Lil' Henry and His Woozy Brother

His W Lil’ Henry and Woozy Brothe er


Communion wine brings joy to a little boy.

Transcript of Lil' Henry and His Woozy Brother

His Woozy

Lil’ Henry


Woozy Brother


counted 13 of them so he was never sure where the rest were hidden.

The words of Henry’s mom went in his left ear and made a

right ear. His mom was always telling him stuff like that. Where did she get all these things,

anyhow? They really seemed meaningless in the scope of everything.

Besides, the church Henry’s family went to was in

their living room. Yes, you heard that right: the

church Henry’s family went to was not in town

and it was not in a regular church building. For

some reason Henry could not understand, their

church was in their dining room.

Every Sunday morning right after

Henry’s job to go into the basement and haul up

folding chairs and put them around the

to sing, pray and spend large amounts of time sitting in absolute silence as the farm men l

like they were fighting the urge to snooze.

Once in a while, the oppressive silence would be broken by one of the

farmers jumping to his feet and standing there with his eyes closed,

talking to someone Henry could not see. His mom told him that it

God they were talking to, but Henry kept looking around and could not

see God.

he did not know a lot of things yet about God and how things worked in life.

The best time of the long, boring

Some male would stand up and tell God they were happy for the

chance to eat the bread on the table. That always made Henry wonder

why. The load of bread wasn’t very big. He had seen a lot bigger

Poor lil' Henry's house

“Henry, I want you to sit

very quietly in church this

morning. Don’t say a word

and don’t make faces at the

Hermann kid

mom. The Hermann’s

a neighbor farm family.

Henry heard

they had 31 kids but he only

counted 13 of them so he was never sure where the rest were hidden.

The words of Henry’s mom went in his left ear and made a quick trip across his head and out his

right ear. His mom was always telling him stuff like that. Where did she get all these things,

They really seemed meaningless in the scope of everything.

Besides, the church Henry’s family went to was in

room. Yes, you heard that right: the

church Henry’s family went to was not in town

and it was not in a regular church building. For

some reason Henry could not understand, their

church was in their dining room.

Every Sunday morning right after breakfast, it was

Henry’s job to go into the basement and haul up

folding chairs and put them around the room where people would gather in a couple of hours

to sing, pray and spend large amounts of time sitting in absolute silence as the farm men l

like they were fighting the urge to snooze.

Once in a while, the oppressive silence would be broken by one of the

farmers jumping to his feet and standing there with his eyes closed,

talking to someone Henry could not see. His mom told him that it

God they were talking to, but Henry kept looking around and could not

see God. Henry was not yet “enlightened” according to his brothers so

he did not know a lot of things yet about God and how things worked in life.

The best time of the long, boring meetings happened toward the end.

Some male would stand up and tell God they were happy for the

chance to eat the bread on the table. That always made Henry wonder

why. The load of bread wasn’t very big. He had seen a lot bigger

“Henry, I want you to sit

very quietly in church this

morning. Don’t say a word

t make faces at the

rmann kids,” said his

The Hermann’s were

a neighbor farm family.

heard his dad say

they had 31 kids but he only

quick trip across his head and out his

right ear. His mom was always telling him stuff like that. Where did she get all these things,

room where people would gather in a couple of hours

to sing, pray and spend large amounts of time sitting in absolute silence as the farm men looked

Once in a while, the oppressive silence would be broken by one of the

farmers jumping to his feet and standing there with his eyes closed,

talking to someone Henry could not see. His mom told him that it was

God they were talking to, but Henry kept looking around and could not

Henry was not yet “enlightened” according to his brothers so

loaves on the dinner table after his mom had baked bread.

But, the plate of bread was soon passed around and Henry knew that morning

“church” was about over. The last thing to happen was the same ritual when

someone would stand and with closed eyes, thank God for the cup. He

never understand what that meant as he could never spot the cup, just a glass of

what looked like juice on a little table.

Henry’s mom was very sensitive about whatever was in the glass. She often frowned very

heavily whenever Henry’s dad would

of juice that contained what Henry learned was called “wine.”

His mom told him never to drink what was left in the glass after church as

that was holy wine. He noticed that his dad never seemed to let that bother

him because Henry would sometimes spot dad in the pantry after church

tipping the glass toward the ceiling and giving out a little sigh.

The pantry was a small room off the kitchen where Henry’s mom put jars of

canned vegetables, cans of fruit and many, m

this little room is where the church wine was stored, waiting there from Sunday to

Sunday to play its role in Henry’s church service.

One Sunday after everyone had finally gone home, the smell of roast beef, mashed pota

creamed corn and freshly baked rhubarb

thought that was the most wonderful smell especially since the house was usually filled with

the smells of muddy pigs and tail

As Henry’s huge family sat down around the dinner table to eat, his father asked, “

Johnny?” Henry’s little brother was nowhere to be found.

“Johnny. Johnny. JOHNNY

he yelled, birds fell to the ground.

usually one of the first of the family to sit down to eat. He was always hungry.

But after several more minutes of yelling, still no Johnny appeared. The whole

family scatted to look for Johnny. Lyle checked the barn, Don

granary, Doreen looked down the basement and Doris went upstairs. Henry

supervised them all

But, no Johnny. Where could he be? Henry’s dad went to the corner of the

kitchen, his big old hand resting on the counter top as he tried to think


table after his mom had baked bread.

