Ufa (formerly

-Oommunlt3-Oa»)7-lllU-flHe<!-nU- * me*.aflcr.tho-flt«l three In

got u dimblo In tho finale to get high nliigln gamn nnd high total

-for his team.

-Vt33i=ilcliityiiKids, got a turkey to eraJiu those two'iiplllB In the n<vcotid game, but two-iagre.uplUa. Jn the last - - - dliln't Improve Vern's ncoru or frame' of mind.,


Carl Cill) had plenty-of-trouble with hlH curv<> ball, oiii'vhig It right by Uiosc single pIna eapi;clally..ln the firal game.

Clyde Italtlyhad it nice acorn enmliig up that first gaum iinlll n etnipin of Kpllln ranir up iibin. llu got-a dnnliln In thn necond game, and picked a nU-ii nplll, Itnt Three iiioro spllln uli but wrrckrd hli Inst game, eh Clyder ..................

Neal y r o had nine »Iwrc»-Jii.a-roiv uflur-aii lidthU- error In the fintt giiiiir. One er­ror unil <1111* hplll niotml hU »eo- nnU. Ifo pitkeil n nfro «p|it In Jhn hut K«me, nnd then Hhoivod llin gang liuw <-asy It wtm to iiis*i‘ ii‘BlngJiVpin.' " ' ' '

Chicago Trackmen ' .Lose Berwanger

CHICAGO; Jan, 23-(U.r>-Rcbu^ rcncii o f a- football kneo 'Injuir may prevent Jay Berwanger, Chi- cago'.s, great lialfback, from com­peting on lh« Maroon'n Indoor track team Ihta winter, Berwanger In ah all-around alar, tjikhig part ln_tli(U!PCinl8.J]— " - —.............high Jump and broad Jump. THo InJurj' han definitely put him out of the dual meet wlUi Notre Dane tomorrow.- ~ - ____


Taitcfl ”2 ^ ?o Dobut o f Mutual Life

Fin Snuad -

Kwallty Klds-apbilcd-tbiTdebiit oTTirutual XifoTjovvIcra'laaf night by capturing two. ^m ca of three to annex tho Co;nmerclal league match, .'Tho Mutual Ufo aquad formerly Community Gaa.

AtnIp and Neal McIntyre dead* locke<i for high three gamo honors with 514. Atnlp'B 102 waa high alnglo game.

Handicap 30' 3D aiJ— 117

Totals .......... 780 708 800-2303-----------KWALlTV-ltU)B--------'. McIntyre .....1DB:170 -151—

...102 171 151-^ CHN, Mclnlyru ..._.172 108 17^— 614

...804 812 737—2353

LOS ANGELES, Jen. 25 (IL. Twonty-Crand-wa:!. to- launch-ltla comcluLcU-today.-.Slx.tlmeadurlog tho current meeting at Santa AijHa park Uic Kcnliicky derby record- holder hiLt been iicratched becaun'e of a muddy track, hut proapecta of clear nklea and a temperature In Ibo 80'3 Iniiured bla start In the J1.200 Bay Citlea handicap, furlong event. It will bo hig flrnt competitive iilart lilncfi tho close of tho 2032 pnmpalgn.


Boliby ■Pinncl1,'‘E vcrclf, 'Wasb. -Dcndlboks-at-H alf-M ark—

In ’Frisco Meet .

—Joluiny Revolta, veteran of the wlntcr-golftrall, nnd Bobby Pih- nell, of Everett. ^Vjuih., Wcro tied for-«M>-lead-lodny-nl-lhfl-hnl(woy point "o f the' '30-hoIo qualifying roond'-in tlio natloaal-inatch play opcn'toumament,. '

ISach turned In a canl of 70 — two under par—over tho Prenldio course.' On the Ivjoln of the Icadera were

Jimmy Hlnea, Timber Point, L. I.“ • ..-Tex.

Sam Parlta, Jr.. Pittsburgh, Pa„ and Henry .I’ lcard, Hcmhey, Pa. They.beat par bylono.atroke. fhi- i3iiinff.-Trtth-7ir=.Tx:-“ -;~ .-r :rx

Sam LSigfora,' Old and Blind,

-Faces-EvictionNEW YORK, Jan. 25 <ll,ni —

Blind, destltuto and. forgotten, 'oW-Saitl- Latj^Tonl-n'ondorcd - today how he will keep out of thu.anow ncxt-weelc -

Tbo Boston tar baby, who UouKhtiuiCwurni'uiiicoi.ror-ZC: yearn, facea eviction from blaahabby Harlem -tonomont............— Ono oyo-waa battered out by Fred Fulton and tho other is., virtually • ulghtleaa from cat- aracta. lie vita belpleaa In tho dark, thlnUlny' of departed _ greatncBS anJ what Is left In

•iu wake.', Not EnouQh Food

Ho has been cbtalnlj r food

-oUUoD, ul-.aaarccly'<inouBl)-tO' kecp-hlra-going.

‘"rhcy helpa a Jot," he nald today, "but Ah haa to keep'

-hustlin'-to-Hve.’.'-----------------------Until 1024, whct\ he retired,

he waa the scourge-of Jieavy- welghta In a half dozen coun- trlen. He fought nnd whipped _mDaL_QL.thc_ljCflLof_thcni-flmL mado money, which < melted nu-nv.--TTp-hrL-m't Im.l n ngnnv


Twin Falla.. Brulaa H o s ^ t ^ - Oakloj' Hornoia Tonight

— On Bugy Sohodula-— , - ■

uald today."Don't know what Ah'll do

if'they thko mah room away next week." the old NcffroaaJJ. "Ain’t much heat there, but It'sTjcttiyiLffrcczin'-irnnramtynr'’


Caspor Olmoif; U. S, Champion A nd Olympic Aco, Faccs

Field o f 100

CANTON, S, D„ Jan. 25 (Uni— Caaper Olmen, national akl Jump­ing champion and 1S3G Olympic team captain, will defend hln title in the annual event lo be held here Saturday nnd Sunday.

More than lOO participants from .. dozen ataten have entered, ac­cording to Sig Knudtjion, n'ecretary (if the Canton ‘Ski club._Olmen made hlu flriit Jump while lirtrtlclpating in' tUc'boyft divhilon Ilf the national tournament'hern 10 years ago. TIc'haa'Iida thc'nfttlon: al title ,flve of the laat iilx years, having won the eh ’

,Ro'y MllikclHon. a former title- holder, also Is entered. He will re­present the Auburn, Calif,, akl club.

EveryShof Counts^ANDOVKR, Me. (lini-Ralph. ff.

Walto of thin loTO make.H every iibotcounL For the past flve f - - - ons 'NValte hoa shot at Icaat deer with tho first bullet flr<?d: He iMUght a box of 20 cartrldgca Uie flrut (iea.*iOD,. and atlll uaca

Tlio core of .tho earth la .catl- mated .to-bft-a800_mllca_bclov,r_lta aurfacc.— —. ........— i "

Tdaho boaketbiiir menu tonight oadtomorrow night .............. . • - •

A pair of traditional rivals claah at Buhl thla avonlng wbcn Coocb Floyd Luft'o Buhl Indiana tackls- Bemi.d Martyr'a Filer Wildcabi. Coach R. V. Jones' Brulaa of Twin Falla.high' school oppooo Oakleya ntronff-Homets-at-the ~ ' - ~ "- sym— w itiT^—prelimrnarr -ooy»— gamo llatixl to atari tho double ulll at 7:3D p, m. Rupert Plrat«iInvade Wendell; Jerome Journey*__lo DiirJey lo tiuiglo with the Bbb- ctttfl, and JClmbcrly g w to Good*. . ing. ■>

Clrla' cla.'ihca or prcllmtoary., Boys' gamca form doublolioador* . on—the/w—programa—and—on—tho—ClaM B'cnCTBcmcdta.. ...........

alt—Lncluifcjt—--Filer at Buhl.Oakley ut Twiti Falls. !t'ut>ert nt Wceiilell, Jcnime nt Hurley. '

. Klnihrfly-Utiiloc''Murt4uigh nt Kden.

-Albion at Ueybunu *, * ■ Haiinen. 'CaHtlcforJ nt King H ill.' ' llag.nnon nt Glenns Fero*. ^ I'njil nt Malt4«.

S/VTUKDAV 'UlliiA nniugerniaiir' r ------------

■'IKylmrn'lit AlWonr------, 'Acrfjula nt Paid,Declu nt Malta.Twin Falbi glrlH at Murtaugh, Kvenlng Times nt Murt^iigli.,

Hurdle Star;Wm Compete in Games

Ho will run-in the GO-yatxl lilgli . hunlles: repreacnllng Uio Now York A. C., It was'announccd to-<lay,

.Three Teams Victor . ,Shooting StJira <?lgod Uio Arlh-

nipodaa,.l2 to lluCoucara.dcfc-n-.., ed Luck/ Scrubs,, 11 to, 0, and Baaketccra trounced ,the HUU), 23 lo 0, In yentcr lay'fl do-nut f - -'


T There’s Lots of •



m a x jT TCOMFORTTn Tlie^World’s Safest

'N ow you can en joy every factor o f -motoring sat- iB faotlon; . . and all in ono'car.-There’s com fort ga-

"iore in.tho longer and W d o f and Ibo lohgr soft- itcol BpringB which add to tho.#wift, Bmoolh flight ■whloli chahxctcrUos tho movoraoht o f tho PlymonUi. Your safety has been insnrod too, in Bafetyjit«ol torpcdb-typo ho^y and wlth.thcr sidesway eliminator.

