limVSGmnsT - ·...

/ ' <*&* "^t-'s * ~*fV*l?$gMt ! '"''•'' * ••***?< ••^•- "*•'-«••*'**- ^«s^^^!?#^P^w*««® vj Ji>**l^ U.fft»*?V —gA*—« Rocheates, N. t. CXJUHUUPKIIGNM. iHJ»A*%; GOD LOVE YOU! By MOST KBV. FULTON J. SHEEN « « ¥ ' iSsiLia^a^s. V '*•>»*• itf ECRST reports from Ousa A priest wat* imprisoned tat ® day*, ottrmg which time he suffered from vermin ana ttcit S^aiMSj trying to sroiu&gte Our Lord to she Blessed S*eranient to Suns were! Wor/c/ Pilgrims Come Ccrsfilpnctel# Courtyard Need Cited To Meef Tfteir Pa$tor-The Holy PcM^M^I SjjL By REV. 40S*It*MiSU&UYAli J ~*£~ * 'VfllCUllJO 9 « By REV. JOSKPH SUfcUMUg r«s*«ljf»»delf«>— (NO— Wfw» l e t t e r i ^ p i t o f**ceJti, mm Hum M f * mfenjr mps, «m*ttl«tt$ idif ugh* by the Red Grants. XSae cap»wi« containing the Ba-eased e#titrai headquarters of the C t a s l l w M d l J*. » © « fcfc«!» *8 f*«|» WftS XM* «jH&* gkiWH^hfeiS.0M te| t£t* 0 ."iacranteiai »a* tospt la a draper of Use Red police station ".or 3 <i*>». A atunss of prayer went up to heaves? day »«d night and against ail hope the joitller on the thmS day gave the capsui* coa tat-ung the Blessed Sacrament to a Catfs-olic gtri «ho retucrusS ii lo rh* Church It is for sum mtssSoistsrs the Holy -Father asks . &acriaee-s o{ v o u In the second gracie the tTitnese Communists g«%f the children dop eats and rabteHs to tpacts theirs to kill ?h«? : ^tng artiroals b> cv»;tteg r»S riwir ear*, tat^s amd pitjckmg thpfr ^%es This la dene to harden thra to entflrj In the thltd grade b*«s and girls art> lorkPd togctte#r in a rt»tn to ovweoste i^tyntss and "bours«Ms moraAit) " Oise grtrl te PHplns advocate*! ind s*fured Us* deam oi her mother lor spe-aiiing against Communism Mts&&uners who ar*- ewicd atr« asked to ? t \ e the nasst of "hree hostasea v*ho vhtli be killed :f tSi*> sp*-*Jt against Communtara . . . The Devil Is loose In tfte world - A t onimuafeit (iflRrc In China uald: ~We are not mid 'nough In Kctsaia; wtr «1U b*- trn ttmra aa rrarl In t 'hlna. and a hundred times niorv rrufl «vhen we take over America." \VU1 y o u r tmixh stand »ufli a strain T The best way to pre-* m l ila happening Li to d o two thiBji: 1) Pray to Oar ljut> to »t»ow her power asaJmt evU. 2» Do pesance. as ihe iwkp<J at Fatlina by making tacriftce for t h e unrea* of out' ftltls In these pagin btmU . . . Rene Black, rexallre d'hotel at thr Wtl dorf A*torl« In New York, Itmut each of hta waitersfl%ercntt (or the missions for every mistake thej rnaiip In servlre. < lie has no patent on the Idea any quite* lunch counter wan* to ropy It ? i . . How many newktlea have you or your hiut>anil lot? That man)? Perhaps the price o i t i » extra onn >nu would normally buy this month *tU help dreu an African rhlld who today U rlothed In rairm, lV>l> l,nVt: Y<>( to R P L. who sent S30 000 ai: f.V furl t'» t».\ an annutt) from the Holy Father's Worlflmtssiiw Aid "•^-o'letv V,t p<av her an inoom*» while she Irvea miMtonan piii'»'g pi«> lur her soui until the erwl o( tt>e workl afti-i &l\e ilu-s l>o \ o., know of a hotter use for^ C O D U > \ i - ^ * >l u> Vln J K. *h<> when aikert t>> her hu*r«nd what »rie »«• ' «"vl I»r her first wedding arvnlvpr«ar> inmertd "$150 to ed'ir-a'r a wminii^an for the TiLssiorn " Aid s h e (!»! i'' \ p \ mmr c>od H *^n<ta wnci waM To remind m*a-5tr>r» mln*1e^l ^^ **•% t ,f \*- n r \er»ar\' . i '»<)r) Ijt U K Y(>t to Kather K !' A »!-..«• (• m South i mouu na» "n.) '.4 t-ont • ih..' T» a m i >>-t 'hey %jrnfirp<i S1S6 for the Holy Father "n Mlssior Sunday (lot* IX)\"-E; Yor lo the mother »ho held her World Mission Ri.'van In t-er hinds through fourteen h««urti of dlfflrult childbirth pwaiinff for 'he mwiont and offering u p hrr pa >n« !