
LifeFlow is the effortless way to meditate so deeply, your body will quiver with pleasure as endless happy endorphins and anti-ageing hormones flow through your mind and body. Did you know that people who meditate daily are much happier, healthier and live longer than those who don’t? When you meditate deeply your brain produces a fountain of pleasurable chemicals which make you feel blissful and exquisitely happy. This effortless method gives results light years beyond other techniques you may have tried, and simply at the push of a button. You'll scoop up all the benefits in just a fraction of the time it would take you if you followed the old traditional path. LifeFlow is a lifelong tool designed to greatly enhance and speed up the meditation process. If you are new to 'brainwave entrainment' the process is very simple. Just play LifeFlow with stereo headphones sometimes and through open speakers also sometimes, during your regular meditation time. Audio entrainment generally takes about 8 minutes to reach its full effect. The benefits of using LifeFlow on a regular basis are quite staggering and you will be astounded with how it dramatically accelerates and enhances your meditation. Simply sit with your head and back supported as you would with traditional meditation or lie down. Simply create the same daily habit of using LifeFlow as you do with showering and personal hygiene. Make it a part of your life and just treat it as your “personal space” time. You can begin listening to LifeFlow 10 in full once per day. Ordinary audio entrainment programs use only one kind of entrainment wave, commonly known as "binaural beats". Binaural Beats LifeFlow incorporates not only "binaural" beats but also "monaural" and "isochronic" tones in a structure of 12 simultaneous layers. Monaural Tones We harmonically layer precision-engineered window frequencies within exquisitely beautiful music and magnificent sounds of nature. Isochronic Tones The result is an entrainment experience virtually unmatched by any commercial product on the market today. You really have to experience it to believe it. These layers of entrainment waves gently guide the brain into ideal brainwave states, perfect for meditation. It is when you are in these deeper states that the brain is able to naturally release serotonin which is your body’s natural happy drug and also release chemicals including Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which slows down the ageing process, creating longevity. Serotonin LifeFlow has been specifically designed using extremely precise frequencies that resonate and impact the body at a cellular level. You can truly feel your meditation on a physical level, in surges of positive energy and a flow of deep heartfelt emotions. Our choice of frequencies are based on extensive biofeedback research. The strongest attribute of binaural waves is their ability to create whole brain synchronization. All three wave types produce some synchronization, but binaural does a much better job than the other two tones. Binaural beats must be listened to with stereo headphones for them to achieve this. Monaural and isochronic tones share the big advantage in that they can both be listened to over open speakers, i.e., without the need of using headphones. This is a real bonus for people who don't want to be tied down by a pair of headphones with a cord. An additional benefit to using LifeFlow over open speakers is the fact that we "listen" with our entire body, not just our ears. Those of us with normal hearing may not be as aware of the effect that sound vibrations in the air have on our bodies as a whole, because we focus our attention almost exclusively on those vibrations as they are received through the normal auditory mechanism, but if we tune that out we will often find that we continue to experience the sense of "sound" through our body as a whole. Taking this a step further, entrainment waves restricted to a set of headphones, such as isolated binaural beats, will impact only our ordinary auditory senses. Monaural and isochronics, played out in the open air, however, have the capacity to impact and influence the entire body. Monaural and isochronic waves produce more pronounced brainwave entrainment than binaural beats.

Transcript of Lifeflow-Brainwaves

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LifeFlow is the effortless way to meditate so deeply, your body will quiver with pleasure as endless happy endorphins and anti-ageing hormones flow through your mind and body.

Did you know that people who meditate daily are much happier, healthier and live longer than those who don’t?

When you meditate deeply your brain produces a fountain of pleasurable chemicals which make you feel blissful and exquisitely happy.

This effortless method gives results light years beyond other techniques you may have tried, and simply at the push of a button. You'll scoop up all the benefits in just a fraction of the time it would take you if you followed the old traditional path.

LifeFlow is a lifelong tool designed to greatly enhance and speed up the meditation process.

If you are new to 'brainwave entrainment' the process is very simple. Just play LifeFlow with stereo headphones sometimes and through open speakers also sometimes, during your regular meditation time. Audio entrainment generally takes about 8 minutes to reach its full effect.

The benefits of using LifeFlow on a regular basis are quite staggering and you will be astounded with how it dramatically accelerates and enhances your meditation. Simply sit with your head and back supported as you would with traditional meditation or lie down.

Simply create the same daily habit of using LifeFlow as you do with showering and personal hygiene. Make it a part of your life and just treat it as your “personal space” time.

You can begin listening to LifeFlow 10 in full once per day.

Ordinary audio entrainment programs use only one kind of entrainment wave, commonly known as "binaural beats".

Binaural Beats

LifeFlow incorporates not only "binaural" beats but also "monaural" and "isochronic" tones in a structure of 12 simultaneous layers.

Monaural Tones

We harmonically layer precision-engineered window frequencies within exquisitely beautiful music and magnificent sounds of nature.

Isochronic Tones

The result is an entrainment experience virtually unmatched by any commercial product on the market today. You really have to experience it to believe it.

These layers of entrainment waves gently guide the brain into ideal brainwave states, perfect for meditation. It is when you are in these deeper states that the brain is able to naturally release serotonin which is your body’s natural happy drug and also release chemicals including Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which slows down the ageing process, creating longevity.


LifeFlow has been specifically designed using extremely precise frequencies that resonate and impact the body at a cellular level. You can truly feel your meditation on a physical level, in surges of positive energy and a flow of deep heartfelt emotions. Our choice of frequencies are based on extensive biofeedback research.

The strongest attribute of binaural waves is their ability to create whole brain synchronization. All three wave types produce some synchronization, but binaural does a much better job than the other two tones. Binaural beats must be listened to with stereo headphones for them to achieve this.