Thcro is no description .adeqtiato . , . yon mnst drivo tliis oar to fu lly appreciate iU every advao- tago. ,

.The 1935 Plymouth Is Designed f ar. Betten. Motoring. . . . . . . '

Every b it b f enginliering in tlw 1 ^ 6 Plymouth has bM n pointed to the end . that there is a 'B ETTE S, 8A F EB , more enjoyable aiitomoblle,'.


- b PEM XiA Y-AH D: ~ T ~ P L Y M O U r g " "


Page 7: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

r i -

e i e o MFarmer-Labor H asn’t M oved

■ Nearer It8 Odopefalive . SU le Ambition

o tn ’fl Fnrmor-Laborltco, ‘-••iji-.lwotned to national promlncncc

J.^throush-thft-poUUenl.ftcliJevcmcatii -U of Gov. Floyd B. Olnon. lotlay np-

■ lii'; ..pcAra'iui.UInlimt lui llic cliiy'if wjui - 4 - - eonecJvo(l.*omo-10;7eara-ftfro. —

‘ Since ItA coneepUoiy. by JIowaM T_JiVllIlam8. nn(lonaI.6rrimlBcr.for

I ; tho ,F;anner>Uibor mwclatlbn, OV 'jt ■■ eon linA nervM two terma nn gov- 14; e'rnor of 2JlnncMta and 1» bogUi'

: tilns hla third. Loudly, he;.hafl.AC'' clntmed t)ie Kormcr-Lnboiito Ideala

•i' o f "HftvlnK Uio mwiiicn' from cnp'

I ' the leglfllaturo.'Luck ControJ

..l_--liot.oncc. ..Jiowcvcr, Jhnv(U-Uic • l-Fixrmer-Laborltea conlrcllwl both il 'cbiunbcn of the leRLalaturo. and : , tliln year the conacrvuUveu have ‘ . a]nioiiir.-.j>robnbly more than — I ! cnoiiRh puwcr to override even hlii T-pvctor-Hcn«r.—whUe-Mlnnrnotn-lma ....tttkcn-Mmo^oC-Uic .tirnUateps-l

------------ -------------— '

tJila year.The con«er%-fttlvea hope to wrccU

the powerful -Knmier-Lnbor cblnc wlLh InvcaUgutlonii-.of.

->«lM«r;<)<pulnicDtB.~Ttiay alao plan to paa.1 u Krou.<( income tax Inntcad of IncrcniilnK tjixen on higher In* comvn, lnhcritunccu and corpora'' tIcinH. , ,

— J U N I O R - ^

HIGH NOTESWhlti* (itiidcnlJi • the

neds durinp thi- Innl Jiix weeUa by ■tnUlnf; all four potntn for scliolnr- Khlp, .cltlzennlilp, pimctiiallty nnd attendnncr. lU-iiuIt.i o f the content

.and aitmen of iittidcnt body'offlcern for the arcoeid ncm(*ntcr-ivuro afl- nounccd at Iho rcipilar wcolsiy a. - acmbly. Wednciulay. -Students froni homo room OirprtHented a pro-

-(;ram of-niuitlc,'^readlnfin, -nnd- an original iilill. Banners were prc- iK'iUcd to home roomn with l!ie hlRhciiL avernRc In clllieniihtp. Mholarah'ip, iHlenaane.e '«nd -piino. iuallly.

- —Scluilomhlp-'and ciUsennltip-biin- JicrH were awarded to room Oil nnd

^or-~puncluaj|ly-and-att«n<UncA~to 211. Flrul pinco In general rani;- InfT wi-nt to 211. ni;concl to 217 nnd third to 016. Sccbnd place In achol- nrohlp waa won by room 200 and thlrd'piA'ce by 217. Second plac^ln Cltizcnahlp went to 112. Second *ln attendance waa.r-on b y -217 and

/ went to 214 and third

"'nice McKjiy, vice prealdent. Janet - Fltzwatcr, aecreU ry, w d Annebel Jludalph'. treasurer.

Membera of homo room Dll' who took part In Uio assenlbly .* were illrlam Walker, who' save' a re^ -

......................... . -qucta Vaiqucr, ^Inglnp a duet. Betty Jean T^lcr. who read a

.S—!.. -poeDi,.n<il>aecii~Vlclorr-who'dancod. '.• •:-Evan Tyier-Ravo a' rcadlnK' and . Patrick Trusty, Robert TllloUion, ^ Donald TOolnon, Lloyd Tyler, Ev- •1', erctt Connerly and Jack Thrctkeld

' ■ I original-aklt callcd,Tho:

ri' James Hawley. out|:oln(r atudent bodyjrcsltlcaCintroducca.thtJicw

/■ of/lccra. Dill -----

:. G o o d i n g - G r a d u a t i o n

T o B e H e l d M a y 2 0GOOOrNG, Jail. 25 (Special) —

■ I,"' Preliminary announcementji rc- XT , {fnTdlng the.annual commencempnt ••I. o f CoodlnR «>llegp haa:.been mode

by the admlnlatrallon. T fif claas o f 1035 will be Iho 10th to frradu*

—— JT—nio BlDca Dr.- C; W. -Tenney bccamc:------.n prcaldeJjt of-tho inaUtuUon. Bac------- -.1—ecalftureale-Btniday—and-ColIenc-----■%'''aay'wlirto~cvehtfl'of~ltaV~10.~'^d, -■ “ Commehcemenf day . cotrics 'oh — Komlayr-May-BOi-Plnal-^oniina*

Jfowi follow,-May 2X‘ 23. - -

___J TOc.ameU^t -the-bloflaoin.of.Utapella. plant! la'enoliRh-to give

« Djost perwns a headache.

■ ID A iroiilV IM lN G 'T iM E S^TWIN FALbS, IDAHO

“ P A R A t Y S l S T A T C E S

T h f urgent ne>e<')if<lty for the war against Infuitlle paraly»ri» U rovmlr<| In' fijpire* made public by Col. Henry I . Dohorty, no- tioiial ehnlrmon of thn 1035 Dlrtbday Uoll for the rrraldeiil.'Col. Ijobrrtj-'a ntatJailea *l)oiv that tliero aro more than .OC.OOO nulled rrti from the dlnjiuw, the rnTOm of whlrh-tnlipTi toll nfJIiTncrtClVSl. ■xvralfh-qf^ppn)xlmnlrb^$300,vWi<W0TinmmJlj^rnotirftiDws^’oila(f~ lnfnntll<< pai^yoln 'patirni* nt the. lleronfitruetloii Homo for In- fIU>tll rnrnlynlo, lihaca, N. Y. liiuRt,' C'oL Doherty. The 1D39 lllrthday Hull will Ix* held on'Jun. SO. tho 'rrealdrnt'n ASrd birih- «la>-, In nwr<> thon 3,000 Amerleun cltlr*. l>roc<rdn will !«• uw l In tbo nuilonnldn cnmptiign agnlnnt the dUeanr.'’

H E R E ’ S P E E K I N F I L M S T U D I O


My NOK.MAi.n. DHUEI.H O L L Y W-OOD.llliU — The..

•'Cufe Suvol"—tbnt'n Uic name on the. big window o{ the Tnrn- nr--nt studio rcolaurant. Thiifn" not the real name, but Xobudy notlccs, anyway, It wao photo­graphed In a occne onco 'and they forgot to scrape off- the namo aftcrwnrdu. ll's jual ' ’the rca ta iira n f:''" - .'• At noontime Ihore'a an cnd- le«B'golng-ln and coming-out, for It hiiH a thouaund cuniomera. AiTHlxed cllenti'le it is. -wlth the •bona In niarclied cook'* helmet looking'iJn' from "Uio liltchcn ' door. — toOXnUnownn---------—

.A hundred cualomcru arc'reg-uliirs. Ab -for the oM>cr 000. no­body quite known anything about them, or what picture • they are In. But the boBs.han n fpilck eye for colcbrlllea. Ilo" spota Cvcll O. Dcilille, hatleas,-..• - ............ ijn_btnmlnc_-.

idilrln arc talking lo four clrcua clownii. C l ia r t r a .X^ipghlon, (IrcBBod an the Immortnl lliig-

.glcn from R*;d CJnp, ambkn In 'Ovlth fiomo JOngllah frlemla. In

tow, Rt'hlnil them eomea a Ixit- tIc-no/i«J coachman otil of Dick- cnn. nnd a aquad orbulUlghtora wlUl JllUo-'.plKtall^. Tho bull- flglitcrw pnrtaki! of chop siiey.

M i c e S u i c i d e M a r c h P u M l e t o S c i e n c e

wlth blfl staff, u Bti'nogrnpher with pnUeU pcncU.iUid.notebook' beslJe hlm.-

A flaahllghl bangs In- a cor* ner. Through the amoka la via- Iblo Amelia Eaihart,’ Or Sir Cbarlea ' Klngaford • Smith, - or

etorleii In natural-hbitory ~ the "nulcldo-march'V-of-thfr-lemming Arctic mouHp—>viin,(old by Dr. It M. Andemon. o f the Victor Memo­rial,MiiHe'um here.