( % » Sr>\ ' i.(i|> l * <\ r. > < M '•> I H wf\n 'rn\ •"fed fmm I'hii'aro In \ «i Y<"»'» 'n . • d h ,r »>p,i i o' I' .I'Tian t<-> h^-rp 'he MiMinria Si TIP [»->I[I,P n'^nd 1.1 ;.r (>•» Ixiiil the «a' up for Htm Tr*# Holy Father In both the harden! working prle«l lr> the (hurcb and the hardc»t «of-fcUif heaul of atate In the ««jrltl. \ou raa llelalen the Holy lathrr'a taardrn. for * portion nt one day. by pinjitas your »arrlf*cUl gift for Hla mt*«Jon« lo IhU column and aead It to Ub r-«pre»entatlve In thin country . the Moat Reverend Fatten J. Sheen. National Director of Tike- Nn- dety for the Propagation of the Faith, 1H Ea«t S8lh Street, New York 16, New York or your Dloceiin Director. Very Ite> Magr John Randall, Cheatnul Street, Rocheater. New Vork. ** ss*r ho«» here wo*iiil aureiv *_ . .'• : * ' . .. ,. ,i?. n .. **• ..»«.. ^,, .X Father SuiUvan sner ho«» here w»«id aurejy »gi?e wjih this a»at«n«nL These audience* benantoti» *ums3*r of rise Ho4> Year by* pap ular Js- mand when pai- g r t m > who couid not at- tend the gener- al audiences in St Peter's or were not satis- fied with h*v- lng seen the Pope only oace, came tn ever | grovitng nujn- r«er« to Caste-igandolSo beggteg for anottser glimpse at the Holy r'alher ' AS SOOiN as Hta Holiness real ' tied this- he consented and had 1 the folks gathered in the court- yard. » hero he came to a bale , on) and visited with them. That V,M enough. The v»ord \»f>nt. about Uke wildfire and irotn then j on<hCT» informal courtyard audi , enrea became an Institution, three afternoon* i week at about five o'clock This summer, right from the time the Pope came Here, It has been the normal thing h) mutual' consent and much lo evenorte» pleasure and t>b\tou»lv even that of His Holine-sa Every Monday, Wednesday arvd Friday afternoon the court)»rd rwia b e e n filled- and thri .ed when the Pontiff stepped to the balmny XNattftMa. ^ ""'jfiwats toff? ^•.fet"--**',* / #« ,*,• f - i'i s * l^k't. i^t V IBft 1 SaWHH^^HMrl itSJia^af! AaBamT < TBa#t^aff ^•^aVft. I tiaV* fcl|_a*fc aVik^fe "traa^M K ^ ^ M Ai^rJIyK -^^ma, %PP(% fTiR C ^B*P- * ^ P ^ ^ ^ c iPPIffr^- H»*p> f ** ! ' afSS&SSEi •tiiaantii a - atM i»ta " JN|i<i|ll%lWN^-^ll(rtSh^SIBp - B^fV^lr^ f ^ a M 1 ai»- W»S*! ^^^j^wv^W^K *utJjoritk« wmr •'tttfttfl l« iw ^JHHR jjl^lSl 1 ^. ^f, ^-^apB tnr*$ »W j/QK^> Muat* tafc* : l»if'«>td , iiit:itu >naia 'aukltaa' <a# : - i u L a«M«tta«- it"'faia ••MIPS fl*. .MS- -*WPP"*'fla "PP5. :g«J^|^y 1 i«^iJ^g^- ,*y^*;-lW^^^^^tt , >-^a- •-'-^t The Holy Father, won to return to Retne for the winter, re- atriUfncea hfU In thu «*»rlj»r< »rf hW MttMKff Wli>lllil» '»• oeivei a targe crowd of pUgrlma at one of the regular trt-weekly C»*fel«»nte47o, In tk» ttl|^«m»ii (fehWr> if j | Xf**|# fl'W, »• Mval oflkers and men, v greeta the aexnad KrtHip by name, with a "apectal Weaaltn" for them, their loved one* at home and for their particular w-ork. Charities Drive Goes 0\rer Top Indian Crew Hosts Bombay Archbishop Ixmdon -- <NC» Arrrtbu'-<>(> \'aler-ian Oracian, S J o f limn bay went down to London s di- K land to ipend the evening »» he guest ol the Indian crew of "io Cleveland < N O - T h e Clev-e Und Carhonc Charttlea 1951 cam paign a-chleved the 1 a r g e a l amount collected In the history of rhe campaigrva. It haa hewn ateamer Jalazad. disclosed here. WHllam M T H e m e n hearing that 'he Fyrnea, campaign chairman. s» Arrhbuhop *a« pAMinj; thrrojh that t h e 1^1 goal waa $60f> rtoo l-ondon on his »a> hiirne- «''<-r and tha' the campaign »-ai a visit to P....