But, the plate of bread was soon passed around and Henry knew that morning

“church” was about over. The last thing to happen was the same ritual when

someone would stand and with closed eyes, thank God for the cup. He

never understand what that meant as he could never spot the cup, just a glass of

what looked like juice on a little table.

Henry’s mom was very sensitive about whatever was in the glass. She often frowned very

heavily whenever Henry’s dad would smack his lips when he looked at the jug

of juice that contained what Henry learned was called “wine.”

His mom told him never to drink what was left in the glass after church as

that was holy wine. He noticed that his dad never seemed to let that bother

him because Henry would sometimes spot dad in the pantry after church

tipping the glass toward the ceiling and giving out a little sigh.

The pantry was a small room off the kitchen where Henry’s mom put jars of

canned vegetables, cans of fruit and many, many boxes of Wheaties. In addition,

this little room is where the church wine was stored, waiting there from Sunday to

Sunday to play its role in Henry’s church service.

One Sunday after everyone had finally gone home, the smell of roast beef, mashed pota

creamed corn and freshly baked rhubarb-strawberry pie filled the house. Henry always

thought that was the most wonderful smell especially since the house was usually filled with

the smells of muddy pigs and tail-switching cows.

ily sat down around the dinner table to eat, his father asked, “

” Henry’s little brother was nowhere to be found.

Johnny. Johnny. JOHNNY!” yelled Henry’s dad. Dad had a loud voice! When

he yelled, birds fell to the ground. No answer. This was unusual. Johnny was

usually one of the first of the family to sit down to eat. He was always hungry.

But after several more minutes of yelling, still no Johnny appeared. The whole

family scatted to look for Johnny. Lyle checked the barn, Don

, Doreen looked down the basement and Doris went upstairs. Henry

them all.

But, no Johnny. Where could he be? Henry’s dad went to the corner of the

kitchen, his big old hand resting on the counter top as he tried to think of where Johnny might

But, the plate of bread was soon passed around and Henry knew that morning

“church” was about over. The last thing to happen was the same ritual when

someone would stand and with closed eyes, thank God for the cup. Henry could

never understand what that meant as he could never spot the cup, just a glass of

Henry’s mom was very sensitive about whatever was in the glass. She often frowned very

The pantry was a small room off the kitchen where Henry’s mom put jars of

any boxes of Wheaties. In addition,

this little room is where the church wine was stored, waiting there from Sunday to

One Sunday after everyone had finally gone home, the smell of roast beef, mashed potatoes,

filled the house. Henry always

thought that was the most wonderful smell especially since the house was usually filled with

ily sat down around the dinner table to eat, his father asked, “Where’s

Dad had a loud voice! When

This was unusual. Johnny was

usually one of the first of the family to sit down to eat. He was always hungry.

But after several more minutes of yelling, still no Johnny appeared. The whole

family scatted to look for Johnny. Lyle checked the barn, Don checked the

, Doreen looked down the basement and Doris went upstairs. Henry

But, no Johnny. Where could he be? Henry’s dad went to the corner of the

of where Johnny might

crooked smile and his eyes were going around his head like saucers on ice.

Doreen ran into the pantry. “Yes

lot missing.”

Henry’s little brother Johnny was drunk. There was no easy way to say it. Mom’s face was

white with worry. Her face always turned white when thing

“What are we going to do, Ralph?”

he die?”

Henry’s dad just leaned back on the counter top by the sink. “

him to bed. All that will happen is th

Henry wondered. How did his dad know that?

Then all of a sudden as the kids came in

from every direction, Henry’s dad held up

his hand: “Shhhhh,” he said.

heard something.”

He tilted his head, then walked across the

kitchen to the sink and bent down.

he grabbed the handles on the two doors

below the sink and opened them.

There he was, Johnny. He was grinning a

crooked smile and his eyes were going around his head like saucers on ice.

“Get out of there,” his dad ordered Johnny. But little John

could not make his legs work. Something was wrong.

Henry’s mother bent down to help Johnny up. “

she said, holding her nose. “Johnny, have you been drinking

the holy wine.”

But Johnny could not answer. He just grinned and grinned.

Yes,” she yelled, “He has. The bottle of wine is open and there is a

Henry’s little brother Johnny was drunk. There was no easy way to say it. Mom’s face was

white with worry. Her face always turned white when things went wrong.

What are we going to do, Ralph?” she asked dad. “Should we take him into the hospital? Will

Henry’s dad just leaned back on the counter top by the sink. “No, he will be alright. Let’s put

him to bed. All that will happen is that when he wakes up, he will have a headache.

Henry wondered. How did his dad know that?

a sudden as the kids came in

from every direction, Henry’s dad held up

,” he said. “I think I

He tilted his head, then walked across the

kitchen to the sink and bent down. Slowly

he grabbed the handles on the two doors

below the sink and opened them.

There he was, Johnny. He was grinning a

,” his dad ordered Johnny. But little Johnny

could not make his legs work. Something was wrong.

Henry’s mother bent down to help Johnny up. “Whewww,”

Johnny, have you been drinking

But Johnny could not answer. He just grinned and grinned.

e has. The bottle of wine is open and there is a

Henry’s little brother Johnny was drunk. There was no easy way to say it. Mom’s face was

Should we take him into the hospital? Will

No, he will be alright. Let’s put

at when he wakes up, he will have a headache.”