E\’ery four yearn, Anderatm re­vealed, millions of Uny white Arc­tic mice voluntarily march Into tht aea and drown. .They never mlgmta Inland-.' nlwnya towarda the nea. Sclcnttsta-rcaimocnixpJaln-wliy: — • The-mlce art #o numeroua .that lt,sometlraeii taki'a a whole-wee'k

ino band to piiaa a given point.

-Marlcnu:Jlctrt - a n d -. Sternberg, . ahoulder Bhouliler, bear In from their sound ataee. If Einstein ever

-comU5U.-h&-bldrrVoirStciTiKrer n-ould look like him. Behind the most-prominent cigar -In - the placc la Ernst Lubltaeh. He al* -waya-' looka as U he had Jifat.hcanU.the_lunnl^t__etory^in-weeka' and hl« cigar, alwayn a freah one, waa the finest' lighted.V ~ n a lr “ Cnnirf1«|—■ George Haft, Id white. lunchM

-With impofislve face, aad.nol .a. atraod-ofthalr lf>oae.

-liiia^ftono-Utrough-abe^laL^ShU., ■before the camera thla momln;:., Carole' t«mbard. who. la with, him In "Rumba;" Ifl Uw beauty. wlU» long. Bword-llke lega and a convex brow. Therein flho dlffero ftom' moat cinematic blondea, who bear, ft Strange family r«- aemblanee to one,another.'..,' -

Time and. naUona ■ are jum­bled up here, like Ingredlenta In

-a-ehicken ple.-A-Boman-c*a—. turion.'wllh buaklan. and breaat?-. ■plato'tiuaffn'a'tJOtttc'of'ale.-At- ■ihe“ <uime"tablo anrthrcfl ’llttln Frchch boya,*wlUi Wg, rl^J'coli

- la r . - « » d -g f c ..............................nmnlTFrcnch'- girl-."wlOt hair down, and J6n«.at'ockin«fl_druwn_

:up-tU:hUyc_™.'.. X ttlo. or.Cubana~wlUi vi-ucd mygtatehea purplc-and-plnk:

- l - T — I

W E E K - E N D


- O y s t e r * . : - : .

F or a 'r e a l treat

point 'a t e a m « d oystors. P r o_par^ ibomjuBt'i&oTyou wbiild 4frc8b,.oyB- Ufri. TSey 'ro-U di- oionsl

Tip Top Coffee, lb, ..... 1 9 ^ P ink S a lm ^ 2 c a n s ...............2 S <

' H orsbcy ’a dbcoo, lb. c a o '..........1 5 <

Soda Oradcers, S lb. b o x ..........3 9 < R ioe, 3 lbs>f o r ~ . _....;.:...„ ........1 9 ^

'B la 'd R jem eirT gat. can............... 4 9 ^ ' PruiiOB, 00-60’s /3 lbs.........I.,..'... ’■29i M in id e i'W h ip Jalad-'D resriag, qt. bbttlo.'.........'................... 34<t

• IWBioB,, 4 ' l b B , .... 2 7 *•Snffar,:10‘ lb l. 53 rf;-2 5 1 b 8 . $ 1 . 3 » r io n r . O b ld w Special $ 1 .2 9

, > 1 , , i I t ’s bome.BTown and hoBO’SroBud. r , f t * 7 n ’. ME AL o . i b . , s «

fllibGEfHONORApproval o f L ife Mcihberflliip

Granted Bill and' Richard „ W oodall

Amby,4^ri:duiiai(,j>cuuL txocullvo ror’’ Bnauc Jll\T:r'nrca.rannQunce(l ioday that iippnival hnj been given [o -thp-grantlng-'of-llfe-ncout mem- trrnbip-.lo-lwo-B<irley'yi>ulli»i-HIII iCoodiiJt.and'nUchard.JJ-Woodall. both of Troop H . at a court of hnn- or to'be lioliljn nurlry Jan. 31, D. 3, Johnson will 'prViiiiln. mi chfllr-

Recommended also arc ft number of boyn who will rccolvo merit badge.i, T)ie boyii and the badges they win -receive are:. Troop 12— Uiwell Cumpbell, safety; Clair Whithead, Itnlhercraft: ■ Merrill Martiii;— liiuKiicratc; iwrnfijtainfrr ^remBiTBli7pl^MM3wriffiPTiraiTJav= ihlp: A roo ii Jordan, peraonal icalth, bookblmling;. Tony Hogan, 'Iremnnohip,-pathflndlng, F. A. to animals.

Troop H —Dick WoodaU.-, ncholnrabip. >

Troop 18—Haven Olorbeh, per- nonal'fiealth; David 0, Pet«rBon. ’In'mAn«blpr«ttrtty,-Iarm-inc(;hnn;

study: Elwln Wpnl. camping, leathercraft, eamplng,-blr«l study.-

Troop 10 — Wllbum RoberLj, «brep-farmlnF,-H.-ftnd-P,-prodii

Troop 20; Uruce PulntiT, safety,


MIks Mary Jane Douglas, daugh­ter o( Mral llary IVjiH'Iiui and'Wnl-- Bite; ifangum. Falls, wure jJuVrried Tur/idiiy ill the homo of blJihnp Bateman. .The young couple will live In I.l9h(>.-Kal!ii. .

Fimeral a^tWct.’i.wt-re - held- on Wednrsdny afternoon ut the sec­ond Wnrd-L. D. S.-church for the Infanl of ilr . and ilra. John Flow- cr.i. The child waa two months old, Ululiop Huy Gamer conductcd the aervlccii with-Goodman, Mortuary.■ . charge.

riay nlghtw were Inntltiiled • at both the-Methodlal and .Chrtitlan churches Tuesday i%-cnlnK, . .The Methodist group was made op oC Iho young people who had finished, high school workT The . Christian church Invited membership re- gnrdlens o f age.

Rrv. George • Roscberry . w;aa calltil.lo Li)» Angelcq for'the fun* erul of a sister-in-law'. He .cxpecta■ I'bfbRcft thc last o^the•weelf.•—

Mins Muriel Fleming and Lavem

E o u l t r y S e s s i o n ,TIvc Seconil of the iinnii.-il

jxniiiry -icliool mwjlncii • iinilcr,,liij'jl.lrectlon of ]>r •n., VJ■JC :. ■lIl-

i<' held In tlir- -Sniith-lliiflu'ii f'loni of.ilw high i«Ui«il toMKir- r%rw. Thi- first ot the icrotlnKii wax held today, following a twi>- <liiy,»eimion iil Uuhl Wrdtli-iidiiy JUKI Thuraday.

All proljlemii connrcinl with poultry raliiliig nro illncuMti-d by Mr, MoQre, exlonslon H|irdallBt af-Uio Unlvvr»iIy-of'’. ui-uiu ixiivvriMiy-oi'itmao-nnrt ft national authntlty-on-pmillry,

-Cotlov, .niJK»r nnd, crenm for lunch for the two nen ilunn In be-

-Uig-prnvldad-Uy- tli.v.Miilio-KKg -I'lOUuccra.__________________ _

-PBnPPm m mRc-M.nppinff o f City Procceda

An Alaskans L:iy Plana F or Robiiilding

ininko foUiiwHTg tho illfwuifrbuvi fin-. • ,

\ re-ninpplng ajid r<-illvlMon H necciuniry for tlic laying' cut iii,-w- /.tn-vtn, scwiT.i and bunir

- .ju . . .luidj rt.iidcaUiil. dlutrlcl;i.. I’lDpiTly oivnirs turned ov<;r Uielr lltti'i ‘Wlllioiit protert; iiml liil<'r wiTc- . ll.•ll|, u''l roiiijmraliUr trncln

cW..- rui pnictlcnl to iorincrnew f<Hloral buiMlng i l ' out. Cuimlrucll)Lh*. aprlnj;.

NOMK. AlojiKa .I’ ll) — N. pvop*'>'>y own.'f/i' w<ro rKiivliig at\v_UUcii-t0-Uiclr.JaJid-t0day„jatr

~PftnTgimys-popiil,atinn—wB3--re' iliu:«-<l HO per Cent, durlnii tlu^livct yeiir wnr-of"lhr- ^Ylple Alliance; lHfln-lH70, The proportion of iiivri

i-nl •Ihe-Tnll-nf-the-r.Tir

Pago floTo:^'

A n n i v e r s a r y D i n n e r S l a t e d f o r J a n .