-r.f hxd «e- hir: a o\er-iubscrlried by tH2 340 apecial ln\1ta'ion When the welcoming cheera have subsided It ti the Pope s , This ci>rtt-spondent recently filrrx and with obvious happlneaa mode se-ver«l tripa to attend some he steps to the microphone on i of the«e delightful meetlnB*. the balcony'a railing to match ( pnTuiri!% to tell the truth for the enthusiasm of hla children*' ' hu ..»n m ) ' " rnenl and ediflca de\ otu.n \*1ih the affection of his ti.m hut also fr>r the purpose of a^icome to their common la recording once more. a«i the cur , hr . r , home faually he beeina rent season nears its r'osc. the to SJ1Mh ln Italian, since chance* fart the fruit and. i * e may e\-en lre » there are more Ilaliana prea- *»\ ' h e fun of these unique Pnt l j 1 » n people of any other na «* vc n ,! >- tlortallly Then hla greeting may I.ONO BEFtJIiE the appointed comp in r rencn or Herman, to- time people w h o h a \ e come from gather with a word of bleaalng Home by trolley bus. taxi or prl- tnti » father's thought or two trale c»r file t h r o u g h the garatJMl*' * »ptrtfual nature. English. the PapaUurrvmer resldem-e past Spanish and Portuguese lollms he SwtJin gLar<ls. and slowly fill ln *he snrne strain, friendly, klnd- the courtyard It Is alu.ya pieaa- ly. filing grace m .very wont , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «nt e\ t -n though It means stand- DURING THESE greetinga the tng for an hour or more in a not pontiff reads from a llart In hla particular!) attractive place hand the namea ar»d coontrlca of yuietn chitting they paaa the groups known to be present Be time until Hla Holiness appears th*-> small or large, thojw groups Then, howerver, the murmm n f ppople vie with earh other In subside* ia'r^-<>mets hurry In lr ,«- ,pi;,t an<U.»;uirne « n h »hich and all e>e« s'rain »n«ar,| trl f | n€ » N i,kno,D0<lr/r the H<ilv Fa hs,\mr-. Uirhcut preiimlnartes. |hp-r » mention of thnr country wl'h n-> advance «arTiing except or p|jn>« a vligh' rustle of the curiam In „ , . Dtirlnt; theae nmtiipnti the r*-a| fun come»—for Pope and for people. Perhaps lb*«re are l*»o groups from one country and the Pope mentions only nnr of them TH»» othens don't atasnd for that T' lrv shout, "Holy Father. »f re here too'" "V^ho's that"" h«- «av». asking p*Thapa fwt) or three times un to he understand*, and then be ada." "Oh, but lh«t ! did tklk to you tn Frewh and aurely }-tm utificTatnod ma, too, dktn't y o u f Thc>- had to mtmJt they w«tr* caught and chwt*<l him all tha The Pope so obviously enJoy»; mow f o r , h e ttUy ' II all that he ateema to look for | A moment talcr, the Jrlitl Clam* more people to greet. He Mka If |ored for recognition. "AVJithsf* 1 there la anyone elie who haa not he asked. "Ireland!** n l|fl»m1?'' been meniioned and aetat* every , "Ah, J-eii, Cesd Kill* flilftM" opportunity lo make a utile Jota.hundred thouMiid w»Jcoms*)'tb* or have an added laugh- | Pope »aitl in, Gneltc and h#W th* Perhaps there la a ttelrfaUon i IcUb loved that! from a Slater*' or a Brother*' 8c*n.-*ly one of the** aucUenC** achool. "So, yoAj art from auch I haa paased without UJ3. mlUtitry and aueh a achool, %re ^jour*' per«<«inel, Army, Air force tk "Yea" they about "AAd it* y^i|rs»vy. B6i«I Mbr*ir«nt«tl. Th«y all good nudenta*" the Pope | have never left »IU«5ut * »J»c* a,ka. uul there Is u.ualty a not-1 M gtwlln$ »„,, fet^y ^^j from the Pontiff about living up tt> ibeli* ChrUHtn faith mS trt. dltlorm |K rnUlUry, ltf«. TlflWK HUMAN quaHtle- Of stajj-j $* late aa |^^fe) . . tlw weather op Uvu Wifllec *H> mm «t the VaWca* br,int lilw buck durln« Attvent. TtK>#«. who MM th* f&f tf|*' : marly la R«mi «m Hn-lr* of hum by tejawtt ftt the «MMitryi' KM! th* ntrttn* v*«rfetm m. trejrtlwi. WUhtn t mi mf* »| hf* golBK to C**iej|»rwklf» Wit pwiAtrs* bettHfirt rtriwnilr m* tf**wt, mHw-HmM-mm •i*d n* mam* piiMmmit the remit triplet c*nwil»«U« m 8t» PiMnr^tj hi )MW§ Jftett CfftlMI worKkmtwnt »* hi* viiorewai but itr*«etm »oiMiai«Ati twit younier anbrtwii roinlttif* «it*ir Vm&% t* .;>**» ttr#H #f I4i'mtfl W'..J#»Ji^ t ,l«*»e^il* jaWljrT'ftWl w p|§^^•lw^ MfeMliTid 'laWrViPWttj ' '.'