Lifetime.Hosting review

Lifetime.Hosting Review What is it ? Lifetime.Hosting is LITERALLY the last web hosting you will every buy. Join the thousands of satisfied customers that WON’T be paying us month-after-month, year-after-year for rock solid web hosting and domain names. Who is Lifetime.Hosting ? Hosting is a new concept in Hosting. Instead of paying month-after-month, we charge you once. A single one-time payment. Our parent company has been providing web hosting for over 14 years. 6 different companies. We’re not new at this. This isn’t a hobby for us. This is what we do for a living. And we do it well. We’ve provided shared web hosting for over 50,000 customers. This includes our premium brands that sell shared hosting for as much as $720/year and our value brands that sell for as little as $24/year.

Transcript of Lifetime.Hosting review

Lifetime.Hosting Review – What is it ?

Lifetime.Hosting is LITERALLY the last web hosting you will every buy. Join the thousands of

satisfied customers that WON’T be paying us month-after-month, year-after-year for rock solid web

hosting and domain names.

Who is Lifetime.Hosting ? Hosting is a new concept in Hosting. Instead of paying month-after-month, we charge you once.

A single one-time payment. Our parent company has been providing web hosting for over 14 years. 6 different companies.

We’re not new at this. This isn’t a hobby for us. This is what we do for a living. And we do it well. We’ve provided shared web hosting for over 50,000 customers. This includes our premium

brands that sell shared hosting for as much as $720/year and our value brands that sell for as little as $24/year.

Why Should I use Lifetime.Hosting ? Just one of our companies has generated over $5,700,000 since it started. Not because we’re

bad at what we do. Not because we’re new at this. And certainly not because we’re “here today, gone tomorrow.”

We’ve been providing 24×7 technical support for over 13 years. And providing live support for 12 years. Our customers have experienced every type of install, config and troubleshooting issue you can imagine – and our tech support has seen it all before. And solved it all before.

Lifetime.Hosting Review – Overview

Product: Lifetime.Hosting

Vendor: Richard Madison

Official Website: Click here to go Lifetime.Hosting Official Site

Launch Date: 2016 – 08 – 15 At 10:00 EDT

Front-End Price: $14.95 – $67

Niche: General

Lifetime.Hosting Review – The Features

Here Are Just A Few Of The Powerful Features Inside Lifetime.Hosting …

Lifetime.Hosting for up to 12 websites, including up to 12 GB of SSD-optimized storage. Not only

have we invested heavily in our enterprise cloud infrastructure, we integrate best of breed software

including cloudlinux, litespeed webserver and mariadb to ensure the fastest loading websites. Unlimited Email Accounts – Create as many 500 MB email accounts, forwarders and auto-

responders required for your business or website. cPanel Control Panel – cPanel makes it easy to review your hosting stats, create email

accounts, main databases, settings & more. Free Website Builder – No scripting, coding or HTML skills required. Even non-programmers

can create professional-looking websites. Applications & Tools – Install your favorite applications including WordPress, Joomla,

osCommerce, Gallery with one-click! Enterprise RAID Storage – We provide you with the lightning fast RAID storage you need &

unlimited bandwidth to power your web sites. Unlimited 24/7 Support – Our superstar support team is available 24/7/365 via live chat & email

to solve any problems you might have.

Lifetime.Hosting Delivers A Faster Loading Website Better Hardware = Faster Loading Website – (Warning – Geek talking coming up…) Minimum

server specifications: Dual Xeon L5630 with 8 Cores (16 HT Cores), 96 GB DDR3 RAM, SSD Storage for OS and MySQL with RAID Enterprise Sata Storage, connected via 1Gbps Network.

Better Software = Faster Loading Website – We use Litespeed Web Server. LSWS serves more users, handles traffic spikes and neutralizes DDoS attacks. We use CloudLinux. CloudLinux prevents individual websites from using too many resources & provides better security while protecting servers via LVE Technology.

Better Support = Faster Loading Website – Our support team has been solving problems for 14 years. Our friendly team is available 24×7 through email, our ticketing system or live chat. If you’re experiencing difficulties we can help you resolve them – and fast. Over 85% of support request are resolved in our first interaction.


Lifetime.Hosting Review – Why Should You Need It ?

If you already have web hosting, Here is why you need Lifetime.Hosting: You’ll never get tricked into secret price increases again. Millions of customers signup for

$2.95/mo hosting only to find the renewal is $8.95 – $11.95/mo. A 400% price increase. With Lifetime.Hosting there are never any renewal fees.

No worries about your website being offline because of missed renewal invoices or expired domains payments. Lifetime.Hosting never sends hosting or domain invoice renewals ever. You pay once.

If you don’t have web hosting, Here is why you need Lifetime.Hosting: It’s time to put your business or personal website online. What are you waiting for? With your

own website you can reach billions of online customers.

Hosting offers faster loading websites, 24×7 support and is backed by 14 years of web hosting experience and 50,000 hosting accounts.

And this amazing offer includes everything you need in a hosting package: cPanel Control Panel Unlimited Email Accounts Free Website Builder One-click Installer for WordPress, etc… 24/7 Technical Support

When You Purchase Lifetime.Hosting Today, You”ll Get These Amazing Bonuses for Fast Acting Customers

BONUS #1 – LIFETIME DOMAIN REGISTRATION Purchase Lifetime.Hosting and we’ll throw in a free lifetime domain registration. Regular price of

$29.95. Register a,,,,, or domain name.

BONUS #2 – SUREFIRE MARKET RESEARCH Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You… Finally, Discover How to Examine and Find The Right Markets – And Better Understand What

Your Customers Want – So You Can Ensure Your Product Sells! This specific training course was designed so you could watch over my shoulder, step-by-step,

click by click, to ensure your products fit your buyers.

BONUS #3 – THE ORGANIZED MIND Discover The Step-By-Step System To Overcoming Information Overload And Staying

Organized! Find Out How To Finally Free Yourself Of Overload, Reduce Your Stress And Work More

Productively! This bundle includes The Organized Mind, the Checklist, the Resource Cheat Sheet as well as

the Mindmap.