OOdl>lNO,-J«n. 25 (S'peetal)— — Ci'Ii:br!itloaof tho annlvcriiary ban* •, •

at Cooillnff collego Baturdayi ' -,2D. Ill drawing wlJo attcntloii

I frlendu, former otudcnta, and nlumnl of tho collcge. Gu'iflta anj <rxi><;ct('d from Uic Uulso voUtiy, tha .•uiulh Hide, and Pocntcllo. -

Fc-atiiri'd among Ihouo giving tlifl ; iCnnstJi will .bo Dr. )J. O. lIcCnlllH*ti-i'.” foi'-MRnryonroTiitJitor'Of'tha----------aoojJinc.MeUiOdiat cburcliiuid pro*TestMir of Illbln at Gooding.coUegfl- - ;tnd now huperlnlendcnt' Of thfl • •A-cstrm-dlstrict,-and-FranJi Hwarij-' • r.lUt.r-of-lhe-GoOdlnK-L<a<l«r.-----------------

. 1 Tuesilay at the home of Bishop. O. J. Bate­man- The bride waa a member of tho,class of lo s t pf tho Rupert

school and ta now an em­ployee of King’s Variety atore. The -^ung couple will make their home n RupcrC

Here’s an Opportunity-To Buy Heavy Duty

HARNESS- i i . . at-a Real Saving!:

W « bavc a bow stock o f tbat fanons B am oy A llen lati- gotan w ork bamess -which we nr« o f fe m g at prices tbat

- will B avo-yon-Bioncy.-Por-ft-rtal-barffain-doa't fa il-to -see - ion icaa . c*ui-’t ;b e .b e a t . :___________ V'V-:.--.-

§ 4 9 . 5 0 $ 6 5 § 7 5

HARNESS OILN ow ’s tbo.tim fiet-.out your ba r. — f l i f i

^ncsrSbd'pat^rJn^b'apcrW e’Sfl n o w - ^ ' ^ ' l - i W . M o ffering yon Ncatsfoet. bamess o l l ' ^ ' J ^ -

, ' ^ , 1 ’c rO a l.

—Wo-''bave bafBes8 b'ardware, extra straps, bar* aeu 'Iea tbor b y tho-ponndl'oollorSf-pjids, etc. A ll ar« priced


i = E e e e f e = E ^ | i e s i d

"Beity Lou”F R O C K S

I n a 'K i o t o f ~ G a y N e w P a l t e r n s

; a n d C o l o r s a n d ; S t y l e s

$ 1 . 9 8•• In r cr r styles,- -new p a t lm i^ -u _ r'clothij.-:Br.tly.rbfm-l''roel{H nrd^iH i.'

tiniitivc,' c.ioluKiyu -m id beautiful. They are in the now Jl^xiiuin Chcukii and Plaid "Waffle Cloth; in Lacquer Prints, Do'\TJKlo.Strii)C8, Uordclainu Dot.H ana Broadcloth D o w t iK loriaidB. , , ■ . .Stunning House Froelts ordinarily, they are cxtraordinnrily Htiinning

— tbis^ B«UMton,-j\ND-THEY—A H K -SO- »_E XC ai.U SlV£,^__________:____________


— ^ S P R I N G P R I N T Z r


2 F r o c k s f o r

$1.00..T hoy>o;-M ade.i5om _St»ndikrO ZaG

D yed Prints In Sixteen Styles

SIZES 14 TO 62-

Tbese A re Lovely

— Frocks—I n A t l f a c l i v e S t y l e s

:n :m

• U f Y o u W a n t ---------

F A S H I O N . . V A L U E . .

C L E V E R N E S S , , . e j j ' d

^ Y o u n g L O V E L l N E S g

r “ S H I R L E Y _ L E E ’ ' :

F R O C K S-Are the Answer . . •

S 1 . 5 9I f y ou cannot attend this event, n td l or pbone yoiir order. Sixes H t j 'J t , Qunrantecd Siinfaiit and T tib fa ^ r .’ ^ O b cok a l ■ OombinatJeMl*.

^ P la ld s l fl^Bowsl5sl VEufflesI . I‘ ,

■^'’S a ilor -M oaolsl"

ovenvhelining' BclcotioQ to- oKo«H from, r ia n yoiir" spring" warSSfilJ '^

•PKiCY I'AI.MKR- I'UOCKSTnnio Stylesl Over Blotiso E ffectsl Tho Sorority Kecldincel Fashions fo r 'S’onng W om ca

o fo T u ry a g o !C aptivating'styles that irialto COTTON Queen o f the Spring Pasliions, Peggj- Piilnjors

“ w ere'hin 'ac'ror 'fa'jhionnhlcfrwho'llltfs'Tilco' thingB."Thcir'Binip)icit)’ 'o f liili7 th c ir 'in lrig\ iin ^ ~ ‘ ‘". -'smaribcM -slamp-thcm-faahlojLV.favorUcs.::..-.. - .- ”

PlaidsI Flaid Gombinationsl Zopbyr G ingbansl SeersnckcrsI Oso_&sd_Two*Piece Styles.. Noweat Colors. Siaes 14 to 52. .

Ooftrantced Sunfost M d J n b fa sI _ .

ik^RhtfuUy 0 4 , ,w>a - .

$ 2 - 9 8


QuaTontccd Btmfast and '.T u l^ foit^yoaT l E o v e ' l i m l '

l'laids,.Stxipea, Checka and G ay Floral Prinlsl,Contrasting jacltet e /ftc iijl I ^ g c but^onB, liO'vs.and unusual collarsl T h ey ’re drcs-scs’ th at " d o tb inga_fof yoii,” drcKScS Uiat really '

‘ have charm I ‘ '

Page 8: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

OAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO ■Friday, January 25, 1985 -

Page 9: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

—- Pridny, Jnmmry 25, 1035 IDAHO EVENING TIMES; TWTN" FALLS. IDAHO rage NIn«

GLASSIFIED SECTION T o d a y ’ s M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c i a l N e w sRATES I’Efl U.NI3 PISrt DAV SlJC dayfl, per lino per day— -Ac .Tiin!o-tlftya..ptrJlnc pcr.dny-.OoOno <lny. per llne__—.....

Minimum Two Llnc-1.. — Stlnlmum- Chargo'tlSc' ■

ClaMlIicJ Dinplfty Ratca on Re­quest

In' ftcccpUoK_copy for cliiiuii-_'field uUvcrmcrnenta-for piibliwU..Uoii la_H 'o Wttho Kvcning Tlmcfl, the ’ Tlmca Publlahlng

I Compimy nffreca to nvotd crroro _^-fflr-<U»-po«alble;-buUwlicn-a_jtypographical error docs occur In an nUvcrtlaemcnt, • llio rc- nponslblllty.of .tlio Tlmc-i Pub- llBlilng Company ccnnc/i after flrsit publlcaUon If Uio mlvcr-

io iho v . . » . =%llFClna5inoJ~A-fls-nrn-Tc^| ntrlctcd to their proper claiuil- ' ■flcnllonTQirt lha Idaho Evening Tlmc3 rcflcrvcn Uio right to chaaBo'Uio w ^ ln g of on aur vcrtlflcmcnt If by doing bo a cletircr meaning will rcnulU

ClaBJilflea Adfl which carry ft letter and box number Inatead

I Tintnft nt tho ndvTrUflCr' -hv letter.

_ n j PIA CE YOUR CliASSI' Lp h ?d - a d . CA i.rTTW ANn.:A sk J



These columns offer an oppor­tunity for 7nerchandisers— la0e or,r sm a lla trd -' iM ivM iaiFjo market or procure articles, pro­ducts or services at a very low cost. — Notice the rates;: listed atz tlie- left—as little as 4c a line.. Phone your classifi0 ad to 38—just ask


r O E S A L R - m SO E LLA H EO U S ,


to wrcclt. Farmers' Auto Supplyl -~ -UBcd I’arl« D ep f Fhono 235-'W.

• A GENTS W AN TED_ l WANT TO_R33NT-~eO t o - 120

Bcra In Hagcrman Valley. Caj fumLnh reference*. Write Box 43, Jlfliuico. Idaho. . ■_______


School of Beauty .Culture. Hotel Buhl Btdg. Phono-49. M rs.-n. E. Bouchellc.


TOn-SAtBi=.I^)ur-«ind ■lx-hol«: rnnfKfl. Small cook fltoves. Lnrgfl teal»!r8, 55 and up. Kitchen cab­inet 'ood cabinet boae. Lydi\'& , Wcavir. Back of McComb>;.?jar- kct. ■ ......... ' '.'T ■

AUTO DOOR GLASS, -'lylnd- nhrelda and window giasa.' .No .charge for actUng-glaw. Brlnff. In lyour '-aah or drlvo your car In. IProtcct your health, savo on your I fuel blUa. Phono 0, Moon‘0.

FURNITUIUii FOR SALE—Newl and'iii'ed*Tur»lturo-^f all'Itluda. Coal ranges, clectrlc. rangea. coal atovcs, clrculatora and other house'

W A N TE D -M isccU ancousESTIMATES gladly given on All

lOnda of Job Printing, at Office o(i Idalio Evening Tlmcn.

FURNITURE WANTEl5 — Wc buy uaed furniture, cool rwjgcn,!

Istovcn'nnd'lco baj^en.AVo'pay ca*h.j ' Phone B, Moon’«.

Classified_ W re c to r yRmpotmlliin lliitiJiirfiii -Firniii

.8 H 0 E R E P A IR IN G -V —r'o.hnvo Ihe oniy-maclilno Jn tlil.i tcwUarvja-SllTCU all Jdnda of ahoea, including •ladlr.i’ flntjit ehoca. No cxtrii charKcn. Txvln FftllB Shoo Repairing. 132’ Sho- tbono went. I’ hono 3ti8 .‘

CIHC.\CO 1 . I V K S T 0 C KCHICAGO, nr. Iloj;.'.:

1 . 1 , 0 0 0 ; . ' , 0 0 0 ( I l K C l ; J i l ' i w . M ' l i d y l < >10 CLXiI.n hi;;hcr: built 57.H> to “ r.OOi-luii 'SS.OO; • iMolimi: mV.v.i

I sr ,ar .r -v - ’=-'— - - C.ntlli': 'l.OOO; IflO p.ivl., calv.-ji

l.OOOr 300 |;ovt., i;i;irlirl ^Uiw, alcady: S8.7,') to s n o o ; heif-

'rT.i-SS:ftO-to;- rn-.vii ,57.50;-,-Voalcr*_SS.oa_lu- SI I.Oil;

ocIU'l'H iind ftcilcrn sri-'O !o ST .'O. Sheep;; fully .itfj.Uy: I;iuilmj

-r<»nri...\ND' i .i \k.stoc.k rOUTLAND, Oiv., Jan. 2r, iIM'i

(USDA)— 200. HK .llrrcl |Nominiilly.'fltcmly; giiod to cii'ilci:

to 200 ll)». guotflble SS.ii.l to

plgii $l).75 downwiird.