•. ". , : - ihe d'K-r o! I he hji.rony the iiol) KA'hPr »t,ind« bpforr them garb- ed in •-* hite »i i,s >ul»tretched in t r r r ' i r j «m| fa. e ->»rfa"ipd In srrhes the "ye»" HU llolloeas Mme» time* playa on Ihcae notes with "why not'at" and "what'a the trouble'" and goea on to aak If fe ^he "ei'pTnafu 'reSTl " * POtili K •» **•** •*»«*«! W * *< * ^ ^ ^ ^ <** mckie and he coaxea until he they deeply Imprea* ail who MM. tel^ifideif^ e*#i «pp#iMrj«t h}* gets a few brave volcea to alng °r me*! Wm, WberevW Of Wbfib | V»aJtjMCNtf etMHriy thi f » p t f H* out "We tr> Holy Father, we wetttt«: but somehow, they be- try " Whereupon he gfood-naflir' edh praises the more orf It "try" and urge* ONE TIME, after he had spok- en in i n languages and mention- ed several countries he aaked if 'here was anyone clap lo whom he had not spoken "Canada * ciutir the ci\ from a corner of the crowd What part of Can- ada*" he asked 'French Can- man heart ani peflMMujlliy, (he come even more real at hla aum-1 love and undemanding and tm- mer home. Hla Holvneaa ill j <**n Iter WdbW^ p*0* pi IMS known to tove it there, to look I ordinary featfte* of IJfi tillK? forward each summer io going ' marks of the true pj«tor««%1iich there, to regret havtng to leave anlmat® Piua 501, plfMHf «f lh* raatelggndoifo In the fall He ' wwld. I Thousands are lai'ching to Golden Topper atxl you'll know wrr» very body'• racing about the sensatiooal ISH« of( r o4<)en Topper.. . the minute you raws it Creamy stuooth as you drsnk it you'll smack yew bpj in iheer cieligbt w-ith every tip For here'i the fsrii Rochevter beer produced in years that rttliy caprures that deflate balance of lightneii, dryoess, and 6ne Savor. Get tn-on the Goo>d-at-Gold taste of Golden Topper. Try ti no«- at your favorite restaurant . or aik f o r it in your favorite bottle lites at your rj-eighborfeood store. GO GOLDEN! GO TOPPER,TODAY! '«**«"•" ij-f'.. .--jU -_,'„J . S J fOS THOSf WHO OfMAND THE FtNBST t s a u s H t esnr NEW YC«K STATI Delaware Wine A PltlEMfUM OIAPE WINE AND A FULL LINE OF NEW YORK STATE WINES Theta Frne Wimn ore a^ld ot rsott neigesborHood liquor stores. raworcED, a*rt» aomJEO m 0-NfH-DA VINfYA«D S<r«a» 1872 CONESUS, NEW YOXK / aaqi limVSGmnsT TRADf •IN Get this 16-piec« Sfainlass Ste«l KKlFESETi LOOK *HAT 10V Qtll TI frwr*| B P^WPP|- a?a , _?.«^. j*4iiZ-i.m #WfrwPParl^l''aarif^sr|S^' *• ii sts*aalte SjaaaaLaA. •laMlassilsa' ^ aMfWa} -^^f^lfW fftfllv U| jBka^uui|^^y£~|^^^y&» ^ T| *TW "-WsJPjrJayWrj^PipFlB!, rf WWJRiNf * 1 * *ij av^a^iaW#^k. '. Trigjirii - v ! - ' «*'»*• MM *#**# v • ?*Cfc*ftf»* i * ^eaaaafcttata tfjatstsisV •T w w ^ " p * i aapwjssss^ •W w PWPlsl^lPr' . je fiL atA.i .Aae.a..^-. r~V # ! % # E W W W^T^aaji ^ WTW* "•^¥Wrf , | a H P I Agjfw^^-x^ jf^^f^^i J^aaa^a%taVtlaC .' *.' YOURS far y«»r tli dtoMr wim y»» trod* it hi Ml lb imdjg MW liEff 11 ^IjiaWl^asiMaatsiLaa^LJiJcV--"-^ g -•-** ^ - - ^ -- ^i»», r ^,. rVia^VBaBTa^ yaasaaaaaaaf i p p p a p a , ^ •^-^avjr ji^^, •aaaaaVaf' *^ * r W * ieaaHlai UsaaaiiiMHit ^ a| t^^^^a^j^at^aawJfj-^^^^&j^i^-t^-ji no dutt bag to •*!! PAV AH LITTLE AS SlJfcS i •iiinIIiiMM«iM»ii- niwfi.i mmwiin fiwiiiiu»iiiiii^^»^^»M.«^i»wi^fa<^i»w«M»a»sS!!a» 'nit m$«m. &**< mm^m^m^m ! > -T H. C. P0MMERENIM6 *Sc Jf- alla^tlfini '- HAKIJWA! ftl^t'aWtsttffl t$lElP M *ii /',^ > W.J^^^,^^ asg! ^^ -Jl 1-J 4 '.I,*- * H/fr^ i|^r^»i^wM«S^SgJM6a3'-klti:'