Monaural and isochronic tones share the big advantage in that they can both be listened to over open speakers, i.e., without the need of using headphones. This is a real bonus for people who don't want to be tied down by a pair of headphones with a cord.

An additional benefit to using LifeFlow over open speakers is the fact that we "listen" with our entire body, not just our ears.

Those of us with normal hearing may not be as aware of the effect that sound vibrations in the air have on our bodies as a whole, because we focus our attention almost exclusively on those vibrations as they are received through the normal auditory mechanism, but if we tune that out we will often find that we continue to experience the sense of "sound" through our body as a whole.

Taking this a step further, entrainment waves restricted to a set of headphones, such as isolated binaural beats, will impact only our ordinary auditory senses.

Monaural and isochronics, played out in the open air, however, have the capacity to impact and influence the entire body.

Monaural and isochronic waves produce more pronounced brainwave entrainment than binaural beats.

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Of the two, the most current research suggests that isochronic waves have the greatest entrainment effect.

We recommend that you experiment and vary how you listen to the LifeFlow program – that is some times with stereo headphones and sometimes simply from open speakers.

Each LifeFlow track has a number as part of its name. That number is the entrainment frequency for that track.

LifeFlow 10, 9 and 8 are various levels of Alpha brain waves.

LifeFlow 7, 6, 5 and 4 are various levels within the Theta brain waves and

LifeFlow 3, 2 and 1 are various levels within Delta brain waves.

LifeFlow is designed to be listened to beginning with LifeFlow 10, an entrainment frequency within Alpha and eventually down to the lowest Delta entrainment frequency of LifeFlow 1.

Although there are no hard and fast rules of when to move onto the next level we suggest that you listen to each track for approximately 30 to 60 days.

However, if you want to listen to the same track for three months, that’s fine too.

If you have been meditating successfully for many years you may choose to move down the levels faster.

If you are relatively new or have had little success with meditation up until now, I recommend that you work through the levels gradually. The reason for this being, if you have a lot of unresolved issues that you need to deal with in order to move forward in life it is better for you to deal with them one at a time, gradually.

When you begin to experience real change and improvement in your meditation, and when your meditation practice begins to produce tangible benefits in your day to day life, then you might consider moving on to a LifeFlow track with a lower entrainment frequency.

LifeFlow is an amazing lifelong tool because when you have meditated with all the levels you can then continue to achieve more and more success by using the different levels in any order. For example, once you have meditated through all the level you may well listen to LifeFlow 7 and enjoy a new and wonderful meditation session. It's YOU who will always be progressing.

In using LifeFlow meditation technology we are inducing the alpha, theta, and delta brain wave patterns. The graphic representation of these brain wave patterns shows that the amplitude increases as we move from alpha to theta and then to delta. In other words, the amount of fluctuation increases. These increased fluctuations are more than the nervous system can handle with its current structure, and the brain responds by recognizing itself at an advanced, more complex level of performance.

It does this by creating new neural pathways in the brain, creating improved communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.

Neural Pathways

Left/Right Brain Synchrony

This synchrony brings with it countless positive changes including raising our tolerance levels and allowing dysfunctional behaviours to disperse. We can then experience increased self-awareness and enjoy the wonderful benefits of psychological, emotional, spiritual and personal growth.

Two main effects of reorganization and increased synchrony in the brain are:-

1. An increase in various mental capabilities: increased learning ability, creativity, mental clarity, intelligence, intuition, and so on.

2. Each time the neural structure changes, positive changes in psychological and emotional health occur. As the brain reorganizes at the next level of functioning, the individuals model of how they experience the world changes with it.

With LifeFlow you will raise your personal stress tolerance levels, allowing you to grow physically, mentally and emotionally, helping you to become the best you can be. Quite simply, it will open up a whole new way of thinking and feeling. It will create in you inner-peace, happiness and a passion for life.

By Michael Mackenzie

The electrical current generated by the brain can be measured by means of an EEG (electroencephalogram), which measures the frequency of the electrical current. This frequency is measured in cycles per second or Hz (Hertz).

These frequencies determine your state of mind at any specific time. The speed of the frequency allows us to group our brainwaves into four categories.

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Beta are the fastest brain waves, ranging in frequency from 13 Hz to in excess of 100 Hz. During Beta we are in a normal waking state, alert and concentrating. When we are feeling anxious, uneasy or distressed, higher or faster beta waves occur (30Hz plus) When we feel threatened, extremely fearful or experience the fight or flight response the extreme beta waves occur.

As we close our eyes, relax, becoming passive and unfocused, our brain wave activity slows down, and we produce alpha waves. These range in frequency from 8 to 12.9 Hz. We enter into a “Super learning” state within the higher end of Alpha and we also produce calming neuro chemicals. Deeper Alpha wave patterns are the predominant wave patterns for traditional meditation.

As calmness and relaxation deepen into sleepiness, the brain shifts to slower, more powerfully rhythmic theta waves. Theta waves have a frequency range of 4 to 7.9 Hz. Theta waves are frequently accompanied by unexpected, dreamlike mental images. Quite often these images can be accompanied by vivid memories, predominantly childhood memories. Theta is associated with healing, enhanced creativity, sudden insight (eureka or ah-ha moments) when everything suddenly becomes clear.

Even extremely advanced meditators can only reach the theta state and usually can only remain in this state for a short period of time.

Delta waves are the slowest brain waves ranging in frequency from 0.1 to 3.9 Usually people are asleep during delta, however there is proof that it is possible to stay alert in this state—an extremely deep trance-like state. Also it is within delta that our brains are triggered to release great quantities of healing growth hormone.