Body and Fender «lrnlghtcnlng.| Auto Tops and Pniming. Wind-: KbliJd And duor glnxa. Cnnvnal tcnio nnd HwnlngB. T^iometz Top:

.^. i JJody.. W orka^N cxt-door-r - Union Xtotor._________________


?—gZO-tfnln-Avcniio Sniiiti:-------


and calling conla engraved or printed. Many correct chooBo from. Call'at tho Eve- nlng’ Tlmca office. 253 Main Ave, Eaut. Tclcphono 36.



FO R 8ALEi-:-SEEDSFOR SALE—Onion Seed. Dlng

fcldcr & Bulbh. 203 5lh Avc. *■* Phono-JJSO.. _________


•TOR• SA'CE.—'Bttby U u K g l- - chlld'B atrollcr, beda, aprlngs, maU trcsscn. ruga, kllchen tablea. chnlm, library tables, table lamp, llnolomn rugs,-, new ntudio couch, drcaoeni, cheat of draweni, phonographa and 'rccord.T drums, gnji burner, heat.

■ ' TOTipXDE—A*l;120nerengclnexcellent location, to exchange for 40 or CO. Write Box 142C. C/o

hipe, cdAi • Klieller, lich'n nuaW; cream sepuatora,’ brp<)dcru. Kayes Scwnd'Raiid Exchange, phono 73:


Khono Wcat, Phono 14B.

FOUND—ManV fur-lined-glove

I by calling at Timca office paying for ad. . .. .

SPECIAL OIL permanent,' JliCO. Nntjirftl J2.00. 230 0th Avc. E,

• Phono'1500. Mrs. Bcamor.-

LOST—One black r cavalry bool between 'Haxcltioa' 'ftnd ' Jcromo;! Write John D. Groce, Rupert, Ida- bo. Reward.: " '


MONEY on diamonds, watcbes, llaciucliXZ CUIWilTnualcal Inslrumcats, -iSSiS^vSrythi5^rv:Jucrs«

Bob at Tho Idaho Loan Officc. 120 .Shoflbono No. Phono 1542. •


' wnrrled women. J15 wceWy and your-own dresses FREE repreoent-

.in g nationally k n o w n Faahlon Froilta. No canvaaalng. No InvMt-

. incnt Send, dress-nlM. Foahlon FrocUa, Dept.’ .8-3i>00. ClnclnnaU, Ohio, . . . . ________

. HOUSES FOR R E N T ■. - - -F O R IU2^^T—5-room hounc. g o ^ ~3ocaUb'^“ Scff-JrErPuUcn.-207-fltli ■■■■Ave:‘E:.Phon6 IBSTT - •

V i.-.fiTr)nTr-AKD POULTR Y

------ F O R^A r.E -O ir-T ItA 15B -<orcattle: three geldings. Inquire 172 Blue' Lalieo So, - ..... ..........■ FOR SALE—Pinto aaddlo home. Ago 0 years, extra good. Priced right. C. F. Shoak, Dell raach, Sho-

-abone, Idaho,________ _ . . .

1—Ruraley Do-All Tractor, re . coadlUoned, $235. .

1—IS-aO McCormlcIc*Dcerlng,« conditioned, $476.

1—10.30 McCormick •Deerlng, Llko New, 5550.00.

.1—30 Caterpillar, good condl-' tlon, 5760.00. ' ' .


Scheiluica j f passenger - tralnn .and motor.otagea paa.ilng through 'XSvln P'alta dully ar6 follown (|ve..nn, nnd after Jan. 22. 1033). •


No. 604, leaves________ 0:(i0 a. tNo. 572, leaves 2:15 p. i

Weot undN o.'571. leaves -- --------- 11:40 a. rNo. 503, le- J ________ 1:00 p. t

..L O S T A N D -F O U N D -


to buUdlsg next to Union Motor. Tcl.-^20.---------------------------------------

HAYES .SECOND HAND Ex-| change. "Pays more and eelta low-

" Now-and Uaod.-Fh, TYPEWRITERS RENTEDrKEJ-l jPAIRED-i-All malies. Idaho Type- Iwrller Exch^iffo. Oppoalto PontI Office. Phono 00._______

CARBURETORS, O arburetorl parts ahd .Mrvlcc. F. O. H. Motor Servlcc. ■ 280 Shoshoas •• SL • W ,'' Twin Falls.I MATTRESSES renpvated; and lrccovcre<l. Clean wool cardcd, .20c lb. Waahed and' carded ,80c..Furai- tun::uplu)Utcilns’.-.:X w itt M alU caa^cloiy. Phono 01»W.

-M O R T U A B Y -

-^STANLEY>C-PH1LUPS------' Twin Falla Mortuary .



LONDON, Jan. 25 iVJ:)—Sir Johnl SIraon, foreign mlnlnlcr, today rC- pudlntnl chargc.i that he »;van f|. nancially lntece»(vd In armamrnta anil nnnouneed ttuit he would crlm> Inally proaecuto anyone who here* ofter repeated tho cliargo. .fcThc rcpudluUon came nt a time

len Grant Britain Li jircparlng r nn arms InvMtigntlo'n.Sir John mado It through hla at­

torney,_Normnn nirkf^t, ,ln._thej emifjM* of-lh^^-netilem^nt o f Simoh’n *ull for Blander agnlnal the Rev. J. Whltjker Bond, a Mclhodlnt mln- jlflter of East Dcrchain. '

__r{P.llTHlYESTrjlNJXAQESl_l Eaaibound

jLcavea Rogerson Hotel 12;45 p.Wemtbound

EcavcB'Rogcr8onTTotcr2:45p. NOBTHSIDB STAGES •

Arrive 0:20 a0 p. m.|


Tfempcnittires •*

Low Hlgu Preclp.]

CaJgary —C h ica go_______8Denver _______ SOHavre 4Loa Aagcles _ -0 0 iMlloa Qty

Ipocatollo 'Portli ■

PAINTINQ, Kolsomlnlpg, paperl jbonglsg.. E. "U Sbaffcr...Phoae|

nave 40 head good heavy^ncd colta, yearlings, two ahd thrccs. Buy while there U «U11 » ffood « - Jcctlon. Huht Farm. 1 'ml.'Wcat of Pcavcy.

R A DIO — R E P A IR — BALESl. BpeclaJ Bargain Prlcea on Used Radios. Moon'* Paint aaiT Furni­ture Store. .


. . . Uaed harness and aatldlea .for.I W lo 'a n d repair«i Max’s HaroeasI ------^ ^ ^D-Oi.Doalt(USo1eground.

FOR GUARANTEED Radio Ser­vice ana Sylvanla #et teated tubes. Seo Qleh Fairbanks, Radio-Ex- chonse. 23i Main Bo., Phone C41W.


--------- Allla-CnnlmenrFarm-and-BoadMrxhlnery. New -Idea • SppcntltrB.

.Williams Tractor |Co. TiVlij F

l—WB HAVETHOTfKL |locatlon,.' 314-220 .' S^ahose

. FOr. SALJ—W aur New Falrbonka-Mor»e'#l

“ Hh‘d ■ clotcn

jUELJg HARDWARE.All Plano and Violin studlco of

■----- ^tHo'Schlrmcr 'ediaon'-on-BJilff-at ;• half price. Ballad and_ claaalcal'

num'bera ‘for piano and voice 25%• - “ ofTi^older popular numbenilO^-pcr

■ 'eopy. Sampaon Atuat Co. ':i*-TJSED.-IMPLEMBNTS

:.:j?jlced Xow-at:C.:iV^A:iL:=jd 1 . ^ D. «>row Beet and B«u>i

• CUittT»tOT. : • / ' ■JiiirkyTKlTM-plowr'


— TOESDAY, JAN. 22 i Deed-T . P. Bk. & Tr. Co. tol

Home Loan Co., fl.'S E NW, SW«A 1-10-13. . ,' Deed—Union Cent. Life Ina. Co. to R. W. Foster, $4,000, NE^i 8E<4 !31-10-1C. . .

^VEDNESDAY; JAN. U lABse—Buhl.Land Co. to R. WU>

Ison, JW U . EH SE. p a r f NEULeaao — Bubl.Liad R.