Transcript of limVSGmnsT - ·...

Page 1: limVSGmnsT - · ."iacranteiai »a* tospt la a draper of Use Red police station ".or 3 ». A atunss


' <*&* "^t-'s * ~*fV*l?$gMt!'"''•'' * ••***?< ••^•- "*• ' -«••* '**- ^ « s ^ ^ ^ ! ? # ^ P ^ w * « « ® vj J i > * * l ^ U.fft»*?V —gA*—«

Rocheates, N. t . CXJUHUUPKIIGNM. iHJ»A*%;


« « ¥ '



' * •>»*•

itf ECRST reports from Ousa A priest wat* imprisoned tat ® day*, ottrmg which time he suffered from vermin ana ttcit S^aiMSj trying to sroiu&gte Our Lord to she Blessed S*eranient to Suns were!

Wor/c/ Pilgrims Come f© Ccrsfi lpnctel# Courtyard Need Cited To Meef Tfteir Pa$tor-The Holy PcM^M^I S j jL

By REV. 40S*It*MiSU&UYAli J ~*£~ * 'VfllCUllJO

9 «


r«s*«ljf»»delf«>— ( N O — Wfw» l e t t e r i ^ p i t o f**ceJti, mm Hum M f * mfenjr mps, «m*ttl«tt$ idif ugh* by the Red Grants. XSae cap»wi« containing the Ba-eased e#titrai headquarters of the C t a s l l w M d l J*. » © « fcfc«!» *8 f*«|» WftS XM* «jH&* gkiWH h fei S .0M te| t£t* 0

."iacranteiai »a* tospt la a draper of Use Red police station ".or 3 <i*>». A atunss of prayer went up to heaves? day »«d night and against ail hope the joitller on the thmS day gave the capsui* coa tat -ung t h e B l e s s e d Sacrament t o a Catfs-olic g t r i « h o retucrusS ii lo r h * C h u r c h It is for s u m mtssSoistsrs t h e Holy -Father asks

. &acriaee-s o{ v o u I n the s e c o n d g r a c i e the tTitnese C o m m u n i s t s g«%f the ch i ldren d o p eats and rabteHs to tpacts theirs to kill ?h«? : ^tng artiroals b> cv»;tteg r»S riwir e a r * , tat^s amd pit jckmg thpfr ^%es T h i s la d e n e to harden t h r a t o e n t f l r j In t h e thltd grade b * « s and girls art> lorkPd togctte#r in a rt»tn to o v w e o s t e i^tyntss a n d " b o u r s « M s moraAit) " O i s e grtrl te P H p l n s advocate*! ind s*fured U s * d e a m oi h e r m o t h e r lor spe-aiiing against C o m m u n i s m

Mts&&uners w h o ar*- ewicd atr« a s k e d to ? t \ e the n a s s t of "hree h o s t a s e a v*ho vhtli be k i l l ed :f tSi*> sp*-*Jt a g a i n s t C o m m u n t a r a . . . T h e D e v i l Is l o o s e In t f te w o r l d -

A t onimuafeit (iflRrc In China uald: ~ W e are not m i d ' n o u g h In Kctsaia; wtr «1U b*- trn t t m r a aa r r a r l In t 'hlna. and a h u n d r e d t i m e s niorv rrufl «vhen w e take o v e r America." \VU1 y o u r tmixh s tand »ufli a s tra in T The b e s t way t o pre-* m l ila h a p p e n i n g Li to d o two t h i B j i : 1 ) P r a y t o Oar l j u t > to »t»ow her p o w e r a s a J m t evU. 2» Do p e s a n c e . a s i h e iwkp<J at Fat l ina by m a k i n g • tacr i f t ce for t h e unrea* of o u t ' f t l t l s In these p a g i n btmU . . . Rene Black, rexallre d'hotel at thr Wtl dorf A*tor l« In New York, Itmut e a c h of hta wa i t er s fl%e r c n t t (or t h e m i s s i o n s for e v e r y m i s t a k e t h e j rnaiip In serv lre . < lie has n o patent on the Idea — any quite* l u n c h counter w a n * to ropy It ? i . . How m a n y newktlea h a v e y o u or your hiut>anil l o t ? That m a n ) ? P e r h a p s the p r i c e oi t i » e x t r a onn >nu would normal ly buy this m o n t h * t U he lp d r e u a n African rhlld w h o t o d a y U r l o t h e d In rairm,

lV>l> l,nVt: Y<>( t o R P L. w h o sent S30 000 a i : f.V furl t'» t».\ a n a n n u t t ) f r o m the Holy F a t h e r ' s Worl f lmtss i iw Aid "• -o'letv V,t p<av her a n inoom*» while s h e Irvea m i M t o n a n piii'»'g pi«> lur her s o u i until the erwl o( tt>e w o r k l afti-i &l\e i lu-s l>o \ o., k n o w of a hotter use for rapii .t l^ COD U > \ i - ^ * >l u>

V l n J K. *h<> when aikert t>> her hu*r«nd what »rie »«• ' «"vl I»r her first w e d d i n g arvnlvpr«ar> i n m e r t d "$150 t o ed'ir-a'r a w m i n i i ^ a n for the TiLssiorn " Aid s h e (!»! i'' \ p \ m m r c>od H *^n<ta wnci waM To remind m*a-5tr>r» mln*1e^l ^ **•% t ,f\*- • n r \ e r » a r \ ' . i '»<)r) Ijt U K Y(>t to Kather K !' A » ! - . . « • r f . w i n (• m South i m o u u na» "n.) '.4 t-ont • ih. . ' T» ami >>-t 'hey %jrnfirp<i S1S6 for the Holy F a t h e r "n Mlssior Sunday (lot*

IX)\"-E; Y o r l o the mother » h o held h e r World Mission Ri.'van In t-er h i n d s t h r o u g h four teen h««urti of dlfflrult childbirth pwaiinff for 'he m w i o n t and offering u p hrr p a >n« • !( % » Sr>\ ' i.(i|> l * <\ r. > < M '•> I H wf\n 'rn\ •"fed f m m I'hii 'aro In \ « i Y<"»'» 'n . • d h ,r »>p,i i o ' I' .I'Tian t<-> h^-rp 'he MiMinria Si TIP [»->I[I,P n'^nd 1.1 ; . r (> •» Ixi i i l the «a' up f o r Htm

