Life of Pi Essay (1)

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  • 8/22/2019 Life of Pi Essay (1)


    Miami Dade College- Kendall Campus

    Life of Pi

    Sasha Kayal

    ENC1102- Tuesday and Thursday (11:40-3:00)

    Professor Signore

    August 1, 2013

  • 8/22/2019 Life of Pi Essay (1)


    Kayal 2

    The Life of Pi is a movie thats pretty unbelievable. The journey that young Pi went

    through is incredible. It is a story that a lot of people would have a hard time believing. In the

    movie a writer goes to Pis house in Canada, to hear Pis life story. Pi tells him about his

    childhood and him growing up in India. His father was a zoo owner. The family later decides to

    move to Canada for better opportunities. They leave on a boat with all their belongings and

    animals. Later on their journey they get into a shipwreck and Pi was the only survivor.

    An unbelievable part of this story is how Pi was the only human to escape on the lifeboat

    with a spotted hyena, a zebra with a broken leg, an orangutan, and a Bengal tiger. Another

    interesting thing was the orangutan escaped the shipwreck by floating on a bundle of bananas

    and paddling to the lifeboat. The situation is incredible; it is probably the scariest thing that could

    ever happen in someones life. A shipwreck is a tragic event but knowing that you are the only

    survivor is tough and having survived with four animals and one human is crazy.

    Another unbelievable thing about this story was how a tiger and a man can co-exist. It is

    unlikely for a starving tiger not to kill any prey in front of him. Tigers are programmed to kill

    their prey and it is unbelievable how Pi was able to train Richard Parker. Both Pi and Richard

    Parker were starving many times throughout their journey. At one point of the movie towards the

    end Pi starts to lose hope and he believes him and Richard Parker are about to die. Pi goes to

    Richard Parker and starts to pet him and then sits next to him and puts the tigers head on his lap.

    That is incredibly unbelievable to me. Richard Parker is starving at this point and he can smell

    Pi. This has meaning and maybe it is saying that tigers have attachments and feelings for

    humans. This is just a movie, but some people can now question if this could happen in real life.

    Tigers cannot be tamed enough to the point where if the are starving they rather die then kill the

    prey in front of them.

  • 8/22/2019 Life of Pi Essay (1)


    Kayal 3

    Another unbelievable part of this movie is when Pi and Richard Parker end up on an

    island with many meerkats and interesting vegetables. Pi later learns after spending a night on

    the island that the island is carnivorous. The water turns into acid at night. While the older Pi is

    telling the story he describes the island to be giving him by day but it also takes away by night. It

    is unbelievable how an island like this exists in the world. After Pi and Richard Parker leave this

    island they continue their adventure. They end up making it to the land along the Mexican coast.

    It is pretty unbelievable how Pi Patel survived 227 days at sea with a Bengal tiger.

    In spite of not believing in everything that happened to young Pi in his story, I do believe

    that this story and everything that happened to young Pi supports my faith in a supreme being. I

    believe in God and that by praying to him he does hear you. Pis strong belief in his faith is what

    helped him survive. He continuously tried to stay positive and pray to God. He believed God was

    looking out for him and that he has a plan for him. I trust in God and that God has a plan for all

    our lives. Pi is a very smart man; he is resourceful, and hopeful. He survived this journey and as

    an older man he said, even though God has seemed to abandon me, God was watching over me.

    Even when He seemed indifferent to my suffering, He was watching me. And when I was

    beyond all hope of my saving, He gave me a sign to continue my journey. This story supports

    my belief because it shows how if a person has strong faith, their faith is what can save them.