W A S H IN a UAOHINEBTO R ■ B — Uaed AutomaUc

Im cCIutc.. Priced-low-at $12.’ WASHllifG M/CCHINES — Uaed I

woahlng machlacB, gMolIne or cleo- lr{ MU..ftt:<lDCO — all overhauled ftnd'suamfiteed..Ph()no.

wrttfl. C.'C.' Afldereon Co, .(Qol-:[den Rtile).rr

— . .-V -.— - 4»*V-Tr»ctor| •plo*. t* T S ^ at-$100..- — 1

=S5SSJ?Jft*ca5.|i4aH,:c/oJama. ■

. -Rcol.&tate .Trozmfcn ...

Xnterwomitaln TIUe Gowanty

Li v e s t o c k

1.00 10 50.33..

riii»:A<;o;-.i;>ii. :r> •I) vvf.illuT rrprjii'i mil

wliK. r .ilitnmi:*' l:i urn tlon.t i.f tile; 1hU,’I)Io

. . 'ifij.' Inlv j ; • loLlraUi; luC;iy.--'‘lajor t

lil,;lKT.' At-lliu •c:o.:c-ivt:wf.

r, cm[;i *.• lo v ' • 1 ' to, . -cenl hi

b U f i l K - l .C a ; ' h . m i v r U c t ! ' K v i u n

n n . < i l t l i o i i i ; I » h u : . l n c . ' i ' i d u l l . • .


23 dlrcct; only odd-head low on'Bale; nnminal; plain gniilcii nuotnble 50c bdowMoniliiy; good fed fitcrrn.(niolal)k’ upward to 58.75: hclfcni 57.00; bulk 50.50 downward; low cutlcr and -cuttcr cown'51.75 to 53.50; goo.1 iK-efn up- wora-H>-»5-lo-55r,0!—f e w - ' '

--Sheepr-30,—<0 llrcct^—qtio tabic steady; goo<l cliolcc fed latnb.n $S Io-Sa50-Dr_aborc;..i!jflufhter.

OMAHA I.1VEST0CK —OMAHAr-Jnnr-23-ifJtr.^I0g>rr| 5.000; gcnernly 10 ccnta hl{;hei-; top 58.00; bulk 57,85 to 57.05.

CntUe: 2.200; monUy steady; bulk steers 57.D0 to 50.50; hclfcra 57..10 to 5S.S0; veal top 510.00.

3he«pr-2.500.—Atl'clannc3"fltendy. iry blda iwrted native nnd fed )Oled Inmlm 58.CR to S8.80; good

Ito cbolco cwe.<i eligible 51.00-tO 155.25...................... - -


I N. YTfiTOCKS^. N i : \ V V O l t K . . 1

m r l i o t . c l d ' . u l I i !■ I i i ^ l i n . • J u p c M i i . .

A l l i . - < 1 C l i v i u l r . , 1 ;

A i i i u D i M n C a lAmtrkaii' ILi

A i i k ' l i i a n . « i i i

•M.. Trijidfii K 1 c .... 4K:- m t i c - i { ? f i c i E i r . ; . r . - . : i — . - - f

A u L a i i i M i p I I ' . i - . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - • ' . Ml a miimru g 'rtnn-T ' ........

J n r c r r e n l » .o ir V is t a h i.k -

C l l l C A t l O . J i U i . 1:5 i l ' l : i - C r a l n jrnii};<* c i c i R i - :' ‘ Open IIIkIi 1.«'V Closn

nt^.Vru-r - •! M a y • _ _ i ' l i i L I I l * ' ’ ':.Tfily TVr- »-r-r

-------OGDEN LIVESTOCKI OGDEN, Jon. 25 HM’* (USDA)— , Hogs: 1,281. Top 58.10 on few lotfl 'IDQ.240 Iba. Lot 180 Ih. llghtii 58.00; mixed llghta and mlxtd wclglity . drivclna . 57.50. ...down; pncuing'sowa'55.50-0.25. •

Cattle: 410, Very little done' early, Thurs. light Bales nteady; few lobi good-lociij «tecM 50.00- lo 57.00,. com. to mrd. ntcerii nnd

ilielfem 54.00-5.50; few 55.75; med. nnd. good cows 54.00-5.25. low cutter nn<l com. cowu 52.25-3.50; bulls 53.75 down.-Sheep: 1,110, Tlitim. Into oaloii

trtickcd-tn latnba: .itcady. Bulk good nnd choice klnd.i 57.00-7.50; weighty-klndtt lneliidlng_fflw y o ^ llngw urbund'50;00r''-

|_L'uni—N> w :_____iMiiy .e-W> .fiS .H4i,i l?uly .80)^ .Sl'.tf .60 rpt: ;T«

Oiil»^Nnvi May .31'i .50 ;Julysfc.4m,__441. ....431;—Sept. .41-'i A2\i,

Itjc—Nnv!,May .1>7 .07*-; .OGS July .fiO'i. .(H'.t- Sept. .05»; .OO’ i .C5VI.

llarlcv—News-----------------May .75>.;A July '.70N

- C.\SH (Ul.AIN : CHICAGO, Jan..25 ai:i — gniin;

Whrntr-No.-l himlrfl-KHV-.------Corn: No. 2 mixnl, HI crntn. — palii: No. 3 white,. 54e; nample



C h a n ce -o f America ' Chniiffing M ay Make Sca'Ticups

Iclcctrlc cJuUr a few minutes aftcr| midnight for the murder of Deputy |.Sherl(f-Ce«ll-Chnpm»n-of-Dallaii .county..-Il«-waJi-.pronounc4d dead] 'at 12:13 a. m: Lane mado mlflute alatcraeflt and required no! asaUtance from guftrdo on hla walk lo .the chair... l,nnc..ale_a licarty dintier-ft- few houra-before—hla

Rv FRP.UERICK KUH L~TX)NDON"rrrr~=—Amcrrcctlvc 1 ‘Europeiin'Wockade-agftlnat grc.-uior-natlon, hitherto r<„ lui Improbable If-not-lmpomilble; 'may become a reality If the United! Sutea decldea to rovlao lU '

. "Ho had himself under control,';_NlKht_.War<lcn_T.,T. E«aIcy-of-the-Te3iB»-penitentiary

: -SAVES 20 LIVESV-NEW YORK, Jah.-25 tUr.k-

Motber lovo made Mm. Caro­lina Diaz, 40, o f Cuba, the hero­ine of the Mohawk dlsaat«r and she vaa.crcdlted-wlth-aavlng 20 lives.

With her 10-.yclrK>ld aoo, Mrs.. Dloz clambered .Into a life boot la VKhldi there were 12 1%-omm and 0 mun.-Soon the jSRt \v-er« overcome by tho «U1,

' Jump* for OarRealizing the next high v,-a«

I-wouM- owtirap :the.-boat,. Mia. hDlor^lnccd-lw'towl-ln-tho-irnlB- ' o f a w m an and jumped for 0, _T(VlUly»thrcahlng oar relcnaed'by ODe«f thc*imconick)Uii aallqri

deapemUOy to keep the boat

jServices Held for TVlrs, Worthington

BURLEY^ Jan. 25 (Special) — Final rltea wero held Wednesday aftcTTieon at the Springdale L. P. a chapel lo r Mrs. Anna J. Worth­ington, widow, of the lato Henry Worthington. BUhop Fred Christ- e&Mn officiated. I n v o c a t i o n

inflationists Lose :ln'Bbnd'Skirmish

WASHINGTON, ?ftn. (ttD — , InnaUonUta'loat the flrat sklrmUb o£;'th« ««fflIoa today--when the bowib rejected an omendment-to, the ^• ad^ tr iiU on '«~ bon a ::^ in which would, b^ve limited (heI amount of securlUea Issuabla the.trenitiry;~to::'ttoea-tlmc«- amount o f curr*ncy-ta clj«>^U<m.|

bonds.; It amends th« second'

:ed b v R e p fR ^ t L. DoughUm, I>[Ncdtichatenan of the w*ya tap I ra

.gtov<_ ______________ , ____tkm. Spfay tim » on her face and hair but she clung to thewr

When the men la the boat, re- When tbe men in the boat rc-

Mrs. Diaz n-cnt back to ber.aon. "After oil,” abo aald, “what

JTherc-waajny.UtUe EmiUo."


A) __Thurjklay tjuolatlona:-Idaho.upper valley. Twin Falln-Durlcy ||>omln RujtfH..|A bulk p>'r oct..ciuih

growers' dellverwt to -«-archoua«-.

lacan. ,' Thla view has been expresaed

...'flnonalblc-'<iuarters—In.-Britain, I FirocTnnid Gmnfiny—

. . from Washington that the state deparlnfent Is considering a' projcct.undcr which_Unlled_SiJiUn siiippih7rv'Jsuia'x’£irajTBnntD'tt‘‘OTir zone nt Its own risk atid .govern­ment protection bo wlthdraw-

Impertant Effeetn- It la.realized abroad that thel

purpose o f such a reversal of Unlt-| ed States policy would bo not only "to take tho profiU-out o f war", but to keep the United States out; of future conflicts. At tho same Ime, however, European govern­ments are convinced that modlflca- tlona o f the United States rights as a fn p v*nr In u*h rh tt M|nOftr-bcragcrent-wauld-Trobably; enable the League of Nations aotu-' ally to.enforce.n. blocknil.e ogaloat, — aggrewor. '

[change in -the United Statea' atU-


NEW. YOaiC, Jan. •l l:i — Tho intirlii;l-/Irme^l today, with

iilllllk'.'i kaclliij; the iiroci-i .-ion. bul trncUnix conllniii'cl rxlieini-lv liull. -.•lluyljiK ;viw.<iii-l>*ilUf -lhal much imrtiUccJili;rli)K-iu-U»c_uUln.-.--ln*-. ilii:itr>-, will I k : rcllovi-ij' ' . n o n . ' Tlii'n;~\rrn:“ Tit3” Uin;;lblc '(:r'.T:np.~ mc;;t';. 'I'hi- (Irnsing In iittlltlcfi:

[lUlllK'ltllll oil I.orn I’rodur.Li .