Tr*# Holy Father In both the harden! w o r k i n g pr le« l lr> the ( h u r c b and the hardc»t «of-fcUif heaul of atate In the ««jrltl. \ou r a a l le lalen the Holy l a t h r r ' a taardrn. for * port ion nt one day. b y p inj i tas y o u r »arrlf*cUl g i f t for Hla mt*«Jon« lo IhU c o l u m n and aead It to U b r-«pre»entatlve In thin country . the Moat R e v e r e n d F a t t e n J. S h e e n . Nat iona l Director of Tike- Nn-d e t y f o r t h e P r o p a g a t i o n of the F a i t h , 1 H Ea«t S8lh Street , New York 16 , New York or your D l o c e i i n Director. Very Ite> Magr John Randal l , 5 « Cheatnul S t r e e t , Rocheater . N e w Vork.


ss*r ho«» here wo*iiil aureiv *_ . ..'• : * ' . .. ,. , i ? . n .. **• ..»«.. ^,, .X

Father SuiUvan

sner ho«» here w»«id aurejy »gi?e wjih this a»at«n«nL

These audience* benan to t i » *ums3*r of rise Ho4> Year by* pap u lar Js-mand when pai-g r t m > w h o couid not at­tend the gener­al audiences in St Peter's or were not satis­fied with h*v-lng seen the Pope only oace, came tn ever | grovitng nujn-

r«er« t o Caste-igandolSo b e g g t e g for anottser g l i m p s e at the H o l y r'alher '

AS SOOiN a s Hta H o l i n e s s r e a l ' t i e d t h i s - he c o n s e n t e d and h a d 1

t h e f o l k s g a t h e r e d in the court ­yard. » hero h e came to a b a l e , o n ) a n d vis i ted with t h e m . T h a t V,M e n o u g h . T h e v»ord \»f>nt. about U k e wildf ire and irotn t h e n j on<hCT» informal courtyard a u d i , enrea b e c a m e a n Institution, t h r e e a f t e r n o o n * i w e e k at about five o'clock

This s u m m e r , right from t h e time t h e Pope c a m e Here, It h a s been t h e normal thing h) m u t u a l ' consent and m u c h lo e v e n o r t e » p leasure and t>b\tou»lv even t h a t o f His Holine-sa Every Monday , W e d n e s d a y arvd Friday a f t ernoon the c o u r t ) » r d rwia b e e n filled-and t h r i .ed when the Pontif f stepped to the b a l m n y

XNattftMa. ^

""'jfiwats toff?


/ #« ,*,•f-i'i s *

l^k't. i^t V

IBft1 SaWHH^^HMrl itSJia^af!

AaBamT <TBa#t^aff ^•^aVft . I tiaV*

fcl|_a*fc aVik^fe "traa M K ^ ^ M Ai^rJIyK -^^ma,

%PP(% f T i R C^B*P- * ^ P ^ ^ ^ c iPPIffr^- H»*p>

•f**! ' afSS&SSEi

• t i i a a n t i i a- atM i»ta "

JN|i<i|ll%lWN^-^ll(rtSh^SIBp - B^fV^lr^ f ^ a M1 ai»- W » S * ! ^^^j^wv^W^K *utJjoritk« wmr •'tttfttfl l« i w

^JHHR j j l^lSl1^. ^f, ^-^apB t n r * $ »W j/QK^>

Muat* ta fc*:l»if'«>td,iiit: i tu >naia • 'aukltaa' <a#:- i uL a«M«tta«- it"'faia ••MIPS fl*. .MS- -*WPP"*'fla "PP5. : g « J ^ | ^ y 1 i « ^ i J ^ g ^ - , * y ^ * ; - l W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t t , >- a-

• - ' - ^ t

The Holy Father, won to return to Retne for the winter, re- atriUfncea hfU In thu «*»rlj»r< »rf hW MttMKff Wli>lllil» '»• oeivei a targe crowd of pUgrlma at one of the regular trt-weekly C»*fel«»nte47o, In tk» tt l |^«m»ii (fehWr> if j | Xf**|# fl'W, »•

Mval oflkers and men, v greeta the aexnad KrtHip by name, with a "apectal Weaaltn" for them, their loved one* at home and for their particular w-ork.

Charities Drive Goes 0\rer Top

Indian Crew Hosts Bombay Archbishop

Ixmdon - - <NC» Arrrtbu'-<>(> \'aler-ian Oracian, S J o f limn bay went d o w n to London s di- K land to i p e n d the e v e n i n g »» he g u e s t ol t h e Indian crew of "io

Cleveland < N O - T h e Clev-e Und Carhonc Chartt lea 1951 c a m paign a-chleved the 1 a r g e a l amount col lected In t h e h i s t o r y of rhe campaigrva. It haa hewn a t e a m e r Jalazad. d i s c l o s e d h e r e . WHl lam M T H e m e n hearing t h a t 'he Fyrnea, c a m p a i g n chairman. s» A r r h b u h o p * a « pAMinj; t h r r o j h that t h e 1^1 goal w a a $60f> rtoo l - o n d o n o n his » a > hiirne- «''<-r and t h a ' t h e campaign » - a i a v i s i t to P....-r.f h x d «e- • hir: a o\er - iubscr lr ied by tH2 340 a p e c i a l ln\1ta' ion

