Lighting -'s Le Prophete. 1878:...

Theatrical Lighting D. Blanck MYP Drama

Transcript of Lighting -'s Le Prophete. 1878:...

  • Theatrical Lighting

    D. BlanckMYP Drama

  • Natural Light

    • Through most of theatre history only natural light is used


  • Candles• Italy - 1580s: Candles are

    introduced in the court theatres.

    • England - 1600s: First used in the private (indoor) theatres, Reintroduced during the English “Restoration”.

    • Mounting Positions: Chandeliers over both the stage and the house, Front edge of the stage (footlights), and "Ladders" between each pair of side wings.

  • Gaslamps• 1816-7: The world's first

    gas stage-lighting systems are installed at the Chestnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia and London's Drury Lane and Covent Garden.

    • 1840s: The gas table (control board) makes its appearance.

    • 1850s, the stage of the Royal Theatre in Stockholm is illuminated with 562 burners:

  • In the Limelight

    • 1816: Demonstrated by Thomas Drummond, it's inventor.

    • 1837: English actor-manager Charles Macready uses a limelight at London's Covent Garden.

    • 1870s: The limelight is in general use in "modern" theatres.

  • Carbon Arc1849: An arc lamp is used to create a sunrise effect at the Paris Opera's production of Meyerbeer's Le Prophete.

    1878: Charles Brush develops a practical dynamo making the carbon arc lamp a workable source of light1880s: The carbon arc lamp begins to replace the limelight in the "modern" theatre.

  • Incandescent

    • 1879: Thomas Edison perfects the first practical incandescent electric lamp. • 1890s: By the end of the 19th century "modern" theatres have switched to

    the much safer incandescent electric lights. • 1903: An electrical lighting system with 106 resistance dimmers is installed

    at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.9

  • Early Dimming Systems

  • Fresnel

  • Ellipsoidal

  • PAR