Du Tout dc .Nt •;astnian Kotlau Kln^rlc Autn Ml Klr.:li • t|-«.x J

Local Markets'

' ccSrri'cli'd daily by Uio Idaho ---------- ---------------------------TT7I0—

verafvn price r to 'tho beat.avulliiUIt! liirorni.illon Tho ' prlcM' arc fniljjcct to cliangc with- 'lit rotlco by Hil- ilcakrM. hoivcvcr. UMiliTa arc urj;cd lo .wiUch Uio • iiiuiinal iiiarkrl;! with which Iheao ijcal niurlicUi will rbu.and .'lUl.

Rve: no Mlm.Bnrlrj! qiiotublo 75c lo 51.20.“ TlmoUiy: 510.75 to 51ti.7.V Clover/ieed; 515.75 to J22.C0.


iN'iitlnniii 1

IMclcnr.iI'arai...... .. .Piiuia'm. Tt.J. C. IVmioy Co. •.....1‘ ur.- Oil .......Itiidio Corp.................Undin Krilh Orpheii;!Hvynold.-j Tiibacco U'

|S;ifew.iv Slort'fi ...... .Scarn’ Il^^buelKholkUnlon O il-----1-

Isimnibnn Co..............i ic<my Vmnium ......Southern I’aclflc .—Suuulard lirands ......Siamlanl Oil of Cal. ...Suindiml Oil <jf N. J . '..Tcxiui C6rp. .TriinH.Aliirricii ...........fnlon Carlililo rarl«> fnlon I’aclfU,Unlti'<l Aircr'aft ..........UnlttTl .Corp.U ^S_£ --------Warner IJrwi........... ;....We'dcm Unkm ............ ........ 31«\V4.MHiiHliou«> liluctric—....... as.iFrW. WoolwotUi C o ;— _-r 7.. 63

I M.irlccl (iteadv.:u..s.-c:.x:'No_L'ir

G.'N, No. 2'.i

NEW YORK POTATOES NEW YORK, Jan; i') *i:.l'i—Po-

latotH: Dull; Long J.-iland SOc .to jjtn o bag;[•Maino -«oc"tn-5l.;43-p<.T“ 'Idaho Sl.80-2.10 box; 5C.00-S.50 bbl. • • * .

. CmCACO l*OT.^TOKS . CHICAGO, Jan. 25 H’ ll)-1 ‘ota-

itoes: supply moderate, demand am I Iraillng . moderate,-maricet- ntrady.I —. " •-_Round-Wlille»-80.20.cenUi; Idaho Runnets 51.70 to 51.00, fine quality $1.05, U. S. No. 2, SL 25_coinblnatIoji_j:iM o_itMich. Round-Whltca.BOccnUN


rtWMore-SZi^crsO'iKoro-aiiic: ga; large 20c; ijcdlum 25c;

........ . 15>'--------- 17s.......... 30Vi

.... IS’ ;

.Mill n-cd» ■—. 10ft lt)f>.......................... -. 51.30.. .',00 lb.i..................... ......Jl.25It food. 100 Iba----------------51,50It food. r.l)0 lb!i________ .'...51.45

Colorc<l litnii. under 4 Ib/i. .. Colored roantcr.i. over 4 IbK. .Culoi-^ bAlleni, l>.;-3 Ibii......Lo|;horn brollcrii, 1 Itan. up ... Colored fryera, over 2 Ibn. „ . . . 01<i Cbcliii ...'..'..'r.l..'— .— — ... Stui;ii...------ ---------------------

Turkey*VoiiM}T lomn. No, 1 ___ IYflimc hens. No. 1 Old-tom.^ No. 1 01(1 hcai, No. 1Medium henu ........McdluniD toma, young ..No. 2 hens---- ------------No. 2 toms ..

-------- I'rodnee----------

Americ/iii Su)>rr :Cllli'H Ser\'lec. e jl-:iccti lc I5ond L Fonl Mcilor I '- '

|l3uttcrfat .Erc«. c.tlra .

' StamlanlnEgcn. ungraded. In trade ..------

SocdsCommon alfalfa ........51

olovor----------------------^ 5 1

.UnUfl Founclcri ..

SPEGIALWIRE— ICoiirte*y of

SiiJler, Wegener & Cqmp.niy Elk* Bldg. — I-hone 010

TM L M -T R l -Fund.-Jn,v.-v.r.::.'..i-...--... .7..;.Fund; Trust, A .... ...... ......Corp. Trust- .....— ...........Quar. Inc. ..:................ ......

• 1‘OTATOES ■J .n p ak liv rrc^ ^ H Z ii^ i:



= eH IC .\Q O =CHICAGO. Jan. 25 (UP)—EKga;

UniKttled; 4,310 castn; cxtrn'dratal 20^ c ; fresh gmdcd firsts 20c; Cur-Irent receipts 2 7 c .................... '

Butter: unsettled; 0,218 tubs;'ex' tra flrats 34»Acr extras .34>iic;, 'flrali! 32U l o '^ i c ; Bccondn 31 lo| 3H^c;- specials |5h -1o 35i ;c : atan. dards33iic.

- . SUGAR , NEW YORK. Jan. 25 UlRl — 6ugar-fuluTc»-oloo«l-l-lo-3-polnU| lower.—apot-l-OO.—March-1.88 tol 1.00.- May-. 1.03, July -1,00-1.07. Scpt._2,oi Dcc..Z0a-2,09.^..Snle9 10,500 tons. ■


-'NEWYORIC, Jan. 25 0 1 —Haij- ilay & Harman quote bar allvcr, (perfiuncc): Ncv,'York 54** cents, unclianged. Newly nilned eligible I for treasurj' purchase 0414 certta,' inclinnged. London 24^ pence, mehanged. •; • '

Divining Rod Finds Fool’s Gold. Site

OMAHA. Neb. (CTI—T. M. God- fi'cy~'tlWn*t find hls—rantlcipated treasure' but he~l«-coiivlnced-lrfi»

ew divining rfxl Is a succcas. . ,. -During-acarch-rof-on-old.-real- [ilence htre wher^le^nd^d U 550 -

~A*'rec«nt]y as-Nov.-23,-the-meat Influential man In the Brltlab cab­inet, rcallsUcrmlndcd Staaley.Bald. win, told an audience nt Glasgow. "Never as an Individual wlU. I sanction the British navy being

■ ' ............ ned blockade of any....... untU I knowwhat'thc-Unlted-State»-o£.TAn3er- llca ore going to do."' Thinks of Fast

Baldwin may privately have been thinking back to the Anglo- United States War o f 1612; caused largely, by Washington's Insistence on the,"freedoom of.(he aeas," and be may also have remembered that tho United SUtes' attempt to trade with. Britain's enemies In the World War In 1018 an d . 1010

tbc.^wa. English-speaking

crtit«idcnmn^Lc’tJ3tcJn3ho_Jit'»ton market for 64B-and finer Urrltory. wooli In original bags at 07 to 70 :enta, ocourcd'Hwaia, for average to IP>od French combing and at 03 to 15 cents for the short ..French Mmblng and clothing wools.-ac- Mrdlng to tnday*a report of the U. S. agriculture departmenL The,

Iwlldlv over n nli under the f lw .

and speakera fo tth e aervl.. -----Qeralu Jliuehant,-Jamea--BronBon: Nellie Dayley'ond Fred Christen­sen. Musical' nujnbenr- were fur­nished by Mr. arid Mrsi Joseph P. Pnynerr-Axel--Johnson.- - Raymond Johnson, -Gerald -Uarchant,'- Leol Stoker and Mrt; Stan1ey.-Harcba9 t; Interment ^as In the Burley cente-l tery .tpider dlrtcUon of the Paysc

■ jEJcETUR'-------- -------------------l ^ to txpeitoent« at-Ocraell uni-

ShoiUre-threivt o f United States' de­termination to defy a future war­time blockade In.tho InUresta of Its

if ttcturem,-trtideTB -and •. ohlp-pera, tUo.BritM- would'.Ws: far {^ ffOKe-ln^ttactloni, notably'ln armed boycott, o f any nation breaking tbe peace.

DOW-iON-ES.NE\V YORK, Jan. 2 (UEI—Ik)w-



______ Industrial -102.87, up 9.48,ntUroad 84.02,' up O.lO, utllily a7XS| UpO.80..-.— -• . . - i '—rrrrr '

'U e -ptiLmlgan nMults twio< /a Ijrtar/. d u n g la k 'to .a «now-whltel leatt tor wtnttriad-baclc to-rTed-j

the •spring.’ Mort|

I to reduce automobUe'fal accidents. ' - • -

Mr.^llooiKvclf addressed _ .Icr to an s^vermra pointing oUl that' tiie fedt.rol gorcn yen l ho*remedial meamirea but- that r«- spo7wlWlltSL.for_acUon_i»lai* the rtatea.