W h e n t h e w e l c o m i n g cheera h a v e subs ided It t i the Pope s ,

This ci>rtt-spondent recent ly filrrx and w i t h o b v i o u s happlneaa mode se-ver«l t r i p a to a t t e n d s o m e he steps t o the m i c r o p h o n e on i of t h e « e de l i gh t fu l meet lnB*. the balcony'a r a i l i n g t o match (

pnTuiri!% to tell the truth for the enthus iasm o f hla ch i ldren*' ' hu . . » n m ) ' " rnenl and ediflca d e \ otu.n \*1 ih the a f f ec t ion of h i s ti.m h u t also fr>r the purpose of a ^ i c o m e t o their c o m m o n la recording once more. a«i the c u r , h r . r , h o m e f a u a l l y h e beeina rent s e a s o n n e a r s i t s r'osc. the t o S J 1 M h l n Ital ian, since c h a n c e * fart t h e fruit and. i * e may e \ -en l r e » there a r e m o r e Ilal iana prea-*»\ ' h e fun of t h e s e u n i q u e P n t lj1»n people o f any o t h e r na «*vcn,!>- tlortallly T h e n h l a gree t ing m a y

I .ONO BEFtJI iE t h e appointed c o m p in r rencn o r Herman , to-time peop le w h o h a \ e come f r o m g a t h e r w i t h a w o r d of bleaalng Home b y trolley bus. taxi or prl- t n t i » father 's thought or t w o trale c » r file t h r o u g h the garatJMl*' * »ptrtfual n a t u r e . E n g l i s h . the P a p a U u r r v m e r resldem-e p a s t S p a n i s h a n d P o r t u g u e s e lollms • he SwtJin gLar<ls. a n d slowly fill l n *he snrne strain, friendly, klnd-

the c o u r t y a r d It Is a l u . y a pieaa- ly. f i l i n g grace m . v e r y w o n t , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «nt e \ t - n t h o u g h It m e a n s s t a n d - D U R I N G T H E S E greet inga the tng for an h o u r or m o r e in a not pont i f f r e a d s f r o m a llart In hla particular!) a t t r a c t i v e p l a c e h a n d the namea ar»d coontr lca of y u i e t n c h i t t i n g t h e y paaa the g r o u p s k n o w n t o be present B e time u n t i l Hla H o l i n e s s a p p e a r s th*-> s m a l l or l a r g e , thojw g r o u p s

Then , howerver, t h e m u r m m n f ppople v ie w i t h earh o ther In subs ide* ia'r^-<>mets hurry In lr,«- ,pi;,t an<U.»;uirne « n h » h i c h and al l e>e« s'rain »n«ar, | t r lf | n € » N i ,kno,D0<lr /r the H<ilv Fa hs,\mr-. U i r h c u t pre i imlnar te s . |hp-r » ment ion o f thnr country wl'h n-> advance «arTiing e x c e p t o r p|jn>« a v l igh' rustle of t h e c u r i a m In „ , .

Dtirlnt; theae nmti ipnti the r*-a| fun c o m e » — f o r P o p e and f o r p e o p l e . P e r h a p s lb*«re are

l * » o g r o u p s f r o m one c o u n t r y

a n d the Pope m e n t i o n s only

nnr of t h e m TH»» othens don't

atasnd fo r that T ' l r v shout, "Holy Father. » f re here too'"

"V^ho's that"" h«- «av». asking

p*Thapa fwt) or three t i m e s un

t o he u n d e r s t a n d * , and then be

ada." "Oh, but lh«t ! did tklk to you tn Frewh and aurely }-tm utificTatnod ma, too, dktn't y o u f Thc>- had to mtmJt they w«tr* caught and chwt*<l him all tha

The Pope so obviously enJoy»; m o w f o r , h e ttUy' II all that he ateema to look for | A moment talcr, the Jrlitl Clam* more people to greet. He Mka If |ored for recognition. "AVJithsf*1

there la anyone elie who haa not he asked. "Ireland!** nl|fl»m1?'' been meniioned and aetat* every , "Ah, J-eii, Cesd Kill* flilftM" {» opportunity lo make a utile Jota.hundred thouMiid w»Jcoms*)'tb* or have an added laugh- | Pope »aitl in, Gneltc and h#W th*

Perhaps there la a ttelrfaUon i IcUb loved that! from a Slater*' or a Brother*' 8c*n.-*ly one of the** aucUenC** achool. "So, yoAj art from auch I haa paased without UJ3. mlUtitry and aueh a achool, %re ^jour*' per«<«inel, Army, Air force tk "Yea" they about "AAd i t * y^i|rs»vy. B6i«I Mbr*ir«nt«tl. Th«y all good nudenta*" the Pope | have never left »IU«5ut * »J»c* a,ka. uul there Is u.ualty a not-1 M gtwlln$ »„,, „ fet^y ^ ^ j

from the Pontiff about living up tt> ibeli* ChrUHtn faith mS trt. dltlorm |K rnUlUry, ltf«.

TlflWK HUMAN quaHtle- Of

stajj-j $* late aa | ^ ^ f e ) . . tlw weather op Uvu Wifllec *H> mm «t the VaWca* br,int lilw buck durln« Attvent.

TtK>#«. who MM th* f&f tf|*':

marly la R«mi «m Hn-lr* of hum by w» tejawtt ftt the «MMitryi' KM! th* ntrttn* v*«r fet m m. trejrtlwi. WUhtn t mi mf* » | hf* golBK to C**iej|»rwklf» Wit

pwiAtrs* bettHfirt rtriwnilr m* tf**wt, mHw-HmM-mm •i*d n* mam* piiMmmit the remit triplet c*nwil»«U« m 8t» PiMnr tj hi )MW§ Jftett CfftlMI worKkmtwnt »* hi* viiorewai but itr*«etm »oiMiai«At i twit younier anbrtwii roinlttif* «it*ir Vm&% t* .;>**» ttr#H #f I4i 'mtfl W'..J#»Ji^t,l«*»e^il* jaWljrT'ftWl w p|§^^•lw^ MfeMliTid 'laWrViPWttj ' '.'•. ". ,:-

ihe d'K-r o! I h e hji.rony the i i o l )

KA'hPr »t,ind« bpforr them garb­

ed in •-* hite »i i,s >ul»tretched

in t r r r ' i r j « m | fa. e ->»rfa"ipd In


the "ye»" HU llolloeas Mme» time* play a on Ihcae notes with "why not'at" and "what'a the trouble'" and goea on to aak If

fe ^he "ei'pTnafu 'reSTl " * POtiliK • » * * • * * •*»«*«! W * * < * ^ ^ ^ < * * mckie and he coaxea until he they deeply Imprea* ail who MM. tel^ifideif^ e*#i «pp#iMrj«t h}* gets a few brave volcea to alng °r me*! Wm, WberevW Of Wbfib | V»aJtjMCNtf etMHriy thi f»ptf H* out "We tr> Holy Father, we wet tt t«: but somehow, they be-try " Whereupon he gfood-naflir' edh pra i ses t h e

more orf It

"try" and u r g e *

O N E TIME, after h e had spok­

en in i n l a n g u a g e s a n d ment ion­

ed s e v e r a l countr ies h e aaked if

'here w a s a n y o n e clap lo w h o m

he had not s p o k e n "Canada *

ciutir t h e c i \ from a corner o f

the c r o w d W h a t part of Can­

ada*" h e a s k e d ' F r e n c h Can-

man heart ani peflMMujlliy, (he come even more real at hla aum-1 love and undemanding and tm-mer home. Hla Holvneaa ill j <**n Iter WdbW^ p*0* pi IMS known to tove it there, to look I ordinary featfte* of IJfi — tillK? forward each summer io going ' marks of the true pj«tor««%1iich there, to regret havtng to leave • anlmat® Piua 501, plfMHf «f lh* raatelggndoifo In the fall He ' wwld. I

T h o u s a n d s a r e l a i ' c h i n g t o G o l d e n T o p p e r a t x l you'll k n o w wrr»

very b o d y ' • r a c i n g a b o u t the s e n s a t i o o a l I S H « of( r o4<)en T o p p e r . . . t h e

m i n u t e you r a w s it C r e a m y s t u o o t h a s y o u drsnk it you'll s m a c k y e w

b p j i n iheer c ie l igbt w-ith e v e r y tip F o r h e r e ' i the fsrii R o c h e v t e r b e e r

p r o d u c e d in years that rttliy caprures that d e f l a t e b a l a n c e of l i g h t n e i i ,

d r y o e s s , and 6 n e S a v o r . G e t tn-on t h e G o o > d - a t - G o l d taste o f G o l d e n

T o p p e r . Try t i no«- at your favorite r e s t a u r a n t . or aik f o r it in y o u r

favori te b o t t l e l i tes at your rj-eighborfeood store .


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ii sts*aalte SjaaaaLaA. •laMlassilsa' ^ aMfWa} -^^f^lfW f f t f l l v

U | jBka^uui|^^y£~|^^^y&» ^

T| *TW "-WsJPjrJayWrj PipFlB!, rf

WWJRiNf * 1 * *ij

av^a^iaW#^k. '. Tr ig j i r i i - v !- ' «*'»*• MM *#**# v • ?*Cfc*ftf»*

• i * ^eaaaafcttata tfjatstsisV •T w w ^ " p * i aapwjssss

•W w P W P l s l ^ l P r ' . je

• f i L atA.i .Aae.a..^-. r~V

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YOURS far y«»r t l i dtoMr wim y»» trod* it hi Ml lb imdjg MW

liEff 11 ^IjiaWl^asiMaatsiLaa^LJiJcV--"-^ g -•-** ^ • - - ^ - -^ i » » , r ^ , . rVia VBaBTa yaasaaaaaaaf i p p p a p a , ^

•^-^avjr j i ^ ^ , •aaaaaVaf' *

* r W * ieaaHlai UsaaaiiiMHit ^ a| t ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ j ^ a t ^ a a w J f j - ^ ^ ^ ^ & j ^ i ^ - t ^ - j i

no dutt bag to •*!! PAV AH LITTLE A S SlJfcS i •iiinIIiiMM«iM»ii- n iwf i . i mmwiin fiwiiiiu»iiiiii^^»^^»M.«^i»wi^fa<^i»w«M»a»sS!!a»

'nit m$«m. &**< mm^m^m^m ! > -T



alla^tlfini '- HAKIJWA!

ftl t'aWtsttffl


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W . J ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ a s g ! ^ ^ -Jl 1-J

4 '.I,*- * H/fr^