SlLVEk B PyiNG RI8E3 - - „ . ..'A!UllNGTON,'“J n n n o luja-^ [Oovcnunenti BUvtr 'purch#*et \lrij 1U» world; m arket'W «

|- 31


Ruaacto. No. l.hulk.to_

OnlnnaSwccf Sphnlflli; 2.31ns'., bulk,'

cwt. .Isweut SiUnlahr^ In. up,' bulk,

c w t ;',^ .. :.....------------Llvntoclc

Cliolce light butchcro, 160 to 210 pounders .,

piece of plttStcrfQimtL

—God(rey-though-U>*'«liun^-must contain a gold nugget but Investi­gation disclosed It. was mixed from Platte-river sand which-haJi~an unusually high content of ‘ ‘fools' g o ld ." ..........................

The average .child’s vocabularlyl ;at.Urear Is thtetji‘' 1200,• and.#t-3-nbout-800. . |_.

H O G PO O E IS^ PRICE OF'18.25:

■ T\vln .Falls County Llvcatock_ Marketing''a«M^ilbn.‘a''..hog noia-Bcnrycntctday -to -g -p a ck er-r Ibu'i-cr' af.w fclgtcdln-rprlccar-oftr 153.25 a. hundredweight, according jtovTom -Parla.-ehalrrnan'-of- t b « -

[boundfl,- inaltlng d* -double-deck 8h^pIneBt.-Th^^^v*«loced at Buhl Wednesday and In Twin Falls ThunKJay. It ta pointed out , by Harvey B.- H ale,-tounty-e»lea-- Bioa agent, thot tbe price brought |by the hogs was 30 cents higher [than that offered In Chlcaso.

;_JCnoe.hrcechca_*re._ibe_pWic ;_. .wcar.forwomen FascUta.:.. . —

ySED FtlRNltURET For Sale Cheap

iuedj^alQinin^oom'suit^^^ 3 us'

^)ak buffels;: 10 :rockerli~l'^8ed';be;d7'7" " r o o m ’i u i f e , s e V e r a l ’ i i a i r f ^ e j w e r a ^ 2 0 T r | .

Z‘u8^Zwbol_tug8,::aU„iizM. We /have- 'some used r^ges andTKeaters we are


Page 10: Lindbergh Kidnap,… · • BeU-with-ft denial, ono-by-one.-of .• the event! ’ In which tho atnto claims he

Odd Fellows, Ecbckabs Hold Combined South Ocntnil

M ecltny Hero •

•««.— One tiumlrcd linii nixly-fivo n'|i-

central Malio townK nttrniliM .. •Joop mcfllr.f; ni ilie 1, O. O. 'K. : lialL. liure 'laat.. cvciiln... .CcorRc

^Scliolur,—Burloy,— Jlrpiity—cmnil nm tiT u( IJnlui, liinl Pm i MourO.

— ltolaa.-[uuit-HrftnU-mai.Ur-aiul im>v> • erclsn Brand. IckIku rc])rc3i:nlallvc.

-i.-}rava.brlot.talI<il nl lli«“ Tnrn'fl-(irn. iilon. Tilt. Flier IoJi;c- comlurtcJ

_ tli« fiw l t1i?prctf.Wri'ntUtiB nod boxing

C opcnfcl I

wIilcli Mra. C. W. 1‘arltn,-nlo lUilnplinrt,- Mr*. C. JV. Cllirk. JttK. «, nWlklnn, Mrs. itonarO K!-

. lls. Mrfl. A. H. Dyltmnii wtic In chnrge. Prlzeo wore nwflrdoii to Mm. ClnrlJ nl brldne. Mrs. Rllon-, wood, Oulil. nt rinochlc, nmrMrs.

, Victoria- Weldon "nl“ l)rldgf~Jtciiol

'mlttcc aiinlsted n c<imm1tti.‘i- or Odd Fellows III ncivImk.

Reprcacntatlves ntlcndcd from___Smj^.irijcr.—Hupert.. ..Huricy.—Ito’— «U on7 EJen'nod Twln'Falls.-------

rSuburban Churches |

Richards* Funeral " Is Conducted Here

simple funuul iKTvlcou’ for J. Jncob Illclitirdfl, who dit I AV«dneo- .Iny III the lioiipital. wi-fo held at Uic Twin Kn!I;i, im.1 lunry nt 10:30

i.-to<iny.-rt«v -Wtlltaiii BasU YoiinB, iiiuit»*r' <>t Him MctlKXllJit iCplJtooiiiil. church, orflcUtc*! und

'Mr;i. Uoorjro Mimlooili furnishedtruir’ ic.--------------------•'■The mortiino- 'ilireclcV Inter*

mcnt 111 Twin Vall.i ccniolorj'.

Baruch'SuppiorU .7 . War-Prb'fiU-Bill

WASHINGTON, Jiin.,,23 H’ U'— Boniard M. UAnich, chdlniian o[ I’rv.ildcnl Ro<i.icvc1l'ii wnr prollln wmmittcc. todny thiV-.v hli lpip; iKjrt’^Sniliin u miiinurc to . remove privalu profltii from war.—Iie-nppcarttl- brforr"the'-bou( nilllUry nffiOra c.minilttM ln,ll.i con/dderation of Uic Mc3wain lirlfitfl hill. Ho nnpiHirU-d nui.. .. inea/iurv n/i tlio nation

from iiitacli’’ und Intl;

“ rCb'dc Xwloff.'flupcrl II a. tu.— Mornln

F. M. 3. day, with Mr.r

_C_pNIRQLOur Btoro offers the otistomor a b s o l .u t o control o f tbo food

_ - b u d g o t .—E very T itoitt-r h ,T T iiirM ccp t .jU .

.law ffcah-vcgolabica or fruits that cannot

__bo_m arkcd.and .they- .. — have-ft pla inly mark-—

ed prico on a c'on- v o n i ’f t f l t ly pli»«2rprico card. • -

Saturday Sayings

Mornlnir-worahlp. W. I. day, with Mr.r C. 0 .

Fletciicr of Blncltfoot as upciOtcr.Special music: Anthem clwlr. Vocal solo by Hay violin lalo by H. L. Klrkll ..

......-p, -m .—Evchinc womhlp.-Mrs. Floichor will Jipeiilt iigain in CliO' evening. Special fenturvo.

■Reading by Clara Belle’ CocUlng? ./v-vottil- Kilo - by MrA...B«a .Poltert

• - \ylnUn »ilo by Mrs. Roy Durite.

GOLDEN IIUIJ: COMSIUNITV • II. J. ileynoldn. piilpll aupply.-

Cliarlotto Rledcnian Sundny school at, 10 a. m.I l n. m. Morning menttace. Sub*

Jecl. "From Simon to Cephau,"......... Soifvenir for every onn present

-----on Jan,-ST. Prlie iiwiinl-fifurnace, ciimmlttce.

------------- ilANSHN-'cOMMUNITV’------. • • Kdgiir L. While, minister.

10 a-.m. Recular momlnjf wi.■ <ihlp with n sermon by the pwlor.

Special music under the direction of Prof. Glah.

11 n, m, Sunday .nchool, with _ Harvey Fomwalt In cliar»;c.

■ , p- m.. Intermcdlatp.Jcagm; with devolional pmgrani.

. • 7:30 p. m. RcKUlar IJpworth rX-eagne dcvotlnnal hour. Croup two

: of the Womcn’.i Community ciiuncll 1 will-Bpoiitfor a Jx»x social lo be held

Thursday cvenlnK Jan. 31. Women iiiv usiccd to hrlnif boxr.s. Members of the congrrtpttlon are Invited.

Mi.itTAUfJii <;o .m m i; n it v

pcrvlalon.of William J,lndau— •11:30 a. m. Regular morning

worship with a sermon Ijy Uic paa*

votloodl service. Come and enjoy' a program that will interest you.


r ; • - A T t t e l ia ^ jS a r h a r ’t > n d ~ f i Husbftnd Head East

LOS ANGKLKS, Jun. 25 Amelia E.irhiirt Putniihi. occiin flier, tonic off lodny for New Yorh. nccomp.inii'il by. her • h U n b a n d., George i ’alnier Putnam, piiblinher,'

. She fli'w Iho-aamo ship In which cp.iised the Pni'ifie from llo:io-

lulu to O.iklanil.Sev.T-H stnp'.H i-n jouto were plan-

■PEAS . Ntituros Gift Brand.

Largo OanalO c

............LY ER od Seal

. . . ■■OYSTERS

8-oz. cnnj. First -qu o lity covc oyatera

2 3 »

' OOPFEE • "O olden W est” •

- Glass Jars— .........I Pound' 3 2 ^3 -Pounds 8 9 ^ -------



E Y ' SI n c o r p o r a t e ' d '

■y^W'^have gone through our stoeklind found additional merchandise--that must move. We have put a price on it THAT. . WILL MOVE ITI Penney’s says it with bargains so real; yet so unbelievable, that you'll want to be here early to get your share of the savings! No matter what you are doing, no matter where you at*e going, drOp it, stop itTand come to PeinheyV

- for tKis-great Bargain making, price slashing Clearance! “ - t — - . . . . . . . . .

Go oir SaIrS A? Saturda^^F u r t h e r R e d u c t i o n s i n W i n t e r R e a d y t o - W e a r ! I